List of Tables

Table 1-1 EGL Data Types

Table 1-2 OpenGL ES Command Suffixes and Argument Data Types

Table 1-3 OpenGL ES Basic Error Codes

Table 3-1 EGLConfig Attributes

Table 3-2 Attributes for Window Creation Using eglCreateWindowSurface

Table 3-3 Possible Errors When eglCreateWindowSurface Fails

Table 3-4 EGL Pixel Buffer Attributes

Table 3-5 Possible Errors When eglCreatePbufferSurface Fails

Table 3-6 Attributes for Context Creation Using eglCreateContext

Table 5-1 Data Types in the OpenGL ES Shading Language

Table 5-2 OpenGL ES Shading Language Operators

Table 5-3 OpenGL ES Shading Language Qualifiers

Table 5-4 Uniform Block Layout Qualifiers

Table 5-5 Extension Behaviors

Table 5-6 Uniform Storage without Packing

Table 5-7 Uniform Storage with Packing

Table 6-1 Data Conversions

Table 6-2 Buffer Usage

Table 7-1 Provoking Vertex Selection for the ith Primitive Instance Where Vertices Are Numbered from 1 to n, and n Is the Number of Vertices Drawn

Table 8-1 Transform Feedback Primitive Mode and Allowed Draw Mode

Table 9-1 Texture Base Formats

Table 9-2 Pixel Storage Options

Table 9-3 Texture Wrap Modes

Table 9-4 Valid Unsized Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-5 Normalized Sized Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-6 Valid Sized Floating-Point Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-7 Valid Sized Internal Integer Texture Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-8 Valid Shared Exponent Sized Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-9 Valid sRGB Sized Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-10 Valid Depth Sized Internal Format Combinations for glTexImage2D

Table 9-11 Mapping of Texture Formats to Colors

Table 9-12 Standard Texture Compression Formats

Table 9-13 Valid Format Conversions for glCopyTex*Image*

Table 10-1 OpenGL ES 1.1 RGB Combine Functions

Table 11-1 Fragment Test Enable Tokens

Table 11-2 Stencil Operations

Table 11-3 Blending Functions

Table 12-1 Renderbuffer Formats for Color-Renderable Buffer

Table 12-2 Renderbuffer Formats for Depth-Renderable and Stencil-Renderable Buffer

Table 15-1 Implementation-Dependent State Queries

Table 15-2 Application-Modifiable OpenGL ES State Queries

Table 15-3 OpenGL ES 3.0 Capabilities Controlled by glEnable and glDisable

Table B-1 Angle and Trigonometry Functions

Table B-2 Exponential Functions

Table B-3 Common Functions

Table B-4 Floating-Point Pack and Unpack Functions

Table B-5 Geometric Functions

Table B-6 Matrix Functions

Table B-7 Vector Relational Functions

Table B-8 Supported Combinations of Sampler and Internal Texture Formats

Table B-9 Texture Lookup Functions

Table B-10 Fragment Processing Functions

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