Pop-Up Controls

Apart from the ability to programmatically create menus and menu bar navigator (discussed in the next section), there are two Flex framework controls that you can use to create pop-up controls: PopUpButton and PopUpMenuButton. Both of these controls allow a user to display a pop up. PopUpMenuButton allows the user to pop up a menu, whereas PopUpButton is more generic, allowing a user to pop up any control.

Using PopUpButton

The PopUpButton control allows you to associate the button with a pop up. The pop up can be any other UI component. Typically, you would use a pop-up button to display a small window or something similar. As you can see in Figure 7-9, the pop up appears adjacent to the button, appearing and disappearing from the button.

Using a PopUpButton to display a pop up

Figure 7-9. Using a PopUpButton to display a pop up

For the example shown in Figure 7-9, we created a simple MXML component that looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:TitleWindow xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="400" height="300">
         <mx:Label text="Select a color:" />
         <mx:RadioButton groupName="colors" label="grey" />
         <mx:RadioButton groupName="colors" label="brown" />
         <mx:Button label="Select As Color" />

Assuming we name the component PollWindow (and save it in the root directory), the code that allows the user to display the window using a pop-up button is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
              import com.oreilly.programmingflex.PollWindow;

              private var _poll:PollWindow = new PollWindow();

    <mx:PopUpButton label="Poll" popUp="{_poll}" />

Using PopUpMenuButton

Flex supports a component called Menu, which allows Flex to display hierarchical menus as pop ups. Although you can use a PopUpButton to display a menu component, it is far easier to use the PopUpMenuButton component to display a menu. Before we can talk about PopUpMenuButton, we need to first talk about how to use a menu component.

Menus are an instance of mx.controls.Menu. Like tree controls, menu controls require hierarchical data providers. The following code creates a menu and populates it with an XMLListCollection data provider. It also sets the labelField property as you would when using a hierarchical data provider for a tree control.

var menu:Menu = new Menu();
var xmlList:XMLList = <items>
                        <item label="ActionScript">
                          <item label="Class" />
                          <item label="Interface" />
                        <item label="MXML">
                          <item label="Application" />
                          <item label="Component" />
menu.dataProvider = new XMLListCollection(xmlList);
menu.labelField = "@label";

The PopUpMenuButton control simplifies associating a menu with a button by automatically creating the menu when assigning a data provider to the button, as illustrated in this example:

<mx:PopUpMenuButton labelField="@label">
                <item label="ActionScript">
                    <item label="Class" />
                    <item label="Interface" />
                <item label="MXML">
                    <item label="Application" />
                    <item label="Component" />

Figure 7-10 shows what this example looks like.


Figure 7-10. PopUpMenuButton

Listening to Menu Events

Menu controls dispatch itemClick events of type mx.events.MenuEvent every time the user selects a menu item. You can listen for the event directly from the menu using ActionScript and addEventListener. If you’re using PopUpMenuButton, you can listen for the itemClick event directly from the button. You can even use MXML to listen for the event, as illustrated in this example that changes the button label each time the user selects a menu item:

<mx:PopUpMenuButton id="button" labelField="@label"
                    itemClick="button.label = event.label">
                <item label="ActionScript">
                    <item label="Class" />
                    <item label="Interface" />
                <item label="MXML">
                    <item label="Application" />
                    <item label="Component" />
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