Note: f following the page number indicates a figure.


ABC-rated fire extinguishers, 370

abortion clinics, 418


to facility, 88–91

to people, 87–88

accidents, 67

involving chemical spills, 407–408

and networks, 278

ACD (Automated Call Director), 173

acts of God, 351

additional personnel, acquiring, 144

administrative functions, of Emergency Operations Center, 207–208

administrative plan(s), 115–132

assumptions of, 118–119

and business continuity plan, 116, 117

distribution/updating of, 130–131

document repository for, 125

executive/departmental support for, 117

and IT systems, 130

and program awareness, 128–129

purpose of, 116

recovery strategies in, 122–123

reference section of, 131

risk assessment in, 123

role players in, 119–122

scope of, 117–118

table of contents for, 117

three-year program strategy for, 124–125

and training, 125–128

writing, 123–124

Afghanistan War, 391

after-action reports/reviews, 244–245

air, as component of fire, 366

air conditioning, 53

air-drying (of paper records), 311–312

airports, 345

air-quality problems, indoor, 405–406


fire, 368, 371–372, 374

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 287

and vital records storage, 301–304

alternate shifts, as part of pandemic plan, 194

alternating current, 250, 255

AM/FM radios (in Emergency Operations Center), 211

animal rights groups, 418

annual tests, 226

anthrax, 406

antiterrorism, 414

application failures, data risk from, 316

application requirements, in technical recovery plan, 154

Application Service Providers (ASPs), 75, 77

assassinations, 415

assembly points, in crisis management plan, 135–136

assessment of key suppliers, 361–362

asset inventory, as component of interim plan, 95–96

asynchronous mirroring, 328f

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 274

Atlanta, Georgia, Olympic Games, 419

AT&T, 271

attendance policy, 193

Automated Call Director (ACD), 173

automatic dialers (autodialers), 138, 139

automatic fire suppression systems, 368

automatic number identification, 271


backhoes, 280

backup media

interoperability of, 341

recovering, 161–162

safeguarding of, 339

backup(s), 58, 324–326, 330–331

of critical software, 337

Internet, 342

online, 330–331

tape, 285, 324, 341

workstation, 339–344

backup software, 341


internal fire, 368

protective, 409, 417


for Emergency Operations Center, 209

UPS, 256–258

BCPs, see business continuity plans

BC-rated fire extinguishers, 370

benefits, employee, 384

biological attacks, 49

bit-by-bit striping, 329

blackouts, electrical, 251–252

blending in, 419

blizzards, 45, 277

block-by-block striping, 329

bomb threats, 55, 419, 420

brownouts, 250–251

brush fires, 47

building codes, 367

building evacuations, see evacuation(s)

building power system, 252

building security, and fire, 366

buried lines, breaks in, 278

business case, building a, 23–24, see also Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

business climate, 187

Business Continuity Manager, 2–5

and administrative plan, 119–121

and funding, 8

and ongoing support, 9

and project team, 10, 12

and risk assessment, 16

and testing team, 226, 228

business continuity plans (BCPs), 2–3, 116, 117

business continuity strategy, 82–83

business critical data, 323

business departments, 196

Business Impact Analysis (BIA), 24–34, 124

benefits of, 25–26

data collection for, 27, 31–33

definition of, 24

identifying respondents for, 28

managing a, 26–27

and pandemic plan, 182–183

questionnaire for, 28–31

reporting results of, 33–34

and technical recovery, 150

and testing strategy, 224

byte-by-byte striping, 329


cabinets, workstation, 339

cable mitigation plan, 286

cable modem, 274

cabling (networks), 279–282

external, 280

internal, 279–280

maps of, 282

and route separation, 281–282

CAD (computer-assisted drafting), 409

calendar, testing, 226, 227f, 228

call accounting, 271

call lists, in crisis management plan, 138–139

call management systems, 271

call monitoring, 271

call trees, 138

cap (sprinkler heads), 373

carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers, 370


data, 323

of suppliers, 361–362

CD-ROM, 342


backups on, 341

water-damaged, 314

cell phones, 287, 288

chemical hazards, 402–403

chemical spills, 407–408

chemical users, as manufactured risk, 48

civil risks, 49

clamping voltage (surge suppressors), 254

Class A fires, 367, 370

Class B fires, 367, 370

Class C fires, 367, 370

Class D fires, 367, 370

cleanup efforts, 385

climate control, as facility-wide risk, 53

coffee pots, as fire hazard, 368

“cold seats,” 168

cold sites, 321

combat stress, 382

command and control, by Emergency Operations Center, 201, 206–207

Command Center, 147


with customers, 352–354

with employees, 395–396

with news media, 410

with suppliers, 360–361, 363

as term, 137


by Emergency Operations Center, 220

interactive, 395–396

in pandemic plan, 188, 189f, 190–192

as pandemic technique, 185

in technical recovery plan, 160–161

see also telecommunications

communications function, of Emergency Operations Center, 207, 210–214, 220

communications plan, 17–19, 137–138

community relations personnel, as team members, 11

company information, and work area recovery, 166

compromised information, 318

computer-assisted drafting (CAD), 409

computer hardware

and electrical problems, 251–252

standardizing, 285

computer networks, see networks

computer peripherals, standardizing, 285

computer viruses, 60, 316

confidential information, 56

confined spaces, 404

connectivity requirements, in technical recovery plan, 154

contacted hot sites, 169, 171

containers, fireproof, 302

containment, damage, 146

containment team, and Emergency Operations Center, 205–206

continuity of leadership, 111

contractual obligations, and pandemic plan, 183

control function, of Emergency Operations Center, 207

control valves (sprinkler systems), 374–375

controversial businesses, as terrorist targets, 418

corporate communications, 147

corporate communications manager, 135, 141–142

costs, downtime, 39–40


crisis, 373

posttraumatic, 145

counterterrorism, 414, 418

crisis counseling, 373

crisis management plan(s), 133–148

essential elements of, 135–139

executive staff responsibilities in, 139–142

Human Resources function in, 143–145

problem identification in, 134

Purchasing function in, 145

role players in, 134–135

Sales function in, 145

sections of, 145–148

solution identification in, 134

critical business function, identification of, 97

critical data, identification of, 322–323

crowds, avoiding, 419

customer notification plan, 349

customers, 349–354

data loss and, 318, 319

and fire, 365

key, 350–352

in pandemic plan, 183, 184

pandemic strategy with, 81

plan for communicating with, 352–354

risk assessment with, 352

and work area recovery, 166

customer support, data loss and inability to provide, 319


DaaS (desktop as a service), 343


fire, 365–366

water, 313, 314

damage containment, 146, 219–220

dams, as manufactured risk, 48

data, 315–334

backups of, 324–326, 330–331

identifying critical, 322–323

and IT infrastructure, 316, 317f

nonessential, 323

planning for recovery of, 320–322

policies and procedures involving, 323–324

process of recovering, 324–325

risk assessment with, 316–319

steps in recovering, 319–320

storage of, 325–331

testing of support plan for, 333–334

virtualization of, 332–333

see also vital records

data backup(s)

mobile, 345

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 287

for workstations, 339–344

database requirements, in technical recovery plan, 154

data collection

for Business Impact Analysis, 27, 31–33

and suppliers, 359

data communications, for Emergency Operations Center, 211

data network, as facility-wide risk, 53–54

data processing support manager, for Emergency Operations Center, 218

data systems

departmental, 64

in work area recovery plan, 175–176

data systems risk(s), 57–62

communications network as, 59

hackers as, 61

shared computers as, 60

telecommunications system as, 59–60

theft as, 61

viruses as, 60–61

day of the week, 66

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, 278

deaths, see fatalities

“debriefing,” 373

deflector (sprinkler heads), 374

“defusing,” 373

deluge sprinkler systems, 375

Denial of Service attacks, 278

departmental recovery plans, writing, 105–110

departmental risks, 62–64

departmental support, for administrative plan, 117

Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 400, 402

Department of Labor, 400

desktop as a service (DaaS), 343

dialup connection, 273

Disaster Containment Manager, 215–216

disaster declaration, 147

disaster recovery project(s), 1–21

closing, 20–21

executing and controlling, 16–20

funding for, 8–9

initiating, 3–4

planning, 13–16

and role of Business Continuity Manager, 4–5

scope of, 5–8

selecting a team for, 9–13

Disaster Simulations, 229, 240–243

disk mirroring, 326–329, 327f, 328f

disk space requirements, in technical recovery plan, 154

disk striping, 328–329

distance, between primary and backup recovery sites, 73

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, 278

distribution, of administrative plan, 130–131

documentation, of computer networks, 285

document formatting guidelines, 104–105

document repository

for administrative plan, 125

creation of a, 112

domestic terrorism, 414

downtime costs, 39–40

dry pipe sprinkler systems, 375

duplexing, 327, 329

DVD-Rs, 342


earthquakes, 44, 44f, 66f

8 to 5 service contracts, 92

80/20 rule, 350

electrical blackouts, 251–252

electrical equipment, and vital records storage, 302–303

electrical service, 249–265

and actions steps for outages, 259–261

and building’s power system, 252

Hurricane Andrew and loss of, 385

and line conditioning, 255

loss of (example), 201–203

and power generators, 259–261

risk assessment for, 250–252

and strategy for power protection, 252–253

and surge protection, 253–255

and uninterruptible power supplies, 255–259


for Emergency Operations Center, 209

as facility-wide risk, 51–52

fires ignited by, 367

electronic keys, 90–91

electronic locks, 160

electronic vault storage, 324

e-mail updates, in pandemic plan, 190

emergency action plans

and health/safety/environmental issues, 399–400, 401f, 408–409

and vital records, 307–310

emergency equipment list, 98

emergency exits, 368

emergency lighting, 262, 378

Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), 56, 209, 391

Emergency Operations Center(s), 199–220

administrative functions of, 207–208

command function of, 206–207

communications function of, 207, 210–214, 220

containment team and, 205–206

control function of, 207

defined, 201

essential functions of, 201

example of absence of, 201–203

location of, 203–204

materials for, 209–210

mobile, 204–205

priorities of, 218–220

recovery team and, 206

security for, 214

staffing of, 214–218

types of, 200

emergency recall list, 137

employee downtime, data loss and, 318

employee fatalities, 403–404

employee ID cards, 391

employees, 381–398

communicating with, 395–396

family assistance for, 386

labor management issues with, 384–385, 387–391

military service issues with, 391

notification of, in work area recovery plan, 171–172

and outside help, 385–386

in pandemic plan, 183

pandemic strategy with, 81

plan action steps with, 392–398

rating of, 393–394

risk assessment with, 386–391

and stress, 382–384, 387

as terrorism risk, 418

employee skills matrices, 392–395

EMTs, see Emergency Medical Technicians

end-user backups, 344

end-user vital records, protecting, 346

environmental issues, see health, safety, and environmental issues

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 400–403, 405, 407, 408

equipment room

mitigation plan for, 286–287

telecommunications, 278–279

errors, testing to reveal, 222

evacuation(s), 406–407

in crisis management plan, 136

due to release of hazardous materials, 405, 406

by Emergency Operations Center, 219

for fire, 377–379

and terrorist attacks, 419

exchange service contracts, 92

executive staff

in crisis management plan, 139–142

and work area recovery, 166

executive support, for administrative plan, 117

exercise participants, 228

exercise recorder, 228

exercises, tests vs., 223

exercise scenarios, 229–231

exits, emergency, 368

expressions of support, 373–374

extension cords, 303

external cabling, 280

external risk(s), 41–50

civil risks as, 49

manufactured risks as, 47–48

natural disasters as, 43–47

supplier risks as, 49–50

extreme temperatures, 45


Facilities Director

in crisis management plan, 139–141

damage containment by, 146

facilities engineer, for Emergency Operations Center, 218

facilities manager, 10

Facility Engineering Manager, 217

facility manager, 135

facility security, during labor unrest, 390–391

facility-wide risk(s), 50–57

climate control as, 53

data network as, 53–54

electricity as, 51–52

fire as, 54

medical concerns as, 56

security as, 55–56

structural problems as, 54, 55

telephones as, 52

water as, 52–53

families, communicating with employees’, 396–397

family assistance, 386

fatalities, 67

in crisis management plan, 143

employee, 403–404

from fire, 365

Fawkes, Guy, 415

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 45, 66, 201

files, deleting unneeded, 340

finance personnel, as team members, 11

fire alarms, 368, 371–372, 374

fire control system, 301–302

fire damage, of paper records, 313

fire departments, 410

fire detection systems, 371–372

fire drills, 302

fire extinguishers, 302, 368–369

fire hoses, 368

fire inspectors, 367–368

fireproof containers, 302, 376–377

fire ratings, 376

fire(s), 365–380

anatomy of, 366–367

as facility-wide risk, 54

forest, 47

and media storage, 299

plan action steps for, 376–379

risk assessment for, 367–369

statistics on, 379–380

suppression strategy for, 369–376

and telecommunications equipment room, 279

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 286

types of damage caused by, 365–366

and vital records storage, 300–301

first point of contact (crisis management plan), 135

first responders, as component of interim plan, 98–99

flashlights, for Emergency Operations Center, 209

floods, 45, 46, 47f, 278

floppy disks, water-damaged, 314

flu, seasonal vs. pandemic, 181f

force majeure clauses, 351

forensic experts, data loss and need for, 319

forest fires, 47

formatting guidelines, 104–105

frame (sprinkler heads), 373

frame relay, 274

freeze-drying (of paper records), 312–313

freezing (of water-damaged documents), 310

fuel, as component of fire, 366

funding, for disaster recovery projects, 8–9


gas fire suppression, 302

general public, communicating with the, 397–398

generators, see power generators

GFS backup scheme, 325–326

goal, testing, 224

government buildings, as terrorist targets, 418

governments, and pandemics, 185

government-sponsored terror, 413

Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) backup scheme, 325–326

ground eliminators, 255

guerilla warfare, 416


H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic, 186, 196

hackers, as data system risk, 60

hail, 45

ham radio operators, 288

hand sanitizer, 190

hard disk recovery, 344

hard drive crashes, 316, 318f

hardware, workstation, 336

head counts, 406–407

health, safety, and environmental issues, 399–412

action steps with, 409–412

and chemical hazards, 402–403

and emergency action plan, 399–400, 401f, 408–409

and employee injuries/fatalities, 403–404

and evacuation, 406–407

and indoor air-quality problems, 405–406

mitigation of, 407–408

and off-site hazards, 404–405

with power generators, 261

risk assessment with, 400, 402–406

and vital records storage, 303

heat, as component of fire, 366

help desk support, data loss and, 318

highways, as manufactured risk, 48


Homeland Security advisory system, 421–422

hospitalizations, multiple, 403–404

hotlines, in pandemic plan, 190

“hot seats,” 168

hot sites, 169, 171, 321


and fire prevention, 369

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 287

and vital records storage, 302

human-created outages, 316

Human Resources function, 143–145, 147, 381, see also employees

human resources manager, 135

for Emergency Operations Center, 217

and pandemic plan, 192–194

human resources personnel, as team members, 11


and media storage, 297–299

and telecommunications equipment room, 278

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 287

and vital records storage, 301, 303

Hurricane Andrew, 385

Hurricane Hugo, 286

hurricanes, 45, 278

hygrometer, 298


ice storms, and networks, 277

ID cards, employee, 391

Illinois Bell, 281

immunizations, 191

inbound communications, for Emergency Operations Center, 213

indoor air-quality problems, 405–406

industrial sites, as manufactured risk, 48

influenza pandemics, 186

information, compromised, 318

information technology (IT)

infrastructure of, 317f

recovery strategy for, 122

see also IT systems; Technical recovery plan(s)

injects, 231

injuries, 403–404

in crisis management plan, 143

from fire, 365

insects, 301, 303, 305

instructional videos, in pandemic plan, 190

insurance, 111

and sprinkler systems, 372

unemployment, 384

insurance companies

in crisis management plan, 141

and Emergency Operations Center, 212

integration testing (integrated system testing), 223, 233–235

intellectual property, 56

intelligent port selectors, 271

interactive communication, 395–396

interactive teams, in work area recovery plan, 174–175

Interactive Voice Response (IVR), 270

Interexchange Carriers (IXCs), 271–272

interim plan(s), 85–99

access to facility as component of, 88–91

access to people as component of, 87–88

asset inventory as component of, 95–96

critical business function identification as component of, 97

emergency equipment list as component of, 98

operations restoration as component of, 97–98

service contracts as component of, 91–94

software asset list as component of, 96–97

toxic material storage as component of, 98

trained first responders as component of, 98–99

vendor list as component of, 94–95

internal cabling, 279–280

internal fire barriers, 368

internal investigations, and data loss, 319

international terrorism, 414

Internet backup, 342

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), 276, 278

interoperability, of backup media, 341


and suppliers, 363

of workstations, 336

inventorying, of vital records, 293–295

ionization fire detectors, 371

Iraq War, 391

ISDN connection, 274

ISPs (Internet Service Providers), 276, 278

IT, see information technology IT Business Continuity Manager, 120–121

IT infrastructure, and data, 316, 317f

IT systems

and administrative plan, 130

identification of critical, 130

recovery strategy for, 74–78

IVR (Interactive Voice Response), 270

IXCs (Interexchange Carriers), 271–272


James, Jesse, 415

janitorial service, 162

Just-in-Time (JIT) suppliers, 351


key customers, 350–352

key operating equipment, 63–64


electronic, 90–91

and network security, 284

physical, 88–89

key suppliers, 355–357

KISS principle, 359


labor disputes

as civil risk, 49

security during, 390–391

and suppliers, 357

labor management issues, 384–385, 387–391

labor stoppages, 387–389

labor union representatives, as team members, 11

landslides, 47

LANs, see local area networks

laptops, and data risk, 316

leadership, continuity of, 111

legally required data, 324

legal staff

in crisis management plan, 141

as team members, 11

legal team, and crisis management plan, 135

licensing requirements, in technical recovery plan, 154

life, protection of, 219

life insurance, 143


emergency, 262, 378

for Emergency Operations Center, 209

lightning, 45, 55, 277

light sticks, 209

line conditioning (electrical service), 253, 255

line interactive UPS, 256

line managers, as team members, 11

litigation expenses, from data loss, 319

load balancing, 329

local area networks (LANs), 60, 273–275, 274f, 330

local governments, 410

location of risk, 66


of Emergency Operations Center, 203–204

UPS, 258

see also site, recovery

locks, electronic, 160

logical network security, 284–285


magnetic fields, and vital records storage, 301, 303

magnetic media

storage of, 299–300

transport of, 296

water-damaged, 313–314


preventive, 95

of recovery site, 177

and vital records storage, 306

manufactured risks, 47–48

MAO (maximum acceptable outage), 25

maps, of network cabling, 282

marketing personnel, as team members, 11

materials, for Emergency Operations Center, 209–210

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), 402

materials manager, for Emergency Operations Center, 218

maximum acceptable outage (MAO), 25

media relations, in crisis management plan, 141–142

media storage, of vital records, 292, 297–300

medical benefits, 384

medical concerns, as facility-wide risk, 56

medical director, for Emergency Operations Center, 218

medical insurance, 143

medical kits, for Emergency Operations Center, 209


for standalone testing, 232

virtual, 195

MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), 403

mental health counseling, 145, 382–383

messengers, for Emergency Operations Center, 211

metals, flammable, 367

methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), 403


storage of, 298–299

water-damaged, 313

Microsoft Virtual PC, 343

microwave communications, 288

military personnel, as trained first responders, 98

military reserves, 391

military service issues, 391

military suppliers, as terrorist targets, 417–418

mirrored sites, 321

mirrored striping, 329

mirroring, disk, 326–329, 327f, 328f

missing steps, testing to reveal, 222


of health/safety/environmental issues, 407–408

of suppliers, 363

telecommunications, 285–288

of vital records, 301–305

mobile data backup, 345

mobile devices, and workstations, 344–345

mobile Emergency Operations Centers, 200, 204–205

mobile recovery equipment, 171

mobile security, 344–345

mobile sites, 321

moisture sensors, 303

mold, toxic, 406

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets), 402

mudslides, 47


NAS (network attached storage), 330

National Guard, 391

natural disaster(s), 43–47

and data risk, 316

earthquakes as, 44, 44f

extreme temperatures as, 45

floods as, 45, 46, 47f

hurricanes as, 45

pandemics as, 44

snow as, 45, 46f

thunderstorms as, 44, 45

tornadoes as, 43

natural hazards, with networks, 277–278

neighboring residences and businesses, communicating with, 397

network attached storage (NAS), 330

networks, 272–276

as data system risk, 60

and plan development, 284–285

risk assessment with, 276–282

network storage, 342–343

newsletters, company, 128–129

news media, 141–142, 147, 410

and Emergency Operations Center, 212

and terrorism, 414

noise, electrical, 251

noncompliance issues, data loss and, 319

noncritical data, 324

nonessential data, 323

notebook computers (notebook PCs)

for Emergency Operations Center, 210

security for, 345

surge protectors for, 254


of customers, 349

employee, in work area recovery plan, 171–172

of incidents, 146, 408


Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), 399–404, 406, 408

office supplies, for Emergency Operations Center, 209–210

off-site duplication, of key vital records, 303

off-site hazards, 404–405

Oklahoma City bombing, 418, 420

online backups, 330–331

online UPS, 256

operational control, by Emergency Operations Center, 201

operational efficiency, data loss and decreased, 319

operations restoration, as component of interim plan, 97–98


lost, 40, 319

unplanned, for testing, 244–245

orifice (sprinkler heads), 374

OSHA, see Occupational Health and Safety Administration

outbound communications, for Emergency Operations Center, 213–214

outlets, electrical, 302, 369

outside help, getting, 385–386


page layout guidelines, 104

Pandemic Emergency Manager, 122

Pandemic Plan Administrator, 182, 188

pandemic plan(s), 179–179

and business climate, 187

and business departments, 196

and communications, 188, 189f, 190–192

risk assessment for, 183–185, 184f

and role of human resources manager, 192–194

and sanitizing, 190, 195–196

sources of information for, 187

and technology, 194–195

testing, 197

triggering of, 186–187

writing, 182–183

pandemic(s), 44, 179–181

definition of, 179, 180

recovery strategy for, 81–82, 122–123

paper documents

storage of, 298

water damage to, 310–313

parity, 328, 329


system, 91

in technical recovery plan, 151–152

Payroll function, 147

payroll issues, following a disaster, 384–385

payroll policy, 144–145

PBXs, see Private Branch Exchanges

PCs, see personal computers

PDAs (personal digital assistants), 336, 345

peer pressure, 387

performance reviews, 394

Persian Gulf War, second, 391

personal computers (PCs)

for Emergency Operations Center, 210

risks associated with, 65

in work area recovery plan, 172–173

see also networks; workstations

personal digital assistants (PDAs), 336, 345

personal protective equipment (PPE), 408, 410


acquiring additional, 144

borrowing, 386

tracking of, in technical recovery plan, 157

see also employees

photoelectric smoke detectors, 371

physical keys, 88–89

physical security

of property, 55

of workstations, 338–339

see also security

picket signs, 390

pipelines, as manufactured risk, 48

pipes, 55

overhead water, 278–279

for sprinkler systems, 374

planning disaster recovery projects, 13–16

Plowshares Eight, 417

point of presence (POP), 271–272


reporting suspicious activity to, 420

reporting threats to, 421

as terrorist targets, 417–418

policies and procedures, data, 323–324

POP (point of presence), 271–272

posttraumatic counseling, 145

power generators, 259–261

environmental/regulatory issues with, 261

sizing of, 259–260

switching time of, 260

testing of, 260–261

and working with your public utility, 261

power loss (power outages)

action steps for, 261–265

and telecommunications equipment room, 278

power shedding, 264–265

PPE (personal protective equipment), 408, 410

preaction sprinkler systems, 375

preventive maintenance, 95

printers, in work area recovery plan, 173–174

Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs), 59, 269–271

problem, identification of, in crisis management plan, 134

productivity, lost, 39, 40, 318

professional storage facilities, 292

program backups, for workstations, 339–344

progressive testing, 225

proofreading, of technical recovery plan, 155

property, physical security of, 55

protective barriers, 409, 417

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), 268–269

public information officer, as team member, 11

public relations coordinator, for Emergency Operations Center, 217

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), 268–269

public utility, working with your, 261

punch blocks, 275–276

purchasing agent, for Emergency Operations Center, 217

Purchasing function, in crisis management plan, 145, 147

purchasing manager, 135

purchasing personnel, as team members, 11


quarterly tests, 226

questionnaire, for Business Impact Analysis, 28–31


radio communications, for Emergency Operations Center, 211

RAID (redundant array of inexpensive/independent disks), 327–329

rain, and networks, 277

ratings, employee, 393–394

reassignments, 143–144

recall rosters, 159

recall tables, 152, 152f

record keeping, and strikes, 389–390

recovery, of vital records, 310–314

Recovery Activity Log, 157–158

Recovery Gantt Chart, 158–159

recovery planning, 110–112, 201

recovery point objective (RPO), 26, 73, 324

Recovery Site Manager, 156–157

recovery strategy, 71–83

in administrative plan, 122–123

business continuity, 82–83

definition of, 71

IT, 74–78

pandemic, 81–82

selection of, 72–74

work area, 78–80

recovery teams, 146–148, 206

recovery time objective (RTO), 25–26, 72, 158

in data recovery plan, 324

and testing, 223, 246

in work area recovery plan, 167

redundant array of inexpensive/independent disks (RAID), 327–329

reference materials (reference section)

in administrative plan, 131

in work area recovery plan, 174

regulatory issues, with power generators, 261


of Business Impact Analysis results, 33–34

in technical recovery plan, 160–161

using communications plan, 18–19

reports, after-action, 244–245

reputation, damaged, 40, 319

respiratory illnesses, 405

response time (surge suppressors), 254

restoration policy, 168

rest plans, 162

retention, of vital records, 296–297

reviews, performance, 394

riots, 49

risk analysis

building a, 37–39

definition of, 37

risk assessment, 15–16, 35, 37

in administrative plan, 123

creation of, 68–69

with customers, 352

with data, 316–319

for electrical service, 250–252

with employees, 386–391

for fire, 367–369

with health/safety/environmental issues, 400, 402–406

with networks, 276–282

for pandemic plan, 183–185, 184f

sources of information on, 66

with suppliers, 357–358

with telecommunications, 276–282

with terrorism, 416–421

with vital records, 300–301

with workstations, 336–338

Risk Management Plan (RMP), 404–405


attributes of, 37f

data systems, 57–62

definition of, 35, 36

departmental, 62–64

external, 41–50

facility-wide, 50–57

layers of, 41

scope of, 39–40

severity of, 65–66

types of, 36

your desk’s, 64–65

RMP (Risk Management Plan), 404–405

rodents, 301, 305

role players

in administrative plan, 119–122

in crisis management plan, 134–135

roll calls, 406–407

route separation (network cabling), 281–282

RPO, see recovery point objective

RTO, see recovery time objective


SaaS (software as a service), 330, 343

sabotage, 55–56, 301, 304–305

safety issues, see health, safety, and environmental issues

safety person, for Emergency Operations Center, 217

safety personnel, 11

Sago, West Virginia, coal mine disaster, 142

sags, voltage, 250–251

sales, lost, 39–40

Sales function, in crisis management plan, 145

sales manager, 135, 218

sales personnel, as team members, 11

sandstorms, 47

sanitary facilities, for Emergency Operations Center, 209


as pandemic technique, 185

and water risk, 53

sanitizing, and pandemic plan, 190, 195–196

SANs (storage area networks), 330, 332

SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 81

satellite communications, 288

scenarios, exercise, 229–231


of administrative plan, 117–118

of technical recovery plan, 153

scope statements, 6–7

scoring, of risk assessment, 68

seasonal flu, 181f


for computer networks, 284–285

in crisis management plan, 139

for electrical support equipment, 253

for Emergency Operations Center, 214

for employees, 418

as facility-wide risk, 55–56

during labor unrest, 390–391

mobile, 344–345

in technical recovery plan, 160

for telecommunications equipment room, 279, 286–287

and vital records storage, 303

for vital records transport, 296

in work area recovery plan, 176

of workstations, 338–339

security guards, 419

security manager, for Emergency Operations Center, 217

security personnel, 11

sensitive data, 324

September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 74, 204, 288, 356, 421

sequencing, 15


backup to, 342–343

in technical recovery plan, 154

service contracts

as component of interim plan, 91–94

in technical recovery plan, 154

severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 81

shifts, alternate, 194

sick leave, 384

sickness, 67

simulations, 223, 229, 237–238, 240–243

sinkholes, 47

site, recovery, 167–171, 177

skilled labor, finding, 144

smartphones, 316

smoke, and vital records storage, 300

smoke alarms, 301–302

smoke detectors, 371

snow, 45, 46f, 54

social distancing (pandemic technique), 185


backup, 341

and data risk, 316

off-site storage of, 285

standardization of, 285

updates to, 319

workstation, 336–337

software as a service (SaaS), 330, 343

software asset list, as component of interim plan, 96–97

solution, identification of, in crisis management plan, 134

space heaters, 368

Spanish Influenza pandemic, 180

spikes, voltage, 251

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC), 403

spills, chemical, 407–408


of business continuity program, 119–120

project, 2–4, 9

and testing team, 228

sprinkler systems, 302, 372–376

staffing, of Emergency Operations Center, 214–218

staff reassignments, 143–144

stakeholders, project, 10

standalone testing, 223, 231–233

state terrorism, 413

status boards, for Emergency Operations Center, 212–213

status reports

in pandemic plan, 190

in technical recovery plan, 160–161

stock price, data loss and decreases in, 319


of data, 325–331

fire-resistant, 376–377

network, 342–343

recovering backup media from, 161–162

storage area networks (SANs), 330, 332

storage facilities, professional, 292

storm shelters, 419


for power protection, 252–253

for recovery, see recovery strategy

stress, employees and, 382–384, 387

stress management techniques, 382–383

strikes, 387–389

striping, 328–329

structural damage, from fire, 365

structural problems

as facility-wide risk, 54, 55

and vital records storage, 300

subpoenas, data loss and resulting, 319

substitutes, trained, 193

success, criteria for, 7–8

suicide terror attacks, 414

supplier risks, 49–50

suppliers, 355–364

agreement with, 362

assessment of, 361–362

and data collection, 359

dialogue with, 360–361

and Emergency Operations Center, 212

Just-in-Time (JIT), 351

key, 355–357

mitigation of, 363

in pandemic plan, 184–185

and plan action steps, 358

risk assessment with, 357–358

see also vendors

support, expressions of, 373–374

support software, in technical recovery plan, 154

surge protection, 253–255, 337

surges, voltage, 251

surge suppressors (surge protectors), 253–255

suspicious activity, reporting, 420

switching time (power generators), 260

synchronous mirroring, 327f

system costs, data loss and increased, 319

system passwords, 91 “Systems Requirements” (technical recovery plan), 154

system support charts, 152

system users, 153


T-1 connection, 274

T-3 connection, 274

table of contents

for administrative plan, 117

for technical recovery plan, 153

Table-Top drills, 411

table-top testing, 223, 238–240

tape backup, 325–326, 341

tape drives, 341


backup, 285, 324

water-damaged, 313


at assembly points, 136

collocating interactive, 174–175

for disaster recovery projects, 9–13

for handling vendor loss, 357

in pandemic plan, 182, 190

recovery, 146–148

technical recovery, 121

in technical recovery plan, 160

testing by, 222, 226, 228

technical recovery plan(s), 149–163

determining focus of, 149–150

and recovery team leader, 156–162

steps to creation of, 150–152

template for creating, 152–156

technical recovery team, 121

technical support charts, 159

Technician Tracking Log, 157

technology, in pandemic plan, 194–195

tech support, 153

telecommunications, 267–272

and Interexchange Carriers, 271–272

and plan actions steps, 288–289

and plan development, 282–288

and Private Branch Exchanges, 269–271

and Public Switched Telephone Network, 268–269

risk assessment with, 276–282

and testing, 289

in work area recovery plan, 175–176

see also networks

telecommunications equipment room, 278–279

telecommunications mitigation plan, 285–288

telephone circuits, identifying critical, 283–284

telephone company

central office of, 271

working with the, 287

telephone line support (surge suppressors), 254

telephone lists, maintaining, 137


for Emergency Operations Center, 210–211

as facility-wide risk, 52

and Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), 268–269

in work area recovery plan, 173

telephone service, disrupted/limited, 396

televisions, in Emergency Operations Center, 211

temperature fire detectors, 371


extreme, 45

and media storage, 297–299

and telecommunications equipment room, 278

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 287

for transport of magnetic recordings, 296

and vital records storage, 301, 303

template training, for technical recovery plan, 155

terrorism, 404, 413–422

as civil risk, 49

definition of, 413

history of, 414–416

and Homeland Security advisory system, 421–422

risk assessment with, 416–421

types of, 413–414

testing, 221–247

benefits of, 221–222

of data support plan, 333–334

developing a strategy for, 224–227

of disaster recovery plan, 19–20

and Disaster Simulation, 240–243

and exercise scenarios, 229–231

of health and safety plan, 411–412

integration, 233–235

of pandemic plan, 197

of power generators, 260

progressive, 225

and recovery time objective, 223

and RTO capability, 246

and simulations, 237–238, 240–243

standalone, 231–233

and suppliers, 363

table-top, 238–240

as team effort, 226, 228

of technical recovery plan, 162–163

of telecommunications, 289

types of, 222–223

unplanned opportunities for, 244–245

of UPS, 258–259

walk-through, 235–236

of work area recovery plan, 176–177

testing calendar, 226, 227f, 228

tests, exercises vs., 223


of computers, 338–339

and data risk, 316

as data system risk, 60

and vital records storage, 301, 304

thermal linkage (sprinkler heads), 373

thermograph, 298


analyzing, see risk assessment

reporting, 421

thunderstorms, 44, 45, 277

time and materials service contracts, 92

time goals, for recovery strategy, 73

time of the day, 65–66

“time to data,” 322

timing, as pandemic technique, 185

TJX, 318

tornadoes, 43, 277

toxic materials, storage of, 98

toxic mold, 406

trailers, mobile recovery equipment on, 171

trained first responders, as component of interim plan, 98–99


and administrative plan, 125–128

and employee skills matrix, 395

transport (transportation)

as manufactured risk, 48

of vital records, 295–296


and notebook PC theft, 345

in pandemic plan, 183, 193

and terrorism, 418–419

trespassing, 55

triggering, of pandemic plan, 186–187

24/7 service contracts, 92


Underwriters Laboratory (UL), 376

unemployment insurance, 384

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), 202–203, 253, 255–259

and telecommunications equipment room mitigation plan, 286

for workstations, 337

updates, administrative plan, 130

upgrades, software, 337

UPS, see Uninterruptible Power Supply U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 186

utility services, in crisis management plan, 140


VA (volt-amps), 257

vacation, 384

vaccines, 191

VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), 343

vendor lists, 94–95, 159


computer-network-related, 285

and data risk, 317

and fire, 366

pandemic strategy with, 81

see also suppliers

videotaped reports, in pandemic plan, 190

videotaping, of entry gate, during strikes, 389–390

violence, workplace, 55, 404

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), 343


data, 332–333

of workstations, 343

virtual meetings, 195

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), 79, 275

and pandemic plan, 194–195

and work area recovery plan, 167

virtual tape library (VTL) technology, 332

virtual workers, 192

viruses, computer, 60, 316

vital records, 291–314

definition of, 292

emergency actions with, 307–310

fire and loss of, 365, 376–377

inventorying, 293–295

media for storage of, 292

and media storage, 297–300

mitigation of, 301–305

and plan action steps, 305–307

recovery techniques with, 310–314

retention of, 296–297

risk assessment with, 300–301

transporting, 295–296

and workstations, 339, 346

vital records manager, in Emergency Operations Center, 218

VMware Workstation, 343

voice mailboxes, 396

voltage sags, 250–251

voltage spikes, 251

voltage surges, 251

volt-amps (VA), 257

VPNs, see Virtual Private Networks

VTL technology, 332

Vulnerable Zone Indicator System (VZIS), 405


walk-through testing, 223, 235–236

WANs, see wide-area networks

“warm seats,” 168

warm sites, 321


as facility-wide risk, 52–53

for sprinkler systems, 373–374

and vital records storage, 300, 310–313

water-based fire extinguishers, 370

water mains, 52

water mist sprinkler systems, 376

water pipes

for sprinkler systems, 374

in telecommunications equipment room, 278–279

Web site(s)

for Emergency Operations Center, 211

in pandemic plan, 190

wet pipe sprinkler systems, 375

whiteboards, in Emergency Operations Center, 212

WHO (World Health Organization), 81, 186

wide-area networks (WANs), 273, 275, 275f

winds, high, 45

wireless connections, 275

wiring closet, 275, 279–280

wood, combustion of, 366

word processing guidelines, 104–105

Work Area Recovery Manager, 121–122

work area recovery plan(s), 165–178

and employee notification, 171–172

and maintaining the recovery site, 177

options in, 170f

security issues in, 176

and selection of recovery site, 167–171

telecommunications issues in, 175–176

testing, 176–177

tools for, 172–174

using interactive teams in, 174–175

writing, 166–176

work areas, recovery strategy for, 78–80, 122

workplace stress, 387

workplace violence, 55, 404

workspace, minimum, 167–168

workstations, 335–347

end-user backup issues with, 344

and end-user vital records, 346

and mobile devices, 344–345

physical security of, 338–339

and program/data backups, 339–344

risk assessment with, 336–338

special-purpose, 340

virtualization of, 343

work surfaces, minimum, 168

World Health Organization (WHO), 81, 186

World Trade Center bombing (1993), 416, 420

writing the plan, 101–113

and administrative plan, 123–124

and choosing a standard format, 102–103

and creation of document repository, 112

for departmental recovery, 105–110

and including recovery considerations, 110–112

and pandemic plan, 182–183

and use of plan, 103–104

word processing guidelines for, 104–105

and work area recovery plan, 166–176


Zip cartridges, 342

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