

Above-the-line planning, 38–39

Acceptance-building, 111

Achievable/attainable goals, 134, 229

Acquisition constellation, 47, 220

Acting like natives, 111–112

Action-Focused Assessment (Kasse), 151

Actions, 14, 106


defining common, 9

lead time, 215

participants with useful perspective on, 76

Adoptability pilots, 192

Adopter Analysis approach, 81

early adopter, 193, 195

early majority, 194, 195

innovator, 193, 195

laggard, 194, 195

late majority, 194, 195

Adoption, 148, 252, 254, 257

Adoption Commitment curve, 68–70, 85, 205

categorizing transition mechanisms by, 212–214

Satir Model and, 206

transition mechanisms, 211

Adoption diffusion measurement, establishing events, 258–261

Adoption population for pilot projects, 192–195

Adoption progress measurement, 245

Adoption stage, 69, 214, 259

Agile methods, 96, 207–211

Agile software developers, 65

Agile Software Development (Cockburn), 207

Agile software development methods, 18

Agility, 9, 109

Alternative practices choice, 57–58 Web site, 230

American Society for Quality, 266, 270

Analysis, lack of objectivity in initial gap, 39

Analyze stage, 69, 70, 82–84

PI case study, 97–98


past defects and problems, 132

potential innovations and improvements, 132

Andelfinger, Urs, 25

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 23

Anticipating Change (Weinberg), 202

Anxiety questions, 124

Applications Management document set, 23

Appraisal choice, 53

Appraisal life cycle, 30–31, 36

Appraisal teams, 158–159

Appraisals, 151

beneficial activities, 152

different forms of, 31

external, 31, 152

external labor, 156

foolish compliance, 152

internal, 31

internal labor, 156

managing resources, 156–159

never stopping, 152

philosophies, 153

preparing evidence for, 157–158

support materials, 156

Artifacts, defining common, 9

As-is processes, 111, 238, 241

Assessment, 151

Associated with Specific Goals Specific Practices, 57


documenting, 81

fitting organization’s conditions with, 137

Avoidance, quantifying, 146

Awareness stage, 69 Web site, 267

AYE (Amplifying Your Effectiveness) conference/workshops, 267


Balanced Scorecard concept, 134–135

Balancing Agility and Discipline (Boehm and Turner), 9, 18

Baseline existing performance, 80

Basili, Victor, 16


adapting to hostile situation, 112

changing, 119

Below-the-line planning, 38–39

Benchmarking processes, 31

Benefit, showing from effort, 107

Best practices, 73

Box, George, 61

Business, 5–7, 11

developing quality processes, 22

differences adopting CMMI, 94

models and methods promoting value, xix

Business Analysis, 76, 96, 180–181

Business goals

CMMI impacts, 72–73

as customer needs, 181

Decide stage, 72

improvement goals based on, 134

The Business Perspective document set, 23

Business Process Reengineering, 4, 20, 109

Business strategy, 137

Business values

driving process improvement, 11–12

goals and, 34

tying improvement activities to, 95

Buyer’s Risk Cycle, 125–127

Buyer/sponsor’s, 123


Candidate-roles list, 238

Capability Level 0, 56

Capability Level 1, 56

Capability Level 2 Generic Goal, 55

Capability Level 2 Generic Practices, 60

Capability Level Generic Goal, 55

Capability Level profiles, 54, 56

Capability Levels, 54, 55, 57

Capability maturity, 4

Capability Maturity Models, 11–12

Capability Profile, 56–57

Capability questions, 124

CAR (Causal Analysis and Resolution) Process Area, 50, 132

Carnegie Mellon University, 21

Causality, 145

CBA (CMMI-based Business Analysis), 230–235

conference room, 230

execution of, 232–234

facilitator, 230, 231

flip charts, 230

initial scope, 231

model representation, 230

room setup, 231

sponsoring team and opinion leaders, 230

sticky notes, 230

CCMI-PD Process Areas, 48–51

Central repositories, 111

Cepeda, Sandra, 59

Ceremony, 81


capturing rationale, 81

dynamics of reactions to, 127

human dimensions of, 111

ignoring history of previous attempts, 40

learning stages, 205–206

measurable improvement results, 147–148

people issues, 199–202

ROI (Return on Investment), 255

skills for managing, 112

stress, 105

Change cycle, 129

Change management, 83

Chaos Cocktail Party, 83, 264

Choices, 88-89

Choices for using CMMI

alternative practices choice, 57–58

Generic Practices timing choice, 58–60

staged/continuous choice, 53–57

summary, 60–61

Chunking, 185

Classification information, 185

Closure criteria, identifying, 81

CM (Configuration Management) Process Area, 50

CMM for Software, 45

CMM Implementation Guide: Choreographing SW Process Improvement (Caputo), 251

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), 4

Acquisition constellation, 47

adopting, xvii

agile process improvement, xviii–xix

alternative method, 94

beginnings, 46

benchmarking processes, 31

broad coverage, 95

Business Analysis, 180–181

business analysis presentation materials, 75

business goals impacts, 72–73

changes to, 26

choices for using, 53–61

concerns about, xvii–xviii

cost of implementation, xviii

de facto standard, 46

differences for businesses, 94

doubts of effectiveness of, 93

education events surrounding, 89

estimating cost, 95

flexibility, 95

gap analysis against, 181

Generic Practices, 21

goals, 131

gradually adopting, 94

incorporating other aspects of work into, 47

informative content, 25

infrastructure supporting and sustaining implementation, 167

intimidating, xvii

level of adoption, 46

limited projects, xviii

management, engineering, and support best practices, 21

managerial process guidance, 51

measurement, 52

moderator/trainer knowledgeable about, 75

need to use, xvii

nominal assumptions table, 141–143

normative, 25

organizations appraised against, 21–22

overview presentation materials, 75

overview training on contents, 76

parts to try first, 75–77

pedigree, 45–46

PIIDs (Process Implementation Indicator Documents), 156

PRM status, 23

problems solved by, 76

Process Areas, 21

process areas, 94

process coverage, 46–47

process improvement, xvii

process improvement guidance, 61–64

product development as primary focus, 46–47

Product Development constellation, 47

public mappings of different standards, 25

reasons for using, 45–47

reference models, 21–22

required content, 57

ROI (return on investment), xviii

set of process requirements, 21

set order of improvements, 94

shared vision, 133–136

size of, 108

small amount reviewed, 26

small companies and organizations, xviii

standards and impact analysis, 26

strengths and weaknesses related to factors, 138

support processes, 51–52

technical matters guidance, 51

understanding assumptions of, 137

as unifying reference, 25–26

variation in individual responses, 138

CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement (2d ed.), 21

CMMI adoption pages, 13

CMMI Business Analysis, 125

CMMI constellations, 220

CMMI Distilled (Ahern et al), 21, 53, 73, 95

CMMI Impact Study (Goldenson and Gibson), 34

CMMI implementation, finding and selecting pilots, 191–197

CMMI in Small Settings Pilot Toolkit Web site, 268

CMMI ML2 (Maturity Level 2), 100

CMMI models, materials contained in, 47–48

CMMI Process Improvement Web site, 269

CMMI Product Suite, 47

CMMI Survival Guide, 95, 96

CMMI Technology and User’s conference, 164

CMMI Technology Conference and Users Group, 267

CMMI Transition Aids BSCW Web site, 268

CMMI-based Business Analysis, 100, 136

CMMI-based improvement value network, 203

CMMI-PD (CMMI for Product Development) model, 46

CMMI-SE/SW model, 46

CMMI-SE/SW/IPPD model, 46

CMMI-specific appraisal, 151

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology), 24

Cockburn, Alistair, 200


Collateral activities supporting process improvement, 29

Commit stage, 69, 70, 166

first time through, 84–85

PI case study, 98

Communication mechanisms, 69, 85, 211

Communications, 111

agile methods and, 207–211

chain reaction of poor, 108

implementation support mechanisms and, 211–215

inability, 210–211

information restructuring and shared experiences, 210

learning behavior stages, 211

maintaining, 107

never knowing what you experience, 210–211

new or changed processes, 111

parsing complex experiences differently, 207, 210

preventing fear and panic, 108

remembering where you are, 107

requirements, 180

stakeholders, 207–215

vanquishing fear and panic, 108

Communications table example, 208–209

Competitor performance data, 146

Computer Sciences Corporation, 16 Web site, 269

Concept information, 184

Conferences, 265–257

Configuration Management Process Area, 78

Configurations, managing, 51

Confirming questions, 124–125

Congruent Action (Weinberg), 202

Constellations, 220

Consultants, 96, 197–199

Contact stage, 69

Contact/Awareness stage, 212, 252, 257–258

Continuous representation choice, 53–57

Control questions, 124–125

Conway’s law, 12 Web site, 230


defining, 145

savings, 73

Cost avoidance, 146

Cost-effective attribute, 228

Creativity, 109

Criteria, 173

Critical success factors, 11–12

Crossing the Chasm (Moore), 192

CrossTalk magazine, 270

CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) technique, 86–87

Chaos Cocktail Party and, 262–264

example instructions for participants, 263

Improvise exercise, 109

Cultural environment, 111

Culture, dealing with change, 39

Customer-facing processes, 228

Customer-quadrant business goals, 228

Customer-quadrant improvement goals, 228

Customers, 249

enhancing satisfaction, 72

goals, 135

improving satisfaction, 15

suppliers and, 73


DAR (Decision Analysis and Resolution) Process Area, 50

De facto standard, 46

De jure standard, 46

Decide stage, 69, 70

business goals, 72

figuring out where you are in, 218

help from process improvement, 71–72

identifying risks, 73

persons involved in making improvements, 77–79

PI case study, 93–96, 100–101

starting toward process improvement, 74–77

when to try, 79–80

Decision Analysis and Resolution Process Area, 78, 180

Decision-implementation model, 67–68

Decision-making, repeating for desired results, 88


analyzing past, 132

Six Sigma, 15

Deming, Juran, and Crosby quality paradigm, 72

Demo subprocess, 241–242

Demographic view, 68

Deploying changes, 199–206

people issues in managing, 199–202

technology adoption approaches, 202–203

transition mechanisms, 205–206

value networks, 203–205

Deploying improved processes, 32–34, 33

consultants, 197–199

deploying changes, 199–206

finding and selecting pilots, 191–197

size-based advantages and disadvantages, 37

Design stage, 78

Designated senior-management sponsor and team, 168–169

Designing processes, 33

Desired behavior, 40

Detaching stage, 211

Developed system, 12


necessary guidance, 80–81

process guidance, 181–188

useful process guidance, 109

Diagnosis, 14

Diffusion events, 258–261

Diffusion measurement, 97, 148, 245, 251–258

Adoption, 252, 254, 257

Contact/Awareness, 252, 257

Institutionalization, 252, 254

key transition mechanisms, 251

larger populations, 251

phased transition mechanisms, 251

Trial Use, 252, 257

Understanding, 252, 255, 257

Discipline, 3, 9

DLI (Decision-based Lifecycle for Improvement), 19, 65–66, 95

adoption commitment curve, 68–70

Analyze stage, 70, 82–84

baseline existing performance, 80

Commit stage, 70, 84–86

completing initial cycle, 82

Decide stage, 70, 71–80

decision-implementation model, 67–68

developing necessary guidance, 80–81

emphasis on decisions, 88

implementing decision correctly, 68

minimizing staffing requirements, 167

monitoring deployment, 82

people making changes at project level, 77

points-of-interest view, 66–67

Reflect stage, 70, 86–88, 106

results without infrastructure in place, 32

right decision about adoption, 67–68

SMART goals for first cycle, 136

stages, 68, 70

training users, 81–82

Try stage, 70

trying model elements, 80–82

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control), 15

Documentation, 81, 181

Documents, status of, 174

Domain standards, 12

Double-loop learning, 86

Drexler-Sibbett Team Performance Model, 79, 164–166, 269


Early Adopters, 193, 195, 215

Early Majority, 194, 195, 215

EDPA Auditors Foundation, 24

Effective measurement, 72

EFO (Experience Factory Organization), 17

Emotional Intelligence (Goldman), 111

Emotional Quotient, 111

Empirical data, 84

Employees, employer of choice, 72

End-user process description standards, 136

Engineering Management policy, 59

Engineering Process Areas, 48

Environment, 5–6

EPG (Engineering Process Group) model, 77, 161, 169–170

Equivalent staging, 56

Establishment, 14

Evaluation, 151

Examination Institutes, 23

Example target profile, 55

Expected elements, 57

Experience, learning from, 18

External appraisals, 31, 100–101, 152

External consultants and team, 169

Extreme Programming, xviii


Facilitator, 250

Fact information, 184


evaluating, 18

learning from, 188

Fear and panic, 108

Feedback, 82, 201

Financial goals, 134

Fluent stage, 211

Following stage, 211

Foolish compliance, 152

Foreign element, 127–129

accommodating, 128

denying existence of, 200

ignoring, 128

making it go away, 200

processes as, 187

rejecting, 128

Formal appraisal

against defined model scope, 153–156

specified periods, 153–154

Forrester, Eileen, 203

Fowler, Martin, 65

Function points, 147–148

Fundamental Support Process Areas, 167

Funding sources, 107


Gantthead Web site, 269

Gap analysis, 96–97, 151, 181

Generic Goals, 53, 57, 131

Generic Practice 2.1, Established an Organizational Policy, 59

Generic Practice 2.6, Manage Configurations, 60

Generic Practice 3.2, 188

Generic Practices, 21, 53

associated with Generic Goal, 57

dependencies, 59

Process Areas and, 60

timing choice, 58–60

Goal and Role Clarification stage, 166


achievable/attainable, 134

alternative practices choice, 57–58

business goals basis, 134

business values and, 34

CMMI, 131

customer, 135

date for achieving organizational maturity level, 34

developing and measuring, 34, 37

financial, 134

forgetting ultimate, 40

identifying and ranking, 11

improvement, 96

learning and innovation, 135

Maturity Level goals, 54, 135–136

measuring, 83, 134, 145

model-based improvement, 144–145

not achievable or measurable, 40

operations, 135

overall improvement effort, 120

quantifiable, 17

realistic, 119

realistic/relevant, 134

segmenting, 134–135

setting, 83, 132–136

size-based advantages and disadvantages, 37

SMART, 134

specific, 134

sponsor objectives alignment, 132–136

time-based/tangible, 134

useful, 134–135

Gordon, Witold, xx, 42, 90, 116, 224

GQM (Goal/Question/Metric) paradigm, 17

Group learning, 10

Grove Web site, 134, 165, 167, 269

Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 148


Hawthorne effects, 147–148

Hierarchy and Information Mapping, 185

High Performance stage, 166

Histogram, 138

History, 143

History-related statements, 141

Humphrey, Watts, 218


IBMM and Improvise, 109

ICSP (International Conference on Software Process), 266

ICT (Planning to Implement Service Management, Information, and Communications Technology) Infrastructure Management document set, 23

IDEAL model, 13–15, 19


prioritizing, 262

risks affecting, 144

IDEF (Integrated DEFinition), 186

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 12

IEEE Software magazine, 270

IEEE Web site, 269

Imagination, 109


developing plan, 81

mechanisms, 69, 211–212

repeating for desired results, 88

staged representation, 55

support mechanisms, 85, 211–215

Implementation choice, 53

Implementation stage, 78, 166

Implementing processes, 33

Improvements activities, 188–189

goals, 96

infrastructure, 85

internal staff focal point, 99

selecting to try, 132

shared vision, 133–136

Improving processes

applying, 13

choices in approach, 13–20

yielding strong ROI (return on investment), 12

Improvise, 109

Inability to communicate experiences, 210–211

Incomplete Level, 56

Incremental informal appraisal, 154–155

Individual learning, 10

Industry standards and benchmarks, 80, 146

Industrywide recognition for excellence, 73

Informal appraisal, 154–155


differences in perception of, 207, 210

Information Mapping types, 183–185

measuring and tracking, 52

multiple views, 173

restructuring, 210

usefulness, 52

Information Mapping, 80, 98, 188

chunking, 185

Classification information, 185

Concept information, 184

Fact information, 184

hierarchy, 185

information types, 183–185

labeling, 185

learning about, 186

Principle information, 183

Procedure information, 183

Process information, 184

recommended writing process, 185

relevance, 185

Structure information, 184

Information Mapping, Inc., 186

Informative elements, 57

Infrastructure, 161–162

developing and sustaining team, 162–164

developing team, 164–167

measurement system/repository, 175–177

minimizing, 61

PAL (Process Asset Library), 170–175

supporting and sustaining CMMI implementation, 167

Infusion measurement, 148, 245, 246–251

Initiation, 13

Innovators, 193, 195, 215

In-process evaluations, 189

Institutionalization stage, 69, 214, 252, 254, 260

Integrated process and product development process improvement model, 46

Integrated Supplier Management, 197

Integration and Practice stage, 82

Integration stage, 78

Internal appraisals, 31

Internal capability, 169

Internal focal point, 169

Internalization stage, 69

International standards, 22

Interoperable process improvement, 24–26

“Introduction to CMMI” course, 21

Introduction to CMMI trainer, 163

IPM (Integrated Project Management) Process Area, 49, 120, 132, 188, 197

alignment with organization, 133

developing and sustaining team, 162–164

tailoring practices, 133

IPRC (International Process Research Consortium), 219–220

IPRC (International Process Research Consortium) Web site, 268

IQ (Intelligence Quotient), 111

ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), 24

ISACA Web site, 24

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 12, 22

intellectual-property rights for standards, 23

Life Cycle Processes for Very Small Enterprises (VSE) working group, 221

ISO 9000 standard, 22, 98

ISO 12207, 22–23

ISO 15288, 22–23

ISO 15504, 22–23

ISO Standards Store Web site, 269

ISO Web site, 22

ISQC (International Software Quality Conference), 266

IT (information technology), 23–24

Iteration, insistence on, 18

ITGI (IT Governance Institute), 24

ITGI Web site, 24

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 23

ITIL Management Web site, 269

ITIL Web site, 23


Joiner and Associations high-performance team approach, 164

Journals, magazines and e-zines, 270


Keep/change lists, 189

Key stakeholders, 81

Key targets, 11

Key transition mechanisms, 251

Kirwan, Pat, 25

Kiviat diagram, 138

Knowledge, 10, 32

Komroff, Manuel, xx


Labeling Information Mapping, 185

Laggard, 194, 195

Laporte, Claude, 221

Large organizations and PAL (Process Asset Library), 172

Late majority, 194, 195

Leadership communication and sustaining sponsorship, 120–122

Lean Aerospace Initiative, 4

Lean manufacturing (Toyota), 109

Learning, 211

innovation goals, 135

process improvement, 10–11

from processes, 14

from successes and failures, 188

Lessons learned, 99

Level 5 organizations, 18

Level of Use goals, 148, 246–247

criteria for accomplishment, 247

Customer, 249

example, 248

example roles, 249–250

Facilitator, 250

Process Champion, 249

Process Developer, 250

Process Owner, 249

suggested categories, 250–251

tracking achievement, 247

User Doer, 250

User Manager, 249

Level-chasing syndrome, 34

Level-of-use measures, 97

Levels of Use goals, 252

Leveraging, 14

Life Cycle Processes for Very Small Enterprises (VSE) working group, 221

Live by your wits, learn basic skills, 112–113

LOC (Lines of Code) per hour measure, 147


M&A (Measurement and Analysis) Process Area, 50, 132

Making the Software Case (Reifer), 34

Management, 51–53

Management Steering Group, 170

Managerial tool measurement, 73

Managing appraisal life cycle, 30–31

Manufacturing process improvement, 3

Market share, increasing, 73

Mastering Process Improvement, 152, 167, 169

Materials, 48

Maturity Level 1, 55, 56

Maturity Level 2 Generic Practices, 59

Maturity Level 3 Process Areas, 59

Maturity Levels, 54, 56

goals, 54, 135–136

increasing, 59

Maturity models, popularity of, 11

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 111, 202

Measurable, 228–229

Measureable goals, 134

Measurement, 32, 73

adoption progress, 245

asking for wrong data, 176

causality, 145

CMMI, 52

data collection procedures and tools, 176

diffusion, 245, 251–258

facts shown by, 84

filtering and synthesis requirements, 176

function points, 147–148

Hawthorne effects, 147–148

infusion, 245, 246–251

objectives and activities, 133

ROI (Return on Investment), 145–147

security requirements, 176

storing and handling data, 85

Measurement and Analysis Process Area, 78, 85, 175

Measurement system/repository, 175–177


goals, 145

progress through diffusion and infusion measures, 148

success, 144–148

Mental and emotional strength, 110

Methods, experimenting with, 18

Middle-management black hole, 30

Mini CMMI, 230

mini-appraisal, 239


aspects of organization supported by, 74

informal appraisal, 154–155

mapping artifacts, 157–158

matching elements to problems, 75

organizational experiences with, 74

organizational factors historically affected by, 137–138

parts to try first, 75–77

project management, 38

randomly picking elements, 75

selecting for process improvement, 74–75

skilled support, 157

skills assumed by, 74

user support, 74

Monitoring deployment, 82

MoProSoft, 23

Multi-compliant frameworks, 24–26

Myers, Chuck, 103


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 16

NASA Software Engineering Laboratory, 16

NASAGA (North American Simulation and Gaming Association), 262, 267

NASAGA (North American Stimulation and Gaming Association), 86

Navigational routing, 67

NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association), 267

NDIA CMMI User’s Conference (2004), 59

NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association) Events Web site, 163–164

NDIA (National Defense Industrial Association) Web site, 269

Needs and cost issues, 125

Never knowing what you experience, 210–211

New uses for existing objects, 109

Nominal assumptions table, 141–143

Normative clauses, 22

Notes, 81–82


OGC (Office of Government Commerce) document set, 23

OID (Organization Innovation and Deployment) Process Area, 49, 132, 163, 167, 191

Old Status Quo, 127

One-Hour Process Description method, 238–245

as-is or to-be processes, 238

basic workshop process, 242–245

candidate-roles list, 238

Champion, 239

critical success factors, 240

demo subprocess, 241–242

Engineering Process Lead, 239

entry criteria for, 242

Facilitator, 239

ground rules for process description, 243

identifying areas of process guidance, 238

identifying process architecture, 238

incorporating process guidance into process description, 244

mini-appraisal, 239

names for roles in organization, 241

Participants, 239

post workshop Facilitator tasks, 244–245

process architecture, 240–241

process description approach, 242

subject-matter experts, 238

workshop preparation, 240–242

OPD (Organization Process Definition) Process Area, 49, 163, 167, 170, 175, 188


goals, 135

improving effectiveness of day-to-day, 11

OPF (Organizational Process Focus) Process Area, 49, 120, 132–133, 163, 167

developing and sustaining team, 162–164

OPP (Organizational Process Performance) Process Area, 49, 163, 175

Organizational learning, 10

Organizational Scan, 152


alignment with, 133

appraised against CMMI, 21–22

appraising processes, 30–31, 121

baseline of capability, 56

building and sustaining sponsorship, 30

business strategy, 137

communicating with and sustaining sponsorship, 120–122

cultural environment, 111

evaluating improvement practices, 121

historical data, 73

history, 138

larger and more diverse, 30

less turnover, 72

measuring and modeling, 18

names for roles, 241

pain points related to solution, 124

process improvement for all sizes, 12–13

reward system, 137

sizes and consultants, 197

skills, 138

sponsorship, 137

strengths and weaknesses, 56

structure, 138

understanding current state, 137–144

value living, 110–111

values, 138

work practices, 137

Orientation stage, 165

OT (Organizational Training) Process Area, 49, 163, 167, 197

developing and sustaining team, 162–164

Overall improvement effort, 120


Pain points, 124

PAL (Process Asset Library), 32, 85, 98, 100

allocating too much resources to design, 175

basis for making decisions, 171

central knowledge base, 171

change requests against process assets management, 174

content and application of process guidance consistency, 172

creating and evolving, 170–175

critical attributes, 172–175

easy navigation, 173

easy searching, 173

effective learning environment, 171

elements required to support movement of behaviors, 172

encouraging use of process assets, 174

increasing adherence to preferred processes, 172

increasing participation of staff, 172

information relevance, 173

insufficient/inappropriate training, 175

lack of participation, 175

large organizations, 172

mechanisms for sharing knowledge, 171

multiple versions stored together, 174

multiple views of information, 173

print-focused documents, 175

reducing, planning, implementation, and training time, 172

reducing cost of project startup, 172

reducing unnecessary duplication of process assets, 171

reduction in time needed for planning, 172

reinforcing process definition concepts, 173

restrictive write/delete access, 174

secure tracking of document status, 174

small organizations, 172

specific areas for lessons learned, 189

transparent tracking of document use, 174

version and configuration management of key assets, 172

well designed and effectively deployed, 172

widespread read access, 174

working definition, 171

Parsing complex experiences differently, 207, 210

Partner Network, 163

PAs (Process Areas), 21

applying policies, 59

associating with product development life cycle, 77–78

Capability Level 0, 56

Capability Level 1, 56

Capability Level 2 Generic Goal, 55

Capability Levels, 55

capability rating, 57

choosing, 55

continuous representation, 55

dependencies, 59

engineering, 48

filtering, 76

Generic Practices and, 60

high maturity, 132

implementing practices, 135

improving capability, 21

matching projects with, 234

multiple projects for, 235

not meeting specific goals, 56

predetermined cluster of related, 54

predetermined set, 55

problems correctly mapped to, 76

Process Management, 49

profile chart, 54

Project Management, 49–50

set of findings and recommendations, 54

Specific Goals, 55, 57

Specific Practices and, 56, 157

staged appraisal, 56

staged representation, 55

Support, 50–51

supporting tasks, 62–64

Patterson-Conner Curve Adoption Stage, 253, 254, 255

PDCA(Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, 13

People, 5

affected by process change, 111

appropriate processes and, 6

issues in managing change, 199–202

parsing complex experiences differently, 207, 210

Peopleware (DeMarco and Lister), 202

Perceptions, 108

Performance baseline, 80

Personality typing, 111

Persuasion techniques, 122

Phased transition mechanisms, 251

PI (process improvement), 83

actively sponsoring, 30

additional approaches, 4

advantages and disadvantages of different-size efforts, 35–37

agile software development methods, 12–13

agility, xviii–xix

analysis, 82–84

capital-investment aspect, 31–32

CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration), 4

CMMI constellations, 220

CMMI guiding, 61–64

collateral activities supporting, 29

creativity, 109

decisions on, 71–72

developing and sustaining infrastructure, 31–32, 36

developing and sustaining mechanisms to perform, 112

driven by business value, 11–12

education events surrounding, 89

evaluating organizational improvement practices, 121

fear and panic, 108

figuring out place in decision cycle, 218

finding resources for, 218–219

history of, 3–4

imagination, 109

importance of, 29

infrastructure, 14, 161–162

initiatives maintaining orientation tracking effort and benefits, 107

integrating different related technologies, 221

intentional activity, 29

interoperable, 24–26

IPRC (International Process Research Consortium), 219–220

learning, 10–11

life cycle, xix

manager sponsorship, 30

manufacturing, 3

measurement and deployment infrastructure, 29

misperceptions, xviii

moving in direction toward, 218

pitfalls for initiatives, 39–40

project management skills and practices, 195–196

reasons for engaging in, 13

reasons to pursue, 71–72

recording, 113

resources for engaging, 14

risks, 103

selecting model for, 74–75

senior management supportive, 30

size-based advantages and disadvantages, 36

smaller organizations, xviii

software development, 3–4

SW-CMM (Capability Maturity Model for Software), 4

trying before buying, 65

underestimating tasks, 39

value for organizations, 12–13

PI (Process Improvement) case study

Analyze stage, 97–98

Commit stage, 98

Decide stage, 93–96, 100–101

PI Steering Group, 98

Reflect stage, 99–100

Try stage, 96–97

PI (Product Integration) Process Area, 48

PI Steering Group, 98

PIID templates, 157

PIIDs (Process Implementation Indicator Documents), 156–158

Pilot projects

adoptability, 192

finding and selecting for implementation, 191–197

process and technology improvements, 192

staffing, 195–197

technical feasibility, 192

understanding adoption population, 192–195

Pilot toolkit, 96

Piloting processes, 33

PIV (Pain-Impact-Vision Cycle), 123–125

Please Understand Me (Keirsey and Bates), 111

PMC (Project Monitoring and Control) Process Area, 50

Points-of-interest view, 66–67

Policies, 52

applying to Process Areas, 59

building and sustaining sponsorship, 30

Polo, Marco, xx

Post-iteration analysis, 18

Post-mortem, 86

PP(Project Planning) Process Area, 50

PPQA(Process and Product Quality Assurance) Process Area, 51


attempting reasonable implementation, 58

deploying, 84–85

identifying risks, 73

participants with useful perspective, 76

Predictable schedules, 72

Presson, Shawn, 87

Principle information, 183

Prioritizing ideas, 262

PRM (Process Reference Model), 22–23

Problems, 82

analyzing past, 132

applying SW-CMM to, 4

correctly mapped to Process Areas, 76

identifying top five, 99

kinds solved by model, 76

matching model elements to, 75

new uses for existing objects, 109

using things at hand to solve, 109

Problem-solving strategies, 122–123

Procedure information, 183

Procedures and Information Mapping, 98

Proceedings of the 1st International Researcher’s Workshop on Process Improvement in Small Settings, 221

Process asset, 171

Process Champion, 249

Process Change Management method, 152

Process description ground rules for, 243

incorporating process guidance into, 244

One-Hour Process Description method, 238–245

problems adapting, 188

technique, 96

Process Developer, 250

Process diagraming

Rummler-Brache diagrams, 186

swim-lane diagrams, 186

techniques, 186–188

Process guidance

Acting like natives, 112

combining types, 182

developing, 181–188

difficulty finding information in, 182

future reference on doing something, 181

inconsistent, 182

incorporating into process description, 244

Information Mapping, 182–186

Process diagraming techniques, 186–188

purpose of, 181

roles and skill levels, 182

shared model for organizing, 182

too much or too little, 182

Process improvement consultants, 196

Process improvement life cycles, 13, 32

agile methods, 18

DLI (Decision-based Lifecycle for Improvement), 19

focusing on activities needed to accomplished, 67

IDEAL model, 13–15

QIP (Quality Improvement Paradigm), 16–18

Six Sigma, 15

Process information, 184

Process Management Process Areas, 49

Process Owner, 249

Processes, 6

activities for improvements, 14

adopting too quickly, 39

appraising, 121

appropriate, 5–6

as-is, 111

building and sustaining sponsorship, 30

capturing and sharing knowledge, 9–10

changing, 32

content, 51–52

controlled documentation, 52

creating and documenting, 80

defining and following, 52

defining requirements for, 32

definition, 173, 186

deploying, 32–34, 37

descriptions and transition mechanisms, 85

designing, 33

detecting variation in performance, 53

double-loop learning, 86

effective, 6

ensuring defined followed, 51–52

Environment, 5

explicitly defining and tailoring qualities,


fitting task, 9

as foreign element, 187

gaps between intended state and current

processes, 14

identifying architecture, 238

identifying risks, 81

implementing, 33

improvable infrastructure, 52

improving, 9–10

improving and evaluating content, 48

improving capability, 52–53

improving performance, 48

infeasible contexts, 187

interaction, 12

learning about, 9

learning from, 14

managing appraisal life cycle, 30–31

mapping to standards, 25

measure of variation, 15

monitoring against historical data, 53

multiple versions of, 186–187

objectively evaluating, 53

One-Hour Process Description method, 240–241

people and, 5, 111

piloting, 33

planning, 52

policy, 52

problems adoption, 39

product development, 33

quick application of changes and feedback, 18

reference model choices, 20–26

related critical success factors, 52

relationships between qualities, 18

resources for, 52

role in business, 5–7

roles and deployment, 246–247

standardization, 6, 53, 187–188

technical feasibility, 192

technology, 5

testing, 33, 192

understanding, 18, 32

unifying standards with, 24

variations in communications of, 187

well-thought-out, 5–6

work aids to execute, 81

Process-influence triangle, 105

Product and Process QA Process Area, 78

Product development

life cycle and associating Process Areas, 77–78

as primary focus, 46–47

versus process deployment, 33

Product Development constellation, 47, 220

Product Integration Process Area, 78, 180–181

Product Testing/Verification stage, 78

Product versus process development phases, 180

Productivity, changing measure for, 147


controlled documentation, 52

meeting quality specifications, 52

relationships between qualities, 18

understanding, 18

version control, 12


definition of goals and mechanisms used to measure, 34

impacting, 104–105

measurement framework, 107

measures, 148

no baseline data to compare, 40

Project management

above-the-line planning, 38–39

below-the-line planning, 38–39

different, 38

finding and recruiting staff, 196

focus on, 72

improving, 95

issues, 38–39

language, 94

literature available on, 38

models and, 38

skills and practices, 195–196

support and, 55

Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide, 12

Project Management Process Areas, 49–50

Project Monitoring & Control Process Area, 78

Project Planning Process Area, 78

Project Retrospectives: AHandbook for Team Reviews (Kerth), 87

Project Support policy, 59

Projects, 77, 79

appropriate for Process Areas, 76

buy-in, 79

feeding back information for control, 18

good candidates for testing new processes, 76

hijacking, 107

how well plan was followed, 83

initial and longer-term objectives, 46

integration failure, 51

keeping sponsor interest, 119

matching with PAs, 234

measuring and modeling, 18

multiple for each PA, 235

performing consistently on projects, 73

recommendations for future improvements, 17

reflecting risks that identified, 79–80

resolving issues formally and early, 52

retrospective techniques, 86–87, 106

short life cycle, 235

Proposal/Initial Planning stage, 78

PSM (Practical System and Software Measurement) conference, 266

PSM (Practical System and Software Measurement) materials, 177

PSM Web site, 177

PSQT (Practical Software Quality and Testing) conferences, 266


QIP (Quality Improvement Paradigm), 16–18, 20

QPM (Quantitative Project Management) Process Area, 50, 175

Quality paradigm, 72

Quality products and services, 72–73

Quality Software Management Volume 4:

Anticipating Change (Weinberg), 127

Quality-control standards, 22

Quality-management standards, 22

Quality-management system requirements,


Quantitative learning, 10


Radar chart, 138

RD (Requirements Development) Process

Area, 48, 78, 180

Readiness/fit analysis, 105–106

Realistic, 229

Realistic/relevant goals, 134

Reference models, 31

advisors, 77

arbiter for disagreements, 20

big picture and, 20

choices, 20–26

CMMI, 21–22

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology), 24

common framework and language, 20

concentrating on improving more than

creating, 20

critical success factors for most common

processes, 20

forgoing, 20

interoperable process improvement, 24–26

ISO 9000 series, 22

ISO 15504/12207/15288, 22–23

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 23

supported by training, consulting, and

ancillary literature, 20

Reflect stage, 69–70, 86–88, 106

PI case study, 99–100


project retrospective techniques, 86–87

on what went well, 18

Reifer, Don, 146

Relevance, 229

Information Mapping, 185

Relevant stakeholders, 121

Remember where you are, 106–107

Renewal stage, 166

Repeatability, 3–4

Repository of artifacts, 99

REQM (Requirements Management)

Process Area, 48, 59, 78, 180, 241

Requirements Elicitation stage, 78

Requirements for processes, 32


building and sustaining sponsorship, 30

CBA (CMMI-based Business Analysis), 230–235

conferences, 265–257

CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) technique

and Chaos Cocktail Party, 262–264

finding for process improvement, 218–219

infusion and diffusion measurement, 245–261

journals, magazines and e-zines, 270

One-Hour Process Description method, 238–245

RFA (Readiness and Fit Analysis), 235–237

setting SMART goals, 228–230

tools and techniques, 227–271

Web sites, 267–270

Results of SEI Independent Research and Development Projects and Report on Emerging Technologies and Technology Trends (SEI), 15

Review Status with Higher Level Management Generic Practice, 121–122

Reward System, 137, 142

Reward system-related statements, 140

RFA(Readiness and Fit Analysis), 73, 96, 137

bar-chart version, 138, 139

identification of conditions or risks, 138

list of risks to mitigate, 138

performing, 235–237

radar chart, 138, 140

risk analysis, 143

risk-identification part, 138, 144

summary profile, 138

Technology Assumptions Table, 73

Risk Management Process Area, 78, 191

Risks, 125

affecting ideas, 79–80, 144

analysis and RFA(Readiness and Fit

Analysis), 143

fewer, 80

identifying, 73

less-severe, 80

minimizing, 80

process improvement, 103

watching for, 82

Rogers, Everett, 192, 255

ROI (Return on Investment), 145–147, 255

improving processes, 12

Root causes, 262

Root-cause analysis and CSI (Crime Scene

Investigation) technique, 86–87

Rule-based searches, 173

Rummler-Brache diagrams, 186


SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), 12

Sales concepts

building and sustaining support, 122–127

Buyer’s Risk Cycle, 125–127

PIV (Pain-Impact-Vision Cycle), 123–125

Sales strategies and problem-solving strate-

gies, 122–123

Satir, Virginia, 127

Satir Change Model, 127, 199–202

Acting like natives, 112

Adoption Commitment Curve and, 206

Chaos block, 200, 201

flow chart, 200

Integration & Status stages, 201

Integration and Practice stage, 82

New Status Quo, 200

Old Status Quo, 127, 200

Remember where you are, 107

size up situation, 105

timing of cycle, 127

Transforming idea, 200, 201

Vanquish fear and panic, 108

Satir Communication Model, 202

SCAMPI (Standard CMMI Appraisal

Method for Process Improvement), 57, 152

Lead Appraiser, 163

SCAMPI A appraisal, 158

SCAMPI C level assessment, 96

SCAMPI Distilled (Ahern et al), 151

SCAMPI Web site, 268

Schaeffer, Mark, 46

Scrum, xviii

SE2 (South East Software Engineering)

conference, 266

Secrets of Consulting (Weinberg), 202

Security Management document set, 23

SEI (Software Engineering Institute), 21, 46, 219, 267

case-study information, 113

SEPM (Software Engineering Process

Management) program, 221

value networks, 203

SEI model for consultants, 198–199

SEI Partner Network, 163, 167, 197, 219

SEI Partner Network Directory Web site, 268

SEI Web site, 177, 220, 268

CMMI adoption pages, 13

“CMMI Today” folder, 21

information on phases of IDEAL, 14

Proceedings of the 1st International Researcher’s Workshop on Process Improvement in Small Settings, 221

SEIR (Software Engineering Information

Repository), 163–164

Senior leadership team, 167

Senior management

endorsement by, 40

no active commitment or engagement, 40

shorter expression of capability, 56

supportive of process improvement, 30

SEPG (Software Engineering Process

Group) conference, 15, 169, 219

SEPG (System and Software Engineering

Process Group) conferences, 265–266

SEPM (Software Engineering Process Management) program, 221

Service Delivery document set, 23

Service Support document set, 23

Services constellation, 220

Shared experiences, 210

Shared knowledge, 10

Shared vision, 133–136

Shewhart cycle, 13

Single-loop learning, 86

Situation, sizing up, 104–105

Sivy, Jeannine, 15

Six Sigma, 4, 15, 20

Six Sigma Web site, 269

Sizing up situation, 104–105

Skill and knowledge requirements, 180

Skills, 112, 138, 143

Skills-related statements, 141

Small businesses and organizations

helping, xviii

process improvement, 12

Smaller organizations

PAL (Process Asset Library), 172

process improvement, xviii

SMART goals, 134

achievable/attainable, 229

customer-quadrant business goals, 228

customer-quadrant improvement goals, 228

for first DLI cycle, 136

Maturity Level goals, 135–136

measurable, 228–229

realistic, 229

relevance, 229

setting, 228–230

Specific, 228

time-basis, 229


development and process improvement, 3–4

ISO standards, 22–23

organizations improving operational effectiveness, 11

Software Development magazine, 270

Software Engineering Division of the U.S. Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command, 266

Software Engineering Information Repository Web site, 268

Software Engineering Institute (Carnegie Mellon University), 4, 13

Software Engineering Lab at NASA Web site, 269–270

Software Engineering Laboratory at NASA Web site, 177

Software Engineering Process Group Guide, 169

Software Guru Conference, 266

Software industry and improving performance, 21–22

Software Measurement Process, 177

Software process improvement, 4

Software process improvement model, 46

Software Technology Support Center (Hill Air Force Base), 267

Solution, 125

Solution Selling, 122–123

Solve the problem goals, 136

Source Lines of Code measure, 147

Specific, 228

Specific goals, 55–57, 131, 134

Specific Practices associated with Specific Goals, 57

SPIN (Software Process Improvement Network) group, 95

SPIN resources, 219

SPIP journal, 270

Sponsors, 107

being, 127–129

business impact of pain areas, 124

confidence investment is reaping benefits, 121

keeping interest in project, 119

moving from business-impact realization to Vision, 124–125

moving from latent pain to acute pain, 124

progress being made toward objectives, 120

progress consistent with business goals, 120

providing right resources, 119

right decision to become, 120

seeking, 122–127

working as team, 164

Sponsorship, 142

building and sustaining, 30, 35

communicating with and sustaining, 120–122

developing and sustaining, 119

organization leadership changing, 119

requirements, 180

size-based advantages and disadvantages, 35

Sponsorship-related statements, 139

SQP (Software Quality Professional) magazine, 270

SSTC (Software Technology Support Center), 270

SSTC (Systems and Software Technology Conference), 267

Staged appraisal Process Areas, 56

Staged representation, 53–57

Process Areas, 55


adoption of new set of practices or new technology, 68

learning behavior, 211


communications, 207–215

coordination and collaboration of project with, 121–122

Standard processes, 6, 187–188

Standardization, 52

“Standardization as an Adoption Enabler for Project Management Practice” (Garcia), 5

Standardizing processes, 53

Standards, 24–26

Standards provider, 23

Statements, 139–141

Sticky Minds e-zine, 270

Stockholders, value for, 72

Strategic learning, 10

Strategic Planning references, 134

Strategy, 142

Strategy-related statements, 139

Stress and change, 105

Structure, 143

Structure information, 184

Structure-related statements, 141

Subject-matter experts, 238

Success criteria, 96, 132–136


easier to quit than go forward, 110

evaluating, 18

learning from, 188

measuring, 144–148

mental and emotional strength, 110

packaging and reusing, 18

paying attention to, 107

Summary profile, 138

Supplier Agreement Management Process Area, 197

Support, 107

Support Process Areas, 50–51


Acting like natives, 111–112

Improvise, 109

Live by your wits, learn basic skills, 112–113

remember where you are, 106–107

size up situation, 104–105

undue haste makes waste, 105–106

Value living, 110–111

vanquish fear and panic, 107–108

Survival Guide, 98

SW Guru magazine, 270

SW-CMM (Capability Maturity Model for Software), 4

Swim-lane diagrams, 186, 188

System development and ISO standards, 22–23

Systematic Process Improvement Using ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI (Mutafelija and Stromberg), 22, 75

Systems and Software Consortium, 24

Systems engineering process improvement model, 46

System/Software Engineering Process Group conference, 164


Targets for profiles, 253

Task/CMMI cross reference, 62–64


above-the-line planning, 38–39

approaches to, 61

below-the-line planning, 38–39

helpful individuals or groups, 195

importance of, 39

judging completion, 39

organizing, 61

process fitting, 9

repeatability, 3–4

underestimating, 39

TBA-IPI Improvise, 109

Teaching-to-the-test strategy, 34

Team Leader’s Guide, 167

Team Performance model, 79, 167

Team-building, 111

Teams, 77, 79

buy-in, 79

developing, 164–167

developing and sustaining, 162–164

Drexler-Sibbett Team Performance Model, 164

external consultants, 169–170

In-process evaluations, 189

internal focal point, 169

internal part-time improvement teams, 169–170

internal PI group, 169–170

Joiner and Associations high-performance team approach, 164

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 202

no ongoing infrastructure, 168

organization, 167–170

part time members, 168–169

permanent consultant to, 99

senior leadership, 167

senior-management sponsor, 168–169

senior-management steering group, 169–170

single focal point for improvement, 168–169

skills, 163

staffing, 167–170

training services, 163–164

Technical activities

guidance, 51

support processes, 51–52

Technical feasibility pilots, 192

Techniques, experimenting with, 18

Technologies, 5–6

identifying risks, 73

Technology adoption

effective use of approaches, 202–203

measurement, 106–107

methods, 80

Technology Assumptions Table, 73, 141

Testing processes, 33

Throughout Life Cycle stage, 78

Time and cost constraints, 180

Time-based/tangible goals, 134

Time-basis, 229

To-be processes, 238, 241

Toolkit Materials Web site, 269

Tools, taking stock of, 105

Tools and techniques resources, 227–271

TQM (Total Quality Management), 4

force-field diagram, 109

not requiring reference model, 20

Trained facilitator, 81

Training, 52, 215

detaching-stage people, 211

fluent-stage people, 211

following-stage people, 211

improvement participants, 112

materials, 32

preventing fear and panic, 108

searching for services, 163–164

shortening time for, 181

users on new guidance, 81–82

Transforming idea, 128

Transition mechanisms, 85, 211

categorized by Adoption Commitment Curve categories, 212–214

communication mechanisms, 211

deploying changes, 205–206

gaps, 98

implementation mechanisms, 211–212

training, 215

Transparent process architecture, 24–26

TransPlant, 203

The Travels of Marco Polo, xx, 42, 90, 116, 224

Trial Use stage, 69, 213, 252, 257

diffusion events, 259

Trials, 83–84

Trust Building stage, 165

Truth and breaking panic cycle, 108

Try before you buy, 65

Try stage, 69–70

PI case study, 96–97

TS (Technical Solution) Process Area, 48, 78, 180–181

TSP (Team Software Process), 186

Type Talk at Work, 202


Understanding stage, 69, 212, 215, 252, 255, 257

diffusion events, 258–259

including restructuring and shared experiences, 210

Understanding Variation (Wheeler), 176

Undue haste makes waste, 105–106

Unified Process Improvement Architecture, 24–26

University of Maryland, 16

U.S. Army Survival Manual, 103–104

U.S. Department of Defense, 4, 21

U.S. Office of the Secretary of Defense, 46

User Acceptance Testing/Release stage, 78

User Doer, 250

User Manager, 249

User-defined criteria, 173

Users, training on new guidance, 81–82


VAL (Validation) Process Area, 48

Validation, 180–181

Validation practices, 51

Validation Process Area, 78

Value living, 110–111

Value networks, 81, 203–205

Values, 138, 142

Values-related statements, 140

Vanquish fear and panic, 107–108

VER (Verification) Process Area, 48

Verification Process Area, 51, 78, 180–181

Version control, 60

Versions, managing, 51

Visibly responsive attribute, 228


Weapons, taking stock of, 105

Web sites, 267–270

Weinberg, Jerry, 202

What worked or didn’t work, 83

Work Practices, 137, 142


XYZ Process, implementing new practices for, 135


YAMMs (Yet Another Maturity Model), 4

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