
Book Description

TeX is a powerful tool for creating professional quality typeset text and is unsurpassed at typesetting mathematical equations, scientific text, and multiple languages. Many books describe how you use TeX to construct sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. Until now, no book has described all the software that actually lets you build, run, and use TeX to best advantage on your platform. Because creating a TeX document requires the use of many tools, this lack of information is a serious problem for TeX users.

TeX is increasing in popularity, and the need for information is becoming more critical. Many technical journals now request that articles be submitted in TeX. TeX is also playing an increasing role in the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) environment. TeX's portability and flexibility -- not to mention the fact that it is free -- are also making it the typesetting tool of choice for interchange between hardware and software platforms and for international exchange. Yet, despite this growing interest in TeX, TeX users everywhere are having to "reinvent the wheel" by wrestling with TeX's many tools and files on their own.

Making TeX Work guides you through the maze of tools available in the overall TeX system. Beyond the core TeX program there are myriad drivers, macro packages, previewers, printing programs, online documentation facilities, graphics programs, and more. This book describes them all. It covers:

  • How to assemble the software you need to build and install TeX on all common platforms: UNIX, DOS, Macintosh, and VMS.

  • How to get TeX and its associated tools from public domain and commercial sources (a complete buyer's guide).

  • How to select and use the tools that let you incorporate graphics into your documents and create bibliographies, indices, and other complex document elements.

  • How to install and use fonts to best advantage, including PostScript and TrueType fonts and LaTeX's New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)

  • Table of Contents

    1. Cover Page
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright
    4. Contents
    5. Forward to the SourceForge Edition
      1. Acknowledgments
    6. Preface
      1. Why Read This Book?
      2. Scope of This Book
      3. Conventions Used in This Book
      4. How to Get TeX
      5. Versions of TeX
      6. Implementations and Platforms
      7. We'd Like to Hear From You
      8. Acknowledgments
    7. Part I. An Introduction to TeX
      1. Chapter 1. The Big Picture
        1. What Is TeX?
        2. TeX for Beginners
        3. Text Formatting Versus Word Processing
        4. How TeX Works
      2. Chapter 2. Editing
        1. What Can an Editor Do?
        2. GNU Emacs
        3. aucTeX
        4. Multi-Edit
        5. Brief
        6. MicroEMACS
        7. epm: OS/2's Enhanced Editor
        8. Other Tools
        9. TeX as a Compiler
        10. Spellchecking
        11. Revision Control
        12. TeX Shells
      3. Chapter 3. Running TeX
        1. What Do You Run?
        2. What Files Does TeX Need?
        3. The Command Line
        4. TeX Without Options
        5. What About Errors?
        6. The Question Mark Prompt
      4. Chapter 4. Macro Packages
        1. Installation: Making Format Files
        2. General-purpose Formats
        3. Special-purpose Formats
        4. TeX in Color
    8. Part II. Elements of a Complex Document
      1. Chapter 5. Fonts
        1. What TeX Needs To Know
        2. The Issue of Size
        3. The New Font Selection Scheme
        4. PostScript Fonts Under NFSS
        5. When Things Go Wrong
        6. Encoding Vectors
        7. Virtual Fonts
        8. Automatic Font Generation by DVI Drivers
        9. Math Fonts in TeX
        10. Concrete Examples
      2. Chapter 6. Pictures and Figures
        1. Different Kinds of Images
        2. Device Independence Revisited
        3. Using Only TeX
        4. Using a Little Help
        5. Using a Little More Help
        6. PSTricks
        7. TeXdraw
        8. tpic
        9. Using a Lot of Help
        10. Manipulating Images
        11. Image Editors
        12. Screen Dumps
      3. Chapter 7. International Considerations
        1. Typesetting in Any Language
        2. The Babel Styles
        3. TeX Pitfalls
        4. Very Complex Languages
      4. Chapter 8. Printing
        1. Printing Fonts
        2. Printing Pictures and Figures
        3. Selected Drivers
      5. Chapter 9. Previewing
        1. Previewing Under X11
        2. Previewing with Ghostscript
        3. Previewing with emTeX
        4. Previewing with dvivga
        5. TeX Preview
        6. dvideo
        7. PTI View
        8. Previewing Under Windows
        9. Previewing on a TTY
      6. Chapter 10. Online Documentation
        1. Something Is Lost
        2. TeXinfo
        3. LaTeX2HTML
        4. LameTeX
        5. latex2hy
        6. detex
        7. dvispell
      7. Chapter 11. Introducing MetaFont
        1. What to Run?
        2. What Files Does MetaFont Need?
        3. Building a Base File
        4. Running MetaFont
        5. What About Errors?
        6. Output at Very High Resolutions
        7. Output at Very Low Resolutions
      8. Chapter 12. Bibliographies, Indexes, and Glossaries
        1. BibTeX
        2. Tib
        3. Making Indexes
        4. Index Format
        5. Special-purpose styles
        6. Making Glossaries
    9. Part III. A Tools Overview
      1. Chapter 13. Non-commercial Environments
        1. Web2C
        2. emTeX
        3. texas
        4. sbTeX
        5. gTeX
      2. Chapter 14. Commercial Environments
        1. μTeX by ArborText
        2. yyTeX
        3. Textures
        4. TurboTeX
        5. PCTeX
        6. PCTeX For Windows
        7. Scientific Word
      3. Chapter 15. TeX on the Macintosh
        1. CMacTeX
        2. DirectTeX
        3. OzTeX
        4. Textures
        5. Other Tools
      4. Chapter 16. TeX Utilities
        1. List of Tools
      5. Appendix A. Filename Extension Summary
      6. Appendix B. Font Samples
        1. Font Encodings
        2. Font Samples
      7. Appendix C. Resources
        1. TUG: The TeX Users Group
        2. TeX Software
        3. TeX Shells
        4. Editors
        5. Macro Packages (Formats)
        6. Styles and Macros
        7. Utilities
        8. Miscellaneous
      8. Appendix D. Long Examples
      9. Appendix E. GNU Free Documentation License
        1. PREAMBLE
        9. TRANSLATION
        10. TERMINATION
        12. How to use this License for your documents
    10. Bibliography