Adding Media

As mentioned before, you can add media to an application by either loading it or embedding it. In this section, we will discuss the different syntax for loading and embedding media. This will serve as a good foundation for understanding the methods you have available to you when adding media to a Flex application. In the Flex framework, watch for component properties that accept a variable of type Class. These properties usually indicate the ability to accept a media type as a value.


If you have experience with developing Flash applications, you may be accustomed to creating classes for symbols such as images for when you want to access them in ActionScript. In Flex, this is no longer required as the compiler generates such classes for you automatically.

Loading Media

The easiest and most common way to load media at runtime is to use one of the MXML components specifically designed for that job. A variety of components are available for different types of media. You can use an Image component to load images, an SWFLoader component to load .swf files, or a VideoDisplay component to load video content. The Image component is the most commonly used of these components and the one we will focus on in this section.


Internally, Flex makes use of Flash Player’s Loader class. You typically will not make use of the Loader class directly as the Flex framework abstracts away the details, but it is good to know that it exists and that if you ever need to implement the loading of custom file types not supported by Flex, you can easily do so.

Here is an example that uses an Image tag to load a .jpg file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
    <mx:Image source="assets/sun.jpg"/>

This simple code loads an image file called sun.jpg located in an assets directory relative to the .swf at runtime and displays it in an Image component. The JPEG file format is natively supported by Flash Player; as such, you are able to load it at runtime. Also important to note is that the application .swf does not contain the image; rather, it begins to load after the application is initialized. This behavior is very similar to how web browsers load images that are referenced in an HTML document.


Loaded assets are referenced at runtime based on the location of the .swf file by default. You can reference assets using both absolute and relative paths.

This example uses the Image component, which is a Flex component built to help you easily load images. The Image component loads the image provided by the source attribute and sizes it according to the width and height properties of the Image component instance, if any are provided. If no size is specified, the component expands to the dimensions of the image. Also, the Image component by default loads whatever you set in the source property. If you want to load the image based on user input or an event, you can call the load() method of the Image instance at runtime, or you can data-bind the source property to a variable that stores the image you would like to load. Here is an updated example of the preceding code that provides users with a button to load the image when they want to view it, with no explicit width or height properties set:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
    <mx:Image id="sun"/>
    <mx:Button label="Load Image" click="sun.load('assets/sun.jpg')"/>

This version of the application does not automatically load the image, as before. The Image component instance exists, but it loads the image only after the application is initialized. Also, the source property has no value in this example. When you do not specify the source property for an Image instance, the component will not load an image automatically. When a user clicks on the button in the example, the load() method is called, along with the value of the image to load as a parameter.

The Image component along with the SWFLoader and VideoDisplay components dispatch events to indicate the status of the component. The Image component dispatches many events; the ones related to loading content are the ioError, progress, open, httpStatus, securityError, and complete events.


The Flex framework components use the underlying Flash Player API to load media. To learn the internal details about the underlying mechanism that Flex uses to load content, review the documentation on the Loader class in the flash.display package and the LoaderInfo class. An instance of the LoaderInfo class is exposed by all three components.

The events you’ll be most interested in are progress, complete, and ioError. The progress event is dispatched while an asset is being loaded. This allows you to provide the user with a progress bar or some other indication that something is loading. This is especially useful when loading a lot of content or large content. The complete event allows you to determine when an asset has finished loading. This can be useful if you want to provide some sort of notification to the user, or have another process begin after the content is loaded. The ioError event is important when having to deal with content that may or may not exist, especially if the user is asked to enter his own URL, for example. The ioError event is dispatched when Flash Player is unable to find the referenced file, allowing you to provide the user with the option of reentering the URL. An error is usually reported immediately if the client receives a response from the server that shows an error such as File Not Found, but if you reference a server that can't be reached, the response won't be returned in a timely manner, if ever.

The code in Example 11-1 allows a user to enter a URL of an image to be loaded and notifies the user if he has entered an invalid URL.

Example 11-1. Notifying the user of an invalid URL

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
           import mx.controls.Alert;
           private function ioErrorHandler():void
  "There was an error loading: "+imageUrl.text+",
please enter a new URL");
    <mx:Image id="imageView" ioError="ioErrorHandler()"/>
    <!--when compiled and run locally, you can load remote images without security
    restrictions that are typically encountered with an application running in the
    browser sandbox -->
    <mx:TextInput id="imageUrl"
    <mx:Button label="Load image" click="imageView.load(imageUrl.text)"/>

Embedding Media

When embedding media, you instruct the compiler to package the asset within the resultant .swf file rather than just referencing it externally, as you saw in the preceding section. In other platforms, such as Java and .NET, this is sometimes referred to as compiling the asset as a resource. You can embed media within the following types of content:

  • MXML

  • ActionScript

  • CSS

You embed media by using any of these three variations of the Embed() directive. This directive accepts the source, mimeType, scaleGridTop, scaleGridBottom, scaleGridLeft, scaleGridRight, and symbol parameters. The parameter you will use most often—and the only parameter that is required—is source. This parameter identifies to the compiler the asset it needs to process and embed within the final .swf file.

Embedding media within MXML

The embed syntax when used in MXML begins with an @Embed() directive. The @ character instructs the compiler that it will be receiving a directive in MXML—in this case, the Embed() directive.

Earlier you saw an example of how to load a .jpg asset at runtime. Now we’ll look at how to embed the asset:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
    <mx:Image source="@Embed(source='assets/sun.jpg')"/>

This example should look very similar to the earlier example, except for the additional syntax within the value of the source attribute. This syntax, when used within MXML, instructs the compiler to embed an asset rather than load it.


When embedding an asset, the compiler will not resize or recompress the media contained with the resultant SWF. It will embed the asset as is in its original form. If you intend to use an asset only at a specific size, you should match in the source the final size that will be used in the application.

Embedding media within ActionScript

Sometimes you will want to embed your assets in ActionScript. This allows you to reference them directly within ActionScript, or even reference the embedded asset from MXML. Embedding media in ActionScript has the same result as doing so in MXML, but can be more flexible, as we will see later in this chapter when we cover how to create an asset library; the only difference is that the compiler instructions for embedding are in ActionScript code. Example 11-2 shows the code from Example 11-1, but in ActionScript.

Example 11-2. Displaying an image using an Image component while embedding it in ActionScript

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="init()">
            private var sunAsset:Class;
            //This method is called when the application is initialized
            private function init():void
                sunImage.source = sunAsset;
    <mx:Image id="sunImage"/>

The main difference between Example 11-1 and Example 11-2 is that a change in the value of the source property for the Image instance is being set through ActionScript. When embedding content, you must assign data of type Class to the source property. You don’t typically specify a class yourself; instead, the Flex compiler automatically generates such a type for you when you embed an asset. When embedding content, you will need to reference a variable declared with the [Embed()] metadata syntax. The contents of the Embed() directive in Example 11-2 are the same as in Example 11-1. In ActionScript, Embed() must be surrounded by []. This is called a metadata tag, and it instructs the compiler that it needs special handling. The Embed metadata tag must precede the variable declaration, as shown in Example 11-2. Once done, the value of the variable will be the reference asset in the Embed() directive.

The declared variable of an asset must be of type Class. Placing an Embed metadata tag before the variable will cause the compiler to define the variable’s class definition and allow you to instantiate it or reference it when you need to work with the asset. Although the variable is declared as a generic Class data type, each type of media asset maps to a more specific class definition, depending on the type of media embedded. All asset class types implement a common interface, IFlexAsset.

The different types of asset classes are as follows:

  • BitmapAsset, which represents bitmap images (JPEG, GIF, and PNG).

  • MovieClipAsset, which represents Flash library items within an SWF. Typically, such an asset is an animated graphic. For static (nonanimated) SWF library items, SpriteClass is used.

  • MovieClipLoaderAsset, which represents SWF files.

  • SoundAsset, which represents an embedded MP3 file.

  • SpriteClass, which represents a static vector graphic from an SWF library item or SVG file.

  • ButtonAsset, which is rarely used but is provided to ensure full compatibility with Flash authoring content.

  • TextFieldAsset, which will never be produced by Flex, but is produced by other tools such as Flash authoring.

One of the strengths of using ActionScript for part of an application is the added flexibility it gives you when handling application logic at runtime. In that spirit, let’s take a look at Example 11-3, which allows us to change an embedded image at runtime.

Example 11-3. Changing the embedded asset to be displayed at runtime

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="init()">
            private var sunAsset:Class;
            private var moonAsset:Class;
            private function init():void
                sunImage.source = sunAsset;

            private function showMoon():void
                sunImage.source = moonAsset;
    <mx:Image id="sunImage"/>
    <mx:Button label="Show the Moon!" click="showMoon()"/>

In Example 11-3, the sun image asset is initially displayed, and the user is presented with a button to display the moon image. The button’s click event is set up to call the showMoon() function, which will set the source property of the Image instance to the moonAsset that contains the embedded image. When you declare an asset to be embedded, that asset is included within the final .swf file regardless of whether it is used. This means that when referencing different embedded assets, those assets will not need to be loaded.

Embedding media within CSS

Typically, you embed assets when stylizing and skinning components. So far, we have discussed using the Image component to load and embed images. The Image component is ideal for loading and displaying images and animations. With CSS, though, you can easily specify component skins.

Example 11-4 is an example of embedding assets to reskin a button component using CSS.

Example 11-4. Skinning a Button component by embedding in CSS

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
    <mx:Button label="Hello World!"/>

Example 11-4 showcases the power of Flex in terms of handling CSS and embedding assets. In this example, we redefined the base skin for all instances of the Button component within three lines (you can find more information on skinning components in Chapter 8). We did this by setting the values of the CSS properties to images that we embedded. The syntax is similar to that used in Example 11-3 and Example 11-2. In CSS, though, you don’t need to use identifier characters as you do with the other two forms of syntax. In CSS, you just use the Embed() directive directly inline.

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