Appendix D. Class

The following class is used in program, listed in Section 6.8:

// Used in the file
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;

class CvHLines extends Canvas3D
{  private int maxX, maxY, centerX, centerY, nTria, nVertices;
   private Obj3D obj;
   private Point2D imgCenter;
   private Tria[] tr;
   private HPGL hpgl;
   private int[] refPol;
   private int[][] connect;
   private int[] nConnect;
   private int chunkSize = 4;
   private double hLimit;
   private Vector polyList;
   private float maxScreenRange;

   Obj3D getObj(){return obj;}
   void setObj(Obj3D obj){this.obj = obj;}
void setHPGL(HPGL hpgl){this.hpgl = hpgl;}

   public void paint(Graphics g)
   {  if (obj == null) return;
      Vector polyList = obj.getPolyList();
      if (polyList == null) return;
      int nFaces = polyList.size();
      if (nFaces == 0) return;
      float xe, ye, ze;
      Dimension dim = getSize();
      maxX = dim.width - 1; maxY = dim.height - 1;
      centerX = maxX/2; centerY = maxY/2;
      // ze-axis towards eye, so ze-coordinates of
      // object points are all negative. Since screen
      // coordinates x and y are used to interpolate for
      // the z-direction, we have to deal with 1/z instead
      // of z. With negative z, a small value of 1/z means
      // a small value of |z| for a nearby point.

      // obj is a java object that contains all data,
      // with w, e and vScr parallel (with vertex numbers
      // as index values):
      // - Vector w (with Point3D elements)
      // - Array e (with Point3D elements)
      // - Array vScr (with Point2D elements)
      // - Vector polyList (with Polygon3D elements)

      // Every Polygon3D value contains:
      // - Array 'nrs' for vertex numbers (n elements)
      // - Values a, b, c, h for the plane ax+by+cz=h.
      // - Array t (with n-2 elements of type Tria)

      // Every Tria value consists of the three vertex
      // numbers A, B and C.
      maxScreenRange = obj.eyeAndScreen(dim);
      imgCenter = obj.getImgCenter();
      obj.planeCoeff();      // Compute a, b, c and h.

      hLimit = −1e-6 * obj.getRho();

      // Construct an array of triangles in
      // each polygon and count the total number
// of triangles.
      nTria = 0;
      for (int j=0; j<nFaces; j++)
      {   Polygon3D pol = (Polygon3D)(polyList.elementAt(j));
          if (pol.getNrs().length > 2 && pol.getH() <= hLimit)
          {  pol.triangulate(obj);
             nTria += pol.getT().length;
      tr = new Tria[nTria];       // Triangles of all polygons
      refPol = new int[nTria];    // tr[i] belongs to refPol[i]
      int iTria = 0;

      for (int j=0; j<nFaces; j++)
      {  Polygon3D pol = (Polygon3D)(polyList.elementAt(j));
         Tria[] t = pol.getT(); // Triangles of one polygon
         if (pol.getNrs().length > 2 && pol.getH() <= hLimit)
         {  for (int i=0; i<t.length; i++)
            {  Tria tri = t[i];
               tr[iTria] = tri;
               refPol[iTria++] = j;
      Point3D[] e = obj.getE();
      Point2D[] vScr = obj.getVScr();
      for (int i=0; i<nVertices; i++)
      {  for (int j=0; j<nConnect[i]; j++)
         {  int jj = connect[i][j];
            lineSegment(g, e[i], e[jj], vScr[i], vScr[jj],
               i, jj, 0);
      hpgl = null;

   private void buildLineSet()
   {  // Build the array
      // 'connect' of int arrays, where
      // connect[i] is the array of all
      // vertex numbers j, such that connect[i][j] is
      // an edge of the 3D object.
      polyList = obj.getPolyList();
nVertices = obj.getVScr().length;
      connect = new int[nVertices][];
      nConnect = new int[nVertices];
      for (int i=0; i<nVertices; i++)
      nConnect[i] = 0;
      int nFaces = polyList.size();

      for (int j=0; j<nFaces; j++)
      {  Polygon3D pol = (Polygon3D)(polyList.elementAt(j));
         int[] nrs = pol.getNrs();
         int n = nrs.length;
         if (n > 2 &&  pol.getH() > 0) continue;
         int ii = Math.abs(nrs[n-1]);
         for (int k=0; k<n; k++)
         {  int jj = nrs[k];
            if (jj < 0)
               jj = -jj; // abs
            {  int i1 = Math.min(ii, jj), j1 = Math.max(ii, jj),
                   nCon = nConnect[i1];
               // Look if j1 is already present:
               int l;
               for (l=0; l<nCon; l++) if (connect[i1][l] == j1) break;
               if (l == nCon)  // Not found:
               {  if (nCon % chunkSize == 0)
                  {  int[] temp = new int[nCon + chunkSize];
                     for (l=0; l<nCon; l++) temp[l] = connect[i1][l];
                     connect[i1] = temp;
                  connect[i1][nConnect[i1]++] = j1;
            ii = jj;

   int iX(float x){return Math.round(centerX + x - imgCenter.x);}
   int iY(float y){return Math.round(centerY - y + imgCenter.y);}

   private String toString(float t)
   // From screen device units (pixels) to HP-GL units   (0-10000) :
   {  int i = Math.round(5000 + t *  9000/maxScreenRange);
String s = "";
      int n = 1000;
      for (int j=3; j>=0; j--)
      {  s += i/n;
         i %= n;
         n /= 10;
      return s;

   private String hpx(float x){return toString(x - imgCenter.x);}
   private String hpy(float y){return toString(y - imgCenter.y);}

   private void drawLine(Graphics g, float x1, float y1,
      float x2, float y2)
   {   if (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2)
       {  g.drawLine(iX(x1), iY(y1), iX(x2), iY(y2));
          if (hpgl != null)
          {  hpgl.write("PU;PA" + hpx(x1) + "," + hpy(y1));
             hpgl.write("PD;PA" + hpx(x2) + "," + hpy(y2) + "

   private void lineSegment(Graphics g, Point3D p, Point3D q,
      Point2D pScr, Point2D qScr, int iP, int iQ, int iStart)
   {  double u1 = qScr.x - pScr.x, u2 = qScr.y - pScr.y;
      double minPQx = Math.min(pScr.x, qScr.x);
      double maxPQx = Math.max(pScr.x, qScr.x);
      double minPQy = Math.min(pScr.y, qScr.y);
      double maxPQy = Math.max(pScr.y, qScr.y);
      double zP = p.z, zQ = q.z;    // p and q give eye-coordinates
      double minPQz = Math.min(zP, zQ);
      Point3D[] e = obj.getE();
      Point2D[] vScr = obj.getVScr();
      for (int i=iStart; i<nTria; i++)
      {  Tria t = tr[i];
         int iA = t.iA, iB = t.iB, iC = t.iC;
         Point2D aScr = vScr[iA], bScr = vScr[iB], cScr = vScr[iC];

         // 1. Minimax test for x and y screen coordinates:
         if (maxPQx <= aScr.x && maxPQx <= bScr.x && maxPQx <= cScr.x
          || minPQx >= aScr.x && minPQx >= bScr.x && minPQx >= cScr.x
|| maxPQy <= aScr.y && maxPQy <= bScr.y && maxPQy <= cScr.y
          || minPQy >= aScr.y && minPQy >= bScr.y && minPQy >= cScr.y)
             continue; // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 2. Test if PQ is an edge of ABC:
         if ((iP == iA || iP == iB || iP == iC) &&
             (iQ == iA || iQ == iB || iQ == iC))
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 3. Test if PQ is clearly nearer than ABC:
         double zA = e[iA].z, zB = e[iB].z, zC = e[iC].z;
         if (minPQz >= zA && minPQz >= zB && minPQz >= zC)
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 4. Do P and Q (in 2D) lie in a half plane defined
         //    by line AB, on the side other than that of C?
         //    Similar for the edges BC and CA.
         double eps = 0.1; // Relative to numbers of pixels
         if (Tools2D.area2(aScr, bScr, pScr) < eps &&
             Tools2D.area2(aScr, bScr, qScr) < eps ||
             Tools2D.area2(bScr, cScr, pScr) < eps &&
             Tools2D.area2(bScr, cScr, qScr) < eps ||
             Tools2D.area2(cScr, aScr, pScr) < eps &&
             Tools2D.area2(cScr, aScr, qScr) < eps)
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 5. Test  (2D)  if A, B and C lie on the same side
         //    of the infinite line through P and Q:
         double pqa = Tools2D.area2(pScr, qScr, aScr);
         double pqb = Tools2D.area2(pScr, qScr, bScr);
         double pqc = Tools2D.area2(pScr, qScr, cScr);

         if (pqa < +eps && pqb < +eps && pqc < +eps ||
             pqa > -eps && pqb > -eps && pqc > -eps)
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 6. Test if neither P nor Q lies behind the
         //    infinite plane through A, B and C:
         int iPol = refPol[i];
         Polygon3D pol = (Polygon3D)polyList.elementAt(iPol);
         double a = pol.getA(), b = pol.getB(), c = pol.getC(),
            h = pol.getH(), eps1 = 1e-5 * Math.abs(h),
            hP = a * p.x + b * p.y + c *  p.z,
hQ = a * q.x + b * q.y + c * q.z;
         if (hP > h - eps1 && hQ > h -  eps1)
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 7. Test if both P and Q behind triangle ABC:
         boolean pInside =
            Tools2D.insideTriangle(aScr, bScr, cScr, pScr);
         boolean qInside =
            Tools2D.insideTriangle(aScr, bScr, cScr, qScr);
         if (pInside && qInside)
            return;  // This triangle obscures PQ.

         // 8. If P nearer than ABC and inside, PQ visible;
         //    the same for Q:
         double h1 = h + eps1;
         if (hP > h1 && pInside || hQ > h1 && qInside)
            continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

         // 9. Compute the intersections I and J of PQ
         // with ABC in 2D.
         // If, in 3D, such an intersection lies in front of
         // ABC, this triangle does not obscure PQ.
         // Otherwise, the intersections lie behind ABC and
         // this triangle obscures part of PQ:
         double lambdaMin = 1.0, lambdaMax = 0.0;
         for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
         {  double v1 = bScr.x - aScr.x, v2 = bScr.y - aScr.y,
                   w1 = aScr.x - pScr.x, w2 = aScr.y - pScr.y,
                   denom = u2 * v1 - u1 * v2;
            if (denom != 0)
            {  double mu = (u1 * w2 - u2 * w1)/denom;
               // mu = 0 gives A and mu = 1 gives B.
               if (mu > −0.0001 && mu < 1.0001)
            {   double lambda = (v1 * w2 - v2 * w1)/denom;
                // lambda = PI/PQ
                // (I is point of intersection)
                if (lambda > −0.0001 && lambda < 1.0001)
                {  if (pInside != qInside &&
                   lambda > 0.0001 && lambda < 0.9999)
                   {  lambdaMin = lambdaMax = lambda;
                      // Only one point of intersection
if (lambda < lambdaMin) lambdaMin = lambda;
                   if (lambda > lambdaMax) lambdaMax = lambda;
            Point2D temp = aScr; aScr = bScr;
            bScr = cScr; cScr = temp;
         float d = obj.getD();
         if (!pInside && lambdaMin > 0.001)
         {  double iScrx = pScr.x + lambdaMin * u1,
                   iScry = pScr.y + lambdaMin * u2;
            // Back from screen to eye coordinates:
            double zI = 1/(lambdaMin/zQ + (1 - lambdaMin)/zP),
                   xI = -zI * iScrx / d, yI = -zI * iScry / d;
            if (a * xI + b * yI + c * zI > h1)
               continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.

            Point2D iScr = new Point2D((float)iScrx, (float)iScry);
            if (Tools2D.distance2(iScr, pScr) >= 1.0)
               lineSegment(g, p, new Point3D(xI, yI, zI), pScr,
                  iScr, iP, −1, i + 1);
         if (!qInside && lambdaMax < 0.999)
         {  double jScrx = pScr.x + lambdaMax * u1,
                   jScry = pScr.y + lambdaMax * u2;
            double zJ =
               1/(lambdaMax/zQ + (1 - lambdaMax)/zP),
                  xJ = -zJ * jScrx / d, yJ = -zJ * jScry / d;
            if (a * xJ + b * yJ + c * zJ > h1)
               continue;  // This triangle does not obscure PQ.
            Point2D jScr = new Point2D((float)jScrx, (float)jScry);
            if (Tools2D.distance2(jScr, qScr) >= 1.0)
               lineSegment(g, q, new Point3D(xJ, yJ, zJ),
                  qScr, jScr, iQ, −1, i + 1);
            // if no continue-statement has been executed
      drawLine(g, pScr.x, pScr.y, qScr.x, qScr.y);
         // No triangle obscures PQ.
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