Central processor complex system design
This chapter describes the design of the IBM z14 processor unit. By understanding this design, users become familiar with the functions that make the z14 server a system that accommodates a broad mix of workloads for large enterprises.
Note: Throughout this chapter, “z14” refers to IBM z14 Model M0x (Machine Type 3906) unless otherwise specified.
This chapter includes the following topics:
3.1 Overview
The z14 symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) system is the next step in an evolutionary trajectory that began with the introduction of the IBM System/360 in 1964. Over time, the design was adapted to the changing requirements that were dictated by the shift toward new types of applications on which clients depend.
z14 servers offer high levels of reliability, availability, serviceability (RAS), resilience, and security. It fits into the IBM strategy in which mainframes play a central role in creating an infrastructure for cloud, analytics, and mobile, underpinned by security. The z14 server is designed so that everything around it, such as operating systems, middleware, storage, security, and network technologies that support open standards, helps you achieve your business goals.
The modular CPC drawer design aims to reduce, or in some cases even eliminate, planned and unplanned outages. The design does so by offering concurrent repair, replace, and upgrade functions for processors, memory, and I/O. For more information about the z14 RAS features, see Chapter 9, “Reliability, availability, and serviceability” on page 363.
z14 servers include the following features:
Ultra-high frequency, large, high-speed buffers (caches) and memory
Superscalar processor design
Out-of-order core execution
Simultaneous multithreading (SMT)
Single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD)
Flexible configuration options
It is the next implementation of IBM Z servers to address the ever-changing IT environment.
3.2 Design highlights
The physical packaging of z14 servers is a continuation and evolution of the z13 systems. Its modular CPC drawer and single chip module (SCM) design address the augmenting costs that are related to building systems with ever-increasing capacities. The modular CPC drawer design is flexible and expandable, offering unprecedented capacity to meet consolidation needs, and might contain even larger capacities in the future.
z14 servers continue the line of mainframe processors that are compatible with an earlier version. Evolution® brings the following processor design enhancements:
A total of 10 cores per CP chip
Pipeline optimization
Improved SMT and SIMD
Better branch prediction
Improved co-processor functionality
It uses 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit addressing modes, multiple arithmetic formats, and multiple address spaces for robust interprocess security.
The z14 system design has the following main objectives:
Offer a data-centric approach to information (data) security that is simple, transparent, and consumable (extensive data encryption from inception to archive, in flight and at rest).
Offer a flexible infrastructure to concurrently accommodate a wide range of operating systems and applications, from the traditional systems (for example, z/OS and z/VM) to the world of Linux, cloud, analytics, and mobile computing.
Offer state-of-the-art integration capability for server consolidation by using virtualization capabilities in a highly secure environment:
 – Logical partitioning, which allows 85 independent logical servers.
 – z/VM, which can virtualize hundreds to thousands of servers as independently running virtual machines (guests).
 – HiperSockets, which implement virtual LANs between logical partitions (LPARs) within the system.
 – Efficient data transfer that uses direct memory access (SMC-D), Remote Direct Memory Access (SMC-R), and reduced storage access latency for transactional environments - zHyperLink Express.
 – The IBM Z PR/SM is designed for Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level 5+ (EAL 5+) certification for security, so an application that is running on one partition (LPAR) cannot access another application on a different partition, which provides essentially the same security as an air-gapped system.
This configuration allows for a logical and virtual server coexistence and maximizes system utilization and efficiency by sharing hardware resources.
Offer high-performance computing to achieve the outstanding response times that are required by new workload-type applications. This performance is achieved by high-frequency, enhanced superscalar processor technology, out-of-order core execution, large high-speed buffers (cache) and memory, an architecture with multiple complex instructions, and high-bandwidth channels.
Offer the high capacity and scalability that are required by the most demanding applications, from the single-system and clustered-systems points of view.
Offer the capability of concurrent upgrades for processors, memory, and I/O connectivity, which prevents system outages in planned situations.
Implement a system with high availability and reliability. These goals are achieved with redundancy of critical elements and sparing components of a single system, and the clustering technology of the Parallel Sysplex environment.
Have internal and external connectivity offerings, supporting open standards, such as Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) and Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP).
Provide leading cryptographic performance. Every processor unit (PU) has a dedicated and optimized CP Assist for Cryptographic Function (CPACF). Optional Crypto Express features with cryptographic coprocessors provide the highest standardized security certification.1 These optional features can also be configured as Cryptographic Accelerators to enhance the performance of Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) transactions.
Be self-managing and self-optimizing, adjusting itself when the workload changes to achieve the best system throughput. This process can be done by using the Intelligent Resource Director or the Workload Manager functions, which are assisted by HiperDispatch.
Have a balanced system design with pervasive encryption, which provides large data rate bandwidths for high-performance connectivity along with processor and system capacity, while protecting every byte that enters and exits the z14.
The remaining sections describe the z14 system structure, showing a logical representation of the data flow from PUs, caches, memory cards, and various interconnect capabilities.
3.3 CPC drawer design
A z14 system can have up to four CPC drawers in a full configuration, up to 170 PUs that can be characterized for customer use, and up to 32 TB of customer usable memory capacity. Each CPC drawer is logically divided in two clusters to improve the processor and memory affinity and availability.
The following types of drawer configurations are available for z14:
Five CP SCMs populated: Modes M01, M02, M03, and M04
Six CP SCMs populated: Model M05
For serviceability, the CP SCM spare is supplied as a universal field spare.
The z14 has up to 20 memory controller units (MCUs) (five MCUs per CPC drawer). The configuration uses five-channel redundant array of independent memory (RAIM) protection, with dual inline memory modules (DIMM) bus cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error retry.
The cache hierarchy (L1, L2, L3, and L4) is implemented with embedded dynamic random access memory (eDRAM) caches. Until recently, eDRAM was considered to be too slow for this use. However, a breakthrough in technology that was made by IBM eliminated that limitation. In addition, eDRAM offers higher density, less power utilization, fewer soft errors, and better performance. Concurrent maintenance allows dynamic central processing complex (CPAC) drawer add and repair.2
z14 servers use CMOS Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) 14 nm chip technology, with advanced low latency pipeline design, which creates high-speed yet power-efficient circuit designs. The PU SCM has a dense packaging, which allows closed water loop cooling. The heat exchange from the closed loop is air-cooled by a radiator unit (RU) or optionally, water-cooled by a water-cooling unit (WCU). The water-cooling option can lower the total power consumption of the system. This benefit is significant for larger configurations. For more information, see 2.8.1, “Power and cooling” on page 77.
3.3.1 Cache levels and memory structure
The z14 memory subsystem focuses on keeping data “closer” to the PU core. With the current processor configuration, all on chip cache levels increased.
The z14 cache levels and memory hierarchy are shown in Figure 3-1.
Figure 3-1 z14 cache levels and memory hierarchy
While L1, L2, and L3 caches are implemented on the CP SCM, the fourth cache level (L4) is implemented within the system controller (SC) SCM. One L4 cache is present in each CPC drawer, which is shared by all CP SCMs. The cache structure of the z14 has the following characteristics:
Larger L1, L2, and L3 caches (more data closer to the core).
L1 and L2 caches use eDRAM, and are private for each PU core.
L2-L3 interface has a new Fetch cancel protocol, a revised L2 Least Recent Used (LRU) Demote handling.
L3 cache also uses eDRAM and is shared by all 10 cores within the PU chip. Each CPC drawer has five (M01 - M04) or six L3 caches (M05). Therefore, a four-CPC drawer system Model M05 has 24 caches, which results in 3072 MB (24 x 128 MB) of this shared PU chip-level cache. For availability and reliability, L3 cache now implements symbol ECC.
L4 cache also uses eDRAM, and is shared by all PU chips on the CPC drawer. Each L4 cache has 672 MB inclusive of L3’s, 42w Set Associative and 256 bytes cache line size. A four-CPC drawer system has 2688 MB (4 x 672 MB) of shared L4 cache.
In most real-world situations, a fair number of cache lines exist in multiple L3s underneath a specific L4. The L4 does not contain the same line multiple times, but rather once with an indication of all the cores that have a copy of that line. As such, 672 MB of inclusive L4 can easily cover 768 MB of underlying L3 caches.
Main storage has up to 8 TB addressable memory per CPC drawer, which uses 25 DIMMs. A four-CPC drawer system can have up to 32 TB of main storage.
Cache sizes are being limited by ever-diminishing cycle times because they must respond quickly without creating bottlenecks. Access to large caches costs more cycles. Instruction and data cache (L1) sizes must be limited because larger distances must be traveled to reach long cache lines. This L1 access time generally occurs in one cycle, which prevents increased latency.
Also, the distance to remote caches as seen from the microprocessor becomes a significant factor. An example is an L4 cache that is not on the microprocessor (and might not even be in the same CPC drawer). Although the L4 cache is rather large, several cycles are needed to travel the distance to the cache. The node-cache topology of z14 servers is shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 z14 cache topology
Although large caches mean increased access latency, the new technology of CMOS 14S0 (14 nm chip lithography) and the lower cycle time allows z14 servers to increase the size of cache levels (L1, L2, and L3) within the PU chip by using denser packaging. This design reduces traffic to and from the shared L4 cache, which is on another chip (SC chip). Only when a cache miss occurs in L1, L2, or L3 is a request sent to L4. L4 is the coherence manager, which means that all memory fetches must be in the L4 cache before that data can be used by the processor. However, in the z14 cache design, some lines of the L3 cache are not included in the L4 cache.
Another approach is available for avoiding L4 cache access delays (latency). The L4 cache straddles up to four CPC drawers. This configuration means that relatively long distances exist between the higher-level caches in the processors and the L4 cache content.
To overcome the delays that are inherent in the SMP CPC drawer design and save cycles to access the remote L4 content, keep instructions and data as close to the processors as possible. This configuration can be managed by directing as much work of a particular LPAR workload to the processors in the same CPC drawer as the L4 cache. This configuration is achieved by having the IBM Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM) scheduler and the z/OS WLM and dispatcher work together. Have them keep as much work as possible within the boundaries of as few processors and L4 cache space (which is best within a CPC drawer boundary) without affecting throughput and response times.
The cache structures of z14 servers are compared with the previous generation of IBM Z servers (z13) in Figure 3-3.
Figure 3-3 z14 and z13 cache level comparison
Compared to z13, the z14 cache design has larger L1, L2, and L3 cache sizes. In z14 servers, more affinity exists between the memory of a partition, the L4 cache in the SC, accessed by the two logical clusters in the same CPC drawer, and the cores in the PU. The access time of the private cache usually occurs in one cycle. The z14 cache level structure is focused on keeping more data closer to the PU. This design can improve system performance on many production workloads.
To help avoid latency in a high-frequency processor design, PR/SM and the dispatcher must be prevented from scheduling and dispatching a workload on any processor available, which keeps the workload in as small a portion of the system as possible. The cooperation between z/OS and PR/SM is bundled in a function called HiperDispatch. HiperDispatch uses the z14 cache topology, which features reduced cross-cluster “help” and better locality for multi-task address spaces.
PR/SM can use dynamic PU reassignment to move processors (CPs, ZIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, SAPs, and spares) to a different chip, node, and drawer to improve the reuse of shared caches by processors of the same partition. It can use dynamic memory relocation (DMR) to move a running partition’s memory to different physical memory to improve the affinity and reduce the distance between the memory of a partition and the processors of the partition. For more information about HiperDispatch, see 3.7, “Logical partitioning” on page 125.
3.3.2 CPC drawer interconnect topology
CPC drawers are interconnected in a point-to-point topology at SC level, which allows a CPC drawer to communicate with every CPC drawer. Data transfer does not always have to go through another CPC drawer (L4 cache) to address the requested data or control information.
The z14 inter-CPC drawer communication structure is shown in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 z14 CPC drawer communication topology
A simplified topology of a four-CPC drawer system is shown in Figure 3-5.
Figure 3-5 Point-to-point topology with four CPC drawers
Inter-CPC drawer communication occurs at the L4 cache level, which is implemented on SC chips in each node. The SC function regulates coherent node-to-node traffic.
3.4 Processor unit design
Processor cycle time is especially important for processor-intensive applications. Current systems design is driven by processor cycle time, although improved cycle time does not automatically mean that the performance characteristics of the system improve.
The IBM System z10® EC introduced a dramatic PU cycle time improvement. Its succeeding generations reduced the cycle time even further, with the z196 reaching 0.192 ns (5.2 GHz) and the zEC12 reaching 0.178 ns (5.5 GHz). Although chip lithography drove higher on chip core and cache density, the thermal design and cache sizes added some challenges to chip frequency evolution.
Through innovative processor design (pipeline and cache management redesigns), the IBM Z processor performance continues to evolve. With the introduction of out-of-order execution, ever improving branch prediction mechanism, and simultaneous multi-threading, the processing performance was enhanced despite processor frequency variations (z13 core runs at 5.0 GHz).
z14 core furnace is 5.2 GHz, which allows the increased number of processors that share larger caches to have quick access times and improved capacity and performance. Although the cycle time of the z14 processor was only slightly reduced (4%) compared to z13, the processor performance was increased even further (z14 uni-processor PCI up 8% compared to z13) through improved processor design, such as pipeline, out-of-order execution design, branch prediction, time of access to high-speed buffers (caches), and the relative nest intensity (RNI) redesigns. For more information about RNI, see 12.4, “Relative Nest Intensity” on page 451.
z13 servers introduced architectural extensions with instructions that reduce processor quiesce effects, cache misses, and pipeline disruption, and increase parallelism with instructions that process several operands in a single instruction (SIMD). The processor architecture was further developed for z14 and includes the following features:
Optimized second-generation SMT
Enhanced SIMD instructions set
Improved Out-of-Order core execution
Improvements in branch prediction and handling
Pipeline optimization
Enhanced branch prediction structure and sequential instruction fetching
The z14 enhanced Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) includes a set of instructions that are added to improve compiled code efficiency. These instructions optimize PUs to meet the demands of various business and analytics workload types without compromising the performance characteristics of traditional workloads.
3.4.1 Simultaneous multithreading
Aligned with industry directions, z14 servers can process up to two simultaneous threads in a single core while sharing certain resources of the processor, such as execution units, translation lookaside buffers (TLBs), and caches. When one thread in the core is waiting for other hardware resources, the second thread in the core can use the shared resources rather than remaining idle. This capability is known as SMT.
SMT is supported only for Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) and IBM Z Integrated Information Processor (zIIP) speciality engines on z143 servers, and it requires operating system support. An operating system with SMT support can be configured to dispatch work to a thread on a zIIP (for eligible workloads in z/OS) or an IFL (for z/VM and Linux on Z) core in single thread or SMT mode so that HiperDispatch cache optimization can be considered. For more information about operating system support, see Chapter 7, “Operating system support” on page 243.
SMT technology allows instructions from more than one thread to run in any pipeline stage at a time. SMT can handle up to four pending translations.
Each thread has its own unique state information, such as Program Status Word - S/360 Architecture (PSW) and registers. The simultaneous threads cannot necessarily run instructions instantly and must at times compete to use certain core resources that are shared between the threads. In some cases, threads can use shared resources that are not experiencing competition.
Two threads (A and B) running on the same processor core on different pipeline stages and sharing the core resources is shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6 Two threads running simultaneously on the same processor core
The use of SMT provides more efficient use of the processors’ resources and helps address memory latency, which results in overall throughput gains. The active thread shares core resources in space, such as data and instruction caches, TLBs, branch history tables, and, in time, pipeline slots, execution units, and address translators.
Although SMT increases the processing capacity, the performance in some cases might be superior if a single thread is used. Enhanced hardware monitoring supports measurement through CPUMF for thread usage and capacity.
For workloads that need maximum thread speed, the partition’s SMT mode can be turned off. For workloads that need more throughput to decrease the dispatch queue size, the partition’s SMT mode can be turned on.
SMT use is functionally transparent to middleware and applications, and no changes are required to run them in an SMT-enabled partition.
3.4.2 Single-instruction multiple-data
The z14 superscalar processor has 32 vector registers and an instruction set architecture that includes a subset of 139 new instructions (known as SIMD) added to improve the efficiency of complex mathematical models and vector processing. These new instructions allow a larger number of operands to be processed with a single instruction. The SIMD instructions use the superscalar core to process operands in parallel.
SIMD provides the next phase of enhancements of IBM Z analytics capability. The set of SIMD instructions are a type of data parallel computing and vector processing that can decrease the amount of code and accelerate code that handles integer, string, character, and floating point data types. The SIMD instructions improve performance of complex mathematical models and allow integration of business transactions and analytic workloads on IBM Z servers.
The 32 vector registers feature 128 bits. The 139 new instructions include string operations, vector integer, and vector floating point operations. Each register contains multiple data elements of a fixed size. The following instructions code specifies which data format to use and the size of the elements:
Byte (16 8-bit operands)
Halfword (eight 16-bit operands)
Word (four 32-bit operands)
Doubleword (two 64-bit operands)
Quadword (one 128-bit operand)
The collection of elements in a register is called a vector. A single instruction operates on all of the elements in the register. Instructions include a non-destructive operand encoding that allows the addition of the register vector A and register vector B and stores the result in the register vector A (A = A + B).
A schematic representation of a SIMD instruction with 16-byte size elements in each vector operand is shown in Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Schematic representation of add SIMD instruction with 16 elements in each vector
The vector register file overlays the floating-point registers (FPRs), as shown in Figure 3-8. The FPRs use the first 64 bits of the first 16 vector registers, which saves hardware area and power, and makes it easier to mix scalar and SIMD codes. Effectively, the core gets 64 FPRs, which can further improve FP code efficiency.
Figure 3-8 Floating point registers overlaid by vector registers
SIMD instructions include the following examples:
Integer byte to quadword add, sub, and compare
Integer byte to doubleword min, max, and average
Integer byte to word multiply
String find 8-bits, 16-bits, and 32-bits
String range compare
String find any equal
String load to block boundaries and load/store with length
For most operations, the condition code is not set. A summary condition code is used only for a few instructions.
z14 SIMD features the following enhancements:
Doubled vector double precision Binary Floating Point (BFP) operations throughput (2x 64b)
Added vector single precision BFP (4x 32b)
Added vector quad precision BFP (128b)
Added binary Fixed Multiply Add (FMA) operations to speed up code
Vector Single Precision/ Double Precision/ Quad Precision (SP/DP/QP) compare/min/max with programming language support
Enhanced to Storage-to-Storage Binary Coded Decimal (BCD)
Vector load/store right-most with length
3.4.3 Out-of-Order execution
z14 servers have an Out-of-Order core, much like the z13, zEC12, and z196. Out-of-Order yields significant performance benefits for compute-intensive applications. It does so by reordering instruction execution, which allows later (younger) instructions to be run ahead of a stalled instruction, and reordering storage accesses and parallel storage accesses. Out-of-Order maintains good performance growth for traditional applications. Out-of-Order execution can improve performance in the following ways:
Reordering instruction execution
Instructions stall in a pipeline because they are waiting for results from a previous instruction or the execution resource that they require is busy. In an in-order core, this stalled instruction stalls all later instructions in the code stream. In an out-of-order core, later instructions are allowed to run ahead of the stalled instruction.
Reordering storage accesses
Instructions that access storage can stall because they are waiting on results that are needed to compute the storage address. In an in-order core, later instructions are stalled. In an out-of-order core, later storage-accessing instructions that can compute their storage address are allowed to run.
Hiding storage access latency
Many instructions access data from storage. Storage accesses can miss the L1 and require 7 - 50 more clock cycles to retrieve the storage data. In an in-order core, later instructions in the code stream are stalled. In an out-of-order core, later instructions that are not dependent on this storage data are allowed to run.
The z14 processor includes pipeline enhancements that benefit Out-of-Order execution. The IBM Z processor design features advanced micro-architectural innovations that provide the following benefits:
Maximized instruction-level parallelism (ILP) for a better cycles per instruction (CPI) design.
Maximized performance per watt. Two cores are added (as compared to the z13 chip) at slightly higher chip power.
Enhanced instruction dispatch and grouping efficiency.
Increased OoO resources (Global Completion Table entries, physical GPR entries, and physical FPR entries).
Improved completion rate.
Reduced cache/TLB miss penalty.
Improved execution of D-Cache store and reload and new Fixed-point divide.
New Operand Store Compare (OSC) (load-hit-store conflict) avoidance scheme.
Enhanced branch prediction structure and sequential instruction fetching.
Program results
The Out-of-Order execution does not change any program results. Execution can occur out of (program) order, but all program dependencies are honored, ending up with the same results as in-order (program) execution.
This implementation requires special circuitry to make execution and memory accesses display in order to the software. The logical diagram of a z14 core is shown in Figure 3-9 on page 101.
Figure 3-9 z14 PU core logical diagram
Memory address generation and memory accesses can occur out of (program) order. This capability can provide a greater use of the z14 superscalar core, and can improve system performance.
The z14 processor unit core is a superscalar, out-of-order, SMT processor with 10 execution units. Up to six instructions can be decoded per cycle, and up to 10 instructions or operations can be started to run per clock cycle (<0.192 ns). The execution of the instructions can occur out of program order, and memory address generation and memory accesses can also occur out of program order. Each core has special circuitry to display execution and memory accesses in order to the software.
The z14 superscalar PU core can have up to 10 instructions or operations that are running per cycle. This technology results in shorter workload runtime.
Branch prediction
If the branch prediction logic of the microprocessor makes the wrong prediction, all instructions in the parallel pipelines are removed. The wrong branch prediction is expensive in a high-frequency processor design. Therefore, the branch prediction techniques that are used are important to prevent as many wrong branches as possible.
For this reason, various history-based branch prediction mechanisms are used, as shown on the in-order part of the z14 PU core logical diagram in Figure 3-9 on page 101. The branch target buffer (BTB) runs ahead of instruction cache pre-fetches to prevent branch misses in an early stage. Furthermore, a branch history table (BHT), in combination with a pattern history table (PHT) and the use of tagged multi-target prediction technology branch prediction, offers a high branch prediction success rate.
The z14 microprocessor improves the branch prediction throughput by using the new branch prediction and instruction fetch front end.
3.4.4 Superscalar processor
A scalar processor is a processor that is based on a single-issue architecture, which means that only a single instruction is run at a time. A superscalar processor allows concurrent (parallel) execution of instructions by adding more resources to the microprocessor in multiple pipelines, each working on its own set of instructions to create parallelism.
A superscalar processor is based on a multi-issue architecture. However, when multiple instructions can be run during each cycle, the level of complexity is increased because an operation in one pipeline stage might depend on data in another pipeline stage. Therefore, a superscalar design demands careful consideration of which instruction sequences can successfully operate in a long pipeline environment.
On z14 servers, up to six instructions can be decoded per cycle and up to 10 instructions or operations can be in execution per cycle. Execution can occur out of (program) order. These improvements also make possible the simultaneous execution of two threads in the same processor.
Many challenges exist in creating an efficient superscalar processor. The superscalar design of the PU made significant strides in avoiding address generation interlock (AGI) situations. Instructions that require information from memory locations can suffer multi-cycle delays to get the needed memory content. Because high-frequency processors wait “faster” (spend processor cycles more quickly while idle), the cost of getting the information might become prohibitive.
3.4.5 Compression and cryptography accelerators on a chip
This section introduces the CPACF enhancements for z14.
Coprocessor units
One coprocessor unit is available for compression and cryptography on each core in the chip. The compression engine uses static dictionary compression and expansion. The compression dictionary uses the L1-cache (instruction cache).
The cryptography engine is used for the CPACF, which offers a set of symmetric cryptographic functions for encrypting and decrypting of clear key operations.
The coprocessors feature the following characteristics:
Each core has an independent compression and cryptographic engine.
The coprocessor was redesigned to support SMT operation and for throughput increase.
It is available to any processor type.
The owning processor is busy when its coprocessor is busy.
The location of the coprocessor on the chip is shown in Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10 Compression and cryptography accelerators on a core in the chip
Compression enhancements
The compression features the following enhancements:
Huffman compression on top of CMPSC compression (embedded in dictionary, reuse of generators)
Order Preserving compression in B-Trees and other index structures
Faster expansion algorithms
Reduced overhead on short data
CPACF accelerates the encrypting and decrypting of SSL/TLS transactions, virtual private network (VPN)-encrypted data transfers, and data-storing applications that do not require FIPS 140-2 level 4 security. The assist function uses a special instruction set for symmetrical clear key cryptographic encryption and decryption, and for hash operations. This group of instructions is known as the Message-Security Assist (MSA). For more information about these instructions, see z/Architecture Principles of Operation, SA22-7832.
Crypto functions enhancements
The crypto functions include the following enhancements:
Reduced overhead on short data (hashing and encryption)
4x throughput for AES
Special instructions for elliptic curve crypto/RSA
New hashing algorithms; for example, SHA-3
Support for authenticated encryption (combined encryption and hashing; for example, AES-GCM)
True random number generator (for example, for session keys)
For more information about cryptographic functions on z14 servers, see Chapter 6, “Cryptographic features” on page 207.
3.4.6 Decimal floating point accelerator
The decimal floating point (DFP) accelerator function is present on each of the microprocessors (cores) on the 10-core chip. Its implementation meets business application requirements for better performance, precision, and function.
Base 10 arithmetic is used for most business and financial computation. Floating point computation that is used for work that is typically done in decimal arithmetic involves frequent data conversions and approximation to represent decimal numbers. This process makes floating point arithmetic complex and error-prone for programmers who use it for applications in which the data is typically decimal.
Hardware DFP computational instructions provide the following features:
Data formats of 4, 8, and 16 bytes
An encoded decimal (base 10) representation for data
Instructions for running decimal floating point computations
An instruction that runs data conversions to and from the decimal floating point representation
Benefits of the DFP accelerator
The DFP accelerator offers the following benefits:
Avoids rounding issues, such as those that happen with binary-to-decimal conversions.
Controls existing binary-coded decimal (BCD) operations better.
Follows the standardization of the dominant decimal data and decimal operations in commercial computing, supporting the industry standardization (IEEE 745R) of decimal floating point operations. Instructions are added in support of the Draft Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic - IEEE 754-2008, which is intended to supersede the ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985.
Allows COBOL programs that use zoned-decimal operations to take advantage of the z/Architecture DFP instructions.
z14 servers have two DFP accelerator units per core, which improve the decimal floating point execution bandwidth. The floating point instructions operate on newly designed vector registers (32 new 128-bit registers).
z14 servers include new decimal floating point packed conversion facility support with the following benefits:
Reduces code path length because extra instructions to format conversion are no longer needed.
Packed data is operated in memory by all decimal instructions without general-purpose registers, which were required only to prepare for decimal floating point packed conversion instruction.
Converting from packed can now force the input packed value to positive instead of requiring a separate OI, OILL, or load positive instruction.
Converting to packed can now force a positive zero result instead of requiring ZAP instruction.
Software support
DFP is supported in the following programming languages and products:
Release 4 and later of the High Level Assembler
C/C++, which requires z/OS 1.10 with program temporary fixes (PTFs) for full support or later
Enterprise PL/I Release 3.7 and Debug Tool Release 8.1 or later
Java Applications that use the BigDecimal Class Library
SQL support as of Db2 Version 9 and later
3.4.7 IEEE floating point
Binary and hexadecimal floating-point instructions are implemented in z14 servers. They incorporate IEEE standards into the system.
The z14 core implements two other execution subunits for 2x throughput on BFP (single/double precision) operations (see Figure 3-9 on page 101).
The key point is that Java and C/C++ applications tend to use IEEE BFP operations more frequently than earlier applications. Therefore, the better the hardware implementation of this set of instructions, the better the performance of applications.
3.4.8 Processor error detection and recovery
The PU uses a process called transient recovery as an error recovery mechanism. When an error is detected, the instruction unit tries the instruction again and attempts to recover the error. If the second attempt is unsuccessful (that is, a permanent fault exists), a relocation process is started that restores the full capacity by moving work to another PU. Relocation under hardware control is possible because the R-unit has the full designed state in its buffer. PU error detection and recovery is shown in Figure 3-11.
Figure 3-11 PU error detection and recovery
3.4.9 Branch prediction
Because of the ultra-high frequency of the PUs, the penalty for a wrongly predicted branch is high. Therefore, a multi-pronged strategy for branch prediction, based on gathered branch history that is combined with other prediction mechanisms, is implemented on each microprocessor.
The BHT implementation on processors provides a large performance improvement. Originally introduced on the IBM ES/9000 9021 in 1990, the BHT is continuously improved.
The BHT offers significant branch performance benefits. The BHT allows each PU to take instruction branches that are based on a stored BHT, which improves processing times for calculation routines. In addition to the BHT, z14 servers use the following techniques to improve the prediction of the correct branch to be run:
BTB data compression
The success rate of branch prediction contributes significantly to the superscalar aspects of z14 servers. This success is because the architecture rules prescribe that, for successful parallel execution of an instruction stream, the correctly predicted result of the branch is essential.
The z14 branch prediction includes the following enhancements over z13:
Branch prediction search pipeline extended from five to six cycles to accommodate new predictors for increased accuracy/performance.
New predictors:
 – Perceptron (neural network direction predictor)
 – SSCRS (hardware-based super simple call-return stack)
Capacity increases:
 – Level 1 Branch Target Buffer (BTB1): 1 K rows x 6 sets  2 K rows x 4 sets
 – Level 2 Branch Target Buffer (BTB2): 16 K rows x 6 sets  32 K rows x 4 sets
Better power efficiency: Several structures were redesigned to maintain their accuracy while less power is used through smart access algorithms.
New static IBM IA® regions expanded from four to eight. To conserve space, prediction structures do not store full target addresses. Instead, they use the locality and limited ranges of “4gig regions” of virtual instruction addresses - IA(0:31).
3.4.10 Wild branch
When a bad pointer is used or when code overlays a data area that contains a pointer to code, a random branch is the result. This process causes a 0C1 or 0C4 abend. Random branches are difficult to diagnose because clues about how the system got there are not evident.
With the wild branch hardware facility, the last address from which a successful branch instruction was run is kept. z/OS uses this information with debugging aids, such as the SLIP command, to determine from where a wild branch came. It can also collect data from that storage location. This approach decreases the number of debugging steps that are necessary when you want to know from where the branch came.
3.4.11 Translation lookaside buffer
The TLB in the instruction and data L1 caches use a secondary TLB to enhance performance.
The size of the TLB is kept as small as possible because of its short access time requirements and hardware space limitations. Because memory sizes recently increased significantly as a result of the introduction of 64-bit addressing, a smaller working set is represented by the TLB.
To increase the working set representation in the TLB without enlarging the TLB, large (1 MB) page and giant page (2 GB) support is available and can be used when appropriate. For more information, see “Large page support” on page 123.
With the enhanced DAT-2 (EDAT-2) improvements, the IBM Z servers support 2 GB page frames.
z14 TLB enhancements
IBM z14 switches to a logical-tagged L1 directory and inline TLB2. Each L1 cache directory entry contains the virtual address and Address Space Control Element (ASCE) as it no longer must access TLB for L1 cache hit. TLB2 is accessed in parallel to L2, which saves significant latency compared to TLB1-miss.
The new translation engine allows up to four translations pending concurrently. Each translation step is ~2x faster, which helps level 2 guests.
3.4.12 Instruction fetching, decoding, and grouping
The superscalar design of the microprocessor allows for the decoding of up to six instructions per cycle and the execution of up to 10 instructions per cycle. Both execution and storage accesses for instruction and operand fetching can occur out of sequence.
Instruction fetching
Instruction fetching normally tries to get as far ahead of instruction decoding and execution as possible because of the relatively large instruction buffers available. In the microprocessor, smaller instruction buffers are used. The operation code is fetched from the I-cache and put in instruction buffers that hold prefetched data that is awaiting decoding.
Instruction decoding
The processor can decode up to six instructions per cycle. The result of the decoding process is queued and later used to form a group.
Instruction grouping
From the instruction queue, up to 10 instructions can be completed on every cycle. A complete description of the rules is beyond the scope of this publication.
The compilers and JVMs are responsible for selecting instructions that best fit with the superscalar microprocessor. They abide by the rules to create code that best uses the superscalar implementation. All IBM Z compilers and JVMs are constantly updated to benefit from new instructions and advances in microprocessor designs.
3.4.13 Extended Translation Facility
The z/Architecture instruction set has instructions in support of the Extended Translation Facility. They are used in data conversion operations for Unicode data, which causes applications that are enabled for Unicode or globalization to be more efficient. These data-encoding formats are used in web services, grid, and on-demand environments in which XML and SOAP technologies are used. The High Level Assembler supports the Extended Translation Facility instructions.
3.4.14 Instruction set extensions
The processor supports the following instructions to support functions:
Hexadecimal floating point instructions for various unnormalized multiply and multiply add instructions.
Immediate instructions, including various add, compare, OR, exclusive-OR, subtract, load, and insert formats. The use of these instructions improves performance.
Load instructions for handling unsigned halfwords, such as those used for Unicode.
Cryptographic instructions, which are known as the MSA, offer the full complement of the AES, SHA-1, SHA-2, and DES algorithms. They also include functions for random number generation.
Extended Translate Facility-3 instructions, which are enhanced to conform with the current Unicode 4.0 standard.
Assist instructions that help eliminate hypervisor processor usage.
SIMD instructions, which allow the parallel processing of multiple elements in a single instruction.
3.4.15 Transactional Execution
The Transactional Execution (TX) capability, which is known in the industry as hardware transactional memory, runs a group of instructions atomically; that is, all of their results are committed or no result is committed. The execution is optimistic. The instructions are run, but previous state values are saved in a transactional memory. If the transaction succeeds, the saved values are discarded; otherwise, they are used to restore the original values.
The Transaction Execution Facility provides instructions, including declaring the beginning and end of a transaction, and canceling the transaction. TX is expected to provide significant performance benefits and scalability by avoiding most locks. This benefit is especially important for heavily threaded applications, such as Java.
3.4.16 Runtime Instrumentation
Runtime Instrumentation (RI) is a hardware facility for managed run times, such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). RI allows dynamic optimization of code generation as it is being run. It requires fewer system resources than the current software-only profiling, and provides information about hardware and program characteristics. RI also enhances JRE in making the correct decision by providing real-time feedback.
3.5 Processor unit functions
The PU functions are described in this section.
3.5.1 Overview
All PUs on a z14 server are physically identical. When the system is initialized, one integrated firmware processor (IFP) is allocated from the pool of PUs that is available for the entire system. The other PUs can be characterized to specific functions (CP, IFL, ICF, zIIP, or SAP).
The function that is assigned to a PU is set by the Licensed Internal Code (LIC). The LIC is loaded when the system is initialized at power-on reset (POR) and the PUs are characterized.
Only characterized PUs include a designated function. Non-characterized PUs are considered spares. Order at least one CP, IFL, or ICF on a z14 server.
This design brings outstanding flexibility to z14 servers because any PU can assume any available characterization. The design also plays an essential role in system availability because PU characterization can be done dynamically, with no system outage.
For more information about software level support of functions and features, see Chapter 7, “Operating system support” on page 243.
Concurrent upgrades
Except on a fully configured model, concurrent upgrades can be done by the LIC, which assigns a PU function to a previously non-characterized PU. Within the CPC drawer boundary or boundary of multiple CPC drawers, no hardware changes are required. The upgrade can be done concurrently through the following facilities:
Customer Initiated Upgrade (CIU) for permanent upgrades
On/Off Capacity on Demand (On/Off CoD) for temporary upgrades
Capacity BackUp (CBU) for temporary upgrades
Capacity for Planned Event (CPE) for temporary upgrades
If the PU chips in the installed CPC drawers have no available remaining PUs, an upgrade results in a model upgrade and the installation of an extra CPC drawer. However, the number of available CPC drawers is limited to four. CPC drawer installation is nondisruptive, but takes more time than a simple LIC upgrade.
For more information about Capacity on Demand, see Chapter 8, “System upgrades” on page 315.
PU sparing
In the rare event of a PU failure, the failed PU’s characterization is dynamically and transparently reassigned to a spare PU. z14 servers have two spare PUs. PUs that are not characterized on a CPC configuration can also be used as extra spare PUs. For more information about PU sparing, see 3.5.10, “Sparing rules” on page 120.
PU pools
PUs that are defined as CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zIIPs are grouped in their own pools from where they can be managed separately. This configuration significantly simplifies capacity planning and management for LPARs. The separation also affects weight management because CP and zIIP weights can be managed separately. For more information, see “PU weighting” on page 110.
All assigned PUs are grouped in the PU pool. These PUs are dispatched to online logical PUs. As an example, consider a z14 server with 10 CPs, 2 IFLs, 5 zIIPs, and 1 ICF. This system has a PU pool of 18 PUs, called the pool width. Subdivision defines the following pools:
A CP pool of 10 CPs
An ICF pool of one ICF
An IFL pool of two IFLs
A zIIP pool of five zIIPs
PUs are placed in the pools in the following circumstances:
When the system is PORed
At the time of a concurrent upgrade
As a result of adding PUs during a CBU
Following a capacity on-demand upgrade through On/Off CoD or CIU
PUs are removed from their pools when a concurrent downgrade occurs as the result of the removal of a CBU. They are also removed through the On/Off CoD process and the conversion of a PU. When a dedicated LPAR is activated, its PUs are taken from the correct pools. This process is also the case when an LPAR logically configures a PU as on, if the width of the pool allows for it.
For an LPAR, logical PUs are dispatched from the supporting pool only. The logical CPs are dispatched from the CP pool, logical zIIPs from the zIIP pool, logical IFLs from the IFL pool, and the logical ICFs from the ICF pool.
PU weighting
Because CPs, zIIPs, IFLs, and ICFs have their own pools from where they are dispatched, they can be given their own weights. For more information about PU pools and processing weights, see the IBM Z Processor Resource/Systems Manager Planning Guide, SB10-7169.
3.5.2 Central processors
A central processor (CP) is a PU that uses the full z/Architecture instruction set. It can run z/Architecture-based operating systems (z/OS, z/VM, TPF, z/TPF, z/VSE, and Linux), the Coupling Facility Control Code (CFCC), and IBM zAware. Up to 170 PUs can be characterized as CPs, depending on the configuration.
The z14 server can be initialized in LPAR (PR/SM) mode or in Dynamic Partition Manger (DPM) mode. For more information, see Appendix E, “IBM Dynamic Partition Manager” on page 501.
CPs are defined as dedicated or shared. Reserved CPs can be defined to an LPAR to allow for nondisruptive image upgrades. If the operating system in the LPAR supports the logical processor add function, reserved processors are no longer needed. Regardless of the installed model, an LPAR can have up to 170 logical CPs that are defined (the sum of active and reserved logical CPs). In practice, define no more CPs than the operating system supports.
All PUs that are characterized as CPs within a configuration are grouped into the CP pool. The CP pool can be seen on the Hardware Management Console (HMC) workplace. Any z/Architecture operating systems, CFCCs, and IBM zAware can run on CPs that are assigned from the CP pool.
The z14 server recognizes four distinct capacity settings for CPs. Full-capacity CPs are identified as CP7. In addition to full-capacity CPs, three subcapacity settings (CP6, CP5, and CP4), each for up to 33 CPs, are offered.
The following capacity settings appear in hardware descriptions:
CP7 Feature Code #1932
CP6 Feature Code #1931
CP5 Feature Code #1930
CP4 Feature Code #1929
Granular capacity adds 90 subcapacity settings to the 170 capacity settings that are available with full capacity CPs (CP7). Each of the 90 subcapacity settings applies to up to 33 CPs only, independent of the model installed.
Information about CPs in the remainder of this chapter applies to all CP capacity settings, unless indicated otherwise. For more information about granular capacity, see 2.7, “Model configurations” on page 70.
3.5.3 Integrated Facility for Linux
An IFL is a PU that can be used to run Linux, Linux guests on z/VM operating systems, and Secure Service Container (SSC). Up to 170 PUs can be characterized as IFLs, depending on the configuration. IFLs can be dedicated to a Linux, a z/VM, or an IBM zAware LPAR, or can be shared by multiple Linux guests, z/VM LPARs, or SSC that are running on the same z14 server. Only z/VM, Linux on Z operating systems, SSC, and designated software products can run on IFLs. IFLs are orderable by using FC #1933.
IFL pool
All PUs that are characterized as IFLs within a configuration are grouped into the IFL pool. The IFL pool can be seen on the HMC workplace.
IFLs do not change the model capacity identifier of the z14 server. Software product license charges that are based on the model capacity identifier are not affected by the addition of IFLs.
Unassigned IFLs
An IFL that is purchased but not activated is registered as an unassigned IFL (FC 1937). When the system is later upgraded with another IFL, the system recognizes that an IFL was purchased and is present.
3.5.4 Internal Coupling Facility
An Internal Coupling Facility (ICF) is a PU that is used to run the CFCC for Parallel Sysplex environments. Within the sum of all unassigned PUs in up to four CPC drawers, up to 170 ICFs can be characterized, depending on the model. However, the maximum number of ICFs that can be defined on a coupling facility LPAR is limited to 16. ICFs are orderable by using FC 1934.
ICFs exclusively run CFCC. ICFs do not change the model capacity identifier of the z14 server. Software product license charges that are based on the model capacity identifier are not affected by the addition of ICFs.
All ICFs within a configuration are grouped into the ICF pool. The ICF pool can be seen on the HMC workplace.
The ICFs can be used by coupling facility LPARs only. ICFs are dedicated or shared. ICFs can be dedicated to a CF LPAR, or shared by multiple CF LPARs that run on the same system. However, having an LPAR with dedicated and shared ICFs at the same time is not possible.
Coupling Thin Interrupts
With the introduction of Driver 15F (zEC12 and zBC12), the IBM z/Architecture provides a new thin interrupt class called Coupling Thin Interrupts. The capabilities that are provided by hardware, firmware, and software support the generation of coupling-related “thin interrupts” when the following situations occur:
On the coupling facility (CF) side:
 – A CF command or a CF signal (arrival of a CF-to-CF duplexing signal) is received by a shared-engine CF image.
 – The completion of a CF signal that was previously sent by the CF occurs (completion of a CF-to-CF duplexing signal).
On the z/OS side:
 – CF signal is received by a shared-engine z/OS image (arrival of a List Notification signal).
 – An asynchronous CF operation completes.
The interrupt causes the receiving partition to be dispatched by an LPAR, if it is not dispatched. This process allows the request, signal, or request completion to be recognized and processed in a more timely manner.
After the image is dispatched, “poll for work” logic in CFCC and z/OS can be used largely as is to locate and process the work. The new interrupt expedites the redispatching of the partition.
LPAR presents these Coupling Thin Interrupts to the guest partition, so CFCC and z/OS both require interrupt handler support that can deal with them. CFCC also changes to relinquish control of the processor when all available pending work is exhausted, or when the LPAR undispatches it off the shared processor, whichever comes first.
CF processor combinations
A CF image can have one of the following combinations that are defined in the image profile:
Dedicated ICFs
Shared ICFs
Dedicated CPs
Shared CPs
Shared ICFs add flexibility. However, running only with shared coupling facility PUs (ICFs or CPs) is not a preferable production configuration. It is preferable for a production CF to operate by using dedicated ICFs. With CFCC Level 19 (and later; z14 servers run CFCC level 22), Coupling Thin Interrupts are available, and dedicated engines continue to be recommended to obtain the best coupling facility performance.
In Figure 3-12, the CPC on the left has two environments that are defined (production and test), and each has one z/OS and one coupling facility image. The coupling facility images share an ICF.
Figure 3-12 ICF options - shared ICFs
The LPAR processing weights are used to define how much processor capacity each CF image can have. The capped option can also be set for a test CF image to protect the production environment.
Connections between these z/OS and CF images can use internal coupling links to avoid the use of real (external) coupling links, and get the best link bandwidth available.
Dynamic CF dispatching
The dynamic coupling facility dispatching function has a dispatching algorithm that you can use to define a backup CF in an LPAR on the system. When this LPAR is in backup mode, it uses few processor resources. When the backup CF becomes active, only the resources that are necessary to provide coupling are allocated.
CFCC Level 19 introduced Coupling Thin Interrupts and the new DYNDISP specification. It allows more environments with multiple CF images to coexist in a server, and to share CF engines with reasonable performance. For more information, see 3.9.3, “Dynamic CF dispatching” on page 141.
Coupling Facility Processor Scalability
CF work management and dispatcher changed to allow improved efficiency as processors are added to scale up the capacity of a CF image.
CF images support up to 16 processors. To obtain sufficient CF capacity, customers might be forced to split the CF workload across more CF images. However, this change brings more configuration complexity and granularity (more, smaller CF images, more coupling links, and logical CHPIDs to define and manage for connectivity, and so on).
To improve CF processor scaling for the customer’s CF images and to make effective use of more processors as the sysplex workload increases, CF work management and dispatcher provide the following improvements (z14):
Non-prioritized (FIFO-based) work queues, which avoids overhead of maintaining ordered queues in the CF.
Streamlined system-managed duplexing protocol, which avoids costly latching deadlocks that can occur between primary and secondary structure.
“Functionally specialized” ICF processors that operate for CF images with dedicated processors defined under certain conditions that realizes the following benefits:
 – One “functionally specialized” processor for inspecting suspended commands
 – One “functionally specialized” processor for pulling in new commands
 – The remaining processors are non-specialized for general CF request processing
 – Avoids many inter-processor contentions that were associated with CF dispatching
3.5.5 IBM Z Integrated Information Processor
A zIIP4 reduces the standard processor (CP) capacity requirements for z/OS Java, XML system services applications, and a portion of work of z/OS Communications Server and Db2 UDB for z/OS Version 8 or later, freeing up capacity for other workload requirements.
A zIIP enables eligible z/OS workloads to have a portion of them directed to zIIP. The zIIPs do not increase the MSU value of the processor and so do not affect the IBM software license changes.
z14 is the second generation of IBM Z processors to support SMT. z14 servers implement two threads per core on IFLs and zIIPs. SMT must be enabled at the LPAR level and supported by the z/OS operating system. SMT was enhanced for z14 and it is enabled for SAPs by default (no customer intervention required).
How zIIPs work
zIIPs are designed for supporting designated z/OS workloads. One of the workloads is Java code execution. When Java code must be run (for example, under control of IBM WebSphere), the z/OS JVM calls the function of the zIIP. The z/OS dispatcher then suspends the JVM task on the CP that it is running on and dispatches it on an available zIIP. After the Java application code execution is finished, z/OS redispatches the JVM task on an available CP. After this process occurs, normal processing is resumed.
This process reduces the CP time that is needed to run Java WebSphere applications, which frees that capacity for other workloads.
The logical flow of Java code that is running on a z14 server that has a zIIP available is shown in Figure 3-13. When JVM starts the execution of a Java program, it passes control to the z/OS dispatcher that verifies the availability of a zIIP.
Figure 3-13 Logical flow of Java code execution on a zIIP
The availability is treated in the following manner:
If a zIIP is available (not busy), the dispatcher suspends the JVM task on the CP and assigns the Java task to the zIIP. When the task returns control to the JVM, it passes control back to the dispatcher. The dispatcher then reassigns the JVM code execution to a CP.
If no zIIP is available (all busy), the z/OS dispatcher allows the Java task to run on a standard CP. This process depends on the option that is used in the OPT statement in the IEAOPTxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.
A zIIP runs only IBM authorized code. This IBM authorized code includes the z/OS JVM in association with parts of system code, such as the z/OS dispatcher and supervisor services. A zIIP cannot process I/O or clock comparator interruptions, and it does not support operator controls, such as IPL.
Java application code can run on a CP or a zIIP. The installation can manage the use of CPs so that Java application code runs only on CPs, only on zIIPs, or on both.
Two execution options for zIIP-eligible code execution are available. These options are user-specified in IEAOPTxx and can be dynamically altered by using the SET OPT command. The following options are supported for z/OS V1R10 and later releases:
Option 1: Java dispatching by priority (IIPHONORPRIORITY=YES)
This option is the default option and specifies that CPs must not automatically consider zIIP-eligible work for dispatching on them. The zIIP-eligible work is dispatched on the zIIP engines until Workload Manager (WLM) determines that the zIIPs are overcommitted. WLM then requests help from the CPs. When help is requested, the CPs consider dispatching zIIP-eligible work on the CPs themselves based on the dispatching priority relative to other workloads. When the zIIP engines are no longer overcommitted, the CPs stop considering zIIP-eligible work for dispatch.
This option runs as much zIIP-eligible work on zIIPs as possible. It also allows it to spill over onto the CPs only when the zIIPs are overcommitted.
Option 2: Java dispatching by priority (IIPHONORPRIORITY=NO)
zIIP-eligible work runs on zIIPs only while at least one zIIP engine is online. zIIP-eligible work is not normally dispatched on a CP, even if the zIIPs are overcommitted and CPs are unused. The exception is that zIIP-eligible work can sometimes run on a CP to resolve resource conflicts.
Therefore, zIIP-eligible work does not affect the CP utilization that is used for reporting through the subcapacity reporting tool (SCRT), no matter how busy the zIIPs are.
If zIIPs are defined to the LPAR but are not online, the zIIP-eligible work units are processed by CPs in order of priority. The system ignores the IIPHONORPRIORITY parameter in this case and handles the work as though it had no eligibility to zIIPs.
zIIPs provide the following benefits:
Potential cost savings.
Simplification of infrastructure as a result of the colocation and integration of new applications with their associated database systems and transaction middleware, such as Db2, IMS, or CICS. Simplification can happen, for example, by introducing a uniform security environment, and by reducing the number of TCP/IP programming stacks and system interconnect links.
Prevention of processing latencies that occur if Java application servers and their database servers are deployed on separate server platforms.
The following Db2 UDB for z/OS V8 or later workloads are eligible to run in Service Request Block (SRB) mode:
Query processing of network-connected applications that access the Db2 database over a TCP/IP connection by using IBM Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA). DRDA enables relational data to be distributed among multiple systems. It is native to Db2 for z/OS, which reduces the need for more gateway products that can affect performance and availability. The application uses the DRDA requester or server to access a remote database. IBM Db2 Connect is an example of a DRDA application requester.
Star schema query processing, which is mostly used in Business Intelligence (BI) work. A star schema is a relational database schema for representing multidimensional data. It stores data in a central fact table and is surrounded by more dimension tables that hold information about each perspective of the data. For example, a star schema query joins various dimensions of a star schema data set.
Db2 utilities that are used for index maintenance, such as LOAD, REORG, and REBUILD. Indexes allow quick access to table rows, but over time, the databases become less efficient and must be maintained as data in large databases is manipulated.
The zIIP runs portions of eligible database workloads, which helps to free computer capacity and lower software costs. Not all Db2 workloads are eligible for zIIP processing. Db2 UDB for z/OS V8 and later gives z/OS the information to direct portions of the work to the zIIP. The result is that in every user situation, different variables determine how much work is redirected to the zIIP.
On a z14 server, the following workloads can also benefit from zIIPs:
z/OS Communications Server uses the zIIP for eligible Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) network encryption workloads. This configuration requires z/OS V1R10 or later. Portions of IPSec processing take advantage of the zIIPs, specifically end-to-end encryption with IPSec. The IPSec function moves a portion of the processing from the general-purpose processors to the zIIPs. In addition, to run the encryption processing, the zIIP also handles the cryptographic validation of message integrity and IPSec header processing.
z/OS Global Mirror, formerly known as Extended Remote Copy (XRC), also uses the zIIP. Most z/OS Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem (DFSMS) system data mover (SDM) processing that is associated with z/OS Global Mirror can run on the zIIP. This configuration requires z/OS V1R10 or later releases.
The first IBM user of z/OS XML system services is Db2 V9. For Db2 V9 before the z/OS XML System Services enhancement, z/OS XML System Services non-validating parsing was partially directed to zIIPs when used as part of a distributed Db2 request through DRDA. This enhancement benefits Db2 V9 by making all z/OS XML System Services non-validating parsing eligible to zIIPs. This configuration is possible when processing is used as part of any workload that is running in enclave SRB mode.
z/OS Communications Server also allows the HiperSockets Multiple Write operation for outbound large messages (originating from z/OS) to be run by a zIIP. Application workloads that are based on XML, HTTP, SOAP, and Java, and traditional file transfer can benefit.
For BI, IBM Scalable Architecture for Financial Reporting provides a high-volume, high-performance reporting solution by running many diverse queries in z/OS batch. It can also be eligible for zIIP.
For more information about zIIP and eligible workloads, see the IBM zIIP website.
zIIP installation
One CP must be installed with or before any zIIP is installed. In zNext, the zIIP-to-CP ratio is 2:1, which means that up to 112 zIIPs on a model M05 can be characterized. The allowable number of zIIPs for each model is listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1 Number of zIIPs per model
Maximum zIIPs
0 - 22
0 - 46
0 - 70
0 - 94
0 - 112
zIIPs are orderable by using FC 1936. Up to two zIIPs can be ordered for each CP or marked CP configured in the system. If the installed CPC drawer has no remaining unassigned PUs, the assignment of the next zIIP might require the installation of another CPC drawer.
PUs that are characterized as zIIPs within a configuration are grouped into the zIIP pool. This configuration allows zIIPs to have their own processing weights, independent of the weight of parent CPs. The zIIP pool can be seen on the hardware console.
The number of permanent zIIPs plus temporary zIIPs cannot exceed twice the number of purchased CPs plus temporary CPs. Also, the number of temporary zIIPs cannot exceed the number of permanent zIIPs.
zIIPs and logical partition definitions
zIIPs are dedicated or shared, depending on whether they are part of an LPAR with dedicated or shared CPs. In an LPAR, at least one CP must be defined before zIIPs for that partition can be defined. The number of zIIPs that are available in the system is the number of zIIPs that can be defined to an LPAR.
LPAR: In an LPAR, as many zIIPs as are available can be defined together with at least one CP.
3.5.6 System assist processors
A system assist processor (SAP) is a PU that runs the channel subsystem LIC to control I/O operations. All SAPs run I/O operations for all LPARs. z14 is the first IBM Z server to enable SMT for SAPs. All models feature standard SAPs configured. The number of standard SAPs depends on the z14 model, as listed in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2 SAPs per model
Standard SAPs
SAP configuration
A standard SAP configuration provides a well-balanced system for most environments. However, some application environments have high I/O rates, typically Transaction Processing Facility (TPF) environments. In this case, more SAPs can be ordered. Assigning of more SAPs can increase the capability of the channel subsystem to run I/O operations. In z14 systems, the number of SAPs can be greater than the number of CPs. However, more SAPs plus standard SAPs cannot exceed 128.
Optional other orderable SAPs
The option to order more SAPs is available on all models (FC #1935). These extra SAPs increase the capacity of the channel subsystem to run I/O operation, which is suggested for TPF environments. The maximum number of optional extra orderable SAPs depends on the configuration and the number of available uncharacterized PUs. The number of SAPs is listed in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3 Optional SAPs per model
Optional SAPs
0 - 4
0 - 8
0 - 12
0 - 16
0 - 16
3.5.7 Reserved processors
Reserved processors are defined by the PR/SM to allow for a nondisruptive capacity upgrade. Reserved processors are similar to spare logical processors, and can be shared or dedicated. Reserved CPs can be defined to an LPAR dynamically to allow for nondisruptive image upgrades.
Reserved processors can be dynamically configured online by an operating system that supports this function if enough unassigned PUs are available to satisfy the request. The PR/SM rules that govern logical processor activation remain unchanged.
By using reserved processors, you can define more logical processors than the number of available CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zIIPs in the configuration to an LPAR. This process makes it possible to configure online, nondisruptively, more logical processors after more CPs, IFLs, ICFs, and zIIPs are made available concurrently. They can be made available with one of the Capacity on-demand options.
The maximum number of reserved processors that can be defined to an LPAR depends on the number of logical processors that are defined. The maximum number of logical processors plus reserved processors is 170. If the operating system in the LPAR supports the logical processor add function, reserved processors are no longer needed.
Do not define more active and reserved processors than the operating system for the LPAR can support. For more information about logical processors and reserved processors and their definitions, see 3.7, “Logical partitioning” on page 125.
3.5.8 Integrated firmware processor
An IFP is allocated from the pool of PUs and is available for the entire system. Unlike other characterized PUs, the IFP is standard and not defined by the client. It is a single PU that is dedicated solely to supporting the following native Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) features:
10 GbE Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) Express
25GbE and 10GbE RoCE Express2
zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) Express
IBM zHyperLink Express
Coupling Express Long Reach
It also is initialized at POR. The IFP supports Resource Group (RG) LIC to provide native PCIe I/O feature management and virtualization functions. For more information, see Appendix C, “Native Peripheral Component Interconnect Express” on page 469.
3.5.9 Processor unit assignment
The processor unit assignment of characterized PUs is done at POR time, when the system is initialized. The initial assignment rules keep PUs of the same characterization type grouped as much as possible in relation to PU chips and CPC drawer boundaries to optimize shared cache usage.
The PU assignment is based on CPC drawer plug ordering. The CPC drawers are populated from the bottom upward. This process defines following the low-order and the high-order CPC drawers:
CPC drawer 1: Plug order 1 (low-order CPC drawer)
CPC drawer 2: Plug order 2
CPC drawer 3: Plug order 3
CPC drawer 4: Plug order 4 (high-order CPC drawer)
The assignment rules comply with the following order:
Spare: CPC drawers 1 and 2 are assigned one spare each on the high PU chip. In the model M01, the two spares are assigned to CPC drawer 1.
IFP: One IFP is assigned to CPC drawer 1.
SAPs: Spread across CPC drawers and high PU chips. Each CPC drawer has six standard SAPs. Start with the highest PU chip high core, then the next highest PU chip high core. This process prevents all the SAPs from being assigned on one PU chip.
IFLs and ICFs: Assign IFLs and ICFs to cores on chips in higher CPC drawers working downward.
CPs and zIIPs: Assign CPs and zIIPs to cores on chips in lower CPC drawers working upward.
These rules are intended to isolate, as much as possible, on different CPC drawers and even on different PU chips, processors that are used by different operating systems. This configuration ensures that different operating systems do not use the same shared caches. For example, CPs and zIIPs are all used by z/OS, and can benefit by using the same shared caches. However, IFLs are used by z/VM and Linux, and ICFs are used by CFCC. Therefore, for performance reasons, the assignment rules prevent them from sharing L3 and L4 caches with z/OS processors.
This initial PU assignment, which is done at POR, can be dynamically rearranged by an LPAR by swapping an active core to a core in a different PU chip in a different CPC drawer or node to improve system performance. For more information, see “LPAR dynamic PU reassignment” on page 130.
When a CPC drawer is added concurrently after POR and new LPARs are activated, or processor capacity for active partitions is dynamically expanded, the extra PU capacity can be assigned from the new CPC drawer. The processor unit assignment rules consider the newly installed CPC drawer only after the next POR.
3.5.10 Sparing rules
On a z14 system, two PUs are reserved as spares. The reserved spares are available to replace any two characterized PUs, whether they are CP, IFL, ICF, zIIP, SAP, or IFP.
Systems with a failed PU for which no spare is available call home for a replacement. A system with a failed PU that is spared and requires an SCM to be replaced (referred to as a pending repair) can still be upgraded when sufficient PUs are available.
Transparent CP, IFL, ICF, zIIP, SAP, and IFP sparing
Depending on the model, sparing of CP, IFL, ICF, zIIP, SAP, and IFP is transparent and does not require operating system or operator intervention.
With transparent sparing, the status of the application that was running on the failed processor is preserved. The application continues processing on a newly assigned CP, IFL, ICF, zIIP, SAP, or IFP (allocated to one of the spare PUs) without client intervention.
Application preservation
If no spare PU is available, application preservation (z/OS only) is started. The state of the failing processor is passed to another active processor that is used by the operating system. Through operating system recovery services, the task is resumed successfully (in most cases, without client intervention).
Dynamic SAP and IFP sparing and reassignment
Dynamic recovery is provided if a failure of the SAP or IFP occurs. If the SAP or IFP fails, and if a spare PU is available, the spare PU is dynamically assigned as a new SAP or IFP. If no spare PU is available, and more than one CP is characterized, a characterized CP is reassigned as an SAP or IFP. In either case, client intervention is not required. This capability eliminates an unplanned outage and allows a service action to be deferred to a more convenient time.
3.6 Memory design
Various considerations of the z14 memory design are described in this section.
3.6.1 Overview
The z14 memory design also provides flexibility, high availability, and the following upgrades:
Concurrent memory upgrades if the physically installed capacity is not yet reached
z14 servers can have more physically installed memory than the initial available capacity. Memory upgrades within the physically installed capacity can be done concurrently by LIC, and no hardware changes are required. However, memory upgrades cannot be done through CBU or On/Off CoD.
Concurrent memory upgrades if the physically installed capacity is reached
Physical memory upgrades require a processor cage to be removed and reinstalled after replacing the memory cards in the processor cage. Except for a model M01, the combination of enhanced drawer availability and the flexible memory option allows you to concurrently add memory to the system. For more information, see 2.4.5, “Drawer replacement and memory” on page 62, and 2.4.7, “Flexible Memory Option” on page 63.
When the total capacity that is installed has more usable memory than required for a configuration, the LIC Configuration Control (LICCC) determines how much memory is used from each processor drawer. The sum of the LICCC provided memory from each CPC drawer is the amount that is available for use in the system.
Memory allocation
When system is activated by using a POR, PR/SM determines the total installed memory and the customer enabled memory. Later in the process, during LPAR activation, PR/SM assigns and allocates each partition memory according to their image profile.
PR/SM has control over all physical memory, and can make physical memory available to the configuration when a CPC drawer is added.
In older IBM Z processors, memory allocation was striped across the available CPC drawers because relatively fast connectivity existed between the drawers. Splitting the work between all of the memory controllers allowed a smooth performance variability.
The memory allocation algorithm changed with the z14, z13, and z13s memory design. PR/SM tries to allocate memory into a single CPC drawer. The PR/SM memory and logical processor resources allocation goal is to place all partition resources on a single CPC drawer, if possible. The resources, such as memory and logical processors, are assigned to the logical partitions at the time of their activation. Later on, when all partitions are activated, PR/SM can move memory between CPC drawers to benefit the performance of each LPAR, without OS knowledge. This process was done on the previous families of IBM Z servers only for PUs that use PR/SM dynamic PU reallocation.
With z14 servers, this process occurs whenever the configuration changes, such as in the following circumstances:
Activating or deactivating an LPAR
Changing the LPARs processing weights
Upgrading the system through a temporary or permanent record
Downgrading the system through a temporary record
PR/SM schedules a global reoptimization of the resources in use. It does so by looking at all the partitions that are active and prioritizing them based on their processing entitlement and weights, which creates a high and low priority rank. Then, the resources, such as logical processors and memory, can be moved from one CPC drawer to another to address the priority ranks that were created.
When partitions are activated, PR/SM tries to find a home assignment CPC drawer, home assignment node, and home assignment chip for the logical processors that are defined to them. The PR/SM goal is to allocate all the partition logical processors and memory to a single CPC drawer (the home drawer for that partition).
If all logical processors can be assigned to a home drawer and the partition-defined memory is greater than what is available in that drawer, the exceeding memory amount is allocated on another CPC drawer. If all the logical processors cannot fit in one CPC drawer, the remaining logical processors spill to another CPC drawer. When that overlap occurs, PR/SM stripes the memory (if possible) across the CPC drawers where the logical processors are assigned.
The process of reallocating memory is based on the memory copy/reassign function, which is used to allow enhanced drawer availability (EDA) and concurrent drawer replacement (CDR)5. This process was enhanced for z13 and z13s to provide more efficiency and speed to the process without affecting system performance.
z14 implements a faster dynamic memory reallocation mechanism, which is especially useful during service operations (EDA and CDR). PR/SM controls the reassignment of the content of a specific physical memory array in one CPC drawer to a physical memory array in another CPC drawer. To do accomplish this task, PR/SM uses all the available physical memory in the system. This memory includes the memory that is not in use by the system that is available but not purchased by the client, and the planned memory options, if installed.
Because of the memory allocation algorithm, systems that undergo many miscellaneous equipment specification (MES) upgrades for memory can have different memory mixes and quantities in all processor drawers of the system. If the memory fails, it is technically feasible to run a POR of the system with the remaining working memory resources. After the POR completes, the memory distribution across the processor drawers is different, as is the total amount of available memory.
Large page support
By default, page frames are allocated with a 4 KB size. z14 servers also support large page sizes of 1 MB or 2 GB. The first z/OS release that supports 1 MB pages is z/OS V1R9. Linux on Z 1 MB pages support is available in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.2.
The TLB reduces the amount of time that is required to translate a virtual address to a real address. This translation is done by dynamic address translation (DAT) when it must find the correct page for the correct address space. Each TLB entry represents one page. As with other buffers or caches, lines are discarded from the TLB on a least recently used (LRU) basis.
The worst-case translation time occurs when a TLB miss occurs and the segment table (which is needed to find the page table) and the page table (which is needed to find the entry for the particular page in question) are not in cache. This case involves two complete real memory access delays plus the address translation delay. The duration of a processor cycle is much shorter than the duration of a memory cycle, so a TLB miss is relatively costly.
It is preferable to have addresses in the TLB. With 4 K pages, holding all of the addresses for 1 MB of storage takes 256 TLB lines. When 1 MB pages are used, it takes only one TLB line. Therefore, large page size users have a much smaller TLB footprint.
Large pages allow the TLB to better represent a large working set and suffer fewer TLB misses by allowing a single TLB entry to cover more address translations.
Users of large pages are better represented in the TLB and are expected to see performance improvements in elapsed time and processor usage. These improvements are because DAT and memory operations are part of processor busy time even though the processor waits for memory operations to complete without processing anything else in the meantime.
To overcome the processor usage that is associated with creating a 1 MB page, a process must run for some time. It also must maintain frequent memory access to keep the pertinent addresses in the TLB.
Short-running work does not overcome the processor usage. Short processes with small working sets are expected to receive little or no improvement. Long-running work with high memory-access frequency is the best candidate to benefit from large pages.
Long-running work with low memory-access frequency is less likely to maintain its entries in the TLB. However, when it does run, few address translations are required to resolve all of the memory it needs. Therefore, a long-running process can benefit even without frequent memory access.
Weigh the benefits of whether something in this category must use large pages as a result of the system-level costs of tying up real storage. A balance exists between the performance of a process that uses large pages and the performance of the remaining work on the system.
On z14 servers, 1 MB large pages become pageable if Virtual Flash Memory6 is available and enabled. They are available only for 64-bit virtual private storage, such as virtual memory that is above 2 GB.
It is easy to assume that increasing the TLB size is a feasible option to deal with TLB-miss situations. However, this process is not as straightforward as it seems. As the size of the TLB increases, so does the processor usage that is involved in managing the TLB’s contents. Correct sizing of the TLB is subject to complex statistical modeling to find the optimal tradeoff between size and performance.
3.6.2 Main storage
Main storage is addressable by programs, and storage that is not directly addressable by programs. Non-addressable storage includes the hardware system area (HSA).
Main storage provides the following functions:
Data storage and retrieval for PUs and I/O
Communication with PUs and I/O
Communication with and control of optional expanded storage
Error checking and correction
Main storage can be accessed by all processors, but cannot be shared between LPARs. Any system image (LPAR) must include a defined main storage size. This defined main storage is allocated exclusively to the LPAR during partition activation.
3.6.3 Hardware system area
The HSA is a non-addressable storage area that contains system LIC and configuration-dependent control blocks. On z14 servers, the HSA has a fixed size of
192 GB and is not part of the purchased memory that you order and install.
The fixed size of the HSA eliminates planning for future expansion of the HSA because the hardware configuration definition (HCD)/input/output configuration program (IOCP) always reserves space for the following items:
Six channel subsystems (CSSs)
A total of 15 LPARs in the 5 CSSs and 10 LPARs for the sixth CSS for a total of 85 LPARs
Subchannel set 0 with 63.75-K devices in each CSS
Subchannel set 1 with 64-K devices in each CSS
Subchannel set 2 with 64-K devices in each CSS
Subchannel set 3 with 64-K devices in each CSS
The HSA has sufficient reserved space to allow for dynamic I/O reconfiguration changes to the maximum capability of the processor.
3.6.4 Virtual Flash Memory
IBM Virtual Flash Memory (VFM, FC 0604) is the replacement for the Flash Express features that were available on the IBM zEC12 and IBM z13. No application changes are required to change from IBM Flash Express to VFM.
3.7 Logical partitioning
The logical partitioning features are described in this section.
3.7.1 Overview
Logical partitioning is a function that is implemented by the PR/SM on z14. z14 runs in LPAR, or DPM mode. DPM provides a dynamic GUI for managing PR/SM. Therefore, all system aspects are controlled by PR/SM functions.
PR/SM is aware of the processor drawer structure on z14 servers. However, LPARs do not feature this awareness. LPARs have resources that are allocated to them from various physical resources. From a systems standpoint, LPARs have no control over these physical resources, but the PR/SM functions do have this control.
PR/SM manages and optimizes allocation and the dispatching of work on the physical topology. Most physical topology that was handled by the operating systems is the responsibility of PR/SM.
As described in 3.5.9, “Processor unit assignment” on page 119, the initial PU assignment is done during POR by using rules to optimize cache usage. This step is the “physical” step, where CPs, zIIPs, IFLs, ICFs, and SAPs are allocated on the processor drawers.
When an LPAR is activated, PR/SM builds logical processors and allocates memory for the LPAR.
Memory allocation changed from the previous IBM Z servers. IBM System z9® memory was spread across all books. This optimization was done by using a round-robin algorithm with several increments per book to match the number of memory controllers (MCs) per book. This memory allocation design is driven by performance results, which minimizes variability for most workloads.
With z14 servers, memory allocation changed from the model that was used for the z9. Partition memory is now allocated in a per processor drawer basis and striped across processor clusters. For more information, see “Memory allocation” on page 121.
Logical processors are dispatched by PR/SM on physical processors. The assignment topology that is used by PR/SM to dispatch logical processors on physical PUs is also based on cache usage optimization.
Processor drawers and node level assignments are more important because they optimize L4 cache usage. Therefore, logical processors from a specific LPAR are packed into a processor drawer as much as possible.
PR/SM optimizes chip assignments within the assigned processor drawers (or drawers) to maximize L3 cache efficiency. Logical processors from an LPAR are dispatched on physical processors on the same PU chip as much as possible. The number of processors per chip (10) matches the number of z/OS processor affinity queues that is used by HiperDispatch, which achieves optimal cache usage within an affinity node.
PR/SM also tries to redispatch a logical processor on the same physical processor to optimize private cache (L1 and L2) usage.
PR/SM and z/OS work in tandem to use processor resources more efficiently. HiperDispatch is a function that combines the dispatcher actions and the knowledge that PR/SM has about the topology of the system.
Performance can be optimized by redispatching units of work to the same processor group, which keeps processes running near their cached instructions and data, and minimizes transfers of data ownership among processors and processor drawers.
The nested topology is returned to z/OS by the Store System Information (STSI) instruction. HiperDispatch uses the information to concentrate logical processors around shared caches (L3 at PU chip level, and L4 at drawer level), and dynamically optimizes the assignment of logical processors and units of work.
z/OS dispatcher manages multiple queues, called affinity queues, with a target number of eight processors per queue, which fits well onto a single PU chip. These queues are used to assign work to as few logical processors as are needed for an LPAR workload. Therefore, even if the LPAR is defined with many logical processors, HiperDispatch optimizes this number of processors to be near the required capacity. The optimal number of processors to be used is kept within a processor drawer boundary, when possible.
Tip: z/VM V6.31 and later also support HiperDispatch.

1 z/VM 6.3 is out of support. z/VM 6.4 and later are supported on z14.
Logical partitions
PR/SM enables z14 servers to be initialized for a logically partitioned operation, supporting up to 85 LPARs. Each LPAR can run its own operating system image in any image mode, independently from the other LPARs.
An LPAR can be added, removed, activated, or deactivated at any time. Changing the number of LPARs is not disruptive and does not require a POR. Certain facilities might not be available to all operating systems because the facilities might have software corequisites.
Each LPAR has the following resources that are the same as a real CPC:
Called logical processors, they can be defined as CPs, IFLs, ICFs, or zIIPs. They can be dedicated to an LPAR or shared among LPARs. When shared, a processor weight can be defined to provide the required level of processor resources to an LPAR. Also, the capping option can be turned on, which prevents an LPAR from acquiring more than its defined weight and limits its processor consumption.
LPARs for z/OS can have CP and zIIP logical processors. The two logical processor types can be defined as all dedicated or all shared. The zIIP support is available in z/OS.
The weight and number of online logical processors of an LPAR can be dynamically managed by the LPAR CPU Management function of the Intelligent Resource Director (IRD). These functions can be used to achieve the defined goals of this specific partition and of the overall system. The provisioning architecture of z14 servers, as described in Chapter 8, “System upgrades” on page 315, adds a dimension to the dynamic management of LPARs.
PR/SM is enhanced to support an option to limit the amount of physical processor capacity that is used by an individual LPAR when a PU is defined as a general-purpose processor (CP) or an IFL that is shared across a set of LPARs.
This enhancement is designed to provide a physical capacity limit that is enforced as an absolute (versus relative) limit. It is not affected by changes to the logical or physical configuration of the system. This physical capacity limit can be specified in units of CPs or IFLs. The Change LPAR Controls and Customize Activation Profiles tasks on the HMC were enhanced to support this new function.
For the z/OS Workload License Charges (WLC) pricing metric and metrics that are based on it, such as Advanced Workload License Charges (AWLC), an LPAR defined capacity can be set. This defined capacity enables the soft capping function. Workload charging introduces the capability to pay software license fees that are based on the processor utilization of the LPAR on which the product is running, rather than on the total capacity of the system. Consider the following points:
 – In support of WLC, the user can specify a defined capacity in millions of service units (MSUs) per hour. The defined capacity sets the capacity of an individual LPAR when soft capping is selected.
The defined capacity value is specified on the Options tab in the Customize Image Profiles window.
 – WLM keeps a four-hour rolling average of the processor usage of the LPAR. When the four-hour average processor consumption exceeds the defined capacity limit, WLM dynamically activates LPAR capping (soft capping). When the rolling four-hour average returns below the defined capacity, the soft cap is removed.
For more information about WLM, see System Programmer's Guide to: Workload Manager, SG24-6472.
For more information about software licensing, see 7.8, “Software licensing” on page 312.
Weight settings: When defined capacity is used to define an uncapped LPAR’s capacity, carefully consider the weight settings of that LPAR. If the weight is much smaller than the defined capacity, PR/SM uses a discontinuous cap pattern to achieve the defined capacity setting. This configuration means PR/SM alternates between capping the LPAR at the MSU value that corresponds to the relative weight settings, and no capping at all. It is best to avoid this scenario and instead attempt to establish a defined capacity that is equal or close to the relative weight.
Memory (main storage) must be dedicated to an LPAR. The defined storage must be available during the LPAR activation; otherwise, the LPAR activation fails.
Reserved storage can be defined to an LPAR, which enables nondisruptive memory addition to and removal from an LPAR by using the LPAR dynamic storage reconfiguration (z/OS and z/VM). For more information, see 3.7.5, “LPAR dynamic storage reconfiguration” on page 135.
Channels can be shared between LPARs by including the partition name in the partition list of a channel-path identifier (CHPID). I/O configurations are defined by the IOCP or the HCD with the CHPID mapping tool (CMT). The CMT is an optional tool that is used to map CHPIDs onto physical channel IDs (PCHIDs). PCHIDs represent the physical location of a port on a card in an I/O cage, I/O drawer, or PCIe I/O drawer.
IOCP is available on the z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE operating systems, and as a stand-alone program on the hardware console. For more information, see IBM Z Input/Output Configuration Program User’s Guide for ICP IOCP, SB10-7163. HCD is available on the z/OS and z/VM operating systems. Consult the appropriate 2964DEVICE Preventive Service Planning (PSP) buckets before implementation.
Fibre Channel connection (FICON) channels can be managed by the Dynamic CHPID Management (DCM) function of the Intelligent Resource Director. DCM enables the system to respond to ever-changing channel requirements by moving channels from lesser-used control units to more heavily used control units, as needed.
Modes of operation
The nodes of operation are listed in Table 3-4. All available mode combinations, including their operating modes and processor types, operating systems, and addressing modes, also are summarized. Only the currently supported versions of operating systems are considered.
Table 3-4 z14 modes of operation
Image mode
PU type
Operating system
Addressing mode
General1 (formerly ESA/390 mode)
CP and zIIP
Linux on IBM Z
Coupling facility
Linux only
Linux on Z (64-bit)
Linux on Z (31-bit)
z/VSE Network Appliance3
64 bit

1 General mode uses 64-bit z/Architecture
2 Secure Service Container
3 More appliances to be announced and supported in the future
The 64-bit z/Architecture mode has no special operating mode because the architecture mode is not an attribute of the definable images operating mode. The 64-bit operating systems are in 31-bit mode at IPL and change to 64-bit mode during their initialization. The operating system is responsible for taking advantage of the addressing capabilities that are provided by the architectural mode.
For information about operating system support, see Chapter 7, “Operating system support” on page 243.
Logically partitioned mode
If the z14 server runs in LPAR mode, each of the 85 LPARs can be defined to operate in one of the following image modes:
General (formerly ESA/390) mode to run the following systems:
 – A z/Architecture operating system, on dedicated or shared CPs
 – ESA/390 operating systems
 – A Linux on Z operating system, on dedicated or shared CPs
 – z/OS, on any of the following processor units:
 • Dedicated or shared CPs
 • Dedicated CPs and dedicated zIIPs
 • Shared CPs and shared zIIPs
zIIP usage: zIIPs can be defined to an ESA/390 mode or z/VM mode image, as listed in Table 3-4 on page 128. However, zIIPs are used only by z/OS. Other operating systems cannot use zIIPs, even if they are defined to the LPAR. z/VM V5R41 and later provide support for real and virtual zIIPs to guest z/OS systems.

1 z/VM V5R4 is not supported on IBM z14.
General mode is also used to run the z/TPF operating system on dedicated or shared CPs
CF mode, by loading the CFCC code into the LPAR that is defined as one of the following types:
 – Dedicated or shared CPs
 – Dedicated or shared ICFs
Linux only mode to run the following systems:
 – A Linux on Z operating system, on either of the following types:
 • Dedicated or shared IFLs
 • Dedicated or shared CPs
 – A z/VM operating system, on either of the following types:
 • Dedicated or shared IFLs
 • Dedicated or shared CPs
z/VM mode to run z/VM on dedicated or shared CPs or IFLs, plus zIIPs and ICFs
Secure Service Container (SSC) mode LPAR can run on:
 – Dedicated or shared CPs
 – Dedicated or shared IFLs
All LPAR modes, required characterized PUs, operating systems, and the PU characterizations that can be configured to an LPAR image are listed in Table 3-5. The available combinations of dedicated (DED) and shared (SHR) processors are also included. For all combinations, an LPAR also can include reserved processors that are defined, which allows for nondisruptive LPAR upgrades.
Table 3-5 LPAR mode and PU usage
LPAR mode
PU type
Operating systems
PUs usage
General (formerly ESA/390)
z/Architecture operating systems
ESA/390 operating systems
Linux on Z
CPs and zIIPs
z/VM (V6R31 and later for guest exploitation)
Coupling facility
ICFs or
Linux only
IFLs or CPs
Linux on Z
CPs, IFLs, zIIPs, or ICFs
z/VM (V6R2 and later)
All PUs must be SHR or DED
IFLs, or CPs
IBM zAware3
z/VSE Network Appliance

1 z/VM 6.3 is out of support.
2 Secure Service Container
3 Software appliance, included in IBM Z Operational Analytics
Dynamically adding or deleting a logical partition name
Dynamically adding or deleting an LPAR name is the ability to add or delete LPARs and their associated I/O resources to or from the configuration without a POR.
The extra channel subsystem and multiple image facility (MIF) image ID pairs (CSSID/MIFID) can be later assigned to an LPAR for use (or later removed). This process can be done through dynamic I/O commands by using the HCD. At the same time, required channels must be defined for the new LPAR.
Partition profile: Cryptographic coprocessors are not tied to partition numbers or MIF IDs. They are set up with Adjunct Processor (AP) numbers and domain indexes. These numbers are assigned to a partition profile of a given name. The client assigns these AP numbers and domains to the partitions and continues to have the responsibility to clear them out when their profiles change.
Adding logical processors to a logical partition
Logical processors can be concurrently added to an LPAR by defining them as reserved in the image profile and later configuring them online to the operating system by using the appropriate console commands. Logical processors also can be concurrently added to a logical partition dynamically by using the Support Element (SE) “Logical Processor Add” function under the CPC Operational Customization task. This SE function allows the initial and reserved processor values to be dynamically changed. The operating system must support the dynamic addition of these resources. In z/OS, this support is available since Version 1 Release 10 (z/OS V1.10), while z/VM supports this addition since z/VM V5.4, and z/VSE since V4.3.
Adding a crypto feature to a logical partition
You can plan the addition of Crypto Express5S features to an LPAR on the crypto page in the image profile by defining the Cryptographic Candidate List, and the Usage and Control Domain indexes, in the partition profile. By using the Change LPAR Cryptographic Controls task, you can add crypto adapters dynamically to an LPAR without an outage of the LPAR. Also, dynamic deletion or moving of these features does not require pre-planning. Support is provided in z/OS, z/VM, z/VSE, Secure Service Container (based on appliance requirements), and Linux on Z.
LPAR dynamic PU reassignment
The system configuration is enhanced to optimize the PU-to-CPC drawer assignment of physical processors dynamically. The initial assignment of client-usable physical processors to physical processor drawers can change dynamically to better suit the LPAR configurations that are in use. For more information, see 3.5.9, “Processor unit assignment” on page 119.
Swapping of specialty engines and general processors with each other, with spare PUs, or with both, can occur as the system attempts to compact LPAR configurations into physical configurations that span the least number of processor drawers.
LPAR dynamic PU reassignment can swap client processors of different types between processor drawers. For example, reassignment can swap an IFL on processor drawer 1 with a CP on processor drawer 2. Swaps can also occur between PU chips within a processor drawer or a node and can include spare PUs. The goals are to pack the LPAR on fewer processor drawers and also on fewer PU chips, based on the z14 processor drawers’ topology. The effect of this process is evident in dedicated and shared LPARs that use HiperDispatch.
LPAR dynamic PU reassignment is transparent to operating systems.
LPAR group capacity limit (LPAR group absolute capping)
The group capacity limit feature allows the definition of a group of LPARs on a z14 system, and limits the combined capacity usage by those LPARs. This process allows the system to manage the group so that the group capacity limits in MSUs per hour are not exceeded. To take advantage of this feature, you must be running z/OS V1.10 or later in the all LPARs in the group.
PR/SM and WLM work together to enforce the capacity that is defined for the group and the capacity that is optionally defined for each individual LPAR.
LPAR absolute capping
Absolute capping is a logical partition control that was made available with zEC12 and is supported on z14 servers. With this support, PR/SM and the HMC are enhanced to support a new option to limit the amount of physical processor capacity that is used by an individual LPAR when a PU is defined as a general-purpose processor (CP), zIIP, or an IFL processor that is shared across a set of LPARs.
Unlike traditional LPAR capping, absolute capping is designed to provide a physical capacity limit that is enforced as an absolute (versus relative) value that is not affected by changes to the virtual or physical configuration of the system.
Absolute capping provides an optional maximum capacity setting for logical partitions that is specified in the absolute processors capacity (for example, 5.00 CPs or 2.75 IFLs). This setting is specified independently by processor type (namely CPs, zIIPs, and IFLs) and provides an enforceable upper limit on the amount of the specified processor type that can be used in a partition.
Absolute capping is ideal for processor types and operating systems that the z/OS WLM cannot control. Absolute capping is not intended as a replacement for defined capacity or group capacity for z/OS, which are managed by WLM.
Absolute capping can be used with any z/OS, z/VM, or Linux on z LPAR that is running on an IBM Z server. If specified for a z/OS LPAR, it can be used concurrently with defined capacity or group capacity management for z/OS. When used concurrently, the absolute capacity limit becomes effective before other capping controls.
Dynamic Partition Manager mode
DPM is an IBM Z server operation mode that provides a simplified approach to create and manage virtualized environments, which reduces the barriers of its adoption for new and existing customers.
The implementation provides built-in integrated capabilities that allow advanced virtualization management on IBM Z servers. With DPM, you can use your Linux and virtualization skills while taking advantage of the full value of IBM Z hardware, robustness, and security in a workload optimized environment.
DPM provides facilities to define and run virtualized computing systems by using a firmware-managed environment that coordinate the physical system resources that are shared by the partitions. The partitions’ resources include processors, memory, network, storage, crypto, and accelerators.
DPM provides a new mode of operation for IBM Z servers that provide the following services:
Facilitates defining, configuring, and operating PR/SM LPARs in a similar way to how someone performs these tasks on another platform.
Lays the foundation for a general IBM Z new user experience.
DPM is not another hypervisor for IBM Z servers. DPM uses the PR/SM hypervisor infrastructure and provides an intelligent interface on top of it that allows customers to define, use, and operate the platform virtualization without IBM Z experience or skills. For more information about DPM, see Appendix E, “IBM Dynamic Partition Manager” on page 501.
3.7.2 Storage operations
In z14 servers, memory can be assigned as main storage only (expanded storage is not supported) supporting up to 85 LPARs. Before you activate an LPAR, main storage must be defined to the LPAR. All installed storage can be configured as main storage. Each z/OS individual LPAR can be defined with a maximum of 4 TB of main storage. z/VM V6R3 support 1 TB while z/VM V6R4 and z/VM V7R1 support 2 TB of main storage.
Main storage can be dynamically assigned to expanded storage and back to main storage as needed without a POR.
Memory cannot be shared between system images. It is possible to dynamically reallocate storage resources for z/Architecture LPARs that run operating systems that support dynamic storage reconfiguration (DSR). This process is supported by z/OS, and z/VM. z/VM, in turn, virtualizes this support to its guests. For more information, see 3.7.5, “LPAR dynamic storage reconfiguration” on page 135.
Operating systems that run as guests of z/VM can use the z/VM capability of implementing virtual memory to guest virtual machines. The z/VM dedicated real storage can be shared between guest operating systems.
The z14 storage allocation and usage possibilities, depending on the image mode, are listed in Table 3-6.
Table 3-6 Main storage definition and usage possibilities
Image mode
Architecture mode
Maximum main storage
z14 definition
General (formerly ESA/390)
z/Architecture (64-bit)
16 EB
4 TB
Coupling facility
CFCC (64-bit)
1.5 TB
1 TB
Linux only
z/Architecture (64-bit)
16 EB
2 TB
z/Architecture (64-bit)
16 EB
2 TB
z/Architecture (64-bit)
16 EB
2 TB

1 z/VM mode is supported by z/VM V6R2 and later.
2 Secure Service Container
The following modes are provided:
z/Architecture mode
In z/Architecture (General, formerly ESA/390 or ESA/390-TPF) mode, storage addressing is 64-bit, which allows for virtual addresses up to 16 exabytes (16 EB). The 64-bit architecture theoretically allows a maximum of 16 EB to be used as main storage. However, the current main storage7 limit for LPARs is 16 TB of main storage. The operating system that runs in z/Architecture mode must support the real storage. Currently, z/OS supports up to 4 TB8 of real storage (z/OS V1R10 and later releases).
CF mode
In CF mode, storage addressing is 64 bit for a CF image that runs at CFCC Level 12 or later. This configuration allows for an addressing range up to 16 EB. However, the current z14 definition limit for CF LPARs is 1 TB of storage. The following CFCC levels are supported in a Sysplex with IBM z14:
 – CFCC Level 23, available on z14 (Driver level 36)
 – CFCC Level 22, available on z14 (Driver level 32)
 – CFCC Level 21, available on z13 and z13s (Driver Level 27)
 – CFCC Level 20, available for z13 servers with Driver Level 22
 – CFCC Level 19, available for the zEC12 with Driver Level 15F
For more information, see 3.9.1, “CF Control Code” on page 138.
Expanded storage cannot be defined for a CF image. Only IBM CFCC can run in CF mode.
Linux only mode
In Linux only mode, storage addressing can be 31 bit or 64 bit, depending on the operating system architecture and the operating system configuration.
Only Linux and z/VM operating systems can run in Linux only mode. Linux on Z 64-bit distributions (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and later, Red Hat RHEL 5 and later, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and later) use 64-bit addressing and operate in z/Architecture mode. z/VM also uses 64-bit addressing and operates in z/Architecture mode.
z/VM mode
In z/VM mode, certain types of processor units can be defined within one LPAR. This feature increases flexibility and simplifies systems management by allowing z/VM to run the following tasks in the same z/VM LPAR:
 – Manage guests to operate Linux on Z on IFLs
 – Operate z/VSE and z/OS on CPs
 – Offload z/OS system software processor usage, such as Db2 workloads on zIIPs
 – Provide an economical Java execution environment under z/OS on zIIPs
Secure Service Container (SSC) mode
In SSC mode, storage addressing is 64 bit for an embedded product. This configuration allows for an addressing range up to 16 EB. However, the current z14 definition limit for LPARs is 10 TB of storage.
Currently, the z/VSE Network Appliance that is available on z14 and z13s servers runs in an SSC LPAR.
3.7.3 Reserved storage
Reserved storage can be optionally defined to an LPAR, allowing a nondisruptive image memory upgrade for this partition. Reserved storage can be defined to both central and expanded storage, and to any image mode except CF mode.
An LPAR must define an amount of main storage and optionally (if not a CF image), an amount of expanded storage. Both main storage and expanded storage can have the following storage sizes defined:
The initial value is the storage size that is allocated to the partition when it is activated.
The reserved value is another storage capacity beyond its initial storage size that an LPAR can acquire dynamically. The reserved storage sizes that are defined to an LPAR do not have to be available when the partition is activated. They are predefined storage sizes to allow a storage increase, from an LPAR point of view.
Without the reserved storage definition, an LPAR storage upgrade is a disruptive process that requires the following steps:
1. Partition deactivation.
2. An initial storage size definition change.
3. Partition activation.
The extra storage capacity for an LPAR upgrade can come from the following sources:
Any unused available storage
Another partition that features released storage
A memory upgrade
A concurrent LPAR storage upgrade uses DSR. z/OS uses the reconfigurable storage unit (RSU) definition to add or remove storage units in a nondisruptive way.
z/VM V6R4 and later releases support the dynamic addition of memory to a running LPAR by using reserved storage. It also virtualizes this support to its guests. Removing storage from the z/VM LPAR is disruptive. Removing memory from a z/VM guest is not disruptive to the z/VM LPAR.
SLES 11 supports concurrent add and remove.
3.7.4 Logical partition storage granularity
Granularity of main storage for an LPAR depends on the largest main storage amount that is defined for initial or reserved main storage, as listed in Table 3-7.
Table 3-7 Logical partition main storage granularity (z14)
Logical partition:
Largest main storage amount
Logical partition:
Main storage granularity
Main storage amount </= 512 GB
1 GB
512 GB < main storage amount </= 1 TB
2 GB
1 TB < main storage amount </= 2 TB
4 GB
2 TB < main storage amount </= 4 TB
8 GB
4 TB < main storage amount </= 8 TB
16 GB
8 TB < main storage amount </= 16 TB
32 GB
LPAR storage granularity information is required for LPAR image setup and for z/OS RSU definition. LPARs are limited to a maximum size of 16 TB of main storage. However, the maximum amount of memory that is supported by z/OS V2.3 at the time of this writing is 4 TB. For z/VM V6R3, the limit is 1 TB; for z/VM V6R4 and V7R1, the limit is 2 TB.
3.7.5 LPAR dynamic storage reconfiguration
Dynamic storage reconfiguration on z14 servers allows an operating system that is running on an LPAR to add (nondisruptively) its reserved storage amount to its configuration. This process can occur only if unused storage exists. This unused storage can be obtained when another LPAR releases storage, or when a concurrent memory upgrade occurs.
With dynamic storage reconfiguration, the unused storage does not have to be continuous.
When an operating system running on an LPAR assigns a storage increment to its configuration, PR/SM determines whether any free storage increments are available. PR/SM then dynamically brings the storage online.
PR/SM dynamically takes offline a storage increment and makes it available to other partitions when an operating system running on an LPAR releases a storage increment.
3.8 Intelligent Resource Director
Intelligent Resource Director (IRD) is a z14 and IBM Z capability that is used only by z/OS. IRD is a function that optimizes processor and channel resource utilization across LPARs within a single IBM Z server.
This feature extends the concept of goal-oriented resource management. It does so by grouping system images that are on the same z14 or Z servers that are running in LPAR mode, and in the same Parallel Sysplex, into an LPAR cluster. This configuration allows WLM to manage resources (processor and I/O) across the entire cluster of system images and not only in one single image.
An LPAR cluster is shown in Figure 3-14. It contains three z/OS images and one Linux image that is managed by the cluster. Included as part of the entire Parallel Sysplex is another z/OS image and a CF image. In this example, the scope over which IRD has control is the defined LPAR cluster.
Figure 3-14 IRD LPAR cluster example
IRD has the following characteristics:
IRD processor management
WLM dynamically adjusts the number of logical processors within an LPAR and the processor weight based on the WLM policy. The ability to move the processor weights across an LPAR cluster provides processing power where it is most needed, based on WLM goal mode policy.
The processor management function is automatically deactivated when HiperDispatch is active. However, the LPAR weight management function remains active with IRD with HiperDispatch. For more information about HiperDispatch, see 3.7, “Logical partitioning” on page 125.
HiperDispatch manages the number of logical CPs in use. It adjusts the number of logical processors within an LPAR to achieve the optimal balance between CP resources and the requirements of the workload.
HiperDispatch also adjusts the number of logical processors. The goal is to map the logical processor to as few physical processors as possible. This configuration uses the processor resources more efficiently by trying to stay within the local cache structure. Doing so makes efficient use of the advantages of the high-frequency microprocessors, and improves throughput and response times.
Dynamic channel path management (DCM)
DCM moves FICON channel bandwidth between disk control units to address current processing needs. z14 servers support DCM within a channel subsystem.
Channel subsystem priority queuing
This function on z14 and Z servers allows the priority queuing of I/O requests in the channel subsystem and the specification of relative priority among LPARs. When running in goal mode, WLM sets the priority for an LPAR and coordinates this activity among clustered LPARs.
For more information about implementing LPAR processor management under IRD, see z/OS Intelligent Resource Director, SG24-5952.
3.9 Clustering technology
Parallel Sysplex is the clustering technology that is used with z14 servers. The components of a Parallel Sysplex as implemented within the z/Architecture are shown in Figure 3-15. The example in Figure 3-15 shows one of many possible Parallel Sysplex configurations.
Figure 3-15 Sysplex hardware overview
Figure 3-15 also shows a z14 system that contains multiple z/OS sysplex partitions. It contains an internal CF (CF02), a z13 system that contains a stand-alone CF (CF01), and a zEC12 that contains multiple z/OS sysplex partitions.
STP over coupling links provides time synchronization to all systems. The appropriate CF link technology (Integrated Coupling Adapter, Coupling Express Long reach, 1x InfiniBand, or 12x InfiniBand) selection, depends on the system configuration and how distant they are physically. The ISC-3 coupling link is not supported since z13 servers. For more information about link technologies, see “Coupling links” on page 185.
Parallel Sysplex technology is an enabling technology that allows highly reliable, redundant, and robust IBM Z technology to achieve near-continuous availability. A Parallel Sysplex makes up one or more (z/OS) operating system images that are coupled through one or more Coupling Facilities. The images can be combined to form clusters.
A correctly configured Parallel Sysplex cluster maximizes availability in the following ways:
Continuous (application) availability: Changes can be introduced, such as software upgrades, one image at a time, while the remaining images continue to process work. For more information, see Parallel Sysplex Application Considerations, SG24-6523.
High capacity: 2 - 32 z/OS images in a sysplex.
Dynamic workload balancing: Because it is viewed as a single logical resource, work can be directed to any similar operating system image in a Parallel Sysplex cluster that has available capacity.
Systems management: The architecture provides the infrastructure to satisfy client requirements for continuous availability. It also provides techniques for achieving simplified systems management consistent with this requirement.
Resource sharing: Several base (z/OS) components use the CF shared storage. This configuration enables sharing of physical resources with significant improvements in cost, performance, and simplified systems management.
Single system image: The collection of system images in the Parallel Sysplex is displayed as a single entity to the operator, user, and database administrator. A single system image ensures reduced complexity from operational and definition perspectives.
N-2 support: Multiple hardware generations (normally three) are supported in the same Parallel Sysplex. This configuration provides for a gradual evolution of the systems in the Parallel Sysplex without having to change all of them simultaneously. Similarly, software support for multiple releases or versions is supported.
Note: N-2 support is available for z14 M/T 3906. The IBM z14 Model ZR1 (M/T 3907) supports only N-1 coupling connectivity.
Through state-of-the-art cluster technology, the power of multiple images can be harnessed to work in concert on common workloads. The IBM Z Parallel Sysplex cluster takes the commercial strengths of the platform to improved levels of system management, competitive price for performance, scalable growth, and continuous availability.
3.9.1 CF Control Code
The LPAR that is running the CFCC can be on z14, z13, z13s, zEC12, and zBC12 systems. For more information about CFCC requirements for supported systems, see “Coupling facility and CFCC considerations” on page 274.
Consideration: z14, z13, z13s, zEC12, and zBC12 servers cannot coexist in the same sysplex with System z196 and previous systems. The introduction of z14 servers into existing installations might require more planning.
CFCC Level 23
CFCC level 23 is delivered on the z14 with driver level 36. CFCC Level 23 introduces the following enhancements:
Asynchronous cross-invalidate (XI) of CF cache structures. Requires PTF support for z/OS and explicit data manager support (Db2 V12 with PTFs):
 – Instead of performing XI signals synchronously on every cache update request that causes them, data managers can “opt in” for the CF to perform these XIs asynchronously (and then sync them up with the CF at or before transaction completion). Data integrity is maintained if all XI signals complete by the time transaction locks are released.
 – Results in faster completion of cache update CF requests, especially with cross-site distance involved.
 – Provides improved cache structure service times and coupling efficiency.
Coupling Facility hang detect enhancements provide a significant reduction in failure scope and client disruption (CF-level to structure-level), with no loss of FFDC collection capability:
 – When a hang is detected, in most cases the CF confines the scope of the failure to “structure damage” for the single CF structure the hung command was processing against, capture diagnostics with a non-disruptive CF dump, and continue operating without aborting or rebooting the CF image.
 – Provides a significant reduction in failure scope and client disruption (CF-level to structure-level), with no loss of FFDC collection capability.
Coupling Facility ECR granular latching:
 – With this support, most CF list and lock structure ECR processing no longer use structure-wide latching. It serializes its execution by using the normal structure object latches that all mainline commands use.
 – Eliminates the performance degradation that is caused by structure-wide latching.
 – A small number of “edge conditions” in ECR processing still require structure-wide latching to be used to serialize them.
 – Cache structure ECR processing continues to require and use structure-wide latches for its serialization.
z14 servers with CFCC Level 23 require z/OS V1R13 or later, and z/VM V6R4 or later for virtual guest coupling.
CFCC Level 22
CFCC level 22 is delivered on the z14 servers with driver level D32. CFCC Level 22 introduces the following enhancements:
CF Enhancements:
 – CF structure encryption
CF Structure encryption is transparent to CF-using middleware and applications, while CF users are unaware of and not involved in the encryption. All data and adjunct data that flows between z/OS and the CF is encrypted. The intent is to encrypt all data that might be sensitive.
Internal control information and related request metadata is not encrypted, including locks and lock structures.
z/OS generates the required structure-related encryption keys and does much of the key management automatically by using CFRM that uses secure, protected keys (never clear keys). Secure keys maintained in CFRM couple dataset.
CF Asynchronous Duplexing for Lock Structures:
 – New asynchronous duplexing protocol for lock structures:
 • z/OS sends command to primary CF only
 • Primary CF processes command and returns result
 • Primary CF forwards description of required updates to secondary CF
 • Secondary CF updates secondary structure instance asynchronously
 – Provided for lock structures only:
 • z/OS V2.2 SPE with PTFs for APAR OA47796
 • Db2 V12 with PTFs
 • Most performance-sensitive structures for duplexing
 – Benefit/Value:
 • Db2 locking receives performance similar to simplex operations
 • Reduces CPU and CF link overhead
 • Avoids the overhead of synchronous protocol handshakes on every update
 • Duplexing failover much faster than log-based recovery
 – Targeted at multi-site clients who run split workloads at distance to make duplexing lock structures at distance practical.
CF Processor Scalability:
 – CF work management and dispatcher changes to allow improved efficiency as processors are added to scale up the capacity of a CF image.
 – Functionally specialized ICF processors that operate for CF images having more than a threshold number of dedicated processors defined for them:
 • One functionally specialized processor for inspecting suspended commands.
 • One functionally specialized processor for pulling in new commands.
 • The remaining processors are non-specialized for general CF request processing.
 – Avoids many inter-processor contentions that was associated with CF dispatching
Enable systems management applications to collect valid CF LPAR information through z/OS BCPii:
 – System Type (CFCC)
 – System Level (CFCC LEVEL)
 – Dynamic Dispatch settings to indicate CF state (dedicated, shared, and thin interrupt), which are useful when investigating functional performance problems
z14 systems with CFCC Level 22 require z/OS V1R12 with PTFs or later, and z/VM V6R4 or later for guest virtual coupling.
To support an upgrade from one CFCC level to the next, different levels of CFCC can be run concurrently while the CF LPARs are running on different servers. CF LPARs that run on the same server share the CFCC level.
z14 servers (CFCC level 22) can coexist in a sysplex with CFCC levels 19, 20, and 21.
The CFCC is implemented by using the active wait technique. This technique means that the CFCC is always running (processing or searching for service) and never enters a wait state.
This setting also means that the CF Control Code uses all the processor capacity (cycles) that are available for the CF LPAR. If the LPAR that is running the CFCC has only dedicated processors (CPs or ICFs), the use of all processor capacity (cycles) is not a problem. However, this configuration can be an issue if the LPAR that is running the CFCC also has shared processors. Therefore, enable dynamic dispatching on the CF LPAR.
With CFCC Level 19 and Coupling Thin Interrupts, shared-processor CF can provide more consistent CF service time and acceptable usage in a broader range of configurations. For more information, see 3.9.3, “Dynamic CF dispatching” on page 141.
Performance consideration: Dedicated processor CF still provides the best CF image performance for production environments.
CF structure sizing changes are expected when moving from CFCC Level 17 (or earlier) to CFCC Level 20 or later. Review the CF structure size by using the CFSizer tool.
For more information about the recommended CFCC levels, see the current exception letter that is published on Resource Link.
3.9.2 Coupling Thin Interrupts
CFCC Level 19 introduced Coupling Thin Interrupts to improve performance in environments that share CF engines. Although dedicated engines are preferable to obtain the best CF performance, Coupling Thin Interrupts can help facilitate the use of a shared pool of engines, which helps to lower hardware acquisition costs.
The interrupt causes a shared logical processor CF partition to be dispatched by PR/SM (if it is not already dispatched), which allows the request or signal to be processed in a more timely manner. The CF relinquishes control when work is exhausted or when PR/SM takes the physical processor away from the logical processor.
The use of Coupling Thin Interrupts is controlled by the new DYNDISP specification.
You can experience CF response time improvements or more consistent CF response time when using CFs with shared engines. This improvement can allow more environments with multiple CF images to coexist in a server, and share CF engines with reasonable performance.
The response time for asynchronous CF requests can also be improved as a result of the use of Coupling Thin Interrupts on the z/OS host system, regardless of whether the CF is using shared or dedicated engines.
3.9.3 Dynamic CF dispatching
Dynamic CF dispatching provides the following process on a CF:
1. If there is no work to do, CF enters a wait state (by time).
2. After an elapsed time, CF wakes up to see whether any new work is available (that is, if any requests are in the CF Receiver buffer).
3. If no work exists, CF sleeps again for a longer period.
4. If new work is available, CF enters the normal active wait until no other work is available. After all work is complete, the process starts again.
With the introduction of the Coupling Thin Interrupt support, which is used only when the CF partition is using shared engines and the new DYNDISP=THININTERRUPT parameter, the CFCC code is changed to handle these interrupts correctly. CFCC was also changed to relinquish voluntarily control of the processor whenever it runs out of work to do. It relies on Coupling Thin Interrupts to dispatch the image again in a timely fashion when new work (or new signals) arrives at the CF to be processed.
This capability allows ICF engines to be shared by several CF images. In this environment, it provides faster and far more consistent CF service times. It can also provide performance that is reasonably close to dedicated-engine CF performance if the CF engines are not CF Control Code thin interrupts.
The introduction of thin interrupts allows a CF to run by using a shared processor while maintaining good performance. The shared engine is allowed to be undispatched when there is no more work, as in the past. The new thin interrupt now gets the shared processor that is dispatched when a command or duplexing signal is presented to the shared engine.
This function saves processor cycles and is an excellent option to be used by a production backup CF or a testing environment CF. This function is activated by using the CFCC command DYNDISP ON.
The CPs can run z/OS operating system images and CF images. For software charging reasons, generally use only ICF processors to run CF images.
Dynamic CF dispatching is shown in Figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16 Dynamic CF dispatching (shared CPs or shared ICF PUs)
For more information about CF configurations, see Coupling Facility Configuration Options, GF22-5042.
3.10 Virtual Flash Memory
Flash Express is not supported on z14. This feature was replaced by IBM Z Virtual Flash Memory (zVFM), FC 0604.
3.10.1 IBM Z Virtual Flash Memory overview
Virtual Flash Memory (VFM) is an IBM solution to replace the external zFlash Express feature with support that is based on main memory.
The “storage class memory” that is provided by Flash Express adapters is replaced with memory allocated from main memory (VFM).
VFM is designed to help improve availability and handling of paging workload spikes when running z/OS V2.1, V2.2, or V2.3. With this support, z/OS is designed to help improve system availability and responsiveness by using VFM across transitional workload events, such as market openings and diagnostic data collection. z/OS is also designed to help improve processor performance by supporting middleware use of pageable large (1 MB) pages.
VFM can also be used in CF images to provide extended capacity and availability for workloads that use IBM WebSphere MQ Shared Queues structures. The use of VFM can help availability by reducing latency from paging delays that can occur at the start of the workday or during other transitional periods. It is also designed to eliminate delays that can occur when collecting diagnostic data during failures.
3.10.2 VFM feature
A VFM feature (FC 0604) is 1.5 TB on z14 (that is approximately same size as a current Flash Express pair of adapters). The maximum number of VFM features is four per z14.
Simplification in its management is of great value because no hardware adapter is needed to manage. It also has no hardware repair and verify. It has a better performance because no I/O to attached adapter occurs. Finally, because this feature is part of memory, it is protected by RAIM and ECC.
3.10.3 VFM administration
The allocation and definition information of VFM for all partitions is viewed through the Storage Information panel under the Operational Customization panel.
The information is relocated during CDR in a manner that is identical to the process that was used for expanded storage. VFM is much simpler to manage (HMC task) and no hardware repair and verify (no cables and no adapters) are needed. Also, because this feature is part of internal memory, VFM is protected by RAIM and ECC and can provide better performance because no I/O to an attached adapter occurs.
Note: Use cases for Flash did not change (for example, z/OS paging and CF shared queue overflow). Instead, they transparently benefit from the changes in the hardware implementation.
No option is available for VFM plan ahead. The only option is to always include zVFM plan ahead when Flexible Memory option is selected.

1 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules
2 For configurations with two or more CPC drawers installed
3 In addition to optional SMT support for zIIPs and IFLs, z14 introduced SMT as default for SAPs (not user controllable).
4 IBM z Systems® Application Assist Processors (zAAPs) are not available on z14 servers. A zAAP workload is dispatched to available zIIPs (zAAP on zIIP capability).
5 In previous IBM Z generations (beforez13), these service operations were known as enhanced book availability (EBA) and concurrent book repair (CBR).
6 Virtual Flash Memory replaced IBM zFlash Express for z14. No carry forward of zFlash Express exists.
7 Expanded storage is NOT supported on z14.
8 1 TB if an I/O drawer is installed in the z13 system (carry forward only). z14 does not support I/O drawer.
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