

* (asterisk), 131–134, 185–186

@ (at) symbol, 137, 194

(backslash), 135

` (backtick), 143–144

{} (braces), 39, 170

[] (brackets), 52, 69, 154, 185

& (call operator), 91

^ (caret), 134, 193

, (comma), 151

/ (division) operator, 131

$ (dollar sign), 134, 137, 193

:: (double colon), 52, 138, 140

- (hyphen), 131, 154

% (modulus) operator, 131

? (question mark), 133–135, 185–186

= operator, 131

%= operator, 132

*= operator, 132

+= operator, 131

-= operator, 131

/= operator, 132

() (parentheses), 137

. (period), 91, 134, 138

| (pipe operator), 62

+ (plus sign), 131, 135

.. (range operator), 154

< redirection operator, 143

> redirection operator, 143

>> redirection operator, 143

; (semicolon), 152

_ (underscore) character, 39

$_ variable, 41

1 to (interactive) remoting, 460–461

1 to many (fan-out) remoting, 461–465

2> redirection operator, 143

2&1 redirection operator, 143

2>> redirection operator, 143


accelerators (type), 71–72

Access Control Entry (ACE), 236–237

accounts, disabling, 366

ACE (Access Control Entry), 236–237

Active Directory

ADSI (Active Directory Services Interfaces), 353–355

ChangeLocalAdminPassword.ps1 script. See ChangeLocalAdminPassword.ps1 script

managing with PowerShell

administrator tips and guidelines, 359–360

CTP2 improvements, 361

DirectoryEntry class, 357

DirectorySearcher class, 357–358

DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory namespace, 358–359

managing with Window Script Host (WSH), 355–356


ADSI methods, 363–364

base object methods, 365

binding, 361–363

creating, 365

deleting, 366

example, 372–373

modifying, 366

moving, 366

searching for, 367–372

overview, 353

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), 355

AD. See Active Directory

Add method, 364

Add-ACE cmdlet, 236–237

Add-ConnectorToTier cmdlet, 454

Add-Content cmdlet, 207

Add-Member cmdlet, 67, 76

Add-Module cmdlet, 475

Add-Numbers function, 159

Add-PSSnapin cmdlet, 94, 327

Add-RemotelyManagedComputer cmdlet, 454

Add-RemotelyManagedDevice cmdlet, 454

Add-UserToUserRole cmdlet, 454

add/remove cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 454

addition (+) operator, 131

AddPerm function, 230

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 355

ADODB (ADSI OLE DB) provider, 355

ADSI (Active Directory Services Interfaces), 353–355, 363–364

ADSI OLE DB (ADODB) provider, 355

[ADSI] type accelerator, 357

[ADSISearcher] type accelerator, 358

agent cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 432–436

agents, 434–436

alias cmdlets, 43–44

Alias property, 332

aliases, 10

alias cmdlets, 43–44

avoiding in scripts, 303

listing supported aliases, 43

overview, 42

persistent aliases, 44

All Users host-specific profile, 87–88

All Users profile, 87

AllMatches parameter (Select-String cmdlet), 176

AllSigned execution policy, 101, 294

analyzing objects with Get-Member cmdlet, 56–59

-and operator, 136

appending content to files, 207, 210–211

Approve-AgentPendingAction cmdlet, 455

arguments, 29

arithmetic expressions, 130

arithmetic operators, 131

array literals. See arrays

array operators, 137

array subexpressions operator (@), 137, 151

arrays, 69, 329–330

accessing elements of, 154

array slicing, 155

array subexpressions operator (@), 137, 151

defining, 151–153

definition of, 151

multidimensional arrays, 151, 156–157

negative index, 154

one-dimensional arrays, 151

operators, 151

range operator (..), 154

assemblies, 54–56

assignment expressions, 130

assignment operators, 131–132

asterisk (*), 131–134, 185–186

at symbol (@), 137, 194

attributes. See specific attributes

authentication, 363

AuthenticationLevel property, 280–282

auto-completion feature, 30–32

automating file system management with ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script. See ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script

available cmdlets, listing with Get-Command cmdlet, 36–39

awk scripting language, 60


background jobs. See PSJobs

backslash (), 135

backtick (`), 143–144

-band operator, 136

base object methods, 365

Bash shell, 8–15

BeginProcesses method, 323

BIG_DIR_COUNTER counter, 14

binding objects, 361–363

bitwise operators, 135–136

-bnot operator, 136

-bor operator, 136

Bourne Again Shell. See Bash shell

Bourne shell, 15

braces ({ }), 39, 170

brackets ([]), 52, 69, 185

Break keyword, 148

-bxor operator, 136

built-in variables, 40–42


C shell, 15

CA signed certificates, 109–111

cache, GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 56, 316

call operator (&), 91

caret (^), 134, 193

CAs (certificate authorities), 107

CategoryInfo property (ErrorRecord object), 146

CEC (Common Engineering Criteria), 268

certificate authorities (CAs), 107

Certificate Creation Tool (Makecert.exe), 101

Certificate.Format.ps1xml file, 75

certificate stores, 112

Certificate Trust List (CTL), 117


CA signed certificates, 109–111

certificate stores, 112

obtaining, 107–108

PVK Digital Certificate Files Importer, 112

self-signed certificates, 108–109

ChangeLocalAdminPassword.ps1 script, 373

DataTable objects, 380

DirectorySearcher class, 383–384

Get-ADObject function, 381

Get-CurrentDomain function, 381

Get-ScriptHeader function, 380

header, 377

LibraryCrypto.ps1 library file, 376

New-PromptYesNo function, 377–378

New-RandomPassword function, 377–379

$OnlineServers variable, 384–385

Out-File cmdlet, 380

$Password variable, 384–385

Read-Host cmdlet, 382–383

running, 374

sequence of actions, 374–376

Set-ChoiceMessage function, 377–378

ChangePassword method, 364

classes. See specific classes

Clear-Inherit cmdlet, 224, 233–234

Clear-SD cmdlet, 235

CLI (command line interface)

aliases, 43–44

cmdlets. See specific cmdlets

command syntax, 28–30

navigating, 30

overview, 28

Tab key auto-completion, 30–32

variables, 39–42

CLI shells, 8

cmd command prompt, accessing PowerShell from, 27

Cmdlet class, 322

cmdlet keyword, 470

cmdlets. See specific cmdlets

code signing, 294

CAs (certificate authorities), 107

certificates. See certificates

definition of, 106

enterprise code distribution, 117

overview, 105–106

process, 106–107

public code distribution, 117

signed code distribution, 115–117

signing scripts, 112–113

verifying digital signatures, 113–114

column index values (multidimensional arrays), 156

combining strings, 194

comma (, ), 151

comma-separated value (CSV) files. See CSV files

command line interface. See CLI

command shell (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 426

commands. See specific commands

comments, 300

CommitChanges method, 365

committing transactions, 245–247

Common Engineering Criteria (CEC), 268

common parameters for cmdlets, 33–34

Community Technology Preview (CTP), 457

comparison expressions, 130

comparison operators, 132–133, 190–191

Complete-PSTransaction cmdlet, 244

configuration files, digitally signing, 294

configuration information, putting at beginning of scripts, 299

Configure-WSMan.ps1 script, 459

Confirm parameter, 34, 305–306

Connect-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Console, 30

constructors, 52

Contains method, 180

-contains operator, 133

Continue keyword, 148

conversion errors (types), 70

ConvertFrom-StringData cmdlet, 473–475

converting strings to lowercase/uppercase, 183–184

ConvertTo-Csv cmdlet, 215

ConvertTo-Html cmdlet, 64

Copy-Item cmdlet, 221

core cmdlets, 197–198

counters, 14

Create method, 364

CreateObject method, 356

CreateRunspace method, 486

CSV (comma-separated value) files, 214–216

CTL (Certificate Trust List), 117

CTP (Community Technology Preview), 457

Current User’s host-specific profile, 88

Current User’s profile, 88

current working directory

listing contents of, 8–10

retrieving, 198

setting, 198

custom cmdlets, 320–323

custom output formats, 75–79

custom parameters, 327–329

custom snap-ins, 323–327

cut command, 60


d regular expression characters, 135

DATA sections, 473–475

Database parameter (New-Mailbox cmdlet), 396

databases, 392–393

DataTable objects, 380

DCL (Digital Command Language), 15

Debug parameter (cmdlets), 33

debugging in PowerShell 2.0, 475–477

$DebugPreference variable, 42

default security, 100

defining types, 68–71

Delete method, 364

delimiters, 60

descriptive names, 303

designing scripts. See scripts

Detailed Description section (PowerShell help), 36, 337

developing scripts. See scripts

development life cycle model, 296–297

dialog boxes. See specific dialog boxes

Digital Command Language (DCL), 15

digital signatures. See code signing

dir command, 29

DIR_COUNTER counter, 14

DIR_MIN_SIZE variable, 14

DIR_PERCENT_BIG_MAX variable, 14


current working directory

listing contents of, 8–10

retrieving, 198

setting, 198

pushing onto list of locations, 199

recalling from list of locations, 199–200 script, 12–14

DirectoryEntry class, 66, 357

DirectorySearcher class, 56–59, 357–358, 367, 383–384

Filter property, 367–368

PageSize property, 371

PropertiesToLoad property, 372

search example, 372–373

SearchRoot property, 367

SearchScope property, 371

SizeLimit property, 371

DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory namespace, 358–359

Disable-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Disable-NotificationSubscription cmdlet, 455

Disable-PsBreakpoint cmdlet, 476

Disable-Rule cmdlet, 455

disabling user accounts, 366

Dismount-Database cmdlet, 392

distribution, 115–117

division (/) operator, 131

DLLS (dynamic link libraries), 91

do/while loop, 164–165

dollar sign ($), 134, 137, 193

DOSShell, 16

dot sourcing, 91

DotNetTypes.Format.ps1xml file, 75

double colon (::), 138–140


accessing, 82–85

adding, 200

definition of, 81

mounting, 85–86

removing, 86, 201

viewing, 81–82

DumpPerm function, 229–230

dynamic link libraries (DLLs), 91


EMC (Exchange Management Console), 388

EMS (Exchange Management Shell)

accessing, 388–389

databases management/reporting, 392–393

definition of, 388

help, 389–390

recipient management/reporting, 394–397

server management/reporting, 390–391

storage group management/reporting, 391–392

Enable-Mailbox cmdlet, 394–395

Enable-NotificationSubscription cmdlet, 455

Enable-PsBreakpoint cmdlet, 476

Enable-Rule cmdlet, 455

enable/disable cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 455

EndProcessing method, 323

EndsWith method, 180

enterprise code distribution, 117

-eq operator, 132, 190

equal operator, 190

error handling

error trapping, 148–150

$Error variable, 145

ErrorRecord object, 145–146

nonterminating errors, 145

terminating errors, 145

with throw keyword, 150

in transactions, 248–249

type conversion errors, 70

with ubiquitous parameters, 146–147

$Error variable, 41, 145

ErrorAction parameter, 34, 146–147

$ErrorActionPreference variable, 42

ErrorDetails property (ErrorRecord object), 146

ErrorRecord object, 145–146

errortraps1.ps1, 149

errortraps2.ps1, 149

ErrorVariable parameter, 34, 146–147

escape sequences, 143–144

ETS (Extended Type System)

Add-Member cmdlet, 67

arrays, 69

hash tables, 69

integers, 68

overview, 65–67

strings, 68

type accelerators, 71–72

type conversion errors, 70

type definitions, 68–71

type references, 69

types.ps1xml file, 68

Event ID 1221 messages, reporting on, 406–416

events, 52

example-cmdlet function, 160–163

Examples section (PowerShell help), 36

Exception property (ErrorRecord object), 146

Exchange Management Console (EMC), 388

Exchange Management Shell. See EMS

Exchange Server

EMC (Exchange Management Console), 388

EMS (Exchange Management Shell) accessing, 388–389

database management/reporting, 392–393

definition of, 388

help, 389–390

recipient management/reporting, 394–397

server management/reporting, 390–391

storage group management/reporting, 391–392

GetDatabaseSizeReport.ps1 script, 397–406

GetEvent1221Info.ps1 script, 406–416

overview, 387

ProvisionExchangeUsers.ps1 script, 416–423

ExecQuery method, 270

execution policies

AllSigned, 101

best practices, 294

definition of, 100

RemoteSigned, 101–103

Restricted, 100

setting, 103–105

Unrestricted, 103, 118

explicit scope indicators, 89

explorer.exe, replacing

overview, 480–481

PSShell Secure Kiosk GPO, creating, 481

Windows Shell Replacement settings, configuring, 481–482

Export-Alias cmdlet, 44

Export-CliXml cmdlet, 213–214

Export-Csv cmdlet, 216

Export-DataTable function, 401, 406, 410, 416

Export-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Export-ManagementPack cmdlet, 455

expressions, 129–130, 191–192

Extended Type System. See ETS

extensions, PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) package, 64–65


-f (format) operator, 195–196

fan-in remoting, 461

fan-out remoting, 461–465

fields, 52

file systems

automating with ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script. See ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script

core cmdlets, 197–198


adding, 200

removing, 201

files. See files

folders. See folders


Get-Location cmdlet, 198

overview, 198

Pop-Location cmdlet, 199–200

Push-Location cmdlet, 199

Set-Location cmdlet, 198


owners, setting, 234–235

permissions, 236–237

security descriptors, clearing, 235

files. See also specific files

appending content to, 207

creating, 205

CSV files, 214–216

library files. See library files

MOF (Managed Object Format) files, 278

moving, 206

reading, 206

removing, 205

renaming, 206

searching contents of, 207–208

SPC (Software Publishing Certificate) file, 112

testing for, 208

writing, 206–207

XML files. See XML files

FileSystem.Format.ps1xml file, 75

Filter property (DirectorySearcher class), 367–369

filters, 163–164

FindAll method, 58, 373


creating, 201

moving, 202–203

owners, 229

permissions, 229–234

removing, 202

renaming, 203–204

testing for, 204–205

for loop, 165

foreach loop, 166

format operator, 141–142, 195–196

format operator (-f), 291

format strings, 141–142

Format-Custom cmdlet, 74

Format-List cmdlet, 74, 327

Format-Table cmdlet, 61, 74, 291, 406

Format-Wide cmdlet, 74

FormatNumber function, 270

formatting output, 73–79, 195–196

FullControl, granting to user’s Web folder, 224

FullyQualifiedErrorId property (ErrorRecord object), 146

function-parameters argument (functions), 157

function providers, 162

functions. See also specific functions

compared to filters, 163–164

defining, 157–163

definition of, 157

function providers, 162

multiline functions, 158


GAC (Global Assembly Cache), 56

gathering script requirements effectively, 297

-ge operator, 132

geocoding in MMC 3.0 (sample interface)

Get-Coordinates cmdlet, 344–347

Get-Coordinates MMC, 349–352

Get-Coordinates User Control, 347–349

Get-ACL cmdlet, 232

Get-ADObject cmdlet, 64

Get-ADObject function, 381, 418, 421

get-agent cmdlet, 432–434, 452

Get-AgentPendingAction cmdlet, 452

Get-Alert cmdlet, 452

Get-AlertDestination cmdlet, 452

Get-AlertHistory cmdlet, 452

Get-Alias cmdlet, 43–44

Get-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet, 113–114

Get-ChildItem cmdlet, 112, 188

Get-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, 391

Get-Command cmdlet, 33, 36–39, 327

Get-Connector cmdlet, 452

Get-Content cmdlet, 84–85, 206–207

Get-Coordinates cmdlet, 344–347

Get-Coordinates MMC, 349–352

Get-Coordinates User Control, 347–349

Get-CurrentDomain function, 381, 418, 421

get-DefaultSetting cmdlet, 443–447, 452

Get-Diagnostic cmdlet, 452

Get-Discovery cmdlet, 453

Get-Event cmdlet, 453

Get-ExBlog cmdlet, 390

Get-ExCommand cmdlet, 390

Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, 45, 104

Get-FailoverManagementServer cmdlet, 453

Get-GatewayManagementServer cmdlet, 453

Get-Help cmdlet

overview, 34–35, 390

supporting with XML files

Detailed Description section, 337

header, 335

Input Type section, 338

Name and Synopsis sections, 335–336

Notes section, 338–339

Output section, 340–341

Parameters section, 337–338

Related Links section, 339

Return Type section, 338

Syntax section, 336–337

Get-Help command, 30

Get-ItemProperty cmdlet, 241, 263

Get-Location cmdlet, 198

Get-Mailbox cmdlet, 396–397

Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, 399

Get-MailboxServer cmdlet, 391, 399, 404, 414

Get-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 453

get-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 449–451

Get-ManagementGroupConnection cmdlet, 453

Get-ManagementPack cmdlet, 453

get-ManagementServer cmdlet, 441–442, 453

Get-Member cmdlet, 52, 56–59, 277

Get method, 364

Get-Monitor cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitorHierarchy cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringClass cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringClassProperty cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringObject cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringObjectGroup cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringObjectPath cmdlet, 453

Get-MonitoringObjectProperty cmdlet, 453

Get-MyMessage cmdlet, 471

Get-NotificationAction cmdlet, 453

Get-NotificationEndpoint cmdlet, 453

Get-NotificationRecipient cmdlet, 453

Get-NotificationSubscription cmdlet, 453

Get-OperationsManagerCommand cmdlet, 431, 453

Get-Override cmdlet, 453

Get-PerformanceCounter cmdlet, 453

Get-PerformanceCounterValue cmdlet, 453

Get-PrimaryManagementServer cmdlet, 453

Get-Process cmdlet, 62

Get-Process command, 29

Get-PsBreakpoint cmdlet, 476

Get-PsCallStack cmdlet, 476

Get-PSCommand cmdlet, 390

Get-PsJob cmdlet, 467

Get-Psprovider cmdlet, 81

Get-PSSnapin cmdlet, 92, 95, 326

Get-Recovery cmdlet, 453

Get-RegValue cmdlet, 251–253

Get-RelationshipClass cmdlet, 453

Get-RelationshipObject cmdlet, 453

Get-RemoteEventLog cmdlet, 409

Get-RemoteEventLog function, 410, 415

Get-RemotelyManagedComputer cmdlet, 453

Get-RemotelyManagedDevice cmdlet, 453

Get-ResultantCategoryOverride cmdlet, 453

Get-ResultantRuleOverride cmdlet, 453

Get-ResultantUnitMonitorOverride cmdlet, 453

Get-RootManagementServer cmdlet, 453

Get-Rule cmdlet, 453

Get-RunAsAccount cmdlet, 454

Get-Runspace cmdlet, 264

Get-ScriptHeader function, 380, 413, 420

Get-Service cmdlet, 50

Get-State cmdlet, 454

Get-StorageGroup cmdlet, 391

get-Task cmdlet, 437–438, 454

get-TaskResult cmdlet, 439–440, 454

Get-Tier cmdlet, 454

Get-Tip cmdlet, 390

Get-TransportServer cmdlet, 391

Get-UserRole cmdlet, 454

Get-WmiObject cmdlet, 271–273, 276, 399

get/set cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 452–454

GetDatabaseSizeReport.ps1 script, 397–406

GetEvent1221Info.ps1 script, 406–416

GetEx method, 364

GetHelloWorldPSSnapIn, 323, 326

GetInfo method, 364

GetInfoEx method, 364

GetObject method, 355

Global Assembly Cache (GAC), 56, 316

global scope, 88–89

GPOs (Group Policy Objects)

configuring WinRM and WinRS with, 122–125

creating, 104–105

PSShell Secure Kiosk GPO, creating, 481

Graphical PowerShell (PowerShell 2.0), 18, 468–469

Group Policy Administrative Template, 104

Group Policy Objects. See GPOs

grouping operators, 137

-gt operator, 132

GUI shells, 8


hard-coding configuration information, avoiding, 300


hash tables, 69

one-way hashes, 106


available cmdlets, listing with Get-Command cmdlet, 36–39

in EMS (Exchange Management Shell), 389–390

help topics, displaying with Get-Help cmdlet, 34–35

in Operations Manager PowerShell interface, 431

PowerShell help sections, 36

Windows PowerShell home page, 21

Help.Format.ps1xml file, 75

HelpMessage property, 331

history of shells, 15–16

hives (Registry), 239, 242–243

HKCU: hive, 239

HKLM: hive, 239

hosting applications, 87

hosts, 87

hyphen (-), 154


IADs interface, 354

IADsContainer interface, 354

if/else loop, 167

IIsWebService class, 276–277

ImpersonationLevel property, 280–282

Import-Alias cmdlet, 44

Import-CliXml cmdlet, 213–214

Import-Csv cmdlet, 215, 221, 418

Import-LocalizedData cmdlet, 473

Import-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Input Type section (PowerShell help), 36, 338

input validation

Get-Help cmdlet. See Get-Help cmdlet

required parameters, 302–303

ValidateCount attribute, 334–335

ValidateLength attribute, 332

ValidatePattern attribute, 333

ValidateRange attribute, 333

ValidateSet attribute, 334

Insert method, 181

install-agent cmdlet, 434–435, 455

Install-AgentByName cmdlet, 455

Install-ManagementPack cmdlet, 455

install/uninstall cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 455

InstallUtil.exe, 93–94, 96

instance members, 52–53

instructions, including with scripts, 301–302

integers, 68

interactive remoting, 460–461

interfaces, 354

internationalization (scripts), 472–473

InvocationInfo property (ErrorRecord object), 146

Invoke method, 365

Invoke-Command cmdlet, 264, 462–464

Invoke-Expression cmdlet, 18

Invoke-WMIMethod cmdlet, 283–284

InvokeGet method, 365

InvokeSet method, 360, 365



background jobs (PowerShell 2.0), 466–467

PSJobs, 18

join operator, 194

Join-Path cmdlet, 221

joining strings, 194

keys (Registry)

creating, 253–254

removing, 256–257

keywords. See specific keywords

kiosks, 8

Korn shell, 15

labels, 167

-le operator, 132

Length property (System.String class), 185

length of strings, determining, 185

library files

creating, 97

definition of, 91, 316

LibraryCrypto.ps1 library file, 376

registering, 93–95

removing, 96–97

snapins, adding to console, 94–95

snapins, removing from console, 96

LibraryCrypto.ps1 library file, 376

LibraryRegistry.ps1 script

Get-RegValue function, 251–253

overview, 249–251

Remove-RegKey function, 256–257

sample application, 257–262

Set-RegKey function, 253–254

Set-RegValue function, 254–255

Like operator, 133, 190

Load method, 55, 485

LoadFile method, 56, 485

LoadFrom method, 56, 485

LoadWithPartialName method, 55, 485

local scope, 89

locating tasks, 437–438

logical operators, 135–136, 368


definition of, 164

do/while loop, 164–165

for loop, 165

foreach loop, 166

if/else loop, 167

while loop, 164

lowercase, converting strings to, 183

ls command, 8–9

-lt operator, 132



creating, 394–396

GetDatabaseSizeReport.ps1 script, 397–406

GetEvent1221Info.ps1 script, 406–416

managing, 396–397

ProvisionExchangeUsers.ps1 script, 416–423

reporting on, 396–397

maintenance mode cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface)

get-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 449–451

maintenance window reason codes, 448

new-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 448–449

set-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 451–452

maintenance windows, 448–452

Makecert.exe, 101

Managed Object Format (MOF) file, 278

management interface

custom cmdlets, 320–323

custom snap-ins, creating, 323–327

Get-Help cmdlet. See Get-Help cmdlet

input validation, 332–335

overview, 315

parameters, 327–332

PowerShell SDK, 316–319

runspaces, 341–344

scenario: geocoding in MMC 3.0

Get-Coordinates cmdlet, 344–347

Get-Coordinates MMC, 349–352

Get-Coordinates User Control, 347–349

management servers

management server cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface)

default setting paths, 445–447

get-DefaultSetting, 443–444

get-ManagementServer, 441–442

set-DefaultSetting, 444–445

set-ManagementServer, 442–443

returning, 441–442

returning settings for, 443–444

setting default settings for, 444–445

specifying, 442–443

Mandatory property, 331

many to 1 (fan-in) remoting, 461

Match operator, 190

-match operator, 134

$MaximumAliasCount variable, 42

$MaximumDriveCount variable, 42

$MaximumErrorCount variable, 42

$MaximumFunctionCount variable, 42

$MaximumHistoryCount variable, 42

$MaximumVariableCount variable, 42

method operators, 138–140

methods. See specific methods

Microsoft Technet, 390

Microsoft Visual Studio Express Edition, downloading, 316

MMC, geocoding in MMC 3.0 (sample interface)

Get-Coordinates cmdlet, 344–347

Get-Coordinates MMC, 349–352

Get-Coordinates User Control, 347–349

modules (PowerShell 2.0), 475

modulus (%) operator, 131

MOF (Managed Object Format) files, 278

moniker strings, 269

MonitorMSVS.ps1 script, 285–291

Mount-Database cmdlet, 392

mounting drives, 85–86

Move-DatabasePath cmdlet, 392

Move-Item cmdlet, 202–203, 206

Move-Mailbox cmdlet, 396–397

Move-StorageGroupPath cmdlet, 391–392

MoveHere method, 364

MoveTo method, 365

multidimensional arrays, 151, 156–157

multiline functions, 158

multiplication (*) operator, 131

multiplying strings, 178


{n} regular expression characters, 135

{n, } regular expression characters, 135

{n, m} regular expression characters, 135

Name parameter (New-Mailbox cmdlet), 396

Name section (PowerShell help), 36, 335


definition of, 316

DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory, 358–359

Root, 275

WMI providers, 275

naming conventions

CLI (command line interface), 39

cmdlets, 32

custom cmdlets, 320

scripting standards, 309–310

-ne operator, 132, 190

negative index, 154

.NET Framework

assemblies, 54–56

benefits of, 51–52

constructors, 52

events, 52

fields, 52

Global Assembly Cache (GAC), 56

instance members, 52–53

methods. See specific methods


analyzing with Get-Member cmdlet, 56–59

benefits of, 49–51

creating with New-Object cmdlet, 53–54

DirectorySearcher, 56–59

PSObject, 61, 65–66

overview, 51

properties, 52

references, 69

reflection, 56–59

static members, 52

networking equipment, 8

New-Alias cmdlet, 44

New-CustomMonitoringObject cmdlet, 455

New-DeviceDiscoveryConfiguration cmdlet, 455

New-Item cmdlet, 201, 205, 247

New-LdapQueryDiscoveryCriteria cmdlet, 455

New-Mailbox cmdlet, 395, 418, 422

New-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, 392, 396

New-MailUser cmdlet, 394

New-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 448–449, 455

New-ManagementGroupConnection cmdlet, 456

New-MonitoringPropertyValuePair cmdlet, 456

New-Object cmdlet, 53–54

New-PromptYesNo function, 377–378

New-PsBreakpoint cmdlet, 476

New-PSDrive cmdlet, 85–86, 200, 242–243

New-RandomPassword function, 377–379

New-Runspace cmdlet, 464–465

New-StorageGroup cmdlet, 391

New-Tier cmdlet, 456

New-WindowsDiscoveryConfiguration cmdlet, 456

Non-Terminating Errors section (PowerShell help), 36

nonterminating errors, 145

not equal operator, 190

-not operator, 136

-notcontains operator, 133

Notes section (PowerShell help), 36, 338–339

-notlike operator, 133, 190

-notmatch operator, 134, 190

NotMatch parameter (Select-String cmdlet), 176

noTypeInformation parameter (Export-Csv cmdlet), 216


object tree (Operations Manager PowerShell interface), 427–431

objects. See also specific objects

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), 355

ADSI methods, 363–364

analyzing with Get-Member cmdlet, 56–59

base object methods, 365

benefits of, 49–51

binding, 361–363

creating, 53–54, 365

deleting, 366

extending with Add-Member cmdlet, 67

extracting from, 183–184

modifying, 366

moving, 366

in Operations Manager PowerShell interface, 427–431

searching for. See searching

one-dimensional arrays, 151

one-liners, 63–65

one-way hashes, 106

$OnlineServers variable, 384–385

Operations Manager PowerShell interface

cmdlets, 432

add/remove cmdlets, 454

default setting paths, 445–447

enable/disable cmdlets, 455

get-agent, 432–434

get-DefaultSetting, 443–444

get-MaintenanceWindow, 449–451

get-ManagementServer, 441–442

get-Task, 437–438

get-TaskResult, 439–440

get/set cmdlets, 452–454

install-agent, 434–435

install/uninstall cmdlets, 455

maintenance window reason codes, 448

new-MaintenanceWindow, 448–449

set-DefaultSetting, 444–445

set-MaintenanceWindow, 451–452

set-ManagementServer, 442–443

start-Task, 438–439

uninstall-agent, 435–436

command shell, 426

help, 431

object tree, 427–431

overview, 425

scripts, 432

operators, 129–130. See also specific operators

-or operator, 136

Out-Default cmdlet, 62–64

Out-File cmdlet, 380, 399, 404, 413

Out-GridView cmdlet, 471

OutBuffer parameter (cmdlets), 34

Output section (Help), 340–341

output, formatting, 73–79, 195–196

OutVariable parameter (cmdlets), 34

owners, setting, 229, 234–235


P regular expression characters, 135

packages, PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) package, 64–65

PageSize property (DirectorySearcher class), 371

parameters. See specific parameters

Parameters section (PowerShell help), 36, 337–338

parentheses, 137

parsing text, 59

Password parameter (New-Mailbox cmdlet), 396

$Password variable, 384–385

pattern matching operators, 133

percent sign (%), 131

period (.), 91, 134, 138


folder permissions, 229–234

managing with PowerShell cmdlets

Add-ACE, 236–237

Clear-Inherit, 233–234

Clear-SD, 235

overview, 231–233

Remove-ACE, 237

Set-Owner, 234–235

managing in WSH (Windows Script Host) with SubInACL, 227–231

overview, 227

persistent aliases, 44

Ping class, 53

pipe operator (|), 62


accepting input from, 158

one-liners, 63–65

overview, 59–63

PKI (public key infrastructure), 107–108

plus sign (+), 131, 135


execution policies, 100–105, 118, 294

GPOs (Group Policy Objects), 104–105, 122–125

Pop-Location cmdlet, 199–200

Position property, 330

PowerShell 2.0

background jobs, 466–467

DATA sections, 473–475

Graphical PowerShell, 468–469

modules, 475

Out-GridView cmdlet, 471

overview, 457

remoting. See remoting

script cmdlets, 469–471

script debugging, 475–477

script internationalization, 472–473

PowerShell Community Extensions (PSCX) package, 64–65

PowerShell development, 16–17

PowerShell Remoting, 18, 295

PowerShell SDK. See SDK

PowerShell WMI Explorer, 278

PowerShellCore.format.ps1xml file, 75

PowerShellExecutionPolicy.adm, 104

PowerShellTrace.format.ps1xml file, 75

principle of least privileges, 294–295

PRINT_DIR_MIN variable, 12

private scope, 90–91

privileges, principle of least privileges, 294–295

processing XML files, 213

ProcessRecord method, 323

$Processes variable, 88–91

$ProcessReturnPreference variable, 42

$ProgressPreference variable, 42

production environments, dangers of, 297–298

professionalism in script development, 298–299

profiles, 87–88

projects, setting up, 321–322

properties. See also specific properties

adding to PSObject, 75–76

definition of, 52, 316

PropertiesToLoad property (DirectorySearcher class), 372

property operators, 138

providers, 278, 354

core cmdlets, 79–81


accessing, 82–85

definition of, 81

mounting, 85–86

removing, 86

viewing, 81–82

viewing, 81

WMI providers, 275

ProvisionExchangeUsers.ps1 script, 416–423

ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script, 216

Clear-Inherit cmdlet, 224

Copy-Item cmdlet, 221

FullControl, granting, 224

functions, 218–220

header, 217–218

Import-Csv cmdlet, 221

Join-Path cmdlet, 221

Set-Owner cmdlet, 222

Test-Path cmdlet, 220–221

ps command, 60

PSAdapted view, 66

PSBase view, 66

PSCX (PowerShell Community Extensions) package, 64–65

pseudocode, 297

.ps1 extension, 45

.ps1xml formatting files, 74–75

PSExtended view, 66

$PSHOME variable, 74

PSJobs, 18

PSObject, 61, 65–66, 75–76

PSShell Kiosk

PSShell.exe, 482–484

PSShell.ps1 script, 479, 484–488

shell replacement, 480–482

PSShell.exe, 482–484

PSShell.ps1 script, 479, 484–488

PSSnapIn class, 323

PSTypeNames view, 66

public code distribution, 117

public key infrastructure (PKI), 107–108

Push-Location cmdlet, 199

Push-Runspace cmdlet, 461

pushing directories onto list of locations, 199

Put method, 364

PutEx method, 364

PVK Digital Certificate Files Importer, 112


quantifiers, 192

question mark (?), 133–135, 185–186

QuickRef cmdlet, 390

range operator (..), 154

Read-Host cmdlet, 382–383, 418, 422

Read-only LDAP, 358


CSV files, 215

files, 206–207

Registry values, 241

recalling directories from list of locations, 199–200

Receive-PsJob cmdlet, 467


managing in EMS (Exchange Management Shell), 394–397

reporting on, 394–397

redirection operators, 142–143

references, 69

reflection, 56–59

[RegEx] type accelerator, 193–194

registering library files, 93–95


2.0 CTP features, 262–265

core cmdlets, 240

hives, 239, 242–243

keys, 253–257

LibraryRegistry.ps1 script

Get-RegValue function, 251–253

overview, 249–251

Remove-RegKey function, 256–257

sample application, 257–262

Set-RegKey function, 253–254

Set-RegValue function, 254–255

overview, 239


cmdlets, 244–245

committing, 245–247

how they work, 245

overview, 243–244

starting, 245–247

transactions with errors, 248–249

undoing, 247–248

values, 241–242, 251–255

Registry.format.ps1xml file, 75

regular expressions, 134–135, 191–192

Reject-AgentPendingAction cmdlet, 456

Related Links section (PowerShell help), 36, 339

releases of PowerShell, 22–23

reliability, 310–311

remote management. See WinRM (Windows Remote Management)

RemoteSigned execution policy, 101–103, 294

RemoteSigned policy, 45


centrally managing, 295

fan-in remoting, 461

fan-out remoting, 461–465

interactive remoting, 460–461

overview, 458–460

Universal Code Execution Model, 460

Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 machines, 465–466

Windows XP SP2 or greater and Windows Server 2003 machines, 465

Remove method, 181–182, 364

Remove-ACE cmdlet, 237

Remove-ConnectorFromTier cmdlet, 454

Remove-DisabledMonitoringObject cmdlet, 454

Remove-Item cmdlet, 202, 205

Remove-ItemProperty cmdlet, 242

Remove-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Remove-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, 392

Remove-ManagementGroupConnection cmdlet, 454

Remove-PsBreakpoint cmdlet, 476

Remove-PSDrive cmdlet, 86, 201

Remove-PSSnapin cmdlet, 96

Remove-RegKey cmdlet, 256–257

Remove-RemotelyManagedComputer cmdlet, 454

Remove-RemotelyManagedDevice cmdlet, 454

Remove-Runspace cmdlet, 265

Remove-StorageGroup cmdlet, 391

Remove-Tier cmdlet, 454

Remove-WMIObject cmdlet, 284–285

RemovePerm function, 231

Rename-Item cmdlet, 203–206

Rename method, 365

Replace method, 182

replace operators, 134, 192–193


strings, 182

Windows Explorer shell (explorer.exe), 480–482


on databases, 392–393

on recipients, 394–397

on servers, 390–391

on storage groups, 391–392

repository (WMI), 275–278

Resolve-Alert cmdlet, 456

Restore-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Restricted execution policy, 100

results of tasks, checking, 439–440

retrieving Registry values, 251–253

Return keyword, 148

Return Type section (PowerShell help), 36, 338

reusability of scripts, 303

rights, principle of least privileges, 294–295

Root namespace, 275

row index values (multidimensional arrays), 156

Run dialog box, accessing PowerShell from, 26

running scripts, 294–295, 374

RunspaceInvoke object, 486

runspaces, 264, 341–344, 458

creating, 264, 486

definition of, 486

removing, 264–265

running commands with, 263–264


S regular expression characters, 135

SCOM (System Center Operations Manager), 425

scopes, 88–91, 150

script cmdlets (PowerShell 2.0), 469–471

script scope, 89–90

scriptblocks, 170–172

ScriptCmdlets, 18

Scriptomatic, 275

scripts. See also specific scripts

benefits, 15

building with scriptblocks, 170–172

controlling script flow with loops. See loops

creating, 45–47

debugging in PowerShell 2.0, 475–477

decision making in, 167–169

definition of, 45


comments, 300

configuration information at beginning of scripts, 299

descriptive names, 303

hard-coding configuration information, avoiding, 300

instructions, 301–302

reusability, 303

status information for script users, 304

validity checks on required parameters, 302–303

variables, 301

WhatIf and Confirm parameters, 305–306


dangers of production environment, 297–298

development life cycle model, 296–297

gathering script requirements effectively, 297

professionalism, 298–299

pseudocode, 297

testing, 298

treating scripting projects as actual projects, 295

digitally signing, 294

dot sourcing, 91

internationalization, 472–473

in Operations Manager PowerShell interface, 432

overview, 11

.ps1 extension, 45

RemoteSigned policy, 45

running, 294–295

script cmdlets (PowerShell 2.0), 469–471

scripting standards, 306–307, 309–311

signing, 112–113

WSH (Windows Script Host), 227–231

SDDL (Security Descriptor Definition Language), 235

SDK, 316–319


file contents, 207–208

for objects (DirectorySearcher class)

example, 372–373

examples, 370

Filter property, 367–369

overview, 367

PageSize property, 371

PropertiesToLoad property, 372

SearchRoot property, 367

SearchScope property, 371

SizeLimit property, 371

SearchRoot property (DirectorySearcher class), 367

SearchScope property (DirectorySearcher class), 371


best practices, 118–119

code signing. See code signing

default security, 100

execution policies. See execution policies

overview, 99–100

Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL), 235

security descriptors, clearing, 235

Select-Object cmdlet, 64, 409

Select-String cmdlet, 175–177, 207–208

self-signed certificates, 108–109

semicolon (;), 152


management servers. See management servers

managing in EMS (Exchange Management Shell), 390–391

reporting on, 390–391

$Servers variable, 289

Set-ACL cmdlet, 232

Set-AlertDestination cmdlet, 454

Set-Alias cmdlet, 44

Set-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlet, 112–113

Set-ChildItem cmdlet, 82

Set-ChoiceMessage function, 377–378

Set-ClientAccessServer cmdlet, 391

set-DefaultSetting cmdlet, 444–447, 454

Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, 45, 103

Set-ItemProperty cmdlet, 83, 241

Set-Location cmdlet, 82, 198

Set-Mailbox cmdlet, 396

Set-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, 392, 396

Set-MailboxServer cmdlet, 391

Set-MaintenanceWindow cmdlet, 451–452, 454

set-ManagementServer cmdlet, 442–443, 454

Set-Owner cmdlet, 222, 234–235

Set-ProxyAgent cmdlet, 454

Set-RegKey cmdlet, 253–254

Set-RegValue cmdlet, 254–255

Set-StorageGroup cmdlet, 391

Set-TransportServer cmdlet, 391

Set-WMIInstance cmdlet, 282–283

SetInfo method, 364

SetOwner function, 229

SetPassword method, 364

shell replacement (PSShell Kiosk), 480–482

shell scripts. See scripts


Bash shell, 13–14

basic shell use, 8–10

benefits and drawbacks, 8

CLI shells, 8

definition of, 7

graphical versus nongraphical, 8

GUI shells, 8

history of, 15–16

overview, 7

Shfusion.dll, 56

shortcuts (type), 71–72

ShouldProcess method, 34

$ShouldProcessPreference variable, 42

signing code. See code signing

silent installation, 25–26

SizeLimit property (DirectorySearcher class), 371

slash (/), 131

slicing arrays, 155


adding to console, 94–95

custom snap-ins, creating, 323–327

removing from console, 96

Snover, Jeffrey, 17, 387

Software Development Kit. See SDK

Software Publishing Certificate (SPC) file, 112

SPC (Software Publishing Certificate) file, 112

Split method, 182

Split operator, 195

splitting strings, 182, 195

square brackets ([]), 52, 69, 154, 185

Start-Discovery cmdlet, 456

Start menu, accessing PowerShell from, 26

Start-PsJob cmdlet, 466

Start-PSTransaction cmdlet, 244

start-Task cmdlet, 438–439, 456


PowerShell, 26–27

tasks, 438–439

transactions, 245–247

StartsWith method, 182

statements. See specific statements

static member accessor (::), 52, 138–140

static members, 52

status information, providing for for script users, 304

Step-Into cmdlet, 476

Step-Out cmdlet, 476

Step-Over cmdlet, 477

Stop-PSJob cmdlet, 467

storage groups

managing in EMS (Exchange Management Shell), 391–392

reporting on, 391–392

[String] type accelerator, 174–175

strings, 68

adding, 177

binding strings, 362

combining, 194

comparison operators, 190–191

converting to lowercase, 183

converting to uppercase, 184

creating, 173–174

definition of, 173

determining length of, 185

extracting from current object, 183–184

extracting strings from, 183

Format operator, 195–196

format strings, 141–142

formatting, 195–196

inserting strings into, 181

join operator, 194

moniker strings, 269

multiplying, 178

overview, 173

querying for substrings, 180

[RegEx] type accelerator, 193–194

regular expressions, 191–192

removing strings from, 181–182

replace operators, 192–193

replacing strings in, 182

Select-String cmdlet, 175–177

Split operator, 195

splitting, 182, 195

[String] type accelerator, 174–175

System.String class, 174, 178–180

Contains method, 180

EndsWith method, 180

Insert method, 181

Length property, 185

Remove method, 181–182

Replace method, 182

Split method, 182

StartsWith method, 182

SubString method, 183

ToLower method, 183

ToString method, 183–184

ToUpper method, 184

Trim method, 184

trimming, 184

wildcards, 185–189

subexpressions grouping operator ($), 137

SubInACL utility

AddPerm function, 230

DumpPerm function, 229–230

RemovePerm function, 231

SetOwner function, 229

syntax, 227–228

SubString method, 183

subtraction (-) operator, 131

switch statement, 168–169

Synopsis section (PowerShell help), 36, 335

Syntax section (PowerShell help), 36, 336–337

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), 425

System.String class, 174, 178–180

Contains method, 18

EndsWith method, 180

Insert method, 181

Length property, 185

Remove method, 181–182

Replace method, 182

Split method, 182

StartsWith method, 182

SubString method, 183

ToLower method, 183

ToString method, 183–184

ToUpper method, 184

Trim method, 184


Tab key completion, 138

TargetObject property (ErrorRecord object), 146


checking results of, 439–440

locating, 437–438

starting, 438–439

task cmdlets (Operations Manager PowerShell interface)

get-Task, 437–438

get-TaskResult, 439–440

start-Task, 438–439

templates, Group Policy Administrative Template, 104

terminating errors, 145

Terminating Errors section (PowerShell help), 36

Test-Item cmdlet

Test-Path cmdlet, 418, 422

in ProvisionWebFolders.ps1 script, 220–221

testing for files, 208

testing for folders, 204–205


for files, 208

for folders, 204–205

scripts, 298

text, parsing, 59

throw keyword, 150

throwing errors, 150

ToLower method, 183

ToString method, 183–184

ToUpper method, 184

transactions (Registry)

cmdlets, 244–245

committing, 245–247

how they work, 245

overview, 243–244

starting, 245–247

transactions with errors, 248–249

undoing, 247–248

trapping errors

errortraps1.ps1 example, 149

errortraps2.ps1 example, 149

syntax, 148

trap scopes, 150

Trim method, 184

trimming strings, 184

type accelerators

[ADSI], 357

[ADSISearcher], 358

[WMIClass] type accelerator, 273–274

[WMISearcher] type accelerator, 274

[WMI] type accelerator, 273


arrays, 69

conversion errors, 70

defining, 68–71

definition of, 53

ETS (Extended Type System)

Add-Member cmdlet, 67

overview, 65–67

types.ps1xml file, 68

hash tables, 69

integers, 68

references, 69

string. See strings

type accelerators, 71–72

[ADSISearcher], 358

[ADSI], 357

[RegEx] type accelerator, 193–194

[WMIClass] type accelerator, 273–274

[WMISearcher] type accelerator, 274

[WMI] type accelerator, 273

type operators, 136

types.ps1xml file, 68


ubiquitous parameters, 146–147

unary operators, 136

underscore (_) character, 39

Undo-PSTransaction cmdlet, 244, 248

undoing transactions, 247–248

uninstall-agent cmdlet, 435–436, 455

Uninstall-ManagementPack cmdlet, 455


agents, 435–436

Windows PowerShell 1.0, 23–24

Universal Code Execution Model, 460

Unrestricted execution policy, 103, 118, 294

uppercase, converting strings to, 184

Use-PSTransaction cmdlet, 245

user accounts, disabling, 366

UserPrincipalName parameter (New-Mailbox cmdlet), 396

users, providing status information for, 304

useTransaction parameter (New-Item cmdlet), 247

ValidateCount attribute, 334–335

ValidateLength attribute, 332

ValidatePattern attribute, 333

ValidateRange attribute, 333

ValidateSet attribute, 334

validating input. See input validation

variables. See also specific variables

best practices, 301

built-in variables, 40–42

definition of, 39

naming, 39

VerbNounPSSnapIn naming convention, 323

Verbose parameter (cmdlets), 33

$VerbosePreference variable, 42

verifying digital signatures, 113–114

versions of PowerShell, 22–23

views, 66

Virtual Memory System (VMS), 15

$VirtualMachines variable, 290

Visual Studio Express Edition, downloading, 316

VMS (Virtual Memory System), 15


W regular expression characters, 135

/w parameter (dir command), 29

Wait-PSJob cmdlet, 467

wbemtest.exe, 275

websites, Windows PowerShell home page, 21

WhatIf parameter, 34, 305–306

Where-Object cmdlet, 63

while loop, 164

whitespace delimiters, 60

wildcards, 133, 185–189, 369

Window Script Host (WSH), managing Active Directory with, 355–356

Windows Explorer shell (explorer.exe), replacing

overview, 480–481

PSShell Secure Kiosk GPO, creating, 481

Windows Shell Replacement settings, configuring, 481–482

Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL), 278–279

Windows Management Instrumentation. See WMI

Windows permissions. See permissions

Windows PowerShell home page, 21

Windows PowerShell Programmer’s Guide, 97

Windows Remote Management. See WinRM

Windows Remote Shell (WinRS), 121–125, 295

Windows Script Host. See WSH

Windows Server remoting settings, 465

Windows Server 2008

enabling PowerShell 1.0 on, 22–23

remoting settings, 465–466

Windows Shell Replacement settings, configuring, 481–482

Windows Vista remoting settings, 465–466

Windows XP SP2 remoting settings, 465

WinRM (Windows Remote Management)

configuring, 119–120

GPO settings, 122–125

installing, 24

overview, 119

WinRS (Windows Remote Shell), 120–122

WinRS (Windows Remote Shell), 121–125, 295

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

advantages of, 267–268

challenges, 268

definition of, 267

MonitorMSVS.ps1 script, 285–291

objects, connecting to, 269

in PowerShell

AuthenticationLevel property, 280–282

Get-WmiObject cmdlet, 271–273

ImpersonationLevel property, 280–282

Invoke-WMIMethod cmdlet, 283–284

Remove-WMIObject cmdlet, 284–285

Set-WMIInstance cmdlet, 282–283

[WMIClass] type accelerator, 273–274

[WMISearcher] type accelerator, 274

[WMI] type accelerator, 273

PowerShell WMI Explorer, 278

providers and namespaces, 275, 278

repository, exploring, 275–278

Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language (WQL), 278–279

in WSH, 269–270

WMI Query Language (WQL), 270

[WMI] type accelerator, 273

[WMIClass] type accelerator, 273–274

[WMISearcher] type accelerator, 274

WQL (Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language), 278–279

WQL (WMI Query Language), 270

writing CSV files, 216

WSH (Windows Script Host), 16

managing Active Directory with, 355–356

permissions, managing with SubInACL, 227–231

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) in, 269–270

WSMAN (Windows Remote Management), 295, 459

WSMan settings, configuring, 27–28


XML files

appending, 210–211

creating, 209–210

deleting from, 212

Export-CliXml cmdlet, 213–214

Import-CliXml cmdlet, 213–214

loading, 212–213

modifying, 211–212

overview, 208

processing, 213

supporting custom cmdlets with

Detailed Description section, 337

header, 335

Input Type section, 338

Name and Synopsis sections, 335–336

Notes section, 338–339

Output section, 340–341

Parameters section, 337–338

Related Links section, 339

Return Type section, 338

Syntax section, 336–337

-xor operator, 136

[x-y] operator, 133

[xy] operator, 133

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