Appendix C. Resources

This appendix lists the resources described in this book. Each of the tools (with the exception of tools mentioned only in Chapter 16, Chapter 16, which are already listed in a similar format) described in the book is presented here. Each entry credits the author and provides information about where the software can be obtained.

Most of the resources in this appendix are availble from the CTAN archives. Where other sites are listed (for example, for MS-DOS software), the addresses are only one possibility. Most of these archives are mirrored around the world. When possible, use an FTP site that is geographically nearby. If you are connected to the Internet, the archie service can help you locate nearby sites.

TUG: The TeX Users Group

The TeX Users Group TUG, begun in 1980, is the international group for TeX users. Their mission is to encourage and expand the use of TeX, MetaFont, and related systems; to ensure the integrity and portability of these systems; and to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document preparation.

Membership includes the quarterly TUGboat, the newsletter TTN (also a quarterly), and a membership directory; as well, TUG publishes an occasional series called TeXniques, for special topics (e.g., PiCTeX, edmac.sty).

TUG annual meetings are held in various locations, currently in North America and Europe, in a regular rotation; proceedings are published in TUGboat. Most of the publications now available on TeX, MetaFont, and related systems are available from the TUG office, which also distributes the main public domain TeX implementations.

In addition to its publications, TUG promotes active development work via the Technical Council and its Technical Working Groups. pagebreak Efforts here include the CTAN archive work, multilingual TeX, TeX for the disabled, and the intersection of TeX with SGML and with Acrobat.

Information about joining TUG, receiving TUGboat, and attending the annual meetings is available from:

TeX Users Group \ P.O. Box 869 \ Santa Barbara, California \ 93102 USA

Other User Groups

There are also many other user groups, often based on language or geography: German-speaking users ({sc DANTE}), French-speaking users ({sc GUT}enberghskip.25pt), Dutch-speaking users ({sc NTG}), users in the Nordic countries (the Nordic group), users in the UK ({sc UK} TeX Users Group). There are active groups in existence in Japan, in Russia (CyrTUG), in Estonia, in Poland ({sc GUST}), and in the Czech Republic (CsTUG), to name but a few.

Contact TUG for details on how to get in touch with these or other TeX user groups.

TeX Software

package{cmactex} author{Thomas R. Kiffe} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac/cmactex} print

package{directex} author{Wilfried Ricken} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac/directtex} print

package{emTeX} author{Eberhard Mattes} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/emtex} print

package{gTeX} author{Young U. Ryu} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/gtex} print

package{oztex} author{Andrew Trevorrow} files{$Sigma$Edit} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac/oztex}

package{PCTeX} author{Personal TeX, Inc.} address{12 Madrona Avenue\Mill Valley, CA 94941\USA} phone{(415) 388--8853 / (413) 388--8865 FAX} print

package{sbTeX} author{Wayne G. Sullivan} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/sbtex} print

package{TeX} author{Donald Knuth} ftp{CTAN:systems/web2c} comment{The Web sources and the Web2C programs are both available here.} print

package{texas} author{Shih-Ping Chan} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/texas} print

package{Textures} author{Blue Sky Research} address{534 SW Third Avenue\Portland, OR 97204\USA} phone{(800) 622--8398 or (503) 222--9571 / (503) 222--1643 FAX} files{dvitool} print

package{TurboTeX} author{Kinch Computer Company} address{501 Meadow Street\Ithaca, NY 14850\USA} phone{(607) 273--0222 / (607) 273--0484 FAX} print

package{utex} author{ArborText} address{1000 Victors Way\Ann Arbor, MI 48108\USA} phone{(313) 996--3566 / (313) 996--3573 FAX} print

package{yyTeX} author{YY, Inc.} address{106 Indian Hill\Carlisle, MA 01741\USA} phone{(508) 371--3286 / (508) 371--2004 FAX} print

TeX Shells


package{fourTeX} author{Wietse Dol, Erik Frambach, Arjen Merckens, and Maarten van der Vlerk} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/4tex} print

package{PMTeX} author{Guillaume Schiltz} ftp{CTAN:systems/os2/pmtex} print

package{TeXPert} author{Johannes Martin} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/texpert} print

package{TeXShell} author{J"urgen Schlegelmilch} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/texshell} print

package{XTeX{}Shell} author{Michael Hofmann} ftp{} print



package{$Sigma$Edit} xref{oztex}{ap03:oztex} print

package{Alpha} author{Pete Keheler} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac} print

package{BBEdit} author{Rich Siegel} ftp{} print

package{Brief} author{Borland International, Inc.} address{1800 Green Hills Road\P.O. Box 660001\Scotts Valley, CA 95067--0001} phone{(408) 438--8400} print

package{demacs} author{Manabu Higashida and Hirano Satoshi} ftp{} print

package{Doc} xref{idraw}{ap03:idraw} print

package{emacs} xref{GNU emacs}{ap03:emacs} print

package{epm} author{International Business Machines} ftp{} print

package{GNU emacs} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} ftp{} print

package{Jove} author{Jonathan Payne} ftp{} print

package{MathPad} author{Roland Backhouse, Richard Verhoeven, and Olaf Weber} ftp{CTAN:support/mathpad} print

package{MEwin} author{Pierre Perret} ftp{} print

package{MicroEMACS} xref{MEwin}{ap03:mewin} print

package{Multi-Edit} author{American Cybernetics} address{1830 West University Drive, Suite 112\Tempe, AZ 85821} phone{(602) 968--1945 / (602) 966--1654 FAX} print

package{Scientific Word} author{TCI Software Research} address{1190 Foster Road\Las Cruces, NM 88001\USA} phone{(505) 522--4600 / (505) 522--0116} print

package{Xnot} author{Julie Melbin} ftp{} print

Macro Packages (Formats)


package{AMSTeX} author{ams} ftp{CTAN:fonts/ams/amstex} print

package{Eplain} xref{Extended Plain TeX}{ap03:eplain} print

package{Extended Plain TeX} author{Karl Berry} ftp{CTAN:macros/eplain} print

package{LameTeX} author{Jonathan Monsarrat} ftp{CTAN:misc/lametex} print

package{LamSTeX} author{Michael Spivak} ftp{CTAN:macros/lamstex} print

package{LaTeX} author{Leslie Lamport} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/core} print

package{LaTeXe} author{Leslie Lamport, et. al.} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex2e/core} print

package{Lollipop} author{Victor Eijkhout} ftp{CTAN:macros/lollipop} print

package{MusicTeX} author{Daniel Taupin} ftp{CTAN:macros/musictex} print

package{Plain TeX} author{Donald Knuth} ftp{CTAN:macros/plain/base} print

package{SliTeX} author{Leslie Lamport} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/core} print

Styles and Macros


package{AMSLaTeX} author{ams} ftp{CTAN:fonts/ams/amslatex} print

package{arabTeX} author{Klaus Lagally} ftp{CTAN:language/arabtex} print

package{ascii.sty} author{R. W. D. Nickalls} ftp{CTAN:fonts/ascii} print

package{Babel} author{J. L. Braams} ftp{language/babel} print

package{bibunits.sty} author{Jose Alberto} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print

package{chapterbib} author{Niel Kempson and Donald Arseneau} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print

package{ChemTeX} author{Roswitha T. Haas and Kevin C. O'Kane} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/chemtex} print

package{ChemStruct} author{Michael Ramek} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/chemstruct} print

package{DraTeX} author{Eitan M. Gurari} ftp{CTAN:macros/generic/dratex} print

package{EDMAC} author{John Lavagnino} ftp{CTAN:macros/plain/contrib/edmac} print

package{eepic.sty} author{Conrad Kwok} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/eepic} print

package{epic.sty} author{Sunil Podar} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/epic} print

package{epsf.tex} xref{dvips}{ap03:dvips} print

package{epsfig.sty} author{Sebastian Rahtz, Tom Rokicki, Trevor Darrell, et. al.} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/epsfig} print

package{FoilTeX} author{James Hafner} ftp{CTAN:macros/foiltex} print

package{idxmac.tex} ftp{CTAN:indexing/makeindex/lib} print

package{index.sty} author{David Jones} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc}

package{INRSTeX} author{Michael J. Ferguson} ftp{CTAN:macros/inrstex} print

package{isolatin1.sty} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print

package{Midnight} author{Marcel van der Goot} ftp{CTAN:macros/generic/midnight} print

package{multind} author{F. W. Long} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print

package{PiCTeX} author{Michael Wichura} ftp{CTAN:graphics/pictex} print

package{REVTeX} author{American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/revtex} print

package{ScriptTeX} author{Adrian McCarthy} ftp{CTAN:macros/scripttex} print

package{Seminar} author{Timothy Van Zandt} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/seminar} print

package{TeX/Mathematica} author{Dan Dill} ftp{CTAN:macros/mathematica} print

package{TeX{}sis} author{Eric Myers and Frank E. Paige} ftp{CTAN:macros/texsis} print

package{VerTeX} author{Hal Varian} ftp{CTAN:macros/plain/contrib} print

package{XYPic} author{Kristoffer H. Rose} ftp{} print

Styles That Produced This Book

This book was formatted with an extensively modified version of the standard LaTeX book style. In addition to the pstricks, index.sty, epsfig.sty, epic.sty, and eepic.sty files described above, the following styles were used to format this book: vskip6pt

package{pageframe.sty} author{Cameron Smith} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/pageframe} print

package{footnpag.sty} author{Joachim Schrod} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/footnpag} print

package{fancybox.sty} author{Timothy Van Zandt} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print

package{fancyheadings.sty} author{Piet van Oostrum} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/fancyheadings} print

package{array.sty} author{Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/array} print

package{dcolumn.sty} author{David Carlisle} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/array} print

package{tabularx.sty} author{David Carlisle} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/array} print

package{longtable.sty} author{David Carlisle} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/array} print

package{verbatim.sty} author{Rainer Sch"opf} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/verbatim} print

package{vrbinput.sty} author{Bernd Raichle} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/distribs/verbatim} print

package{path.sty} author{Philip Taylor} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/misc} print



package{afm2tfm} xref{dvips}{ap03:dvips} print

package{amSpell} author{Erik Frambach} address{Faculty of Econometrics\University of Groningen\Netherlands} ftp{CTAN:support/amspel} print

package{animate} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{auctex} author{Kresten Krab Thorup and Per Abrahamsen} ftp{CTAN:support/auctex} print

package{awk} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} comment{The FSF's version of program{awk} is called program{gawk}. Many commercial implementations of program{awk} are also available.} ftp{} print

package{bbfig} author{Ned Betchelder} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvips/dvips/contrib/bbfig} print

package{bibclean} author{Nelson H. F. Beebe} ftp{CTAN:bibtex/utils/bibclean} print

package{bibdb} author{Eyal Doron} ftp{CTAN:support/bibdb} print

package{bibdestringify} xref{lookbibtex}{ap03:lookbibtex} print

package{bibextract} author{Nelson H. F. Beebe} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex/utils/bibextract} print

package{bibindex} author{Nelson H. F. Beebe} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex/utils/bibindex} print

package{biblook} xref{bibindex}{ap03:bibindex} print

package{bibsort} author{Nelson H. F. Beebe} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex/utils/bibsort} print

package{BibTeX} author{Oren Patashnik} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex} print

package{bibview} author{Holger Martin, Peter Urban, and Armin Liebl} comment{Available from volume 18 of the exttt{comp.sources.x} newsgroup.} print

package{Bitmap} author{Davor Matic} ftp{} print

package{Bm2font} author{Friedhelm Sowa} ftp{CTAN:graphics/bm2font} print

package{citefind} xref{bibextract}{ap03:bibextract} print

package{citetags} xref{bibextract}{ap03:bibextract} print

package{combine} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{convert} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{crudetype} author{R. M. Damerell} ftp{CTAN:dviware/crudetype} print

package{detex} author{Daniel Trinkle} ftp{CTAN:support/detex} print

package{display} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{dvgt} author{Geoffrey Tobin} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvgt} print

package{dvi2tty} author{Marcel J. E. Mol} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvi2tty} print

package{dvi2xx} author{Gustaf Neumann} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvi2xx} print

package{dvicopy} author{Peter Breitenlohner} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvicopy} print

package{dvideo} xref{TurboTeX}{ap03:turbotex} print

package{dvidot} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvidrv} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvidvi} author{Tom Rokicki} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvidvi} print

package{dvidxx} comment{See Example ef{ex:dvidxx} in Chapter ef{app:examples}, extit{ ameref{app:examples}}.} print

package{dvihplj} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{DVILASER/HP} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{DVILASER/PS} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{dvilaserhp} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{dvilaserps} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{dvilj2} xref{dvi2xx}{ap03:dvi2xx} print

package{dvimsp} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvimswin} author{J. D. McDonald} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvimswin} print

package{dvipaste} author{Michael Spivak} ftp{CTAN:macros/lamstex/dvipaste} print

package{dvipcx} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvipm} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvips} author{Tomas Rokicki} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvips} print

package{dvipsk} author{Karl Berry} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvipsk} comment{program{dvips} enhanced to support path searching for fonts.} print

package{dvipsone} xref{yyTeX}{ap03:yytex} print

package{dviscr} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{dvispell} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{DVITool} author{Jeff W. McCarrell} ftp{CTAN:support/vortex/dvitool} comment{Unrelated to the program{Textures} tool of the same name.} print

package{dvitovdu} author{Andrew Trevorrow} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvitovdu} print

package{dvitype} xref{ exware}{ap03:texware} print

package{dvivga} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dvivga} print

package{dviwin} author{Hippocrates Sendoukas} ftp{CTAN:dviware/dviwin} print

package{DVIWindo} xref{yyTeX}{ap03:yytex} print

package{} comment{See Example ef{ex:encafmpl} in Chapter ef{app:examples}, extit{ ameref{app:examples}}.} print

package{epmtex} author{Jon Hacker} ftp{CTAN:systems/os2/epmtex} print

package{epsfig} author{Peter Whaite} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/epsfig}

package{Excalibur} author{Rick Zaccone} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac/excalibur} print

package{Fig} author{Supoj Sutanthavibul} print

package{FigMF} author{Anthony Starks} ftp{CTAN:graphics/fig2mf} print

package{fontinst} author{Alan Jeffrey} ftp{CTAN:fonts/utilities/fontinst} print

package{fontlib} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{GFtoDVI} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{GFtoPK} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{Ghostscript} author{Aladdin Enterprises} address{P.O. box 60264\Palo Alto, CA 94306\USA} phone{(415) 322--0103 / (415) 322--1734 FAX} ftp{} print

package{Ghostview} author{Timothy O. Theisen} ftp{} print

package{gnuplot} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} ftp{} print

package{GoScript} author{LaserGo, Inc.} address{9369 Carroll Park Drive, Suite A\San Diego, CA 92121\USA} phone{(619) 450--4600 / (619) 450-9334 FAX} print

package{GoScript Plus} xref{GoScript}{ap03:goscript} print

package{groff} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} comment{The FSF's version of program{troff} is called program{groff}. Many commercial implementations of program{troff} are also available.} ftp{} print

package{hp2xx} author{Heinz W. Werntges} ftp{CTAN:support/hp2xx} print

package{HPTFM2PL} author{Norman Walsh} ftp{CTAN:support/hp2pl} print

package{HyperBibTeX} author{Evan Antwork} ftp{} print

package{idraw} ftp{} print

package{Image Alchemy} author{Handmade Software, Inc.} address{15951 Los Gatos Blvd., Ste. 17\Los Gatos, CA 95032\USA} phone{(408) 358--1292 / (408) 358--2694} ftp{} print

package{Image Magick} author{John Cristy} ftp{} print

package{import} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{Info-Zip} author{Mark Adler, et. al.} files{zip, unzip} ftp{} print

package{iniMF} xref{MF}{ap03:mf} print

package{iniTeX} xref{TeX}{ap03:tex} print

package{ispell} ftp{CTAN:support/ispell} print

package{ivd2dvi} author{Larry Denenberg} ftp{CTAN:dviware/ivd2dvi} print

package{jemtex} author{Franc cois Jalbert} ftp{CTAN:systems/msdos/jemtex2} print

package{LaCheck} author{Kresten Krab Thorup and Per Abrahamsen} ftp{CTAN:support/lacheck} print

package{lookbibtex} author{John Heidemann} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex/utils/lookbibtex} print

package{MacBibTeX} xref{BibTeX}{ap03:bibtex} author{Michael Kahn} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac} comment{This is a Mac port of BibTeX.} print

package{MacDVIcopy} author{Yannis Haralambous} xref{dvicopy}{ap03:dvicopy} comment{This is a Mac port of program{dvicopy}.} print

package{MacGS} author{Martin Fong} xref{GhostScript}{ap03:ghostscript} ftp{} comment{This is a Mac port of program{GhostScript}.} print

package{MacMakeIndex} author{Johnny Tolliver} xref{MakeIndex}{ap03:makeindex} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac} comment{This is a Mac port of program{MakeIndex}.} print

package{makebst} author{Patrick W. Daly} ftp{CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/custom-bib} print

package{makeidx.sty} ftp{CTAN:indexing/makeindex/lib} print

package{MakeIndex} author{Pehong Chen} ftp{CTAN:indexing/makeindex} print

package{MakeIndx} xref{MakeIndex}{ap03:makeindex} print

package{MakeInfo} xref{TeXinfo}{ap03:texinfo} print

package{maketcp} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{MakeTeXPK} xref{dvips}{ap03:dvips} comment{There are several versions of this file available. See Example ef{ex:maketexpk} in Chapter ef{app:examples}, extit{ ameref{app:examples}}.} print

package{MakeTeXTFM} comment{See Example ef{ex:maketextfm} in Chapter ef{app:examples}, extit{ ameref{app:examples}}.} print

package{MF} author{Donald Knuth} ftp{CTAN:systems/web2c} comment{The Web sources and the Web2C programs are both available here.} print

package{MF for Textures} author{Blue Sky Research} address{534 SW Third Avenue\Portland, OR 97204\USA} phone{(800) 622--8398 or (503) 222--9571 / (503) 222--1643 FAX} ftp{CTAN:systems/mac/metafont/bluesky} print

package{MFjob} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{MFpic} author{Thomas Leathrum} ftp{CTAN:graphics/mfpic} print

package{MFT} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{mfware} author{Donald Knuth} ftp{CTAN:systems/web2c} comment{The Web sources and the Web2C programs are both available here.} print

package{mogrify} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{montage} xref{Image Magick}{ap03:imagemagick} print

package{Nikon II} author{Bitware, Software & Services} address{P.O. Box 3097\Manuka A.C.T. 2603\Australia} ftp{} print

package{nroff} xref{groff}{ap03:groff} print

package{PBMplus} author{Jef Poskanzer} ftp{} print

package{pbmtopk} author{Angus Duggan} ftp{CTAN:graphics/pbmtopk} print

package{pfatopfb} xref{ utils}{ap03:t1utils} print

package{pfbtopfa} xref{ utils}{ap03:t1utils} print

package{PFM2AFM} author{Ken Borgendale} ftp{CTAN:fonts/utilities/pfm2afm} print

package{pixmap} author{Lionel Mallet} ftp{} print

package{PKBBOX} author{Norman Walsh} ftp{CTAN:fonts/utilities/pkbbox} print

package{PKEdit} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{PKtoGF} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{pktopbm} xref{pbmtopk}{ap03:pbmtopk} print

package{pktops} xref{yyTeX}{ap03:yytex} print

package{PKtoPX} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{PKtoSFP} author{Norman Walsh} ftp{CTAN:font/softfonts} print

package{PKtype} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{PLtoTF} xref{ exware}{ap03:texware} print

package{PM-Cam} author{J. von Kaenel} ftp{} print

package{pmc} author{Tom Ridgeway} ftp{CTAN:fonts/poorman} print

package{pmj} author{Tom Ridgeway} ftp{CTAN:fonts/poorman} print

package{Pmjpeg} author{Norman Yee} ftp{} print

package{ps2epsi} xref{ghostscript}{ap03:ghostscript} print

package{PS2PK} author{Piet Tutelaers} ftp{CTAN:fonts/utilities/ps2pk} print

package{PSTricks} author{Timothy Van Zandt} ftp{CTAN:graphics/pstricks} print

package{PTI Jet} xref{PCTeX}{ap03:pctex} print

package{PTI Laser/HP} xref{PCTeX}{ap03:pctex} print

package{PTI Laser/HP4} xref{PCTeX}{ap03:pctex} print

package{PTI Laser/PS} xref{PCTeX}{ap03:pctex} print

package{PTI View} xref{PCTeX}{ap03:pctex} print

package{PXtoPK} author{Peter Breitenlohner} ftp{systems/msdos/utilities} print

package{RCS} author{Walter F. Tichy} ftp{} print

package{Recode} author{Francois Pinard} ftp{} print

package{REXX} author{International Business Machines} print

package{sbMF} xref{sbTeX}{ap03:sbtex} print

package{sed} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} ftp{} comment{Many commercial implementations of program{sed} are also available.} print

package{SeeTeX} author{David Grunwald} ftp{CTAN:dviware/seetex} print

package{sffx} xref{Sfware}{ap03:sfware} print

package{Sfload} xref{Sfware}{ap03:sfware} print

package{SFPtoPK} author{Norman Walsh} ftp{CTAN:font/softfonts} print

package{Sfware} author{Norman Walsh} ftp{CTAN:font/softfonts/sfware} print

package{tangle} xref{Web2c}{ap03:web2c} print

package{tar} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} ftp{} comment{Many commercial implementations of program{tar} are also available.} print

package{tex386} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{TeX Preview} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{texcad} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{texchk} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{texconv} xref{emTeX}{ap03:emtex} print

package{TeXinfo} author{Free Software Foundation} address{675 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02139\USA} ftp{} print

package{TeXtoXfont} comment{See Example ef{ex:textoxfont} in Chapter ef{app:examples}, extit{ ameref{app:examples}}.} print

package{ exware} author{Donald Knuth} ftp{CTAN:systems/web2c} comment{The Web sources and the Web2C programs are both available here.} print

package{TFtoPL} xref{ exware}{ap03:texware} print

package{Tgif} author{William Chia-Wei Cheng} ftp{} print

package{Tib} author{James C. Alexander} ftp{CTAN:biblio/tib} print

package{ pre} xref{utex}{ap03:utex} print

package{troff} xref{groff}{ap03:groff} print

package{ utils} author{I. Lee Hetherington} ftp{CTAN:fonts/utilities/t1utils} print

package{txt2pcx} author{DECISIONS Software} address{P.O. Box 31418\Phoenix, AZ 85046\USA} phone{(602) 992--0310} print

package{unzip} xref{Info-Zip}{ap03:info-zip} print

package{VFtoVP} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{VPtoVF} xref{mfware}{ap03:mfware} print

package{wbr} xref{dviwin}{ap03:dviwin} print

package{wdviwin} xref{TurboTeX}{ap03:turbotex} print

package{weave} xref{Web2c}{ap03:web2c} print

package{xbibtex} author{Nicholas Kelly and Christian H. Bischof} ftp{CTAN:biblio/bibtex/utils/xbibtex} print

package{Xdvi} author{Paul Vojta} ftp{CTAN:dviware/xdvi} print

package{XeT} ftp{} comment{Several implementations of XeT-{}-TeX are available here.} print

package{xfig} author{Brian V. Smith} ftp{} print

package{xloadimage} author{Jim Frost} ftp{} print

package{xpaint} author{David Koblas} ftp{}

package{XTeX} xref{SeeTeX}{ap03:seetex} print

package{Xtexcad} comment{Available from volume 17 of the exttt{comp.sources.x} newsgroup.} print

package{xv} author{John Bradley} ftp{} print



package{4DOS} author{JP Software Inc.} address{P.O. Box 1470\E. Arlington, MA 02174\USA} phone{(617) 646--3975} ftp{} print

package{4OS2} author{JP Software Inc.} address{P.O. Box 1470\E. Arlington, MA 02174\USA} phone{(617) 646--3975} ftp{} print

package{Channel 1 egtm} address{1030 Massachusetts Avenue\Cambridge, MA 02138} phone{(617) 864--0100 voice / (617) 354-3230 v32.bis modem} comment{The Channel 1 BBS carries a TeX conference with many MS-DOS tools available for downloading to registered users.} print

package{edb} author{Michael Ernst} ftp{} comment{Database manager for GNU Emacs.} print

package{Linux} author{Linus Torvalds} ftp{} print

package{mewltx} author{Michael F. Reid} ftp{CTAN:support/mewltx} comment{LaTeX extensions for filename{MicroEMACS}.} xref{MEwin}{ap03:mewin} print

package{} author{Karl Berry} ftp{CTAN:fonts/modes} print

package{Perl} author{Larry Wall} print

package{TeX-index} author{David Jones} ftp{CTAN:info} comment{Also known as filename{tex-styles-and-macros.txt}.} print

package{tex-styles-and-macros.txt} xref{TeX-index}{ap03:texindex} print

package{Web2c} author{Karl Berry} ftp{CTAN:systems/web2c} print

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