Chapter 4. Maps, Options, and Tuples

Topics in This Chapter A1

A classic programmer’s saying is, “If you can only have one data structure, make it a hash table.” Hash tables—or, more generally, maps—are among the most versatile data structures. As you will see in this chapter, Scala makes it particularly easy to use them.

When looking up a key in a map, there may not be a matching value. An option is perfect for describing that situation. An option is used in Scala whenever a value may be present or absent.

Maps are collections of key/value pairs. Scala has a general notion of tuples—aggregates of n objects, not necessarily of the same type. A pair is simply a tuple with n = 2. Tuples are useful whenever you need to aggregate two or more values together.

Highlights of the chapter are:

  • Scala has a pleasant syntax for creating, querying, and traversing maps.

  • You need to choose between mutable and immutable maps.

  • By default, you get a hash map, but you can also get a tree map.

  • You can easily convert between Scala and Java maps.

  • Use the Option type for values that may or may not be present—it is safer than using null.

  • Tuples are useful for aggregating values.

4.1 Constructing a Map

You can construct a map as

val scores = Map("Alice" -> 10, "Bob" -> 3, "Cindy" -> 8)

This constructs an immutable Map[String, Int] whose contents can’t be changed. See the next section for mutable maps.

If you want to start out with a blank map, you have to supply type parameters:

val scores = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()

In Scala, a map is a collection of pairs. A pair is simply a grouping of two values, not necessarily of the same type, such as ("Alice", 10).

The -> operator makes a pair. The value of

"Alice" -> 10


("Alice", 10)

You could have equally well defined the map as

Map(("Alice", 10), ("Bob", 3), ("Cindy", 8))

The -> operator is just a little easier on the eyes than the parentheses. It also supports the intuition that a map data structure is a kind of function that maps keys to values. The difference is that a function computes values, and a map just looks them up.

4.2 Accessing Map Values

In Scala, the analogy between functions and maps is particularly close because you use the () notation to look up key values.

  // Like scores.get("Bob") in Java or scores["Bob"] in JavaScript, Python, or C++

If the map doesn’t contain a value for the requested key, an exception is thrown.

To check whether there is a key with the given value, call the contains method:

if scores.contains("Donald") then scores("Donald") else 0

Since this call combination is so common, there is a shortcut:

scores.getOrElse("Donald", 0)
  // If the map contains the key "Bob", return the value; otherwise, return 0.

Finally, the call map.get(key) returns an Option object that is either Some(value for key) or None. We discuss the Option class in Section 4.7, “The Option Type,” on page 56.

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Given an immutable map, you can turn it into a map with a fixed default value for keys that are not present, or a function to compute such values.

val scores2 = scores.withDefaultValue(0)
  // Yields 0 since "Zelda" is not present
val scores3 = scores.withDefault(_.length)
  // Yields 5, applying the length function to the key that is not present

4.3 Updating Map Values

In this section, we discuss mutable maps. Here is how to construct one:

val scores = scala.collection.mutable.Map("Alice" -> 10, "Bob" -> 3, "Cindy" -> 8)

In a mutable map, you can update a map value, or add a new one, with a () to the left of an = sign:

scores("Bob") = 10
  // Updates the existing value for the key "Bob" (assuming scores is mutable)
scores("Fred") = 7
  // Adds a new key/value pair to scores (assuming it is mutable)

Alternatively, you can use the ++= operator to add multiple associations:

scores ++= Map("Bob" -> 10, "Fred" -> 7)

To remove a key and its associated value, use the -= operator:

scores -= "Alice"

You can’t update an immutable map, but you can do something that’s just as useful—obtain a new map that has the desired update:

val someScores = Map("Alice" -> 10, "Bob" -> 3)
val moreScores = someScores + ("Cindy" -> 7) // Yields a new immutable map

The moreScores map contains the same associations as someScores, as well as a new association for the key "Cindy".

Instead of saving the result as a new value, you can update a var:

var currentScores = moreScores
currentScores = currentScores + ("Fred" -> 0)

You can even use the += operator:

currentScores += "Donald" -> 5

Similarly, to remove a key from an immutable map, use the - operator to obtain a new map without the key:

currentScores = currentScores - "Alice"


currentScores -= "Alice"

You might think that it is inefficient to keep constructing new maps, but that is not the case. The old and new maps share most of their structure. (This is possible because they are immutable.)

4.4 Iterating over Maps

The following amazingly simple loop iterates over all key/value pairs of a map:

for (k, v) <- map do process(k, v)

The magic here is that you can use pattern matching in a Scala for loop. (Chapter 14 has all the details.) That way, you get the key and value of each pair in the map without tedious method calls.

If for some reason you want to visit only the keys or values, use the keySet and values methods. The values method returns an Iterable that you can use in a for loop.

val scores = Map("Alice" -> 10, "Bob" -> 7, "Fred" -> 8, "Cindy" -> 7)
scores.keySet // Yields a set with elements "Alice", "Bob", "Fred", and "Cindy"
for v <- scores.values do println(v) // Prints 10 7 8 7

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For a mutable map, the collections returned by keySet and values are “live”—they are updated as the contents of the map changes.

To invert a map—that is, switch keys and values—use

for (k, v) <- map yield (v, k)

4.5 Linked and Sorted Maps

There are two common implementation strategies for maps: hash tables and binary trees. Hash tables use the hash codes of the keys to scramble entries. Tree maps use the sort order of the keys to build a balanced tree. By default, Scala gives you a map based on a hash table because it is usually more efficient.

Immutable hash maps are traversed in insertion order. This is achieved by additional links in the hash table. For example, when iterating over

Map("Fred" -> 1, "Alice" -> 2, "Bob" -> 3)

the keys are visited in the order "Fred", "Alice", "Bob", no matter what the hash codes of these strings are.

However, in a mutable map, insertion order is not maintained. Iterating over the elements yields them in unpredictable order, depending on the hash codes of the keys.

scala.collection.mutable.Map("Fred" -> 1, "Alice" -> 2, "Bob" -> 3)
  // Printed as HashMap(Fred -> 1, Bob -> 3, Alice -> 2)

If you want to visit the keys in insertion order, use a LinkedHashMap:

scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap("Fred" -> 1, "Alice" -> 2, "Bob" -> 3)
  // Printed as LinkedHashMap(Fred -> 1, Alice -> 2, Bob -> 3)

To visit the keys in sorted order, use a SortedMap instead.

scala.collection.SortedMap("Fred" -> 1, "Alice" -> 2, "Bob" -> 3)
scala.collection.mutable.SortedMap("Fred" -> 1, "Alice" -> 2, "Bob" -> 3)
  // Printed as TreeMap(Alice -> 2, Bob -> 3, Fred -> 1)

4.6 Interoperating with Java

If you get a Java map from calling a Java method, you may want to convert it to a Scala map so that you can use the pleasant Scala map API.

Simply add an import statement:

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*

Then use the asScala method to turn the Java map into a Scala map:

val ids = java.time.ZoneId.SHORT_IDS.asScala
  // Yields a scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]

In addition, you can get a conversion from java.util.Properties to a Map[String, String]:

val props = System.getProperties.asScala
  // Yields a Map[String, String], not a Map[Object, Object]

Conversely, to pass a Scala map to a method that expects a Java map, provide the opposite conversion. For example:

import java.awt.font.TextAttribute.* // Import keys for map below
val attrs = Map(FAMILY -> "Serif", SIZE -> 12) // A Scala map
val font = java.awt.Font(attrs.asJava) // Expects a Java map

4.7 The Option Type

The Option class in the standard library expresses values that might or might not be present. The subclass Some wraps a value. The object None indicates that there is no value.

var friend: Option[String] = Some("Fred")
friend = None // No friend

This is less ambiguous than using an empty string and safer than using null for a missing value.

Option is a generic type. For example, Some("Fred") is an Option[String].

The get method of the Map class returns an Option. If there is no value for a given key, get returns None. Otherwise, it wraps the value inside Some.

val scores = Map("Alice" -> 10, "Bob" -> 7, "Cindy" -> 8)
val alicesScore = scores.get("Alice") // Some(10)
val dansScore = scores.get("Dan") // None

To find out what is inside an Option instance, you can use the isEmpty and get methods:

if alicesScore.isEmpty
  then println("No score")
  else println(alicesScore.get)

That’s tedious, though. It is better to use the getOrElse method:

println(alicesScore.getOrElse("No score"))

If alicesScore is None, then getOrElse returns "No score".

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The argument of the getOrElse method is executed lazily. For example, in the call


the call to System.getProperty only happens when alicesScore is empty.

This delayed evaluation is achieved with a “by name” parameter. See Chapter 12 for details.

A more powerful way of working with options is to consider them as collections that have zero or one element. You can visit the element with a for loop:

for score <- alicesScore do println(score)

If alicesScore is None, nothing happens. If it is a Some, then the loop executes once, with score bound to the contents of the option.

You can also use methods such as map, filter, or foreach. For example,

val biggerScore = + 1) // Some(score + 1) or None
val acceptableScore = alicesScore.filter(_ > 5) // Some(score) if score > 5 or None
alicesScore.foreach(println) // Prints the score if it exists

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When you create an Option from a value that may be null, simply use Option(value). The result is None if value is null and Some(value) otherwise.

4.8 Tuples

Maps are collections of key/value pairs. Pairs are the simplest case of tuples—aggregates of values of different types.

A tuple value is formed by enclosing individual values in parentheses. For example,

(1, 3.14, "Fred")

is a tuple of type

(Int, Double, String)

If you have a tuple, say,

val t = (1, 3.14, "Fred")

then you can access its components as t(0), t(1), and t(2).

As long as the index value is an integer constant, the types of these expressions are the component types:

val second = t(1) // second has type Double

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Alternatively, you can access components with the methods _1, _2, _3, for example:

val third = t._3 // Sets third to "Fred"

Note that these component accessors start with _1. There is no _0.

If the index is variable, the type of t(n) is the common supertype of the elements:

var n = 1
val component = t(n) // component has type Any

Images Caution

If the tuple index is a val, you get a complex “match type” that is no more useful than Any:

val m = 0
val first = t(m) /* first has type
  m.type match {
   case 0 => Int
   case[n1] =>
     scala.Tuple.Elem[(Double, String), n1]
  } */

Often, it is easiest to use the “destructuring” syntax to get at the components of a tuple:

val (first, second, third) = t // Sets first to 1, second to 3.14, third to "Fred"

You can use an _ if you don’t need all components:

val (first, second, _) = t

You can concatenate tuples with the ++ operator:

("x", 3) ++ ("y", 4) // Yields ("x", 3, "y", 4)

Tuples are useful for functions that return more than one value. For example, the partition method of the StringOps class returns a pair of strings, containing the characters that fulfill a condition and those that don’t:

"New York".partition(_.isUpper) // Yields the pair ("NY", "ew ork")

Images Caution

Sometimes, the Scala compiler wants to “help out” to convert between tuples and function argument lists. This can lead to surprises. Here is a typical example:

val destination = "world"
val b = StringBuilder()
b.append("Hello") // b holds "Hello"
b.append(" ", destination) // Oops, b holds "Hello( ,world)"

There is no append method with multiple arguments. Therefore, Scala turns the arguments into a tuple and passes that as the single argument of type Any.

This “auto tupling” behavior can be surprising, and it may be restricted or removed in future versions of Scala.

4.9 Zipping

One reason for using tuples is to bundle together values so that they can be processed together. This is commonly done with the zip method. For example, the code

val symbols = Array("<", "-", ">")
val counts = Array(2, 10, 2)
val pairs =

yields an array of pairs

Array(("<", 2), ("-", 10), (">", 2))

The pairs can then be processed together:

for (s, n) <- pairs do print(s * n) // Prints <<---------->>

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The toMap method turns a collection of pairs into a map.

If you have a collection of keys and a parallel collection of values, zip them up and turn them into a map like this:


1. Set up a map of prices for a number of gizmos that you covet. Then produce a second map with the same keys and the prices at a 10 percent discount.

2. Write a program that reads words from a file. Use a mutable map to count how often each word appears. To read the words, simply use a java.util.Scanner:

val in = java.util.Scanner(new"myfile.txt"))
while in.hasNext() do process

Or look at Chapter 9 for a Scalaesque way.

At the end, print out all words and their counts.

3. Repeat the preceding exercise with an immutable map.

4. Repeat the preceding exercise with a sorted map, so that the words are printed in sorted order.

5. Repeat the preceding exercise with a java.util.TreeMap that you adapt to the Scala API.

6. Define a linked hash map that maps "Monday" to java.util.Calendar.MONDAY, and similarly for the other weekdays. Demonstrate that the elements are visited in insertion order.

7. Print a table of all Java properties reported by the getProperties method of the java.lang.System class, like this:             | Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
sun.boot.library.path         | /home/apps/jdk1.6.0_21/jre/lib/i386
java.vm.version               | 17.0-b16
java.vm.vendor                | Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vendor.url               |
path.separator                | :                  | Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM

You need to find the length of the longest key before you can print the table.

8. Write a function minmax(values: Array[Int]) that returns a pair containing the smallest and the largest values in the (nonempty) array.

9. Reimplement the function from the preceding exercise to return an Option that is None if the array happens to be empty.

10. Write a program that prompts the user for a first and last letter, then prints a matching word from"/usr/share/dict/words").mkString.split(" "). Use find. What alternatives do you have for dealing with the returned Option?

11. Write a program that demonstrates that the argument of the getOrElse method in the Option class is evaluated lazily.

12. Write a function lteqgt(values: Array[Int], v: Int) that returns a triple containing the counts of values less than v, equal to v, and greater than v.

13. What happens when you zip together two strings, such as "Hello".zip("World")? Come up with a plausible use case.

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