• ‘q'
  • 1792 Panic
  • 1873 Panic
  • 1873 to 1879 Long Depression
  • 1907 Panic
  • 1929 bull market
  • 1929 Crash
  • 1930s
  • 1960s
  • 7 Up


  • ABC of Stock Speculation, The
  • ABC of Wall Street, The
  • ABC TV
  • Aboriginal people
  • Adams, Charles F. Jr
  • Adams, Evangeline
  • Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
  • Aksarben
  • Aldrin, Buzz
  • Alger, Johnny
  • algorithms
  • al-Khwarizmi, Muhammad ibn Musa
  • American & Foreign Power
  • American Can company
  • American Civil War
  • American Cotton Oil Company
  • ‘American Deer'
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • American Stock Exchange
  • American Sugar Refining Company
  • Amsterdam
  • Anatomy of Exchange-Alley, The: or, A System of Stock- Jobbing
  • Anderson, Adam
  • Antwerp
  • Apollo
  • Apple
  • Aquinas, Thomas
  • Aranyi Associates
  • arbitrage
  • Armstrong, Neil
  • Armstrong, William
  • Arnott, Robert
  • Asch, Solomon
  • Asness, Clifford
  • Association of American Railroads
  • astrologer
  • Athenian Mercury
  • Australian International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS)
  • Australian Securities Exchange
  • averaging down


  • Babson, Roger
  • Bachelier, Louis
  • back-testing
  • balance sheet
  • bank bill
  • Bank of New York
  • Bank of the United States
  • Bankers Trust
  • Barbary Coast, Africa
  • Barnard, Sir John
  • Barr Rosenberg and Associates (BARRA)
  • Barrabool
  • Barron's
  • Baston, Thomas
  • Batt, Bob
  • Battle for Investment Survival, The
  • Battle of the Somme
  • bear markets
  • Beating the Dow
  • beating the market
  • behavioural finance
  • Bell, Philip W.
  • Berkeley
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • Bernanke, Ben
  • beta
  • Bethlehem Steel
  • Bianco, David
  • Big Bang
  • Bill and Ruth Scott Family Foundation
  • Black Thursday
  • Black, Fischer
  • black-box trading tools
  • Black-Scholes pricing model
  • blue chip
  • Blumkin, Rose
  • Bogle, John
  • Bond Corporation
  • Bond, Alan
  • bonds
  • book value
  • borrowings
  • bottom-up analysis
  • ‘Boy Plunger'
  • Brandeis, Louis D.
  • Brodhead, John Romeyn
  • bubble companies
  • bucket shops
  • Buckley, William
  • Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce
  • Buffettology Workbook
  • Buffett, Mary
  • Buffett, Susie
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Buick Motor Company
  • bull market
  • bull market phenomenon
  • Bulletin of the Oxford University Institute of Economics & Statistics
  • Bureau of Corporations
  • Burr Williams, John
  • Burton, Theodore
  • ‘Business Honesty'
  • Buttonwood Agreement
  • buy/sell spread
  • buy-and-hold strategy
  • buying on margin


  • Cabbage Patch Kids
  • Calahan, Edward A.
  • Capex
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  • Carnegie Steel
  • Carnegie, Andrew
  • Carnegie, Louise
  • Carr, Peter
  • Carret, Philip L.
  • Castle Convertible Fund
  • CenturyLink Center
  • Chartered Financial Analysts Society
  • charts
  • Chicago
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange
  • Chicago Tribune
  • Child, Sir Josiah
  • China
  • Churchill, Winston
  • Citibank
  • Clews, Henry
  • Coca-Cola
  • Coffee houses
  • Coke
  • Coldwater Road Cart Company
  • collateralised debt obligations
  • Collins Foods
  • Columbia University
  • commercial property
  • Committee on Banking and Currency
  • Common Stocks as Long Term Investments
  • compound interest
  • compounding
  • computers
  • concentration risk
  • Confusion de Confusiones
  • contracts for difference (CFDs)
  • contrarian investor
  • Coppock, Edwin
  • Coppock Indicator
  • Coppock/Trendex Indicator
  • corporate earnings
  • corporate excesses
  • cost of capital items
  • Costco
  • Covariance
  • Cowles, Alfred
  • Cowles Commission for Research in Economics
  • credit default swaps (CDSs)
  • Cuban sugar
  • cycles
  • cyclically adjusted priceearnings (CAPE) ratio
  • Czech Value Fund


  • da Vinci, Leonardo
  • Dale, Richard
  • Darden School of Business
  • Dartford
  • data mining
  • David Groesbeck & Co
  • Davis, Edwin
  • de Keyser, Hendrick
  • de la Vega, Joseph
  • debt
    • –– analysis
    • –– debt to equity ratio, analysing
    • –– structure
  • Dechow, Patricia
  • Defoe, Daniel
  • Demosthenes
  • Dent, Harry S. Jr
  • depreciation
  • depressed stock
  • derivatives
  • Deutsche Bank
  • DeVito, Danny
  • ‘Dingoes Down Under'
  • discount rate
  • discounted cash flow
  • Disney
  • Disney, Walt
  • Distilling & Cattle Feeding Co
  • Dividend Discount Model (DDM)
  • dividend imputation
  • dividend policy
  • dividend yield
  • dividends
    • –– as inputs
  • Dodd, David
  • Dodge Brothers
  • Dogs of the Dow
  • dot-com bubble
  • double taxation
  • Dow 10 Strategy
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) Dow Jones Transportation Average
  • Dow Theory
  • Dow Theory, The
  • Dow, Charles
  • Downes, John
  • Dreman, David
  • Drew, Daniel
  • ducaton shares
  • Duchess of Marlborough
  • Duer, William
  • Dunton, John
  • Durant, Richard
  • Durant, William Crapo ‘Billy'
  • Durant-Dort Carriage Company
  • Dutch East India Company
  • Dutch investors


  • earnings growth
  • earnings per share (EPS)
    • –– growth
  • East India Stock
  • East Indies trade
  • Eastman Kodak
  • Ebb and Flow of Investment Values, The
  • Econometric Society
  • Econometrica
  • econometrics
  • economic downturns
  • economic experts
  • economic forecasts
  • economic modelling
  • economic value
  • economics
  • economy
  • Edwards, Edgar O.
  • efficient frontier
  • Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
  • Eichholtz, Piet
  • Einstein, Albert
  • Electrolytic Marine Salts Company
  • Elliott Wave Theory
  • Elliott, Ralph
  • emotion
  • English East India Company
  • English stock markets
  • Enron
  • epidemiology
  • Episcopal Church
  • equity risk premium
  • Erie Railroad
  • Euro debt crisis
  • Europe
  • Every Man His Own Broker
  • Exchange Alley
  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds


  • Fama, Eugene
  • Fannie Mae
  • Father of Investment Analysis
  • Federal Reserve
  • Federal Steel
  • fibre-optic technology
  • Fifty Years in Wall Street
  • financial advice
  • Financial Crises and Periods of Industrial and Commercial Depression
  • financial history
  • financial markets
  • financial reporting
  • Financial Times
  • Firepower
  • First Crash, The
  • fiscal deficit
  • Fisher, Charles
  • Fisher, Irving
  • Fisk, Jim
  • Five
  • Flash Crash
  • Flint Road Cart Company
  • Forbes magazine
  • Forge Group
  • formula values
  • Fortune 500 Rich List
  • Fortune magazine
  • Foster's
  • Fowler, William Worthington
  • Fox Business
  • Freddie Mac
  • free cash flow
  • French, Kenneth
  • Friedman, Milton
  • fundamentalists
  • future cash flows
  • FX trader


  • Galbraith, John Kenneth
  • Galileo
  • Game Theory
  • Gann trader
  • Gann, William
  • Garraway's Coffee House
  • Gates, Bill
  • ‘General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory, A'
  • General Electric
  • General Motors
  • General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, The
  • Genius of Buffett course
  • Genoa
  • geometric rate of return
  • Gibson, George
  • Gibson, Thomas
  • Gilded Age
  • Gillette
  • Gingold, Oliver
  • Giorgio Armani
  • Global Financial Crisis (GFC)
  • Go Go Years
  • Goethe, Johann
  • Goetzmann, William
  • Goodrich
  • Gordon Growth Model
  • Gordon, Myron J.
  • Gould, Jay
  • government bond
  • Graham
  • Graham and Doddsville
  • Granada Television
  • Great Bull Market, The
  • Great Depression
  • Greater Fool Theory
  • Green, Hetty
  • Greenspan, Alan
  • Grodinsky, Julius
  • Groupthink
  • Growth investing
  • Guenther, Louis


  • Hagstrom, Robert
  • Hall, Henry
  • Hamilton, Alexander
  • Hamilton, William Peter
  • Hardy, Alexander
  • Harvard
  • Havemeyer, Henry O.
  • Hawke–Keating government
  • Hayes, Lynn
  • head-and-shoulders top
  • Heath, William
  • hedge fund
  • Heilbrunn Cosmic Pathway
  • Henry, George Garr
  • Henry, Patrick
  • Higgledy Piggledy Growth Again
  • high frequency trading (HFT)
  • Hills, Dr Herbert
  • Hindu system
  • Hirst, Francis Wrigley
  • historical data
  • Hitler, Adolf
  • HMS Calcutta
  • Homo economicus
  • horse-drawn carriages
  • Houghton, John
  • House of Morgan
  • How to Trade Stocks
  • Hudson River railroad
  • Hudson, Henry
  • Hutcheson, Archibald
  • Hutton, Amy


  • index funds
  • inflation
  • insider traders
  • Intelligent Investor, The
  • interest rates
  • International Harvester
  • intrinsic value
  • Intrinsick Value
  • Investment Checklist, The
  • Investment, Financing, and Valuation of the Corporation
  • Iran
  • Irrational Exuberance
  • Isaacson, Walter


  • Jagger, Mick
  • Jernegan, Prescott Ford
  • Jevons, William Stanley
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Johnston, Tim
  • Jonathan's Coffee House
  • Jordan, Michael
  • Jordan, Steve
  • Journal of Business
  • Journal of Finance
  • Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
  • Journal of Political Economy
  • Journal of the Royal Statistical Society


  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Kelly, Fred
  • Kendall, Maurice
  • KFC
  • Kiewit Plaza
  • Kilpatrick, Andrew
  • King's College, Cambridge University
  • Klein, Gary
  • Knight Capital Group Inc
  • Knight, Frank
  • Kreuger, Ivar
  • Kurz, Christoph


  • L'Arithmétique
  • large-cap stocks
  • Leamer, Ed
  • leases
  • Lebed, Jonathan
  • Led Zeppelin
  • Lee, Higginson & Co
  • Leibniz, Gottfried
  • Lenape
  • Liber Abaci
  • liquidity
  • Little, Ian
  • Little, Jacob
  • Livermore, Jesse
  • loan covenants
  • Locke, John
  • Loeb, Gerald
  • London's financial markets
  • Loomis, Carol
  • Loomis, John
  • losses, limiting
  • Louis Bachelier's Theory of Speculation
  • Lugton, Bruce


  • Maastricht University
  • Mackay, Charles
  • Madoff, Bernie
  • Magazine of Wall Street, The
  • Mammel, Carl and Joyce
  • Mannahatta
  • Marcovici, Michael
  • margin
    • –– calls
    • –– loans
  • margin of safety
  • marginal utility theory
  • market crashes
  • market price
    • –– what drives it?
    • –– what is it?
  • market timing
  • market value
  • Markowitz, Harry
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Match King
  • Maxims and Reflections
  • Maynard Keynes, John
  • MBA
  • McDonald, Ronald
  • Mead, Edward Sherwood
  • Medbery, James
  • Medici family
  • Men and Mysteries of Wall Street
  • Merchants Association of New York
  • Merton, Robert
  • Metz Noble, Harriet
  • Michigan
  • Mid-Continent Tab Card Company
  • Midas Formula, The: Trillion Dollar Bet
  • Miles, Robert P. (Bob)
  • mining companies
  • mining industry
  • mining services
  • Minuit, Peter
  • mispricing
  • Mitchell, Charles ‘Sunshine Charley'
  • Mitchell, Charles F.
  • Mocatta Group
  • Model T Ford
  • Modern Portfolio Theory
  • monetary policy
  • Money magazine
  • Moody's
  • Moody's Analytics
  • morale loans
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Morgan, J.P.
  • Morgan, Junius
  • Morris, Robert
  • Morse, Samuel
  • mortgage-backed securities
  • Mortimer, Thomas
  • Mr Market
  • Multistage Dividend Discount Models
  • Munger, Charlie
  • mutual funds


  • National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ)
  • National Business Conference
  • National City Bank
  • National City Company
  • National Mutual Insurance Company
  • Nelson, Samuel Armstrong
  • Netherlands
  • Corporation
  • New Bedford
  • New Netherland
  • New York
  • New York Stock Exchange
  • New York Times, The
  • New York University
  • New-Era Theory
  • Newton, Sir Isaac
  • Next Great Bubble Boom, The
  • Next Nostradamus, The
  • Nifty Fifty
  • Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
  • Nokia
  • Nostradamus


  • O'Higgins, Michael
  • O'Shaughnessy, James
  • Ohlson, James
  • Omaha Club
  • Omaha World-Herald
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • options
  • options market
  • options trading
  • Osborne, Maury
  • Other People's Money
  • outperforming the market


  • Paine Webber
  • Paltrow, Gwyneth
  • payout ratios
  • Pecora, Ferdinand
  • Peterffy, Thomas
  • Philadelphia
  • Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
  • Philadelphia Stock Exchange
  • Philip V of Spain
  • PhilosophiaeNaturalis
  • Pied Piper approach
  • Pisano, Leonardo
  • Pitfalls of Speculation, The
  • Pixar
  • Planet Money
  • Polaroid
  • Ponzi scheme
  • Ponzi, Charles
  • Poor, Henry Varnum
  • Popper, Karl
  • Port Phillip Bay
  • Pretence of Knowledge, The
  • price to book ratio
  • price to earnings (PE) ratio
    • –– as a basis for comparison
    • –– as a screen
    • –– Shiller's
    • –– to construct a portfolio
  • price to earnings multiple
  • Price, McCormick & Co.
  • price/book ratio
  • Princeton University
  • Principia Mathematica
  • probabilities
  • property
  • psychic
  • Pujo Committee


  • Qantas
  • quantitative easing
  • Quotron


  • randomness
  • rat traders
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • reinvestment of profits
  • ‘Remarks on the Celebrated Calculations of the Value of South-Sea Stock'
  • Rentschler, Gordon
  • reporting standards
  • required rate of return (RRR)
  • Reserve Bank
  • residual income valuation (RIV)
  • retained earnings
  • retained profits
  • return on equity (ROE)
  • returns
  • revenue streams
  • Rhea, Robert
  • Richards, Keith
  • risk
  • risk free rate
  • risk, managing
  • Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit
  • Roaring Twenties
  • Roberts, Harry
  • Robinson Crusoe
  • Rolling Stones
  • Roosevelt, Franklin
  • Rose, Charlie
  • Rosenberg, Barr
  • Rothschild, Nathan
  • Roy, A.D.
  • Royal African Company
  • Ruland, William
  • Ryan, Arthur


  • S&P
  • Samuelson, Paul
  • San Francisco Exploratorium
  • Sanders, Colonel
  • Santayana, George
  • Saturday Evening Post
  • Savage, Leonard ‘Jimmie'
  • Scapegoats
  • Schaefer, George
  • Scholes Myron
  • Schroeder, Alice
  • Schwab, Charles
  • Schwab, Rana
  • science
  • Science as Falsification
  • Scott, David
  • Scriptomania
  • Secretary of the Treasury
  • sectors
  • Securities Act of 1933
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • Security Analysis
  • self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF)
  • semaphore
  • sentiment
  • shareholders
  • shareholders' equity
  • Sharpe, William
  • Shearn, Michael
  • Sherrod, Julian
  • Sherry Netherland Hotel
  • Shiller, Bob
  • shorted
  • Siegel, Jeremy
  • Sing Sing
  • Singleton, Henry
  • Sixteenth Bavarian Infantry Regiment
  • Sizzler restaurants
  • Sliding Doors
  • Sloan, Richard
  • small cap stocks
  • Smith, Edgar Lawrence
  • Smith, Matthew Hale
  • Smith, Moses
  • Smithers, Andrew
  • Sobel, Robert
  • Socrates
  • Socratic method
  • Sorbonne University
  • South Sea Act
  • South Sea Bubble
  • South Sea Company
  • South Sea shares
  • speculation
  • speculator
  • SPI futures
  • Spivey, Dan
  • Spread Networks
  • Standard & Poor's
  • Standard Oil (N.J.)
  • start-ups
  • stock analysis
  • Stock Market Barometer, The
  • stock market crashes
  • stock market returns
  • stock pickers
  • stock picking
  • stock price trends
  • stock ticker
  • stock valuation
  • Stocks, and Stock-jobbing in Wall Street
  • stop loss orders
  • Subprime Crisis
  • sunspot activity
  • supply and demand
  • Swan beer
  • Sweden
  • Swinging Sixties


  • takeover targets
  • Tasmania
  • Tatler
  • tech sector
  • technical analysis
  • technical analysts
  • TED series
  • Teledyne, Inc
  • telegraph
  • Telstra
  • Templeton, John
  • Tetlock, Philip
  • Theory of Investment Value, The
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow
  • Thoughts on Trade and a Publick Spirit
  • Tobin, James
  • Toll Holdings
  • Tontine Coffee House
  • top-down analysis
  • Toy Story
  • trader
  • trading software
  • Treasury bond
  • Treatise Concerning the East India Trade, A
  • Treatise on Probability, A
  • Trenchant, Jean
  • Trendex Research Group
  • trend-following techniques
  • trends
  • Tversky, Amos
  • Tweedy, Browne Company LLC


  • United States Leather Company
  • United States Steel
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO)
  • University of Paris, The
  • United States
    • –– economy
    • –– market
    • –– national debt
    • –– Treasury
  • US Steel


  • valuation
    • –– formula
    • –– means of
  • value
  • value investing
  • value investor
  • Valuing Wall Street
  • Vanderbilt, Cornelius
  • Vanderbilt, William
  • Vanderlip, Frank A.
  • Vanguard Group
  • Venice
  • VerenigdeOost-IndischeCompagnie (VOC)
  • Verne, Jules
  • volatility
  • Volatility Index (VIX)
  • von Hayek, Friedrich August


  • Wall Street
    • –– post 1929 Crash
  • Wall Street Journal
  • War of the Worlds
  • Warren Buffett CEO, The
  • Warren Buffett Portfolio, The
  • Washington, George
  • Wathaurong
  • Wave Principle, The
  • Welles, Orson
  • Wells, H.G.
  • Wharton
  • ‘What Has Worked in Investing'
  • What Works on Wall Street
  • Whitney, Richard
  • Willard, Cody
  • Williams, John Burr
  • Wise, Robert
  • WJZ radio station
  • Working, Holbrook
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • WorldCom
  • Wright, Stephen
  • Wrigleys
  • Wyckoff, Richard


  • Xerox


  • Yahoo Finance
  • Yale
  • Yale School of Management
  • Yves Saint Laurent


  • Zandi, Mark
  • Zhou, Ping
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