17.6 Sensitivity Analysis

As presented in Section 16.5 of the previous chapter, one of the hypotheses of a linear programming model is to assume that all the model parameters (objective function coefficients cj, constraint variable coefficients aij, and independent terms bi) are deterministic, that is, constant and known with certainty. However, many times, the estimation of these parameters is based on future forecasts, such that changes may happen until the final solution is implemented in the real world. As examples of changes, we can mention changes in the amount of resources available, launching of a new product, variation in a product’s price, increase or decrease in production costs, among others.

Therefore, the sensitivity analysis is essential in the study of linear programming problems, since it has as its main objective to investigate the effects that certain changes in the model parameters would have on the optimal solution.

The sensitivity analysis discusses the variation that the objective function coefficients and constants on the right-hand side of each constraint can assume (lower and upper limits), without changing the initial model’s optimal solution or without changing the feasibility region. This analysis can be done graphically, by using algebraic calculations, or directly through the Solver in Excel or other software packages, such as, Lindo, considering one alteration at a time.

Therefore, the sensitivity analysis being studied considers two cases:

  1. (a) The model’s sensitivity analysis based on the alterations in one of the objective function coefficients, without changing the model’s original basic solution (the basic solution remains optimal). Since one of the objective function coefficients is altered, the value of objective function z also changes.
  2. (b) The model’s sensitivity analysis based on the alterations in the independent terms of the constraints, without changing the optimal solution or the feasibility region.

Thus, we eliminate the need to recalculate a model’s new optimal solution after changes in its parameters.

Section 17.6.1 graphically analyzes the possible changes in the model’s objective function coefficients. The same analysis, based on the independent terms of the constraints, will be studied in Section 17.6.2. Both cases can also be analyzed by Solver in Excel (see Section 17.6.4), always considering one alteration at a time.

The sensitivity analysis studied in this section will be described based on Example 17.12.

Example 17.12

Romes Shoes is a shoe company and it is interested in planning its production of flip-flops and clogs for next summer. Their products go through the following processes: cutting, assembly, and finishing. Table 17.E.16 shows the total number of labor hours (man-hours) necessary to produce a unit of each component in each manufacturing process, besides the total time available per week, also in man-hours. The unit profit per pair of flip-flops and clogs manufactured is $15.00 and $20.00, respectively. Determine the graphical solution for the model.

Table 17.E.16

Time Necessary to Produce a Unit of Each Component in Each Manufacturing Process and Total Time Available per Week (man-hours)
SectorTime (man-hours) to process 1 unitTime available (man-hours/week)

Unlabelled Table


The model’s decision variables are:

x1 = number of flip-flops to be produced weekly.

x2 = number of clogs to be produced weekly.

The model’s mathematical formulation can be represented as:

maxz=15x1+20x2subject to:5x1+4x2240(1)4x1+8x2360(2)7,5x2300(3)xj0,j=1,2

si44_e  (17.27)

The current model’s optimal solution is x1 = 20 (flip-flops per week) and x2 = 35 (clogs per week) with z = 1,000 (Weekly net profit of $1,000.00). Graphically, it is represented in Fig. 17.73.

17.6.1 Alteration in one of the Objective Function Coefficients (Graphical Solution)

Fig. 17.73 presented the graphical solution for Example 17.12, in which extreme point C represents the model’s optimal solution (x1 = 20,x2 = 35 with z = 1,000). Now, let’s carry out a sensitivity analysis based on changes in the values of the objective function coefficients, performing one alteration at a time. The main objective is to determine the value range that each objective function coefficient can take on, maintaining the other coefficients constant, without impacting the model’s basic solution (the basic solution remains optimal). This analysis is based on the comparison between the angular coefficients of the active constraints (treated as equality constraints) and the angular coefficient of the objective function. The active constraints are the ones that define the model’s optimal solution. If the model’s inactive constraints are eliminated, the optimal solution will not be affected.

  • Slope and angular coefficient of line
Fig. 17.73
Fig. 17.73 Graphical solution for Example 17.12.

Let α be the angle formed by the line and the X-axis, counterclockwise, called line slope. The angular coefficient m determines the direction of the line, that is, the trigonometric tangent of slope α:


si45_e  (17.28)

In a graphical way, Fig. 17.74 specifies four cases for m from different values of α.

Fig. 17.74
Fig. 17.74 Relationship between line slope (α) and angular coefficient (m).

From Fig. 17.74, we can see that every nonvertical line has a real number m that specifies its direction. Case d is a special case since there is no tangent for slope α = 90° and, consequently, there is no angular coefficient m for a vertical line.

This relationship can be better visualized in Fig. 17.75 that shows the tangent chart for different values of α. For instance, for case (a) in the previous figure (0° < α < 90°), we can see that tg 0° = 0 and tg 45° = 1. As α gets closer to 90°, the value of m tends to infinity.

Fig. 17.75
Fig. 17.75 Tangent for different values of α. (Source: https://www.quora.com/Is-tan-x-a-continous-function.)

The angular coefficient can be calculated from two points in the line. Given two distinct points in the Cartesian plane, A(x1y1) and B(x2y2), there is a single line r that goes through these two points. The angular coefficient of r can be calculated as:


si46_e  (17.29)

  • Angular coefficient of the objective function from its reduced equation

Consider the general equation of an objective function with two decision variables (x1 and x2):


si47_e  (17.30)

To determine the reduced equation of Expression (17.30), we have to isolate variable x2 from the general equation:


si48_e  (17.31)


  • m = c1c2si49_e is the angular coefficient of the objective function.
  • Value range for c1 or c2 that do not change the model’s original basic solution

By calculating the angular coefficient of each active constraint in the model (treated as an equality constraint) and the angular coefficient of the objective function, be it from the reduced equation of the line or from two points in the line [Expression (17.28)], we can determine the value range for c1 or c2 that does not change the model’s original basic solution. Let’s illustrate this condition through an example.

Going back to Example 17.12, from the graphical solution presented in Fig. 17.73, we can see that only the first two constraints of Expression (17.27) are considered active. Hence, to carry out the sensitivity analysis from variations in one of the objective function coefficients, we must calculate the angular coefficient of the first and second constraints, treated as equality equations. First, we can see that the slope of the first equation 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 and of the second equation 4x1 + 8x2 = 360 are within the interval 90° < α < 180°. Therefore, the angular coefficient of both lines will be negative. From Fig. 17.75, we conclude that the value of m1 (angular coefficient of the first equation) will be smaller when compared to m2 (angular coefficient of the second equation). The value of the angular coefficient of each equation will be determined from the reduced equation of the line.

The first equation 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 can be written in the reduced form:


si50_e  (17.32)

So, the angular coefficient of the first equation is m1 = − 5/4.

Analogously, the reduced form of the second equation can be expressed as:


si51_e  (17.33)

We can conclude that the angular coefficient of the second equation is m2 = − 1/2.

According to Fig. 17.73, we can see that while the angular coefficient of the objective function (− c1/c2) is between − 5/4 and − 1/2, that is, between the angular coefficients of the model’s first and second equations (active equations), the original problem’s basic solution does not change, remaining optimal. Mathematically, the value of the original basic solution remains constant, while:


si52_e  (17.34)

Example 17.13

From the problem of company Romes Shoes (Example 17.2), carry out a sensitivity analysis considering the following changes:

  1. (a) Let’s assume that there was an increase in the unit profits of flip-flops and clogs to $20.00 and $25.00, respectively, based on reductions in production costs, mainly in terms of human resources. Verify if the basic solution remains optimal. If yes, what is the new value of z?
  2. (b) Which possible variations in c2 would maintain the original model’s basic solution? Note: The other parameters remain constant.
  3. (c) Do the same for c1.
  4. (d) Imagine that there was an increase in the price of leather, the main raw material for producing clogs, diminishing its unit profit to $18.00. In order for the original model’s basic solution to remain unaltered, which interval must the unit profit of flip-flops satisfy?


  1. (a) Considering the new objective function equation (z = 20x1 + 25x2), we can determine the ratio c1c2=2025=0.8si53_e directly.
    Therefore, the condition 0.5c1c21.25si54_e continues being satisfied, such that the original model’s basic solution (x1 = 20 and x2 = 35) remains optimal. Therefore, the new value of z is z = 20 × 20 + 25 × 35 = 1,275.
  2. (b) Substituting c10 = 15 (original value of c1) in the condition 0.5c1c21.25si54_e, we have:



Thus, while c2 continues satisfying the interval specified here, the original model’s optimal basic solution (x1 = 20 and x2 = 35) will remain unaltered.

  1. (c) Substituting c20 = 20 (original value of c2) in the condition 0.5c1c21.25si54_e, we have:



Therefore, while the conditions specified for c1 continue being satisfied, the original model’s basic solution will remain unaltered.

  1. (d) By substituting c2 = 18 in the condition 0.5c1c21.25si54_e, we have:



Therefore, while c1 continues satisfying the interval specified , for a value of c2 = 18, the basic solution remains optimal.

Example 17.14

Consider the following maximization problem:

maxz=15x1+20x2subject to:4x1+8x2360(1)x160(2)xj0,j=1,2

si61_e  (17.35)


  1. (a) The graphical solution for the original model represented in Expression (17.35).
  2. (b) The possible variations in c1 that would maintain the original model’s basic solution (the basic solution remains optimal), maintaining the other parameters constant. Do the same for c2.


Fig. 17.76 shows the model’s graphical solution of Expression (17.35).

Fig. 17.76
Fig. 17.76 Graphical solution for Example 17.4.

The current model’s optimal solution, represented by extreme point C, is x1 = 60 and x2 = 15 with z = 1,200. From Fig. 17.76, we can see that we have a special case, since the model’s second constraint of Expression (17.35) corresponds to a vertical line (slope of 90° in relation to axis x1). When one of the active constraints is vertical, there will be no upper or lower limit for the angular coefficient of the objective function, since there is no tangent for α = 90°.

Now, let’s carry out a sensitivity analysis from variations in c1 or c2. In order to do that, we need to calculate the angular coefficient of the first constraint (treated in the equality form), be it from its reduced equation or from two points in the line. Let’s use the first case.

The reduced form of the first equation in Expression (17.35) is:



So, its angular coefficient is − 1/2.

According to Fig. 17.76, we can see that, while the angular coefficient of the objective function is between the angular coefficients of the vertical equation and equation 4x1 + 8x2 = 360, that is, between −∞ (there is no lower limit for the 90° tangent) and − 1/2, the basic solution remains optimal. Mathematically, the original basic solution remains constant, while:



By setting c2 = 20 (original value) in the condition 0.5c1c2si64_e, we have:



Thus, while c1 is within the interval specified, the original model’s basic solution (x1 = 60 and x2 = 15) will remain unaltered.

By setting c1 = 15 (original value) in the condition 0.5c1c2si64_e, we have:



Therefore, while c2 continues satisfying the condition specified, the basic solution will remain optimal.

17.6.2 Alteration in One of the Constants on the Right-Hand Side of the Constraint and Concept of Shadow Price (Graphical Solution)

The sensitivity analysis from alterations in the value of one of the constants on the right-hand side of the constraint (availability of resources) is based on the concept of shadow price, which can be defined as the increase (or decrease) of the objective function in case 1 unit is added to (or removed from) the current amount of resources available of the i-th constraint (bi0).

Calculating the shadow price (Pi) in case 1 unit of resources is added to bi0 is:


si68_e  (17.36)


  • Δz+1 = increase in the value of objective function z in case 1 unit of resources is added to bi0.
  • z0 = initial value of the objective function.
  • z+1 = new value of the objective function after 1 unit is added to bi0.
  • Δbi,+1 = increase in bi0. The definition of shadow price considers an increase of 1 unit in the amount of resources i.

Calculating the shadow price (Pi) in case 1 unit of resources is removed from bi0 is:


si69_e  (17.37)


  • Δz−1 = decrease in the value of objective function z in case 1 unit of resources is removed from bi0.
  • z0 = initial value of the objective function.
  • z−1 = new value of the objective function after 1 unit is removed from bi0.
  • Δbi,−1 = decrease in bi0. The definition of shadow price considers a decrease of 1 unit in the amount of resources i.

Shadow price can be interpreted as the fair price to pay for using 1 unit of resource i or the opportunity cost of resources due to the loss of 1 unit of resource i.

After defining the shadow price for resource i (Pi), the main goal of this sensitivity analysis is to determine the value range in which bi can vary (maximum increase allowed of p units in bi0 or decrease allowed of q units in bi0), that is, bi0 − q ≤ bi ≤ bi0 + p, in which the shadow price remains constant. The interval must be determined in order to satisfy the following relationship:


si70_e  (17.38)


  • Δz+p = increase in the value of objective function z in case p units of resources are added to bi0.
  • Δzq = decrease in the value of objective function z in case p units of resources are removed from bi0.
  • z0 = initial value of the objective function.
  • z+p = new value of the objective function after p units are added to bi0.
  • zq = new value of the objective function after q units are removed from bi0.
  • Δbi,+p = increase of p units in bi0.
  • Δbi,−q = decrease of q units in bi0.

Thus, for the interval specified in which the shadow price remains constant, if p units were added to bi0, the value of the objective function would increase Δz+p = Pi × p. This equation can also be interpreted as the fair price to pay for using p units of resource i, being proportional to the shadow price. Analogously, if q units were removed from bi0, the value of the objective function would decrease Δzq = Pi × q. This equation can also be interpreted as the opportunity cost due to the loss of q units of resource i.

The calculation of the shadow price is only valid for active constraints (which define the model’s optimal solution). Otherwise, variations in bi within the feasibility region will not impact the model’s optimal solution, concluding that the shadow price for nonactive constraints is zero.

Solving the problem in an analytical or algebraic way, this means that the current model’s optimal solution (that contains a value different from bi, however, within the interval specified above in which the shadow price remains constant) will have the same basic variables as the original model’s optimal solution (the original basic solution remains optimal); however, the values of the decision variables and of the objective function are altered due to changes in bi.

Solving the problem in a graphical way, as the amount of resources bi varies, the i-th constraint moves parallel to the i-th original constraint. Nevertheless, the current model’s optimal solution continues being determined by the intersection of the same active lines in the original model (intersection between the i-th constraint altered and another active constraint from the initial model). While the intersection between these lines happens inside the feasibility region, that is, between the extreme points that limit the feasible solution space analyzed, the increase in the value of the objective function due to the use of p units of resource i or the decrease due to the loss of q units of the same resource will be proportional to the shadow price (the shadow price will remain constant for the interval bi0 − q ≤ bi ≤ bi0 + p, in which bi0 represents its original value). For any value of bi out of this range, it will be necessary to recalculate the model’s new optimal solution, since the feasible region is altered.

Example 17.15

Similar to Example 17.13, the sensitivity analysis based on changes in the resources will also be applied to the case of Romes Shoes (Example 17.12). From the model’s graphical solution, determine:

  1. (a) The shadow price for each sector (cutting, assembly and finishing).
  2. (b) The maximum permissible decrease and increase for each bi that would maintain its shadow price constant (when it is positive), or that would not change the initial model’s optimal solution (when the shadow price is null).


As presented in Expression (17.27), Example 17.12 of company Romes Shoes can be mathematically represented as:

maxz=15x1+20x2subject to:5x1+4x2240(1)cutting4x1+8x2360(2)assembly7,5x2300(3)finishingxj0,j=1,2

si71_e  (17.39)

The original model’s optimal solution is x1 = 20 and x2 = 35 with z = 1,000.

  • Changes in the availability of resources in the cutting sector
  1. (a) Shadow price

If the time available for the cutting sector increases in one man-hour, the first constraint in Expression (17.39) becomes 5x1 + 4x2 ≤ 241. The new optimal solution is then determined by the intersection between active lines 5x1 + 4x2 = 241 and 4x1 + 8x2 = 360, being represented by point H (x1 = 20.333 and x2 = 34.833 with z = 1,001.667), as shown in Fig. 17.77.

Fig. 17.77
Fig. 17.77 Sensitivity analysis after adding 1 man-hour to the availability of resources in the cutting sector.

The shadow price for the cutting sector (P1), considering an increase of 1 man-hour in the availability of resources, can be calculated as:



Thus, for each man-hour added to the cutting sector, the objective function increases 1.667. Or the fair price paid for each man-hour used in the cutting sector is 1.667.

If there were a reduction of 1 man-hour in the cutting sector, we would obtain the same result for the shadow price. By changing the value of the constant of the first constraint to b1 = 239, the model’s new optimal solution becomes: x1 = 19.667 and x2 = 35.167 with z = 998.333. The calculation of the shadow price, considering a decrease of 1 man-hour for the cutting sector, is:



Hence, for each man-hour removed from the cutting sector, the objective function decreases 1.667. Or the opportunity cost for each man-hour lost in the cutting sector is 1.667.

  1. (b) Maximum permissible decrease and increase for b1

The main objective is to determine the value range in which b1 can vary (b10 − q ≤ b1 ≤ b10 + p), and in which the shadow price remains constant. While this happens, the price to be paid for the use of p man-hours in the cutting sector will be P1 × p = 1.667 × p. Analogously, the opportunity cost due to the loss of q man-hours in the same sector will be P1 × q = 1.667 × q.

From Fig. 17.77, we can see that the original model’s optimal solution is determined by the intersection of lines 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 and 4x1 + 8x2 = 360. Also note that the new constraint 5x1 + 4x2 ≤ 241 is parallel to the original constraint 5x1 + 4x2 ≤ 240. As the value of b1 increases, the line moves in the direction of extreme point G, always parallel to the original constraint. Similarly, as the value of b1 decreases, the line moves in the direction of extreme point D. While the intersection of equations 5x1 + 4x2 = b1 and 4x1 + 8x2 = 360 occurs within the feasibility region (segment DG), the shadow price will remain constant. Extreme points D and G represent the lower and upper limits for b1. Any point out of this segment will result in a new basic solution. Therefore, the lower and upper limits for b1 can be determined by substituting the coordinates of point D (x1 = 10 and x2 = 40) and G (x1 = 90 and x2 = 0), respectively, in 5x1 + 4x2:

Lower limit for b1 (point D): 5 × 10 + 4 × 40 = 210

Upper limit for b1 (point G): 5 × 90 + 4 × 0 = 450

We can conclude that, while the value of b1 is within the interval 210 ≤ b1 ≤ 450, its shadow price remains constant. The interval can also be specified based on the maximum permissible decrease and increase for b10 = 240 (its original value), being expressed as:



For example, for a value of p = 210, the price to be paid for the use of these 210 man-hours in the cutting sector will be P1 × 210 = 1.667 × 210 = 350 (if 210 man-hours were added to the total time available for the cutting sector, the objective function would increase $350.00). Conversely, for a value of q = 30, the opportunity cost due to the loss of these 30 man-hours in the total time available in the cutting sector will be P1 × 30 = 1.667 × 30 = 50 (if 30 man-hours were removed from the total time available for the cutting sector, the objective function would decrease $50.00). For any value of b1 out of this interval, it is necessary to recalculate the new optimal solution, because the feasible region is altered.

These results can be better visualized in Fig. 17.78. Polygon AEDB represents the feasibility region for a value of b1 = 210 (lower limit for b1). Whereas polygon AEDG represents the feasibility region for a value of b1 = 450 (upper limit for b1).

  • Changes in the availability of resources in the assembly sector
  1. (a) Shadow price
Fig. 17.78
Fig. 17.78 Sensitivity analysis based on changes in the availability of resources in the cutting sector.

By adding 1 man-hour to the assembly sector, the second constraint of (1) becomes 4x1 + 8x2 ≤ 361. The new optimal solution is then determined by the intersection between active lines 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 and 4x1 + 8x2 = 361, being represented by point I (x1 = 19.833 and x2 = 35.208 with z = 1,001.667), as illustrated in Fig. 17.79.

Fig. 17.79
Fig. 17.79 Sensitivity analysis after adding 1 man-hour to the availability of resources in the assembly sector.

Since the new value of the objective function is also 1,001.667 (similar to the cutting sector), we obtain the same shadow price (P2 = 1.667). Therefore, for each man-hour added in the assembly sector, the objective function also increases 1.667.

By reducing the time available for the assembly sector in 1 man-hour (b2 = 359), the model’s new optimal solution becomes: x1 = 20.167 and x2 = 34.792 with z = 998.333. Thus, the shadow price in this case is also P2 = 1.667. Therefore, for each man-hour removed from the assembly sector, the objective function also decreases 1.667.

  1. (b) Maximum permissible decrease and increase for b2

Fig. 17.79 illustrates the new constraint 4x1 + 8x2 ≤ 361 for the assembly sector, parallel to the original constraint 4x1 + 8x2 ≤ 360. As the value of b2 increases, the line moves in the direction of extreme point J, always parallel to the original constraint. Similarly, as the value of b2 decreases, the line moves in the direction of extreme point B. While the intersection of the equations 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 and 4x1 + 8x2 = b2 happens within the feasibility region (segment BJ), the shadow price will remain constant. Extreme points B and J represent the lower and upper limits for b2. Any point out of this segment will result in a new basic solution. Hence, the lower and upper limits for b2 can be determined by substituting the coordinates of point B (x1 = 48 and x2 = 0) and J (x1 = 16 and x2 = 40), respectively, in 4x1 + 8x2:

Lower limit for b2 (point B): 4 × 48 + 8 × 0 = 192

Upper limit for b2 (point J): 4 × 16 + 8 × 40 = 384

We can conclude that, while the value of b2 is within the interval 192 ≤ b2 ≤ 384, its shadow price remains constant. The interval can also be specified based on the maximum permissible decrease and increase for b20 = 360 (its initial value), being expressed as:



For example, for a value of p = 24, the price to be paid by the use of these 24 man-hours in the assembly sector will be P2 × 24 = 1.667 × 24 = 40 (if 24 man-hours were added to the total time available for the assembly sector, the objective function would increase $40.00). On the other hand, for a value of q = 168, the opportunity cost due to the loss of these 168 man-hours in the total time available for the assembly sector will be P2 × 168 = 1.667 × 168 = 280 (if 168 man-hours are removed from the total time available for the assembly sector, the objective function would decrease $280.00). For any value of b2 out of this interval, it is necessary to recalculate the new optimal solution.

These results can be better visualized in Fig. 17.80. Polygon ABJE represents the feasibility region for a value of b2 = 384 (upper limit for b2). Whereas triangle ABK represents the feasibility region for a value of b2 = 192 (upper limit for b2).

  • Changes in the availability of resources in the finishing sector
  1. (a) Shadow price
Fig. 17.80
Fig. 17.80 Sensitivity analysis based on changes in the availability of resources in the assembly sector.

As presented in Fig. 17.77, the original model’s optimal solution is determined by the intersection of the two first equations 5x1 + 4x2 = 240 and 4x1 + 8x2 = 360. Since the finishing constraint (7.5x2 ≤ 300) is not active, changes in the value of b3 within the feasibility region will not impact the original model’s optimal solution. So, its shadow price is zero.

  1. (a) Maximum permissible decrease and increase for b3

Since the constraint 7.5x2 ≤ 300 is not active, the main goal here is to determine the value range in which b3 can vary without changing the initial model’s optimal solution (x1 = 20 and x2 = 35 with z = 1,000). To determine the lower limit for b3, we just need to substitute the value of coordinate x2 of optimal point C (x2 = 35) in 7.5x2 = b3 (intersection of lines 4x1 + 8x2 = 360 and 7.5x2 = b3). So, the lower limit for b3 is 7.5 × 35 = 262.5. In contrast, any value for b3 above its initial value will continue not impacting the initial model’s optimal solution, such that the value range for b3 can be written as:



The interval can also be specified based on the maximum permissible decrease and increase for b30 = 300 (its initial value), being expressed as:



17.6.3 Reduced Cost

The reduced cost of a certain nonbasic variable xj can be interpreted as the value that its original coefficient cj must improve in the objective function before the current basic solution becomes suboptimal and xj becomes a basic variable. For a maximization problem, the reduced cost of the nonbasic variable xj in the optimal tabular form (ˉcjsi78_e) corresponds to the maximum increase in the value of its original coefficient in the objective function (addition of ˉcjsi78_e units to the value of cj), which will maintain the current basic solution optimal and variable xj nonbasic. Any increase greater than ˉcjsi78_e will make the current basic solution suboptimal, such that xj will go into the base. Alternatively, for a minimization problem, ˉcjsi81_e corresponds to the minimum decrease in the value of its original coefficient in the objective function (subtraction of ˉcjsi81_e units from the value of cj), which will maintain the current basic solution optimal and variable xj nonbasic. Any decrease less than ˉcjsi81_e will make the current basic solution suboptimal and variable xj basic.

According to Winston (2004), when the coefficient of the nonbasic variable xj improves a value exactly equal to its reduced cost, we have a case with multiple optimal solutions. In this case, there is at least one solution in which the variable xj becomes basic and another in which the variable xj continues being nonbasic. By contrast, for any increase greater (maximization) or decrease smaller (minimization) than its reduced cost, the variable xj will always be basic in any optimal solution.

A special case may happen when the nonbasic variables simply cannot become basic, that is, their reduced cost will continue to be null, since the same are not active (they do not influence the model’s optimal solution).

Example 17.16

Consider the following maximization problem:

maxz=3x1+6x2subject to:2x1+3x260(1)4x1+2x2120(2)x1,x20

si84_e  (17.40)

Through a sensitivity analysis of the problem in study, we obtain the reduced cost of each variable, based on the model’s optimal solution of Expression (17.40), as shown in Table 17.E.17:

Table 17.E.17

Optimal Solution and Reduced Cost of Each Variable
VariableOptimal SolutionReduced Cost

Interpret the results presented in Table 17.E.17.


The model’s basic solution represented by Expression (17.40) is x1 = 0 and x2 = 20. First, we can see that the reduced cost of the variable x2 is null, since it is a basic variable. Conversely, the reduced cost of the variable x1 represents the maximum increase (maximization problem) in the value of c1, which maintains the current basic solution optimal and variable x1 nonbasic. Thus, if the coefficient of x1 in the objective function goes from 3 to 4, the current basic solution will remain optimal, such that the variable x1 will continue being nonbasic. On the other hand, if the coefficient of x1 is greater than 4, the current solution will become suboptimal and the variable x1 will be basic in the new optimal solution.

It is important to mention that if problem represented by Expression (17.40) is solved by Solver in Excel, the reduced cost of x1 will appear with a negative sign in the sensitivity report.

Example 17.17

Consider the following minimization problem:

minz=4x1+8x2subject to:6x1+3x2140(1)8x1+5x2120(2)x1,x20

si85_e  (17.41)

Through a sensitivity analysis of the problem in study, we obtain the optimal solution and the reduced cost of each variable in the model represented by Expression (17.41), as seen in Table 17.E.18:

Table 17.E.18

Optimal Solution and Reduced Cost of the Variables
VariableOptimal SolutionReduced Cost
x20− 6

Interpret the results presented in Table 17.E.18.


The model’s basic solution represented by Expression (17.41) is x1 = 23.333 and x2 = 0. First, we can see that the reduced cost of the variable x1 is null, since it is a basic variable. In contrast, the reduced cost of the variable x2 specifies the minimum decrease in the value of c2 (minimization problem) that maintains the current basic solution optimal and variable x2 nonbasic. Hence, if the coefficient of x2 in the objective function goes from 8 to 2, the current basic solution will remain optimal and variable x2 nonbasic. On the other hand, if the coefficient of x2 is less than 2, the current solution will become suboptimal and variable x2 will be basic in the new optimal solution.

If problem represented by Expression (17.41) is solved by Solver in Excel, the reduced cost of x2 will appear with a positive sign in the sensitivity report.

17.6.4 Sensitivity Analysis With Solver in Excel

The sensitivity analysis through Solver in Excel will be presented in this section for the problem of company Romes Shoes (Example 17.12). Fig. 17.81 (see file Example17.12_Romes.xls) shows the modeling of the problem in Excel, already with the model’s optimal solution.

Fig. 17.81
Fig. 17.81 Modeling of the problem of Romes Shoes in Excel.

Having solved the model through the Solver in Excel, the window Solver Results appears. Select the option Sensitivity Report, as shown in Fig. 17.82.

Fig. 17.82
Fig. 17.82 Option Sensitivity Report in Solver Results.

The results of the sensitivity analysis for the problem of Rome Shoes, considering the changes in one of the objective function coefficients (Section 17.6.1), changes in one of the constants on the right-hand side and concept of shadow price (Section 17.6.2), and the concept of reduced cost (Section 17.6.3), from the Solver in Excel, are consolidated in Fig. 17.83.

Fig. 17.83
Fig. 17.83 Sensitivity report of the problem at Romes Shoes.

Lines 4 and 5 show the results of the sensitivity analysis based on changes in one of the objective function coefficients (Section 17.6.1), based on the final value of variable cells (B14 and C14), which represent the model’s decision variables. According to column D, these values are x1 = 20 and x2 = 35. Column E shows the reduced cost of each variable. Since both are basic, their values are null. If one of the variables were nonbasic, its reduced cost would appear with a negative sign in the sensitivity report in Excel, that is, with the opposite sign to the one presented in this book, as already mentioned previously. Analogously, for a minimization problem, the costs reduced of the nonbasic variables are presented with a positive sign in the sensitivity report in Excel. The initial values of the coefficients of each variable in the objective function are presented in column F. On the other hand, columns G and H show the maximum permissible increase and decrease for each coefficient, from its initial value, the other parameters remaining constant, without changing the original model’s optimal basic solution.

Lines 10, 11, and 12 show the results of the sensitivity analysis based on changes in the amount of resources of each one of the model constraints (Section 17.6.2). By substituting the optimal values of each variable on the left-hand side of each constraint, we obtain the optimal number of resources necessary for each sector, as shown in column D. These values can also be updated in Fig. 17.81, if the option Keep Solver Solution is chosen in the window Solver Results. The shadow price (price paid for the use or opportunity cost due to the loss of 1 unit of each resource) is presented in column E. The initial amount available of each resource is presented in column F. Alternatively, the maximum permissible increase and decrease for each resource that maintains its shadow price constant or within the feasibility region, from its initial value, are specified in columns G and H, respectively. Special Case: Multiple Optimal Solutions

As presented in Section, in a graphical solution, we can identify a special case of linear programming with multiple optimal solutions when the objective function is parallel to an active constraint.

Alternatively, through the Simplex method (see Section, we can identify a case with multiple optimal solutions when, in the optimal tabular form, the coefficient of one of the nonbasic variables is null in row 0 of the objective function.

According to Ragsdale (2009), it is also possible to identify a case with multiple optimal solutions through the Sensitivity Report in Solver in Excel. This case happens when the increase or decrease permissible regarding the coefficient of one or more variables in the objective function is zero and we do not have a degenerate solution (see following Section).

For the maximization problem (max z = 8x1 + 4x2) presented in Section (Example 17.3), the graphical solution was obtained from Fig. 17.84.

Fig. 17.84
Fig. 17.84 Graphical solution for Example 17.3 with multiple optimal solutions.

The representation of this problem in Excel can be seen in Fig. 17.85.

Fig. 17.85
Fig. 17.85 Representation of Example 17.3 in Excel.

By solving this example in the Solver in Excel, it was possible to find a feasible solution, obtaining the same message presented in Fig. 17.82, that Solver found a solution and all the optimized constraints and conditions were met. However, the Solver provided only one of the optimal solutions: x1 = 4 and x2 = 0 with z = 32 (vertex B), not displaying any messages about the special case of multiple optimal solutions.

By solving the problem through Solver in Excel and selecting the option Sensitivity Report in Solver Results, we obtain Fig. 17.86.

Fig. 17.86
Fig. 17.86 Sensitivity Report for a case with multiple optimal solutions.

As shown in rows 9 and 10 of Fig. 17.86, the decrease allowed for the coefficient of x1 in the objective function and the increase allowed for the coefficient of x2 in the objective function are null. Since there is no degeneration (see following Section, we have a case with multiple optimal solutions.

Ragsdale (2009) recommends two strategies that can be applied to determine a new optimal solution through Solver in Excel: 1) to insert a new constraint into the model that does not change the optimal value of the objective function and maintains the model’s feasibility; and 2) when the increase allowed for one of the decision variables is null, we must maximize the value of this variable (the objective function must be altered for a maximization problem that has as a objective cell the respective variable and not function z any more). When the decrease allowed for one of the variables is null, we must minimize the value of this variable (the objective function must be altered for a minimization problem that has as an objective cell such variable).

For example, if we only use the first strategy, inserting the new constraint x1 − x2 ≥ 1 into the model, a new optimal solution is determined: x1 = 3 and x2 = 2 with z = 32.

Through Fig. 17.86, note that the maximum increase allowed for the coefficient of variable x2 in the objective function is zero. Analogously, the decrease allowed for the coefficient of variable x1 in the objective function is also zero. Therefore, regarding the second strategy proposed by Ragsdale, we would have two alternatives: to maximize the new objective cell $C$11 that represents variable x2, or to minimize the new objective cell $B$11 that represents variable x1.

Thus, if we got the same initial solution (x1 = 4 and x2 = 0 with z = 32) by only using the first strategy, in addition to inserting the constraint x1 − x2 ≥ 1, we should use one of the alternatives listed for the second strategy. For instance, if we inserted the constraint x1 − x2 ≥ 1 and changed the objective function for a maximization problem that has as a target the cell $C$11, we would also obtain the new optimal solution: x1 = 3 and x2 = 2 with z = 32, as shown in Fig. 17.87.

Fig. 17.87
Fig. 17.87 Answer report adding the constraint x1 − x2 ≥ 1 and maximizing x2.

On the other hand, instead of constraint x1 − x2 ≥ 1, if we inserted constraint 2x1 + x2 ≥ 8 into the original model and changed the objective function to a minimization problem that has as a target the cell $B$11 that represents the variable x1, we would obtain a new optimal solution: x1 = 2 and x2 = 4 with z = 32, as shown in Fig. 17.88.

Fig. 17.88
Fig. 17.88 Answer report adding the constraint 2x1 + x2 ≥ 8 and minimizing x1. Special Case: Degenerate Optimal Solution

As discussed in Section, in a graphical solution, we can identify a degenerate solution when one of the vertices of the feasible region is obtained by the intersection of more than two distinct lines.

Whereas through the Simplex method (see Section, we can identify a case with a degenerate solution when, in one of the solutions of the Simplex method, the coefficient of one of the basic variables is null. If there is degeneration in the optimal solution, we have a case known as degenerate optimal solution.

As presented in Section, the degeneration problem is that, in some cases, the algorithm Simplex can go into a loop, which generates the same basic solutions, since it cannot leave that solution space. In this case, the optimal solution will never be achieved.

We can detect a case with degeneration through the Sensitivity Report in the Solver in Excel when the increase permissible or decrease permissible regarding the amount of resources of one of the constraints is zero.

The same Example 17.6 presented in Section for the case with a degenerate optimal solution will be solved in this section from Solver in Excel. The graphical solution for this example (min z = x1 + 5x2) is in Fig. 17.89.

Fig. 17.89
Fig. 17.89 Graphical solution for Example 17.6 with a degenerate optimal solution.

Analogous to the case with multiple optimal solutions, by solving Example 17.6 through the Solver in Excel, it was also possible to find a feasible solution, obtaining the same message as the one in Fig. 17.82: that Solver found a solution and all the optimized constraints and conditions were met. However, Solver does not display any message about the special case of a degenerate solution.

By solving the problem above through Solver in Excel and selecting the option Sensitivity Report in Solver Results, we obtain Fig. 17.90.

Fig. 17.90
Fig. 17.90 Sensitivity Report for a case with a degenerate solution.

As shown in rows 15 and 17 of Fig. 17.90, the permissible increase regarding the amount of resources available in the first and third constraints is null. Whereas row 16 shows that the permissible decrease regarding the amount of resources in the second constraint is also zero. Therefore, we have a case with a degenerate optimal solution. In this case, the analysis of the Sensitivity Report may be compromised. Ragsdale (2009) and Lachtermacher (2009) highlight the precautions that must be taken when we identify a case with a degenerate optimal solution:

  1. 1. When the increase or decrease allowed for the coefficient of one of the variables in the objective function is also zero, the statement that multiple optimal solutions have occurred is no longer reliable.
  2. 2. The reduced costs of the variables may not be unique. Moreover, in order for the optimal solution to change, the coefficients of the variables in the objective function must at least improve their respective reduced costs.
  3. 3. The permissible changes in the coefficients of the variables in the objective function are maintained; however, values outside this interval may continue not changing the current optimal solution.
  4. 4. The shadow prices may not be unique, jointly with the permissible increase or decrease regarding the availability of resources of each constraint.

17.7 Exercises

Section 17.2 (ex.1). Determine the feasible solution space that satisfies each one of the constraints separately, considering x1, x2 ≥ 0:

  1. (a) 3x1 + 2x2 ≤ 12
  2. (b) 2x1 + 3x2 ≥ 24
  3. (c) 3x1 − 2x2 ≤ 6
  4. (d) x1 − x2 ≥ 4
  5. (e)  x1 + 4x2 ≤ 16
  6. (f)  x1 + 2x2 ≥ 10

Section 17.2.1 (ex.1). For each maximization function z, determine the direction in which the objective function increases:

  1. (a) max z = 5x1 + 3x2
  2. (b) max z = 4x1 − 2x2
  3. (c) max z = − 2x1 + 6x2
  4. (d) max z = − x1 − 2x2

Section 17.2.1 (ex.2). Determine the graphical solution (feasible solution space and the optimal solution) of the following LP maximization problems:

  1. (a) maxz=3x1+4x2subject to:2x1+5x2184x1+4x2125x1+10x220x1,x20si86_e
  2. (b) maxz=2x1+3x2subject to:2x1+2x2103x1+4x224x24x1,x20si87_e
  3. (c) maxz=4x1+2x2subject to:x1+x2163x12x236x110x26x1,x20si88_e

Section 17.2.1 (ex.3). Graphically solve Venix Toys’ production mix problem (Example 16.3 presented in Section 16.5.1 of the previous chapter, solved through the Solver in Excel in Section of this chapter).

Section 17.2.1 (ex.4). Are the solutions in the feasible region of Venix Toys’ problem?

  1. (a) x1 = 30,   x2 = 25
  2. (b) x1 = 30,   x2 = 30
  3. (c) x1 = 44,   x2 = 24
  4. (d) x1 = 45,   x2 = 28
  5. (e) x1 = 75,   x2 = 15
  6. (f) x1 = 90,   x2 = 14
  7. (g) x1 = 100,   x2 = 14
  8. (h) x1 = 120,   x2 = 10
  9. (i) x1 = 130,   x2 = 5

Section 17.2.2 (ex.1). For each minimization function z, determine the direction in which the objective function decreases:

  1. (a) min z = 5x1 + 8x2
  2. (b) min z = 2x1 − 3x2
  3. (c) min z = − 4x1 + 5x2
  4. (d) max z = − 7x1 − 5x2

Section 17.2.2 (ex.2). Determine the graphical solution for the following LP minimization problems:

  1. (a) minz=2x1+x2subject to:x1x2102x1+3x230x1,x20si89_e
  2. (b) minz=2x1x2subject to:x12x22x1+3x26x1,x20si90_e
  3. (c) minz=6x1+4x2subject to:2x1+2x240x1+3x2304x1+2x260x1,x20si91_e

Section 17.2.3 (ex.1). Graphically identify in which of the special cases each LP problem finds itself: a) multiple optimal solutions; b) unlimited objective function z; c) there is no optimal solution; d) degenerate optimal solution.

  1. (a) maxz=2x1+x2subject to:x1+4x2124x1+2x2203x26x1,x20si92_e
  2. (b) minz=2x1+x2subject to:4x1+5x220x1+x23x1,x20si93_e
  3. (c) maxz=2x1+3x2subject to:4x1+2x220x1x210x1,x20si94_e
  4. (d) maxz=6x1+4x2subject to:4x14x2203x1+2x230x212x1,x20si95_e
  5. (e) minz=2x1+3x2subject to:x1+x2104x1+2x2204x240x1,x20si96_e
  6. (f) minz=2x1+3x2subject to:x1+x2104x1+2x220x1+x24x1,x20si97_e

Section 17.2.3 (ex.2). Graphically determine the alternative optimal solutions for the following LP problems:

  1. (a) maxz=6x1+4x2subject to:3x1+2x2902x1+x250x1,x20si98_e
  2. (b) minz=2x1+3x2subject to:4x1x2114x1+6x232x1,x20si99_e

Section 17.3 (ex.1) Consider the following LP minimization problem:



By solving the problem in an analytical way, determine:

  1. (a) The number of possible basic solutions for this system.
  2. (b) The feasible basic solutions for the problem, and graphically represent them.
  3. (c) The optimal solution.

Section 17.3 (ex.2) Do the same for the following LP maximization problem:

maxz=4x1+3x2+5x3subject to:3x1x2+2x3104x1+2x2+5x350x1,x2,x30


Section 17.4.2 (ex.1) Consider the following LP maximization problem:

maxz=4x1+5x2+3x3subject to:2x1+3x2x348x1+2x2+5x3603x1+x2+2x330x1,x2,x30


Solve the problem through the analytical form of the Simplex method.

Section 17.4.3 (ex.1) Solve the production mix problem of Venix Toys through the Simplex method.

Section 17.4.3 (ex.2) Use the Simplex method to solve the following LP maximization problems:

  1. (a) maxz=3x1+2x2subject to:3x1x26x1+3x212x1,x20si103_e
  2. (b) maxz=2x1+4x2+3x3subject to:x1+x2+2x362x1+2x2+3x316x1+4x2+x318x1,x2,x30si104_e
  3. (c) maxz=3x1+x2+2x3subject to:2x1+2x2+x3203x1+x2+4x360x1+x2+2x330x1,x2,x30si105_e

Section 17.4.3 (ex.3) What is the biggest difficulty in solving the farmer’s problem (Example 16.7 in Section 16.5.4 of the previous chapter, solved through the Solver in Excel in Section of this chapter) through the Simplex method?

Section 17.4.4 (ex.1) Use the Simplex method to solve the following LP minimization problems:

  1. (a) minz=2x1x2subjectto:2x1+6x2248x1+2x240x1,x20si106_e
  2. (b) minz=5x16x2subject to:4x1+2x210x1+3x222x1,x20si107_e
  3. (c) minz=2x1x2x3subject to:3x1+5x2+4x3120x1+2x2+4x3902x1x2+2x360x1,x2,x30si108_e
  4. (d) minz=x1+3x2x3subject to:4x12x2+2x31602x1+5x2+10x3200x1x2+x350x1,x2,x30si109_e

Section (ex.1) Solve the following LP maximization problem through the Simplex method:

maxz=4x1x2subject to:3x13x21758x12x2460x160x1,x20


  1. (a) Demonstrate that we have a special case with multiple optimal solutions here.
  2. (b) Determine at least two of the alternative optimal solutions.
  3. (c) Solve the problem graphically and compare the results obtained.

Section (ex.2) Do the same for the LP minimization problem:

minz=3x1+6x2subject to:2x1+4x26207x1+3x2630x1,x20


Section (ex.3) Determine all the optimal FBS of the following maximization problem:

maxz=4x1+4x2subject to:x1+x21x1,x20


Section (ex.1) Demonstrate that the LP maximization problem has an unlimited objective function z.

maxz=5x1+2x2subject to:2x13x2669x13x299x1,x20


Section (ex.2) Demonstrate that the LP maximization problem has an unlimited objective function z.

minz=3x12x2subject to:2x1+x2123x12x224x1,x20


Determine a feasible basic solution with z = − 90.

Section (ex.1) Demonstrate that the LP maximization problem has an unfeasible solution.



Section (ex.2) Do the same for the following minimization problem:

minz=7x1+5x2subject to:6x1+4x224x1+x23x1,x20


Section (ex.1) Demonstrate that the LP maximization problem has a degenerate optimal solution.

maxz=2x1+3x2subject to:x1x2102x1+3x290x124x1,x20


Section (ex.2) Do the same for the minimization problem.

minz=6x1+8x2subject to:2x1+4x2605x14x2803x1+8x2100x1,x20


Section 17.4.5 (ex.1) Through the Simplex method, identify in which of the special cases each LP problem finds itself: a) multiple optimal solutions; b) unlimited objective function z; c) there is no optimal solution; d) degenerate optimal solution.

  1. (a) maxz=x1+3x2subject to:2x1+6x2483x1+5x260x1+8x26x1,x20si119_e
  2. (b) minz=2x16x2subject to:3x1+2x2242x1+6x230x1,x20si120_e
  3. (c) maxz=2x1+x2subject to:8x1+4x26004x1+2x2300x1,x20si121_e

Section 17.4.5 (ex.2) From each one of the tabular forms presented, identify if we have a special case of the Simplex method or not. If yes, determine the special case in which the problem analyzed finds itself: a) multiple optimal solutions; b) unlimited objective function z; c) there is no optimal solution; d) degenerate optimal solution. In each tabular form, we specify if the original problem is a maximization or a minimization.

  1. (a) Maximization problem
Basic VariableEquationCoefficientsConstant

Unlabelled Table

  1. (b) Minimization problem
Basic VariableEquationCoefficientsConstant
z010− 10− 10− 260
x4100− 2− 7/31− 1/3− 14
x120102/30− 1/310

Unlabelled Table

  1. (c) Minimization problem
Basic VariableEquationCoefficientsConstant
z010− 7/400− M + 7/4− M + 3/486
x1101− 1/4001/4− 1/42
x32001/410− 1/41/40
x43001/501− 1/53/45

Unlabelled Table

  1. (d) Maximization problem
Basic VariableEquationCoefficientsConstant
x31008/31− 2/31,120

Unlabelled Table

  1. (e) Minimization problem
Basic VariableEquationCoefficientsConstant
z01− 2− 5000
x3103− 610840
x4201− 501500

Unlabelled Table

Section 17.5.2 (ex.1). Consider Exercise 1 proposed in Section 16.5.1 of the previous chapter, regarding the production mix problem of company KMX:

  1. (a) Represent the problem in an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. (b) Determine the optimal solution through the Solver in Excel.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.2). Do the same for Exercise 2 proposed in Section 16.5.1 of the previous chapter, regarding the production mix problem of company Refresh.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.3). Do the same for Exercise 3 of Section 16.5.1 of the previous chapter, regarding the company Golmobile.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.4). Do the same for Exercise 1 of Section 16.5.2 of the previous chapter, regarding the petroleum mix problem.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.5). Do the same for Exercise 1 of Section 16.5.4 of the previous chapter, regarding the capital budget problem of company GWX.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.6). Do the same for Exercise 1 of Section 16.5.5 of the previous chapter, regarding the portfolio optimization problem.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.7). Do the same for Exercise 3 of Section 16.5.5 of the previous chapter, regarding the portfolio optimization problem of CTA Investment Bank.

Section 17.5.2 (ex.8). Do the same for Exercise 1 of Section 16.5.7 of the previous chapter, regarding the aggregate planning problem of company Pharmabelz.

Section 17.6.1 (ex.1). Company Solutions manufactures two types of thermometers: digital and mercury ones. Each digital thermometer guarantees a net unit profit of $7.00, while a mercury thermometer generates a net unit profit of $5.00. Manufacturing these 2 types of thermometers requires 3 types of operations. To manufacture one digital thermometer, 4, 5, and 2 minutes in each one of the operations are necessary. Whereas a mercury thermometer requires 2, 3, and 3 minutes for each operation. The availability for each operation is 300, 360, and 180 minutes.

  1. (a) Determine the model’s graphical solution.
  2. (b) Determine the maximum permissible increase in the net unit profit of a digital thermometer that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered. Assume that the other model parameters remain constant.
  3. (c) Determine the maximum permissible decrease in the unit profit of a mercury thermometer that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered, assuming that the other parameters remain constant.
  4. (d) Assuming that there was a reduction in the unit profit of digital thermometers to $3.00, check and see if the original model’s optimal solution remains optimal.
  5. (e) Assuming that there was an increase in the unit profit of mercury thermometers to $10.00, verify if the original model’s optimal solution remains optimal.

Section 17.6.1 (ex.2). Consider the following maximization problem:

maxz=8x1+6x2subject to:2x1+5x2303x1+6x2542x1+8x264x1,x20


  1. (a) Determine the model’s graphical solution.
  2. (b) What is the value range in which c1 can vary that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered, assuming that c2 remains constant?
  3. (c) Determine the value range in which c2 can vary that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered, assuming that c1 remains constant.

Section 17.6.1 (ex.3). Consider the following minimization problem:

minz=8x1+6x2subject to:2x1+5x2603x1+6x21022x1+8x2128x1,x20


  1. (a) Determine the model’s graphical solution.
  2. (b) In the original model’s optimal solution, we verified that variable x2 is basic. Thus, if the non-negativity constraint is not established over the possible variations of c2, which problem will occur?
  3. (c) What is the value range in which c1 can vary that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered, assuming that c2 remains constant?
  4. (d) Determine the value range in which c2 can vary that would maintain the original basic solution unaltered, assuming that c1 remains constant.

Section 17.6.1 (ex.4). Consider Venix Toys’s production mix problem (Example 16.3 of the previous chapter):

  1. (a) Determine the optimality condition (c1/c2) that would maintain the original model’s basic solution unaltered.
  2. (b) Let’s assume that there was a simultaneous reduction in the unit profits of toy cars and tricycles to $10.00 and $50.00, respectively, due to the competition in the market. Verify if the original model’s basic solution remains optimal and determine the new value of z.
  3. (c) What are the possible changes in the unit profit of toy cars that would maintain the original model’s basic solution unaltered? Assume that the other model parameters remain constant.
  4. (d) What is the value range in which the unit profit of tricycles can vary without impacting the original model’s basic solution? Assume that the other parameters remain constant.
  5. (e) If there is a reduction in the unit profit of toy cars to $9.00, will the original model’s basic solution remain optimal? In this case, what is the new value of the objective function?
  6. (f) If there is an increase in the unit profit of tricycles to $80.00, will the original model’s basic solution be affected (the other parameters remain constant)? What is the new value of the objective function after these changes?
  7. (g) Imagine that there has been a significant reduction in the production costs of tricycles, increasing their unit profit to $100.00. In order for the original model’s basic solution to remain unaltered, which interval must the unit profit of toy cars satisfy?

Section 17.6.2 (ex.1). Once again, consider the production mix problem of Venix Toys:

  1. (a) Determine the shadow price for the machining, painting, and assembly departments.
  2. (b) Determine the value range in which each bi can vary that maintains the shadow price constant.
  3. (c) If the availability in the machining sector increases to 40 hours, what will be the increase in the value of objective function?
  4. (d) If the availability in the painting sector is reduced to 18 hours, what will be the decrease in the value of the objective function? Also determine the new values of x1 and x2.

Section 17.6.2 (ex.2). Consider Exercise 1 proposed in Section 17.6.1 of company Solutions:

  1. (a) If the availability of each operation increases in 1 minute, which one of them must have priority?
  2. (b) Determine the maximum permissible increase and decrease (p and q minutes, respectively) in b1, b2, and b3 that maintains the shadow price constant.
  3. (c) What is the fair price to pay for using p minutes of b2?
  4. (d) What is the opportunity cost due to the loss of q minutes of b3?

Section 17.6.3 (ex.1). Consider the following maximization problem:

maxz=3x1+2x2subject to:x1+x265x1+2x220x1,x20


Table 17.1 shows the initial tabular form of the model, Table 17.2 shows the tabular form in the first iteration, and Table 17.3 the optimal tabular form of the same problem.

Table 17.1

Row 0 of the Initial Tabular Form
01− 3− 2000

Table 17.1

Table 17.2

Row 0 of the Tabular Form in the First Iteration
010− 4/503/512

Table 17.2

Table 17.3

Row 0 of the Optimal Tabular Form

Table 17.3

We would like you to:

  1. (a) Interpret the reduced costs of Tables 17.2 and 17.3.
  2. (b) Determine the values of z11, z21, z1, and z2.

Section 17.6.3 (ex.2). Consider the following minimization problem:

minz=4x12x2subject to:2x1+x210x1x28x1,x20


Tables 17.4 and 17.5 show the initial tabular form and the optimal tabular form of the model, respectively.

Table 17.4

Row 0 of the Initial Tabular Form
01− 42000

Table 17.4

Table 17.5

Row 0 of the Optimal Tabular Form
01− 80− 20− 20

Table 17.5

We would like you to:

  1. (a) Interpret the reduced costs of Table 17.5.
  2. (b) Determine the values of z1 and z2.

Section 17.6.4 (ex.1). Consider Exercise 1 of Section 17.6.1 of company Solutions:

  1. (a) Solve it through the Solver in Excel.
  2. (b) Through the Solver Sensitivity Report, determine the maximum permissible increase and decrease in c1 that maintains the original basic solution unaltered.
  3. (c) Through the Solver Sensitivity Report, determine the maximum permissible increase and decrease in c2 that maintains the original basic solution unaltered.
  4. (d) Through the Solver Sensitivity Report, determine the shadow price for each operation.
  5. (e) Through the Solver Sensitivity Report, determine the maximum permissible increase and decrease in b1, b2, and b3 that maintains the shadow price constant.

Section 17.6.4 (ex.2). Do the same for the production mix problem of company Venix Toys.

Section 17.6.4 (ex.3). Through the Solver Sensitivity Report, identify if the problems belong to the special case “multiple optimal solutions” or “degenerate optimal solution.”

  1. (a) maxz=4x1+2x2subject to:6x1+2x22402x1+3x22003x1+x2120x1,x20si126_e
  2. (b) maxz=3x1+8x2subject to:2x1+2x23005x1+4x28009x1+24x21,080x1,x20si127_e
  3. (c) maxz=2x1+6x2subject to:2x1+2x26002x1+8x2800x18x20x1,x20si128_e
  4. (d) maxz=4x1+2x2subject to:6x1+2x22402x1+3x22008x1+4x2240x1,x20si129_e
  5. (e) minz=6x1+3x2subject to:4x1+2x28327x1+3x27142x1+9x2900x1,x20si130_e
  6. (f) minz=4x1+5x2subject to:2x1+3x26752x1+5x21,1253x1+4x2900x1,x20si131_e
  7. (g) minz=2x1+x2subject to:4x1+8x21,9203x1+2x26007x1+3x21,050x1,x20si132_e


Goldbarg M.C., Luna H.P.L. Otimização combinatória e programação linear. second ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus Elsevier; 2005.

Haddad R., Haddad P. Crie planilhas inteligentes com o Microsoft Office Excel 2003 - Avançado. São Paulo: Érica; 2004.

Hillier F.S., Lieberman G.J. Introduction to Operations Research. eighth ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill; 2005.

Lachtermacher G. Pesquisa operacional na tomada de decisões. fourth ed. São Paulo: Prentice Hall do Brasil; 2009.

Ragsdale C.T. Modelagem e análise de decisão. São Paulo: Cengage Learning; 2009.

Taha H.A. Operations Research: An Introduction. tenth ed. USA: Pearson Higher Ed; 2016.

Winston W.L. Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. fourth ed. Belmont: Brooks/Cole – Thomson Learning; 2004.

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