Chapter 7

Simultaneous methods for polynomial zeros

The problem of finding polynomial zeros,polynomial zeros although one of the oldest problems in mathematics, is still important since it appears in a vast variety of branches of mathematics and technical science, physics, computer science, control theory, signal processing, even in economics and social sciences. More details can be found in McNamee’s book “Numerical Methods for Roots of Polynomials” McNamee, 2007. The bibliography compiled by McNamee contains about 8000 entries. Although any method for finding a single root of an equation can be applied to a polynomial equation as well, the method of deflation is not a good choice when all zeros are required since it produces approximations of descending accuracy. It is more fruitful to apply a simultaneous method which will determine all zeros at the same time and with, more or less, the same accuracy. A lot of methods for the simultaneous determination of polynomial zeros in ordinary complex arithmetic as well as in interval arithmetic are given in the Springer book “Iterative Methods for Simultaneous Inclusion of Polynomial Zeros” Petković, 1989.

This chapter is devoted to simultaneous methods for polynomial zeros. We have restricted our attention to the methods with corrections. The order of convergence of basic methods is limited, that is, their computational efficiency cannot be improved. An important advance is attained by applying multipoint methods for a single zero (at most of fourth order) for accelerating simultaneous iterative methods, which increases the convergence rate with only few additional computations. In this way the computational efficiency of simultaneous methods is considerably improved. This approach was applied first by Nourein, 1977a in complex arithmetic, and by Petković and Carstensen, 1993a in circular complex arithmetic (arithmetic of disks). Proceeding in this manner, we present in this chapter several simultaneous methods for finding simple and multiple complex zeros of polynomials using optimal two-point methods to accelerate the convergence.

7.1 Simultaneous methods for simple zeros

In this section we present two iterative methods of high computational efficiency for finding all (real or complex) zeros of a polynomial, simultaneously. First method is constructed using a multipoint interpolating technique and has a local cubic convergence, see Petković, 2009a. Second method cobines the Ehrlich-Aberth method of third order and a class of two-point methods of optimal order four for finding a simple root, considered in Section 2.3.

Although we say a zero of a function image and a root of the equation image, in the case of algebraic polynomials, the zero and root formulation are used interchangeably in this chapter. We preserve the notion zero-relation to denote a relation which gives an expression for a zero of a polynomial.

7.1.1 A third order simultaneous method

Let image be an approximation to a simple zero ζ of a function image, which is at least twice differentiable in a neighborhood of ζ. In a similar manner as in Section 2.1, we construct a quadratic interpolating polynomial ϕ for image such that


Traub, 1964 showed that the function ϕ of the form

image (7.1)

fulfils these conditions, see (2.8).

Let image be a point satisfying the condition image. Then from (7.1) it follows:

image (7.2)

Solving the Equation (7.2) for image, we obtain

image (7.3)

This is an implicit relation in image so that image on the right-hand side of (7.3) should be estimated by some approximation of the zero ζ.

We restrict our consideration to algebraic (monic) polynomials image of degree image with simple zeros image having reasonably close approximations image. Recall that one of the most frequently used iterative methods for the simultaneous approximation of polynomial zeros is the quadratically convergent Weierstrass’ (or Durand-Dochev-Kerner) method (see Durand, 1960; Dochev and Bulgarian, 1962; Kerner, 1966),

image (7.4)

where image are new approximations and image is the index set. In fact, Weierstrass did not use (7.4) for the numerical computation of polynomial zeros, Durand et al., 1960 in an implicit form and Dočev Dochev and Bulgarian), 1962 were the first to apply the iterative method (7.4) in practice.

Define Weierstrass’ function image by


where the index image always takes all values (except explicitly cited) from the set image in products and sums which appear in the sequel. For image we will write image and call imageWeierstrass’ correction.

Let us return to (7.3) and put image and image on the right-hand side of (7.3). In this way the following method has been obtained in Petković, 2009a,

image (7.5)

The iterative formula (7.5) produces new (presumably improved) approximations image to the zeros of image, simultaneously. A similar method was constructed in Petković and Petković, 2007b. Introducing the iteration index image, we get the simultaneous method (7.5) in the following form

image (7.6)



Our objective is the study of properties of the method (7.6), including convergence analysis and computational aspects.

The computation of Weierstrass’ corrections image in each iteration also enables us to control the upper error bounds of approximations. Let image be approximations calculated by the iterative formula (7.6).

Under suitable computationally verifiable conditions, which can be easily accomplished in practice, each of the disks defined by


contains the corresponding zero image. This means that


The value of the multiplier image depends on the polynomial degree image and the initial conditions, see Petković, (2008 Section 3.4) and Petković et al. (2007). Therefore, the radius image can be taken as the upper error bound of image. Since image is calculated in the iterative formula (7.6), no additional computations are needed, except in the last iteration. In a similar way as in Petković et al., 2007, it can be shown that the sequences of radii image converge cubically to 0.

Now we are going to analyze the convergence rate of the method (7.6). For simplicity, we will omit the iteration index in our analysis and consider the iterative formula (7.5).

Theorem 7.1

If image are sufficiently close approximations to the zeros image of a polynomial image, then the order of convergence of the iterative method 7.5) is three.


In the convergence analysis we will use the notation image for two complex numbers image and image whose moduli are of the same order, that is, image.

Let image and image. According to the assumption of the theorem, the errors image are sufficiently small in moduli. Let us assume that the errors image are of the same order in moduli and let image, where image is the error such that image. Similarly, image. Observe that

image (7.7)

In our proof we use the representation of a polynomial image by its Lagrange’s interpolation at the nodes image,

image (7.8)

Applying the logarithmic derivative to (7.8) we obtain


Hence, putting image in the above formula,



image (7.9)

Using Taylor’s series, the estimation (7.9) and the expansion into the geometric series, from (7.5) we find


, by (7.9),

image (7.10)



defines the Chebyshev iterative method of third order (1.21), that is,

image (7.11)

According to (7.10) and (7.11), we obtain

image (7.12)

since image is the dominant term. From (7.12) we conclude that the order of convergence of the simultaneous method (7.5) is 3, which completes the proof of Theorem 7.1.

Example 7.1

The following example demonstrates very good convergence behavior of the proposed method (7.6) in a global sense in the presence of very crude initial approximations. The initial approximations are chosen using Aberth’s approach Aberth, 1973,

image (7.13)

where image is the coefficient of the polynomial


and image is the radius of a circle containing all zeros of image. Initial approximations generated by (7.13) are equidistantly spaced on a circle with radius image, see Figure 7.1 for a polynomial of 15th degree. In practice, image is often calculated by


providing that the inclusion disk image, centered at the origin, contains all zeros of the polynomial image, see Henrici et al., (1974, p. 457).


Figure 7.1 Example 7.1 – trajectories of approximations

The method (7.6) has been applied for finding all zeros of the polynomial


of Wilkinson’s type (Wilkinson, 1963) with real zeros image and image. It is well-known that this class of polynomials is ill-conditioned, namely, small perturbations of polynomial coefficients cause considerable variations of zeros. Notice that many iterative methods encounter serious difficulties in finding the zeros of Wilkinson-like polynomials.

We have started with Aberth’s initial approximations (7.13) taking image and image. The iterative process has been terminated upon satisfying the stoping criterion


The behavior of the simultaneous method (7.6) is shown graphically in Fig. 7.1. The method (7.6) converges linearly at the beginning of the iterative procedure and its middle phase, but almost straightforwardly toward the zeros, with radially distributed approximations. The method demonstrates the cubic convergence in several final iterations.

7.1.2 Simultaneous methods with corrections

The computational efficiency of simultaneous methods can be considerably increased by the use of suitable corrections. We now present a family of iterative methods with corrections for the simultaneous determination of polynomial simple zeros. Methods with corrections are ranked the most efficient among existing methods in the class of simultaneous methods based on fixed point relations. The presented iterative formula relies on a fixed point relation of Gargantini-Henrici’s type Gargantini and Henrici, (1972). A very high computational efficiency is attained using suitable corrections which arise from a class of two-point methods of order four (see Chapter 2) with minimal computational costs.

Let image be a monic polynomial of degree image with simple real or complex zeros image and let

image (7.14)

be Newton’s correction appearing in the quadratically convergent Newton’s method. To construct an iterative method for the simultaneous inclusion of polynomial zeros, Gargantini and Henrici Gargantini and Henrici, (1972) started from (7.14) and derived the following zero-relation

image (7.15)

In the literature, relations of this type are usually called fixed-point relations in a wider sense, so that we will use this term too. Given image distinct approximations image to the zeros image, we set image and substitute the zeros image by some approximations image on the right-hand side of (7.15). In this manner, the following general iterative method

image (7.16)

for the simultaneous determination of all simple zeros of the polynomial image is obtained.

The substitution image in (7.16) gives the well-known Ehrlich-Aberth method

image (7.17)

studied by Ehrlich (1967) and Aberth (1973). The latter paper includes the proof of cubic convergence of the simultaneous method (7.17).

Comparing (7.15) and (7.16) it is evident that better approximations image produce more accurate approximations image indeed, if image, then image. This idea was employed by Nourein, 1977b for the construction of a fourth-order method; he substitutes Newton’s approximations image in (7.16) to obtain the accelerated method, often called Nourein’s method,

image (7.18)

We extend this approach to state a family of sixth-order methods.

Let image be a real or complex function continuous together with its derivatives image and image in a neighborhood of 0, and let


Assume that the approximations image in (7.16) are determined as follows:

image (7.19)

In fact, (7.19) defines the family of two-point fourth-order methods developed in Petković and Petković, 2010 (see (2.74)).

Introducing the approximations (7.19) into (7.16), we obtain the corresponding simultaneous method of the form

image (7.20)

for image. As discussed in Section 2.3, the function image can take different forms that satisfy (pretty relaxed) conditions


Therefore, the iterative formula (7.20) defines a family of simultaneous methods.

If image are initial approximations to the polynomial zeros image, then the family of iterative simultaneous methods is defined in the following way:

image (7.21)

where image and ψ is defined in (7.19).

Remark 7.1

To decrease the total computational cost, before executing any iteration step it is necessary first to calculate all approximations


In this way we avoid the repetition of computations under the sum in (7.21).

Now we state the convergence theorem that gives necessary and sufficient conditions imposed on the function image o provide as high as possible order of convergence of the simultaneous method (7.21).

Theorem 7.2

Let image be any sufficiently differentiable function satisfying image and image. If image are initial approximations close enough to the distinct zeros image, then the order of convergence of the family of simultaneous methods (7.21) is 6.


For simplicity, we omit the iteration index image and denote all quantities in the image st iteration with the symbol image. Let image as in the previous chapters but now with the additional subscript index. For brevity, let


Then, starting from (7.20) and using (7.14) we obtain

image (7.22)

and hence

image (7.23)

The following error relation for the family (7.19) is given in Theorem 2.6,

image (7.24)

under the conditions image, and image bounded. Following the conditions of Theorem 7.2 we assume that image for any pair image and let image be the error of maximal modulus. Then, according to (7.24) and the expression for image, we have image and from (7.23) we find


which means that the order of convergence of the family of simultaneous methods (7.20) is 6.

The family of simultaneous methods (7.21) includes some special cases which can be obtained by taking different particular forms of the function image, assuming that the argument of image may be real or complex. Some of the special cases for image are listed in Section 2.3 to produce Methods 2.1–2.6 so we omit them here. Taking these special choices of image, we get from (7.21) particular simultaneous methods.

From the practical point of view, it is of great importance to estimate the relevant features of root-finding methods such as:

• number of necessary numerical operations in computing zeros with the required accuracy;

• convergence speed;

• total running time of a complete iterative process on a computer;

• control of rounding errors.

These properties are closely connected to the computational efficiency. The knowledge of the computational efficiency is of particular interest in designing packages of root-solvers. More details on this topic may be found in Milovanović and Petković (1986), and Petković, (1989a, Chapter 6).

We are going to compare the convergence behavior and computational efficiency of Ehrlich-Aberth’s method (7.17), Nourein’s method (7.18) and the new family of simultaneous methods (7.20). This comparison procedure is entirely justified since the analysis of efficiency given in (Petković, 1989a Chapter. 6) for several computing machines showed that Nourein’s method (7.18) has the highest computational efficiency in the class of simultaneous methods based on fixed point relations (that is, zero-relations).

As presented by McNamee (2007, Chapter 1) and Petković, (1989a, Chapter 6), the efficiency of an iterative method image can be successfully estimated by the efficiency index

image (7.25)

where image is the image-order of convergence of the iterative method image and image is the computational cost. The rank list of methods obtained by this formula mainly matches well the real CPU (central processor unit) time, see Milovanović and Petković, (1986). The same rank follows from the formula image, often used in the previous chapters.

As noted in Section 1.3, in order to evaluate the computation cost image of simultaneous methods it is preferable to handle the number of arithmetic operations per iteration with certain weights,depending on their execution times. Denote these weights with image and image for addition/subtraction, multiplication and division, respectively. Let image and image be the number of additions + subtractions, multiplications and divisions per one iteration for all image zeros of a given polynomial of degree image. Then the computational cost image can be (approximately) expressed as

image (7.26)

and from (7.25) and (7.26) we obtain

image (7.27)

In practice, the weights depend on characteristics of the employed processor (hardware) and the algorithm applied in executing basic arithmetic operations (software).

We consider real polynomials with real zeros for simplicity. The analysis of computational efficiency in the case of complex polynomials with real or complex zeros is essentially similar, although it is slightly tedious since we are usually obliged to reduce calculations to real arithmetic operations. The numbers of basic operations in real arithmetic are given in Table 7.1 as functions of the polynomial degree image.

Table 7.1 The number of basic operations (real arithmetic operations)


For the sake of comparison of the simultaneous methods (7.17), (7.18) and (7.20), we have used the weights (appearing in (7.27)) determined according to the estimated complexity of basic operations in multiple precision arithmetic. Without loss of generality, we assume that floating-point number representation is used, with a binary fraction of image bits. In other words, we deal with “precisionimage” numbers, giving results with the relative error of approximately image. Following results given in Brent and Zimmermann (2011), the execution time image and image of addition and subtraction is image. Using Schönhage-Strassen multiplication (see Fousse et al., 2007; Schönhage and Strassen, 1971), often implemented in multiple-precision libraries (used, for instance, in the computational software packages Mathematica, Maple, Magma), we have


We have chosen the weights image and image proportionally to image and image, respectively, for 64-bit architecture.

Applying (7.27) we calculated the percentage ratios



where EA, N, and F stand for Ehrlich-Aberth’s method (7.17), Nourein’s method (7.18) and the new family (7.20), respectively. These ratios are graphically presented in Fig. 7.2 as functions of the polynomial degree image and show the (percentage) improvement of computational efficiency of the new method (7.20) relative to the methods (7.17) and (7.18). In Fig. 7.2 the graph of image is drawn by solid line and of image by dotted line. Similar curves are obtained with the weights proportional to the execution times of basic operations for octuple precision (machine epsilon image) for Pentium M 2.8 GHz running Fedora core 3 and Opteron 64-bit processor (data taken from Fujimoto et al., 2005).


Figure 7.2 The ratios of efficiency indices

It is obvious from Fig. 7.2 that the new method (7.20) is more efficient than the methods (7.17) and (7.18). The improvement is especially evident in regard to the Ehrlich-Aberth method (7.17) (F/EA% – solid line). Having in mind the aforementioned fact on the dominant efficiency of the Nourein method (7.18), it follows that the proposed family of simultaneous methods (7.20) generates the most efficient methods for the simultaneous determination of polynomial zeros in the class of methods based on fixed point relations.

To demonstrate the convergence behavior of the methods (7.17), (7.18) and (7.20), we have tested a number of polynomial equations. Among many tested algebraic polynomials we have selected two examples, realized in Mathematica with multiple-precision arithmetic.

As a measure of accuracy of the obtained approximations, we have calculated Euclid’s norm

image (7.28)

where image and image. Tables given below also contain the computational order of convergence image, evaluated by the following formula (see Weerakoon and Fernando, 2000)

image (7.29)

Although this formula is derived for methods which find a single root, it gives mainly acceptable results for simultaneous methods.

Example 7.2

We have applied the iterative methods (7.17), (7.18) and (7.20) for the simultaneous approximation of the zeros image, image of the polynomial


the case of the family (7.20), we have used six two-step methods (Method 2.1–Method 2.6) given in Section 2.3, characterized by the functions image defined in the continuation by (7.56), (7.57), (7.58), (7.59), (7.60), (7.61) in Section 7.3. Initial approximations have been taken in such a way as to give image. The error norms image calculated by (7.28) and the computational order of convergence evaluated by (7.29) are given in Table 7.2, where image means image, as before.

Example 7.3

The same methods (7.17), (7.18) and (7.20) (with image) have been applied for the simultaneous determination of zeros of the polynomial of the 21st degree:


Table 7.2 Euclid’s norm of errors – the polynomial of the 17th degree


The selected initial approximations yield image. The error norms image and the computational order of convergence are given in Table 7.3.

Table 7.3 Euclid’s norm of errors – the polynomial of the 21st degree


From Tables 7.2 and 7.3 and a number of tested polynomial equations we can conclude that the proposed family (7.20) produces approximations of considerably great accuracy; two iterative steps are usually sufficient in solving most practical problems when initial approximations are reasonably good and polynomials are well-conditioned. We observe that the computational order of convergence evaluated by (7.29) (the last column of Tables 7.2 and 7.3) mainly fits well the theoretical order of convergence of all considered methods.

7.2 Simultaneous method for multiple zeros

In the previous section we have shown how multipoint methods can be successfully applied for constructing iterative methods for the simultaneous determination of simple zeros of polynomials. Considering the fixed point relation (7.15), the following question arises: Is it possible to construct a sixth-order simultaneous method for finding multiple zeros? Derivation of such a method was impossible up to recently since optimal methods for multiple roots of the fourth-order requiring only three function evaluations, similar to (7.16), were not yet developed. However, Li et al. (2009b) stated a two point method for a multiple root with optimal order 4, which enabled the construction of a simultaneous method of very high computational efficiency for approximating polynomial multiple zeros. Employing this two-point method, in this section we state a method of order 6.

Remark 7.2

Li-Liao-Cheng’s method Li et al., (2009b) was recently generalized by Zhou et al. (2011), see (2.163) in Section 2.7. However, particular methods from the family (2.163) are of the same efficiency so that we have taken Li-Liao-Cheng’s method, which is also a member of the family (2.163), for its simple form. The family (2.163) is considered in Section 7.5 for accelerating Halley-like inclusion method.

Let image be a monic polynomial of degree image with multiple real or complex zeros image of respective multiplicities image. Then

image (7.30)

We single out the term image from (7.30) and derive the following zero-relation

image (7.31)

which serves as the basis for the construction of a simultaneous method for the determination of polynomial multiple zeros. This relation was also used in Gargantini, 1978 for the construction of iterative methods for the simultaneous inclusion of multiple zeros of polynomials in complex circular arithmetic.

Let image be distinct approximations to the zeros image. Setting image and replacing image by some approximations image on the right-hand side of (7.31), one obtains the following iterative method

image (7.32)

for the simultaneous determination of all multiple zeros of the polynomial image. Here image denotes a new approximation to the zero image. The choice image in (7.32) gives the third-order method of Ehrlich-Aberth’s type for multiple zeros

image (7.33)

It is interesting to note that the method (7.33) in ordinary complex arithmetic was constructed after a more complicated method of the same type in circular complex arithmetic, see Gargantini (1978).

Furthermore, putting Schröder’s approximations image in (7.32), the following accelerated method of fourth order is obtained (see Milovanović and Petković, 1983),

image (7.34)

Note that the iterative method (7.34) reduces to Nourein’s method (7.18) in the case of simple zeros, see Nourein (1977b).

As mentioned in the previous section, analyzing (7.31)(7.34) it is evident that the better approximations image give the more accurate approximations image. We apply this idea to construct a higher order method.

The fourth-order iterative method (7.34) is obtained using Schröder’s second order method


Further increase of the convergence order can be obtained by using methods of higher order for finding a single multiple root. Here we use the two-point method for finding a single multiple root proposed by Li et al. 2009b

image (7.35)



image being the multiplicity of the sought zero ζ of a function image (not necessarily an algebraic polynomial in general), see (2.161). The order of convergence of the iterative method (7.35) is 4, that is,

image (7.36)

holds (for the proof, see Li et al., (2009b) and Section 2.7).

In the sequel, we substitute image by the approximation image of image and image by the corresponding multiplicity image of image. The approximation image appearing in (7.32) is calculated by (7.35), that is,


where we put




After these substitutions in (7.32) and introducing the iteration index image, we obtain a method for the simultaneous approximation of all simple or multiple zeros of a given polynomial image 

image (7.37)

where image and the notation is similar to that of (7.21).

The convergence rate of the new method (7.37) is investigated in the following theorem.

Theorem 7.3

If initial approximations image are sufficiently close to distinct zeros image of a given polynomial, then the order of convergence of the simultaneous method (7.37) is 6.


The proof bears a resemblance to the proof of Theorem 7.2. We omit the iteration indices for simplicity. According to the conditions of Theorem 7.3, we can assume that image for any pair image. Let image be the error of maximal modulus with image.

For brevity, let


Then, starting from (7.37) and using (7.30), we obtain

image (7.38)

and hence

image (7.39)

According to (7.36) we have image and from (7.39) we find


since the denominator of (7.39) tends to image when image. Therefore, the order of convergence of the simultaneous method (7.37) is 6.

Now we consider the convergence behavior and computational efficiency of the methods (7.33), (7.34) and the new simultaneous method (7.37). Following the analysis of efficiency given in (Petković, 1989a, Chapter 6] for several computing machines, we know that the method (7.34) has the highest computational efficiency in the class of simultaneous methods based on fixed point relations. There is no need to compare the new method (7.37) to other sixth-order methods for two reasons:

1) At present, there are no other simultaneous sixth-order methods of the form (7.32), except the method (7.37) with Li-Liao-Cheng’s two-point method (7.35) or other particular methods of the family (2.163).

2) The existing sixth-order methods for multiple zeros, such as Halley-like methods (Petković 1989b; Wang and Wu, 1987), are less efficient than the mentioned method (7.34), see (Petković, 1989a, Chapter 6].

Comparing iterative formulae (7.34) and (7.37) we notice that the new formula (7.37) requires ν new polynomial evaluations per iteration relative to (7.34). Hence we conclude that the minimal computational efficiency of iterative method (7.37) appears when image, that is, when all zeros are simple. This “worst case” in our computational analysis has been already performed in Section 7.1 with the conclusion that the method (7.37) (which is, in the case of simple zeros, equivalent to the method (7.20)) possesses the highest computational efficiency.

The convergence behavior of the methods (7.33), (7.34) and the new simultaneous method (7.37) is illustrated in the following three examples.

Example 7.4

The methods (7.33), (7.34) and (7.37) have been applied for the simultaneous approximation to the zeros of the polynomial


The zeros of this polynomial are image with the respective multiplicities image, image. We have selected the initial approximations image


The entries of the error norms calculated by (7.28) for the first three iterations are given in Table 7.4.

Example 7.5

The same methods (7.33), (7.34) and (7.37) have been applied for the simultaneous approximation to the zeros of the polynomial.


Table 7.4 Euclid’s norm of the errors – Example 7.4


The zeros of this polynomial are image with the respective multiplicities 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2. The following starting approximations have been selected image


The entries of the error norms obtained in the first three iterations are given in Table 7.5.

Example 7.6

In order to find the zeros of the polynomial


we have applied the same methods as in Examples 7.4 and 7.5. The zeros of this polynomial are image, with multiplicities 2, 3, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, respectively. The starting approximations are image


The error norms obtained in the first three iterations are given in Table 7.6.

Table 7.5 Euclid’s norm of the errors – Example 7.5


Table 7.6 Euclid’s norm of the errors – Example 7.6.


From Tables (7.4)(7.6) and a number of tested polynomial equations we can conclude that the proposed family (7.37) produces approximations of considerably high accuracy; two iterative steps are usually sufficient in solving most practical problems. The presented analysis of computational efficiency shows that the family (7.37) is more efficient than the existing methods for multiple zeros based on fixed point relations.

7.3 Simultaneous inclusion of simple zeros

The use of finite precision arithmetic on digital computers does not normally produce any information about the accuracy of computed approximate results. Interval methods, supplied with very useful self-validating property, most frequently resolve this problem. In particular, iterative methods for the simultaneous determination of complex zeros of a given polynomial, realized in complex interval arithmetic, are very efficient devices in deriving error estimates for a given set of approximate zeros. These methods belong to the class of self-validated algorithms that produce complex intervals (disks or rectangles) containing the sought zeros. In this manner information about upper error bounds of approximations to the zeros is provided (see, e.g., Alefeld and Herzberger (1983), Petković (1989a), Petković and Petković (1998) for more details). Besides, there exists the ability to incorporate rounding errors without altering the fundamental structure of the applied interval method. Moreover, some practical problems of applied and industrial mathematics, whose mathematical models include algebraic polynomials with uncertain coefficients as a consequence of inaccurate measurements or uncertain values of parameters, can be effectively solved by applying interval methods.

To develop and analyze interval methods for the inclusion of polynomial zeros, we list here some basic properties of circular complex arithmetic. More details about this type of interval arithmetic, the so-called arithmetic of disks, can be found in the books Alefeld and Herzberger (1983), and Petković and Petković (1998).

A circular closed region (disk) image with center image and radius image will be denoted by the parametric notation image. The set of all disks is denoted with image. The basic circular arithmetic operations are defined as follows:


inversion of a nonzero disk image is defined by the Möbius transformation,

image (7.40)

Beside the exact inversionimage of a disk image, the so-called centered inversionimage defined by

image (7.41)

is often used. Although the centered inversion image gives larger disks than the exact inversion image, we will see later that the centering property of the inversion image plays a key role in increasing the convergence speed of inclusion methods with corrections.

Using (7.40) and (7.41) division is defined by


An interval function image is called complex circular extension of a complex function image if


If the implication


holds, then image is inclusion isotone. In particular, we have


It should be emphasized that all introduced interval arithmetic operations possess the property of inclusion isotonicity,that is,


The main advantage of iterative methods for the simultaneous inclusion of polynomial zeros is the property that all produced interval approximations (in the form of real intervals, rectangles or disks) contain the sought zeros, providing in this way the upper error bound of approximations (by semi-width, semi-diagonal or radius, respectively). For this property, interval methods of this type are often called inclusion methods or self-validated methods.

To obtain enclosures of complex zeros, it is preferable to employ circular complex interval arithmetic, as carried out in Sections 7.37.5. As in Sections 7.1 and 7.2, we are concentrating on interval methods based on Gargantini-Henrici’s fixed-point relation (7.15). We take this relation for two reasons: it is simple and enables the construction of iterative methods of very high computational efficiency in ordinary complex arithmetic as well as in circular complex arithmetic.

First we present the Gargantini-Henrici iterative method (Gargantini and Henrici, 1972) for the simultaneous inclusion of simple zeros of polynomials. Let image be a polynomial with simple zeros image. Assume that image disjoint disks image such that image have been found. Let us put image in (7.15). Since image, according to the inclusion isotonicity property it follows from (7.15) that

image (7.42)

Let image be initial disjoint disks containing the zeros image, that is, image for all image. The relation (7.42) suggests the following method for the simultaneous inclusion of all simple complex zeros of the polynomial image:

image (7.43)

Here image is the center of disk image at the imageth iteration and image. The interval method (7.43) was proposed by Gargantini and Henrici (1972). It is worth noting that this method was the first one in the literature intended for the simultaneous inclusion of polynomial complex zeros. The order of convergence of the method (7.43) is 3, independently of the applied type of disk inversion. This is not the case with inclusion methods with corrections, which will be discussed later.

The convergence rate of the inclusion iterative method (7.43) can be accelerated using the approach presented in Carstensen and Petković (1994) and Petković and Carstensen (1993). This approach is based on the use of suitable corrections arising from iterative methods for finding a single root of nonlinear equations. The increased order of convergence is obtained with minimal additional computational costs, for example, by employing already calculated quantities and only very little new information, which means that accelerated methods possess a high computational efficiency.

Let image be a correction appearing in the iterative formula


which defines a root-finding iterative method. Then, if the implication

image (7.44)

holds for all image in each iterative step, we can modify the inclusion method (7.43) into a new form

image (7.45)

Here image denotes one of the disk inversions given by (7.40) and (7.41).

Various corrections lead to different inclusion methods. For example, taking image in (7.45), we obtain the following inclusion method of fourth order with Newton’s corrections for the inclusion of simple zeros proposed in Carstensen and Petković (1994)

image (7.46)

assuming that the centered inversion (7.41) is applied.

Remark 7.3

An important discussion about the use of disk inversion is necessary here. At first glance, the use of the exact inversion (7.40) in the iterative formulae (7.45) and (7.46) (and other interval formulae with corrections given later) seems reasonable since the exact inversion (7.40) gives smaller disks than the centered inversion (7.41). Surprisingly enough, the centered inversion image applied to inclusion methods with corrections gives better results. Namely, the application of centered inversion produces sequences of midpoints image of the resulting disks image, which coincides with very fast iterative methods in ordinary complex arithmetic. These fast methods significantly force the contraction of inclusion disks since the convergence of midpoints and the convergence of radii are coupled. This obviously leads to the accelerated convergence of interval methods. On the other hand, the exact inversion gives the “shifted” midpoints of the inverted disks and slower convergence of the sequences of shifted midpoints in ordinary complex arithmetic so that the contraction of disks are not so good. For more details see Petković (2011a). Consequently, the use of exact inversion can accelerate the convergence only to a certain extent when corrections are used in (7.45). As illustration, note that the application of the exact inversion in (7.46) gives the image-order image, see Carstensen and Petković (1994). For this reason, henceforth we will work only with the centered inversion (7.41) without explicitly emphasized.

In what follows we present the inclusion method of Gargantini-Henrici’s type with corrections proposed in Petković et al. (2011d). In this section we restrict our consideration to polynomials with simple zeros and start from a wide class of two-point methods (7.19), already used in Section 7.1,

image (7.47)

where image. Recall that image is an at least twice differentiable function that satisfies the conditions image, image and image.

Let us go back to the general method (7.45). Let image be the correction defined by (7.47) in the imageth iterative step. If


for all image in each iterative step image, then following (7.45) we construct a new inclusion method with corrections

image (7.48)

where image, and image. The centered inversion is assumed in (7.48) and in all subsequent iterative formulae. As mentioned in Remark 7.1, in order to decrease the total computational cost, before executing any iteration step it is necessary to calculate all corrections image in advance.

Now we present the convergence analysis of the interval method (7.48). Introduce the abbreviations


Whereimage is given by (7.47). Here we assume that image for any pair image.

Lemma 7.1

The following relations are valid for the inclusion method (7.48):

(i) image;

(ii) image.


Let image. Then image. By the relation


and the operations of circular interval arithmetic (with the centered inversion (7.41)), we find


The order of the family of two-point methods (7.19) is four (see Theorem 2.5 in Section 2.3), that is, image. Besides, image and image, so that we have

image (7.49)


image (7.50)

Using the introduced abbreviations, the disks produced by the inclusion method (7.48) can be expressed in the form


According to this and using (7.49) and (7.50) we find that




In the convergence analysis of inclusion methods (7.48) with corrections and other inclusion methods of the same type, we will use the notions “sufficiently small disks” and “well separated disks.” This means that there exists a constant image, depending only on the polynomial degree image, such that the inequality

image (7.51)

holds. This inequality defines sufficient conditions for the convergence and the validity of implication (7.44). The quantity η can be regarded as a measure of separation of disks, while image defines size of disks. The inequality of the form (7.51) for initial disks has been stated for several inclusion methods given by Petković (1989a) and Petković and Petković (1998) to define computationally verifiable initial conditions that guarantee the convergence. Since such analysis is not of primary importance in this book, we will not deal with inequalities of this type, but we will use the above notions to emphasize the fulfilment of sufficient initial convergence conditions.

Now we state the following theorem for the inclusion methods (7.48).

Theorem 7.4

Let image be well separated and sufficiently small initial disks and image. Then the lower bound of the image order of convergence of the family of inclusion methods (7.48) is 6.


For simplicity, as usual in this type of analysis, we adopt the relation image, which means that we deal with the “worst case” model. This assumption does not influence the final result of the limit process that we apply in order to obtain the lower bound of the image-order of convergence. Furthermore, the assumption of the theorem that the initial disks are sufficiently small implies that their centers are close enough to the sought zeros; hence, the two-point method (7.47) has order 4.

By virtue of Lemma 7.1 we note that the sequences of centers and radii behave as follows


where the notation image means image. From these relations and Theorem 1.5, we form the image-matrix


which has the spectral radius image and the corresponding positive eigenvector image. Hence, according to Theorem 1.5, we obtain


The convergence of the methods (7.43), (7.46) and (7.48) can be accelerated by applying the Gauss-Seidel approach which makes use of circular approximations calculated in the same iterative step. In this manner, starting from the general method (7.45) and the corrections image and image given by (7.47), we obtain the following methods in a serial mode

image (7.52)

image (7.53)

image (7.54)

whereimage and image. The inclusion iterative methods (7.43), (7.45), (7.46) and (7.48) are realized in a parallel mode and they are often called total-step methods. The methods (7.52)(7.54) with the Gauss-Seidel approach are called single-step methods. The single-step method (7.52) was considered in Petković, 1989, the method (7.53) in Carstensen and Petković, 1994, and the method (7.54) in Petković et al., 2011.

We now estimate the bounds of image-order of convergence of the single-step methods (7.52), (7.53), and, (7.54). Finding the image-order of convergence of this method for a specific image is a very difficult task since image sequences of centers and radii and the number of zeros image are involved in the convergence analysis. However, we can determine easily the range of limit bounds of the image-order taking the limit cases image and very large image. In the latter case the convergence rate of a single-step method becomes almost the same as that of the corresponding total-step method when the polynomial degree is very high.

According to Theorem 7.4 and the results given by Gargantini and Henrici (1972) and Carstensen and Petković (1994) for the total-step methods, we have for very large image

image (7.55)


consider now the single-step methods (7.52)(7.54) for image which is, actually, the application of these methods to a trivial case of a quadratic polynomial with zeros image and image. Assume that image (the ”worst case” model). Introduce the errors


related to the methods (7.52)(7.54), respectively, and indicated by the superscript indices image and 3. In fact, the quantities image and image estimate the closeness of the centers of respective disks image and image to the zero image.

After a somewhat tedious but elementary calculation we derive the following estimates:


The corresponding image-matrices and their spectral radii and eigenvectors are:


to (7.55), Theorem 1.5 and the above image-matrices, we can formulate the following assertion.

Theorem 7.5

The ranges of the lower bounds of image-order of convergence of the single-step methods (7.52), (7.53) and (7.54) are


The comparison of computational efficiency of the interval methods (7.43), (7.46) and (7.48) has been performed in a similar way as in Section 7.1 by calculating the percentage ratios for a 128-bit architecture image,



where New, GH and GN indicate the new family (7.48), the Gargantini Henrici method (7.43) and the Gargantini method with Newton’s corrections (7.46), respectively.

The ratios image (solid line) and image (dashed line) are graphically presented in Fig. 7.3 as functions of the polynomial degree image. These ratios show the improvement of computational efficiency of the new method (7.48) relative to the methods (7.43) and (7.46), expressed in percentage. The improvement is especially prominent in relation to the Gargantini Henrici method (7.43).


Figure 7.3 The ratios of efficiency indices

To demonstrate the convergence behavior of the studied methods, we have applied the inclusion methods (7.43), (7.46) and (7.48) and their single step variants for simple roots to many polynomial equations taking the following six functions image (also listed in Section 2.3 to define Methods 2.1–2.6):

image (7.56)

image (7.57)

image (7.58)

image (7.59)

image (7.60)

image (7.61)

Where image are arbitrary parameters and image is an arbitrary rational number. These functions, appearing in (7.47), are chosen to satisfy the aforementioned conditions image, image and image, have a simple form and deal with variable parameters (except (7.61)).

The enclosures of the zeros in the second and third iteration, which produce very small disks, are provided by the use of computational software Mathematica with multi-precision arithmetic.

Example 7.7

To find circular inclusion approximations to the zeros of the polynomial


we have implemented the inclusion methods (7.43), (7.46) and (7.48) and their single-step variants (7.52), (7.53) and (7.54). The zeros of image are image. We have selected the initial disks image, with centers


The maximal radii of the inclusion disks, produced in the first three iterations, are given in Tables 7.7 and 7.8.

Table 7.7 Maximal radii of inclusion disks – total-step methods for simple zeros


Table 7.8 Maximal radii of inclusion disks – single-step methods for simple zeros


7.4 Simultaneous inclusion of multiple zeros

The interval methods presented in the previous section can be suitably modified for application to the inclusion of multiple zeros.

Let image be simple or multiple zeros of the respective multiplicities image of a monic polynomial image,and let image be initial inclusion disks containing these zeros, that is, image. The zero-relation (7.31) suggests the following method for the simultaneous inclusion of all simple or multiple zeros of the polynomial image

image (7.62)

where image. This method was proposed by Gargantini (1978) and has a cubic convergence.

Using Schröder’s method of second order


for finding a multiple zero of multiplicity image of a function image and the zero-relation (7.31), the following iterative method with Schröder’s corrections of fourth order for the simultaneous inclusion of multiple zeros of polynomials was constructed by Carstensen and Petković (1994):

image (7.63)

Our goal is to achieve further acceleration of the method (7.63) using only a few additional numerical operations and, in this manner, to increase the total computational efficiency of the new method. In Section 7.3 we have derived the simultaneous inclusion methods of sixth order using optimal fourth-order two-step method. In this section we consider another challenging task, the construction of a simultaneous method of the same type but for the inclusion of multiple zeros. We will derive such a method using the optimal two-point method (7.35) for multiple roots of order four, already utilized in Section 7.2.

Following the derivation of the simultaneous method (7.48), we start from the zero-relation (7.31) and construct a new iterative interval method for multiple zeros of polynomials. We replace the disk image appearing in (7.62) by a new disk image calculated by


where we put image and


In this manner we obtain a new method for the simultaneous inclusion of all multiple zeros of a given polynomial which reads

image (7.64)

where image and image.

Taking into account that the Li-Liao-Cheng method (7.35) has order four, we can derive the same relations as in Lemma 7.1 and by Theorem 1.5 we prove the following assertion using a similar procedure as in the proof of Theorem 7.4.

Theorem 7.6

Let image be well separated and sufficiently small initial disks such that image. Then the lower bound of the image-order of convergence of the family of interval methods (7.64) is six.

As in Section 7.3 for simple zeros, the convergence rate of methods (7.62), (7.63) and (7.64) can be accelerated by applying the Gauss-Seidel approach using the already calculated circular approximations in the same iteration. In this manner we obtain the following single-step methods

image (7.65)

image (7.66)

image (7.67)


Since image and image, according to Theorem 7.6 we immediately obtain

Theorem 7.7

The lower bounds of the image-order of convergence of the single-step methods (7.65), (7.66) and (7.67) are contained in the ranges


Remark 7.4

The presented methods (7.62)(7.67) require initial disks that contain the desired zeros and the knowledge of their multiplicities. Both tasks are of great importance in the theory of iterative interval processes. The problem of obtaining initial inclusion disks was studied, for instance, in Carstensen (1991), Herceg (1997), and Petković et al., (1995), while efficient procedures for determination of multiplicities of zeros can be found in Kravanja (1999a,b), Neumaier (1988) and Niu and Sakurai (2003).

Example 7.8

The total-step methods (7.62)(7.64) and the single-step methods (7.65)(7.67) have been applied for the simultaneous inclusion of multiple zeros of the polynomial


The zeros of this polynomial are image with multiplicities 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2,3, 2, respectively. For initial disks we have selected disks image, with centers


The maximal radii of the inclusion disks, produced in the first three iterative steps, are given in Tables 7.9 and 7.10.

Table 7.9 Maximal radii of inclusion disks – total-step methods for multiple zeros


Table 7.10 Maximal radii of inclusion disks – single-step methods for multiple zeros


From Tables 7.9 and 7.10 we conclude that the simultaneous methods (7.64) and (7.67), cobined with the multipoint method (7.35), give the smallest inclusion disks.

7.5 Halley-like inclusion methods of high efficiency

In this section we present a class of Halley-like iterative methods of high computational efficiency for the simultaneous inclusion of polynomial simple or multiple zeros. These methods are constructed by a technique based on corrections, proposed by Petković and Carstensen (1993) and Carstensen and Petković (1994). The presented family of inclusion methods can be regarded as an improved variant of the Halley-like iterative method presented in Petković (1989b) and discussed later in Petković, 1999 and Petković and Milošević (2005a, 2005b).

Let image be a monic polynomial of degree image with simple or multiple complex zeros image, with respective multiplicities image. In our consideration we will use the abbreviations




image appears in cubically convergent Halley’s iterative method image, see (1.35).

Also, we define a disk


where image and image are vectors whose components are disks and image denotes the centered inversion of a disk (7.41).

Remark 7.5

We write image rather than image since


see Petković (1986).

The following zero-relation was derived in Wang and Zheng (1984):

image (7.68)

Taking disks image, which contain the zeros image, instead of these zeros and putting image in (7.68), we obtain the following inclusion,

image (7.69)

where image.

Let imagebe initial disjoint disks containing the zeros image, that is, image for all image, and let image. According to the inclusion property, the following total-step method for the simultaneous inclusion of all zeros of image follows from 7.69

image (7.70)

The order of the iterative method (7.70) is four, see Petković (1989b).

Remark 7.6

Halley’s correction image is a composite part of the iterative formula (7.70). For this reason, this method and its latter modifications are referred to as Halley-like inclusion methods.

The acceleration of convergence rate of the iterative method (7.70) using Schröder’s correction image and Halley’s correction image was obtained in Petković and Milošević (2011) in a similar way as in Carstensen and Petković (1994) and Petković and Carstensen (1993). To express these methods in a unique form, we use an additional superscript index image for Schröder’s correction and image for Halley’s correction), that is,

image (7.71)

for image. It was proved in Petković and Milošević (2011) that the order of convergence of the obtained improved method (7.71) is equal image. Both corrections image and image are denoted uniquely by imageimage.

Further acceleration of the convergence rate can be obtained by using corrections arising from the family of two-point fourth-order methods for finding multiple roots of a nonlinear equation image, recently developed by Zhou et al. (2011) (see (2.163)),

image (7.72)



and φ is at least twice differentiable function which satisfies the following conditions

image (7.73)

Here imageis the multiplicity of the wanted zero ζ of a function image (not necessarily an algebraic polynomial in general). The method (7.72) will be called ZCS-method after the authors, and the corresponding correction image ZCS-correction. The order of convergence of the iterative method (7.72) is four, that is,

image (7.74)

holds (for the proof, see Zhou et al., 2011).

In what follows we substitute image by an approximation image of image and image by the corresponding multiplicity image of image. The disk approximation image is replaced by image calculated by


where image, image and φ is any function that satisfies conditions (7.73). In this manner we obtain an improved method for the simultaneous inclusion of all simple or multiple zeros of a given polynomial in the form (7.71) for image, that is, we deal with the disks


Particular examples of the function φ are given later (Method 1 – Method 5).

To determine the order of convergence of the method image, we introduce the abbreviations

image (7.75)

image (7.76)

First we prove the following assertion.

Lemma 7.2

For the inclusion method image, the following relations are valid

(i)  image;

(ii)  image.


Let image. Then image. Using circular arithmetic operations given in Section 7.1, we obtain

image (7.77)


image (7.78)

Starting from (7.77) we find

image (7.79)

Using the identity


we obtain

image (7.80)

Where imageis a disk within square brackets in the second row of (7.80). Now the method image can be written in the form

image (7.81)

We have the following estimates:

image (7.82)

From the difference


and (7.74) we obtain


Hence, there follows

image (7.83)


image (7.84)

According to the obtained estimates (7.82)(7.84) and the identities


we find from (7.80)

image (7.85)

image (7.86)

Using (7.85) and (7.86) we get from (7.81)




Theorem 7.8

If image are well separated and sufficiently small initial disks and image, then the lower bound of the image-order of convergence of the family of inclusion methodsimage is 7.


The convergence analysis of inclusion methods image with ZCS-corrections is based on the assertions of Lemma 7.2 and Theorem 1.5.

Without loss of generality, we adopt the relation image, dealing with the “worst case” model. By virtue of Lemma 7.2 we observe that the sequences image and image behave as follows


According to these relations and Theorem 1.5 we form the image-matrix


Its spectral radius is image and the corresponding eigenvector is image. Hence, with regard to Theorem 1.5, we obtain


The convergence rate of the methods (7.70) and (7.71) (assuming image) can be accelerated by applying Gauss-Seidel’s approach, which means that the already calculated inclusion disks are used in the same iteration as soon as they become available. In this manner, we obtain from (7.70) the single-step method

image (7.87)

and from (7.71) the single-step methods with corrections

image (7.88)

for image and image. Recall that image is a vector whose components are inclusion disks already calculated in the same iteration, see the definition of the sums image.

The inclusion methods (7.87) and (7.88) (for image) were studied in Petković and Milošević, 2011. It was proved there that the image-order of convergence of the single-step method (7.87) is at least image, where image is the unique positive root of the equation


The ranges of the lower bounds of the image-order of convergence of the methods (7.88) are


for the methods with Schröder’s image and Halley’s corrections image, respectively.

Let us examine now the single-step method (7.88) for image. First, since the order of convergence of a single-step method approaches the order of the corresponding total-step method when the polynomial degree is very large, according to Theorem 7.8 we have


for very large ν.

Consider now the single-step method image for image and assume that


(the “worst case” model). After an extensive and tedious calculations we arrive at the following estimates


The corresponding image-matrix and its spectral radius and eigenvector are:


into account the previous results, we can state the following assertion.

Theorem 7.9

The range of the lower bound of image-order of convergence of the family of single-step methods image is


The presented inclusion methods (7.70), (7.71), (7.87) and (7.88) have been tested in solving many polynomial equations. All methods have been realized by the use of only centered inversion. We have used different functions image which satisfy conditions (7.73) to construct various methods taking image

Method 1. image.

Method 2. image.

Method 3. image.

Method 4. image.

Method 5. image.

The expressions for the coefficients image and image are given in Section 2.7.

Remark 7.7

The two-point method (7.72) with image given above (Method 3) gives a special case considered in Li et al., 2009. The choice image leads to he method studied in Sharma and Sharma, 2010.

Example 7.9

We have found circular inclusionapproximations to multiple zeros of the polynomial given in Example 7.8 using the same initial disks. By implementing theinterval methods (7.70), (7.71), (7.87) and (7.88) for image, we obtain inclusion disks with maximal radii given in Table 7.11.

Table 7.11 The maximal radii of inclusion disks


From Table 7.11 we can conclude that the theoretical value of convergence order of the considered methods mainly well coincides with the convergence rate of these methods in practice, especially in latter iterations. Very small disks obtained in the third iteration demonstrate the property of inclusion methods with corrections consisting of the growing accuracy of the resulting disk approximations.


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