
MY THANKS TO ALL THOSE who have recently updated and challenged my thinking on interviews: Rebecca Alexander (Psychologies), Judith Armatage (Recruitment & Employment Confederation), Gill Best (John Lees Associates), Loraine Bones (Say It Works), Claire Coldwell (Ad Astra Career Management), Isabel Chadwick (Career Management Consultants), Deborah Cooper (Warren Partners), Jim Currie (Currie Whiteford), Graeme Dixon (Cast Consulting), Jane Downes (Clearview Coaching Group), Zena Everett (Second Careers), Paula Godley (Godley Associates), Beverley Grant (Verticity), Tony Griffiths (Slade People Solutions), Tim Harney (Springwood Consulting), Shirley Howe (Howe Different), Kate Howlett (Ruspini Consulting), Kathryn Jackson (Career Balance), Karen Kinnear, Stuart McIntosh, Stuart Mitchell (Stuart Mitchell Group), Margaret Middlemiss (FearLess Coaching), Melanie Moore (Farrer Barnes), Bernard Pearce (Career Inspirations), Ann Reynolds, Robin Rose (ACSOL), Sophie Rowan (Pinpoint), Sital Ruparelia (Sital Ruparelia Solutions), Alexandra Sleator (Career Accelerator), Sheryl Spanier (Sheryl Spanier & Company), Joelle Warren (Warren Partners), Fiona Ward (WardLambert HR), Malcolm Watt (Watt Associates), Ruth Winden (Careers Enhanced Ltd), as well as many fellow members of the LinkedIn Career Coach Forum. My particular thanks to Stuart McIntosh for his tough love in scrutinising the first draft, and my wife Jan for her storytelling expertise.

Thanks and appreciation are due to my imaginative and insightful editor Elie Williams at Pearson. Thanks too to my diligent agent James Wills at Watson, Little, and to my very talented publicist Sue Blake.

I’d like to thank Career Management Consultants Ltd (CMC) for the chance to road-test ideas with executive clients. Thanks also to Suchi Mukherjee, MD of Gumtree, and the team at 3 Monkeys, for the opportunity to research employer perspectives.

Finally, one very important and long-due expression of gratitude, and acknowledgement of a debt I can never repay. My work in the careers field began with two summer workshops in Bend, Oregon, where I received over 125 hours of teaching, wisdom and inspiration from Richard Nelson Bolles, author of What Colour Is Your Parachute? Thank you, Dick, for your generous spirit.

This book is dedicated to two Andrews, both great chaps: my one and only brother Andrew Lees, and my oldest friend Andrew O’Hanlon.


We are grateful to McGraw-Hill for permission to reproduce the figure on p. 134. From Lees, John, Take Control of Your Career (McGraw-Hill, 2006). Reproduced with kind permission of The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved.

In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material, and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.

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