

abstraction. See Service Abstraction design principle

ACC (Applet and Application Client Container), 42

ACCEPT header, HTTP, 109-110

Agnostic Capability design pattern, 427

Agnostic Context design pattern, 428

agnostic functional contexts, 140

agnostic logic, defined, 31

Agnostic Sub-Controller design pattern, 429

annotated SOA Manifesto, 28, 38, 520-532


defined, 54

in JAX-RS standard, 125-129

in JAX-WS standard, 113-115


Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition), 49-59

JPA (Java Persistence API), 53-54

JTA (Java Transactions API), 50-51

Java SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition), 46-49

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 49

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 48

RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 46-47

RMI over IIOP, 47-48

Applet and Application Client Container (ACC), 42

application programming interfaces. See APIs

application servers

IBM WebSphere, 75-77


of entity services, 263-264

Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition), 41-44

tiers, 45-46

Java SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition), 41


with ESBs, 392-396

without ESBs, 389-391

of utility services, 212-220

asynchronous communications, 135-136

asynchronous invocation, 338-339

Asynchronous Queuing design pattern, 384, 430

Atomic Service Transaction design pattern, 431

availability, 369


Big Data Science Certified Professional (BDSCP), 9

binary data

in REST services, 170-172

in Web services, 165-166

bindings, 153

Brokered Authentication design pattern, 432


cacheability, 131

caching, 371-374

Canonical Expression design pattern, 433

Canonical Protocol design pattern, 434

Canonical Resources design pattern, 435

Canonical Schema Bus compound pattern, 437

Canonical Schema design pattern, 436

Canonical Versioning design pattern, 438

Capability Composition design pattern, 439

capability granularity, defined, 34

Capability Recomposition design pattern, 440

capacity, 369

case study examples


background, 13-16

conclusion, 406-407

SmartCredit Co.

background, 16-18

conclusion, 407-408

CCP (Cloud Certified Professional), 9

change notifications, 268-269

Cloud Certified Professional (CCP), 9

cloud computing, defined, 29-30

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, 196

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), 47-48

Commons Logging, 231

Compatible Change design pattern, 441

Compensating Service Transaction design pattern, 442


symbols for, 29

composability. See Service Composability design principle

Composition Autonomy design pattern, 443

composition controllers, 336

composition initiators, 337

composition sub-controllers, 337

compound patterns

Canonical Schema Bus, 437

Enterprise Service Bus, 95-96, 461

Federated Endpoint Layer, 466

Official Endpoint, 480

Orchestration, 481

Service Broker, 392, 495

Three-Layer Inventory, 512

Uniform Contract, 515

Concurrent Contracts design pattern, 444

CONNECT method, HTTP, 107

Connection API, 279

constraint granularity, defined, 34

Content Negotiation design pattern, 445

contexts and dependency injection, 49-50

Contract Centralization design pattern, 446

Contract Denormalization design pattern, 447

cookies, 198

coupling. See Service Loose Coupling design principle

CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), 47-48

Cross-Domain Utility Layer design pattern, 448


DAOs (data access objects), 230

data access objects (DAOs), 230

data aggregation, 266-267

Data Confidentiality design pattern, 449

Data Format Transformation design pattern, 392, 450

data granularity, defined, 34

data grids, 371-372

Data Model Transformation design pattern, 392, 451

Data Origin Authentication design pattern, 452

data transfer objects (DTOs), 280

Decomposed Capability design pattern, 453

Decoupled Contract design pattern, 454

DELETE method, HTTP, 107

dependency injection, 49-50


of composed services, 362-368

of Java EE applications, 44-45

deployment descriptor, 44-45


of entity services, 270-278

of micro-utility services, 253

of omni utility services, 241

of resource utility services, 249-251

of utility services, 221-225

of wrapper utility services, 258-259

design patterns

Agnostic Capability, 427

Agnostic Context, 428

Agnostic Sub-Controller, 429

Asynchronous Queuing, 384, 430

Atomic Service Transaction, 431

Brokered Authentication, 432

Canonical Expression, 433

Canonical Protocol, 434

Canonical Resources, 435

Canonical Schema, 436

Canonical Versioning, 438

Capability Composition, 439

Capability Recomposition, 440

Compatible Change, 441

Compensating Service Transaction, 442

Composition Autonomy, 443

Concurrent Contracts, 444

Content Negotiation, 445

Contract Centralization, 446

Contract Denormalization, 447

Cross-Domain Utility Layer, 448

Data Confidentiality, 449

Data Format Transformation, 392, 450

Data Model Transformation, 392, 451

Data Origin Authentication, 452

Decomposed Capability, 453

Decoupled Contract, 454

defined, 36-37

Direct Authentication, 455

Distributed Capability, 456

Domain Inventory, 457

Dual Protocols, 458

Endpoint Redirection, 459

Enterprise Inventory, 460

Entity Abstraction, 462

Entity Linking, 463

Event-Driven Messaging, 464

Exception Shielding, 465

File Gateway, 467

Functional Decomposition, 468

Idempotent Capability, 469

Intermediate Routing, 392, 470

Inventory Endpoint, 471

Legacy Wrapper, 472

Lightweight Endpoint, 473

Logic Centralization, 474

Message Screening, 475

Messaging Metadata, 476

Metadata Centralization, 477

Multi-Channel Endpoint, 478

Non-Agnostic Context, 479

Partial State Deferral, 482

Partial Validation, 483

Policy Centralization, 484

Process Abstraction, 485

Process Centralization, 486

Protocol Bridging, 392, 487

Proxy Capability, 488

Redundant Implementation, 489

Reliable Messaging, 490

Reusable Contract, 491

Rules Centralization, 492

Schema Centralization, 493

Service Agent, 494

Service Callback, 496

Service Data Replication, 497

Service Decomposition, 498

Service Encapsulation, 499

Service Façade, 500

Service Grid, 501

Service Instance Routing, 502

Service Layers, 503

Service Messaging, 504

Service Normalization, 505

Service Perimeter Guard, 506

Service Refactoring, 507

State Messaging, 508

State Repository, 374, 509

Stateful Services, 375, 510

Termination Notification, 511

Trusted Subsystem, 513

UI Mediator, 514

Utility Abstraction, 516

Validation Abstraction, 517

Version Identification, 518

design principles

Service Abstraction, 184-185, 336

profile, 414

Service Autonomy, 194

profile, 417

Service Composability, 189-190, 336

profile, 422-423

Service Discoverability, 204

profile, 420-421

Service Loose Coupling, 176-177

profile, 413

Service Reusability

profile, 415-416

Service Statelessness, 197

profile, 418-419

Standardized Service Contract, 34, 151

profile, 411-412

Direct Authentication design pattern, 455

disconnected approach (data access), 268

discoverability. See Service Discoverability design principle

Distributed Capability design pattern, 456

Document Object Model (DOM), 63

document-style SOAP messaging, 87

DOM (Document Object Model), 63

domain entities

designing, 271-272

message entities versus, 265-266

Domain Inventory design pattern, 457

DTD (XML), 62

DTOs (data transfer objects), 280

Dual Protocols design pattern, 458


EAR (enterprise archive), 44, 239

ebXML (Electronic Business using XML), 120-121

EJBs (Enterprise JavaBeans), 43, 51-52

entity, 281-282

session, 52-53

Electronic Business using XML (ebXML), 120-121

encryption, 134

Endpoint Redirection design pattern, 459

endpoints, composition member, 344

enterprise archive (EAR), 44, 239

Enterprise Inventory design pattern, 460

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), 43, 51-52

entity, 281

session, 52-53

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 95-96, 461

service message processing with, 392-396

service message processing without, 389-391

Entity Abstraction design pattern, 462

Entity Linking design pattern, 463

entity services

architecture, 263-264

as Web-based services, 282-283

defined, 31

design, 270-278

implementation, 278-282

REST, 291-299

SOAP-based Web, 283-285

testing, 302-303

EntityManager class, 54

error handling, 345

ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), 95-96, 461

service message processing with, 392-396

service message processing without, 389-391

Event-Driven Messaging design pattern, 464

eventing, defined, 240

Exception Shielding design pattern, 465

explicit headers, 154-157

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 59-61

schema, 61-62

Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), 63


failure handling, 375-376

Federated Endpoint Layer compound pattern, 466

figures, 7

File Gateway design pattern, 467

functional boundaries, 194

functional context dependencies, 140-141, 179-180

Functional Decomposition design pattern, 468


generic entity services, 273-275

generic service contracts, 144-145

generic service logic, 141-144

GET method, HTTP, 107

GlassFish Enterprise Server, 74-75

granularity, defined, 34-35


handlers, 118-119

HEAD method, HTTP, 107

Hibernate, 231, 302


ACCEPT header, 109-110

characteristics, 67

CONNECT method, 107

DELETE method, 107

GET method, 107

HEAD method, 107

methods, 106-108

OPTIONS method, 107

POST method, 107

PUT method, 107

response codes, 102-103

TRACE method, 107


IBM WebSphere Application Server, 75-77

IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition, 78

Idempotent Capability design pattern, 469

implicit headers, 157-159

in-memory data grids, 371-372

Intermediate Routing design pattern, 392, 470

Inventory Endpoint design pattern, 471

IT resources, defined, 30


JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service), 58-59

JAF (JavaBeans Activation Framework), 165

JAR (Java archive), 239


mapping with WSDL, 152-153

platforms, 40-41

WS-* standards implementation, 122-124

Java API for RESTful Web Services. See JAX-RS standard

Java API for XML Binding (JAXB), 64

Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), 63-64

Java API for XML Registries (JAXR), 120-121

Java API for XML Web Services. See JAX-WS standard

Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) standard, 112, 152-153

Java Archive (JAR), 239

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS), 58-59

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

API, 49

standard, 278-279

Java Development Kit (JDK), 41

Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA), 51, 231

in Spring framework, 231

Java EE (Java Platform, Enterprise Edition)

API, 49-59

contexts and dependency injection, 49-50

EJBs (Enterprise JavaBeans), 51-52

JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture), 51

JMS (Java Message Service), 56-58

JPA (Java Persistence API), 53-54

JTA (Java Transactions API), 50-51

application, 44-45

application server

IBM WebSphere, 75-77

architecture, 41-44

tiers, 45-46

defined, 40-41

Java ME (Java Platform, Micro Edition), defined, 40

Java Message Service (JMS), 56-58

characteristics, 67

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), 48

Java Persistence API (JPA), 53-54

Java runtime environment (JRE), 41

Java SE (Java Platform, Standard Edition)

API, 46-49

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 49

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 48

RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 46-47

RMI over IIOP, 47-48

architecture, 41

defined, 40

utility services, 226

Java Transaction Processing, 51

Java Transactions API (JTA), 50-51

Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 41

JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF), 165

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 108

conversion with POJOs, 161-162

JAXB (Java API for XML Binding), 64

JAXP (Java API for XML Processing), 63-64

JAXR (Java API for XML Registries), 120-121

JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based RPC) standard, 112, 152-153

JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) standard, 124-136

annotations, 125-129

goals, 125

JAX-WS (Java API for XML Web Services) standard, 112-121, 153

handlers, 118-119

JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture), 51, 231

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), 49

API, 49

standard, 278-279

JDK (Java Development Kit), 41

JMS (Java Message Service), 56-58

characteristics, 67

JMX, 230

JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface), 48

JPA (Java Persistence API), 53-54

JRE (Java runtime environment), 41

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 108

conversion with POJOs, 161-162

JTA (Java Transactions API), 50-51

JVM (Java Virtual Machine), 41


layered SOA model, 27

Legacy Wrapper design pattern, 472

Lightweight Endpoint design pattern, 473

link relation, 106

literal, defined, 153

literal SOAP messaging, 87

load testing, 370

locking, 280-281

optimistic, 281

pessimistic, 281

Log4J, 231

Logic Centralization design pattern, 474

logical handlers, 118

loose coupling. See Service Loose Coupling design principle


Management of Web Services (MOWS) specification, 95

Management Using Web Services (MUWS) specification, 95

MDBs (message-driven beans), 58

MEPs (message exchange patterns), 337-338

message consumers, 385-386

message entities

designing, 271-272

domain entities versus, 265-266

message exchange patterns (MEPs), 337-338

message producers, 385-386

Message Screening design pattern, 475

message-driven beans (MDBs), 58


in service contracts, 69-70

parsing and marshaling, 376-378


with ESBs, 392-396

without ESBs, 389-391

SOAP, 86-87


in resource utility services, 248

RPC (remote procedure calls) versus, 381-386

traditional frameworks, 380-386

Messaging Metadata design pattern, 476

Metadata Centralization design pattern, 477

methods, HTTP, 106-108

micro-utility services, 253-256

defined, 220


ESB (Enterprise Service Bus), 95-96

orchestration, 97-98

MOWS (Management of Web Services) specification, 95

MTOM, 122, 166

Multi-Channel Endpoint design pattern, 478

MUWS (Management Using Web Services) specification, 95


NFR (non-functional requirements), defined, 213

Non-Agnostic Context design pattern, 479

non-agnostic logic, defined, 31

non-functional requirements (NFR), defined, 213

NovoBank. See case study examples, NovoBank


object-relational mapping, 230

Official Endpoint compound pattern, 480

omni utility services, 240-247

defined, 220

open-source frameworks

REST entity service, 302

utility services and, 229-231

optimistic approach (data access), 268

optimistic locking, 280-281

OPTIONS method, HTTP, 107

Oracle WebLogic Server, 79-80

orchestration, 97-98

coding versus, 340-341

Orchestration compound pattern, 481

orchestration infrastructure, 198



composed services, 362-368

entity services, 303

task services, 334

utility services, 239

parsing messages, 376-378

Partial State Deferral design pattern, 482

Partial Validation design pattern, 483


measuring, 368-369

testing, 370

of task services, 315-316

pessimistic locking, 281

Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs), 43

conversion with JSON, 161-162

platforms, 40-41

policies, defined, 94

Policy Centralization design pattern, 484

POST method, HTTP, 107

Prentice Hall Service Technology Series from Thomas Erl, 7-8

Process Abstraction design pattern, 485

Process Centralization design pattern, 486

Protocol Bridging design pattern, 392, 487

protocol handlers, 118

Proxy Capability design pattern, 488

publish/subscribe model, 56-57

PUT method, HTTP, 107


recovery from failure, 375-376

Redundant Implementation design pattern, 489

registries, 99-100

Reliable Messaging design pattern, 490

Remote Method Invocation (RMI), 46-47

remote procedure calls (RPC), 87

messaging versus, 381-386

repositories, 99-100

resource representations, 108-109

resource utility services, 247-252

defined, 220

resource utilization, 369

response codes (HTTP), 102-103

response time, 368-369

REST, 101-110

caching, 372-374

data mapping with, 159-175

entity service, 291-299

error handling, 345

HTTP methods, 106-108

HTTP response codes, 102-103

resource location, 103-106

Reusable Contract design pattern, 491

RMI (Remote Method Invocation), 46-47

RMI over IIOP, 47-48

characteristics, 67

routing messages

with ESBs, 392

without ESBs, 390-391

RPC (remote procedure calls), 87

messaging versus, 381-386

Rules Centralization design pattern, 492

runtime discoverability, 205-207

runtime environments

control, 195

efficiency, 190-192

standards-based, 193


SAAJ (SOAP with Attachments API for Java), 115-118

SAX (Simple API for XML), 63

SCA (Service Component Architecture), 123-124


of REST services, 130-132

of stateful services, 374-375

Schema Centralization design pattern, 493

schemas (XML), 61-62

type reuse, 353-354

SDO (Service Data Objects) specification, 123-124


in Java EE, 58-59

JAX-RS standard, 132-134

SEI (service endpoint interface), 113


defined, 29

Java components as, 64-73

local, invocation, 360

message processing

with ESBs, 392-396

without ESBs, 389-391

REST, 101-110

SOAP-based Web, 82-101

middleware, 95-101

Service Abstraction design principle, 25, 184-185, 336

profile, 414

Service Agent design pattern, 494

Service Autonomy design principle, 25, 194

profile, 417

Service Broker compound pattern, 392, 495

Service Callback design pattern, 496

service candidates, defined, 33

service catalogs, 32-33

Service Component Architecture (SCA), 123-124

Service Composability design principle, 25, 189-190, 336

profile, 422-423

service composition

with ESBs, 401-402

initiators, 337

members versus controllers, 190, 336

and MEPs (message exchange patterns), 337-338

sub-controllers, 337

service consumer coupling, 180-183

service contracts, 68-71

defined, 33-34

flexibility, 192

generic, 144-145

separation from implementation, 177-179

standardized, 71

Service Data Objects (SDO) specification, 123-124

Service Data Replication design pattern, 497

Service Decomposition design pattern, 498

Service Discoverability design principle, 25, 204

profile, 420-421

Service Encapsulation design pattern, 499

service endpoint interface (SEI), 113

service endpoint selection with ESBs, 397

Service Façade design pattern, 500

service granularity, defined, 34

Service Grid design pattern, 501

Service Instance Routing design pattern, 502

service interface, 222

service inventory, defined, 32

service inventory blueprints, 32

Service Layers design pattern, 503

service level agreements (SLAs), 339-340

Service Loose Coupling design principle, 25, 176-177

profile, 413

Service Messaging design pattern, 504

service models, defined, 30-31

Service Normalization design pattern, 505

Service Perimeter Guard design pattern, 506

service portfolio, defined, 32-33

service portfolio management, defined, 33

service processing with ESBs, 399-400

service profiles, defined, 35-36

Service Refactoring design pattern, 507

service registries, 99-100, 208

service repositories, 99-100

Service Reusability design principle, 25

profile, 415-416

Service Statelessness design principle, 25, 197

profile, 418-419


defined, 24-26, 28

EJBs (Enterprise JavaBeans) and, 55-56

Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design, 4, 38

service-oriented architecture (SOA), defined, 27-28

service-oriented computing, defined, 22-24, 28

session EJBs (Enterprise JavaBeans), 52-53

session state, 198-199

storing, 199-204

Simple API for XML (SAX), 63

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP

SLAs (service level agreements), 339-340

SmartCredit Co. See case study examples, SmartCredit Co.

SOA (service-oriented architecture), defined, 27-28

SOA Certified Professional (SOACP), 9

SOA Design Patterns, 4, 38, 426

SOA Governance: Governing Shared Services On-Premise and in the Cloud, 38

SOA Manifesto, 28, 520-532

SOA Principles of Service Design, 3, 38, 140, 410

SOA with REST: Principles, Patterns & Constraints for Building Enterprise Solutions with REST, 4, 82, 101, 343, 426

SOACP (SOA Certified Professional), 9

soak testing, 370

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)

defined, 82

explicit headers, 154-157

implicit headers, 157-159

no headers, 159

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ), 115-118

SOAP with Attachments (SwA), 90-91

SOAP-based Web services, 82-101

binary data in, 165-166

entity services as, 283-285

error handling, 345

Java components versus, 359-360

packaging, 363

task services as, 320

utility services as, 232-236

spatial coupling, 382

Spring framework, 229-231

Spring MVC, 231

Spring-WS framework, 124

Standardized Service Contract design principle, 25, 34, 151

profile, 411-412

standards-based runtime environment, 193

State Messaging design pattern, 508

State Repository design pattern, 374, 509

stateful services, scalability, 374-375

Stateful Services design pattern, 375, 510

stateless entity services, 272

statelessness, 131

storing state, 199-204

stress testing, 370

supertypes, 143

SwA (SOAP with Attachments), 90-91


for components, 29

legend, 7

synchronous invocation, 338-339


task services

as REST services, 324

as SOAP-based Web services, 320

defined, 31

design, 308-309

implementation, 316-320

performance, 315-316

testing, 332-334

taxonomy, utility service, 220-221

technology coupling, 382

technology detail abstraction, 185

temporal coupling, 382-383

Termination Notification design pattern, 511


composed services, 362-368

entity services, 302-303

task services, 332-334

utility services, 238

Three-Layer Inventory compound pattern, 512

throughput, 369

toolkits, 119-120

TRACE method, HTTP, 107


management, 229

recovery mechanism, 375-376

resources, 249

support, 135

transactionality, 122


with ESBs, 392-396

without ESBs, 391

Trusted Subsystem design pattern, 513


UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration), 83

UI Mediator design pattern, 514

Uniform Contract compound pattern, 515

uniform contracts, 131

Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), 61

Uniform Resource Locations (URLs), 103-106

Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI), 83

URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) for namespaces, 61

URLs (Uniform Resource Locations), REST services, 103-106

UTF-8 encoding, 60

Utility Abstraction design pattern, 516

utility services

and open-source frameworks, 229-231

architecture, 212-220

as a Web-based service

defined, 31

design, 221-225

in Java EE, 227-229

in Java SE, 226

JAX-WS, 234-236

packaging, 239

REST, 236-238

taxonomy, 220-221

testing, 238

types of, 240-260


Validation Abstraction design pattern, 517

validation constraint granularity, 34

Version Identification design pattern, 518


WAR (Web archive), 239

WAS (WebSphere Application Server), 75-77

WAS-CE (WebSphere Application Server Community Edition), 78

Web archive (WAR), 239

Web container (Java EE architecture), 42-43

Web Profile (Java EE), 43

Web Service Contract Design & Versioning for SOA, 4, 82

Web services. See SOAP-based Web services

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 83-88

Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM) specification, 95

Web services standards. See WS-* standards

Web sites, 7, 9, 8, 9, 3, 8, 38, 140, 190, 410, 4, 8, 9, 38, 8, 3, 8, 100, 110, 3, 38, 3, 28, 38, 520, 28, 520, 3, 8, 426, 410, 9, 8, 8, 101

WebLogic Server, 79-80

WebSphere Application Server Community Edition (WAS-CE), 78

WebSphere Application Server (WAS), 75-77

workload characterization, 370

wrapped document/literal contracts, 153-154

wrapper utility services, 256-260

defined, 221

WS-* standards

Java implementation, 122-124

SOAP-based Web services and, 88-95

WS-Addressing standard, 89-90, 122

WS-AtomicTransaction standard, 93, 122

WS-BPEL standard, 97-98, 341

WS-BusinessActivity standard, 93

WS-Coordination standard, 93, 122

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 83-88

mapping with Java, 152-153

WSDM (Web Services Distributed Management) specification, 95

WS-Policy standard, 94-95

WS-ReliableMessaging standard, 91-92, 122, 339

WS-Security standard, 93-94, 122, 134

WS-Transaction standard, 92-93


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 59-61

schema, 61-62

type reuse, 353-354

sending in utility services, 232-234

sending with JAX-WS standard, 234-236

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), 63

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