The Logging Framework

The trace() statement can be a powerful method of logging, but if you have been exposed to logging in the past, you likely used some sort of logging framework or built your own. Flex includes a logging framework that offers several benefits over using the trace() statement alone.

The logging framework consists of two main components: the logger and the target. The logger is used by an application to configure the logging framework and to send messages that are output via a target.

A target is used to specify where log messages are output. They can be output to any mechanism that Flash Player supports. The logging framework includes a TraceTarget, which inherits from LineFormattedTarget and AbstractTarget and implements the ILoggingTarget interface.

TraceTarget internally sends messages via the global trace() function. This will often be the target you use. Here’s an example using the logging framework with TraceTarget:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
            import mx.logging.Log;
            import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;

            private var _target:TraceTarget;

            private function initializeHandler():void
                _target = new TraceTarget();
                _target.includeTime = true;
                _target.includeLevel = true;
                _target.includeCategory = true;

            private function sendToLog():void
    <mx:Button click="sendToLog()" label="Log Message"/>

In this example, clicking on a button will send a message in the same manner as calling trace() would. The main distinction to just using trace() is the ability to configure the target to include extra information, define a category for a message, and have different levels of errors.


The Flex framework internally uses the logging framework within the mx.rpc.* package with the WebService, RemoteObject, and HTTPService components. This allows you to retrieve details of the communication between the Flex client and the server. We will cover debugging remote data communication later in this chapter.

A target can support extra functionality. In the preceding example, the date, category, and level were enabled. This will instruct the target to include the time, category of message, and level with the messages. The built-in targets support other properties that you may want to explore.

Specifying the Logging Options

A log message must define two values: the level of the message, which we discussed, and the category. The category is required to define the origins of a message and, in return, allow you to filter what is displayed by the logging framework. In the preceding example, the category was com.oreilly.programmingflex.MainClass. It is a good idea to specify a category based on the package and class, as this will allow you to easily filter and identify the origins of logged messages.

The built-in targets support the ability to filter the messages so that only messages you are interested in are displayed. This is useful in cases where you're interested only in log messages that are within a certain package, and it's achieved via the filters property of the target. The filters property accepts an array of categories. A category filter can be any text value, but it is recommended that you follow package-naming conventions. You may also specify an * (wildcard) filter—for example, the following category filter of com.oreilly.* will instruct the target to output all messages in the com.oreilly package and within its subpackages:

_target.filters = ["com.oreilly.*"];

You also can define multiple filters as well as redefine the filters at any time. Setting the level is achieved in a similar manner.

The default logging level is ALL, but you can define another level by setting the level property:

_target.level = LogEventLevel.FATAL;

The logger supports sending several levels of messages with the debug(), info(), warn(), error(), and fatal() methods. Alternatively, you can call the log() method of the logger and pass in a log level. You can find the different levels with the constant values LogEventLevel.FATAL, LogEventLevel.ERROR, LogEventLevel.WARN, LogEventLevel.INFO, and LogEventLevel.DEBUG. This can be useful if you want to output all messages during development and debugging, but limit what is output in a production environment. When you set a log level, all messages in that level and above are logged. For example, setting the level to WARN will log all messages with that level as well as messages with a FATAL or ERROR level.

Defining a Custom Target

If the built-in targets are not sufficient, you can define your own. To define your own target you need to implement the ILoggingTarget interface. For convenience, the logging framework includes the AbstractTarget class, which already implements a default set of behaviors that you can easily subclass to define your own target. Example 18-2 is a custom target that will send a message to a remote server via the Socket class rather than via trace().

Example 18-2. Custom target sending a message to a remote server via the Socket class

package com.oreilly.programmingflex.logging.targets
    import mx.logging.LogEvent;
    import mx.logging.AbstractTarget;

    public class SocketTarget extends AbstractTarget
        private var _host:String;
        private var _port:int;
        private var _socket:Socket;

        public function SocketTarget(host:String = "localhost",port:int = 18080)
            _host = host;
            _port = port;
            //This example omits the error handling. For production you will
            //need to handle errors when creating the socket and when sending
            _socket = new Socket(host,port);

        override public function logEvent(event:LogEvent):void

Example 18-3 is updated to use the new SocketTarget.

Example 18-3. Example 18-2 updated to use the new SocketTarget

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
            import com.oreilly.programmingflex.logging.targets.SocketTarget;
            import mx.logging.Log;

            private var _target:SocketTarget;

            private function initializeHandler():void
                _target = new SocketTarget();

            private function sendToLog():void
    <mx:Button click="sendToLog()" label="Log Message"/>

With Flex’s built-in logging framework, you will be able to log messages, easily change options so that you can more easily debug an application, and integrate the framework within your application.

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