

access control

in Amazon DynamoDB, 136137

in Amazon S3, 113, 119

access control lists (ACLs), 51

access keys, 4243

creating, 28

accessing. See also IAM (Identity and Access Management)

AWS, 23

account creation, 2324

APIs (application programmable interfaces), 3334

CLI (command-line interface), 2932

Management Console, 2529

SDKs (software development kits), 3233

bucket content, 115116

Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 286287

accounts (AWS), creating, 2324

ACID compliance, 121

ACLs (access control lists), 51

Active Directory, 56

activity tasks, 165

actors, 165

Agile, 182

DevOps and CI/CD versus, 184

Amazon API Gateway, 19

Amazon Aurora, 126127

Amazon Cloud Hardware Security Model (CloudHSM), 17

Amazon CloudFront, 14, 70, 138144

Amazon CloudSearch, 18

Amazon CloudTrail, 20, 277279

log structure, 277279

security, 277

Amazon CloudWatch, 20, 261277

collecting logs and metrics, 269271

enhanced monitoring scripts, 275277

Management Console, 262269

storing logs and metrics, 271273

uploading logs, 273275

Amazon DocumentDB, 129

Amazon DynamoDB, 18, 129137

attributes, 132133

authentication and access control, 136137

capacity planning, 133134

CLI access, 135136

global tables, 134

items, 131

on-demand mode, 152

secondary indexes, 133

tables, 130131

Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), 18, 138

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), 16, 8889

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2), 15, 7683

creating instances, 8083

deploying code to, 208214

instance types, 7780

monitoring memory usage, 275277

Amazon Elastic Container Registry, 84

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), 15, 76, 8387

Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), 16

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), 15, 84

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), 14, 70, 9091

Amazon Elastic Map Reduce (EMR), 18

Amazon Elastic Transcoder, 19

Amazon ElastiCache, 18, 129, 138

Amazon Glacier, 16

Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM). See IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Amazon Inspector, 17

Amazon Key Management Service (KMS), 17

Amazon Kinesis, 18

Amazon Neptune, 129

Amazon Quantum Ledger, 129

Amazon RedShift, 18

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS), 18, 123124

scaling databases, 127129

supported database types, 124127

Amazon Route 53, 14, 70, 9395

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), 171175

subscriptions, 172

topics, 172175

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), 166171

dead letter queues, 171

visibility timeout, 167171

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), 16, 112120

access control, 113, 119

CLI usage, 114116

content delivery, 113114

data life cycling, 118

security, 119120

as serverless service, 152

storage tiers, 118

transferring static files, 249254

with multipart uploads, 250254

with s3 sync command, 249250

versioning, 117

website hosting, 116117

Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), 19, 164165

Amazon TimeStream, 129

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), 14, 70, 7176

CIDR notation, 7172

creating VPCs, 72

Internet connections, 7275

private network connections, 7576

Amazon Web Application Firewall (WAF), 17, 71

Amazon Web Services. See AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Amazon WorkDocs, 17

Amazon WorkMail, 17

Amazon WorkSpaces, 17

Amazon Redshift, 129

Amazon Redshift Spectrum, 129

AMI instances, 80

analytics tools, 18

API Gateway, 19

APIs (application programmable interfaces), 3334

application protocols, 6667

application services, 19

applications. See also software development

deploying, 206214

IAM with, 5657

migrating to AWS, 228230

approaches, 229

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), 234249

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS), 234

challenges, 230231

transferring static files, 249256

VM Import/Export service, 231234


with Amazon CloudTrail, 277279

with Amazon CloudWatch, 261277

with AWS Config, 279

benefits of, 260261

troubleshooting, 279280

artifact building with AWS CodeBuild, 198206

assigning permissions, 2728, 4041

asynchronous communication, 67

atomicity, 121

attributes in Amazon DynamoDB, 132133

Aurora, 126127

authentication in Amazon DynamoDB, 136137. See also IAM (Identity and Access Management)

authorization. See access control; IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Auto Scaling, 9192


CI/CD process, 214220

serverless processing flows, 161165

Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), 164165

AWS Step Functions, 161164

automation, 9597

AWS CloudFormation, 101106

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 97101

availability zones, 2122. See also high availability

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

accessing, 23

account creation, 2324

APIs (application programmable interfaces), 3334

CLI (command-line interface), 2932

Management Console, 2529

SDKs (software development kits), 3233

advantages of, 34

Foundation services, 14

compute services, 15

end-user applications, 17

network services, 1415

security and identity services, 1617

storage services, 16

global architecture, 2021

availability zones, 2122

datacenters, 21

edge locations, 2223

regions, 22

history of, 23

Management services, 20

migrating to, 228230

approaches, 229

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), 234249

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS), 234

challenges, 230231

transferring static files, 249256

VM Import/Export service, 231234

Platform services, 17

analytics tools, 18

application services, 19

databases, 18

developer tools, 19

specialized services, 1920

AWS Auto Scaling, 9192

aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group command, 211

aws autoscaling update-auto-scaling-group command, 213, 215

AWS Cloud9, 19, 186196

AWS CloudFormation, 20, 96, 101106

aws cloudformation delete-stack command, 105

aws cloudformation deploy command, 104, 217

aws cloudformation describe-stacks command, 104105

aws cloudfront create-distribution command, 143, 144

aws cloudwatch put-metric-data command, 272

AWS CodeBuild, 19, 186, 198206

aws codebuild batch-get-builds command, 206

aws codebuild create-project command, 201

aws codebuild list-builds-for-project command, 206

aws codebuild start-build command, 204

AWS CodeCommit, 19, 186, 196198

aws codecommit create-repository command, 196

AWS CodeDeploy, 19, 96, 186, 206214

AWS CodePipeline, 19, 186

aws codepipeline get-pipeline-state command, 218

aws codepipeline list-pipelines command, 217

AWS CodeStar, 19, 186

AWS Cognito, 19

aws command, 30

AWS Config, 20, 279

aws configure command, 2930

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), 234249

AWS DataSync, 254

aws deploy create-application command, 211

aws deploy get-deployment command, 212

AWS Device Farm, 19

AWS Direct Connect, 14, 70

aws dynamodb create-table command, 135

aws dynamodb get-item command, 136

aws dynamodb put-item command, 135136

aws ec2 allocate-address command, 74

aws ec2 associate-route-table command, 73

aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway command, 73

aws ec2 create-internet-gateway command, 73

aws ec2 create-key-pair command, 104

aws ec2 create-nat-gateway command, 74

aws ec2 create-route command, 73

aws ec2 create-route-table command, 73

aws ec2 create-subnet command, 7374

aws ec2 create-vpc command, 72

aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks command, 234

aws ec2 import-image command, 233

aws ecs create-cluster command, 85

aws ecs register-task-definition command, 8687

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 96101

CLI for, 99101

components, 9798

services controlled by, 9899

supported platforms, 98

AWS Fargate, 77, 84, 152

aws help command, 3031

aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile command, 210

aws iam add-user-to-group command, 196

aws iam attach-group-policy command, 196

aws iam attach-role-policy command, 208, 235236

aws iam create-group command, 196

aws iam create-instance-profile command, 210

aws iam create-role command, 200, 208209, 215, 231, 235236

aws iam put-role-policy command, 210, 233

AWS Internet of Things (IoT) Services, 20

AWS Lambda, 15, 7677, 153161

code writing in, 153157

invoking, 160161

permissions and roles, 157160

aws lambda get-function command, 159

aws logs create-log-group command, 274

aws logs create-log-stream command, 274

aws logs put-log-events command, 274275

AWS OpsWorks, 20, 97

AWS Pinpoint, 19

aws s3 command, 117

aws s3 sync command, 249250

aws s3 website command, 116

aws s3api abort-multipart-upload command, 251

aws s3api command, 117

aws s3api complete-multipart-upload command, 254

aws s3api create-bucket command, 114, 198

aws s3api create-multipart-upload command, 251

AWS SageMaker, 20

AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT), 235

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS), 234

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), 152

AWS Shield, 71

AWS Snowball, 16, 255256

AWS Snowball Edge, 255256

AWS Snowmobile, 16, 256

aws sns create-topic command, 172173

aws sns publish command, 174

aws sns subscribe command, 173174

aws sqs create-queue command, 167

aws sqs delete-message command, 170

aws sqs get-queue-attributes command, 169

aws sqs get-queue-url command, 167168

aws sqs receive-message command, 169170

aws sqs send-message command, 169

AWS Step Functions, 161164

AWS Storage Gateway, 16, 254255

AWS Systems Manager, 97

AWS Virtual Private Gateway, 14

AWS-managed policies, 51


BASE ideology, 122123

basic availability, 122

broad network access, 6

buckets, 113

access control, 119

accessing content, 115116

creating, 114

uploading to, 114

building artifacts with AWS CodeBuild, 198206

building pipelines (CI/CD), 214224

automating CI/CD process, 214220

integrating into code, 220224

built-in encryption, 57


cache, 6768

cache hit, 68

caching data, 137144

Amazon CloudFront, 138144

Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), 138

Amazon ElastiCache, 138

Memcached, 138

Redis, 138

capacity planning in Amazon DynamoDB, 133134

CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment), 184185

continuous delivery, 185

continuous deployment, 185

continuous integration, 184185


AWS Cloud9, 186196

AWS CodeBuild, 198206

AWS CodeCommit, 196198

AWS CodeDeploy, 206214

AWS CodePipeline, 214224

list of, 186

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, 7172

CLI (command-line interface), 29

in Amazon CloudWatch, 271273

in Amazon DynamoDB, 135136

in Amazon S3, 114116

in AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 99101

configuring, 2930

groups (IAM), creating, 4647

installing, 29

policies (IAM), creating, 52

roles (IAM), creating, 4950

S3 bucket creation, 3132

structure of, 3031

template generation, 32

users (IAM), creating, 4445

clients, 6667

client-side encryption, 58

cloud computing

advantages of, 34

Amazon CloudFront, 138144

containers, 11

definition of, 67

delivery models, 710

deployment types, 6

shared responsibility model, 1213

stateful versus stateless design, 6970

virtualization, 11

Cloud9, 19, 186196

CloudFormation, 20, 96, 101106

CloudFront, 14, 70, 138144

CloudHSM (Cloud Hardware Security Model), 17

CloudHSM integrated encryption, 58

CloudSearch, 18

CloudTrail, 20, 277279

log structure, 277279

security, 277

CloudWatch, 20, 261277

collecting logs and metrics, 269271

enhanced monitoring scripts, 275277

Management Console, 262269

storing logs and metrics, 271273

uploading logs, 273275

clustering, 89


deploying with AWS CodeDeploy, 206214

storing in AWS CodeCommit, 196198


in AWS Cloud9, 186196

in AWS Lambda, 153157

CodeBuild, 19, 186, 198206

CodeCommit, 19, 186, 196198

CodeDeploy, 19, 96, 186, 206214

CodePipeline, 19, 186

CodeStar, 19, 186

Cognito, 19

command-line interface. See CLI (command-line interface)

community cloud, 6

compute services, 15

Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2), 7783

creating instances, 8083

instance types, 7780

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS), 8387

overview of requirements, 6570

types of, 7677

Config, 20, 279

configuring CLI (command-line interface), 2930

consistency, 121

containers, 11, 8384. See also Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)

content delivery in Amazon S3, 113114

CR (continuous reaction), 185186

credentials, types of, 4243

cross-account access, 4849

customer-managed policies, 51

customizing Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 287288


data life cycling in Amazon S3, 118

data storage

dynamic assets, 112

in-memory assets, 112

nonrelational, 129

in Amazon DynamoDB, 130137

caching data, 137144

relational versus, 120123

persistent data

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), 8889

instance stores, 8788


Amazon RDS, 123124

deploying in AWS, 123

nonrelational versus, 120123

scaling databases, 127129

supported database types, 124127

static assets, 112

in Amazon S3, 112120

types of disks, 68

volatile memory, 6869

Database Migration Service (DMS), 234249

databases, 18

ACID compliance, 121

BASE ideology, 122123

encryption, 58

migrating, 234249

nonrelational, 129

in Amazon DynamoDB, 130137

caching data, 137144

relational versus, 120123


Amazon RDS, 123124

deploying in AWS, 123

nonrelational versus, 120123

scaling, 127129

supported database types, 124127

datacenters, 21

DataSync, 254

DAX (DynamoDB Accelerator), 18, 138

dead letter queues, 171

decider tasks, 165

dedicated instances, 79

deploying code with AWS CodeDeploy, 206214

developer tools, 19

Device Farm, 19


Agile and CI/CD versus, 184

software development life cycle in, 182183


AWS Cloud9, 186196

AWS CodeBuild, 198206

AWS CodeCommit, 196198

AWS CodeDeploy, 206214

AWS CodePipeline, 214224

list of, 186

dimensions, 270

Direct Connect, 14, 70

disks, 68

DMS (Database Migration Service), 234249

DNS (Domain Name Service). See Amazon Route 53

Docker standard, 8485

document type (Amazon DynamoDB), 132

DocumentDB, 129

domains, 165, 283

durability, 121

dynamic assets, 112

DynamoDB, 18, 129137

attributes, 132133

authentication and access control, 136137

capacity planning, 133134

CLI access, 135136

global tables, 134

items, 131

on-demand mode, 152

secondary indexes, 133

tables, 130131

DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), 18, 138


eb create command, 100

eb init command, 99

eb terminate command, 101

EBS (Elastic Block Storage), 16, 8889

EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing), 15, 76, 7783

creating instances, 8083

deploying code to, 208214

instance types, 7780

monitoring memory usage, 275277

EC2 instances, 80

ECS (Elastic Container Service), 15, 76, 8387

edge locations, 2223

EFS (Elastic File System), 16

EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), 15, 84

Elastic Beanstalk, 96101

CLI for, 99101

components, 9798

services controlled by, 9899

supported platforms, 98

Elastic Block Storage (EBS), 16, 8889

Elastic Container Registry, 84

Elastic Transcoder, 19

ElastiCache, 18, 129, 138

ELB (Elastic Load Balancing), 14, 70, 9091

EMR (Elastic Map Reduce), 18

encryption, 57

in Amazon S3, 119120

at rest, 5758

in transit, 5859

end-user applications, 17

enhanced monitoring scripts, 275277

error responses, 280

eventual consistency, 123

exam preparation

chapter reviews, 289

day of exam, 284286

information about exam, 282284

objectives of exam, 283284

Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 286289

accessing, 286287

customizing, 287288

Premium Edition, 289

updating, 288

skill requirements for exam, 283

suggested study plan, 289

examples, 283

adding entry as nested key/value pairs, 122

adding last active attribute to data, 122

appspec.yml file written in YAML, 203

AWS CLI input required to attach policies to CodePipeline role, 215

aws dynamodb get-item command response, 136

aws ec2 create-vpc command output, 72

AWS Step Functions machine that checks first value of name1 key, 163164

bucket policy for CloudFront origin access identity, 143

buildspec.yml file written in YAML, 203

CLI input to create autoscaling launch configuration, 211

CLI input to create CodeDeploy deployment, 212

CLI input to create CodeDeploy deployment group, 212

CLI script to add Lambda permission to S3 bucket, 160

CloudFormation template, 103104

CloudFormation template to deliver complete pipeline deployment, 216217

CloudFront distribution configuration file in JSON, 143144

CloudTrail log content, 278279

CodeBuild IAM role policy, 199200

CodeBuild project command output, 201202

CodeBuild specification for project, 201

CodeDeploy appspec.yml file, 207

complete-multipart-upload command output, 254

container task definition, 8687

create-multipart-upload command output, 251

create-repository command output, 197

.NET code that runs task definition, 87

event handler for Lambda function, 154

get-deployment CLI command output, 212213

get-pipeline command output, 218220

git push command output, 198

IAM policy

allowing access to S3 and logs required by Lambda, 158

allowing CodeDeploy to assume role, 208

allowing CodePipeline to assume role, 214215

allowing DMS service to assume role, 235

allowing read access to items in S3 bucket, 116

allowing read access to S3, 209

in EC2 instance role, 209

locking down permissions to DynamoDB table, 137

that allows VM import service to assume vmimport role, 231

for vmimport role, 232

to write and retrieve metrics and logs to/from CloudWatch, 276

import-image command response, 233

Java DescribeDBInstanceResult class, 124

JavaScript to build RDS database, 123124

JSON-formatted data with key/value pairs, 121

Lambda function invocation permission IAM document, 159

Lambda security policy required to run Python script, 83

log input file for CloudWatch, 273274

metric input file for CloudWatch, 272

node.js script that creates EC2 instance, 80

parallel input for multipart upload operation, 253

Python script

to build complete pipeline through AWS boto3 SDK, 221224

to create EC2 instance, 82

to create RDS instance, 128

receive-message command response formatted in JSON, 175

receive-message command response with receipt handle, 170

S3 policy with source IP condition, 119

s3 sync command output, 249

show database command output after successful migration, 249

show database command output for RDS database, 241

show databases command output, 237

SQL script to create sample database, 237

start-build command output, 204205

test data for Lambda function, 155

user data bash script that deploys CodeDeploy agent, 210

VM import definition specifying S3 bucket and key for import process, 233

execution roles in AWS Lambda, 158


Fargate, 77, 84, 152

federation, 5254

LDAP and Active Directory, 56

OpenID, 55

SAML 2.0, 56

web identities, 5455

when to use, 56

federation roles (IAM), 49

Flash Card mode, 288

Foundation services, 14

compute services, 15

end-user applications, 17

network services, 1415

security and identity services, 1617

storage services, 16


Git, AWS CodeCommit with, 196198

Glacier, 16

global architecture of AWS, 2021

availability zones, 2122

datacenters, 21

edge locations, 2223

regions, 22

global tables in Amazon DynamoDB, 134

groups (IAM), 41, 4547

adding users, 46

creating, 4647

GSI (global secondary index), 133


high availability, 89

Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), 9091

Amazon Route 53, 9395

design patterns, 8990


of AWS, 23

of software development

Agile, 182

CI/CD, 184185

CR (continuous reaction), 185186

DevOps, 182183

Waterfall, 181182

horizontal scaling, 127

hosting websites in Amazon S3, 116117

HTTP methods, Amazon CloudFront support, 139140

hybrid cloud, 6


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 910, 12

IAM (Identity and Access Management), 16

with applications, 5657

federation, 5254

LDAP and Active Directory, 56

OpenID, 55

SAML 2.0, 56

web identities, 5455

when to use, 56

groups, 4547

adding users, 46

creating, 4647

identity principals, 3941

overview, 39

policies, 5052

creating, 52

types of, 51

roles, 4750

creating, 4950

cross-account access, 4849

federation, 49

service, 48

user-based, 48

users, 4245

access keys, 28

adding to groups, 46

assigning permissions, 2728

creating, 2627, 4445

credentials, 4243

MFA (multifactor authentication), 4344

iam add-user-to-group command, 46

iam create-group command, 4647

iam create-policy command, 52

iam create-role command, 4950

iam create-user command, 4445

iam get-group command, 4647

Identity and Access Management. See IAM (Identity and Access Management)

identity principals, 3941

identity providers, 5254

LDAP and Active Directory, 56

OpenID, 55

SAML 2.0, 56

web identities, 5455

identity-based policies, 51, 159

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 910, 12

inline policies, 51

in-memory assets, 112

Inspector, 17

installing CLI (command-line interface), 29

instance stores, 8788


creating, 8083

deploying code to, 208214

types of, 7780

Internet connections for VPCs, 7275

invoking AWS Lambda, 160161

IoT (Internet of Things) Services, 20

IP (Internet Protocol), 6566

IPsec VPNs, 59

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4), 6566

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), 6566

isolation, 121

items in Amazon DynamoDB, 131


Kinesis, 18

KMS (Key Management Service), 17

KMS integrated encryption, 57


Lambda, 15, 7677, 153161

code writing in, 153157

invoking, 160161

permissions and roles, 157160

LANs (local area networks), 65

latencies, 68

LDAP, federation, 56

life cycling in Amazon S3, 118


collecting, 269271

storing, 271273

structure in Amazon CloudTrail, 277279

uploading, 273275

LSI (local secondary index), 133


Management Console, 2529

Amazon CloudWatch section, 262269

AWS Cloud9 section, 187196

AWS Lambda section, 153155

Management services, 20

MariaDB, 125

measured service, 7

Memcached, 138

memory usage, monitoring, 275277

messaging services, 165

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), 171175

subscriptions, 172

topics, 172175

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), 166171

dead letter queues, 171

visibility timeout, 167171


collecting, 269271

definition of, 270

storing, 271273

MFA (multifactor authentication), 4344

Microsoft SQL, 127

migrating to AWS, 228230

approaches, 229

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS), 234249

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS), 234

challenges, 230231

transferring static files, 249256

VM Import/Export service, 231234


with Amazon CloudTrail, 277279

log structure, 277279

security, 277

with Amazon CloudWatch, 261277

collecting logs and metrics, 269271

enhanced monitoring scripts, 275277

Management Console, 262269

storing logs and metrics, 271273

uploading logs, 273275

with AWS Config, 279

benefits of, 260261

multifactor authentication (MFA), 4344

multipart uploads, 250254

MySQL, 125


namespaces, 269270

NAT (Network Address Translation), 66

Neptune, 129

network addresses, 7172

network services, 1415

Amazon Route 53, 9395

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), 7176

CIDR notation, 7172

creating VPCs, 72

Internet connections, 7275

private network connections, 7576

clients and servers, 6667

Internet Protocol (IP), 6566

LANs versus WANs, 65

types of, 7071

nonrelational databases, 129

in Amazon DynamoDB, 130137

attributes, 132133

authentication and access control, 136137

capacity planning, 133134

CLI access, 135136

global tables, 134

items, 131

secondary indexes, 133

tables, 130131

caching data, 137144

Amazon CloudFront, 138144

Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX), 138

Amazon ElastiCache, 138

Memcached, 138

Redis, 138

relational versus, 120123

NoSQL, 120123. See also nonrelational databases


objectives of exam, 283284

on-demand instances, 79

on-demand self-service, 6

OpenID, 55

OpsWorks, 20, 97

Oracle, 127

orchestration, 9597

AWS CloudFormation, 101106

AWS Elastic Beanstalk, 97101


PaaS (Platform as a Service), 910, 1213

passwords, strength of, 4243

Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 286289

accessing, 286287

customizing, 287288

Premium Edition, 289

updating, 288

percentiles, 271


assigning, 2728, 4041

in AWS Lambda, 157160

policies (IAM), 5052

types of, 41

permissions boundaries, 51

persistent data storage

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), 8889

instance stores, 8788

Pinpoint, 19

pipelines (CI/CD), building, 214224

automating CI/CD process, 214220

integrating into code, 220224

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 910, 1213

Platform services, 17

analytics tools, 18

application services, 19

databases, 18

developer tools, 19

specialized services, 1920

policies (IAM), 3940, 5052

creating, 52

identity-based, 159

for passwords, 4243

resource-based, 159160

types of, 51

PostgreSQL, 125

Practice Exam mode, 288

practice exam software. See Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine

Premium Edition of Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 289

preparing for exam. See exam preparation

private cloud, 6

private network connections for VPCs, 7576

public cloud, 6


Quantum Ledger, 129

queueing. See Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


rapid elasticity, 6

RDS (Relational Database Service), 18, 123124

scaling databases, 127129

supported database types, 124127

read offloading, 127

Redis, 138

RedShift, 18

regions, 22

relational databases

Amazon RDS, 123124

deploying in AWS, 123

nonrelational versus, 120123

scaling, 127129

supported database types, 124127

resiliency, 6869

resource pooling, 6

resource-based policies, 51, 159160

RIs (reserved instances), 79

role assumption, 47

roles (IAM), 4750

in AWS Lambda, 157160

creating, 4950

cross-account access, 4849

federation, 49

service, 48

user-based, 48

users versus, 39

Route 53, 14, 70, 9395

RRS (S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage) storage class, 118


S3 (Simple Storage Service), 16, 112120

access control, 113, 119

CLI usage, 114116

content delivery, 113114

data life cycling, 118

security, 119120

as serverless service, 152

storage tiers, 118

transferring static files, 249254

with multipart uploads, 250254

with s3 sync command, 249250

versioning, 117

website hosting, 116117

S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class, 118

S3 Glacier storage class, 118

S3 Infrequent Access storage class, 118

S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access storage class, 118

S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS) storage class, 118

S3 Server-Side Encryption (SSE-S3), 119

S3 SSE-C, 120

S3 SSE-KMS, 119

S3 Standard storage class, 118

SaaS (Software as a Service), 910

SageMaker, 20

SAM (Serverless Application Model), 152

SAML 2.0, 56

scalability, 89. See also high availability

AWS Auto Scaling, 9192

scalar type (Amazon DynamoDB), 132

scaling databases, 127129

SCPs (service control policies), 51

scripts in Amazon CloudWatch, 275277

SCT (Schema Conversion Tool), 235

SDKs (software development kits), 3233

secondary indexes in Amazon DynamoDB, 133


in Amazon CloudFront, 141144

in Amazon CloudTrail, 277

in Amazon S3, 119120

security and identity services, 1617

Server Migration Service (SMS), 234

Serverless Application Model (SAM), 152

serverless services, 151152

automating processing flows, 161165

Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), 164165

AWS Step Functions, 161164

AWS Lambda, 153161

code writing in, 153157

invoking, 160161

permissions and roles, 157160

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM), 152

servers, 6667

service control policies (SCPs), 51

service roles (IAM), 48

session policies, 51

set type (Amazon DynamoDB), 132133

sharding, 127, 128129

shared responsibility model, 1213

Shield, 71

Simple Queue Service (SQS), 166171

dead letter queues, 171

visibility timeout, 167171

Simple Storage Service (S3). See S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Simple Workflow (SWF), 19, 164165

skeleton files, generating, 32

skill requirements for exam, 283

SMS (Server Migration Service), 234

snapshots, 8081

Snowball, 16, 255256

Snowball Edge, 255256

Snowmobile, 16, 256

SNS (Simple Notification Service), 171175

subscriptions, 172

topics, 172175

soft state, 123

Software as a Service (SaaS), 910

software development

history of

Agile, 182

CI/CD, 184185

CR (continuous reaction), 185186

DevOps, 182183

Waterfall, 181182


AWS Cloud9, 186196

AWS CodeBuild, 198206

AWS CodeCommit, 196198

AWS CodeDeploy, 206214

AWS CodePipeline, 214224

list of, 186

software development kits (SDKs), 3233

specialized services, 1920

spot instances, 79

SQL, 120

SQS (Simple Queue Service), 166171

dead letter queues, 171

visibility timeout, 167171

SSE-S3 (S3 Server-Side Encryption), 119

stateful design versus stateless design, 6970

static assets, 112

in Amazon S3, 112120

access control, 113, 119

CLI usage, 114116

content delivery, 113114

data life cycling, 118

security, 119120

storage tiers, 118

transferring, 249254

versioning, 117

website hosting, 116117

statistics, 271

Step Functions, 161164

Storage Gateway, 16, 254255

storage services, 16

storage tiers in Amazon S3, 118


code in AWS CodeCommit, 196198

data. See data storage

logs and metrics in Amazon CloudWatch, 271273

Study mode, 288

subscriptions (Amazon SNS), 172

SWF (Simple Workflow), 19, 164165

synchronous communication, 67

Systems Manager, 97


tables in Amazon DynamoDB, 130131


in AWS CloudFormation, 102104

generating, 32

threads, 67

TimeStream, 129

time-to-live (TTL), 140

TLS encryption, 58

topics (Amazon SNS), 172175

transferring static files, 249254

AWS DataSync, 254

AWS Snowball, 255256

AWS Snowball Edge, 255256

AWS Snowmobile, 256

AWS Storage Gateway, 254255

with multipart uploads, 250254

with s3 sync command, 249250

troubleshooting applications, 279280

TTL (time-to-live), 140


updating Pearson Cert Practice Test Engine, 288


to buckets, 114

logs, 273275

user-based roles (IAM), 48

users (IAM), 4245

access keys, 28

adding to groups, 46

assigning permissions, 2728

creating, 2627, 4445

credentials, 4243

MFA (multifactor authentication), 4344

roles versus, 39


versioning in Amazon S3, 117

vertical scaling, 127

Virtual Private Gateway, 14

virtualization, 11

visibility timeout, 167171

VM Import/Export service, 231234

volatile memory, 6869

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), 14, 7076

CIDR notation, 7172

creating VPCs, 72

Internet connections, 7275

private network connections, 7576


WAF (Web Application Firewall), 17, 71

WANs (wide area networks), 65

Waterfall, 181182

web identities, 5455

Web Services. See AWS (Amazon Web Services)

websites, hosting in Amazon S3, 116117

WorkDocs, 17

workflows, 164165

WorkMail, 17

WorkSpaces, 17

writing code

in AWS Cloud9, 186196

in AWS Lambda, 153157

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