Error/Fault Data for Router Environmental Characteristics

We'll specifically look at the high-end routers, such as the 7x00 series, since that is where most, if not all the environmental characteristics are reported. Tables 10-6 through 10-13 summarize the environmental specifications (temperature and voltages) of each router type (7500 series and 7200 series). Subsequent sections look at the MIBs and data points to monitor for those values.

The router also reports fan status messages, but we will not go into those messages specifically because you'll start to see a pattern in the voltages and temperature monitoring. You can apply the same methodology to the fan status.

Table 10-6. Typical Processor-Monitored Temperature Thresholds (Cisco 7505)
Parameter Warning Normal Warning Critical Shutdown
Inlet Air < 10° C 10–39° C 39–46° C 46–64° C > 64° C
Airflow < 10° C 10–70° C 70–77° C 77–88° C > 88° C

Table 10-7. Typical Power Supply-Monitored Voltage Thresholds (Cisco 7505)
Parameter Critical Normal Critical
+5VDC < 4.74 4.74-5.26 > 5.26
+12VDC < 10.20 10.20 to 13.8 > 13.80
–12VDC > –10.20 –10.20 to –13.80 < –13.80
+24VDC < 20.00 20.00 to 28.00 > 28.00

Table 10-8. Typical Processor-Monitored Temperature Thresholds (Cisco 7507)
Parameter Normal High Warning High Critical Shutdown
Inlet 10–40° C 44° C 50° C -
Hotpoint 10–40° C 54° C 60° C -
Exhaust 10–40° C - - -
Processors - - - 70° C
Power Supply - - - 75° C
Restart 40° C - - -

Table 10-9. Typical Power Supply-Monitored DC-Voltage Thresholds (Cisco 7507)
Parameter Normal Low Critical Low Warning High Warning High Critical
+5VDC 4.74 to 5.26 4.49 4.74 5.25 5.52
+12VDC 10.20 to 13.8 10.90 11.61 12.82 13.38
–12VDC –10.20 to –13.80 –10.15 –10.76 –13.25 –13.86
+24VDC 20.00 to 28.00 19.06 21.51 26.51 28.87

Table 10-10. Typical Processor-Monitored Temperature Thresholds (Cisco 7513)
Parameter Normal High Warning High Critical Shutdown
Inlet 10–40° C 44° C 50° C -
Hotpoint 10–40° C 54° C 60° C -
Exhaust 10–40° C - - -
Processors - - - 70° C
Power Supply - - - 75° C
Restart 40° C - - -

Table 10-11. Typical Power Supply-Monitored DC-Voltage Thresholds (Cisco 7513)
Parameter Normal Low Critical Low Warning High Warning High Critical
+5VDC 4.74 to 5.26 4.49 4.74 5.25 5.52
+12VDC 10.20 to 13.8 10.76 11.37 12.64 13.24
–12VDC –10.20 to –13.80 –10.15 –10.76 –13.25 –13.86
+24VDC 20.00 to 28.00 19.06 21.51 26.51 28.87

Table 10-12. Typical Processor-Monitored Temperature Thresholds (7200 Series: NPE-100, NPE-150, and NPE-200)
Parameter High Warning High Critical Shutdown
NPE-100 or NPE-200
Chassis inlet 04° F (40° C) 122° F (50° C) -
Chassis outlet 1 109° F (43° C) 127° F (53° C) 136° F (58° C)
Chassis outlet 2 167° F (75° C) 167° F (75° C) -
Chassis outlet 3 122° F (50° C) 140° F (60° C) 149° F (65° C)
Chassis inlet 04° F (40° C) 122° F (50° C) -
Chassis outlet 1 109° F (43° C) 127° F (53° C) 136° F (58° C)
Chassis outlet 2 167° F (75° C) 167° F (75° C) -
Chassis outlet 3 131° F (55° C) 149° F (65° C) 158° F (70° C)

Table 10-13. Typical Power Supply-Monitored DC-Voltage Thresholds (7200 Series)
Parameter Low Critical Low Warning High Warning High Critical
+3.45V +3.26V +3.34V +3.55V +3.63V
+5.15V +4.86V +4.99V +5.31V +5.43V
+12.15V +11.39V +11.67V +12.62V +12.91V
–11.95V –9.52V –10.73V –13.16V –14.38V

MIB Variables for Voltages (Power Supply)

From CISCO-ENVMON MIB, the following variables are relevant to voltages:

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr: The state of the voltage characteristics in a router.

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageState: Can have one of the following values: normal, Warning, Critical, Shutdown, or notPresent.

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue: The actual voltage value.

From these MIB objects, you can identify the state of the voltage settings on the router. It may not be necessary to constantly go poll these MIB objects, but to go poll only the objects when an SNMP trap is received. These three values are used as varbinds in the ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification Trap message. After the trap is received, you may want to go out and poll the node for awhile, especially if it exceeds a threshold setting defined in Table 10-14.

Table 10-14 summarizes the recommended baseline thresholds for voltage]

Table 10-14. Voltage Threshold–—7x00 Series Routers
 Low Voltage Threshold (Volts DC) High Voltage Threshold (Volts DC)
Router Type +5+3.45(7200) +12 +5.15 (7200) –12 +12.15 (7200) +24 –11.95 (7200) +5 +3.45 (7200) +12 +5.15 (7200) -12 +12.15 (7200) +24 –11.95 (7200)
7505 < 4.74 < 10.20 > –10.20 < 20.00 > 5.26 > 13.80 < –13.80 > 28.00
7507 < 4.74 < 11.61 > –10.76 < 21.51 > 5.25 > 12.82 < –13.25 > 26.51
7513 < 4.74 < 11.37 > –13.25 < 21.51 > 5.25 > 12.64 < –13.25 > 26.51
7200 < 3.34 < 4.99 < 11.67 > –10.73 > 3.55 > 5.31 > 12.62 < –13.16

Related MIB objects from CISCO-ENVMON MIB are as follows:

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdLow

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageThresholdHigh

  • ciscoEnvMonVoltageLastShutdown

CLI Commands for Voltages

The following are show commands relating to environmental characteristics of a router. These values are comparable to the data points gathered from the MIB variables previously mentioned.

Router Environment from show env all

If you include the keyword “all” at the end of the show env command, the output reported is what the voltages are currently measured at. The threshold settings are not displayed in this output. All environmental characteristics are updated every 60 seconds for CLI reporting.

Example 10-15 focuses on the voltage readings from show env all output.

Example 10-15. Obtaining router voltage information with show env all.
Router# show env all
Environmental Statistics
  Environmental status as of Wed 5-10-1995 19:10:41
  Data is 31 second(s) old, refresh in 29 second(s)
  WARNING: Fan has reached CRITICAL level
  Power Supply: 1200W AC
  No Intermittent Powerfails
  +12 volts measured at  12.00(V) A
   +5 volts measured at   5.02(V) A
  -12 volts measured at -12.05(V) A
  +24 volts measured at  23.70(V) A
  Airflow temperature measured at 35
  Inlet   temperature measured at 26
Arbiter type 1, backplane type 7513 (id 2)
Power supply #1 is 1200W AC (id 1), power supply #2 is removed (id 7)
Active fault conditions: Blower #3
Fan speed is 50%
Active trip points: none
15 of 15 soft shutdowns remaining before hard shutdown

The router reports the current 4 DC voltages (A). The 7200 series uses different voltage data points, as indicated in Table 10-13. These values are updated every minute.

Router Environment from show env table

This command reports the threshold settings for the appropriate router's environmental characteristics. It reports the values seen in Table 10-14. The thresholds are categorized as either Warning or Critical.

Example 10-16 focuses on the voltage readings available from show env table.

Example 10-16. Obtaining router voltage readings with show env table.
Router# show env table
Sample Point    LowCritical     LowWarning      HighWarning     HighCritical
RSP(2) Inlet      44C/111F        50C/122F
RSP(2) Hotpoint         54C/129F        60C/140F
RSP(2) Exhaust     101C/213F       101C/213C
RSP(3) Inlet      44C/111F        50C/122F
RSP(3) Hotpoint         54C/129F        60C/140F
RSP(3) Exhaust     101C/213F       101C/213F
+12 Voltage      10.90   11.61     12.82     13.38 A
+5 Voltage        4.49             4.74           5.25            5.52 A
-12 Voltage     -10.15           -10.76         -13.25           -13.86 A
+24 Voltage      19.06            21.51          26.51            28.87 A
Shutdown boards at           101C/213F
Shutdown power supplies at   101C/213F

All the threshold settings are reported here, both Warning and Critical. Table 10-14 reports everything that exceeds the Warning level because an SNMP trap will be generated when the Warning threshold is exceeded.

SNMP Traps for Voltages

From CISCO-ENVMON MIB, the ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification trap is relevant to voltages.

A ciscoEnvMonVoltageNotification is sent if the voltage measured at a given testpoint is outside the normal range for the testpoint (that is, at the Warning, Critical, or Shutdown stage). Because such a notification is usually generated before the Shutdown state is reached, it can convey more data and has a better chance of being sent than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification. The ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusDescr, ciscoEnvMonVoltageStatusValue, and ciscoEnvMonVoltageState MIB variables are used as the varbinds or variables within this SNMP trap message.

Syslog Messages for Voltages

Some of the environmental syslog messages may start with “ENV” or “ENVM,” depending on the IOS running on the router or router platform. They are summarized in Table 10-15.

Table 10-15. Syslog Messages for Router Environment Information
Message Explanation
%ENV-2-VOLTAGE: [chars] testpointmeasured [chars]. Shutdown margin is [chars] The ENV card indicates the voltage it is measuring (for example, +5, +12, –5, –12), the amount of voltage that it measured, and the voltage at which the processor will shut down the system.
%ENV-1-SHUTDOWN: Environmental Monitor initiated shutdown One of the environmental measurements reached Shutdown status. The system is about to shut down the processor to prevent damage to the hardware.

MIB Variables for Temperature

From CISCO-ENVMON MIB, the following variables are relevant to temperature:

  • ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr

  • ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue

  • ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState

The latter can have one of the following values: normal, Warning, Critical, Shutdown, or notPresent.

From these MIB objects, you can identify the state of the temperature settings on the router. It may not be necessary to constantly go poll these MIB objects, but to only go poll the objects when an SNMP trap is received. These three values are used in the ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification Trap message as varbinds. After the trap is received, you may want to go out and poll the node for awhile, especially if it exceeds a threshold setting defined in Table 10-16.

Table 10-16 summarizes the recommended baseline thresholds for temperature. Table 10-17 summarizes the temperatures that will cause the router to shut down.

Table 10-16. Temperature Threshold—7x00 Series Routers
Low Temperature Threshold (Celsius-C°) High Temperature Threshold (Celsius-C°)
Router Type Inlet Airflow Outlet Hotpoint Inlet Airflow Outlet * Hotpoint
7505 < 10° < 10° - - > 39 ° > 70 ° - -
7507 - - - - >= 44° - - >= 54°
7513 - - - - >= 44° - - >= 54°
7200[*] - - - - > 39° - > 42°

> 49°

> 74°

[*] 7200 Series outlet temperature thresholds range from 43 C° to 75 C°, depending on the outlet point 1, 2, or 3.

Table 10-17. Shutdown Temperature Threshold—7x00 Series Routers
Router Type Inlet (in C°) Airflow (in C°) Processors (in C°) Power Supply (in C°) Outlet * (in C°)
7505 > 64° > 88° - - -
7507 - - 70° 75° -
7513 ° - 70° 75° -
7200[*] - - - - 58°



[*] 7200 Series outlet shutdown temperature thresholds range from 58 C° to 70 C°, depending on the outlet point 1 or 3 and NPE type (100, 150, or 200).

Related MIB objects from CISCO-ENVMON are the following:

  • ciscoEnvMonTemperatureThreshold

  • ciscoEnvMonTemperatureLastShutdown

CLI Commands for Temperature

Two show commands that provide data relating to temperature statistics are show env all and show env table.

Router Temperature Information from show env all

If you use the keyword “all” at the end of the show env command, the output reported is what the temperatures are currently measured at. The threshold settings are not displayed in this output. All environmental characteristics are updated every 60 seconds for CLI reporting.

Example 10-17 focuses on temperature data supplied by show env all.

Example 10-17. Obtaining router temperature information with show env all.
Router# show env all
Environmental Statistics
  Environmental status as of Wed 5-10-1995 19:10:41
  Data is 31 second(s) old, refresh in 29 second(s)
  WARNING: Fan has reached CRITICAL level
  Power Supply: 1200W AC
  No Intermittent Powerfails
  +12 volts measured at  12.00(V)
   +5 volts measured at   5.02(V)
  -12 volts measured at -12.05(V)
  +24 volts measured at  23.70(V)
  Airflow temperature measured at 35 A
  Inlet   temperature measured at 26 A
Arbiter type 1, backplane type 7513 (id 2)
Power supply #1 is 1200W AC (id 1), power supply #2 is removed (id 7)
Active fault conditions: Blower #3
Fan speed is 50%
Active trip points: none
15 of 15 soft shutdowns remaining before hard shutdown

The current Inlet and Airflow temperature (A) is reported in this output. If there is a fault in the temperature, you will see the fault here, just as you see a warning for the fan in the beginning of this sample output. Table 10-16 reports everything that exceeds the Warning level because an SNMP trap will be generated when the warning threshold is exceeded. Table 10-17 reports the temperature where the routers will shut down.

Router Temperature Information from show env table

This command reports the threshold settings for the appropriate router's environmental characteristics. It reports the values seen in Table 10-16 and Table 10-17. The thresholds are categorized as Warning, Critical, or Shutdown.

Example 10-18 shows output from show env table, with emphasis on temperature values.

Example 10-18. Obtaining router termperature information with show env table.
Router# show env table
Sample Point      LowCritical     LowWarning      HighWarning      HighCritical
RSP(2) Inlet      44C/111F        50C/122F A
RSP(2) Hotpoint   54C/129F        60C/140F A
RSP(2) Exhaust    101C/213F       101C/213C A
RSP(3) Inlet      44C/111F        50C/122F A
RSP(3) Hotpoint   54C/129F        60C/140F A
RSP(3) Exhaust    101C/213F       101C/213F A
+12 Voltage       10.90           11.61           12.82            13.38
+5 Voltage        4.49             4.74            5.25             5.52
-12 Voltage      -10.15          -10.76          -13.25           -13.86
+24 Voltage       19.06            21.51          26.51            28.87
Shutdown boards at           101C/213F B
Shutdown power supplies at   101C/213F B

Following are the annotated highlights of Example 10-18:

A All the temperature threshold settings are reported for each temperature data point on the router. The Fahrenheit values are also reported in addition to the Celsius values. These values match Table 10-16 values.

B The shutdown values are reported for the power supplies, Processor boards, Airflow, or Inlet temperature. These values are the extreme values at which the routers will shut down. The shutdown values in Table 10-17 are the high-end values used so that SNMP trap messages can still be sent to inform of an imminent shutdown. The trap ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification is sent when the values in Table 10-16 are met.

SNMP Traps for Temperature

From CISCO-ENVMON MIB, the ciscoEnvMonTemperatureNotification trap is relevant to temperature. This trap is sent if the temperature measured at a given testpoint is outside the normal range for the testpoint (that is, it is at the Warning, Critical, or Shutdown stage). Because such a notification is usually generated before the Shutdown state is reached, it can convey more data and has a better chance of being sent than does ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification. The ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusDescr, ciscoEnvMonTemperatureStatusValue, and ciscoEnvMonTemperatureState MIB variables are used as the varbinds or variables within this SNMP trap message.

Syslog Messages for Temperature

Table 10-18 summarizes the syslog messages related to temperature. Some of the environmental syslog messages may start with “ENV” or “ENVM,” depending on the IOS running on the router or router platform.

Table 10-18. Syslog Messages for Router Temperature Information
Message Explanation
%ENV-2-TEMP: Ambient temperature measured [chars]. Shutdown at [chars] The ENV card indicates the temperature it measured and the temperature at which it shuts down.
%ENV-1-SHUTDOWN: Environmental Monitor initiated shutdown One of the environmental measurements reached SHUTDOWN status. The system is about to shut down the processor to prevent damage to the hardware.

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