General Index



matrices, 68

order of operation, 36

vectors, 4445


in data.table package, 135138

groups, 120123

AICC, 320

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), 255257, 259260

@aliases tag, 382

all.obs option, 196

Ampersands (&) in compound tests, 111

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

alternative to, 214216

cross-validation, 259260

model comparisons, 254

overview, 207210

And operator in compound tests, 111112

Andersen-Gill analysis, 244245

Angle brackets (<>)

packages, 375

regular expressions, 169

ANOVA. See Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Ansari-Bradley test, 204

Appearance options, 2122

Appending elements to lists, 68

apt-get mechanism, 2


C++ code, 385

CSV files, 74

functions, 49, 100102

ifelse, 110

package documentation, 380

Arithmetic mean, 187

ARMA model, 315

Arrays, 7172

Assigning variables, 3637

Asterisks (*)

Markdown, 368

multiple regression, 228

NAMESPACE file, 377

vectors, 44

Attributes for data.frame, 54

Author information

LATEX documents, 360

packages, 375

@author tag, 382

Autocompleting code, 1516

Autocorrelation, 318

Autoregressive (AR) moving averages, 315322

Average linkage methods, 352, 355

Axes in nonlinear least squares model, 298


Back ticks ( ` ) with functions, 49

Backslashes () in regular expressions, 166

Base graphics, 8384

boxplots, 8586

histograms, 84

scatterplots, 8485

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), 255257, 259

Bayesian shrinkage, 290294

Beamer mode in LATEX, 369

Beginning of lines in regular expressions, 167

Bell curve, 171

Bernoulli distribution, 176

Beta distribution, 185186

BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion), 255257, 259

Binary files, 7779

Binomial distribution, 176181, 185186

Bioconductor, 373

BitBucket repositories, 25, 31

Books, 394

bootstrap, 262265


ggplot2, 9194

overview, 8586

break statement, 115116

Breakpoints for splines, 302

Building packages, 383384

Byte-compilation for packages, 376

ByteCompile field, 376


C++ code, 384383

package compilation, 387390

sourceCpp function, 385387

cache option for knitr chunks, 365

Calling functions, 49

arguments, 100

C++, 384

conflicts, 33

Carets (^) in regular expressions, 167

Case sensitivity

characters, 40

package names, 384

regular expressions, 162

variable names, 38

Cauchy distribution, 185186

Cauchy priors in Bayesian shrinkage, 293294

Causation vs. correlation, 199

Censored data in survival analysis, 240241

Centroid linkage methods, 352, 355

Change Install Location option, 9

character data, 40

Charts, 329

chartsnthings site, 393

Chi-Squared distribution, 185186


LATEX program, 362365

Markdown, 368

Citations in LATEX documents, 366

Classification trees, 311

Clusters, 337

hierarchical, 352357

K-means algorithm, 337345

PAM, 345352

registering, 283


autocompleting, 1516

C++, 384390

indenting, 99

running in parallel, 282

Code Editing options, 21

Coefficient plots

Bayesian shrinkage, 292294

Elastic Net, 289290

logistic regression, 236

model comparisons, 253254

multiple regression, 226228, 230231

Poisson regression, 237240

residuals, 247, 249

VAR, 324325

Collate field for packages, 375376

Colons (:)

vectors, 4445


boxplots, 92

K-means algorithm, 339, 341

LATEX documents, 362

line graphs, 96

PAM, 350351

scatterplots, 8890

Column index for arrays, 71


cbind and rbind, 141142

data.frame, 53, 58

data.table, 131133

matrices, 6870

Comma separated files (CSVs), 7374

Command line interface, 1415

comment option, 365

Comments, 46

knitr chunks, 365

package documentation, 381

Community edition, 1011


models, 253257

multiple groups, 207210

multiple variables, 192

vectors, 46

Compilation in C++

code, 384

packages, 387390

Complete linkage methods, 352, 355

complete.obs option, 196

Components, installing, 5

Compound tests, 111112

Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), 1, 29, 384

Concatenating strings, 155156

Conferences, 393

Confidence intervals

ANOVA, 207209, 215216

bootstrap, 262, 264265

Elastic Net, 277, 279

GAM, 310

multiple regression, 226

one-sample t-tests, 200203

paired two-sample t-tests, 207

two-sample t-tests, 205206

Control statements, 105

compound tests, 111112

if and else, 105108

ifelse, 109111

switch, 108109

Converting shapefile objects into data.frame, 349

Correlation and covariance, 191200

Covariates in simple linear regression, 211

Cox proportional hazards model, 242244

.cpp files, 386

CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network), 1, 29, 384

Create Project options, 1617

Cross tables, 149


Elastic Net, 276277

overview, 257262

CSVs (comma separated files), 7374

Cubic splines, 302

Curly braces ({})

functions, 99

if and else, 106107

regular expressions, 166



censored, 240241

missing. See Missing data

Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, 50, 291, 394

data folder, 373374

data.frames, 5361

converting shapefile objects into, 349

ddply function, 124, 126

Elastic Net, 272

joins, 145

merging, 143144

Data Gotham conference, 393

Data meetups, 391

Data munging, 117

Data reshaping, 141

cbind and rbind, 141142

joins, 142149

reshape2 package, 149153

Data structures, 53

arrays, 7172

data.frame, 5361

lists, 6168

matrices, 6871

Data types, 38

C++ code, 387

character, 40

dates, 4041

logical, 4143

matrices, 68

numeric, 3839

vectors, 4348

Databases, reading from, 7576

Dates, 4041

LATEX documents, 360

packages, 375

Decision trees, 310312

DeclareGraphics Extensions, 360

Default arguments, 101102

Degrees of freedom

ANOVA, 215

multiple regression, 225

splines, 300

t-tests, 201202

Delimiters in CSV files, 74

Delta in model comparisons, 258


ggplot2, 8788

hierarchical clustering, 352

normal distribution, 172173

Density plots, 8788, 184, 207

Dependencies in packages, 30

Dependent variables in simple linear regression, 211

Depends field

C++ code, 386

packages, 375

Description field, 374375

DESCRIPTION file, 374377

@description tag, 382

Destination in installation, 45

@details tag, 382

dev option for knitr chunks, 365

Deviance in model comparisons, 256

Diffing process, 318319

Dimensions in K-means algorithm, 339

direction argument, 265


creating, 18

installation, 4

names, 18

Distance between clusters, 352

Distance metric for K-means

algorithm, 337

Distributions. See Probability distributions


matrices, 68

order of operation, 36

vectors, 4445


functions, 49

packages, 380383

documentclass, 360

Documents as R resources, 394

Dollar signs ($)

data.frame, 56

multiple regression, 225

regular expressions, 167

%dopar% operator, 284

dot-dot-dot argument (...), 102

Downloading R, 12

DSN connections, 75

Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, 394

dzslides format, 369


echo option for knitr chunks, 365

EDA (Exploratory data analysis), 83, 199, 219

Elastic Net, 271290

Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, 394

End of lines in regular expressions, 167

engine option for knitr chunks, 365

Ensemble methods, 312

Environment, 1314

command line interface, 1415

RStudio. See RStudio overview

Equal to symbol (=)

if and else, 105

variable assignment, 36

Equality of matrices, 68

Esc key in command line commands, 15

eval option for knitr chunks, 365

everything option, 196

@examples tag, 382

Excel data, 7475

Exclamation marks (!) in Markdown, 368

Expected value, 188

Experimental variables in simple linear regression, 211

Exploratory data analysis (EDA), 83, 199, 219

Exponential distribution, 185186

Exponents, order of operation, 36

@export tag, 382

Expressions, regular, 161169

Extra arguments, 102


data from Websites, 8081

text, 157161


F distribution, 185186


ANOVA, 215

multiple regression, 225

simple linear regression, 214215

two-sample, 204

faceted plots, 8992

factor data type, 40


as.numeric with, 160

Elastic Net, 273

storing, 60

vectors, 48

FALSE value

with if and else, 105108

with logical operators, 4143

fig.cap option, 365366

fig.scap option, 365 option, 365

fill argument for histograms, 87

Fitted values against residuals plots, 249251

folder structure, 373

for loops, 113115

Forests, random, 312313

formula interface

aggregation, 120123

ANOVA, 208

Elastic Net, 272

logistic regression, 235236

multiple regression, 224, 226, 230

scatterplots, 8485

simple linear regression, 213

Formulas for distributions, 185186

Frontend field for packages, 374


arguments, 100102

assigned to objects, 99

C++, 384

calling, 49, 100

conflicts, 33, 104

documentation, 49

package documentation, 380

return values, 103


g++ compiler, 385

Gamma distribution, 185186

Gamma linear model, 240

GAMs (generalized additive models), 304310

Gap statistic in K-means algorithm, 343344

Garbage collection, 38

GARCH (generalized autoregressive

conditional heteroskedasticity)

models, 327336

Gaussian distribution, 171176

gcc compiler, 385

General options for RStudio tools, 2021

Generalized additive models (GAMs), 304310

Generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models, 327336

Generalized linear models, 233

logistic regression, 233237

miscellaneous, 240

Poisson regression, 237240

Geometric distribution, 185186


integration with RStudio, 2526

selecting, 19

Git/SVN option, 25

GitHub repositories, 25

for bugs, 392

package installation from, 31, 383

README files, 380

Graphics, 83

base, 8386

ggplot2, 8697

Greater than symbols (>)

if and else, 105

variable assignment, 37

Groups, 117

aggregation, 120123

apply family, 117120

comparing, 207210

data.table package, 129138

plyr package, 124129


Hadoop framework, 117

Hartigan’s Rule, 340342

Hash symbols (#)

comments, 46

Markdown, 368

package documentation, 381

pandoc, 369

header command in pandoc, 369

Heatmaps, 193

Hello, World! program, 99100

Help pages in package documentation, 381

Hierarchical clustering, 352357

Histograms, 84

bootstrap, 264

ggplot2, 8788

multiple regression, 219

Poisson regression, 238

residuals, 253

Hotspot locations, 297298

HTML tables, extracting data from, 8081

Hypergeometric distribution, 185186

Hypothesis tests in t-tests, 201203


IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), 1314

if else statements, 105108

Images in LATEX documents, 360

@import tag, 382

Imports field for packages, 375

include option for knitr chunks, 365

Indenting code, 99

Independent variables in simple linear regression, 211


arrays, 71

data.table, 129

LATEX documents, 360

lists, 66

Indicator variables

data.frame, 60

Elastic Net, 273, 289290

multiple regression, 225

PAM, 345


ensemble methods, 312

multiple regression, 216

@inheritParams tag, 382

Innovation distribution, 330

Input variables in simple linear regression, 211

inst folder, 373374

Install dependencies option, 30

install.packages command, 31

Install Packages option, 30

installing packages, 2932, 383384

installing R, 2

on Linux, 10

on Mac OS X, 810

on Windows, 27

integer type, 3839

Integers in regular expressions, 166

Integrated Development

Environments (IDEs), 1314

Intel Matrix Kernel Library, 10

Interactivity, 13


multiple regression, 216

simple linear regression, 212213

Interquartile Range (IQR), 8586

Introduction to R, 394

Inverse gaussian linear model, 240

IQR (Interquartile Range), 8586

Italics in Markdown, 367

Iteration with loops, 113

controlling, 115116

for, 113115

while, 115


Joining strings, 155156

Joins, 142143

data.table, 149

merge, 143144

plyr package, 144149

Joint Statistical Meetings, 393


k-fold cross-validation, 257258

K-means algorithm, 337345

K-medoids, 345352

key columns with join, 144

keys for data.table package, 133135

knots for splines, 302


L1 penalty, 271

L2 penalty, 271

Lags in autoregressive moving average, 318319

lambda functions, 279282, 285289

Language selection, 3

lasso in Elastic Net, 271, 276, 279, 282

LATEX program

installing, 359

knitr, 362367

overview, 360362

Leave-one-out cross-validation, 258

Legends in scatterplots, 89


characters, 40

lists, 6667

vectors, 4546

Less than symbols (<)

if and else, 105

variable assignment, 36

letters vector, 70

LETTERS vector, 70


Elastic Net, 273

factors, 48, 60

LICENSE file, 380


Mac, 89

packages, 373375

SAS, 77

Windows, 3

Line breaks in Markdown, 367

Line graphs, 9496

Linear models, 211

generalized, 233240

multiple regression, 216232

simple linear regression, 211216

LinkingTo field, 386


C++ libraries, 386

hierarchical clustering, 352, 355

linear models, 240

Markdown, 368


C++ compilers, 385

downloading R, 12

installation on, 10


data.table package, 136138

joins, 145149

lapply and sapply, 118119

Markdown, 367

overview, 6168


packages, 3233

rdata files, 162

log-likelihood in AIC model, 255

Log-normal distribution, 185186

logical data type, 4143

Logical operators

compound tests, 111112

vectors, 46

Logistic distribution, 185186

Logistic regression, 233237

Loops, 113

controlling, 115116

for, 113115

while, 115



C++ compilers, 385

downloading R, 1

installation on, 810

Machine learning, 304

Machine Learning for Hackers, 394

Machine Learning meetups, 391

Maintainer field for packages, 375

makeCluster function, 283

makeindex, 360

Makevars file, 386389 file, 386389

man folder, 373374

MapReduce paradigm, 117


heatmaps, 193

PAM, 350351

Markdown tool, 367369

Math, 3536


with apply, 117118

with cor, 192

Elastic Net, 272

overview, 6871

VAR, 324

Matrix Kernel Library (MKL), 10

.md files, 369371


ANOVA, 209

bootstrap, 262

calculating, 187188

normal distribution, 171

Poisson regression, 237238

t-tests, 203, 205

various statistical distributions, 185186

Mean squared error in cross-validation, 258

Measured variables in simple linear regression, 211

Meetups, 391392

Memory in 64-bit versions, 2


data.frame, 143144

data.table, 149

Minitab format, 77

Minus signs (-) in variable assignment, 3637

Missing data, 50

apply, 118

cor, 195196

cov, 199

mean, 188

NA, 50

NULL, 51

PAM, 346

MKL (Matrix Kernel Library), 10

Model diagnostics, 247

bootstrap, 262265

comparing models, 253257

cross-validation, 257262

residuals, 247253

stepwise variable selection, 265269

Moving average (MA) model, 315

Moving averages, autoregressive, 315322

Multicollinearity in Elastic Net, 273

Multidimensional scaling in K-means algorithm, 339

Multinomial distribution, 185186

Multinomial regression, 240

Multiple group comparisons, 207210

Multiple imputation, 50

Multiple regression, 216232

Multiple time series in VAR, 322327


matrices, 6971

order of operation, 36

vectors, 4445

Multivariate time series in VAR, 322


na.or.complete option, 196

na.rm argument

cor, 195196

mean, 188

standard deviation, 189

NA value

with mean, 188

overview, 50

Name-value pairs for lists, 64


arguments, 49, 100

data.frame columns, 58

directories, 18

lists, 6364

packages, 384

variables, 3738

vectors, 47

names function for data.frame, 5455

NAMESPACE file, 377379

Natural cubic splines, 302

Negative binomial distribution, 185186

Nested indexing of list elements, 66

NEWS file, 379

Nodes in decision trees, 311312


autoregressive moving average, 315

VAR, 324

Nonlinear models, 297

decision trees, 310312

generalized additive model, 304310

nonlinear least squares model, 297299

random forests, 312313

splines, 300304

Nonparametric Ansari-Bradley test, 204

Normal distribution, 171176

Not equal symbols (!=) with if and else, 105

nstart argument, 339

Null hypotheses

one-sample t-tests, 201202

paired two-sample t-tests, 207

NULL value, 5051

Numbers in regular expressions, 165169

numeric data, 3839


Objects, functions assigned to, 99

Octave format, 77

1/mu^2 function, 240

One-sample t-tests, 200203


order, 36

vectors, 4448

Or operators in compound tests, 111112

Order of operations, 36

Ordered factors, 48

out.width option, 365

Outcome variables in simple linear regression, 211

Outliers in boxplots, 86

Overdispersion in Poisson regression, 238

Overfitting, 312



ANOVA, 208

multiple regression, 225

t-tests, 200203

Package field in DESCRIPTION file, 374377

Packages, 29, 373

building, 33

C++ code, 384390

checking and building, 383384

compiling, 387390

DESCRIPTION file, 374377

documentation, 380383

files overview, 373374

folder structure, 373

installing, 2932, 383384

loading, 3233

miscellaneous files, 379380

NAMESPACE file, 377379

options, 23

submitting to CRAN, 384

uninstalling, 32

unloading, 33

Packages pane, 2930

Paired two-sample t-tests, 206207

pairwise.complete option, 197

PAM (Partitioning Around Medoids), 345352

pandoc utility, 369371

Pane Layout options, 2122

Parallel computing, 282284

@param tag, 381382

Parentheses ()

arguments, 100

compound tests, 111

expressions, 63

functions, 99

if and else, 105

order of operation, 36

regular expressions, 163

Partial autocorrelation, 318319

Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM), 345352

Passwords in installation, 9

Patterns, searching for, 161169

PDF files, 362, 369

Percent symbol (%) in pandoc, 369

Periods (.)

uses, 99

variable names, 37


coefficient. See Coefficient plots

faceted, 8992

Q-Q, 249, 252

residuals, 250251

scatterplots. See Scatterplots

silhouette, 346348

Plus signs (+) in regular expressions, 169

Poisson distribution, 182184

Poisson regression, 237240

POSIXct data type, 40

Pound symbols (#)

comments, 46

Markdown, 368

package documentation, 381

pandoc, 369

Prediction in GARCH models, 335

Predictive Analytics meetups, 391


decision trees, 310311

Elastic Net, 272

generalized additive models, 304

logistic regression, 233

multiple regression, 216217

simple linear regression, 211, 213

splines, 302303

Priors, 290, 293294

Probability distributions, 171

binomial, 176181

miscellaneous, 185186

normal, 171176

Poisson, 182184

Program FilesR directory, 4

Projects in RStudio, 1619

prompt option for knitr chunks, 365


Q-Q plots, 249, 252


binomial distribution, 181

multiple regression, 225

normal distribution, 175176

summary function, 190

Quasibinomial linear model, 240

Quasipoisson family, 239

Question marks (?)

with functions, 49

regular expressions, 169

Quotes (”) in CSV files, 74


R-Bloggers site, 393

R CMD commands, 383

R Enthusiasts site, 393

R folder, 373374

R in Finance conference, 393

R Inferno, 394

R Productivity Environment (RPE), 2627

Raise to power function, 45

Random numbers

binomial distribution, 176

normal distribution, 171172

Random starts in K-means algorithm, 339

Rcmdr interface, 14

.Rd files, 380, 383

RData files

creating, 77

loading, 162

Readability of functions, 99

Reading data, 73

binary files, 7779

CSVs, 7374

from databases, 7576

Excel, 7475

included with R, 7980

from statistical tools, 77

README files, 380

Real-life resources, 391

books, 394

conferences, 393

documents, 394

meetups, 391392

Stack Overflow, 392

Twitter, 393

Web sites, 393

Reference Classes system, 377

Registering clusters, 283


generalized additive models, 304

logistic, 233237

multiple, 216232

Poisson, 237240

simple linear, 211216

survival analysis, 240245

Regression to the mean, 211

Regression trees, 310

Regular expressions, 161169

Regularization and shrinkage, 271

Bayesian shrinkage, 290294

Elastic Net, 271290


correlation and covariance, 191200

multiple regression, 216232

simple linear regression, 211216

Removing variables, 3738

Repeating command line commands, 15

Reshaping data, 141

cbind and rbind, 141142

joins, 142149

reshape2 package, 149153

Residual standard error in least squares model, 298

Residual sum of squares (RSS), 254255

Residuals, 247253

Resources. See Real-life resources


decision trees, 310

logistic regression, 233

multiple regression, 216217, 219, 225

Poisson regression, 237

residuals, 247

simple linear regression, 211213

@return tag, 381382

Return values in functions, 103

Revolution Analytics site, 393

Ridge in Elastic Net, 271, 279

.Rmd files, 369

.Rnw files, 362


in arrays, 71

bootstrap, 262

cbind and rbind, 141142

data.frame, 53

data.table, 131

with mapply, 120

matrices, 6870

RPE (R Productivity Environment), 2627

RSS (residual sum of squares), 254255

RStudio overview, 1516

Git integration, 2526

projects, 1619

tools, 2025

RTools, 385

Run as Administrator option, 3

Running code in parallel, 283


S3 system, 377

@S3method tag, 382

S4 system, 377

s5 slide show format, 369

SAS format, 77

Scatterplots, 8485

correlation, 192

generalized additive models, 307

ggplot2, 8891

multiple regression, 220224

splines, 303

scope argument, 265

Scraping web data, 81

Seamless R and C++ Integration with Rcpp, 394

Searches, regular expressions for, 161169

Secret weapon, 293

Sections in LATEX documents, 361

@seealso tag, 382

Seeds for K-means algorithm, 338

Semicolons (;) for functions, 100

sep argument, 155

Shapefile objects, converting into

data.frame, 349

Shapiro-Wilk normality test, 204

Shortcuts, keyboard, 15


Bayesian, 290294

Elastic Net, 271

Silhouette plots, 346348

Simple linear regression

ANOVA alternative, 214216

overview, 211214

Single linkage methods, 352, 355

64-bit vs. 32-bit R, 2


binomial distributions, 176179

lists, 65

sample, 187

Slashes (/) in C++ code, 385386

Slide show formats, 369

slideous slide show format, 369

slidy format, 369, 371

Slope in simple linear regression, 212213

Small multiples, 89

Smoothing functions in GAM, 304

Smoothing splines, 300301

Software license, 3

Spelling options, 2324

Splines, 300304

Split-apply-combine method, 117, 124

SPSS format, 77

Square brackets ([])

arrays, 71

data.frame, 56, 58

lists, 65

Markdown, 368

vectors, 47

Squared error loss in nonlinear least squares model, 297

src folder, 373374, 387

Stack Overflow source, 392

Standard deviation

missing data, 189

normal distribution, 171

simple linear regression, 213

t-tests, 201202, 205

Standard error

Elastic Net, 279, 289

least squares model, 298

multiple regression, 225226

simple linear regression, 213216

t-tests, 202

start menu shortcuts, 6

startup options, 5

Stata format, 77

Stationarity, 318

Statistical graphics, 83

base, 8386

ggplot2, 8697

Statistical tools, reading data from, 77

Stepwise variable selection, 265269

Strings, 155

joining, 155156

regular expressions, 161169

sprintf, 156157

text extraction, 157161

stringsAsFactors argument, 75

Submitting packages to CRAN, 384


matrices, 68

order of operation, 36

vectors, 4445

Suggests field in packages, 375376

Summary statistics, 187191

Survival analysis, 240245

SVN repository, 17, 19, 25

switch statements, 108109

Systat format, 77


t distribution

functions and formulas, 185186

GARCH models, 330

t-statistic, 201202, 225

t-tests, 200

multiple regression, 225

one-sample, 200203

paired two-sample, 206207

two-sample, 203206

Tab key for autocompleting code, 15

Tables of contents in pandoc, 371

Tags for roxygen2, 381382

Tensor products, 308

test folder, 374


extracting, 157161

LATEX documents, 362

regular expressions, 167169

Themes in ggplot2, 9697

32-bit vs. 64-bit R, 2

Tildes (∼) in aggregation, 120

Time series and autocorrelation, 315

autoregressive moving average, 315322

GARCH models, 327336

VAR, 322327

Title field, 374375

@title tag, 382


help files, 381

LATEX documents, 360

packages, 374375

slides, 369

Transposing matrices, 70


decision, 310312

hierarchical clustering, 354

TRUE value

with if and else, 105108

with logical operators, 4143

Twitter resource, 393

Two-sample t-tests, 203206

Type field for packages, 374375

Types. See Data types


Underscores (_)

Markdown, 367

variable names, 37

Unequal length vectors, 46

Uniform (Continuous) distribution, 185186

Uninstalling packages, 32

Unloading packages, 33

@useDynLib tag, 382

useful package, 273, 341

UseMethod command, 377

useR! conference, 393

User installation options, 9


VAR (vector autoregressive) model, 322327

Variables, 36

assigning, 3637

names, 37

relationships between, 211216

removing, 3738

stepwise selection, 265269

Variance, 189

ANOVA, 207210

GARCH models, 327

Poisson regression, 238

t-tests, 203

various statistical distributions, 185186

Vector autoregressive (VAR) model, 322327

Vectorized arguments with ifelse, 110

Vectors, 4344

data.frame, 56

factors, 48

in for loops, 113114

multiple regression, 217

multiplication, 4445

operations, 4448

paste, 155156

sprintf, 157

Version control, 19

Version field for packages, 375

version number, saving, 67

Versions, 2

Vertical lines (|) in compound tests, 111

vim mode, 21

Violins plots, 9194

Volatility in GARCH models, 330


Weakly informative priors, 290


extracting data from, 8081

R resources, 393

Weibull distribution, 185186

Welch two-sample t-tests, 203

while loops, 115

White noise

autoregressive moving average, 315

VAR, 324

WiFi hotspot locations, 297298


C++ compilers, 385

downloading R, 1

installation on, 27

Windows Live Writer, 15

within-cluster dissimilarity, 343

Wrapper functions, 386

Writing R Extensions, 394


X-axes in nonlinear least squares model, 298

Xcode, 385


Y-axes in nonlinear least squares model, 298


multiple regression, 216

simple linear regression, 212213


Zero Intelligence Agents site, 393

zypper mechanism, 2

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