Part II. Playing Nice with Others

Our examples so far have focused on a very narrow set of tools beyond Hibernate: Ant, the Maven Ant Tasks, the Hibernate Tools, and HSQLDB as our relational database. This has served us very well in providing a platform for getting quickly to the “meat” of Hibernate and focusing on exploring its features. In the real world, though, you’ll often want to use Hibernate in different ways and in conjunction with other useful packages.

Luckily, that’s very easy! So let’s change gears and start introducing some new faces, like the popular MySQL database and the Eclipse IDE. Then we’ll discuss Maven in more depth than we could when it was just a stepping stone towards getting the examples working, showing you ways it can help if you adopt more than the Ant Tasks. Finally, we highlight Spring and Stripes, two very useful projects that pair nicely with Hibernate.

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