Using Implicit Intents

An Intent is an object that describes to the OS something that you want it to do. With the explicit intents that you have created thus far, you explicitly name the activity that you want the OS to start, like:

Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), CrimePagerActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CRIME_ID, crimeId);

With an implicit intent, you describe to the OS the job that you want done. The OS then starts the activity that has advertised itself as capable of doing that job. If the OS finds more than one capable activity, then the user is offered a choice.

Parts of an implicit intent

Here are the critical parts of an intent that you can use to define the job you want done:

the action that you are trying to perform

These are typically constants from the Intent class. If you want to view a URL, you can use Intent.ACTION_VIEW for your action. To send something, you use Intent.ACTION_SEND.

the location of any data

This can be something outside the device, like the URL of a web page, but it can also be a URI to a file or a content URI pointing to a record in a ContentProvider.

the type of data that the action is for

This is a MIME type, like text/html or audio/mpeg3. If an intent includes a location for data, then the type can usually be inferred from that data.

optional categories

If the action is used to describe what to do, the category usually describes where, when, or how you are trying to use an activity. Android uses the category android.intent.category.LAUNCHER to indicate that an activity should be displayed in the top-level app launcher. The android.intent.category.INFO category, on the other hand, indicates an activity that shows information about a package to the user but should not show up in the launcher.

A simple implicit intent for viewing a website would include an action of Intent.ACTION_VIEW and a data Uri that is the URL of a website.

Based on this information, the OS will launch the appropriate activity of an appropriate application. (If it finds more than one candidate, the user gets a choice.)

An activity would advertise itself as an appropriate activity for ACTION_VIEW via an intent filter in the manifest. If you wanted to write a browser app, for instance, you would include the following intent filter in the declaration of the activity that should respond to ACTION_VIEW:

    android:label="@string/app_name" >
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" />

To respond to implicit intents, a DEFAULT category must be set explicitly in an intent filter. The action element in the intent filter tells the OS that the activity is capable of performing the job, and the DEFAULT category tells the OS that this activity should be considered for the job when the OS is asking for volunteers. This DEFAULT category is implicitly added to every implicit intent. (In Chapter 24, you will see that this is not the case when Android is not asking for a volunteer.)

Implicit intents can also include extras, just like explicit intents. Any extras on an implicit intent, however, are not used by the OS to find an appropriate activity.

Note that the action and data parts of an intent can also be used in conjunction with an explicit intent. That would be the equivalent of telling a particular activity to do something specific.

Sending a crime report

Let’s see how this works by creating an implicit intent to send a crime report in CriminalIntent. The job you want done is sending plain text; the crime report is a string. So the implicit intent’s action will be ACTION_SEND. It will not point to any data or have any categories, but it will specify a type of text/plain.

In CrimeFragment.onCreateView(…), get a reference to the SEND CRIME REPORT button and set a listener on it. Within the listener’s implementation, create an implicit intent and pass it into startActivity(Intent).

Listing 15.9  Sending a crime report (

private Crime mCrime;
private EditText mTitleField;
private Button mDateButton;
private CheckBox mSolvedCheckbox;
private Button mReportButton;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mReportButton = (Button) v.findViewById(;
    mReportButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
            i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getCrimeReport());

    return v;

Here you use the Intent constructor that accepts a string that is a constant defining the action. There are other constructors that you can use depending on what kind of implicit intent you need to create. You can find them all on the Intent reference page in the documentation. There is no constructor that accepts a type, so you set it explicitly.

You include the text of the report and the string for the subject of the report as extras. Note that these extras use constants defined in the Intent class. Any activity responding to this intent will know these constants and what to do with the associated values.

Run CriminalIntent and press the SEND CRIME REPORT button. Because this intent will likely match many activities on the device, you will probably see a list of activities presented in a chooser (Figure 15.3).

Figure 15.3  Activities volunteering to send your crime report

Screenshot shows the CriminalIntent app in Android. The following share options are shown in Share with popup menu: Android Beam, Bluetooth and Copy to Clipboard.

If you are offered a choice, make a selection. You will see your crime report loaded into the app that you chose. All you have to do is address and send it.

If, on the other hand, you do not see a chooser, that means one of two things. Either you have already set a default app for an identical implicit intent, or your device has only a single activity that can respond to this intent.

Often, it is best to go with the user’s default app for an action. In CriminalIntent, however, you always want the user to have a choice for ACTION_SEND. Today a user might want to be discreet and email the crime report, but tomorrow he or she may prefer public shaming via Twitter.

You can create a chooser to be shown every time an implicit intent is used to start an activity. After you create your implicit intent as before, you call the following Intent method and pass in the implicit intent and a string for the chooser’s title:

    public static Intent createChooser(Intent target, String title)

Then you pass the intent returned from createChooser(…) into startActivity(…).

In, create a chooser to display the activities that respond to your implicit intent.

Listing 15.10  Using a chooser (

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    mReportButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
            i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getCrimeReport());
        i = Intent.createChooser(i, getString(R.string.send_report));

Run CriminalIntent and press the SEND CRIME REPORT button. As long as you have more than one activity that can handle your intent, you will be offered a list to choose from (Figure 15.4).

Figure 15.4  Sending text with a chooser

Screenshot shows the CriminalIntent app in Android.

Asking Android for a contact

Now you are going to create another implicit intent that enables users to choose a suspect from their contacts. This implicit intent will have an action and a location where the relevant data can be found. The action will be Intent.ACTION_PICK. The data for contacts is at ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI. In short, you are asking Android to help pick an item in the contacts database.

You expect a result back from the started activity, so you will pass the intent via startActivityForResult(…) along with a request code. In, add a constant for the request code and a member variable for the button.

Listing 15.11  Adding field for suspect button (

private static final int REQUEST_DATE = 0;
private static final int REQUEST_CONTACT = 1;
private Button mSuspectButton;
private Button mReportButton;

At the end of onCreateView(…), get a reference to the button and set a listener on it. Within the listener’s implementation, create the implicit intent and pass it into startActivityForResult(…). Also, once a suspect is assigned, show the name on the suspect button.

Listing 15.12  Sending an implicit intent (

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Intent pickContact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
    mSuspectButton = (Button) v.findViewById(;
    mSuspectButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            startActivityForResult(pickContact, REQUEST_CONTACT);

    if (mCrime.getSuspect() != null) {

    return v;

You will be using pickContact one more time in a bit, which is why you put it outside mSuspectButton’s OnClickListener.

Run CriminalIntent and press the CHOOSE SUSPECT button. You should see a list of contacts (Figure 15.5).

Figure 15.5  A list of possible suspects

Screenshot shows Contact list in Android phone. The Title reads, Choose a contact with a backward arrow on the left. A list of contacts is displayed below.

If you have a different contacts app installed, your screen will look different. Again, this is one of the benefits of implicit intents. You do not have to know the name of the contacts application to use it from your app. Users can install whatever app they like best, and the OS will find and launch it.

Getting the data from the contact list

Now you need to get a result back from the contacts application. Contacts information is shared by many applications, so Android provides an in-depth API for working with contacts information through a ContentProvider. Instances of this class wrap databases and make it available to other applications. You can access a ContentProvider through a ContentResolver.

Because you started the activity for a result with ACTION_PICK, you will receive an intent via onActivityResult(…). This intent includes a data URI. The URI is a locator that points at the single contact the user picked.

In, retrieve a contact’s name from the contacts application in your onActivityResult(…) implementation in CrimeFragment.

Listing 15.13  Pulling contact name out (

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {

    if (requestCode == REQUEST_DATE) {

    } else if (requestCode == REQUEST_CONTACT && data != null) {
        Uri contactUri = data.getData();
        // Specify which fields you want your query to return
        // values for
        String[] queryFields = new String[] {
        // Perform your query - the contactUri is like a "where"
        // clause here
        Cursor c = getActivity().getContentResolver()
                .query(contactUri, queryFields, null, null, null);

        try {
            // Double-check that you actually got results
            if (c.getCount() == 0) {

            // Pull out the first column of the first row of data -
            // that is your suspect's name
            String suspect = c.getString(0);
        } finally {

In Listing 15.13, you create a query that asks for all the display names of the contacts in the returned data. Then you query the contacts database and get a Cursor object to work with. Because you know that the cursor only contains one item, you move to the first item and get it as a string. This string will be the name of the suspect, and you use it to set the Crime’s suspect and the text of the CHOOSE SUSPECT button.

(The contacts database is a large topic in itself. We will not cover it here. If you would like to know more, read the Contacts Provider API guide at​guide/​topics/​providers/​contacts-provider.xhtml.)

Go ahead and run your app. Some devices may not have a contacts app for you to use. If that is the case, use an emulator to test this code.

Contacts permissions

How are you getting permission to read from the contacts database? The contacts app is extending its permissions to you. The contacts app has full permissions to the contacts database. When the contacts app returns a data URI in an Intent to the parent activity, it also adds the flag Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION. This flag signals to Android that the parent activity in CriminalIntent should be allowed to use this data one time. This works well because you do not really need access to the entire contacts database. You only need access to one contact inside that database.

Checking for responding activities

The first implicit intent you created in this chapter will always be responded to in some way – there may be no way to send a report, but the chooser will still display properly. However, that is not the case for the second example: Some devices or users may not have a contacts app, and if the OS cannot find a matching activity, then the app will crash.

The fix is to check with part of the OS called the PackageManager first. Do this in onCreateView(…).

Listing 15.14  Guarding against no contacts app (

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (mCrime.getSuspect() != null) {

    PackageManager packageManager = getActivity().getPackageManager();
    if (packageManager.resolveActivity(pickContact,
            PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY) == null) {

    return v;

PackageManager knows about all the components installed on your Android device, including all of its activities. (You will run into the other components later on in this book.) By calling resolveActivity(Intent, int), you ask it to find an activity that matches the Intent you gave it. The MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY flag restricts this search to activities with the CATEGORY_DEFAULT flag, just like startActivity(Intent) does.

If this search is successful, it will return an instance of ResolveInfo telling you all about which activity it found. On the other hand, if the search returns null, the game is up – no contacts app. So you disable the useless suspect button.

If you would like to verify that your filter works, but do not have a device without a contacts application, temporarily add an additional category to your intent. This category does nothing, but it will prevent any contacts applications from matching your intent.

Listing 15.15  Adding dummy code to verify filter (

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Intent pickContact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
    mSuspectButton = (Button) v.findViewById(;
    mSuspectButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

Run CriminalIntent again, and you should see the suspect button disabled (Figure 15.6).

Figure 15.6  Disabled suspect button

Screenshot shows the CriminalIntent app in Android.

Delete the dummy code once you are done verifying this behavior.

Listing 15.16  Deleting dummy code (

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final Intent pickContact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
    mSuspectButton = (Button) v.findViewById(;
    mSuspectButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
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