Chapter 8. Threads

Threads have been around for some time, but few programmers have actually worked with them. There is even some debate over whether the average programmer can use threads effectively. In Java, working with threads can be easy and productive (at least for the most common cases). In fact, threads provide the only reasonable way to handle certain kinds of tasks. So it’s important that you become familiar with threads early in your exploration of Java.

Threads are integral to the way Java works. For example, an applet’s paint( ) method isn’t called by the applet itself, but rather by another thread within the Java runtime system. At any given time, there may be many such background threads, performing activities in parallel with your application. In fact, it’s easy to get half a dozen or more threads running in an applet without even trying, simply by requesting images, updating the screen, playing audio, and so on. But these things happen behind the scenes; you don’t normally have to worry about them. In this chapter, we’ll talk about writing applications that create and use their own threads explicitly.

Introducing Threads

Conceptually, a thread is a flow of control within a program. A thread is similar to the more familiar notion of a process, except that multiple threads within the same application share much of the same state—in particular, they run in the same address space. It’s not unlike a golf course, which many golfers use at the same time. Sharing the same address space means that threads share instance variables but not local variables, just like players share the golf course but not personal things like clubs and balls.

Multiple threads in an application have the same problems as the golfers—in a word, synchronization. Just as you can’t have two sets of players blindly playing the same green at the same time, you can’t have several threads trying to access the same variables without some kind of coordination. Someone is bound to get hurt. A thread can reserve the right to use an object until it’s finished with its task, just as a golf party gets exclusive rights to the green until it’s done. And a thread that is more important can raise its priority, asserting its right to play through.

The devil is in the details, of course, and those details have historically made threads difficult to use. Java makes creating, controlling, and coordinating threads much simpler. When creating a new thread is the best way to accomplish some task, it should be as easy as adding a new component to your application.

It is common to stumble over threads when you first look at them, because creating a thread exercises many of your new Java skills all at once. You can avoid confusion by remembering there are always two players involved in running a thread: a Java language object that represents the thread itself and an arbitrary target object that contains the method that the thread is to execute. Later, you will see that it is possible to play some sleight of hand and combine these two roles, but that special case just changes the packaging, not the relationship.

The Thread Class and the Runnable Interface

A new thread is born when we create an instance of the java.lang.Thread class. The Thread object represents a real thread in the Java interpreter and serves as a handle for controlling and synchronizing its execution. With it, we can start the thread, stop the thread, or suspend it temporarily. The constructor for the Thread class accepts information about where the thread should begin its execution. Conceptually, we would like to simply tell it what method to run, but since there are no pointers to methods in Java, we can’t specify one directly. Instead, we have to take a short detour and use the java.lang.Runnable interface to create an object that contains a “runnable” method. Runnable defines a single, general-purpose method:

public interface Runnable {  
    abstract public void run( );  

Every thread begins its life by executing the run( ) method in the Runnable object (the “target object”) that was passed to the thread. The run( ) method can contain any code, but it must be public, take no arguments, have no return value, and throw no exceptions.

Any class that contains an appropriate run( ) method can declare that it implements the Runnable interface. An instance of this class is then a runnable object that can serve as the target of a new Thread. If you don’t want to put the run( ) method directly in your object (and very often you don’t), you can always make an adapter class that serves as the Runnable for you. The adapter’s run( ) method can call any method it wants to after the thread is started.

Creating and starting threads

A newly born Thread remains idle until we give it a figurative slap on the bottom by calling its start( ) method. The thread then wakes up and proceeds to execute the run() method of its target object. start( ) can be called only once in the lifetime of a Thread. Once a thread starts, it continues running until the target object’s run() method returns. The start( ) method has a sort of evil twin method called stop( ) , which kills the thread permanently. However, this method is deprecated and should no longer be used. We’ll explain why and give some examples of a better way to stop your threads later in this chapter. We will also look at some other methods you can use to control a thread’s progress while it is running.

Now let’s look at an example. The following class, Animation, implements a run( ) method to drive its drawing loop:

class Animation implements Runnable {  
   public void run( ) {  
       while ( true ) {  
           // draw Frames  

To use it, we create a Thread object, passing it an instance of Animation as its target object, and invoke its start( ) method. We can perform these steps explicitly:

Animation happy = new Animation("Mr. Happy");  
Thread myThread = new Thread( happy );  
myThread.start( );

Here we have created an instance of our Animation class and passed it as the argument to the constructor for myThread. When we call the start( ) method, myThread begins to execute Animation’s run( ) method. Let the show begin!

This situation is not terribly object-oriented. More often, we want an object to handle its own threads, as shown in Figure 8.1, which depicts a Runnable object that creates and starts its own Thread. We’ll show our Animation class performing these actions in its constructor, although in practice it might be better to place them in a more explicit controller method (e.g., startAnimation( )):

Interaction between Animation and its thread

Figure 8-1. Interaction between Animation and its thread

class Animation implements Runnable {  
    Thread myThread;  
    Animation (String name) {  
        myThread = new Thread( this );  
        myThread.start( );  

In this case, the argument we pass to the Thread constructor is this, the current object (which is a Runnable). We keep the Thread reference in the instance variable myThread, in case we want to interrupt the show or exercise some other kind of control later.

The Runnable interface lets us make an arbitrary object the target of a thread, as we did earlier. This is the most important general usage of the Thread class. In most situations in which you need to use threads, you’ll create a class (possibly a simple adapter class) that implements the Runnable interface.

A natural-born thread

We’d be remiss not to show you the other technique for creating a thread. Another design option is to make our target class a subclass of a type that is already runnable. As it turns out, the Thread class itself conveniently implements the Runnable interface; it has its own run( ) method, which we can override directly to do our bidding:

class Animation extends Thread {  
    public void run( ) {  
        while (true ) {  
            // draw Frames  

The skeleton of our Animation class looks much the same as before, except that our class is now a subclass of Thread. To go along with this scheme, the default constructor of the Thread class makes itself the default target. That is, by default, the Thread executes its own run() method when we call the start( ) method, as shown in Figure 8.2. So now our subclass can just override the run( ) method in the Thread class. (Thread itself defines an empty run( ) method.)

Animation as a subclass of Thread

Figure 8-2. Animation as a subclass of Thread

Now we create an instance of Animation and call its start( ) method (which it also inherited from Thread):

Animation bouncy = new Animation("Bouncy");  
bouncy.start( );

Alternatively, we can have the Animation object start its thread when it is created, as before:

class Animation extends Thread {  
    Animation (String name) {  
        start( );  

Here our Animation object just calls its own start( ) method when an instance is created. (Again, it’s probably better form to start and stop our objects explicitly after they’re created, rather than starting threads as a hidden side effect of object creation.)

Subclassing Thread seems like a convenient way to bundle a Thread and its target run( ) method. However, this approach often isn’t the best design. If you subclass Thread to implement a thread, you are saying you need a new type of object that is a kind of Thread. While there is something unnaturally satisfying about taking an object that’s primarily concerned with performing a task and making it a Thread, the actual situations where you’ll want to create a subclass of Thread should not be very common. In most cases, it will be more natural to let the requirements of your program dictate the class structure. If you find you’re subclassing Thread left and right, you may want to examine whether you are falling into the design trap of making objects that are simply glorified functions.

Using an adapter

Finally, as we have suggested, we can build an adapter class to give us more control over how to structure the code. It is particularly convenient to create an anonymous inner class that implements Runnable and invokes an arbitrary method in our object. This almost gives the feel of starting a thread and specifying an arbitrary method to run, as if we had method pointers. For example, suppose that our Animation class provides a method called startAnimating( ), which performs setup (loads the images, etc.) and then starts a thread to perform the animation. We’ll say that the actual guts of the animation loop are in a private method called drawFrames(). We could use an adapter to run drawFrames( ) for us:

class Animation {  
    public void startAnimating( ) {  
        // do setup, load images, etc. 
        // start a drawing thread 
        myThread = new Thread ( new Runnable( ) {  
            public void run() { drawFrames( ); }  
        } ); 
        myThread.start( ); 
    private void drawFrames( ) { 
        // do animation ... 

In this code, the anonymous inner class implementing Runnable is generated for us by the compiler. We create a Thread with this anonymous object as its target and have its run() method call our drawFrames( ) method. We have avoided implementing a generic run( ) method in our application code, but at the expense of generating an extra class.

Note that we could be a bit more terse in the previous example by simply having our anonymous inner class extend Thread rather than implement Runnable:

myThread = new Thread( ) {  
  public void run() { drawFrames( ); }  
myThread.start( ); 

Controlling Threads

We have seen the start( ) method used to bring a newly created Thread to life. Several other instance methods let us explicitly control a Thread’s execution:

  • The sleep( ) method causes the current thread to wait for a designated period of time, without consuming much (if any) CPU time.

  • The interrupt( ) method wakes up a thread that is sleeping or is otherwise blocked on a long I/O operation.[25]

  • The methods wait() and join( ) coordinate the execution of two or more threads. We’ll discuss them in detail when we talk about thread synchronization later in this chapter.

Deprecated methods

We should also mention that there are three deprecated thread control methods: stop() , suspend(), and resume() . The stop() method complements start( ); it destroys the thread. start(), and the deprecated stop( ) method can be called only once in the life cycle of a Thread. By contrast, the deprecated suspend( ) and resume( ) methods were used to arbitrarily pause and then restart the execution of a Thread.

Although these deprecated methods still exist in the latest version of Java, they shouldn’t be used in new code development. The problem with both stop( ) and suspend( ) is that they seize control of a thread’s execution in an uncoordinated and harsh way. This make programming difficult—it’s not always easy for an application to anticipate and properly recover from being interrupted at an arbitrary point in its execution. Moreover, when a thread is seized using one of these methods, the Java runtime system must release all of its internal locks used for thread synchronization. This can cause unexpected behavior and, in the case of suspend( ), can lead to deadlock situations.

A better way to affect the execution of a thread—which requires just a bit more work on your part—is by creating some simple logic in your thread’s code using monitor variables ( flags), possibly in conjunction with the interrupt( ) method, which allows you to wake up a sleeping thread. In other words, you should cause your thread to stop or resume what it is doing by asking it to nicely, rather than by pulling the rug out from under it unexpectedly. The thread examples in this book will use this technique in one way or another.

The sleep( ) method

We often need to tell a thread to sit idle, or “sleep,” for a fixed period of time. While a thread is asleep, or otherwise blocked on input of some kind, it shouldn’t consume CPU time or compete with other threads for processing. For this, we can either call the thread’s sleep( ) instance method or use the static convenience method Thread.sleep( ). Either way, the call causes the currently executing thread to delay for a specified number of milliseconds:

try {  
	// static convenience method
    Thread.sleep( 1000 );  
    // instance method
    sleep( 500 );
catch ( InterruptedException e ) {  
    // someone woke us up prematurely 

In either case, sleep( ) throws an InterruptedException if it is interrupted by another Thread via its interrupt( ) method. As you see in the previous code, the thread can catch this exception and take the opportunity to perform some action—such as checking a variable to determine whether or not it should exit—or perhaps just perform some housekeeping and then go back to sleep.

The join( ) method

Finally, if you need to coordinate your activities with another thread by waiting for the other thread to complete its task, you can use the join( ) method. Calling a thread’s join( ) method causes the caller to block until the target thread dies. Alternatively, you can poll the thread by calling join( ) with a number of milliseconds to wait. This is a very coarse form of thread synchronization. Later in this chapter, we’ll look at a much more general and powerful mechanism for coordinating the activities of threads: wait() and notify( ).

A Thread’s Life

A thread continues to execute until one of the following things happens:

  • It explicitly returns from its target run( ) method.

  • It encounters an uncaught runtime exception.

  • The evil and nasty deprecated stop( ) method is called.

So what happens if none of these things occurs and the run( ) method for a thread never terminates? The answer is that the thread can live on, even after what is ostensibly the part of the application that created it has finished. This means we have to be aware of how our threads eventually terminate, or an application can end up leaving orphaned threads that unnecessarily consume resources.

In many cases, we really want to create background threads that do simple, periodic tasks in an application. The setDaemon( ) method can be used to mark a Thread as a daemon thread that should be killed and discarded when no other application threads remain. Normally, the Java interpreter continues to run until all threads have completed. But when daemon threads are the only threads still alive, the interpreter will exit.

Here’s a devilish example using daemon threads:

class Devil extends Thread {  
    Devil( ) {  
        setDaemon( true );  
        start( );  
    public void run( ) {  
        // perform evil tasks  

In this example, the Devil thread sets its daemon status when it is created. If any Devil threads remain when our application is otherwise complete, the runtime system kills them for us. We don’t have to worry about cleaning them up.

Daemon threads are primarily useful in standalone Java applications and in the implementation of the Java runtime system itself, but not in applets. Since an applet runs inside of another Java application, any daemon threads it creates could continue to live until the controlling application exits—probably not the desired effect. A browser or any other application can use ThreadGroups to contain all of the threads created by subsystems of an application and then clean them up if necessary.

[25] interrupt( ) does not work in versions of Java prior to 1.1.

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