
Books and major published research reports

2012 James, M. and Pollard, A. (eds) Principles for Effective Pedagogy: International responses to the evidence from the UK Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Abingdon: Routledge.

2011 Department for Education, The Framework for the National Curriculum: a report of the Expert Panel for the National Curriculum review. (London: Department for Education) (Authored by James, M., Oates, T., Pollard, A. and Wiliam, D.)

2010 James, M. (ed) Educational Assessment (section of 57 articles). In E. Baker, P. Peterson & B. McGraw (eds) International Encyclopedia of Education, 3rd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier.

2007 James, M., McCormick, R., Black, P. et al., Improving Learning How to Learn, in classrooms, schools and networks, London: Routledge.

2006 James, M. et al., Learning How to Learn: tools for schools, London: Routledge.

1998 James, M., Using Assessment for School Improvement, (School Management series). Oxford: Heinemann.

1998 Arnot, M., Gray, J., James, M. and Rudduck, J., with G. Duveen, Recent Research on Gender and Educational Performance (OFSTED Reviews of Research series). London: The Stationery Office.

1991 Broadfoot, P., Grant M., James, M., Nuttall D. and Stierer B., Records of Achievement: Report of the National Evaluation of Extension Work in Pilot Schemes. London: HMSO.

1988 Broadfoot, P., James, M., McMeeking S., Nuttall, D. and Stierer, B., Records of Achievement: Report of the National Evaluation of Pilot Schemes. London: HMSO.

1988 Craft, M., Clements, M. and James, M., Dissemination of Natural Nashers (sic) and the Good Teeth Programme. London: Health Education Authority, Research Report No 20.

1983, 1988 McCormick, R. and James, M., Curriculum Evaluation in Schools. First edition published by Croom Helm, Beckenham; second edition published by Routledge, London.

Translated into Spanish by P. Manzano (1996) Evaluacíon del curriculum en los centros escolares. Madrid: Morata.

1982 McCormick, R., Bynner, J., Clift, P., James, M. and Morrow Brown, C. (eds) Calling Education to Account. London: Heinemann Educational Books in association with the Open University.

Articles in journals

2012 James, M. ‘Growing Confidence in Educational Research: threats and opportunities’, British Educational Research Journal, 38(2): 181–201 doi: 10.1080/01411926.2011.650681

2011 James, M. and Pollard, A. ‘TLRP’s Ten Principles for Effective Pedagogy: rationale, development, evidence, argument and impact’, Research Papers in Education, 26(3): 275–328, doi: 10.1080/02671522.2011.59007

2010 Pollard, A. and James, M. ‘The UK’s teaching and learning research programme (TLRP): strategies and contributions to large-scale reform’, Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, Beinheft 13, DOI 10.1007/s11618-010-0157-0.

2010 James, M. ‘Some bad news and some good news . . . for educational research in the wake of the Comprehensive Spending Review’, Research Intelligence; News from BERA, Issue 113: 6–8.

2009 James, M. and McCormick, R. ‘Teachers Learning to Learn’, Teaching and Teacher Education, 25(7): 973–982 (TLRP special issue.) doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2009.02.023

2008 Daugherty, R., Black. P., Ecclestone, K., James, M. and Newton. P. ‘Alternative perspectives on Learning Outcomes: challenges for assessment’, The Curriculum Journal, 19(4): 243–254.

2008 James, M. and Pollard, A. ‘What have we learned from TLRP?’, Education Review, 21(1): 90–100.

2008 James, M. ‘More than the sum of the parts: principles for effective teaching and learning from the TLRP’, Curriculum and Assessment Update, Issue 4, Spring, p. 2. (DCELLS, Welsh Assembly Government.)

2007 James, M. ‘Ten key messages from the UK’s biggest ever educational research programme’, Learning and Teaching Update, Issue 6, July/August: 5–7. (Optimus Publishing.)

2007 James, M. ‘What makes a good local school for every child? It’s the quality of teaching and learning, stupid!’, CSCS Journal, 18(1), Summer: 8–9.

2006 James, M. ‘Balancing rigour and responsiveness in a shifting context: meeting the challenges of educational research’, Research Papers in Education 21(4): 365–380.

2006 James, M. and Pedder, D. ‘Beyond method: assessment and learning practices and values’, The Curriculum Journal, 17(2): 109–138.

2006 James, M., Black, P. McCormick, R., Pedder, D. and Wiliam, D. ‘Introduction: learning how to learn, in classrooms, schools and networks: aims, design and analysis’, Research Papers in Education, 21(2): 101–118 (Special Issue on LHTL Project) .

2006 Black, P., McCormick, R., James, M. and Pedder, D. ‘Assessment for learning and learning how to learn: a theoretical inquiry’, Research Papers in Education 21(2): 119–132 (Special Issue on LHTL Project).

2005 Pedder, D., James, M. and MacBeath, J., ‘How teachers value and practise professional learning’, Research Papers in Education, 20(3): 209–243.

2005 James, M. and Brown, S., ‘Grasping the TLRP nettle: a preliminary analysis and some enduring issues surrounding the improvement of learning outcomes’, The Curriculum Journal, 16(1): 7–30 (TLRP Special Issue).

2005 James, M., Pollard, A., Rees, G. and Taylor, C. ‘Researching Learning Outcomes: building confidence in our conclusions’, The Curriculum Journal, 16(1): 109–122 (TLRP Special Issue).

2001 James, M., ‘Perspectives on Learning and Assessment: rich tapestry or psycho-Babel?’ Thematic Review, British Educational Research Journal, 27(3): 371–374.

2000 James, M., ‘Measured Lives: the rise of assessment as the engine of change in English schools’, The Curriculum Journal, 11(3): 343–364.

2000 James, M. and Worrall, N., ‘Building a Reflective Community: development through collaboration between an HEI and one school over ten years’, Educational Action Research Journal, 8(2): 93–114.

1999 James, M., ‘Learning the Way of the Tiger’, Primary Practice, 18: 28–30.

1998 James, M. and Gipps, C., ‘Broadening the basis of assessment to prevent the narrowing of learning’, The Curriculum Journal, 9(3): 285–297.

1998 James, M., ‘The Implementation of the National Curriculum in England and Wales: an evaluation’ (Special Contribution translated into Japanese), The Japanese Journal of Curriculum Studies, Vol. 7: 1–13.

1997 Harlen, W. and James, M., ‘Assessment and Learning: differences and relationships between formative and summative assessment’, Assessment in Education, 4(3) Autumn: 365–379.

1996 Conner, C. and James, M., ‘The mediating role of LEAs in the interpretation of Government assessment policy at school level in England’. The Curriculum Journal, 7(2) August: 53–166.

1994 James, M., ‘Different Countries, Common Problems?’ Review Essay of Airasian, P. (1991) Classroom Assessment. McGraw-Hill: New York.

Assessment in Education, 1(2) June: 261–268.

1993 James, M. and Conner, C., ‘Are Reliability and Validity Achievable in National Curriculum Assessment? Some reflections on moderation at Key Stage One in 1992’, The Curriculum Journal, 4(1), Spring: 5–19.

1992 James, M., ‘Democracy and Education: some notes on past, present and future continuity in purposes for public education’, Professional Development Matters: The Journal of the Association for Professional Development in Education, 3: 12–15.

1983 James, M., ‘Evaluation at Grassroots’, Inspection and Advice: Journal of the National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers, 18: 22–24.

1983 James, M., ‘Course Evaluation and Curriculum Development’, Nursing Times, 10–16 August: 46–48.

1983 James, M., ‘The Importance of Purpose: diversity in institutional self- evaluation’, Journal of Evaluation in Education, 6, 1983: 10–13.

1982 James, M., ‘School Initiated Self-Evaluation and the Improvement of Educational Practice: some issues for consideration’, Classroom Action Research Network Bulletin, 5: 17–23.

1980 James, M., ‘On the Receiving End: pupils’ perceptions of learning sociology and social studies at 16’, The Social Science Teacher, 10(2): 61–68.

Chapters in books

2012 James, M. ‘An alternative to the objectives model: the process model for the design and development of curriculum’. In N. Norris and J. Elliott (eds) Curriculum, Pedagogy and Educational Research: The work of Lawrence Stenhouse. (Abingdon: Routledge): 61–83.

2012 James, M., with Lewis, J. ‘Assessment in Harmony with our Understanding of Learning: problems and possibilities’. In J. Gardner (ed) Assessment and Learning, second edition. (London: Sage): 187–205.

2012 Daugherty, R. Black, P., Ecclestone, K., James, M. and Newton, P.E. (2012) ‘Alternative perspectives on learning outcomes: challenges for assessment’. In J. Gardner (ed) Assessment and Learning, second edition. (London: Sage): 72–86.

2012 Pedder, D. and James, M. ‘Professional Learning as a Condition for Assessment for Learning’. In J. Gardner (ed) Assessment and Learning, second edition. (London: Sage): 33–48.

2011 James, M. ‘Assessment for Learning: research and policy in the (dis)United Kingdom’: in R. Berry and R. Adamson (eds) Assessment Reform in Education: policy and practice. (New York: Springer): 15–32.

2011 Daugherty, R., Black, P., Ecclestone, K., James, M. and Newton. P. ‘Assessment of Significant Learning Outcomes’. In R. Berry and R. Adamson (eds) Assessment Reform in Education: policy and practice, (New York: Springer): 165–183.

2010 James, M. ‘An Overview of Educational Assessment’. In P. Peterson, E. Baker, & B. McGaw (eds) International Encyclopedia of Education: Third Edition, Volume 3. (Oxford: Elsevier): 161–171.

2009 James, M. and Pollard, A. ‘Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools: insights from TLRP’. In R. Alexander, with C. Doddington, J. Gray, L. Hargreaves and R. Kerscher (eds) The Cambridge Primary Review Research Surveys. Abingdon: Routledge.

2008 James, M., ‘Assessment and Learning’. In S. Swaffield (ed) Unlocking Assessment. (London: Routledge): 20–36.

2006 James, M. and Pedder, D., ‘Professional learning as a condition for assessment for learning’. In J. Gardner (ed) Assessment and Learning. (London: Sage): 27–43.

2006 James, M., ‘Assessment, teaching and theories of learning’. In J. Gardner (ed) Assessment and Learning. (London: Sage): 47–60.

1997 James, M. and Ponte, P., ‘Het onderzoeken en verbeteren van de eigen praktijk’. In P. Ponte and P. Zwaal (eds) Over Grenzen: een nieuwe manier van werken aan leerling be geleiding in Nederland, Rusland, Amerika en Engeland. (Leuven-Apeldoorn: Garant): 25–40.

1995 James, M., ‘Evaluating PSE and pastoral care? How shall we know success?’ In R. Best, P. Lang, C. Lodge, and C. Watkins (eds) Pastoral Care and PSE: entitlement and provision. (London: Cassell): 249–265.

1994 James, M., ‘Experience of quality assurance at key stage one’. In W. Harlen (ed) Enhancing Quality in Assessment. (London: Paul Chapman): 116–138.

1994 James, M., ‘LEA and HE partnership in support of school-based development projects’. In H. Bradley, C. Conner, and G. Southworth (eds) Developing Teachers, Developing Schools. (London: David Fulton): 116–130.

1993 James, M., ‘Evaluation for Policy: rhetoric and political reality: the paradigm case of PRAISE’. In R. Burgess (ed) Evaluation for Policy and Practice. (Basingstoke: Falmer Press): 119–138.

1989 James, M., ‘Negotiation and Dialogue in Student Assessment and Teacher Appraisal’. In H. Simons and J. Elliott (eds) Rethinking Assessment and Appraisal. (Milton Keynes: Open University): 147–160.

1987 James, M., ‘Self-initiated Self-evaluation’. In P. Clift, D. Nuttall and G. Turner (eds) Studies in School Self-evaluation. (Basingstoke: Falmer Press): 172–189.

1987 James, M., ‘Outcome Evaluation, Process Evaluation and the Experience of the Dental Health Study’. In G. Campbell (ed) Health Education, Youth and Community. (Basingstoke: Falmer Press): 313–322.

1985 James, M., Clements, M. and Craft, M., ‘The Training of Teachers and Organisers in School Health Education’. In D. Leathar, G. Hastings, K. O’Reilly and J. Davies (eds) Health Education and the Media. (London: Pergamon Press): 187–191.

1984 Craft, M. and James, M., ‘Never Mind the Research – Feel the Dissemination’. In G. Campbell (ed) Health Education and Youth. (Lewes: Falmer Press): 266–270.

1981 James, M. and Ebbutt, D., ‘Problems and Potential’. In J. Nixon (ed) A Teacher’s Guide to Action Research. (London: Grant McIntyre): 91–95.

Other output


2009 Mansell, W., James, M. & the Assessment Reform Group. Assessment in schools. Fit for purpose? A commentary from the Teaching And Learning Research Programme. London: ESRC TLRP.

2008 James, M. and Pollard, A. ‘Learning and Teaching in Primary Schools: insights from TLRP’, Primary Review Research Survey 2/4, 28 pp. (available for download at

2008 James, M. Only Connect! Improving teaching and learning in schools (Professorial lecture delivered at the Institute of Education, University of London on 17th October 2007). London: Institute of Education.

2006 James, M. and Pollard, P., Improving teaching and learning in schools: a commentary by the Teaching and Learning Research Programme. Swindon: ESRC.

2004 Pollard, A. and James, M. and with individual contributions from the directors of five TLRP projects, Personalised Learning: a TLRP Commentary. Swindon: ESRC.

2002 Assessment Reform Group, Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles. Cambridge University Faculty of Education.

1990 Assessment Reform Group, Assessment for Learning: beyond the black box. Cambridge University School of Education.

1997 James, M., ‘The National Curriculum and Teacher Education in England’, The UK-Japan Education Forum Monograph, No. 3.

Newspaper articles

2009 James, M. ‘Tailors of assessment must find a better fit’, Times Educational Supplement, 21 August, p. 23.

1997 James, M., ‘Aims should come first, methods second’, Times Educational Supplement, 5 September, p. 23.

1995 James, M., ‘Matters of Judgement’, Times Educational Supplement, 28 April, Primary Update p. 17.

1988 James, M. and Stierer, B., ‘Souvenirs of Schooldays’, Times Educational Supplement, 25 November, p. 24.

Other research and evaluation reports

2009 Improving Teaching and Learning in Schools: towards coherence in a complex field. (End of Director’s Fellowship Report for ref: RES-052-27-0003). ESRC: accessible at:

2007 An Investigation of Personalised Learning Approaches used by Schools (with J. Sebba, N. Brown, S. Steward and M. Galton). University of Sussex for the DfES.

2006 Representing Context in a Research Archive of Educational Evaluation Studies (with P. Carmichael, J. Elliott and D. Bridges) (End of Award Report for ref: RES 346 25 3003). ESRC: accessible at:

2005 Learning How to Learn – in classrooms, schools and networks (with R. McCormick and B. Marshall) (End of Award Report for ref: L 139 251 020). ESRC: accessible at:

2001 Hertfordshire Progress File Demonstration Project: local evaluation report (with A. Fox). University of Cambridge: Faculty of Education.

1995 LEA Policies for Moderation of KS1 Assessment, 1993–94: report of an independent study funded by Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk LEAs (with C. Conner). University of Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1995 The Effects of Participation in a School-centred Initial Teacher Training Scheme on Schools, Teachers and Children. University of Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1993 Assuring Quality of Assessments in Schools in Six LEAs, 1993: report of an independent study funded by Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk LEAs (with C. Conner). University of Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1992 Moderation at Key Stage One across four LEAS 1992: a report of an independent study funded by Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk LEAs (with C. Conner). Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1992 Bedfordshire TVEI Evaluation: an interim report on the impact of TVEI on the management of schools and colleges and on in- service education and training (with D. Ebbutt and D. Hopkins). Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1991 Bedfordshire Assessment Training 1991: an independent evaluation (with C. Conner). Cambridge: Institute of Education.

1989 PRAISE: Case Studies of Schools 1985–88 (with P. Broadfoot, S. McMeeking, C. Morgan and B. Stierer) (Four Volumes). Bristol and Milton Keynes: Bristol University School of Education and the Open University School of Education.

1989 Records of Achievement: interim report of the national evaluation of extension work in pilot schemes (with P. Broadfoot, M. Grant, D. Nuttall and B. Stierer). Bristol and Milton Keynes: Bristol University School of Education and the Open University School of Education.

1987 Pilot Records of Achievement in Schools Evaluation (PRAISE): interim evaluation report (with B. Stierer, S. McMeeking and P. Broadfoot). Bristol and Milton Keynes: Bristol University School of Education and the Open University School of Education.

1982 A First Review and Register of School and College-initiated Self-evaluation Activities in the United Kingdom. Milton Keynes: Open University Educational Evaluation and Accountability Research Group.

Open University course materials

1996 ‘Unit 5: Assessment of Learning’. In Block 3: Teaching and Learning of Course EU208 Exploring Educational Issues. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1991 ‘Part I: Case Study 2: Records of Achievement’. In Block C: Assessment of Course E271: Curriculum and Learning. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1991 ‘Part 3: Assessment Policies: More Than the Sum of the Parts’. In Block C: Assessment of Course E271: Curriculum and Learning. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1983 ‘Unit 29: From School to Adult Life: Innovation in the Secondary Sector’. In E204: Purpose and Planning in the Curriculum. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1983 ‘Unit 29 Case Study: The School to Work Folder’. In E204: Purpose and Planning in the Curriculum. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

1982 ‘Block 2 Part 2: Institutional Self-evaluation’. In E364: Curriculum Evaluation and Assessment in Educational Institutions. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

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