Defining States Based on Existing States

By default, all states are based on the base state. For example, the new checkbox in Example 12-1 and Example 12-2 from the preceding section is added to the VBox. When the new state is applied, the VBox and nested button from the base state continue to exist. However, note that states are not applied cumulatively. For instance, Example 12-3 defines two states in addition to the base state. The base state has two buttons. Each button applies one of the states. When applying the newCheckbox state, a new checkbox is added. When applying the newTextArea state, a new text area is added, but if the checkbox had been previously added, it is removed.

Example 12-3. Defining a state that is not based on an existing state

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">

    <mx:VBox id="vbox">
        <mx:Button label="Add Checkbox" click="currentState='newCheckbox';" />
        <mx:Button label="Add Text Area" click="currentState='newTextArea';" />

        <mx:State name="newCheckbox">
            <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{vbox}">
                <mx:CheckBox id="checkbox" label="New Checkbox" />
        <mx:State name="newTextArea">
            <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{vbox}">
                <mx:TextArea id="textarea" />



When components are removed by changing states, the components are still stored in memory. Once a component has been created, moving away from the state in which it is created is the equivalent of calling the removeChild() method in ActionScript: the component is removed from the display list, but it still exists in memory.

Figure 12-3 and Figure 12-4 show what these two states look like. You’ll notice that only one of the components (checkbox or text area) gets added at a time.

The newCheckbox state displaying a checkbox, but not the text area

Figure 12-3. The newCheckbox state displaying a checkbox, but not the text area

The newTextArea state displaying a text area, but not a checkbox

Figure 12-4. The newTextArea state displaying a text area, but not a checkbox

If you want to define a state so that it’s based on a state other than the base state, use the basedOn attribute of the <mx:State> tag. You can assign the name of a state to the basedOn attribute of a different state, and the state with the basedOn value automatically inherits the state’s overrides, specified in the basedOn attribute. For example, rewrite the newTextArea state definition so that the <mx:State> tag appears as follows:

<mx:State name="newTextArea" basedOn="newCheckbox">

When the newTextArea state is rewritten with the basedOn attribute (as in the preceding line of code), the newTextArea state adds both a checkbox and a text area. Figure 12-5 shows the newTextArea state now that it’s based on newCheckbox.

The newTextArea state includes the checkbox when based on newCheckbox

Figure 12-5. The newTextArea state includes the checkbox when based on newCheckbox

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