

Acquisitions/mergers, 121123

Actors, 4950

Administrative expenses, 192193

Advances, 155156

Advertainment and advertorials, 230

Advertising costs, 127128

Age groups, targeted, 8889

Allen, Paul, 148

Altered, 161

Altman, Robert, 84

Amores Perros, 92

Ancillaries, international, 205206

Anshutz, Philip, 77, 149

Apollo Cinema, 228

Art and investors, 149150

Art films, 8586

Artisan Entertainment, 121122

Assumptions, financial plan, 189

Attachments, film, 4750

Audax Group, 121122

Audiences. See Markets


Baehr, Ted, 91

Bank financing, 162163

Banking, European, 174175

Batman Begins, 65

Baujard, Thierry, 166

Beauty and the Beast, 111

Below-the-line deals, 156157

Below-the-line-expenses (soft currency), 157

Benchley, Robert, 224

Big Film Shorts, 234

Bilateral treaties, European, 166167

Biographies, production team, 3639

Blair Witch Project, The, 4, 70, 74, 85, 87, 122, 161, 185, 186

Block booking, 74

Bloodsucking Killer Clowns from Outer Space, 84

Bob Roberts!, 74

Bone Collector, The, 88

Boogeyman, 84

Books, published, 4849

Borgnine, Ernest, 8

Bottle Rocket, 225

Bottom line, projected, 154

Bowling for Columbine, 105

Boxoffice grosses, 181

Box Office Mojo, 98

Brokeback Mountain, 90, 189

Brothers McMullen, The, 148

Budget, film, 16, 5053, 9294

Buena Vista Social Club, 104

Burns, Ed, 148

Business goals, 2427

Business plans, 113. See also Sample business plan

and changes in medium, 24

filmmaking as business, 45

importance of, 911

outline of, 12

overview, 12

and personal business sense, 59

Business Strategies, 55, 68


Canal Plus International, 231

Cannes Film Festival Awards, 182

Cape Fear, 88

Capote, 90

Carlito’s Rise to Power, 111

Carolco, 69

Carroll, Lewis, 15

Case studies, European film financing, 175177

Cash flow statements, 190192

Castle Rock, 67

Cats and Dogs, 208

Cell, The, 87

Cell phone films, 112114

Chariots of Fire, 9

Charlie Rose, 182

CinemaNow, 113, 124

Cinematographers, 199

Cinepix Film Properties, 122

Clearance & Copyright, 45, 235

Clerks, 148

CNC (National Center for Cinematography), 170

CNN, E! Entertainment Channel, 182

COE (Council of Europe), 166, 168

Coen brothers, 5

Columbia Pictures, 61

Comcast Corporation, 61

Company, 2340

business goals, 2427

description of, 2736

history of company, 33

how business functions, 3536

introduction of company, 3031

objectives of business, 35

opening pitch or mission statement, 2830

setting up business, 3335

summary of intentions, 3132

financial history, 192193

management and organization, 3640

overview, 2324

sample business plan, 198200

Completion bond, 164

Completion guarantors, 163164

Concise business plan, 11, 5253

Consultants, 200

Contracts, short film, 234238

Control of distribution, 137138

Co-production, 156157, 166167

Copyright, 4345

Corporation, 3334

Corporation, The, 105


administrative, 192193

cost of production, 9294

documentary, 115

print and ad, 127128

statement of, 190

Council of Europe (COE), 166, 167, 168

Crash, 90

Crossover films, 8992

Crowe, Carol, 228

Crumb, 104

Crying Game, The, 69, 87, 130

Cuban, Mark, 149

Cycles, film genre, 8688


Daily Variety, 95, 181

Deliverables, 139, 236

Development, 62

Development money, 4647

Devil in a Blue Dress, 88

Diary of a Mad Housewife, 90

Die Hard, 85

Digital film, 7678

Diller, Barry, 67

Dinosaur, 77

Directors, 4950

Directors’ Guild of America (DGA), 237

Direct to DVD (DVD premieres), 111112

Dirty Dancing, 69

Disney. See Walt Disney Company, The

Distribution, 20, 117140

distributors, 128135

attracting, 129131

methods for releasing films, 131134

overview, 118119, 128129

self distribution, 134135

European, 173174

in Executive Summary, 20

fees, 120

filmmaker strategies, 135139

independent, 121128

deals, 125127

domestic versus foreign, 123125

and financing, 128

overview, 121123

print and ad costs, 127128

informing investors about, 139140

overview, 117

in sample business plan, 208211

in sample Executive Summary, 197

short film distribution, 223239

contracts, 234238

future of, 238239

markets, 228232

overview, 223225

potential revenue, 232234

reasons for making, 225226

short documentaries, 232

sources of financing, 227228

by studios, 119121

DLJ Merchant Banking Partners, 61

Documentaries, 103108

audiences, 104

budgets for, 104107

forecasting for, 104107

grants, 108

overview, 103104

revenues and costs, 115

short, 232

target market, 104

for television, 107

Dogtown and the Z-Boys, 105

Domestic distribution, 123125

Donaldson, Michael, 45, 235

Dr. Dolittle, 208

Dr. Dolittle 2, 208

DreamWorks, 61, 68

DVDs, 111112


Eberts, Jake, 9

Edison, Thomas Alva, 57

El Mariachi, 96

EM Medie, 170

End of the Spear, 90

Enron: The Smartest Guys in Town, 105

Entertainment Data, Inc. (EDI), 181

Entertainment snippets, 230

Entrepreneurs, 78, 148149

Estimated Income Statement, 190

Estimates, 21

EURIMAGES, 167, 168

European Convention on Cinematographic Production, 166

European distribution, 173174

European film financing, 166177

case study, 175177

co-productions, 166167

state-funded subsidies, 167175

banking, 174175

distribution, 173174

European level, 167168

national level, 168170

overview, 167

regional level, 170172

tax incentives, 172173

European film-supporting agencies, 170172

European tax incentives, 172173

European Union (EU), 167

European Union, MEDIA PLUS program, 167168

Everest, 109

Executive producers, 199

Executive Summary, 1522

layout of, 1821

negotiation stances, 2122

overview, 1518

for sample business plan, 196198

style of, 18

Exhibition, film. See Production and exhibition

Exotica, 88

Expenses. See Costs

Experience, production team, 3639

Experimental Film Agreement, 236


Fahrenheit 911, 105

Family, investments by, 148, 227

Family films, 207

Far from Heaven, 49

Fargo, 88

Fast film releases, 131132

Festivals, film, 131, 228229

Feuer, Frauke, 166

FFA (German Federal Film Board), 169170

Film, digital, 7678

Filmboard Berlin-Brandenburg, 171

Film Entrepreneur, The, 109

Film experience, 3738

FilmFernsehFonds Bavaria, 171

Film festivals, 131, 228229

Film genres, 8488

Film investors, 35

Filmmaker distribution strategies, 135139

Filmmaking as business, 45. See also Company

Film revenues, 7374

Films, 4156. See also European film financing; Financial plans; Nontraditional films;Short films

assessing strengths and weaknesses, 5355

attachments, 4750

budget, 5053

descriptions of, 4347

distributor methods for releasing, 131134

in Executive Summary, 19

family, 207

project scope, 4143

in sample business plan, 200201

in sample Executive Summary, 196

single, importance of business plan for, 1011

starting up business, 5556

Filmstiftung North-Rhine-Westphalia, 171

Filmtracker’s Baseline, 98

Financial assumptions, financing plan, 213221

Financial forecasts, 179180

Financial highlights, Executive Summary, 2021, 197198

Financial instruments, specialized, 22

Financial plans, 179193

financial history of company, 192193

forecasting, 179180

overview, 179

projecting revenues, 189192

research for, 180188

analysis of data, 185188

foreign revenues, 183185

overview, 180182

sample business plan, 213222

financial assumptions, 213221

strategy, 213

for single films, 193

Financing, 143177. See also European film financing

bank loans, 162163

case study, 175177

completion guarantors, 163164

co-production and below-the-line deals, 156157

by distributor, 128

and film description, 50

guidelines, 145147

investors, 147157

and art, 149150

entrepreneurs, 148149

finding, 151152

foreign, 151

informing, 164165

overview, 147148

paying and splitting profits with, 152153

and projected bottom line, 154

and risk, 153154

special interests, 150

for large-format films, 109110

limited partnerships, 159162

negative pickup, 158

overview, 143145

presales, 154156

and production, 202206

sample business plan, 212

for short films, 227228

Fine Line Pictures, 67

First impressions, 18

First of May, The, 150

Focus Features, 67

Focus of business plan, 5556

Fog of War, The, 105

Foley, Jack, 92

Forecasted revenues, 7576

Forecasting, 21, 104107, 179180

Foreign distribution, 123125

Foreign investors, 151

Foreign revenues, 183185

Formats, film, 109

Four-walling, 133

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 69

Fox Searchlight, 67

France, film financing and distribution in, 170174

Freaky Friday, 89

Freeman, Jim, 109

Frida, 92

Friends, investments by, 148, 227

Funding for large-format films, 109110. See also Financing

Fundraising Houseparty, The, 152

Fundraising party, 152


Garden State, 149

Garfield, 197, 208

Geffen, David, 68

General Electric., 60

General’s Daughter, The, 88

Genres, film, 8488

George Lucas in Love, 225

German Federal Film Board (FFA), 169170

German film financing and distribution, 171, 174

Gilbert, Gary, 149

Glickman, Dan, 202

Goals, business, 2427

Goldwyn, Samuel, 41

Good Machine, 67

Goodman, John, 150

Goodman Group, The, 150

Gramercy Pictures, 67

Grants, 108, 227228

Graphs, industry, 79

Great Train Robbery, The, 57

Green, Harry, 9

Grizzly Bears, 219

Guarantors, completion, 163164

Guidelines, financing, 145147

Guilds, 236238


Handheld screens, 112114

HBO Mobile, 114

Hey, Arnold!, 90

History, company, 33

History of film genres, 8688

Hollywood, 7

Hollywood Distributors Directory, The, 125

Hollywood Reporter, The, 95, 181

Home video, 205

Honesty, 7, 2930, 3435

Hoodwinked, 90

Hoop Dreams, 104

Hoover, 8

Hours, The, 49

Hungarian tax incentives, 173

Hustle & Flow, 127, 146

Hyder, James, 109


IFC Films, 70

IFTA (Independent Film and Television Alliance), 66

Ile-de-France, 171

IMAX, 108110

IMDB (Internet Movie Database), 84, 98

I’m Trying to Break Your Heart, 105

Income statements, 190

Independent distribution, 121128

deals, 125127

domestic versus foreign, 123125

financing, 128

overview, 121123

print and ad costs, 127128

Independent Film and Television Alliance (IFTA), 66

Independent Film Channel, 182

Independent filmmakers, 6673

overview, 6669

production process with, 6970

pros and cons, 7273

revenues, 7072

Independent films

motivation, 23

pros and cons, 7273

Independent Moving Pictures Company of America, 57

Independent producers, 6970

Industry, 5779

educating investors, 5960, 7879

in Executive Summary, 19

identifying applicable industry segment, 5859

independents, 6673

overview, 6669

production process with, 6970

pros and cons, 7273

revenues, 7072

overview, 5758

production and exhibition, 7378

digital film, 7678

future trends, 7576

overview, 73

theatrical exhibition, 7374

sample business plan, 201206

future trends, 206

home video, 205

international theatrical exhibition and ancillaries, 205206

motion picture production and financing, 202204

overview, 201202

television, 204205

theatrical exhibition, 204

in sample Executive Summary, 197

studios, 6066

overview, 6061

production process with, 6163

pros and cons, 6566

revenues, 6365

Institute for the Financing of the Cinema and Cultural Industries (IFCIC), 174

Intermedia, UK firm, 151

International co-production agreements, 156157

International distributors, 124125

International theatrical exhibition and ancillaries, 205206

Internet, 9798, 230232

Internet Movie Database (IMDB), 84, 98

Introduction of company, 3031

Investment opportunities, Executive Summary, 2021, 197198

Investments, partial, 50

Investors, 17

educating about industry, 5960, 7879

financing, 147157

and art, 149150

entrepreneurs, 148149

finding, 151152

foreign investors, 151

overview, 147148

paying and splitting profits with, 152153

and projected bottom line, 154

and risk, 153154

special interests, 150

and information about films, 43

informing about distribution, 139140

informing about financing, 164165

Iris, 151


Jaglom, Henry, 5

Jarmusch, Jim, 5

Jurassic Park, 81


K-19: The Widowmaker, 151

Kagan Research, LLC, 75

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 68

Kidd, Bronwyn, 229

Kid Stays in the Picture, The, 105

Kimmel, Sidney, 149

Kissinger, Henry, 141


L. A. Confidential, 88

Laemmle, Carl, 57, 117

Large format films, 108110

Last Action Hero, The, 65

Layout, Executive Summary, 1821

Lee, Ang, 230

Legal negotiations, 125126

Lethal Weapon, 85

Letter of Intent, 19

Libraries and Internet, 9798

Limited liability companies (LLC), 34, 160161

Limited partnerships, 159162

Linde, David, 117

Lion King, The, 111

Lions Gate Films, 86, 122

Lipsky, Mark, 223

Little Mermaid, The, 111

LLC (limited liability companies), 34, 160161

Loans, bank, 162163

Loire Valley, 171

Look Who’s Talking, 69

Lord of the Rings, 54, 58, 186

Lost Highway, 88

Lucas, George, 77

Lumiere, Louis, 57


MacGillivray, Greg, 109

Mad Hot Ballroom, 105

Magazines for market research, 9596

Magic 4 Morons, 8

Management, company, in sample business plan, 198200

Management teams, 19, 3637, 196

March of the Penguins, 90, 92, 101, 197, 201

Marketing, 8889

Marketing strategies, 94101

Internet and libraries, 9798

market research, 9498

overview, 94

self-promotion, 98101

Market research data, 9495

Markets, 81101. See also Documentaries

in Executive Summary, 20

marketing strategy, 94101

Internet and libraries, 9798

market research, 9498

overview, 94

self-promotion, 98101

nontraditional films, 103115

direct-to-DVD, 111112

large format films, 108110

overview, 103

small screens, 112115

overview, 8182

in sample business plan, 206208

in sample Executive Summary, 197

for short films, 228232

targeted segment of, 8294

art versus specialty films, 8586

film genres, 8485

genre history and cycles, 8688

identifying targeted age group, 8889

overview, 8283

production cost, 9294

special niche groups, 8992

Matrix, 85

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., 60

MCA Inc., 60

MEDIA PLUS program, European Union, 167168

Media-Wise Family, The, 91

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), 61, 67

Metromedia, 67

MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 61, 67

Michael Winslow Live, 8

Mille, Jean Charles, 230

Miramax, 56, 67

Mission Impossible III, 65

Mission statements, 2830

Moderate film releases, 132133

Moderate speed distribution, 132133

Money. See also Costs

attached to film, 50

flow of, 7071

Moore, Michael, 84

Motion Picture Investor, 75

Motion picture production and financing, 202206

Motivation for financing, 150

Motorcycle Diaries, The, 92

Movielink, 124

Movie stars, 4950

Murdoch, Rupert, 61

My Architect, 105

My Big Fat Greek Wedding, 49, 70, 74, 86, 150, 186, 187, 189, 197, 201

My Date with Drew, 58

My Dog Skip, 90, 206

Myers, Peter, 131

My Indecision Is Final, 9


Napoleon Dynamite, 86, 100, 126, 146, 154, 186, 189, 197, 201

National Association of Theater Owners, 89

National Center for Cinematography (CNC), 170

National level subsidies, European, 168170

NBC Universal, 61

Negative pickups, 158

Negotiating, 138140

Negotiation and Executive Summary, 2122

Netflix, 112

Networking, 97, 99100

New Guy, 87

New Line, 56, 67, 68

Newman, Robert, 96

Niches. See Markets

Nightmare on Elm Street, 54, 69

Nonfictional films. See Documentaries

Nontraditional films, 103115. See also Documentaries

direct-to-DVD, 111112

large format films, 108110

overview, 103

small screens, 112114

Northern Ireland Film & Television Commission, 170

North West Vision, 170

nWave, 110


Objectives, business, 35

Omission, 4546

Opening pitches, company description, 2830

Open Water, 70, 154

Oprah, 182

Options, 4748

Organization, company, in sample business plan, 198200

Orion, 67

Orion Classics, 67

Overhead expenses, 192193


P&A money (print and ad money), 127128

Pamplin, Rick, 89

Pamplin Film Company, The, 161162

Paramount, 61, 68

Paramount Classics, 67

Partial investments, 50

Partnerships, 33, 3940, 159162

Passion of the Christ, The, 90, 91, 101

Pathé, Charles, 224

Payback, investor, 152153, 161162

Peacefulfish company, 177

Personal business sense, 59

Personal goals, 2627

Pianist, The, 90

Pierson, John, 127

Planning, lack of, 23

Platform, 132

Pollard, Rob, 112

Polygram Filmed Entertainment (PFE), 67

Presales, 130131, 154156

Presidents, company, 199

Princess Diaries 2, 89

Principal purpose of company, 31

Print and ad money (P&A money), 127128

Print costs, 127128

Producers, 4950

Production, motion picture, 202206

Production and exhibition, 7378

digital film, 7678

future trends, 7576

overview, 73

theatrical exhibition, 7374

Production costs, 9294

Production team descriptions, 3639

Professionalism, 6

Project description, 4142

Projected bottom line, 154

Projection, 21

Project scope, 4243

Promises, 146147

Promotion, self, 98101

Promotional materials, 99

Prospectus, 22

Providence Equity Partners, 61


Quiet American, The, 151


Racing Stripes, 90

Rambo, 69

Reading, 9596

Real Women Have Curves, 49, 92

Regal Cinemas, 77

Regional level subsidies, European, 170172

Reiner, Rob, 67

Releases, film, 131134

Releases/contracts, guidelines for, 234235

Release strategies, 210211

Rentrak report, 112

Research, market, 9498

Revenues, 7374

documentary, 115

foreign, 183185

potential, for short films, 232234

projecting for financial plan, 189192

statement of, 190

Rhône-Alpes, 171

Rice, T.C., 226

Riding Giants, 105

Risks, 141142, 153154

Ritchie, Guy, 230

Rockefeller, John D., 26

Rodriguez, Robert, 96

Roger and Me, 104

Rollout, 132

Room with a View, A, 150

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 129

Royal Tenenbaums, The, 225

Rushmore, 225


Sample business plan, 195221

company, 198200

distribution, 208211

executive summary, 196198

films, 200201

financing, 212

financing plan, 213222

financial assumptions, 213221

strategy, 213

industry, 201206

future trends, 206

home video, 205

international theatrical exhibition and ancillaries, 205206

motion picture production and financing, 202204

overview, 201202

television, 204205

theatrical exhibition, 204

market, 206208

overview, 195

risk factors, 211212

Samuel Goldwyn Company, 67, 135

Sandlot 2, The, 111

Saturation, 88, 132

Saw, 84

Sayles, John, 5, 143

Scary Movie, 87

School of Rock, 89

Scope, project, 4243

Scream, 87, 185

Screen Actors Guild (SAG), 236

Screen International, 95

Scripts, 4447

Seagal, Steven, 111

Seagram, 60, 67

Security Exchange Commission (SEC), 159160

Seger, Linda, 44

Self distribution, 134135

Self-marketing, 100101

Self-promotion, 98101

Sequencing, 132

Set up, business, 3335

Shaye, Robert, 68

Short Film Agreement, 236237

Short films, 223239

contracts, 234238

funding, 225228

future of, 238239

length of, 224225

markets, 228232

overview, 223225

potential revenue, 232234

potential revenue formula, 232233

projected growth, 238239

quality, 233234

reasons for making, 225226

short documentaries, 232

sources of financing, 227228

Shrek, 89

Shrek 2, 89

Shrek 4-D, 111

Sideways, 84

Silver, Joel, 85

Sin City, 88, 96

Sirmons, Paul, 150, 165

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The, 84

Sixth Sense, The, 84, 87

Skoll, Jeff, 149

Slow film releases, 133134

Small screen films, 112114

Smith, Kevin, 148

Smith, Pete, 224

Snipes, Wesley, 111

SOFICA, 172173

Soft currency (below-the-line-expenses), 157

Soldier’s Wife, The, 130

Sole proprietorship, 34

Songcatcher, 122

Sony Classics, 67, 86

Sony Corporation of America, 61

Sony Pictures, 61, 67

Sopranos, The, 114

Special interests, investor, 150

Specialized financial instruments, 22

Special niche groups, 8992

Specialty films, 8586. See also Independent filmmakers

Spellbound, 105

Spielberg, Steven, 68, 81

Spirit of Christmas, The, 225

Spy Kids, 90, 197

Spy Kids 1, 96

Spy Kids 2, 90

Standing in the Shadows of Motown, 105

Star actors, 4950

Start up, business, 5556

Star Wars, 77

State-funded subsidies, European, 167175

banking, 174175

distribution, 173174

European level, 167168

national level, 168170

overview, 167

regional level, 170172

tax incentives, 172173

Statement of Revenues and Expenses, 190

Step into Liquid, 105

Strand Releasing, 123

Strategic opportunities, 19, 196

Strengths, film, 5355

Stuart Little, 197, 208

Stuart Little 2, 208

Studios, 6066

accounting, 6365

distribution by, 119121

overview, 6061

production process with, 6163

pros and cons, 6566

revenues, 6365

Subsidies. See State-funded subsidies, European

Summary of intentions, 3132

Sundance Channel, 146, 182

Sunset Boulevard, 113

Super Size Me, 105

Swanson, Gloria, 113


Tables, industry, 79

Tarantino, Quentin, 84

Target locations, 35

Target markets, 20, 8283, 104, 207208. See also Markets

Tarnation, 70

Tax incentives, European, 172173

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 54

Television, 107, 204205

Texas Pacific Group, 61

Theatrical exhibition, 7374, 204206

This Is Spinal Tap, 74, 185

Time Warner, 60

Titan A.E., 77

Titanic, 81

Tortilla Soup, 92

Touching the Void, 105

Trade papers, 9596

Transamerica, 133

Trimark Pictures, 122

Turner Broadcasting, 67

Turner Pictures, 67

Twain, Mark, 179

Twentieth Century Fox, 6061, 67, 77


UK Film Council, 169

Underneath, The, 88

United Kingdom, film financing and distribution in, 170173

Universal Studios, 60, 61

USA Networks, 67

Usual Suspects, The, 88


Van Damme, Jean Claude, 111

Variety, 110

Viacom, 61

Vice-presidents, 199

Video on cell phones, 112114

Viewers. See Markets

Vivendi, 60


Wagner, Todd, 149

Walk to Remember, A, 90

Wallace & Gromit—The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, 90

Walt Disney Company, The, 61, 67, 70, 90, 121

Walter from Wisconsin, 47

Warner Brothers, 60, 67

Warner Independent Pictures, 67

Warshawski, Morrie, 152

Waters, John, 84

Weaknesses, film, 5355

Weinstein, Bob, 70

Weinstein, Harvey, 70

Weinstein Company, The, 56, 70, 86

What the Bleep Do We Know?, 74, 90, 92, 135

Whitacre, William L., 161

Why We Fight, 105

Wide film releases, 131132

Wolfe Releasing, 123

Woman Thou Art Loosed, 90

Word of mouth marketing, 100101, 133

Worldwide short film distribution, 229230


Yari, Bob, 149

Y tu mamá también, 89, 92

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