
To all the clients and students who have taught me as much as I have taught them.

To all the industry professionals who have generously given of their time in classes and seminars to share their knowledge.

To Jake Eberts for graciously contributing to this book.

To David Russell for sharing his expertise on short film distribution.

To Thierry Baujard for his contributions on European funding.

To Rick Pamplin for his ongoing encouragement and many contributions to the book.

To Michael Donaldson, Bill Whitacre, Michael Norman Salesman, Robert Seigel, Karen Corrigan, Dr. Linda Seger, and John Johnson, whose comments on and contributions to the text are greatly appreciated.

To Patrick Horton for his advice and always reminding me that the story comes first, whether in a script or a book.

To Suzy Prudden and Terrel Miller for helping me keep my mind and body in balance after spending hours at the computer.

To Tracy and the early morning crew at the Coffee Roaster for helping feed the mind as well as the body.

To Bill, Helen, Jeffrey, and Carl for their support and understanding.

To Faryl Saliman Reingold for her editorial contributions and comments and her tireless efforts to keep me on track.

To my editor, Elinor Actipis, and everyone at Focal Press for their patience and understanding.

And last, but not least, to the late Leonard the Wonder Cat, my inspiration for the cat tales.

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