Using ActionScript to Define States

In most cases, it’s more appropriate to use MXML than ActionScript to define states. However, sometimes you want to define states dynamically (in which case you must use ActionScript). One such example is when you want to define a multipage form based on data loaded at runtime. Creating the form dynamically is advantageous because you can change the form without recompiling and republishing the SWF. However, because form elements aren’t known at compile time, you cannot use MXML to define the states.

The ActionScript used to work with states corresponds to the MXML. In the following sections, you’ll learn about the ActionScript equivalents to the MXML you learned about earlier.

Defining States

When defining states using ActionScript, you use the mx.states.State class. You can use the constructor as part of a new statement to define a new State instance:

var stateA:State = new State();

You can assign a name to a state using the name property, in much the same way as you’d use the name attribute of the <mx:State> tag: = "exampleStateA";

And just as you can use the basedOn attribute of the <mx:State> tag to define state inheritance, you can use the basedOn property of the State class. The following code defines a new state that is based on the state constructed in the previous two code snippets. Note that the basedOn property expects a string specifying the name of the state upon which you want to base the new state; you cannot assign it a reference to the State object.

var stateB:State = new State(); = "exampleStateB";
stateB.basedOn = "exampleStateA";

Adding States

With MXML, you use the <mx:states> tag to define an array of states for an application or component. With ActionScript, you use the states property. The states property is defined in UIComponent, and it is inherited by all applications and components. The data type of states is Array, and by default the value is an empty array. If you want to add states to an application or component using only ActionScript, you need only add states to the array:


Adding Overrides

As you’ll read in the next few sections, you can define overrides (e.g., AddChild and SetProperty) using ActionScript. However, in addition to defining the overrides, you also must add the overrides to a state. Using MXML, you simply nest the override tags within the <mx:State> tag. With ActionScript, you must use the overrides property of the State class.

The overrides property is defined as an array data type. By default, the overrides property value of a State object is an empty array and can add overrides to the array:


Adding and Removing Child Elements

You can add and remove child elements in MXML using the <mx:AddChild> and <mx:RemoveChild> tags. The corresponding ActionScript classes are mx.states.AddChild and mx.states.RemoveChild.

When you want to add child elements using the AddChild class, you must first construct a new instance:

var addChild:AddChild = new AddChild();

When using MXML, nest the component tag within the <mx:AddChild> tag. When using ActionScript, you must assign a component reference to the target property of the AddChild object:

var button:Button = new Button();
button.label = "Example"; = button;

If you want to specify a parent, you can use the relativeTo property. Simply assign a reference to the relativeTo component:

addChild.relativeTo = vbox;

Also, just as you can specify where you want to add the child element using the position attribute of the <mx:AddChild> tag, you can use the position property of the AddChild class. The property accepts the same values (firstChild, lastChild, before, and after) as the corresponding attribute. The values have the same effects as when working with MXML. When you specify a value of firstChild or lastChild, the child element is added as a child of the target. When you specify a value of before or after, the child element is added as a sibling of the target. If you don’t specify any value or you assign a value of null, the default behavior is that the component is added as the last child of the target:

addChild.position = "firstChild";

When you want to remove a child element, use the RemoveChild object and specify the child using the target property:

var removeChild:RemoveChild = new RemoveChild(); = button;

Setting Properties and Styles

To set properties and styles with ActionScript you use the mx.states.SetProperty and mx.states.SetStyle classes. Each class has properties that correspond exactly to the attributes of the <mx:SetProperty> and <mx:SetStyle> tags. Both classes define target, name, and value properties. To simplify things you can also pass the target, name, and value to the constructors. The following example illustrates how to use the SetProperty and SetStyle classes:

var setProperty:SetProperty = new SetProperty(button, "width", 200);
var setStyle:SetStyle = new SetStyle(button, "color", 0xFF00FF);

Setting Event Handlers

The mx.states.SetEventHandler class corresponds to the <mx:SetEventHandler> tag for setting event handlers. The class defines target and name properties that correspond to the target and name attributes of the <mx:SetEventHandler> tag. To make things even simpler, the SetEventHandler constructor allows you to pass the target and name parameters:

var setEventHandler:SetEventHandler = new SetEventHandler(button, "click");

When you use the <mx:SetEventHandler> tag, you use the handler attribute to specify the ActionScript to call when the event occurs. However, when working with a SetEventHandler object, you use the handlerFunction property. The handlerFunction property requires a reference to a function/method. Flash Player then calls that function/method when the event occurs. The following instructs Flash Player to call a function named clickHandler when the user clicks the button:

setEventHandler.handlerFunction = clickHandler;

Using Dynamic States

To better understand how to use ActionScript’s dynamic states created at runtime, let’s look at an example. Example 12-11 builds a multipage form from XML data and loads it at runtime. The form is composed of states for each page.

For the purposes of this example, the following XML data is used and saved in a file called forms.xml.

Example 12-11. forms.xml

    <form id="1" label="Name">
        <item type="textinput" name="firstName" label="First Name" />
        <item type="textinput" name="lastName" label="Last Name" />
    <form id="2" label="Address">
        <item type="textinput" name="address" label="Street Address" />
        <item type="textinput" name="city" label="City" />
        <item type="textinput" name="state" label="State" />
        <item type="textinput" name="postalCode" label="Postal Code" />
    <form id="3" label="Phone and Email">
        <item type="textinput" name="phone" label="Phone Number" />
        <item type="textinput" name="email" label="Email" />
    <form id="4" label="Address">
        <item type="textarea" name="agreement" label="">
        Example Corporation reserves all rights.
        <item type="checkbox" itemName="city" label="I agree" />

To work with the data, you can define several classes: CustomFormItem, CustomForm, and CustomFormManager.

The CustomFormItem class can be used to represent an item from the form. An item can consist of a label and a form control such as a text input, text area, or checkbox. Example 12-12 defines the CustomFormItem class.

Example 12-12.

package com.oreilly.programmingflex.states {

    public class CustomFormItem {

        private var _type:String;
        private var _label:String;
        private var _name:String;
        private var _value:String;

        public function get type():String {
            return _type;

        public function get label():String {
            return _label;

        public function get name():String {
            return _name;

        public function get value():String {
            return _value;

        public function CustomFormItem(type:String, label:String,
                                       name:String, value:String) {
            _type = type;
            _label = label;
            _name = name;
            _value = value;

        public static function parseFromXML(xml:XML):CustomFormItem {
            var type:String = xml.@type;
            var label:String = xml.@label;
            var name:String = xml.@itemName;
            var value:String = null;
            if(type == "textarea") {
                value = xml.children()[0].toString();
            return new CustomFormItem(type, label, name, value);


The CustomForm class (Example 12-13) is essentially a collection of form items with the addition of a method that constructs a new state based on the form.

Example 12-13.

package com.oreilly.programmingflex.states {

    import mx.states.State;
    import mx.containers.GridRow;
    import mx.containers.GridItem;
    import mx.controls.Label;
    import mx.core.UIComponent;
    import mx.controls.TextInput;
    import mx.controls.CheckBox;
    import mx.controls.TextArea;
    import mx.states.AddChild;
    import com.oreilly.programmingflex.states.CustomFormItem;
    import mx.containers.Grid;

    public class CustomForm {

        private var _label:String;
        private var _items:Array;

        public function CustomForm(label:String, items:Array) {
            _label = label;
            _items = items;

        public function getLabel():String {
            return _label;

        public function getItems():Array {
            return _items.concat();

        public function toState(parent:Grid):State {
            var state:State = new State();
            state.overrides = new Array();
            var gridRow:GridRow;
            var gridItem:GridItem;
            var count:uint = _items.length;
            var i:uint;
            var type:String;
            var label:Label;
            var component:UIComponent;
            var item:com.oreilly.programmingflex.states.CustomFormItem;
            var addChild:AddChild;
            for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                item = _items[i];
                gridRow = new GridRow();
                type = item.type;
                if(type != "checkbox" && item. label.length > 0) {
                    label = new Label();
                    label.text = item.label;
                    gridItem = new GridItem();
                if(type == "textinput") {
                    component = new TextInput();
                else if(type == "checkbox") {
                    component = new CheckBox();
                    CheckBox(component).label = item.label;
                else if(type == "textarea") {
                    component = new TextArea();
                    component.width = 200;
                    TextArea(component).text = _items[i]. value;
       = "component";
                gridItem = new GridItem();
                addChild = new AddChild();
                addChild.relativeTo = parent;
       = gridRow;
            return state;

        public static function parseFromXML(xml:XML):CustomForm {
            var label:String = xml.@label;
            var items:Array = new Array();
            var i:uint;
            for(i = 0; i < xml.children().length(); i++) {
            return new CustomForm(label, items);


The CustomFormManager class (Example 12-14) is a Singleton class that loads the XML data and provides an interface to a collection of forms.

Example 12-14.

package com.oreilly.programmingflex.states {

    import com.oreilly.programmingflex.states;

    public class CustomFormManager extends EventDispatcher {

        private static var _instance:CustomFormManager;

        private var _forms:Array;
        private var _index:uint;

        public function CustomFormManager(enforcer:SingletonEnforcer) {

        public static function getInstance():CustomFormManager {
            if(_instance == null) {
                _instance = new CustomFormManager(new SingletonEnforcer());
            return _instance;

        public function load(url:String):void {
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataHandler);

        public function hasNextForm():Boolean {
            return _index < _forms.length;

        public function getNextForm():CustomForm {
            if(_index >= _forms.length) {
                return null;
            return _forms[_index++];

        public function hasPreviousForm():Boolean {
            return _index > 0;

        public function getPreviousForm():CustomForm {
            if(_index < 0) {
                return null;
            return _forms[_index--];

        private function dataHandler(event:Event):void {
            _index = 0;
            _forms = new Array();
            var xml:XML = new XML(;
            var forms:XMLList = xml.children();
            var i:uint;
            var form:CustomForm;
            for(i = 0; i < forms.length(); i++) {
                form = CustomForm.parseFromXML(forms[i]);
            dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));

class SingletonEnforcer {}

The MXML (with embedded ActionScript) in Example 12-15 illustrates how to use the preceding code to construct dynamic states based on XML data.

Example 12-15. Dynamic states

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"
            import mx.states.SetProperty;
            import mx.states.SetEventHandler;
            import mx.states.State;
            import com.oreilly.programmingflex.states.CustomForm;

            import com.oreilly.programmingflex.states.CustomFormManager;

            private var _stateIndex:uint;
            private var _stateCount:uint;

            private function initializeHandler(event:Event):void {
                var formManager:CustomFormManager = CustomFormManager.getInstance();
                formManager.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, dataHandler);

            private function dataHandler(event:Event):void {
                _stateIndex = 1;
                _stateCount = 0;
                var formManager:CustomFormManager = CustomFormManager.getInstance();
                var form:CustomForm;
                states = new Array();
                var state:State;
                var index:uint = 1;
                var setProperty:SetProperty;
                var hasPreviousForm:Boolean;
                while(formManager.hasNextForm()) {
                    hasPreviousForm = formManager.hasPreviousForm();
                    form = formManager.getNextForm();
                    state = form.toState(grid);
                    setProperty = new SetProperty(next, "visible",
                    setProperty = new SetProperty(previous, "visible",
           = "form" + index++;
                currentState = "form1";

            private function nextForm():void {
                currentState = "form" + ++_stateIndex;

            private function previousForm():void {
                currentState = "form" + --_stateIndex;

    <mx:VBox id="vbox">
        <mx:Label id="formLabel" />
            <mx:Button id="previous" label="Previous" visible="false"
                click="previousForm()" />
            <mx:Button id="next" label="Next" click="nextForm()" />
        <mx:Grid id="grid">

Figure 12-8 through Figure 12-11 show what the states look like.

The first form state

Figure 12-8. The first form state

The second form state

Figure 12-9. The second form state

The third form state

Figure 12-10. The third form state

The fourth form state

Figure 12-11. The fourth form state

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