Subject Index

Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures and t indicate tables.


Abstractive summarization 
crude features and user-defined feature 175
definition 172
noisy documents 172–173
opinion-filled text 173
product reviews, discourse structure of 176
steps 172
Advertisements 226
Advice mining 129–130
Affective commonsense reasoning 71–72
Affective Lexicon 73
Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) 36, 61
Affective Reasoner 73
AFINN lexicon 34
Aggregated opinion 50–52, 52t
Amazon 136–137
Amazon Lexicon 33
Amplification metrics 17
Applause metrics 17
Appraisal theories, emotions 53
ArsEmotica Ontology of Emotions 38
Aspect and sentiment unification model (ASUM) 99
Aspect-based sentiment analysis 31, 59–60


Bag-of-concepts model 85
Bag-of-words model 85
Bayes classification algorithm 194–195
Bayesian inference 73–74
Betweenness centrality 159–160
Blog content, author, reader properties, relationship (BARR) 164
Boolean keyword filters 225–226, 234


Categorical models 53
Closeness centrality 159–160
Cockpits 189–190
Collective positive-unlabeled (CPU) learning 141
collective classification 152–153
evaluation 153–154
problem definition 150–152
Compositional sentiment parsing 228–229
Concept-level sentiment analysis 31, 42–43, 73
Content-based social networks 17
Content mining 164–165
Contextual valence shifters 41–42
Conversation rate 18
ConVis 181–184
Corporate announcements 
financial announcements 223–224
material announcements 224
public conference 223–224
real-time opinion streaming 
affect analysis 230–231
comparative expressions 232
complications 234
compositional sentiment parsing 228–229
core natural language processing 226–227
data sources and filters 225–226
entity scoring 229
goal of 224, 233
irrealis mood 231–232
opinion metrics 227
practical use cases 227–228
relational sentiment analysis 230
sentiment confidence estimation 229–230
topic tagging 233
regular announcements 223–224
Customer-to-customer (CTC) suggestions 129–130, 132, 133t, 135–136


Dashboards 189, 213, 214f
Degree centrality 159–160
Dianping’s filtering system 150–151
Dictionary of Affect in Language (DAL) 36, 116
Diffusion flow model 162–164, 167
Digital media 14–15
Dimensional models, emotions 52–53
Discrete emotion models  See Categorical models
Distant learning 39
Distributional semantics 41
Domain-dependent lexica 33
Domain-specific sentiment lexicon 64–65, 64f


Eigenvector centrality 159
Emolex lexicon 35
EmoSenticNet 37
Emotional marketing 198
Emotion lexica 35–36
Emotion lexicon 62
Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML) 54–56
corpus of children’s tales 198–199
corpus of Japanese tweets 199
hourglass model 75–77
Onyx ontology 
appraisal theories 53
categorical models 53
dimensional models 52–53
Emotion 53, 54f
EmotionAnalysis 53, 54f
emotion corpus 60
emotion lexicon, lemon 62
EmotionML 56
emotion services 62–63, 63t
EmotionSet 53, 54f
properties 55, 55t
vocabularies 55–56
polarity 198–199
SemEval campaigns, tasks on 199
Emotion Tweet Corpus for Classification (ETCC) 199–200, 200t
Engagement metrics 17
Ensemble learning 97
European Semantic Web Conference 31
Eurosentiment 62, 66
Expertise, novelty, influence, and activity (ENIA) 165
Explicit opinion 7
Explicit suggestions 132
Extractive summarization 
crude features and user-defined feature 175
definition 171–172
noisy documents 172–173, 176
opinion-filled text 173
Extrinsic summary evaluation 173–174


Facebook 15–16, 22f
Figurative language 
definition 113
irony detection  See (Irony)
sarcasm detection  See (Sarcasm detection)
Figures of speech 
sarcastic and ironic sentences 8–9
schemes and tropes 8
FinancialTwitterTracker 65–66
Friedkin-Johnsen influence model 163
Friend of a Friend (FOAF) 79–80, 80f


Gaussian function 75
General Inquirer 33
Grice’s theory of irony 113


Hourglass of emotions model 
emotional void 75–77
Gaussian function 75
Minsky’s theory of mind 75
sentic levels 75, 75t, 77, 77t
three-dimensional model of 75, 76f
Hu and Liu system 174–175
Human emotion ontology (HEO) 38, 80–81, 80f
Humor 226
Hybrid Operable Platform for Language Management and Extensible Semantics (HOLMES) 201, 202f


Implicit opinion 7
Implicit suggestions 132
Influence metrics 18
InfluenceRank algorithm 164
Interoperability, language resources 49
Intrinsic summary evaluation 
Hu and Liu system 175
human ratings 173, 176
pyramid method 173
ROUGE 173, 176
characteristic of 9
definition and theories 113
detection 240
classification approach 116
conceptual features 116
crowdsourcing 115
lexical features 116
objective of 115
polarity classification 117, 119–121, 120t
real-time opinion streaming 226
vs. sarcastic tweets 118
self-tagging 115–116
textual features 115–116
Twitter sentiment analysis 122–124, 123t
two-stage model 116–117
examples of 8
polarity reversal 114
positive and negative terms, frequency of 114
Irrealis mood 231–232
Iterative classification algorithm (ICA) 152–153


Joint sentiment topic (JST) model 99


Kernel density estimation 142–143
Keyword spotting 73
KRC Research 
life insurance organization 220–221
social media analytics 220f
codebook/coding framework 219
hand coding 219
random sampling 219
statistical predictive model 219
subgroup analysis 219
social media and sentiment philosophy 214–215
continuous learning 216–217
predictive models 218–219
pretesting 215
sampling 217–218
vision 213–214


LeaderRank models 160
Lexical affinity 73
Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon) 
domain-specific sentiment lexicon 64–65, 64f
emotion lexicon 62
sentiment lexicons 61–62
Linghub project 66
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) 36
Linguistic linked open data 
Marl ontology, sentiment analysis 
classes 50–52, 51f
domain-specific sentiment lexicon 64–65, 64f
goals of 50
properties 50–52, 52t
sentiment corpus, NIF 57–60
sentiment lexicons, lemon 61–62
sentiment services, NIF 62, 63t
Onyx ontology, emotion 
appraisal theories 53
categorical models 53
dimensional models 52–53
Emotion 53, 54f
EmotionAnalysis 53, 54f
emotion corpus 60
emotion lexicon, lemon 62
EmotionML 56
emotion services 62–63, 63t
EmotionSet 53, 54f
properties 55, 55t
vocabularies 55–56
Linguistic linked open data (LLOD) cloud 49
Linked data 49 See also Linguistic linked open data
Linked open data (LOD) project 49
LOD cloud 49
Longitudinal user centered influence model 163
Loopy belief propagation (LBP) 142, 146


Machine learning, online social networks 
natural language 
paralinguistic content 94, 94f, 96f
part-of-speech 94, 94f, 96f
semisupervised learning 96f, 98–99, 104
supervised learning 95–98, 96f, 104
unsupervised learning 96f, 99–100, 104
relationships and natural language 101f
semisupervised learning 102, 105
supervised learning 100–102, 104
unsupervised learning 102–103, 105
Macquarie Semantic Orientation Lexicon 115–116
Markov process 163
Markov random fields (MRFs) 142–146
MaxDiff Twitter Sentiment Lexicon 34
Microblogging social networks 17
Minsky’s theory of mind 75
MixedEmotions 62, 65–66
Movie Review Data 38–39
MPQA lexicon 61
MultiWordNet 38


Negation 41
NRC Emotion Lexicon 61
NRC Hashtag Affirmative Context Sentiment Lexicon 34
NRC Hashtag Negated Context Sentiment Lexicon 34


Online social networks 13–14
definition 14–15
digital revolution 91
features 16
history of 15–16
indexes and metrics 17–18
polarity classification 
applications 103–104
dynamics 92
ethical principles 103
explicit and implicit information 92
intelligence applications 103
medical field, application in 103
multilingualism 92
noisy content 92
relationships 93
semisupervised learning 98–99, 102
short messages 92
status homophily 93
supervised learning 95–98, 100–102
unsupervised learning 99–100, 102–103
value homophily 93
psychological and motivational factors 
need for cognition 19
need to belong 18–19
self-presentation and impression management 19
social networks analytics 
homophily principle 20
sentiment analysis 23–25
social network analysis 21–22
source credibility 20–21
tie strength 20
star relationship 17
two way/friendship 17
user-generated content, types of 16–17
vanity metrics 13–14
Ontology for Media Resources (OMR) 79–80, 80f
Open Linguistics Working Group 49
OpinionFinder 32–33
OpinionFlow 181
Opinion leader detection 
applications 158, 168
challenge for 166–167
content mining 164–165
definition 157–158
diffusion flow model 162–164, 167
interaction information and content 165–166
network structure 
centrality measures 159–160, 167
community structure 160–162, 167
observations 168
personal competence 157–158
personification of certain values 157–158
strategic social location 157–158
strategies for 158
two-step flow of communication model 157–158
Opinion Lexicon 32–33
Opinion mining  See Sentiment analysis (SA)
Opinion Observer 180–181
Opinion Seer visualization system 180, 184
Opinion spammers 141
Opinion spamming 141 See also Spam detection
Opinion summarization 241
abstractive summarization 
definition 172
noisy documents 172–173
opinion-filled text 173
product reviews 175–176
steps 172
extractive summarization 
definition 171–172
noisy documents 172–173, 176
opinion-filled text 173
product reviews 175
extrinsic evaluation 173–174
grammatical documents 171–172
Hu and Liu system 174–175
intrinsic evaluation 173, 176
news articles and scientific journals 171–172
nonweb sources 176
online product reviews 175–176
restaurant reviews 175–176
Opinion visualization 171, 241
big data 184–185
customer feedback 178t
explore opinions on single entity 179–180
feature-based sentiment analysis 178
goal 178
multiple entities 180–181
design challenges 177
interactive techniques 177
large-scale events, user reactions to 178, 178t, 181
online conversations 178–179, 178t, 181–184
uncertainty 184


PageRank models 159–160
Plutchik’s circumplex model 37–38
Polarity classification 3–4
applications 103–104
irony detection 119–121, 120t
key elements 
dynamics 92
explicit and implicit information 92
multilingualism 92
noisy content 92
relationships 93
short messages 92
natural language 
paralinguistic content 94, 94f, 96f
part-of-speech 94, 94f, 96f
semisupervised learning 96f, 98–99, 104
supervised learning 95–98, 96f, 104
unsupervised learning 96f, 99–100, 104
relationships and natural language 101f
semisupervised learning 102, 105
supervised learning 100–102, 104
unsupervised learning 102–103, 105
Polypathy 40–41
Positive opinion leader detection method 164
Positive-unlabeled (PU) learning 150
Predictive modeling 218–219
Probability theory 218
Profile-based social networks 16
Provenance 50
PROV Ontology (PROV-O) 50
Pyramid method 173


QUOTUS 164–165


Relational sentiment analysis 230
Resource Description Framework (RDF) 37, 49
Review burst detection 142–143
Review spammer detection 
loopy belief propagation 146
Markov random fields 143–146
review burst detection 142–143
Review Spotlight 180
R language 194–195
ROUGE 173, 176


Sankey diagram 181
Sarcasm detection 240
behavioral modeling approach 118
binary classification experiments 118
bootstrapping algorithm 118
characteristic of 9
crowdsourcing 115
ensemble approach 118
examples of 8
objective of 115
real-time opinion streaming 226
sarcastic author 119
self-tagging 115, 117–118
semisupervised algorithm 117
Twitter sentiment analysis 121–124, 122t, 123t
Semantics 8
concept-level resources and ontology 37–38
concept-level sentiment analysis 31, 42–43
distributional semantics 41
emotion lexica 35–36
entities, properties, and relations 41–42
fine emotion categories, annotated corpora for 38–40
lexical information 40–41
psycholinguistic resources 36
sentiment resources 32–34
Semisupervised machine learning approach 
natural language 
bootstrap techniques 98
incremental learning 104
lexical-based approaches 98
relationships and natural language 
future direction 105
status homophily 102
value homophily 102
Semisupervised subjective feature weighting and intelligent model selection (SWIMS) 96–97
Senpy 62
Sentic computing 
affective commonsense reasoning 71–72
hourglass of emotions model 75–77
social media marketing 79–82
social networks 72
troll filtering 77–78, 79t
Twitter sentiment analysis system 82–85, 83f
SentiCircles 43
SenticNet 37
Sentilo 42–43
Sentiment140 Affirmative Context Lexicon 34
Sentiment analysis (SA) 198
aim of 1–2, 6
applications 9–10
business intelligence 71
computational models 73
definition 71
Google Trends data 2, 2f
industrial activities 2
knowledge-based systems 73
linguistic linked open data  See (Linguistic linked open data)
online social networks  See (Online social networks)
vs. opinion, definitions 1–2
polarity classification  See (Polarity classification)
semantics  See (Semantics)
sentic computing  See (Sentic computing)
SpagoBI  See (SpagoBI)
statistical-based approaches 73–74
subjective and objective sentences 5–6, 6f
tasks 3, 4f, 31
workflow 5–6, 6f
Sentiment lexicons 61–62
Sentiment140 NRC Twitter Sentiment Lexicon 61
Sentiment treebank 42
Senti-Miner, emotion analysis 
dependency graph transformation 204, 205f
lexical tagging 203, 203f
token-based regular expression annotation 203, 204f
SentiSense 36
SentiWordNet 33–34, 37, 49, 61, 84, 96–97
Smart Media Management for Social Customer Attention  See SOMA
Smart social customer relationship management  See SOMA
Social media marketing 
automated listening tools 213–214
automated tools 212
census 213, 217
coding errors 213
companies and brands 211–212
content publishing 211
dashboards 213, 214f
data-driven marketing 212
false sentiment data 212
KRC Research  See (KRC Research)
sentic computing 79–82
smart analytics 213
Social network analysis (SNA) 
language revolution 5
relational environments 5
explicit vs. implicit opinions 7–8
friendship relationships 9
levels of 6–7, 6f
linguistic linked open data  See (Linguistic linked open data)
online social networks  See (Online social networks)
opinion spam detection  See (Spam detection)
regular vs. comparative opinion 7
semantics  See (Semantics)
sentic computing  See (Sentic computing)
SpagoBI  See (SpagoBI)
Social networks sites 15
Social Sandbox 215
emotional tweets, detection of 
HOLMES 201, 202f
machine learning approach 202, 205, 206t
vs. nonemotional tweets, symbolic methods for 207, 207f, 208t
symbolic approach 203–207, 206t
objectives 197–198
Source credibility theory 20–21
data sources 189–190
documents 189–190
Mozilla Public License version 2.0 189
open source business intelligence suite 189, 195
Social Network Analysis module 
features 190–192
marketing campaign monitoring and analysis 192–193
naïve Bayes classification algorithm 194–195
purpose of 190
tasks 189
Spam detection 240
CPU learning model 
collective classification 152–153
evaluation 153–154
problem definition 150–152
early detection 154
language inconsistency 154
multiple site comparisons 154
nature of business 154
review bursts 
loopy belief propagation 146
Markov random fields 143–146
review burst detection 142–143
SPOT 141–142
SSDM 141–142
Twitter, campaign promoters 
inference 149
opinion spam/spammer evaluation 149–150
T-MRF 147–149
Web use abnormality 154
SPARQL queries, sentiment lexicons 65
Status homophily relationships 93
semisupervised learning 102
supervised learning 100–101
unsupervised learning 102–103
Subjectivity Lexicon 32–33
Subjectivity Sense Annotations 33
Suggestion mining 240
advice mining 129–130
applications 136–137
CTC suggestions 129–130, 132, 133t, 135–136
definition 129
for improvements 135
linguistic observations 134–135, 138
political discussion forums 130, 133
product reviews 130
reviews 133
rule-based classifiers 134
sentiment analysis 130–131, 131t
statement classification task 131–132
statistical classifiers 134
task definition 131–132
travel discussion forums 130, 133
Twitter 130, 133
wish detection problem 129
Summarization evaluation 
extrinsic evaluation 173–174
intrinsic evaluation 
Hu and Liu system 175
human ratings 173, 176
pyramid method 173
ROUGE 173, 176
Sum-product algorithm 146
Supervised machine learning approach 
natural language 
ensemble learning 97
graphical representation 96f
implicit opinions 104
limitation 98
naïve Bayes and neural network classifiers 95–96
rule-based classifier 96–97
support vector machines 96–97
word embeddings 97
relationships and natural language 
future direction 104
status homophily 100–101
value homophily 101–102
Supervised text classification 150
Support vector machines (SVMs) 73–74, 84–85


Tag cloud–based visualization 180
Terrorism 10
Text Encoding Initiative 49
Topic sentiment mixture model 99
Treemapping 179, 179f, 180
TrendMiner 65–66
TripAdvisor 136–137, 136f
Troll filter 77–78, 79t
TwitInfo 181
Twitter 10, 39, 72
definition 15–16
hashtag 15–16
irony and sarcasm detection 121–124, 122t, 123t
Jakarta and Mumbai terrorist attacks (2009), user reactions to 10, 103
KRC Research, engagement rate 216, 216f
sentiment classification, sentic computing 82–85, 83f
SpagoBI Social Network Analysis module 190–192
spam detection 
inference 149
opinion spam/spammer evaluation 149–150
T-MRF 147–149
suggestion mining 130, 133
Typed Markov random fields (T-MRF) 147–149


Uniform resource identifiers (URIs) 56–58
Unsupervised machine learning approach 
components 103
generative models 99–100
lexicon-based methods 99
relationships and natural language 
future direction 105
status homophily 102–103
value homophily 103
short and noisy text 104


Value homophily relationships 93
semisupervised learning 102
supervised learning 101–102
unsupervised learning 103
Vanity metrics 13–14
Vox Civitas 181, 182f


Word embeddings 41
WordNet 33–34
WordNet-Affect (WNA) 35, 37, 49, 80–81, 80f
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 49


Yelp 136–137
Yelp Lexicon 33
YouTube 15–16, 79, 81
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