Chapter 7. Working with UI Components

The Flex framework consists, in large part, of components. Within the framework there are many types of components, from data components to layout components to user interface (UI) components. You can read about each type of component in the appropriate chapters throughout this book. In this chapter, we focus on UI components. UI components are visual components that display something to the user and/or prompt the user to interact with the application.

Although there’s no formal classification for the majority of the UI components in the Flex framework, it is useful to categorize them just for the purposes of discussion. We’ve organized our discussion of the Flex framework UI components based on the categories listed in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1. UI component categories




Button, LinkButton, RadioButton, CheckBox

Value selectors

HSlider, VSlider, NumericStepper, ColorPicker, DateField, DateChooser

Text components

Label, Text, TextInput, TextArea, RichTextEditor

List-based controls

List, ComboBox, DataGrid, HorizontalList, TileList, Tree

Advanced data controls


Pop-up controls

PopUpButton, PopUpMenuButton


Panel, TitleWindow


ViewStack, Accordion, ButtonBar, LinkBar, MenuBar, TabBar, TabNavigator, ToggleButtonBar

Control bars

ControlBar, ApplicationControlBar

Media and progress indicators

Image, SWFLoader, VideoDisplay, ProgressBar


Layout containers are not included in Table 7-1 because we discuss them in depth in Chapter 6.

In this chapter, we will discuss each category of component listed in Table 7-1, with the exception of windows and media and progress containers, which we discuss in Chapter 6 and Chapter 11, respectively. Although you’ll find a lot of good information about how to use UI components in this chapter, you will not find a complete reference for every component and its API. To do that would require a much larger volume than this. Furthermore, the official Flex documentation does a good job of providing this information already. You can read the online version of the Flex documentation at The information in this chapter complements the official documentation in that this chapter explains which components exist, how they are related, and when to use each one.

Understanding UI Components

All UI components (and all layout components) are related because they inherit from a common superclass called mx.core.UIComponent. This UIComponent class is part of the Flex framework. The class is abstract, meaning you would never create a UIComponent instance directly. However, it’s important to understand UIComponent because it will tell you a lot about all the components that inherit from it.

The UIComponent class itself inherits from mx.core.FlexSprite, which directly inherits from flash.display.Sprite, which is part of the Flash Player API. This means that all Flex UI components behave very much like standard Flash display objects because they inherit from the display object inheritance chain. Figure 7-1 illustrates the inheritance relationship of UI components, showing only a partial list of the UI components (Button, ComboBox, DateField, etc.) in the interest of brevity.

A partial list of the UI components and the inheritance relationship of UI components and Flash Player classes

Figure 7-1. A partial list of the UI components and the inheritance relationship of UI components and Flash Player classes

Creating Component Instances

You can create UI component instances either with MXML or with ActionScript. If you use MXML, you should use the tag that has the same name as the component. For example, the following code creates a button instance:

<mx:Button />

When you want to use ActionScript you should use the constructor of the component class in a new statement. The following code creates a button instance using ActionScript:

var button:Button = new Button();

When you create a component using ActionScript, the component is not automatically added to the display list as it is when you use MXML. If you want to add the component to the display list so that it is visible, you must use the addChild() method of a container:


You can read more about adding components to containers in Chapter 6.

Common UI Component Properties

When you work with UI components, you can always count on certain properties being implemented. Those properties are as follows:


The x coordinate of the component relative to its parent container’s content area. You can set the property to move the component, and you can read the property to get the current x coordinate of the component.


The y coordinate of the component relative to its parent container. Like the x property, you can both read and write the y property.


The width of the component in pixels. You can read the property to retrieve the current width, and you can set the property to change the width of the component.


The height of the component in pixels. Like the width property, you can both read and write the height property.


The scale of the component in the horizontal direction relative to its original width. The scaleX and width properties are linked. When you change the scaleX, the width changes as well, yet the opposite is not true. You can both read and write the scaleX property. Both scaleX and scaleY values are on a scale whereby 0 is 0% and 1 is 100%. For example, setting scaleX to .5 will halve the horizontal scale of a component.


The scale of the component in the vertical direction relative to its original height. The scaleY and height properties are linked just as the scaleX and width properties are linked. The values for scaleY are on the same range as are those for scaleX. And you can both read and write the scaleY property.


The number of degrees of rotation of the component relative to its original orientation. Rotation is always clockwise and is always relative to the origin point of the component’s internal coordinate system. In almost all cases, a component’s origin exists at the upper-left corner. You can both read and write the rotation property.


The opacity of the component. The default value is 1, which means the component is fully opaque. The effective range for alpha is from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque). You can read and write the alpha property.


The visibility of the component. The default value is true, meaning the component is visible. A value of false means the component is not visible. You can both read and write the visible property.


Whether a component is interactive. For example, if a button is enabled, it can accept mouse clicks. The default value is true. A value of false disables the component. You can both read and write the enabled property.


A reference to the parent container for the component. The parent property is read-only. If you want to change the parent of a component, you must use the removeChild() method of the parent container to remove the component, or use addChild() to add the component to a new container.

The preceding list is not intended to be comprehensive by any means. However, it does represent some of the most commonly used properties of all UI components.

You can work with most of these properties both in MXML and in ActionScript (except when a property is read-only, in which case you must use ActionScript to read the value). The following example sets several properties of a button instance using MXML:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Example Button"
    width="200" height="50" enabled="false" />

Here’s the equivalent ActionScript code:

var button:Button = new Button();
button.label = "Example Button";
button.width = 200;
button.height = 50;
button.enabled = false;

Handling Events

Events are the way in which objects (such as Flex UI components) can communicate with the rest of the application. There are two basic types of events: user events and system events. User events are events that occur directly because of user interaction with the application. For example, when the user clicks a button, a click event occurs, and when the user expands a drop-down menu (a combo box component), an open event occurs. On the other hand, a system event occurs because something happens within the application in response to initialization, asynchronous operations, or other such non-user-driven behavior. For example, when a component is created several events occur during the stages of creation indicating that various aspects of the component are accessible.

When an event occurs, we say the event is dispatched (or broadcasted). The object that dispatches an event is called the target. All Flex UI components are potential event targets, meaning all UI components dispatch events. The event that gets dispatched is in the form of an object of type (or a subtype). The Event instance provides information about the event, including the type of event (click, open, etc.) and the target that dispatched the event.

When a component dispatches an event, nothing occurs in response unless something (called a listener) is configured to receive notifications. There are two ways that you can handle events in a Flex application: one uses MXML attributes and the other uses ActionScript.


As you saw in Figure 7-1, all UI components inherit from the Flash Player EventDispatcher class, meaning that all UI components are capable of dispatching events to listeners.

Handling events with MXML

When you create a component using MXML, you can add an event handler using an attribute that has the same name as the event you want to handle. For example, buttons dispatch click events when the user clicks on them. Therefore, you can add a click attribute to the Button tag to handle the click event. You also can assign ActionScript to the attribute. For example, the following code lowers the alpha of the button by .1 each time the user clicks on the button:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Alpha Button" click="button.alpha −= .1" />

Although you can assign ActionScript expressions to event handler attributes, as in the preceding example, it is more common (and useful) to assign a function call to the event handler attribute. This allows you to define more complex functionality in response to the event. When you call a function/method from an event handler attribute, you should pass a parameter called event to the function. In MXML, the event parameter will automatically pass along the event object that the component dispatches:

<mx:Button id="button" label="Alpha Button" click="clickHandler(event)" />

You then need to define the method that is intended to handle the event. The method should accept a parameter of type Event (or the appropriate subtype). The following example accomplishes the same thing as the inline expression did previously. However, in addition it resets the alpha to 1 if and when the alpha is less than 0:

private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
  var target:Button = as Button;
  target.alpha −= .1;
  if(target.alpha < 0) {
    target.alpha = 1;


Some event types, such as MouseEvent, contain additional information beyond what a basic Event object would contain. For example, a MouseEvent contains information about whether a mouse button is currently pressed.

As you can see in the preceding code, we can retrieve a reference to the object that dispatched the event using the target property of the event object. This allows one event listener to be used with more than one event dispatcher.

Handling events with ActionScript

You can use ActionScript to add event listeners to a component as an alternative to using MXML event attributes. This is useful for a couple of reasons. First, it is useful to add event listeners using ActionScript when you are creating the component instance using ActionScript as opposed to MXML. Second, when you add event listeners using ActionScript, you can also remove the event listeners later. This is useful if you want to temporarily or permanently stop listening for a specific event for a component.

To register a listener for an event using ActionScript you should use the addEventListener() method. This method requires that you pass it at least two parameters: the name of the event for which you want to listen and the function to use as the listener. Typically, you should use constants for event names rather than quoted strings to avoid typos that would introduce bugs that the compiler would not catch. The event name constants are members of the associated event class. For example, the Event class defines OPEN, CLOSE, SCROLL, SELECT, and many other constants. The MouseEvent class defines CLICK, MOUSE_OVER, and other mouse-related event constants. The FlexEvent class defines constants for many of the Flex-specific events such as ADD, REMOVE, CREATION_COMPLETE, and INITIALIZE. The following code creates a button and then adds a listener for the click event:

var button:Button = new Button();
button.label = "Click This Button";
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

The event listener function is automatically passed an Event object as a parameter:

private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
  var target:Button = as Button;
  target.alpha −= .1;
  if(target.alpha < 0) {
    target.alpha = 1;

Event objects

The class is the base class for all events in Flex applications. However, many event objects are instances of event subtypes. For example, events related to mouse behavior (click, mouseOver, etc.) are of type MouseEvent.

Event objects always have a type property indicating the type of event the object represents. For example, a click event will dispatch an object with a type property of click. Event objects also have target properties that reference the actual object that dispatched the event. In some cases, the target may not be the object for which you have registered a listener. This can occur when the object for which you have registered a listener contains a child component that also dispatches the same event (and the event bubbles). If you want to ensure that you are getting a reference to the object for which the listener is registered to listen for the event, use the currentTarget property. The following example illustrates this point:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">

            private function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
                textArea.text = + "
" + event.currentTarget;

    <mx:Canvas id="canvas" click="clickHandler(event);">
        <mx:Button id="button" label="Click This Button" />
    <mx:TextArea id="textArea" />

If you run this example and click the button, you’ll see that the text area tells you that the target of the event is the button while the current target is the canvas. That is because the button is what actually dispatched the event, but the canvas is the object with which you registered the listener.

Standard Flex component events

Each UI component type may have events that are specific to that type. For example, combo boxes dispatch open events when the menu is expanded. However, all UI components have a set of events in common. Table 7-2 lists these common events.

Table 7-2. Common UI component events






The component has been added to a container.



The component has been removed from a container.



The component has been made visible (the visible property is now true).



The component has been made nonvisible (the visible property is now false).



The component dimensions have changed.



The component has started to initialize, but children haven’t yet been created.



The component has been constructed, but it has not yet been measured and laid out.



The component is completely created, measured, and laid out.

The list of common events in Table 7-2 isn't comprehensive. The UIComponent class (from which all UI components inherit) defines many more events. For a comprehensive list, look at the Flex documentation listing for mx.core.UIComponent. We’ll also discuss many of the events in this book in the sections where they're most appropriate (e.g., we’ll discuss drag-and-drop events in the Drag-and-Dropˮ section of Chapter 10).

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