About the Authors

Jennifer Marriott is the Director of Global Support for CloudAccess.net, the official hosting provider for demo.joomla.org, as well as being the host and support system for some of the largest Joomla!-based sites in the world. Jennifer joined the Joomla! community during the beginning days in 2005 and began volunteering as a forum moderator shortly thereafter. Over the years she has taken on various roles in the community in addition to moderator, such as Joomla! Bug Squad member, Joomla! Google Summer of Code co-administrator and mentor, and Trademark and Licensing Team Leader. Although Jennifer has stepped down from her official roles in the Joomla! Project, she remains an active community member.

In addition to her work in all things technology related, Jennifer is a professional musician. She has three CDs released. You can find her music in various places all over the interwebs.

Elin Waring is a longtime Joomla! user and former president of Open Source Matters, the nonprofit organization that provides legal, financial, and organizational support to the Joomla! project. In that role she led a number of initiatives ranging from writing the translation policy to obtaining a trademark for the Joomla! brand. She has made more than 7,500 posts on the Joomla! forums and wrote most of the Frequently Asked Questions for Joomla! 1.0. She is an active member of the Joomla! Bug Squad and participates in many Joomla! events.

Elin is a professor of sociology at Lehman College, City University of New York, where she teaches research methods. She has written or coauthored a number of books, including White-Collar Crime and Criminal Careers (Cambridge University Press, 2001), Crimes of the Middle Classes: White-Collar Offenders in the Federal Courts (Yale University Press, 1991), and Russian Mafia in America: Immigration, Culture, and Crime (Northeastern, 2001), as well as scholarly articles in the areas of white-collar crime, organized crime, and social organization.

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