• Abiotic factors, 12
  • Abyssopelagic ocean zone, 68
  • Acacia ants, 109
  • Acacia trees, 98
  • Acorns, 19
  • Activities
    • air-dry clay cactus, 59
    • algae observation, 136
    • on animal tracks, 34
    • bark and leaf rubbings, 35
    • beachcombing, 88
    • breathing leaves, 136
    • on broad leaf and need leaf comparisons, 33
    • building a burrow, 110
    • burrow building, 110
    • cacti garden, 60
    • chromatography, 32
    • desertscape diorama, 59
    • evaporation demonstration, 60
    • growing a floating plant, 137
    • growing grass, 112
    • mapping the desert, 61
    • nature journal(ing), 32, 58, 86, 110, 134
    • nature walks, 60, 111
    • ocean in a bottle, 87
    • painting prairies, 113
    • painting with evergreen branches, 35
    • pond dipping, 134
    • salt dough seashells, 87
    • salt painting, 86
    • seashore scavenger hunt, 89
    • sundial, making a, 61
    • tornado in a bottle, 113
    • on transpiration, 33
    • wetland model, 135
    • Aesculapian snakes, 29
  • Aestivation, 54
  • African common toads, 107
  • African fish eagle, 127
  • African silverbill, 53
  • African spurred tortoise, 55
  • African wild dogs, 103
  • Agave, 47
  • Algae, 120, 122, 132. See also Kelp and kelp forests
  • Algae observation, 136
  • Alligators, 126, 127
  • Alluvial fans, 42
  • American avocets, 83
  • Amoebas, 120
  • Amphibians. See Reptiles and amphibians
  • Animals
    • camouflage of, 22, 25, 102, 111
    • carnivore vs. herbivore, 100
    • of the desert, 48–51
    • of the grasslands, 100–103
    • grazing, 100
    • nocturnal, 48
    • of the seashore, 74–75
    • of the temperate forest, 22–25
    • of wetlands, 124–127
    • winter homes for, 22
  • Antarctic pearlwort, 47
  • Antarctic, the, 39
  • Anteaters, giant, 101
  • Ant hills, 56
  • Ants, acacia, 109
  • Aquifers, 118, 119
  • Arabian wolf, 51
  • Arches
    • in the desert, 42
    • seashore, 66
  • Aridisols, 43
  • Aridity and arid regions, 37, 40, 53, 118
  • Asian surfgrass, 85
  • Atacama, the, 39
  • Atlantic herring, 77
  • Atlantic oyster drills, 73
  • Auger shells, 72
  • Australian plague locusts, 109


  • Baboons, 100
  • Backpacks, 9
  • Bacteria, 120
  • Bald cypress trees, 122
  • Baobabs, 98
  • Bark rubbings, 35
  • Bark types, 17
  • Barnacles, 71
  • Barracudas, 79
  • Bathypelagic ocean zone, 68
  • Bats, 23, 45, 48, 49
  • Bay scallops, 73
  • Beach(es)
    • anatomy of, 64
    • formation of, 66
    • types of, 65
    • types of sand on, 67
  • Beach bean, 85
  • Beachcombing, 88
  • Beaks, bird, 82
  • Bearded dragons, 55
  • Bears, 22, 24, 25
  • Bear tracks, 34
  • Beavers, 124
  • Bees, 30, 31, 45
  • Beetles, 30, 57, 133
  • Bermuda grass, 99
  • Big Bird, 53
  • Binoculars, 9
  • Biogenic sand, 67
  • Biomes, 8
  • Biotic factors, 12
  • Bird life cycle, 104
  • Bird nests, 26
  • Birds
    • baby, 104
    • beaks, 82
    • of the desert, 52–53
    • of grasslands, 104–105
    • migration of, 26
    • migratory, 128
    • of prey, 52
    • of the seashore, 82–83
    • of the temperate forest, 26–27
    • of wetlands, 128–129
    • wings, 52
  • Bison, 101
  • Bivalve shells, 72
  • Blackbirds, 27
  • Black grouse, 105
  • Black-necked stilts, 83
  • Black-shouldered kite, 105
  • Black skimmers, 83
  • Bluefin, 79
  • Blue wildbeests, 101
  • Bogs, 117
  • Bottlenose dolphins, 81
  • Broad leaves, 18, 33
  • Brown pelicans, 83
  • Bumblebee, 22
  • Burrow, building a, 110
  • Burrowing owls, 105, 111
  • Butterflies, 30, 45, 57, 109


  • Cacti, 44, 46, 47
  • Cacti garden, 58
  • Cactus, air-dry clay, 58
  • Camels, 49
  • Canopy, forest, 13
  • Cape hare, 49
  • Carbon cycle, 95
  • Carnivores, 100, 106
  • Cattails, 123
  • Centipedes, 30, 57
  • Cheetahs, 102, 103, 111
  • Chipmunks, 23
  • Chipmunk tracks, 34
  • Chlorophyll, 15, 32
  • Chromatography, 32
  • Cicadas, 109
  • Clams and clam shells, 72, 73
  • Claws, bear, 24
  • Climate and weather
    • desert, 39, 40–41
    • grasslands, 94–95
    • temperate forest, 14
    • wetlands, 118–119
  • Coastal deserts, 39
  • Coastal fish, 76–77
  • Coastal lagoons, 66
  • Coastal landforms, 66
  • Coastal wetlands, 116, 119
  • Cobwebs, 30
  • Cocklebur, 98
  • Cockle shells, 72
  • Cold-blooded reptiles and amphibians, 28
  • Cold deserts, 39, 40
  • Common blenny, 77
  • Common blue butterfly, 109
  • Common duckweed, 123
  • Common kingfishers, 129
  • Common mussels, 73
  • Common pheasant, 105
  • Compass, 9
  • Conch shells, 72
  • Cone shells, 72
  • Coniferous trees, 18, 122
  • Continental sand, 67
  • Coral sand, 67
  • Cortex, 16
  • Cottonmouths, 127
  • Cougars (mountain lions), 34, 51
  • Coyotes, 50, 100, 102, 103, 106
  • Crabs, 71
  • Crayfish, 133
  • Crocodiles, 127


  • Deciduous trees, 15–17
    • about, 16
    • anatomy of, 16
    • chromatography experiment with, 32
    • coniferous trees vs., 18
    • differences among, 17
    • identifying different, 17
  • Decomposers, 30
  • Deer, 23, 125
  • Deer tracks, 34
  • Desert(s), 36–61
    • activities about, 58–61
    • animals, 48–51
    • birds of, 52–53
    • cactus habitat, 44
    • ecosystem, 38
    • formation of, 41
    • invertebrates of, 56–57
    • landforms in, 42
    • nighttime in, 38
    • overview, 37
    • plants of, 44, 46–47
    • pollinators, 45
    • reptiles and amphibians of, 54–55
    • soil, 43
    • trees, 47
    • types of, 39
    • weathering in, 41
  • Desert bloom, 40
  • Desert food chain, 50
  • Desert formation, 41
  • Desert locusts, 57
  • Desert sagebrush, 47
  • Desert sand, 43
  • Desert wetlands, 118
  • Diapause, of invertebrates, 30
  • Dingoes, 51
  • Diorama, desertscape, 57
  • Dogs, African wild, 103
  • Dolphin fins, 80
  • Dragonflies, 133
  • Duckweeds, 122, 123
  • Dunes. See Sand dunes
  • Dust storms, 40


  • Eagles, 51, 103, 127
  • Earthworms, 30, 31
  • Eastern auger, 73
  • Ecdysis, 130
  • Ecosystem
    • desert, 38–57
    • grassland, 92–93
    • sand dune, 67
    • seashore, 64–85
    • temperate forest, 12–31
    • wetland, 116–133
  • Ectothermic reptiles and amphibians, 28
  • Elephant grass, 99
  • Emperor penguin, 53
  • Entisols, 43
  • Epidendron, 122
  • Epilithon, 122
  • Epipelagic ocean zone, 68
  • Epipelon, 122
  • Epiphyton, 122
  • Eurasian blackbirds, 27
  • Eurasian coots, 129
  • Eurasian grass spiders, 109
  • Eurasian lynx, 25
  • European beach grass, 85
  • European field cricket, 109
  • European tree frogs, 131
  • Evaporation, 40, 60
  • Evergreen branches, painting with, 35
  • Evergreen trees, 18, 19
  • Exoskeleton(s), 30, 56, 71, 72


  • Fangs, snake, 130
  • Feather boa kelp, 85
  • Feathers, bird, 52, 104
  • Ferns, 20, 21
  • Fiddler crabs, 133
  • Finches, 26
  • Fins, 77, 79, 80, 88
  • Fires, grassland, 94
  • First aid kits, 9
  • Fish
    • coastal, 76–77
    • life cycle of a, 76
    • wetland, 124
  • Five-lined skink, 29
  • Flamingo beaks, 82
  • Food chain
    • desert, 50
    • forest, 24
    • grassland, 102
    • seashore, 78
    • wetland, 126
  • Footprints, animal, 34
  • Forbs, 98
  • Forests. See Temperate forests
  • Foxes, 25
  • Fox tracks, 34
  • Frogs, 28, 29, 130, 131
  • Fungi, forest, 21
  • Funnel webs, 30
  • Fur, animal, 34


  • Garden, growing a cacti, 58
  • Garner snake, 22
  • Gastropods, 72
  • Giant anteaters, 101
  • Giant trevally, 79
  • Gila monsters, 55
  • Glass sand, 67
  • Goannas, 55
  • Golden eagles, 51
  • Goldenrod, 99
  • Goldenrod soldier beetles, 109
  • Grass(es)
  • Grasshopper life cycle, 108
  • Grassland(s), 91–113
    • activities related to, 110–113
    • animals of, 100–103
    • birds of, 104–105
    • carbon cycle in, 97
    • composition of a, 92
    • ecosystem, 92–93
    • fires, 94
    • invertebrates of, 108–109
    • overview, 91
    • plants in, 98–99
    • reptiles and amphibians of, 106–107
    • soil in, 97
    • types of, 93
  • Gray squirrels, 23
  • Gray wolves, 25
  • Grazing animals, 100
  • Great Basin, the, 39
  • Great crested newt, 131
  • Great Plains skink, 107
  • Great spotted woodpecker, 27
  • Green anaconda, 127
  • Guanacos, 49
  • Gulls, 83


  • Habitat
    • cactus, 44
    • tide pool, 71
  • Haboobs (dust storms), 40
  • Hadalpelagic ocean zone, 68
  • Hares, 23
  • Harris’s hawks, 52
  • Hawfinch, 27
  • Hawks, 25, 26, 52, 106
  • Headlands, 66
  • Heartwood, 16
  • Herbaceous plants, 21
  • Herbivore animals, 100
  • Herb layer, in the forest, 13
  • Hermit crabs, 73
  • Herons, 129
  • Hibernation, 22
  • High tide area, 70
  • Hikes, 9
  • Hippopotamuses, 125
  • Hives, bee, 31
  • Horseshoe crabs, 75
  • Hot deserts, 39, 40
  • Hummingbird beaks, 82
  • Hummingbirds, 27, 45
  • Humpback whales, 81
  • Hurricanes, 119
  • Hydras, 120
  • Hyenas, 50, 51


  • Identification books, 9
  • Igneous rocks, 43
  • Inland wetlands, 116
  • Insects. See Invertebrates
  • Inselbergs, 42
  • Intertidal zone, 71, 72
  • Invertebrates
    • of the desert, 56–57
    • of the grasslands, 108–109
    • of the seashore, 75
    • of the temperate forest, 30–31
    • of wetlands, 132–133


  • Jan’s banded snake, 55
  • Javelina, 49
  • Jaws, of predators, 126
  • Jellyfish, 75
  • Jerboa, 49
  • Jungle cats, 127


  • Kangaroos, 101
  • Kelp and kelp forests, 84, 85


  • Lagoons, 66
  • Landforms
    • coastal (seashore), 66
    • desert, 42
  • Larvae, 28, 76, 109, 132
  • Leaf rubbings, 35
  • Leaves
    • broad and needle, 33
    • chromatography activity with, 32
    • conifer vs. deciduous, 18
    • falling, 15
    • shapes of, 17
    • in the temperate forest, 15
    • transpiration and, 33
  • Leopard tortoises, 107
  • Lichens, 21
  • Life cycle
    • amphibian, 28
    • of an oak tree, 19
    • bird, 104
    • cactus, 46
    • of a fern, 20
    • of a fish, 76
    • grasshopper, 108
    • mosquito, 132
    • reptile, 106
  • Lightning whelks, 73
  • Lions, 102, 103
  • Lithic sand, 67
  • Lizards, 28, 55, 107, 111
  • Locusts, 109
  • Logs, rotting, 13
  • Longhorned ticks, 31
  • Lotuses, 122
  • Low tide area, 70
  • Lupines, 98
  • Lynx tracks, 34


  • Magnifying lenses, 9
  • Malabar grouper, 79
  • Manatees, 81
  • Mangrove terrapin, 131
  • Mangrove trees and shrubs, 119, 123
  • Marsh deer, 125
  • Marshes, 117, 118
  • Marsh grasses, 123
  • Mesas, 42
  • Mesopelagic ocean zone, 68
  • Metamorphic rocks, 43
  • Metaphyton, 122
  • Mid-intertidal zone, 70
  • Migratory birds, 128
  • Mindfulness, 9
  • Mixed grass prairies, 113
  • Mollusks, 72
  • Monarch butterflies, 57
  • Moose, 125
  • Moose scat, 34
  • Mosquito life cycle, 132
  • Mosses, 21
  • Moths, 31
  • Mountain lions, 51
  • Mushrooms, 21
  • Muskrats, 125
  • Mussels, 71, 72, 73


  • Narrow-leaved rattle, 99
  • Nature experiences, 9
  • Nature journal(ing), 9, 32, 58, 86, 110, 134
  • Nature school, 8–9
  • Nature walks, 9, 60, 111
  • Needle leaves, 33, 35
  • Nets, 9
  • Newts, 29
  • Nocturnal animals, 38, 48
  • Nymphs, 108


  • Oak trees, 19
  • Ocean in a bottle activity, 87
  • Oceans and ocean zones, 68–69
  • Ochre sea star, 75
  • Octopuses, 75
  • Olive baboons, 101
  • Omnivores, 25, 100
  • Opossums, 34, 125
  • Orca, 81
  • Ornate box turtle, 29
  • Oryx, 49
  • Ostriches, 53
  • Owl pellet, 34
  • Owls, 26, 27, 53, 105, 106
  • Oysters, 72


  • Painted storks, 129
  • Pampas, 93
  • Pampas grass, 99
  • Paws, bear, 24
  • Pearlwort, 47
  • Peat, 121
  • Pelican beaks, 82
  • Pelicans, brown, 83
  • Penguins, 53
  • Peregrine falcons, 52, 61, 82
  • Pharaoh eagle owls, 53
  • Phloem, 16
  • Photosynthesis, 11, 15, 20, 32, 35, 97, 136
  • Phytoplankton, 74, 78
  • Pied honeyeaters, 53
  • Pillbugs, 30
  • Pine cone, in forest food chain, 24
  • Piping plovers, 82, 83
  • Plants
    • activity on breathing leaves of, 136
    • desert, 39, 40, 44, 46–47
    • in the grasslands, 98–99
    • growing your own floating, 137
    • herbaceous, 21
    • seashore, 84–85
    • of the temperate forest, 20–21
    • transpiration in, 14
    • of wetlands, 122–123
  • Playas, 42
  • Pocket microscope, 9
  • Pollen, 19
  • Pollinators and pollination, 30, 45, 56, 99, 108
  • Polyphemus moth, 31
  • Pond dipping, 134
  • Porcupines, 23
  • Prairie chickens, 105
  • Prairie dogs, 100, 101
  • Prairie, painting a, 113
  • Prairie rattlesnakes, 107
  • Prairies, 93, 113
  • Precipitation
    • in deserts, 37, 40
    • grassland, 94, 102
    • in the temperate forest, 14
    • in the wetlands, 118
  • Predators
    • of the desert, 50–51
    • fish, 78–79
    • fish in the seashore, 78–79
    • of grasslands, 100, 102–103
    • invertebrate, 30
    • of the temperate forest, 24–25
    • in wetlands, 126–127, 130
  • Prey, 24. See also Predators
  • Pronghorn, 101
  • Protists, 84
  • Purple coneflowers, 99


  • Rabbits, 23, 34, 111, 125
  • Raccoons, 22, 125
  • Rainfall. See Precipitation
  • Raptors, 52, 82, 105, 106
  • Rattlesnakes, 50, 55, 107
  • Red foxes, 25
  • Red kangaroos, 101
  • Red sand verbena, 85
  • Red-tailed hawks, 25
  • Reptile life cycle, 106
  • Reptiles and amphibians
    • of the desert, 54–55
    • of the grasslands, 106–107
    • life cycle of amphibians, 28
    • shedding outer layer of skin, 130
    • of the temperate forest, 28–29
    • of wetlands, 130–131
  • Rheas, 105
  • Ribbed mussels, 133
  • River canyons, 42
  • Roadrunners, 53
  • Rock cycle, 43
  • Rock goby, 77
  • Roman snail, 31
  • Roots, tree, 16
  • Rotifers, 120
  • Ruby-throated hummingbird, 27
  • Runoff, 69


  • Sagebrush, desert, 47
  • Sahara desert, 39
  • Salamanders, 28
  • Salinity, 69, 121
  • Salt deposits, 69
  • Salt dough seashells, 87
  • Salt marsh snakes, 131
  • Salt painting, 86
  • Sand
    • desert, 43
    • types of seashore, 67
  • Sand dollars, 75, 88
  • Sand dunes, 42, 64, 67
  • Sanderlings, 83
  • Sandpiper beak, 82
  • Saplings, 19
  • Sapwood, 16
  • Savannas, 91, 93, 94, 98
  • Scales, of reptiles, 28
  • Scallops, 72
  • Scallop shells, 72
  • Scat, 34
  • Scorpions, 48, 50, 57
  • Sea anemones, 71, 75
  • Sea glass, 88
  • Seagull beaks, 82
  • Seahorses, 77
  • Sea lions, 81
  • Seals, 80
  • Sea otters, 81
  • Seashells, 72–73, 88
  • Seashore, 63–89
    • activities related to the, 86–88
    • birds of, 82–83
    • coastal fish of, 76–77
    • coastal landforms, 66–67
    • coastal wetlands and, 119
    • ecosystem, 64–65
    • marine mammals of, 80–81
    • the ocean and, 68–69
    • oceans, 68–69
    • overview, 63
    • plants of, 84–85
    • predatory fish of, 78–79
    • seashells on, 72–73
    • tides on the, 70–71
  • Seasons, 14, 15, 40, 94
  • Sea stars, 71, 75, 88
  • Sea turtles, 64, 74
  • Sea urchins, 84
  • Seaweed, 85
  • Sedimentary rocks, 43
  • Seed dispersal, 98
  • Semiarid deserts, 39
  • Senses, predator, 50
  • Seven-spot laydbird, 31
  • Sexual dimorphism, 128
  • Shark fins, 80
  • Sharks, 79
  • Shark teeth, 78, 88
  • Sheet webs, 30
  • Shoebills, 129
  • Short grass prairies, 113
  • Shrub layer, in the forest, 13
  • Shrubs, 21
  • Six-finger threadfin, 77
  • Smooth newt, 29
  • Snails, 31, 73
  • Snakes, 28, 29, 47, 55, 127, 130, 131
  • Snake shed, 34
  • Snapping turtles, 131
  • Soil
    • desert, 43
    • grassland, 95
    • in grasslands, 97
    • wetland, 121
  • Songbirds, 27
  • Sonoran Desert toads, 55
  • Souther stingrays, 77
  • Sphagnum mosses, 123
  • Sphinx moths, 57
  • Spiders, 30, 57, 109
  • Spits, 66
  • Splash zone, 70
  • Squirrels, 23
  • Steppe eagles, 103
  • Steppe region, 93
  • Stipa grass, 47
  • Stomata of a plant, 14, 44
  • Storks, 129
  • Striped legless lizard, 107
  • Subtidal zone, 70
  • Sundews, 123
  • Sundial, 61
  • Sunflowers, 98, 99
  • Supplies, 9
  • Swamp rabbits, 125
  • Swamps, 117


  • Tadpoles, 28
  • Tall grass prairies, 113
  • Tarantulas, 57
  • Tawny owls, 27
  • Teeth, shark, 78
  • Temperate forests, 11–35
    • activities about the, 32–35
    • animals of, 22–25
    • birds of, 26–27
    • ecosystem, 12
    • food chain, 24
    • invertebrates of, 30–31
    • levels of, 13
    • overview, 11
    • plants of, 20–21
    • reptiles and amphibians of, 28–29
    • seasons of the, 14
    • trees of, 15–19
  • Temperatures
    • in the desert, 38, 39, 40
    • in the grasslands, 94
  • Ticks, 31
  • Tide pool habitat, 71
  • Tides and tidal zones, 70–71
  • Tiger sharks, 79
  • Toads, 28, 29, 55, 107
  • Tombolos, 66
  • Toothed wrack, 85
  • Tornadoes, 95
  • Tornado in a bottle, 113
  • Tortoises, 55, 107, 111
  • Tracks, animal, 34
  • Transpiration, 14, 33
  • Trees
    • canopy of, 13
    • cypress, 122
    • deciduous, 15–17
    • desert, 47
    • life cycle of oak, 19
    • mangrove, 119, 123
    • oak, 19
    • understory of, 13
  • Tree shapes, 17
  • Trunks, tree, 16
  • Turkeys, 26, 27
  • Turret shells, 72
  • Turtles, 28, 29, 131. See also Sea turtles


  • Understory, 13
  • Urchins, 71


  • Vents, on the ocean floor, 69
  • Vernal ponds, 118
  • Vines, in the temperate forest, 21
  • Volcanic sand, 67
  • Vulture scat, 34


  • Walruses, 80, 81
  • Warblers, 26
  • Water bottles, 9
  • Water cycle, 120
  • Water lilies, 123
  • Water scorpion, 133
  • Water striders, 133
  • Waves, anatomy of, 69
  • Weasels, 23
  • Weather. See Climate and weather
  • Weathering, in the desert, 41
  • Webs, spider, 30
  • Wetlands, 115–139
    • activities related to, 134–137
    • animals of, 124–127
    • birds of, 128–129
    • composition of, 116
    • ecosystem, 116
    • fish of, 124
    • formation of, 118
    • invertebrates of, 132–133
    • overview, 115
    • plants of, 122–123
    • reptiles and amphibians of, 130–131
    • soil, 121
    • types of, 117
    • water moving through, 120–121
  • Whales, humpback, 81
  • Whale watching, 80
  • Wheel-shaped orb webs, 30
  • Whirligig beetles, 133
  • Wildflowers, 40, 98, 111
  • Wild turkeys, 27
  • Willows, 98
  • Wings, bird, 52. See also
  • Feathers, bird
  • Winter homes for animals, 22
  • Wolf scat, 34
  • Wolves, 25, 50, 51
  • Woodchuck, winter home for, 22
  • Woodpecker holes, 34
  • Woodpeckers, 26
  • Wrack, 64


  • Xerocoles, 48


  • Yellow-headed blackbirds, 129


  • Zebrafish, 77
  • Zooplankton, 74
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