Pro-Video Composite Interfaces

Digital composite video is essentially a digital version of a composite analog (M) NTSC or (B, D, G, H, I) PAL video signal. The sample clock rate is four times FSC: about 14.32 MHz for (M) NTSC and about 17.73 MHz for (B, D, G, H, I) PAL.

Usually, both 8-bit and 10-bit interfaces are supported, with the 10-bit interface used to transmit 2 bits of fractional video data to minimize cumulative processing errors and to support 10-bit ancillary data.

Table 4.26 lists the digital composite levels. Video data may not use the 10-bit values of 0×000–0×003 and 0×3FC−0×3FF, or the 8-bit values of 0×00 and 0xFF, since they are used for timing information.

Table 4.26. 10-Bit Video Levels for Digital Composite Video Signals
Video Level (M) NTSC (B, D, G, H, I) PAL
peak chroma 972 1040 (limited to 1023)
White 800 844
peak burst 352 380
Black 280 256
Blank 240 256
peak burst 128 128
peak chroma 104 128
Sync 16 4
NTSC Video Timing

There are 910 total samples per scan line, as shown in Figure 4.20. Horizontal count 0 corresponds to the start of active video, and a horizontal count of 768 corresponds to the start of horizontal blanking.

Figure 4.20. Digital Composite (M) NTSC Analog and Digital Timing Relationship.

Sampling is along the ±I and ±Q axes (33°, 123°, 213°, and 303°). The sampling phase at horizontal count 0 of line 10, Field 1 is on the +V axis (123°).

The sync edge values, and the horizontal counts at which they occur, are defined as shown in Figure 4.21 and Tables 4.27–4.29. 8-bit values for one color burst cycle are 45, 83, 75, and 37. The burst envelope starts at horizontal count 857, and lasts for 43 clock cycles, as shown in Table 4.27. Note that the peak amplitudes of the burst are not sampled.

Figure 4.21. Digital Composite (M) NTSC Sync Timing. The horizontal counts are shown with the corresponding 8-bit sample values in parentheses.

Table 4.27A. Digital Values During the Horizontal Blanking Intervals for Digital Composite (M) NTSC Video Signals
  8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value
Sample Fields 1, 3 Fields 2, 4 Fields 1, 3 Fields 2,4
768–782 3C 3C 0F0 0F0
783 3A 3A 0E9 0E9
784 29 29 0A4 0A4
785 11 11 044 044
786 04 04 011 011
787–849 04 04 010 010
850 06 06 017 017
851 17 17 05C 05C
852 2F 2F 0BC 0BC
853 3C 3C 0EF 0EF
854–856 3C 3C 0F0 0F0
857 3C 3C 0F0 0F0
858 3D 3B 0F4 0EC
859 37 41 0DC 104
860 36 42 0D6 10A
861 4B 2D 12C 0B4
862 49 2F 123 0BD
863 25 53 096 14A
864 2D 4B 0B3 12D
865 53 25 14E 092
866 4B 2D 12D 0B3
867 25 53 092 14E
868 2D 4B 0B3 12D
869 53 25 14E 092
870 4B 2D 12D 0B3
871 25 53 092 14E
872 2D 4B 0B3 12D
873 53 25 14E 092
Table 4.27B. Digital Values During the Horizontal Blanking Intervals for Digital Composite (M) NTSC Video Signals
  8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value
Sample Fields 1, 3 Fields 2, 4 Fields 1, 3 Fields 2,4
874 4B 2D 12D 0B3
875 25 53 092 14E
876 2D 4B 0B3 12D
877 53 25 14E 092
878 4B 2D 12D 0B3
879 25 53 092 14E
880 2D 4B 0B3 12D
881 53 25 14E 092
882 4B 2D 12D 0B3
883 25 53 092 14E
884 2D 4B 0B3 12D
885 53 25 14E 092
886 4B 2D 12D 0B3
887 25 53 092 14E
888 2D 4B 0B3 12D
889 53 25 14E 092
890 4B 2D 12D 0B3
891 25 53 092 14E
892 2D 4B 0B3 12D
893 53 25 14E 092
894 4A 2E 129 0B7
895 2A 4E 0A6 13A
896 33 45 0CD 113
897 44 34 112 0CE
898 3F 39 0FA 0E6
899 3B 3D 0EC 0F4
900–909 3C 3C 0F0 0F0
Table 4.28. Equalizing Pulse Values During the Vertical Blanking Intervals for Digital Composite (M) NTSC Video Signals
Fields 1, 3 Fields 2,4
Sample 8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value Sample 8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value
768–782 3C 0F0 313–327 3C 0F0
783 3A 0E9 328 3A 0E9
784 29 0A4 329 29 0A4
785 11 044 330 11 044
786 04 011 331 04 011
787–815 04 010 332–360 04 010
816 06 017 361 06 017
817 17 05C 362 17 05C
818 2F 0BC 363 2F 0BC
819 3C 0EF 364 3C 0EF
820–327 3C 0F0 365–782 3C 0F0
328 3A 0E9 783 3A 0E9
329 29 0A4 784 29 0A4
330 11 044 785 11 044
331 04 011 786 04 011
332–360 04 010 787–815 04 010
361 06 017 816 06 017
362 17 05C 817 17 05C
363 2F 0BC 818 2F 0BC
364 3C 0EF 819 3C 0EF
365–782 3C 0F0 820–327 3C 0F0
Table 4.29. Serration Pulse Values During the Vertical Blanking Intervals for Digital Composite (M) NTSC Video Signals
  Fields 1, 3 Fields 2,4
Sample 8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value Sample 8-bit Hex Value 10-bit Hex Value
782 3C 0F0 327 3C 0F0
783 3A 0E9 328 3A 0E9
784 29 0A4 329 29 0A4
785 11 044 330 11 044
786 04 011 331 04 011
787–260 04 010 332–715 04 010
261 06 017 716 06 017
262 17 05C 717 17 05C
263 2F 0BC 718 2F 0BC
264 3C 0EF 719 3C 0EF
265–327 3C 0F0 720–782 3C 0F0
328 3A 0E9 783 3A 0E9
329 29 0A4 784 29 0A4
330 11 044 785 11 044
331 04 011 786 04 011
332–715 04 010 787–260 04 010
716 06 017 261 06 017
717 17 05C 262 17 05C
718 2F 0BC 263 2F 0BC
719 3C 0EF 264 3C 0EF
720–782 3C 0F0 265–327 3C 0F0

To maintain zero SCH phase, horizontal count 784 occurs 25.6 ns (33° of the subcarrier phase) before the 50% point of the falling edge of horizontal sync, and horizontal count 785 occurs 44.2 ns (57° of the subcarrier phase) after the 50% point of the falling edge of horizontal sync.

PAL Video Timing

There are 1135 total samples per line, except for two lines per frame which have 1137 samples per line, making a total of 709,379 samples per frame. Figure 4.22 illustrates the typical line timing. Horizontal count 0 corresponds to the start of active video, and a horizontal count of 948 corresponds to the start of horizontal blanking.

Figure 4.22. Digital Composite (B, D, G, H, I) PAL Analog and Digital Timing Relationship.

Sampling is along the ±U and ±V axes (0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°), with the sampling phase at horizontal count 0 of line 1, Field 1 on the +V axis (90°).

8-bit color burst values are 95, 64, 32, and 64, continuously repeated. The swinging burst causes the peak burst (32 and 95) and zero burst (64) samples to change places. The burst envelope starts at horizontal count 1058, and lasts for 40 clock cycles.

Sampling is not H-coherent as with (M) NTSC, so the position of the sync pulses changes from line to line. Zero SCH phase is defined when alternate burst samples have a value of 64.

Ancillary Data

Ancillary data packets are used to transmit information (such as digital audio, closed captioning, and teletext data) during the blanking intervals. ITU-R BT.1364 and SMPTE 291M describe the ancillary data formats.

The ancillary data formats are the same as for digital component video, discussed earlier in this chapter. However, instead of a 3-word preamble, a one-word ancillary data flag is used, with a 10-bit value of 3FCH. There may be multiple ancillary data flags following the TRS-ID, with each flag identifying the beginning of another ancillary packet.

Ancillary data may be present within the following word number boundaries (see Figures 4.23 through 4.28).

795–849 972–1035 horizontal sync period
795–815 972–994 equalizing pulse periods
340–360 404–426  
795–260 972–302 vertical sync periods
340–715 404–869  
Figure 4.23. (M) NTSC TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Horizontal Sync Intervals.

Figure 4.24. (M) NTSC TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Vertical Sync Intervals.

Figure 4.25. (M) NTSC TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Equalizing Pulse Intervals.

Figure 4.26. (B, D, G, H, I) PAL TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Horizontal Sync Intervals.

Figure 4.27. (B, D, G, H, I) PAL TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Vertical Sync Intervals.

Figure 4.28. (B, D, G, H, I) PAL TRS-ID and Ancillary Data Locations During Equalizing Pulse Intervals.

User data may not use the 10-bit values of 0×000−0×003 and 0×3FC–0×3FF, or the 8-bit values of 0×00 and 0xFF, since they are used for timing information.

Parallel Interface

The SMPTE 244M 25-pin parallel interface is based on that used for 27 MHz 4:2:2 digital component video (Table 4.24), except for the timing differences. This interface is used to transfer SDTV resolution digital composite data. 8-bit or 10-bit data and a 4×FSC clock are transferred.

Signal levels are compatible with ECL-compatible balanced drivers and receivers. The generator must have a balanced output with a maximum source impedance of 110 Ω; the signal must be 0.8–2.0 V peak-to-peak measured across a 110 Ω load. At the receiver, the transmission line must be terminated by 110±10 Ω.

The clock signal is a 4×FSC square wave, with a clock pulse width of 35 ±5 ns for (M) NTSC or 28 ±5 ns for (B, D, G, H, I) PAL. The positive transition of the clock signal occurs midway between data transitions with a tolerance of ±5 ns (as shown in Figure 4.29).

Figure 4.29. Digital Composite Video Parallel Interface Waveforms.

To permit reliable operation at interconnect lengths of 50–200 meters, the receiver must use frequency equalization, with typical characteristics shown in Figure 4.14. This example enables operation with a range of cable lengths down to zero.

Serial Interface

The parallel format can be converted to a SMPTE 259M serial format (Figure 4.30), allowing data to be transmitted using a coaxial cable (or optical fiber). This interface converts the 14.32 or 17.73 MHz parallel stream into a 143 or 177 Mbps serial stream. The 10× PLL generates the 143 or 177 MHz clock from the 14.32 or 17.73 MHz clock signal.

Figure 4.30. Serial Interface Block Diagram.

For cable interconnect, the generator has an unbalanced output with a source impedance of 75 ?; the signal must be 0.8 V ±10% peak-to-peak measured across a 75 Ω load. The receiver has an input impedance of 75 Ω.

How It Works

The 10 bits of data are serialized (LSB first) and processed using a scrambled and polarity-free NRZI algorithm:

This algorithm is the same as used for digital component video discussed earlier. In an 8-bit environment, 8-bit data is appended with two least significant “0” bits before serialization.

The input signal to the scrambler (Figure 4.18) uses positive logic (the highest voltage represents a logical one; lowest voltage represents a logical zero). The formatted serial data is output at the 40×FSC rate.

At the receiver, phase-lock synchronization is done by detecting the TRS-ID sequences. The PLL is continuously adjusted slightly each scan line to ensure that these patterns are detected and to avoid bit slippage. The recovered 10×clock is divided by ten to generate the 4×FSC sample clock. The serial data is low- and high-frequency equalized, inverse scrambling performed (Figure 4.19), and deserialized.

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