INDEX, 139

Abraaj Capital: interest of in National Air Services (NAS), 5758

Abramowitz, Morris, 4344

Abu Dhabi: cultural tourism in, 45; investment in Citigroup by Investment Authority of, 169; sovereign wealth fund of, 163

academic centers of excellence, 9597

academic research: on entrepreneurship and venture capital, 79; leveraging, 182; on sovereign funds, 17374; spending for, 9091

academic spending, in Singapore, 9091

academic spin-outs, funding of, 9697

accountability, lack of, 144

Acs, Zoltan, 47

Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), founding of, 66

Advanced Technology Program (ATP): failure of, 14950; inflexibility of, 12526

Africa: pioneering venture funds in, 124; telecom industry in, 4950

Agency for Science, Technology and Research (Singapore), 91

agency problems, minimizing, 187

AIG (American International Group), U.S. government investment in, 1

airplane-based power systems, 34

Al Khayala, 58

Al Maktoum, Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed, 2

Albin, Joel, 12021

Allen and Buckeridge Seed Stages Ventures, 84

AllianceBernstein, partnering of with Lingtu, 57

Alsopp, Stewart, 178

Alternative Minimum Tax, 98

Alturas Technology Park, 115

Amazon, social benefits of, 71

American Research and Development (ARD), 9; establishment of, 3637; low returns of firms funded by, 69

American Stock Exchange, Emerging Company Marketplace of, 107

ARCH initiative, 97

Asia, concentration of venture capital in, 28

Àstebro, Thomas, 99100

Athena Venture Partners, 156

Audretsch, David, 47

Australia: BITS program of, 11; Building on Information Technology Strengths (BITS) program of, 8485; venture capital limited partnerships in, 158

automakers, financial rescue of, 1

Bangalore, entrepreneurship in, 5

Bank of England, equity funding by, 40

Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, 9596

Bessemer Venture Partners, 154; antiportfolio of, 53; “Due Diligence Booklet” of, 51

Bharti Televentures, 105

Biopolis, 9192, 96; success of, 114

biotechnology industry: in Malaysia, 11314; venture capitalists’ role in, 6061

BioValley complex (Malaysia): establishment of, 11315; problems with, 11

BlueFire, 85

BlueSky Festival, 91

Bombay Stock Exchange, 1045

Bond Helicopters, funding of, 41

Bondnet Trading Systems, liquidation of, 139

Borgdorff, Wim, 123

Boston: concentration of venture capital in, 26; as venture capital center, 157

Boston University: Massachusetts’ Attorney General’s Office agreement with, 206n12; venture capital subsidiary of, 9697

Brander, James, 122

British Petroleum: Kuwait Investment Office investment in, 169

Brittany, high-technology cluster in, 7576

Bruno, A. V., 5152

Building on Information Technology Strengths (BITS) program, 11

Burnand, Aisling, 146

Business Development Fund, Denmark, 80

buyout bubble, 174

buyout firms, criticism of, 17071

buyout funds, 7

Caledonian Airways (British Caledonian), funding of, 41

Cambridge University, concentration of venture capital in, 28

Canada: globalized venture capitalism in, 155; Industrial Innovation Centre’s Inventor’s Assistance Program of, 99100; Labor Fund Program of, 185; sizing Labor Fund Program of, 11923; Small Business Loans Act program in, 80

Canadian Football League Players’ Association, Sportsfund of, 12021

CAPCO program, tax incentives in, 18990

capital: changing location of investments of, 15455; impact of constraints on, 69; limited partnership investments of, 154

capital gains tax rates, 9798

capture, 8085; in natural resource-dependent countries, 167

Carlyle Group, 170

cash-out potential, 52

casinos, cheater detecting technologies of, 17677

CBR Laboratories of Boston, funding of, 126

cell phone industry, innovation in, 4950

Celltech: failure of, 11; failure to evaluate, 14546

Celtel International, 4950

Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA, In-Q-Tel and,

certification, provision of, 6971

Chengwei Ventures, 31

Chicago, University of, ARCH initiative of, 97

China: digital map-making company in, 5657; failure to evaluate venture funds in, 148; institutional challenges of venture funds in, 21314n12; private equity activity in (1992–2007), 31; proposed regulation of foreign investment funds in, 170; sovereign wealth growth in, 164; venture capital concentration in, 28; venture market boom in, 31

China Unicom, partnering with Lingtu, 57

CIA, In-Q-Tel and, 17678

CII Honeywell Bull and Thomson, 74, 75

Cirrus Logic, founding of, 66

Citigroup, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority investment in, 169

Clark, Helen, 13233

Cleveland, biotechnology initiative of, 212n29

Colorado State University, Center for Advanced Technology at, 115

compensation, controversy over, 17678

Compton, Karl, 37

computer companies, venture capitalists’ role in, 6061

computer manufacturers, profits of, 71

Computer MicroTechnology, 66

creativity, 18687

Crocker, William, 34

cultural tourism, in Abu Dhabi, 45

Cumming, Douglas, 121

Cyprus Semiconductor, 32

Da Rin, Marco, 12324

Defense, U.S. Department of, in Silicon Valley, 33

Delaware partnerships, 157

democracies, election cycles in, 112

Denmark: Business Development Fund in, 80; criticism of foreign investment funds in, 170

diamonds, as source of sovereign wealth, 16364

digital mapmaking, in China, 5657

Discovery Fund, failure of, 13839

distractions, 14344

District of Columbia, incompetence in economic development in, 7677

diverse societies, government competence in, 73

domestic investment, rules requiring, 18889

Doriot, Georges F., 3738

Draper, Gaither, and Anderson, 37

Draper Fisher Jurvetson, 154

Dubai: financial crisis in, 4; Persian Gulf states emulating, 190; rapid economic growth of, 24

Dubai Creek, dredging of, 2

Dubai Internet City (DIC), 34

Dunbar, William, 147

“Dutch Disease,” 166

EASDAQ, 1067

economic growth: innovation and, 4345; innovation in, 9; in Jamaica versus Singapore, 1820; variables in, 16667

education, need to incorporate, 18788

Egan, Edward, 122

Eisinger, Peter, 118

Elwell, Cyril, 33

emerging markets, fears of venture capitalists in, 104

Emirates Airlines, development of, 23

Employee Retirement Income Security Act, clarification of, 3940, 62

Enron, Raptor partnerships of, 178

Enterprise Day (Singapore), 91

enterprise development, in Singapore, 91

entrepreneurial activity: context of, 18182; cutting-edge technology in, 9697; legal system supporting, 9296; tax incentives for, 9799; training for, 99100

entrepreneurial hubs, 5, 13031; attracting international investors to, 1213

entrepreneurial process: direct intervention in, 13; ignoring international nature of, 14; ignoring realities of, 13

entrepreneurs: challenges for, 89; enhancing climate for, 90100; fast-growing, 56; global resource deployment by, 155; government support of pioneering, 2542; Indian, 28; low-income, 100; need to educate, 18788; peers of, 10; proliferation of, 3839; training of, 99100; who extract profits from system, 8283

entrepreneurship: academic research on, 9; creating right climate for, 12; efforts to enable, 92100; global focus of, 28; “good” and “bad,” 8283; government promotion of, 10; government strategies to stimulate, 1214; guidelines for facilitating, 1617; history of, 2542; increasing attractiveness of, 1008; prescriptions for to avoid, 17; in Singapore, 1819, 9092; virtuous cycle of venture capital and, 6669

entrepreneurship academies, pioneering firms as, 66

environmental threat resistance, 52

ethnic homogeneity, good government and, 73

Europe: criticism of foreign investment funds in, 170; venture fund returns in, 79

European Investment Fund, 12234

European Seed Capital Fund Scheme, 11819

European Union, too small venture funds in, 11819

European Venture Capital Association, local market investments of, 1057

evaluation: failure to design, 14; institutionalizing, 186; need for, 14252; randomization in, 15052; regression discontinuity analyses in, 152; relying on success stories, 14950

expatriates, entrepreneurial, 13, 28, 1078

experience, as limiting factor, 143

externalities, positive, 6768

failure: social sanctions against, 99; tax policies punishing, 9899

Fairchild Semiconductor, 32; government contracts of, 35; origins of, 66

Faust, Drew, 81

Federal Telegraph Company, 33; spinoffs of, 3334

financial analysis, of investment prospects, 52

financial hubs, Middle Eastern, 45

financing, rounds of, 54

Finland, entrepreneurship promotion in, 11617

Finnish Industry Investment Ltd, 11617

Finnish National Fund for Research and Development (Sitra), 11617

firms: age of at time of public offering, 55; size and innovation in, 4550

Fisher Research, 33, 34

Flanders, Ralph, 36, 37

flexibility, 12428; need for, 18687

foreign investors: attracting, 18384; interconnections with, 18586; losing firms to, 108

Foundation for International Community Assistance, Peru, 100

France: incompetence in promoting high-technology entrepreneurship in, 7476; OSEO-Garantie initiative in, 80; universities obtaining government subsidies in, 83

France Telecom, obtaining government subsidies, 83

Frantz, Mark, 178

French Telecom, public funding of, 76

Friis, Janus, 153

genomic sequencing firms, 14950

Germany: criticism of foreign investment funds in, 170; WFG program in, 93

Gilson, Ron, 93

Giuliani, Rudy, 139

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey: of 2006, 19; of 2007, 2; methodologies of, 193n2

global interconnections, importance of, 18586

global investors, 101; attracting to entrepreneurial hubs, 1213

global perspective: growth of, 28; importance of, 15358

global standards, need to conform to, 18283

Gobi Partners, funding of Lingtu, 5657

Goldman Sachs, criticism of, 170

Gompers, Paul, 98

Gorman, Michael, 54

government: incompetence of, 7380; pioneering Silicon Valley firm contracts with, 3435; promoting entrepreneurship and venture capital, 10

government grants, piggybacking of, 144

government initiatives. See also public venture funding: appropriate circumstances for, 6768; bad designs of, 11136; careful evaluations of, 186; case against, 7285; creating knowledge flows, 7172; creativity and flexibility in, 18687; direct, 10910; effectiveness of, 6586; flexibility of, 12428; global post–World War II, 4041; guidelines for, 1617; historic background for, 2542; implementation problems of, 14, 13761; indirect, 9092; intervening in entrepreneurial process, 13; problems with, 1011; providing certification, 6971; reasons for, 6572; regulatory capture in, 8085; role of in Silicon Valley, 33; setting structure of, 89110; sizing of, 11724; starting virtuous cycle, 6669; strategies and limitations of, 1214; timing of, 11217; too large or small, 185; without results, 144

Great Depression, public funding and, 36

Griliches, Zvi, 72

growth sectors, identifying, 13033

Guangdong province, entrepreneurialism in, 5

health care industry, venture funding concentrated on, 70

Heartland Seed Capital fund, 140

Heintz & Kaufman, 33

Heinze, Ralph, 34

Hellmann, Thomas, 61, 122

Hewlett, William, 3233

Hewlett-Packard: founding of, 3233; government involvement in, 34; profits of, 71

high-technology industry. See also semiconductor industry; Silicon Valley: in Malaysia, 11315; pioneering firms in, 3334; in Taiwan, 13132

Hockfield, Susan, 81

holding companies, sovereign wealth funds as, 165

Hong Kong, private equity activity in (1992–2007), 31

Housing and Urban Development (HUD), U.S. Department of, TOP program of, 7677

human capital, abroad, 1078

IBM: open PC architecture of, 131; partnering with Lingtu, 57

imitation, 19091

implementation problems, 14, 13761, 191

In-Q-Tel, compensation scheme of, 17678

incentives: innovation and, 48; not worrying about, 13742; of outside managers, 190; perverse, 13839

incompetence, 7380

incubators: in Australia, 11; capturing government subsidies, 8385, 91; for Internet firms, 14950; in Japan, 157

independent approach, 175

Index Ventures, 154

India: concentration of venture capital in, 28; creating local markets in, 1045; growth of entrepreneurialism in, 28; human capital in, 1078

Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (ICFC), 4041

information generation, leading to virtuous cycle, 6667

information technology, venture funding concentrated on, 70

initial public offerings (IPOs): age of firms at time of, 55; in robust local markets, 1056

innovation. See also technological innovation: early venture firm participation and, 55; government incompetence in promoting, 7380; linked to growth, 4345; new ventures spurring, 4563; size and age of firms in, 4550; social benefits versus profitability of, 7172; in venture-backed firms, 5055; venture capitalists’ impact on, 5558

innovator strategy, 61

InQbator, public funding of, 8485

instant industrialization, myth of, 33

Intel: founding of, 66; profits of, 71

Internet bubble, 148; investments during, 13940

Internet-related companies, venture funding concentrated on, 70

Internet technologies: telephonic, 15354; venture funding of, 14950

investment: criteria for, 5152; local, 14142, 18889; maintaining returns on in sovereign funds, 17379; management strategies for, 15; rejection of, 5253; staging of, 5354; syndication of, 5253

investment approaches: to avoid, 18891; recommended, 18188

investment prospects: decision-making criteria for, 52; screening of, 5052

investors: domestic versus global, 101; global, 1213, 101; institutional, 7, 93, 100-1, 141, 162, 172, 17479, 182, 189; local, 101

Iowa: Public Employees Retirement Fund of, 140; venture investment in, 14041

IPOs. See initial public offerings (IPOs)

Israel: globalized venture capitalism in, 15557; successful venture funding in, 148; Yozma program of, 18384

Ivy League schools: 2002–5 investment performance of, 173; venture capital investment by, 172

Jaffe, Adam, 152

Jamaica: economic growth in, 1820; economic policy of, 194n6; negative productivity growth in, 20; World Bank’s 2008 analysis of, 1920

Japan: globalized venture capitalism in, 15758; pro-entrepreneurial legislation in, 9293; proposed regulation of foreign investment funds in, 170

Japan Development Bank (JDB), localized focus of, 15758

Jebel Ali port, building of, 23

Jeng, Leslie, 105

Jewkes, John, 4748

Jiangsu Province, venture fund of, 148

judgment sharing, 67

Kansas, incompetence in economic development in, 7778

Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS), 7778

Kaplan, Steve, 52

Karlan, Dean, 100

Kazaa network, 15354

Keuschnigg, Christian, 15961

Khanna, Tarun, 1078

Kiribati Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund, 16465

knowledge flows, creating, 7172

Korea, criticism of foreign investment funds in, 170

Kortum, Sam, 62

Kuwait: Investment Office of, investment in British Petroleum by, 169; sovereign wealth growth in, 164; telecom industry in, 49

Labor Fund program, Canadian, 122

Landes, David, 166

large-firm superiority hypothesis, 4546

“law and finance” literature, 7374

laws, supporting entrepreneurial activity, 9296

Lenovo, profits of, 71

liability, limited, 102

Liles, Pat, 37

limited partnerships: in Australia, 158; global investment by, 154; in global venture capital, 15657

Lingtu, Gobi Partners funding of, 5657

Litton Engineering, 33, 34; government involvement in, 34

loan guarantee programs, track record for, 80

local investors, home-field advantage of, 14142

local markets: creating, 1047; need to understand, 18788; rules requiring investment in, 18889

Lone Star, criticism of, 170

long-distance investment, 15455

Lotus, profits of, 71

Louie, Gilman, 178

Louisiana, CAPCO program of, 141, 18990

loyalties, divided, 190

LSI Logic, founding of, 66

MacIntosh, Jeffrey, 121

Magnavox, 33, 34

Malaysia: Advanced Microchip Design and Training Center project of, 11415; BioValley complex in, 11; development of entrepreneurial activity in, 11215

Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), launching of, 113

Malaysian Technology Development Corporation, 115

managerial capabilities, 51

Manley, Michael, administration of, 18

markets: attractiveness of, 51; ignoring dictates of, 1314; providing direction, 18384; relative sizes of, 101

Massachusetts, government subsidies in, 81

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, 81

matching funds: advantages of, 13738; in attracting foreign investors, 18384

mature industries, versus highly innovative firms, 6061

McCarthy Weersing venture group, 14041

McMicking, Henry, 34

medical devices, spawning in, 200n2

Medtronic, as entrepreneurship academy, 66

Microsoft, profits of, 71

Middle East: government debt in, 4; private equity investment in, 5758; regional transport and financial hubs in, 45

military contracts, in Silicon Valley growth, 34

mission, distractions from, 14344

Mitterrand, François, 74

Mobile Telecommunications Company, 49

Mohamad, Mahathis, 113

money chasing deals phenomenon, 174

Moore, David, 103

moral hazard problems, 80

Münterfering, Franz, 170

Murray, Gordon, 118

Nanda, Ramana, 1078

NASDAQ, number and size of IPOs on, 1056

National Air Services (NAS): Abraaj Capital interest in, 5758; reorganization of, 58

National Enterprise Board, funding of Celltech by, 14546

National Semiconductor, founding of, 66

National University (Singapore), 9091

natural resources, curse of, 16667; sovereign funds addressing, 168

Netherlands, influx of wealth in, 166

NetJets Middle East, 5758

New Deal, venture capital and, 36

New Margin, funding of, 32

new ventures, spurring innovation, 4563. See also start-ups

New Zealand: Seed Investment Fund of, 18384; Venture Investment Fund (NZVIF) in, 1034, 13235

Newbridge Capital, criticism of, 170

Nicodano, Giovanna, 12324

“Non-Obvious Relationship Analysis,” 177

North, Douglass, 73

Norway: Government Pension Fund of, 168, 17273; natural resource revenue windfall in, 168; sovereign wealth from 1970s–80s in, 16566; sovereign wealth growth in, 164; squandered oil wealth of, 1112

NTT DoCoMo, partnering with Lingtu, 57

Oak Investment Partners, partnering with Lingtu, 57

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 76

outside management firms, poor incentives of, 190

overengineering, 184

oversight, by venture capitalists, 54

Oxford Instruments, funding of, 41

Packard, David, 3233

partnerships, 1012. See also limited partnerships; in New Zealand, 1034; true, 1014

patents, 200n28; quality of, 63; venture capital for, 6263

path dependency, 7374

Patrick, Deval, 81

peer-to-peer technology, 15354

personnel: compensation for, 17678; hiring the best, 17578

Peru, Foundation for International Community Assistance in, 100

petroleum revenue: in Norway, 16566; as source of sovereign wealth, 16364

Phoenix award, 99

Piercy, Lord William, 40

pioneering entrepreneurs: generating positive externalities, 6768; low returns of, 6869

policymakers, interest of in new ventures, 4364

Poterba, Jim, 9798

preferred stock, 53; convertible, 9495

private equity: criticism and proposed regulation of, 17071; late-stage, 7

product differentiation, 51

Prospect Street Ventures, 139, 140

Pseudo Programs, 139

public fund-of-funds structure, 134

public venture funding: in birth of venture capital, 3541; boom-and-bust pattern and, 3032; history of, 1112; long lead times of, 18485; need to understand, 188; in new venture activity, 8; social and financial goals of, 3637

Puri, Manju, 61

race to the bottom, in EASDAQ, 1067

Rahman, Omar Abdul, 113

randomization, 15052

RCA, in military electronics, 34

R&D spending: traditional corporate versus venture capital, 6263; venture capital in, 61

R&D-to-sales ratio, 47

Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 36

Recruit, as entrepreneurship academy, 66

regional transport, in Middle East, 45

regression discontinuity analysis, 152

regulatory capture theory, 11, 8085

resource deployment, global, 155

restructurings, 7

revenues, smoothing, 165

risk: innovation and, 4849

Rochester, University of: endowment of, 174

Rogers, T. J., 32

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: public funding under, 36

rules of thumb, recommended, 18188

SaeHan Information Systems, knowledge spillover from, 71

Sahlman, Bill, 54

Sala-i-Martin, Xavier, 16667

Sarbanes/Oxley corporate governance reforms, 104

Saudi Arabia, Abraaj investment in, 5758

Saxenien, Annalee, 33, 107

SBIC Reporting Service. See Venture Economics

Schoar, Antoinette, 9394

Schumpeter, Joseph: large-firm superiority hypothesis of, 4546

science parks, failures of, 11516

scientific base, leveraging, 182

SDC Venture Economics, 200n25; data from, 199n20

seed companies, encouraging, 184

selection bias, 46

Sembenelli, Alessandro, 12324

semiconductor industry: birth of, 3233; Fairchild Semiconductor defectors in, 66

Shanghai municipal government, funding of New Margin by, 32

Shepherd, Stuart, 103

Shockley, William, 32, 66

Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory, 66

Shockley Transistor, founding of, 32

Silicon Valley: entrepreneurial cluster formation in, 5, 3335; geographical factors in growth of, 34; history of, 3235, 196n10; Indian expatriates in, 107; local financiers of, 34; military contracts in growth of, 34; parochial venture capital funds in, 28; pioneering venture capital groups in, 89; Singaporeans in, 108; spin-off proliferation in, 3334; venture capital concentration in, 2628; venture capitalism in, 30, 3541

Singapore: Biopolis in, 114; broad view of, 182; Economic Development Board of, 91; economic growth in, 1820; economic policy of, 194n6; entrepreneurialism in, 5; global venture investment of, 91; human capital in, 108; indirect government initiatives in, 9092; Ministry of Manpower of, 91

Singapore Investment Corporation, Government of, 179

Skyline Multimedia Entertainment, 139

Skype, 15354

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, 130; employment change in awardees of, 129; inflexibility of, 12627; political and geographic pressures on awardees of, 12930

Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs), 3739; catalytic role of, 39; growth of venture capital industry after, 112; legacy of, 3839; mandates of, 38; marginal firms participating in, 14748; poor design of, 9; specialized program of, 39; stimulating venture capital, 10

small-firm stock markets: American, 1067; European, 1067

smaller investments, 17879

Solow, Robert, 44

sovereign wealth funds: challenges of, 1416, 16880; compensation and retention of staff in, 17578; conflicting motives of, 174; creating small subsidiaries of, 17879; defining, 15; legacy of, 16568; maintaining returns of, 17379; model approaches of, 17579; multiple goals of, 16465; with over $100 billion in assets, 163; overview of, 16365; projected growth of, 164; visibility of, 16873

spin-offs, proliferation of in Silicon Valley, 3334

SPRING agency, 91

Stanford High Voltage Laboratory, 33

Stanford Research Institute, establishment of, 35

Stanford University, 33

state pension funds, poor investment approaches of, 17576

Stigler, George, 82

stock options, rewarding employees with in Japan, 9293

Stromberg, Per, 52

Sturgeon, Timothy, 33

subsidy lobby, 85

Summers, Larry, on dangers of sovereign wealth funds, 169

Sweden, independent pension funds of, 179

syndication, 5253

Systems Research and Development, 177

Taiwan: high-technology industries in, 13132; incentive programs of, 202n19; successful computer industry in, 75

Tang, Nengzhe, 56

tax breaks, setting up, 18990

tax flow-through, 102, 157

tax incentives, 9799

Techno-preneurship Investment Fund, 91

technological innovation: economic growth and, 4345; as economic spur, 9

technology. See also high-technology industry; technological innovation: ensuring access to, 9697; licensing of, 182

technology transfer offices, 182

Tel Aviv: concentration of venture capital in, 28; entrepreneurialism in, 5; as venture capital center, 157

Telstra, BITS program and, 84

Tenant Opportunities Program (TOP), government incompetence in, 7677

Terman, Frederick, 3233, 35

3i Group, 9, 4041

top-down approach, 12836

Toronto, concentration of venture capital in, 28

Torrent Systems, ATP funding of, 12526

trade surpluses, 164

training, entrepreneurial, 99100

transparency: need for in sovereign wealth funds, 17073; too much, 17173

Tyebjee, T. T., 5152

UBS, Swiss government investment in, 1

UCB (Union Chimique Belge), Celltech acquisition of, 146

underachieving programs: factors in, 14344; weeding out, 145

undiscovered investment classes, 175

United Arab Emirates (UAE): sovereign wealth growth in, 164; start-ups in, 2

United Kingdom: Celltech experience in, 14546; gestation of venture capital industry in, 112; post–World War II economic growth in, 4041; Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme in, 80; subsidizing Celltech, 11

United States: birth of venture capital industry in, 112; concentration of venture capital in, 2628; failure to evaluate venture capital programs in, 14748; government incompetence in economic development in, 7680; publicly funded science parks in, 11516; too small funding in, 11718; venture activity influence on innovation in, 5963; venture fund returns in, 79

university commercialization, federal funding of, 9597

U.S. Small Business Administration, in early 1960s, 11

Valdivia, Martin, 100

Varian Associates, government involvement in, 34

venture-backed companies: compared to non-venture firms, 57; economic “weight” of, 5860

venture bubble, 17374

venture capital: academic research on, 9; birth of, 3541; encouraging innovation, 5055; in European countries, 12324; geographic distribution of, 27; government promotion of, 67, 10; government strategies to stimulate, 1214; herding focus of, 7071; need to evaluate, 14252, 14648; parochial focus of, 28; pioneering groups in, 89; providing certification, 6971; reasons for policymakers’ interest in, 4364; stage setting of, 191; U.S. returns on, 1974–2007, 29; virtuous cycle of entrepreneurship and, 6669; Western government in, 1

venture capital funds. See also government initiatives; public venture funding: in Africa, 124; in Canada, 11923; careful evaluations of, 186; diverse global locations of, 2628; flexibility of, 12428; global focus of, 15557, 158; growth in, 2526; imitating successful programs, 19091; localized focus of, 15758; minimizing agency problems in, 187; need for creativity and flexibility in, 18687; need for education in, 18788; need for global perspective in, 15358; need for long-term commitment of, 11317; returns of in Europe, 79; returns of in United States, 79; rules requiring local investment in, 18889; sizing of, 11724; targeting Internet and biotechnology firms, 14950

venture capital industry: boom-and-bust pattern in, 2832; failing to understand, 11228; first formal, 3637; first limited partnership in, 37; growth of in late 1970s, 3940; increasing attractiveness of, 1008; in New Zealand, 13235; not listening to, 12835; in 1990s, 2930; too rapid growth in, 2930

venture capital investment to GDP ratios, by country, 123

Venture Capital Marketing Association (Vickie Mae), 14748

venture capitalists: early participation of, 55; generating positive externalities, 6768; impact of on real firms, 5558; influence of in highly innovative industries, 6061; investing with other investors, 5253; large-scale economic impact of, 5863; oversight provided by, 54; rounds of financing by, 54; screening process of, 5052

Venture Economics, 39

Vickie Mae. See Venture Capital Marketing Association (Vickie Mae)

virtuous cycle, 6669

Vonage, 154

Wal-Mart, Norway’s sale of shares in, 17273

Warburg Pincus, investments in India of, 105

wartimes, in Silicon Valley growth, 34

Wells, Philippe, 105

Western economies, public interventions in, 1

Wilson, Jack, 81

World Bank, report on barriers to entrepreneurs, 1920

World War II: government intervention in recovery from, 40; in Silicon Valley growth, 3435

young firms, innovation in, 4850

Yozma alumni club, 157

Yozma Venture Capital: global perspective of, 15557; matching funds in, 18384; success of, 148

Zennstrom, Niklas, 153

Zhejiang province, entrepreneurialism in, 5

zombie firms, 14748

Zucker, Lynne, 131

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