Chapter 8

An Assessment of the Potentials and Challenges in Future Approaches for Automation Software

Birgit Vogel-Heuser; Christoph Legat; Jens Folmer; Daniel Schütz    Institute of Automation and Information Systems, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany


Modern trends in manufacturing are defined by mass customization and a changing product portfolio during the life cycle of a manufacturing system. Consequently, to support flexibility, many research projects focus on promising novel paradigms for production automation software. During the research project KREAagentuse, guided interviews with industrial experts from machine and plant automation companies were conducted to assess the potentials and challenges of software agent technology and applications. This chapter comprises the results of these guided interviews and briefly discusses research works related to the requirements resulting from the interviews. These works comprise an approach for enhancing a soft sensor and diagnosis concept for manufacturing systems, a concept for the model-based development of software agents and soft sensors for Plus, and the automatic model-based synthesis of manufacturing automation software and failure compensation strategies.


Production automation software

Software agents

Process and plant diagnosis

Failure compensation

Model-based development

8.1 Introduction

Current trends in industrial production are defined by small lot sizes, mass customization, and a portfolio of produced products that changes during the life cycle of a production system (Lüder et al., 2005; Rzevski, 2003). Given these trends, more and more complex industrial production systems are implied (Mcfarlane and Bussmann, 2000) that support changes in the physical layout, as well as extensive technical updates. Along with the complexity of the overall production system, the complexity of the automation software is increasing as well. Because the proportion of system functionality that is realized by software is growing (Thramboulidis, 2010), concepts for supporting automation engineers handling this complexity are strongly required. In this chapter, a first assessment of the potentials and challenges regarding future approaches form implementing field-level automation software conducted by guided expert interviews are presented in the light of software agent technology.

For industrial production automation systems, stringent requirements regarding robustness against defects and failures exist. Interrupts resulting from defective devices are unwelcome but are mostly noncritical in manufacturing systems because the treated material remains stable. In contrast, hazardous situations may arise from device failures inside a (chemical) process automation system. A common source of failure in production automation is defect sensors (Cong et al., 1997). There may be different appropriate strategies of a control system to react to a sensor failure (e.g., shutting down a production process for maintenance or forcing the controlled device into a stable state). With this, a production system may be further operated for a short time period until the executed production process can be shut down safely. Another way to react to failures can be to provide a dynamic reconfiguration of the automation software during runtime using redundant devices or information.

Consequently, industry shows an increasing interest in new flexible solutions that improve the manageability of the rising complexity of modern production automation systems software and also a plant’s dependability. Despite the fact that paradigms such as object-orientation and modularity are widely applied in software design, and even software agents and service-oriented architectures (SOAs) are broadly investigated concepts, these paradigms have hardly entered applications in the world of industrial field-level automation software, which is usually implemented on programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in the languages standardized by the IEC 61131–3.

During the research project “agents for distributed embedded systems” (AVE), which was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), different concepts of software agents and methods for agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) were investigated to consider applications for industrial automation systems. Furthermore, an approach to increase the dependability of production systems by software agents, which are directly implemented along with the field-level automation software on PLCs in the languages standardized in the IEC 61131–3 (Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008), was developed. This approach integrated concepts for virtual redundancy based on implemented soft sensors with software agents that are able to detect and compensate for sensor failures within the automation software of a plant (Schütz et al., 2013). Several case studies were conducted with different types of production systems, which proved that the developed software agents were capable of autonomously detecting the failures of a plant’s sensors during operation and compensating for these failures in real time by substituting the faulty sensor with appropriate soft sensors.

These previous works comprised concepts and methods to implement software agents, soft sensors, and corresponding evaluation algorithms on runtime environments with hard real-time requirements and limited computing resources (i.e., PLCs). Because it was noticed that the application-specific engineering for implementing the developed software agents tended to be a complex and error-prone task, the first advances were made toward a model-based development and automatic implementation of the software agents. Therefore, models, which are partly based on the Systems Modeling Language (SysML), were developed to capture the knowledge and information necessary for an automated implementation. The research project KREAagentuse, subsequent to the project AVE, investigated the development of a tool-supported method that integrates the previously developed descriptions into a consistent architectural model comprised of an agent system that can be automatically implemented by applying an accordingly developed code generator.

As part of KREAagentuse, guided interviews with industrial experts from machine and plant automation companies were conducted to assess the possibilities and challenges of applying software agents in general, and in particular review the developed soft-sensor approach for the automation software of production systems. This chapter comprises the results of these guided interviews and briefly discusses the research works of the authors related to the requirements resulting from the interviews.

The remainder of this chapter is as follows: The next section discusses related works. Subsequently, the conducted interviews and their results are presented. In Section 8.4, brief overviews on different research works of the authors are given, which address the challenges and potentials identified in the interviews. The presented works comprise an approach for enhancing a soft-sensor and diagnosis concept for manufacturing systems (Section 8.4.1), a concept for the model-based development of software agents and soft sensors for PLCs (Section 8.4.2), and the automatic model-based synthesis of manufacturing automation software and failure compensation strategies (Section 8.4.3). The chapter concludes with a summary, plus an overview of future works.

8.2 Related Work

Agent technology is widely investigated as a concept for realizing flexible automation software that enables different functionalities required for dependable production automation (Leitão et al., 2013), such as monitoring, fault diagnosis, and control. Multi-agent systems (MASs) have also been applied to manufacturing products as denoted by different recipes (Alsafi and Vyatkin, 2010) and in realizing distributed production planning (Lüder et al., 2005) for increasing a production system’s autonomy and adaptability. Because legacy automation software approaches do not sufficiently consider flexibility issues, newly developed software concepts often propose novel control paradigms (as shown, e.g., in Colombo et al., 2006). Onori and Barata (2010) investigate an approach for realizing a plug-and-produce architecture for self-contained modules. Based on the description of the tasks necessary to realize a certain manufacturing process, software agents that control a manufacturing system’s components have been proposed by Frei and Serugendo (2011). The aforementioned approaches address the organizational aspects of manufacturing systems on the manufacturing system module level. The flexibility that provides the decision options is realized by duplicated machine modules or redundant automation functions offered by differing modules. Sensor defects and their impact on control and quality are not considered.

Several research activities address the IEC 61499 as a means for distributed industrial automation systems (Vyatkin, 2011) and on reconfigurable PLC software. Lepuschitz et al. (2011) proposed an approach for the online reconfiguration of the automation software of an inner logistic system. Based on an ontological description of current plant states and situations, and an activity model, software agents implemented on higher control levels of a production system reconfigure the field-level automation software in order to react to contradictory material identification information (Vallée et al., 2011). To compensate for machine breakdowns under varying throughput conditions, a reconfiguration approach is described in Khalgui et al. (2011). To enable reasoning about the execution behavior of automation functions, nested state machines are used to define the operations necessary to adapt control behavior (Khalgui and Hanisch, 2011) using redundant modules. The approaches earlier described divide the control level into an upper and lower part to meet real-time requirements using agent systems, but separate the underlying control task from the (agent-based) reconfiguration task, resulting in agents influencing the mostly legacy low-level control application.

Although several aspects in a production system (for example, fault-detection and error handling) are predestined to be realized through the application of software agents, their successful application is often aggravated by the hard real-time requirements of a manufacturing system. In Theiss et al. (2009), a software agent platform for real-time operation is proposed. However, existing standards (e.g., IEC 61499 or IEC 61131–3) for implementing automation software on PLCs are not considered. Several agent-based applications, especially those for critical processes, have been proposed for the process industry (Metzger and Polaków, 2011). However, to apply agent technologies for a fault-tolerant automation system, detailed knowledge about used sensors and actuators is required (Romanenko et al., 2007). Consequently, strong engineering efforts to study the detailed behavior of installed hardware and production used to develop precise models hinders applications with respect to critical processes. For this reason, knowledge discovery mechanisms have been proposed to discover dependencies between process variables automatically (Acampora et al., 2011; Wang, 2011). A specific application of such data treatment techniques (Pani and Mohanta, 2011) is the automatic identification of soft sensors (Wang et al., 2010; Fortuna et al., 2009). Their application ranges from the estimation of unmeasured process information to sensor fault detection (Pani and Mohanta, 2009). However, an integrated approach to soft-sensor design for automation software engineering does not exist. Multi-agent approaches have been proposed for production process monitoring (Seilonen et al., 2009) and fault detection (Ng and Srinivasan, 2010; Lo et al., 2006) in critical processes to increase product quality control and prevent damages to the production system. As a means to monitor and diagnose discrete systems, methodologies for fault identification based on supervisory control theory (Debouk et al., 2000) are often applied. An approach by Ferrarini et al. (2011a) explicitly considers redundant information and is implemented on PLCs (Ferrarini et al., 2011b). Unfortunately, the proposed algorithm is executed outside the real-time kernel of the applied PC-based automation controller.

SOAs provide another paradigm to develop flexible industrial automation software. Applications have been proposed (e.g., to integrate the heterogeneous devices of a manufacturing system (Jammes and Smit, 2005)), to support the manufacturing automation system deployment (Cândido et al., 2011) and the synthesis of production processes by the composition of services (Puttonen et al., 2012). Concepts for quality of service (QoS) and quality models can be applied in considering real-time constraints (Estévez-Ayres et al., 2009) and for enabling scheduling approaches that determine strategies for desired goals despite uncertainties (Cucinotta et al., 2010). However, because the aforementioned approaches often comprise extensive quality models, they do not offer real-time control on standard PLC platforms and thus often have limited computing and memory resources.

8.3 Assessing the Potentials and Challenges in Industry

The interviews that assessed the potentials and challenges for successfully integrating software agents into real industrial automation software were conducted with experts from six machine and plant engineering companies. The significance of several criteria was evaluated against the different requirements of modern automation concepts and then valued on a scale from very important to unimportant. Furthermore, comments to the questions could be devised by the interviewees. To derive the criteria, the results from two research projects (i.e., evolvable ultra-precision assembly systems (EUPASS) (Papenfort and Hoppe, 2006) and AVE (Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008)) were considered and elaborated on for presentation to industrial practitioners. The criteria were selected to reflect the most relevant concepts identified in the project AVE that the project KREAagentuse was based on. Two different application scenarios were used to illustrate the features and possible benefits generated by the application of software agents for automation software.

8.3.1 Scenario 1: Agents for the Compensation of Sensor Contamination

In industrial production processes that involve high dust or vapor loads, the reliability of applied sensors (e.g., photo sensors) is a critical issue. Because a contamination of the sensors may arise from the surrounding production process and strongly affect the functionality of the sensor, the control software may obtain incorrect sensor values. Different strategies for the automation software to appropriately react to such sensor failures exist (e.g., shutting down the production system for maintenance or forcing the controlled device into a stable state). However, these strategies would result in downtimes for the production systems and therefore financial losses.

A solution to avoid downtimes in case of sensor failures is possible through an implementation for the automation software that integrates redundant, virtually calculated soft-sensor values to detect and compensate for failures of the real sensors. Although this may allow the continuation of a production process until the next maintenance scheduled, depending on the accuracy of the soft-sensor models the precisions of the soft-sensor values may be lower than the ones of the real sensors. Using the inherent ability to encapsulate knowledge, as well as mechanisms, to evaluate this knowledge inside software entities, the agent-oriented paradigm can be considered an appropriate means of implementing such an approach for the control software of production systems.

Due to its knowledge base, which is able to take various levels of contamination or processes of deterioration into account, agents are able to detect whether a change in a sensor signal is related to the material detected (a correct functioning of the sensor) or is due to increasing contamination or deterioration and, based on the soft sensors in their knowledge base, are able to compensate for the signal fluctuations. If the level of contamination is too high, or the lifetime of a sensor has been reached to a level of 90%, the agent could, for example, issue a warning for the sensor. Thus, it would be possible to reach a higher precision during processing and it would become easier to coordinate the maintenance and cleaning of the system.

8.3.2 Scenario 2: Agents for the Plug-and-Produce Configuration of Production Units

A second scenario may be described by the production of an individually planned kitchen, where adaptations of the production system become necessary during production. Therefore, flexible, adaptive, self-organizing software entities are required. By applying an agent-oriented paradigm to develop the automation software for the production systems, intelligent and autonomous objects, which take care of organizational tasks via a common network and fulfill the mentioned requirements, can be developed. The developed agents therefore could be aware of their functionality and boundaries, their position, their consumption of resources, rising operation costs, and their configuration alternatives.

Like those provided by the agent-oriented paradigm, the agents of production entities could offer their processing capabilities using a common interface entity (e.g., a whiteboard), identify other processing capabilities available, and negotiate regarding the execution of production steps. When the plant receives a request for production (e.g., the production of a customer-tailored kitchen), each production entity checks whether necessary production operations can be fulfilled by their capabilities. The relevant production entities respond and negotiate the general requirements under which they can set up the required production process. The result of the negotiations is the optimum configuration for fulfilling the production task, in which the production entities can carry through the negotiations completely via a planning agent. The fundamental planning information such as cost, availability, and production time is provided for the negotiations.

If, for instance, scratches are detected on the surface of a produced wooden plate, it has to be replaced. The different parts of a production system involved, such as their agents, receive the relevant product quality requirements for optimizing their own behavior. Using the inherent features of the agent-oriented approach, software agents could analyze these requirements by using their own knowledge base to evaluate possible reconfiguration to their part of the production system that ensures the required product quality. Based on the evaluations, the agents could reconfigure and adapt the parameters of the plant sections that they control (e.g., extruding temperature, contact pressure for coating, process speed).

As another part of this scenario, breakdowns of plant machinery could be compensated for by the agent-oriented implementation. If, for example, the agent of a high-performance saw inside a production system reports a failure, an enquiry for a saw with equivalent performance could be made inside the agent system. If no appropriate high-performance saw is available, the agents of two saws with lower performance could dynamically form a coalition and report back to collaboratively offer the service previously fulfilled by the high-performance saw. Consequently, using this behavior of the agents, the overall production system autonomously substitutes the high-performance saw with two lower-performance saws and continues to produce the furniture parts without interruption and without negative effects on efficiency and quality.

8.3.3 The Assessment of Potentials and Challenges in Industry

For the guided expert interviews, a questionnaire was developed based on the results and experiences from the previous research project AVE to introduce agent technology and possible applications to industrial practitioners in the field of production automation software development. The questionnaire required them to rate the importance of seven key features that condense the investigated methodologies and results from the project AVE (Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008) in a descriptive manner. The features can be divided into features that improve the performance of an industrial production system by applying software agents and features that are provided during the development of automation software. Concepts for increasing the dependability of a production system were one major result of the project AVE, previous to the investigations on applications and tool development inside KREAagentuse. The aspect product quality, which is considered an important issue in general, was integrated to have a benchmark to compare the relevance of plant dependability and energy efficiency. Subsuming, regarding the operation of a production system, the following features had to be rated:

(F1) The enhancement of product quality

(F2) The increase of a production plant’s dependability

(F3) The enhancement of a production plant’s energy efficiency

Models and concepts for soft-sensor redundancy, which were previously developed, support the implementation of diagnosis algorithms to calculate the impact of sensor failures on the automation software and also consider process requirements and their impact on the implementation for plant modules. Support for structuring automation software, as provided by related approaches for AOSE, such as Gaia (Lüder and Peschke, 2007), was considered inside the project AVE as well. Furthermore, concepts for the flexible allocation of process functions to execute system components similar to approaches for SOAs were developed. Concluding this, the features provided by the agent-based development of automation software that partly resulted from the project AVE as well had to be rated by the industrial practitioners and comprised the following:

(F4) Diagnosis of failure impacts inside the automation software

(F5) Flexibility concepts (e.g., SOAs)

(F6) Support for the appropriate structuring of automation software

(F7) The impact of process requirements on plant modules

In the following section, the results of the conducted interviews are presented (i.e., the relevance of the aforementioned seven features as rated by the industrial experts).

8.3.4 Results of the Survey in Machine and Plant Automation

The experts rated the monitoring and increase in product quality as most important in comparison to the increase of a plant’s dependability and energy efficiency (see Figure 8.1). Its importance is scarcely higher than the increased plant dependability. Increasing the energy efficiency of a production plant is rated as being important, but not very important.

Figure 8.1 Aspects regarding optimizing a plant’s operation.

In order to fulfill these requirements, the significance of model contents and tool requirements has been evaluated (cf. Figure 8.2). Here, the experts found the online-debugging function for tracing failure impacts most important, closely followed by the application of the flexibility concepts for distributed systems and the support of the modular structuring of the automation software. They are followed by a simple description of the constraints and limitations implied on a module’s operations and variables, which were rated as important to very important by a majority of the interviewees. The experts quite disagreed as far as the compensation of runtime errors by given function blocks respective to the models concerned. Continuing processes, which have to expect bigger problems when dropping out, are considered especially important. For other processes, compensation during runtime only plays an inferior special role, because it is generally decided in the development phase how it is to react to sensor breakdowns. However, the results of the expert evaluation confirm the customer relevance of agent-based systems and approaches in machine and plant engineering, as shown for the application scenarios and in the project KREAagentuse (Frank et al., 2011).

Figure 8.2 Aspects regarding optimizing a plant’s operation.

Along with the significance of the requirements, the challenges in turning new approaches into reality were part of the scope of the survey. In this context, the interviewees explained that the current systems require their individual diagnostic evaluation and producer-specific user guidance. For the implementation of an integrated debugging concept in the control systems of tomorrow, they consider standardization across all modules of all producers a must. There were complaints that the current web-diagnosis of the equipment is hardly usable, because each of the machines/each producer follows different concepts. Concerning the concepts of distributed systems and variable possibilities for supporting the coupling of single modules of the control software, deficits of today’s methods for the structuring of the program codes were remarked. According to the interviewees’ opinions, this was regarded as a future challenge, because new technologies and possibilities could only be used effectively, if significant progress was made in this direction. The modularity, which used to be possible with individual entities (in hardware), needs to become applicable to numerous individual application modules on hardware platforms in the future. In order to support the modular structuring of control software, integrated software-design tools, such as tools of UML or SysML, were requested. New tools should provide integrated support along the entire life cycle of the software. For instance, it needs to be possible to generate code from a UML/SysML-diagram, which can then be debugged and monitored online in the UML/SysML-diagram (Witsch et al., 2010).

Although not all presented features of software agents in manufacturing automation were rated highly relevant by the industrial experts, the interview results generally underpin the approaches and results from the project AVE. In the following section, further concepts for software agents in manufacturing automation are presented, which address the identified challenges and potentials by elaborating on and extending the results from AVE.

8.4 Concepts for Agents in Manufacturing Automation

This section presents the concepts that have been developed and investigated by the authors subsequent to the project AVE to address different challenges and features of software agents for manufacturing automation. Therefore, first, an enhanced approach for the soft-sensor and diagnosis concept is presented. Subsequently, the model-based development and generation of software agents developed inside the project KREAagentuse is introduced. To conclude, an extension to the KREAagentuse approach that enables the automatic synthesis of automation software and failure compensation strategies is presented.

8.4.1 An Enhanced Concept for Soft-Sensor Estimation Using KDE

An approach presented in previous works (Schütz et al., 2013; Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008) proposed the description of physical dependencies between the different sensors and actuators of a manufacturing system. During a plant’s runtime, software agents can calculate soft-sensor values (i.e., using time dependencies between signals of two light barriers on a transportation belt) based on the redundancy model (in that case, this would describe the physical equation of movement between both light barriers). The software agent compares the real sensor value to the expected calculated soft sensor. After multiple observations, the deviation of the sensor signals result in a probability density estimation that is used to describe the accuracy of the soft sensor. An enhanced diagnosis and compensation of sensor failures (cf. feature F2), as described in Scenario 1 of the conducted interviews (see Section 8.3), can be realized by that approach and evaluated (Schütz et al., 2013; Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008).

The Gaussian distribution is proposed as the mathematical density estimation (Schütz et al., 2013; Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008). A failure is detected if the real sensor value is above a predefined threshold. In case of a value above this threshold, a failure of the real sensor is detected and the virtual sensor is activated in order to replace the real sensor. Especially for real-time applications, the assumption of a Gaussian normal distribution is beneficial due to the easy calculation that does not require high-performance computation. However, one major drawback of Gaussian distributions is the effect from the influences of erroneous data on the (one, two, and three) standard deviation, resulting in a changed shape (broadening) of the corresponding bell curve. Furthermore, due to the required symmetric characteristic of a Gaussian distribution, erroneous data are changing both sides of the Gaussian distribution, and thus the accuracy of the sensor value estimation strongly decreases. This increases the risk of false alarms (e.g., declaring a real sensor to be faulty/working even if this sensor is working correctly or is faulty).

As a solution to overcome these disadvantages, the use of kernel density estimation (KDE) is proposed. KDEs are a nonparametric way to estimate the density of random variables and was introduced by Rosenblatt (Rosenblatt, 1956) in 1956 and further developed by Parzen (1962). A KDE is a continuity function and consists of a number of random variables, the bandwidth, and a kernel function. The kernel function itself is a symmetric function. The most common kernel functions are the Gaussian, Epanechnikov, Biweight, Triweight, and Cosine functions. The criterion to select a kernel could be the minimization of the mean squared error (MSE) or the mean integrated squared error (MISE). One of the major benefits of using KDEs to estimate the density of process variables is that the KDE is not restricted to being symmetrical. Due to these characteristics, the distribution of process values such as sensor or soft-sensor values can be estimated more exactly than would be the case when using the Gaussian distribution. This also enables a more precise diagnosis of failure impacts inside the automation software. Figure 8.3 shows an application example that evaluates the estimation of the distribution (quality) of sensor values by using the Gaussian distribution and the KDE. The application example uses process data (sensor values) gathered from the crane module that lifts and transports work pieces inside a small laboratory manufacturing system (see Figure 8.3, right), the pick and place unit (PPU, cf. (Legat et al., 2013)). The crane consists of positioning sensors to detect if it is in its upper or lower position. It is able to turn clockwise and counterclockwise to transport the work pieces inside the PPU. Consequently, three digital positioning sensors are mounted on the bottom plate of the crane to indicate its current angle. The benefit of the KDE approach can be demonstrated for the timing behavior of the rotation of the crane. From a series of measurements focused on the time that the crane needs to execute a turn of 90 degrees, it was evaluated that it needs less time to turn clockwise than to turn counterclockwise.

Figure 8.3 A comparison of KDE and Gaussian distribution.

In Figure 8.3 (left), the KDE (solid line) for the elapsed time of turning clockwise and turning counterclockwise in comparison to the Gaussian distribution (dashed line) is compared. This analysis proves that the KDE, like the Gaussian distribution, can also be used for accurately estimating the distribution. In comparison, the Gaussian distribution assumes the mean value of the estimation at 2.65 s, while the KDE points out that no data point has been observed in the area. Furthermore, the KDE has been formed from two different concentrations of data points. Additional analysis shows that one concentration represents the clockwise data points and the other the counterclockwise data points. The analysis of this application example indicates that the KDE approach for some systems may enhance the soft-sensor concepts developed in previous works. Although the KDE leads to higher complexity concerning mathematical calculations of standard deviations, confidence levels, and probability distributions, given the experiences gained from the first evaluations (e.g., considering the application for the PPU), the mentioned advantages of KDE have compensated for this drawback. Hence, the KDE approach for soft-sensor value estimation can be considered a promising approach to enhancing a manufacturing system’s dependability (cf. feature F2) and provide an enhanced failure (impact) diagnosis for manufacturing systems (cf. feature F4).

8.4.2 Model-Based Development of Agents and Soft Sensors

The model-based method developed in KREAagentuse extends the meta-model, diagrams, and notations of both the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the SysML. The language profile SysML was developed to support the physical systems’ design (Espinoza et al., 2009) and has been widely applied inside different model-driven engineering approaches in the domain of production automation (Thramboulidis, 2010). For handling an agent system’s complexity and offering support for software structuring (cf. feature F6), the approach comprises an architectural model that is separated into four different views: the technical process (TP), the technical system (TS), the automation system (AS), and the function layer (FL). Each represents one major aspect of the agent system (cf. Figure 8.4). These views do not necessarily correspond to different engineering disciplines—for example, those presented by Thramboulidis (2010). They are instead concerned with different aspects of the agent system that control a production system.

Figure 8.4 Architectural views of agent systems (cf. Frank et al., 2011; Obermeier et al., 2012; Lüder et al., 2013).

A process agent’s functionality (i.e., the TP) is described as the behavior of the process agent in the form of an activity diagram (AD), containing sequenced and/or parallel activities that invoke the functions allocated on the FL by the resource agents. The machine functions of a manufacturing system for treating material or assembling products are allocated by software agents and described as functions on the FL of the proposed layered architecture. Following the meta-model of SysML, the model concept “requirement” can be used to define the requirements regarding product quality (cf. feature F1) and operational constraints that process functions must comply with (cf. feature F7). The functions themselves are declared inside block definition diagrams (BDDs) at the FL and can be implemented either by using the languages of IEC 61131–3 or by using the behavior diagrams of UML (e.g., Ads) or SysML parametric diagrams (PDs). This also applies to the implementation of the resource agents and the blocks of the TS, as well as to the implementation of blocks of sensors and actuators.

By defining that the block of an agent allocates a function, it is indicated that this agent composes its module’s operations to implement this function. Inside the TS, the technical structure and behavior of a manufacturing plant is modeled by hierarchically composing a plant’s components with their interconnections. The top level of this hierarchy is formed by the modules controlled by the software agents. Inside BDDs, these modules are composed from sensor and actuator modules on the field level. The automation system view comprises the real sensors and actuators of a manufacturing system as well as SysML blocks, which implement soft sensors used to detect and compensate for sensor failures in order to increase a plant’s dependability (cf. feature F2). The information necessary to implement these soft sensors is described inside two knowledge models, the redundancy model and the tolerance model, which are both illustrated using PDs. Whereas the redundancy model describes the analytical dependencies between soft and real sensors, the tolerance model enables the modeling of the impact of sensor failures on a module’s functions (cf. feature F4) (Schütz et al., 2013; Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008), as well as the monitoring of a product’s quality (cf. feature F1) as it strongly relates to the correct execution of the different process functions.

As part of the evaluation experiments, an expert interview with two industrial experts from machine and plant manufacturing, as well as two industrial experts from PLC and tool vendors, was conducted. For the interview, the developed approach was presented to the experts using the application example from Frank et al. (2011), followed by a discussion on the approach’s applicability. The experts gave positive feedback about the model-based approach in general, but criticized that it lacks support for the identification of an appropriate module and agent size (i.e., at which level of the software module hierarchy agents should be applied to control corresponding plant components).

8.4.3 The Generation of Control Strategies from Agent Models

In order to better support the flexibility of manufacturing systems (cf. feature F5) through the design of the automation software and thus enable implementing all the degrees of freedom an agent can apply to controlling a manufacturing system, an extension of the previously presented approach to develop the space of action of a module and the manufacturing system in a consolidated way was developed (Schütz et al., 2012) (cf. Figure 8.5). This concept aims at finding production strategies that can be optimized regarding different criteria (e.g., energy consumption) (cf. feature F3).

Figure 8.5 An extended agent approach to automated code synthesis.

In the proposed extended architecture, a module is able to perform various operations. To enable the consolidated description of an agent’s complete space of action for controlling a module, it is required to model what a module is able to do instead of the traditional way of modeling or implementing what a module has to do. Therefore, restrictions on an operation’s execution are annotated within the SysML model by preconditions (a set of states allowing an operation’s execution) and the so-called effects that describe how the operation behaves (the transformation rule about how the products’ and system’s state are manipulated by an operation).

States for defining restrictions refer to possible measurements of a module’s sensors, (i.e., the data type of the sensor variable), as well as on internal control variables of the module’s agent. The dependencies between two agents’ function execution is also required to be constrained when composing a plant by modules. The precondition and effects of functions can be restricted specifically to a plant’s characteristics. Furthermore, composition constraints on functions (e.g., their parallel execution) can be defined. This lets valid processes automatically be executed by the MAS. This provides a strict modular development, while considering plant-specific characteristics (F6, F7).

Ontology-based formal model semantics were defined to facilitate the automatic processing (cf. Figure 8.6) of the model for automatic synthesis of an agent’s functions (Legat et al., 2014). Because the functions themselves are limited by restrictions as well, the overall process of a plant can be synthesized accordingly. As proposed in (Legat and Vogel-Heuser, 2013), this knowledge model can be applied to flexibly control manufacturing systems. This enables reasoning about possible compensation strategies in case of complete module failures (cf. feature F2), synthesizing production processes for changing product requirements (cf. feature F5), and optimizing a production process regarding the energy consumption of the plant to increase the energy efficiency (cf. feature F3). First, experiments for applying the approach have proven that although the time needed to synthesize a reconfiguration strategy or a production process previously not considered highly depends on the size and complexity of the considered manufacturing system, the approach can successfully be applied, and for small-scale manufacturing systems, a computing time within the range of the necessary 5-10 ms is needed (Legat et al., 2014).

Figure 8.6 A methodology for automated software synthesis (Legat et al., 2014).

8.5 Summary and Outlook

In this chapter, the results of guided interviews with industrial experts that were conducted during the research project KREAagentuse to assess the potentials and challenges of an integration of software agent concepts into the automation software of machine and plant automation were presented.

The first questionnaire that was developed for this purpose explained software agent concepts using two different possible application examples and required the experts to rate the relevance of several features of agent-based automation software applications in machine and plant engineering that were identified in previous research projects. The features comprised concepts for enhancing different performance criteria (i.e., product quality or energy efficiency) (features F1-F3), as well as concepts of agent-based approaches that support automation software development (F4-F7). All evaluated features were considered relevant for industrial applications, although slight differences in relevance were noticed. The results from the conducted interviews delivered first suggest the potentials and challenges that can be addressed using agent-based implementations of industrial automation software. However, further surveys should be conducted using a more detailed questionnaire to investigate possibilities for concrete applications of agents in industry.

To address the challenges and take advantage of the potentials of software agents in the manufacturing automation identified in the conducted survey, different concepts were developed and presented in this chapter. These works were made up of a soft-sensor and diagnosis concept (features F2, F4) that enhances the previous works of the authors by integrating KDE. The application of the agent-oriented paradigm for this approach provided the easy development of an appropriate architecture for implementations and thus enables encapsulating soft sensors and diagnosis algorithms as part of the agents’ knowledge base. Furthermore, compared to an implementation that solely focuses on soft sensors, the application of software agents increased the approach’s extensibility and allowed integrations that address further use cases.

Inside the research activities of KREAagentuse, a concept for a tool-supported method founded on SysML was developed and prototypically realized (Frank et al., 2011) based on an architectural model of field-level automation software agents. How the features of a software agent approach are addressed by the developed method was also introduced. The concept developed inside the project KREAagentuse covers several features that in the conducted interviews were rated to be important by the industrial experts. However, the results of conducted expert interviews indicated a failing in the modularization of a system. Consequently, current works are integrating an approach described by Vogel-Heuser et al. (2014) for a function-oriented decomposition in order to enable a support for the identification that needs to be implemented by software agents.

Features related to flexibility and energy efficiency (F3 and F5), which the experts rated as important as well, are addressed by an extended architecture and concept that was developed in later elaborations and which completed the original approach to provide all features rated important by the interviews. The extended architecture enriches the SysML-based approach by modeling concepts from UML and formal ontological models that enable an automatic synthesis of failure compensation and performance optimization strategies for the agents. As for the next steps… First, the extended approach will be applied to real industrial scenarios to evaluate their scalability in terms of manufacturing system size and complexity. Second, current research is investigating the possibility of integrating the different presented works to enable development of the KDE approach in the soft-sensor and diagnosis process using the SysML-based architecture and implementation (Schütz et al., 2013; Wannagat and Vogel-Heuser, 2008; Frank et al., 2011) developed inside KREAagentuse and thus contain formal ontological models (Legat et al., 2014; Legat and Vogel-Heuser, 2013; Schütz et al., 2012) inside one consistent tool-supported method.


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