Appendix A. Interaction Force-Displacement Relationship and Green’s Function of Cone Model

In Appendix A the strength-of-materials theory of the truncated semi-infinite cone [M5, M11] is derived. This one-sided cone is used directly to model a disk on the surface of a homogeneous soil halfspace, or as a double-cone model represents a disk embedded in a fullspace. The trapped mass present for incompressible material for the vertical and rocking motions (see Section 2.1.4) can be shifted to the basemat and thus to the superstructure. This “trick” enables the analysis of the cone models in the same manner for all values of Poisson’s ratio. Section A1 addresses the translational cone, whereby axial distortion (vertical motion) is examined; for the distortion in shear (horizontal motion) the derivation is analogous. Based on the equation of motion of rod (bar) theory, the interaction force-displacement relationship of the disk in the truncated cross section of the cone used in the stiffness formulation is developed, followed by the corresponding displacement-interaction force equation applied in the flexibility formulation. The Green’s function is then discussed, the displacement along the axis of the cone caused by a unit impulse force acting on the disk. In Section A2 the same derivations are performed for the rotational cone. Again, rotational axial distortion corresponding to the rocking motion is addressed, but the results are also valid for rotational shear distortion as in torsional motion. All developments are first performed in the time domain and then, if used in the text, repeated for a harmonic load (frequency domain).

Section A3 examines the generalized wave pattern [M6] for the unfolded layered cone used to model a disk foundation on the surface of a soil layer.

Translational Cone

Equation of Motion

The translational truncated semi-infinite cone with the apex height z0 and the radius r0 is shown for axial distortion in Fig. A-1, which is used to model the vertical degree of freedom of a disk of radius r0 on the surface of a halfspace. The area A at depth z equals Equation of Motion A0 with Equation of Motion, where z is measured from the apex. With c denoting the appropriate wave velocity of the compression-extension waves (dilatational waves) and ρ the mass density, ρ c2 is equal to the corresponding elastic modulus (constrained modulus). Also, u represents the axial displacement and N the axial force. Radial effects are disregarded. Formulating the equilibrium equation of an infinitesimal element (Fig. A-1) taking the inertial loads into account,

Equation A-1. 

and substituting the force-displacement relationship,

Equation A-2. 

leads to the equation of motion in the time domain of the translational cone

Equation A-3. 

which may be rewritten as a one-dimensional wave equation in zu

Equation A-4. 

The familiar solution of the wave equation in the time domain is

Equation A-5. 

where f and g are arbitrary functions of the argument for outward-propagating (in the positive z-direction) and inward-propagating waves (in the negative z-direction), respectively.

Translational truncated semi-infinite cone with nomenclature for vertical motion, axial-distortion mechanism and equilibrium of infinitesimal element.

Figure A-1. Translational truncated semi-infinite cone with nomenclature for vertical motion, axial-distortion mechanism and equilibrium of infinitesimal element.

In a radiation problem only outward-propagating waves are permissible (g = 0).

Equation A-6. 

For harmonic loading of frequency ω resulting in the response u(t) = u(ω)eiωt, substituting in Eq. A-4 leads to the wave equation in zu(ω) with the displacement amplitude u(ω)

Equation A-7. 

The solution omitting the inward-propagating wave varying as e+(z-z0)c equals

Equation A-8. 

with the integration constant c1.

Interaction Force-Displacement Relationship

For a prescribed displacement u0 of the disk, the interaction force P0 is calculated as follows. Enforcing the boundary condition u(z = z0) = u0 yields from Eq. A-6

Equation A-9. 

and thus the displacement decays in inverse proportion to the depth z

Equation A-10. 


Equation A-11. 

where denotes differentiation of u0 with respect to the argument t–(zz0)/c.

Equation A-12. 

is rewritten as

Equation A-13. 


Equation A-14. 

In this interaction force-displacement relationship K and C are the constant coefficients of the spring and dashpot:

Equation A-15a. 

Equation A-15b. 

For harmonic loading,

Equation A-16. 


Equation A-17. 

applies with the dynamic-stiffness coefficient S(ω)

Equation A-18. 

Introducing the dimensionless frequency parameter b0 defined with respect to the properties of the cone

Equation A-19. 

S(ω) is formulated as

Equation A-20. 

with the (dimensionless) spring and damping coefficients being independent of b0 in this simple case

Equation A-21a. 

Equation A-21b. 

Displacement-Interaction Force Relationship

For a prescribed interaction force P0 acting on the disk, the displacement u0 is determined as follows. Dividing Eq. A-13 by K (Eq. A-15a) leads to the first-order differential equation in u0

Equation A-22. 

The general solution is the convolution integral

Equation A-23. 

with the unit-impulse response function

Equation A-24a. 

Equation A-24b. 

Equation A-23 derived purely on mathematical grounds can be interpreted physically as follows. The contribution of the infinitesimal pulse (1/K)P0(τ) dτ acting at time τ to the displacement du0(t) at time t (t > τ) depends on the unit-impulse response function evaluated for the time difference t – τ, h1(t – τ)

Equation A-25. 

The displacement-interaction force relationship (Eq. A-23) is the integral of Eq. A-25 over all pulses from 0 < τ < t.

For harmonic loading, the dynamic-flexibility coefficient F(ω) follows from Eqs. A-17 and A-18 through inversion:

Equation A-26. 


Equation A-27. 

or using Eqs A-16, A-15 and A-19

Equation A-28. 

The unit-impulse response function (1/K) h1(t) and the dynamic-flexibility coefficient F(ω) form a Fourier-transform pair.

Equation A-29. 

Green’s Function

The Green’s function in the time domain is defined as the displacement as a function of time u(t) at a point, called the receiver, located at a distance a from the disk, the source (Fig. A-1), which is excited at time = 0 by a unit-impulse force P0. The motion of the receiver at time t will have originated earlier at the source, at the retarded time ta/c, with c = the appropriate wave velocity. Furthermore, the amplitude will have diminished after traveling the distance a. Thus the Green’s function may be denoted as u(t) = g (a, ta/c). The first argument specifies the spatial distance from the source, the second argument the appropriate retarded time at the source.

Applying a unit-impulse force P0(τ) = δ(τ) (with δ(τ) denoting the Dirac-delta function) at time τ = 0,

Equation A-30. 

follows from Eq. A-23, as . Enforcing the boundary condition u0 = u (z = z0) yields from Eq. A-6

Equation A-31. 

Replacing u by g(a, ta/c) and with a = zz0 leads to

Equation A-32. 

or after substituting Eq. A-24 the Green’s function equals

Equation A-33a. 

Equation A-33b. 

For harmonic loading, the displacement amplitude u0(ω) caused by a unit interaction force amplitude P0(ω) = 1 follows from Eq. A-26 as

Equation A-34. 

Enforcing the boundary condition u0(ω) = u(z = z0, ω) in Eq. A-8 leads to

Equation A-35. 

Replacing u(ω) by g(a, ω) results in

Equation A-36. 

or, after substituting Eq. A-28, the Green’s function equals

Equation A-37. 

The factor e-iωa/c) arises from the time lag a/c. And g(a, ω) can be rewritten as

Equation A-38. 


Equation A-39. 

The Fourier transform of H1(ω) is h1(t). Introducing the dynamic-stiffness coefficient S(ω) specified in Eqs. A-20 and A-21,

Equation A-40. 


As g(a, ta/c) and g(a, ω) form a Fourier-transform pair, the Green’s function in the time domain can also be calculated as

Equation A-41. 

The Green’s functions calculated above correspond to the one-sided cone. For the double-cone model used in the dynamic analysis of embedded and pile foundations, the right-hand sides are multiplied by 0.5, as K in Eqs. A-33 and A-37; A-38 is replaced by 2K.

Rotational Cone

Equation of Motion

The rotational truncated semi-infinite cone is presented for rotational axial distortion in Fig. A-2. This model is used to represent the rocking degree of freedom of a disk on the surface of a halfspace. With Equation of Motion the moment of inertia I at depth z equals Equation of Motion. Also V denotes the rotation and M the bending moment. Formulating the equilibrium equation of an infinitesimal element

Equation A-42. 

and substituting the moment-rotation relationship

Equation A-43. 

results in the equation of motion in the time domain of the rotational cone

Equation A-44. 

Introducing a dimensionless potential function φ such that

Equation A-45. 

which when substituted in Eq. A-44 leads to

Equation A-46. 

Rotational truncated semi-infinite cone with nomenclature for rocking motion, rotational axial-distortion mechanism and equilibrium of infinitesimal element.

Figure A-2. Rotational truncated semi-infinite cone with nomenclature for rocking motion, rotational axial-distortion mechanism and equilibrium of infinitesimal element.


Equation A-47. 

The equivalence of the previous two equations may be verified by expanding the derivatives of Eq. A-47. A solution is apparent by inspection

Equation A-48. 

The left-hand side is recognized as the wave equation in z φ. It turns out to be convenient to specify the constant on the right-hand side to be . Then the solution of this modified wave equation takes the form

Equation A-49. 

with additional constants of integration Φ and F. The minus sign preceding the term in brackets is chosen for convenience. As for the translational cone, V1(t – (zz0)/c) is any arbitrary function of the argument for outward-propagating waves. Inward-propagating waves are thus omitted. The correctness of the solution is verified by insertion of Eq. A-49 into Eq. A-48. Note that F is nothing more than a constant shift and may be incorporated into V1(t – (zz0)/c). With this simplification the potential function becomes

Equation A-50. 

The angle of rotation V is retrieved via Eq. A-45

Equation A-51. 

where represents differentiation with respect to the argument t – (zz0)/c. Without loss of generality the constant shift Θ may be incorporated into V (i.e., set equal to zero), resulting in

Equation A-52. 

This solution with outward-propagating waves for the rotational cone can be compared to that for the translational cone in Eq. A-6.

For harmonic motion the equation of motion corresponding to Eq. A-44 equals

Equation A-53. 

The solution with outward-propagating waves is written as

Equation A-54. 

with the integration constant c1.

Interaction Moment-Rotation Relationship

For a specified rotation V0 of the disk, the variation of the angle of rotation V with z and the interaction moment M0 are calculated as follows. Enforcing the boundary condition V (z = z0) = V0 yields from Eq. A-52

Equation A-55. 

where at . The general solution of this first-order differential equation is the convolution

Equation A-56. 

with the unit-impulse response function h1(t) defined in Eq. A-24. Formulating Eq. A-55 with the argument t – (zz0)/c instead of t and thus instead of , which corresponds to a time shift, allows to be eliminated from Eq. A-52, leading to

Equation A-57. 

At the surface (z = z0) the contribution of the second term vanishes and V(z = z0) = V0. In the underground region, however, part of the rotation is due to the convolution V1; and the amplitude decays in inverse proportion to a combination of the square and the cube of depth z.

Two limiting cases are of particular interest. For static loading (V0 = constant), V1 = V0 (Eq. A-55), which yields from Eq. A-57 the static limit

Equation A-58. 

On the other hand, for high-frequency harmonic motion the convolution V1 tends to zero (as is verified from Eq. A-55) and Eq. A-57 reverts to the high-frequency limit

Equation A-59. 

Turning to M0, the derivative Vz is calculated via the chain rule from Eq. A-52

Equation A-60. 

At z = z0, with V0,z = Vz(z = z0)

Equation A-61. 

applies. Using Eq. A-55, the first two terms on the right-hand side are equal to –3/z0 V0. To eliminate Eq. A-55 is differentiated with respect to time

Equation A-62. 

This first-order differential equation in can be solved as

Equation A-63. 

Substituting for , from Eqs. A-62 in Eq. A-61 and then eliminating using Eq. A-63 leads to

Equation A-64. 

Finally, with

Equation A-65. 

the interaction moment-rotation relationship is formulated as

Equation A-66. 


Equation A-67. 

Kv and Cv are the constant coefficients of the rotational spring and dashpot

Equation A-68a. 

Equation A-68b. 

The convolution which is preceded by a negative sign with h1 specified in Eq. A-24 involves the rotational velocity , which leads to the rotational static-stiffness coefficient Kv appearing in the interaction moment-rotation relationship. If the convolution is performed with the rotation V0,

Equation A-69. 

is derived. This form is not attractive because of the factor 2/3 with which the static-stiffness coefficient is multiplied to form the spring coefficient.

For harmonic loading, enforcing the boundary condition V0(ω) = V(z = z0, ω) yields the integration constant c1 in Eq. A-54. The rotational amplitude with depth z follows as

Equation A-70. 

The equation

Equation A-71. 

leads with b0 defined in Eq. A-19 to

Equation A-72. 

where the dynamic-stiffness coefficient

Equation A-73. 


Equation A-74a. 

Equation A-74b. 

Rotation-Interaction Moment Relationship

For a prescribed interaction moment M0 acting on the disk, the rotation V0 is calculated as follows. Enforcing the boundary condition (Eq. A-65) and substituting Eq. A-61 leads to

Equation A-75. 

To derive the unit-impulse response function h2(t) for the rotation V0, the loading M0/Kv is equal to the Dirac-delta function δ(t).

Equation A-76. 

The solution of this second-order differential equation can be derived by noting that the latter has the same form as the dynamic equation of motion of a one-degree-of-freedom system with viscous damping.

Equation A-77. 

The unit-impulse response function h(t) is equal to the damped vibration for an initial velocity δ(t)dt/m = 1/m

Equation A-78. 

with the natural frequency ω0, the damping ratio ζ, and the damped frequency ωd

Equation A-79a. 

Equation A-79b. 

Equation A-79c. 

From Eq. A-78, V1(t) follows. Comparing Eq. A-77 to Eq. A-76,

Equation A-80. 

Substituting in Eq. A-52 for z = z0, the unit-impulse response function h2(t) which is equal to V0(t) is written as

Equation A-81a. 

Equation A-81b. 

The rotation-interaction moment relationship is specified as the convolution integral (Eq. A-75)

Equation A-82. 

For harmonic loading, the dynamic-flexibility coefficient Fv(ω) follows from Eq. A-72 through inversion

Equation A-83. 

where (Eqs. A-73, A-74)

Equation A-84. 

In Eq. A-19 b0 is defined. As (1/Kv) h2(t) and Fv(ω) form a Fourier-transform pair, h2(t) can also be determined as

Equation A-85. 

Green’s Function

Exciting the disk, the source, at time t = 0 by a unit-impulse moment M0, the rotation as a function of time V(t) at the receiver, located at a distance a from the source (Fig. A-2), is equal to the Green’s function gv (a, ta/c). As for the translational cone (Section A1.4), the Green’s function is a function of a which governs the attenuation of the wave and of the retarded time ta/c.

Applying a unit-impulse moment M0(τ) = δ(τ), the rotation of the disk V0 determined from Eq. A-82 equals

Equation A-86. 

The equation of V(z, t) specified in Eq. A-52 leads after enforcing the boundary condition V0 = V(z = z0) to the first-order differential equation in V1(t) (Eq. A-55) with the solution given in Eq. A-56. Substituting Eq. A-86 into this equation yields

Equation A-87. 

Another unit-impulse response function, h3(t), is defined as

Equation A-88. 

with, after substituting h1(t) from Eq. A-24 and h2(t) from Eq. A-81,

Equation A-89a. 

Equation A-89b. 

Substituting Eq. A-87 with Eq. A-88 and Eq. A-86 in Eq. A-57 and replacing V with gv (a, ta/c) and with a = zz0 leads to the Green’s function

Equation A-90. 

Both h2(ta/c) and h3(ta/c) are specified in Eqs. A-81 and A-89 with t replaced by ta/c.

For harmonic loading, the rotation amplitude V0(ω) caused by a unit interaction moment amplitude M0(ω) = 1 follows from Eq. A-83 as

Equation A-91. 

Enforcing this boundary condition V0(ω) = V(z = z0, ω) in Eq. A-54 yields

Equation A-92. 

Replacing V(ω) by gv(a, ω) results in

Equation A-93. 

or after substituting Eq. A-84 the Green’s function equals

Equation A-94. 

Here e-iωa/c represents the time-lag factor. Thus, gv(a,ω) can be rewritten as

Equation A-95. 


Equation A-96. 

Equation A-97. 

The Fourier transforms of H2(ω) and H3(ω) are h2(t) and h3(t), respectively. Introducing the dynamic-stiffness coefficient Sv(ω) specified in Eqs. A-73 and A-74 results in

Equation A-98. 

Again, as g(a, ta/c) and gv(a,ω) form a Fourier-transform pair, the Green’s function in the time domain can also be determined as

Equation A-99. 

The Green’s functions specified above correspond to the one-sided cone. For the double-cone model used in the dynamic analysis of embedded and pile foundations, the right-hand sides are multiplied by 0.5, as Kv in Eqs. A-90 and A-94, A-95, A-98 is replaced by 2Kv.

Generalized Wave Pattern of Unfolded Layered Cone

As discussed in Section 3.1, a generalized wave pattern w(z, t) may be postulated for an unfolded layered cone, in which the amplitude of motion decays in inverse proportion to the Mh power of the distance from the apex:

Equation A-100. 

The barred time history ) generates the motion. For the unfolded layered cone in rotation, there are three such functions. The first corresponds to with N = 2; the second corresponds to with N = 3; and the third corresponds to , with N = 2. Since they superpose independently, attention may be restricted to any one of these three separate generating functions. To verify Eq. A-100, it suffices to consider the first few terms of the sum:

Equation A-101. 

The displacement wd at bedrock (z = d) is

Equation A-102. 

Since the terms cancel pair-for-pair, the displacement wd at bedrock is zero; that is, the layer is, as it should be, built-in at its base.

The strain is equal to the spatial derivative of w. Application of the chain rule to Eq. A-101 yields

Equation A-103. 

In this expression denotes differentiation with respect to the complete argument of the generating function, that is with for example ( ) = t – 2d/c + z/c. The strain at the surface (z = 0) is

Equation A-104. 

in which the derivatives revert to the velocity . Due to the free-surface boundary condition implicit in Eq. A-104, the strain contributions resulting from the reflected waves cancel pair-for-pair. The strain at the surface (first two terms in Eq. A-104) is identical to that of an unlayered cone subjected to the generating motion and .

The relationship between the generating motion of the associated unlayered cone and the true surface motion w0 of the unfolded layered cone is found by evaluating Eq. A-100 at the surface (z = 0):

Equation A-105. 

with echo interval T = 2d/c and geometric parameter κ = 2d/z0. Introducing echo constants allows Eq. A-105 to be expressed concisely as

Equation A-106. 


Equation A-107a. 

and for; j ≥ 1

Equation A-107b. 

For the rotational cone the various contributions associated with N = 2 and N = 3 are simply superposed to determine V0(t).

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