
Table B.68. Interfaces of the java.lang Package
J2SE Interface Availability in CLDC
Clonable Not available in CLDC.
Comparable Not available in CLDC.
Runnable Fully available in CLDC.

Table B.69. Classes of the java.lang Package
J2SE Class Availability in CLDC
Boolean Partially contained; see Table B.72 for details.
Byte Partially contained; see Table B.73 for details.
Character Partially contained; see Table B.74 for details.
Character.Subset Not available in CLDC.
Character.UnicodeBlock Not available in CLDC.
Class Partially contained; see Table B.75 for details.
ClassLoader Not available in CLDC.
Compiler Not available in CLDC.
Double Partially contained in CLDC-NG; see Table B.76 for details.
Float Partially contained in CLDC-NG; see Table B.77 for details.
InheritableThreadLocal Not available in CLDC.
Integer Partially contained; see Table B.78 for details.
Long Partially contained; see Table B.79 for details.
Math Partially contained; see Table B.80 for details.
Number Not available in CLDC.
Object Partially contained. The CLDC version lacks the clone() and finalize() methods that are provided in J2SE.
Package Not available in CLDC.
Process Not available in CLDC.
Runtime Partially contained; see the section “Runtime” for details.
RuntimePermission Not available in CLDC.
SecurityManager Not available in CLDC.
Short Partially contained; see Table B.81 for details.
StrictMath Not available in CLDC.
String Partially contained; see Table B.82 for details.
StringBuffer Partially contained; see Table B.83 for details.
System Partially contained; see Table B.84 for details.
Thread Partially contained; see Table B.85 for details.
ThreadGroup Not available in CLDC.
ThreadLocal Not available in CLDC.
Throwable Partially contained; see Table B.86 for details.
Void Not available in CLDC.

Table B.70. Exceptions of the java.lang Package
J2SE Exception Availability in CLDC
ArithmeticException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
ArrayStoreException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
ClassCastException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
ClassNotFoundException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
CloneNotSupportedException Not available in CLDC.
Exception Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IllegalAccessException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IllegalArgumentException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IllegalMonitorStateException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IllegalStateException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IllegalThreadStateException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
IndexOutOfBoundsException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
InstantiationException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
InterruptedException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
NegativeArraySizeException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
NoSuchFieldException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
NoSuchMethodException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
NullPointerException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
NumberFormatException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
RuntimeException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
SecurityException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
UnsupportedOperationException Not available in CLDC.

Table B.71. Errors of the java.lang Package
J2SE Error Availability in CLDC
AbstractMethodError Not available in CLDC.
ClassCircularityError Not available in CLDC.
ClassFormatError Not available in CLDC.
Error Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
ExceptionInInitializerError Not available in CLDC.
IllegalAccessError Not available in CLDC.
IncompatibleClassChangeError Not available in CLDC.
InstantiationError Not available in CLDC.
InternalError Not available in CLDC.
LinkageError Not available in CLDC.
NoClassDefFoundError Available in CLDC-NG.
NoSuchFieldError Not available in CLDC.
NoSuchMethodError Not available in CLDC.
OutOfMemoryError Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.
StackOverflowError Not available in CLDC.
ThreadDeath Not available in CLDC.
UnknownError Not available in CLDC.
UnsatisfiedLinkError Not available in CLDC.
UnsupportedClassVersionError Not available in CLDC.
VerifyError Not available in CLDC.
VirtualMachineError Fully available in CLDC, except the missing methods of the Throwable class.


Table B.72. Methods of the Class Boolean
Method Availability in CLDC
Boolean(boolean value) Available in CLDC.
Boolean(String s) Not available in CLDC. Workaround:
  Boolean (s != null && s.toLowerCase().
equals ("true"));

Boolean booleanValue() Available in CLDC.
Boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
static boolean getBoolean(String name) Not available in CLDC. Workaround:
   (name != null && name.toLowerCase().
equals ("true"));

int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static Boolean valueOf(String s) Not available in CLDC. Workaround:
  new Boolean (s != null && s.
toLowerCase().equals ("true"));


Table B.73. Methods of the Class Byte
Method Availability in CLDC
Byte(byte value) Available in CLDC.
Byte(String s) Not available in CLDC.
byte byteValue() Available in CLDC.
int compareTo(Byte anotherByte) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: compare the return values of byteValue()
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
static Byte decode(String nm) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Determine radix using String.startsWith(), then apply parseByte() with the corresponding radix.
double doubleValue() Not available in CLDC.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
float floatValue() Not available in CLDC.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
int intValue() Not available in CLDC.


(int) byteValue()
long longValue() Not available in CLDC.


(long) byteValue()
static byte parseByte(String s) Available in CLDC.
static byte parseByte(String s, int radix) Available in CLDC.
Short shortValue() Not available in CLDC.


(short) byteValue()
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static String toString(byte b) Not available in CLDC.




new Byte (b).toString ()
static Byte valueOf(String s) Not available in CLDC.


new Byte (Byte.parseByte (s));
static Byte valueOf (String s, intradix) Not available in CLDC.


new Byte (Byte.parseByte (s, radix);


Table B.74. Methods of the Class Character
Method Availability in CLDC
Character(char value) Available in CLDC.
Char charValue() Available in CLDC.
int compareTo(Character anotherCharacter) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Compare the return values of charValue()
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
static int digit(char ch, int radix) Available in CLDC.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
static char forDigit(int digit, int radix) Not available in CLDC. Workaround:
(char) (digit > 9
  ? ((int) 'a') + digit – 10
  : ((int) '0') + digit)

static int getNumericValue (char ch) Not available in CLDC.

Incomplete workaround:

((int) ch) – ((int) '0')
static int getType(char ch) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: For limited cases, isDigit() may help.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
static boolean isDefined(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isDigit (char ch) Available in CLDC.
static boolean isIdentifierIgnorable(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isISOControl (char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isJavaIdentifierPart(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isJavaIdentifierStart(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isJavaLetter (char ch) Not available in CLDC(deprecated J2SE method).
static boolean isJavaLetterOrDigit (char ch) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
static boolean isLetter(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isLetterOrDigit (char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isLowerCase (char ch) Available in CLDC.
static boolean isSpace(char ch) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
static boolean isSpaceChar(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isTitleCase(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isUnicodeIdentifierPart(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isUnicodeIdentifierStart(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static boolean isUpperCase(char ch) Available in CLDC.
static boolean isWhitespace (char ch) Not available in CLDC.

Incomplete workaround:

ch <= ' '
static char toLowerCase(char ch) Available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static char toTitleCase(char ch) Not available in CLDC.
static char toUpperCase(char ch) Available in CLDC.


Table B.75. Methods of the Class Class
Method Availability in CLDC
static Class forName(String className) Available in CLDC.
static Class forName(String name, boolean initialize, ClassLoaderloader) Not available in CLDC.
Class[] getClasses() Not available in CLDC.
ClassLoader getClassLoader() Not available in CLDC.
Class getComponentType() Not available in CLDC.
Constructor getConstructor(Class[] parameterTypes) Not available in CLDC.
Constructor[] getConstructors() Not available in CLDC.
Class[] getDeclaredClasses() Not available in CLDC.
Constructor getDeclaredConstructor (Class[] parameterTypes) Not available in CLDC.
Constructor[] getDeclaredConstructors() Not available in CLDC.
Field getDeclaredField(String name) Not available in CLDC.
Field[] getDeclaredFields() Not available in CLDC.
Method getDeclaredMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes) Not available in CLDC.
Method[] getDeclaredMethods() Not available in CLDC.
Class getDeclaringClass() Not available in CLDC.
Field getField(String name) Not available in CLDC.
Field[] getFields() Not available in CLDC.
Class[] getInterfaces() Not available in CLDC.
Method getMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes) Not available in CLDC.
Method[] getMethods() Not available in CLDC.
int getModifiers() Not available in CLDC.
String getName() Available in CLDC.
Package getPackage() Not available in CLDC.
ProtectionDomain getProtectionDomain() Not available in CLDC.
URL getResource(String name) Not available in CLDC.
InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) Available in CLDC.
Object[] getSigners() Not available in CLDC.
Class getSuperclass() Not available in CLDC.
boolean isArray() Available in CLDC.
boolean isAssignableFrom(Class cls) Available in CLDC.
boolean isInstance(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
boolean isInterface() Available in CLDC.
boolean isPrimitive() Not available in CLDC.
Object newInstance() Available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.


Table B.76. Methods of the Class Double
Method Availability in CLDC-NG
Double(double value) Available in CLDC-NG.
Double(String s) Not available in CLDC-NG.
byte byteValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
int compareTo(Double anotherDouble) Not available in CLDC-NG.
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC-NG.
static long doubleToLongBits(double value) Available in CLDC-NG.
static long doubleToRawLongBits(double value) Not available in CLDC-NG.
double doubleValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC-NG.
float floatValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC-NG.
int intValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean isInfinite() Available in CLDC-NG.
static boolean isInfinite(double v) Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean isNaN() Available in CLDC-NG.
static boolean isNaN(double v) Available in CLDC-NG.
static double longBitsToDouble(long bits) Available in CLDC-NG.
long longValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
static double parseDouble(String s) Available in CLDC-NG.
short shortValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
String toString() Available in CLDC-NG.
static String toString(double d) Available in CLDC-NG.
static Double valueOf(String s) Available in CLDC-NG.


Table B.77. Methods Class Float
Method Availability in CLDC-NG
Float(double value) Available in CLDC-NG.
Float(float value) Available in CLDC-NG.
Float(String s) Not available in CLDC-NG.
byte byteValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
int compareTo(Float anotherFloat) Not available in CLDC-NG.
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC-NG.
double doubleValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC-NG.
static int floatToIntBits(float value) Available in CLDC-NG.
static int floatToRawIntBits(float value) Not available in CLDC-NG.
float floatValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC-NG.
static float intBitsToFloat(int bits) Available in CLDC-NG.
int intValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean isInfinite() Available in CLDC-NG.
static boolean isInfinite(float v) Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean isNaN() Available in CLDC-NG.
static boolean isNaN(float v) Available in CLDC-NG.
long longValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
static float parseFloat(String s) Available in CLDC-NG.
short shortValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
String toString() Available in CLDC-NG.
static String toString(float f) Available in CLDC-NG.
static Float valueOf(String s) Available in CLDC-NG.


Table B.78. Methods of the Class Integer
Method Availability in CLDC
Integer(int value) Available in CLDC.
Integer(String s) Not available in CLDC.


new Integer (Integer.parseInt (s));
byte byteValue() Available in CLDC.
int compareTo(Integer anotherInteger) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Compare the values of intValue()
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
static Integer decode(String nm) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Determine sign and radix using String.startsWith(), then apply Integer.parseInt using the corresponding radix.
double doubleValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
float floatValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
static Integer getInteger (String nm) Not available in CLDC.


Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty(nm));
static Integer getInteger (String nm, int val) Not available in CLDC.
static Integer getInteger (String nm, Integer val) Not available in CLDC.
Int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
int intValue() Available in CLDC.
long longValue() Available in CLDC.
static int parseInt(String s) Available in CLDC.
static int parseInt (String s, int radix) Available in CLDC.
short shortValue() Available in CLDC.
static String toBinaryString(int i) Available in CLDC.
static String toHexString(int i) Available in CLDC.
static String toOctalString(int i) Available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static String toString(int i) Available in CLDC.
static String toString (int i, int radix) Available in CLDC.
static Integer valueOf(String s) Available in CLDC.
static Integer valueOf (String s, int radix) Available in CLDC.


Table B.79. Methods of the Class Long
Method Availability in CLDC
Long(long value) Available in CLDC.
Long(String s) Not available in CLDC.


Long (Long.parseLong (value);
byte byteValue() Not available in CLDC.


(byte) longValue ();
int compareTo(Long anotherLong) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Compare the values of longValue().
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
static Long decode(String nm) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Determine sign and radix using String.startsWith(), then apply Long.parseLong using the corresponding radix.
double doubleValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
float floatValue() Available in CLDC-NG.
static Long getLong(String nm) Not available in CLDC.


Long.parseLong (System.getProperty (nm));
static Long getLong (String nm, long val) Not available in CLDC.
static Long getLong (String nm, Long val) Not available in CLDC.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
int intValue() Not available in CLDC.


(int) longValue()
long longValue() Available in CLDC.
Static long parseLong(String s) Available in CLDC.
Static long parseLong(String s, int radix) Available in CLDC.
short shortValue() Not available in CLDC.


(short) longValue()
Static String toBinaryString (long i) Not available in CLDC.


toString (i, 2);
Static String toHexString(long i) Not available in CLDC.


toString (i, 16);
Static String toOctalString (long i) Not available in CLDC.


toString (i, 8);
String toString() Available in CLDC.
Static String toString(long i) Available in CLDC.
Static String toString (long i, int radix) Available in CLDC.
Static Long valueOf(String s) Not available in CLDC.


new Long(Long.parseLong (s));
Static Long valueOf (String s, int radix) Not available in CLDC.


new Long(Long.parseLong (s, radix));


Table B.80. Methods of the Class Math
Method Alternative/Workaround
static double abs(double a) Available in CLDC-NG.
static float abs(float a) Available in CLDC-NG.
static int abs(int a) Available in CLDC.
static long abs(long a) Available in CLDC.
static double acos(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double asin(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double atan(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double atan2(double a, double b) Not available in CLDC.
static double ceil(double a) Available in CLDC-NG.
static double cos(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double exp(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double floor(double a) Available in CLDC-NG.
static double IEEEremainder (double f1, double f2) Not available in CLDC.
static double log(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double max(double a, double b) Available in CLDC-NG.
static float max(float a, float b) Available in CLDC-NG.
static int max(int a, int b) Available in CLDC.
static long max(long a, long b) Available in CLDC.
static double min(double a, double b) Available in CLDC-NG.
static float min(float a, float b) Available in CLDC-NG.
static int min(int a, int b) Available in CLDC.
static long min(long a, long b) Available in CLDC.
static double pow(double a, double b) Not available in CLDC.
static double random() Not available in CLDC.
static double rint(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static long round(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static int round(float a) Not available in CLDC.
static double sin(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double sqrt(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double tan(double a) Not available in CLDC.
static double toDegrees(double angrad) Available in CLDC-NG.
static double toRadians(double angdeg) Available in CLDC-NG.


Because executing additional processes or finalization is not supported in CLDC, the only methods of the J2SE Runtime class are listed as follows:

  • void exit(int status)

  • long freeMemory()

  • void gc()

  • static Runtime getRuntime()

  • long totalMemory()


Table B.81. Methods of the Class Short
Method Availability in CLDC
Short(short value) Available in CLDC.
Short(String s) Not available in CLDC.


Short (parseShort (s))
byte byteValue() Not available in CLDC.


(byte) shortValue()
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
int compareTo(Short anotherShort) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Compare the return values of shortValue()
Static Short decode(String nm) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Determine radix using nm.startsWith(), then apply parseShort() with corresponding radix.
Double doubleValue() Not available in CLDC.
boolean equals(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
float floatValue() Not available in CLDC.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
int intValue() Not available in CLDC.


(int) shortValue ()
long longValue() Not available in CLDC.


(int) shortValue ()
static short parseShort(String s) Available in CLDC.
static short parseShort (Strings, int radix) Available in CLDC.
short shortValue() Available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static String toString(shorts) Not available in CLDC.


(""+ s)


new Short(s).toString()
static Short valueOf(String s) Not available in CLDC.


new Short(parseShort (s));
static Short valueOf (Strings, int radix) Not available in CLDC.


new Short(parseShort (s, radix));


Table B.82. Methods of the Class String
Method Availability in CLDC
String() Available in CLDC.
String(byte[] bytes) Available in CLDC.
String(byte[] ascii, int hibyte) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE constructor).
String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) Available in CLDC.
String(byte[] ascii, int hibyte, int offset, int count) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, String enc) Available in CLDC.
String(byte[] bytes, String enc) Available in CLDC.
String(char[] value) Available in CLDC.
String(char[] value, int offset, int count) Available in CLDC.
String(String value) Available in CLDC.
String(StringBuffer buffer) Available in CLDC.
char charAt(int index) Available in CLDC.
int compareTo(Object o) Not available in CLDC.
int compareTo(String anotherString) Not available in CLDC. Workaround: Iterate over characters and compare them.
int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) Not available in CLDC.
String concat(String str) Available in CLDC.
static String copyValueOf (char[] data) Not available in CLDC.
static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) Not available in CLDC.
boolean endsWith(String suffix) Available in CLDC.
boolean equals(Object anObject) Available in CLDC.
boolean equalsIgnoreCase (String anotherString) Not available in CLDC.


toLower().equalsIgnoreCase (str.toLower);
byte[] getBytes() Available in CLDC.
void getBytes(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, byte[] dst, int dstBegin) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
byte[] getBytes(String enc) Available in CLDC.
void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin) Available in CLDC.
int hashCode() Available in CLDC.
int indexOf(int ch) Available in CLDC.
int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) Available in CLDC.
int indexOf(String str) Available in CLDC.
int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) Available in CLDC.
String intern() Not available in CLDC. A workaround for some purposes of intern may be to store Strings in a hashtable.
int lastIndexOf(int ch) Available in CLDC.
int lastIndexOf (int ch, int fromIndex) Available in CLDC.
int lastIndexOf(String str) Not available in CLDC.
int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) Not available in CLDC.
int length() Available in CLDC.
boolean regionMatches(Boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) Available in CLDC.
boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) Not available in CLDC.
String replace (char oldChar, char newChar) Available in CLDC.
boolean startsWith(String prefix) Available in CLDC.
boolean startsWith (String prefix, int toffset) Available in CLDC.
String substring(int beginIndex) Available in CLDC.
String substring (int beginIndex, int endIndex) Available in CLDC.
char[]toCharArray() Available in CLDC.
String toLowerCase() Available in CLDC.
String toLowerCase(Locale locale) Not available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
String toUpperCase() Available in CLDC.
String toUpperCase(Locale locale) Not available in CLDC.
String trim() Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(boolean b) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(char c) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(char[] data) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(double d) Available in CLDC-NG.
static String valueOf(float f) Available in CLDC-NG.
static String valueOf(int i) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(long l) Available in CLDC.
static String valueOf(Object obj) Available in CLDC.


Table B.83. Methods of the Class StringBuffer
Method Availability in CLDC
StringBuffer() Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer(int length) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer(String str) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(boolean b) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(char c) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(char[] str) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(char[] str, int offset, int len) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(double d) Available in CLDC-NG.
StringBuffer append(float f) Available in CLDC-NG.
StringBuffer append(int i) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(long l) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(Object obj) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer append(String str) Available in CLDC.
int capacity() Available in CLDC.
char charAt(int index) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer delete (int start, int end) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer deleteCharAt (int index) Available in CLDC.
void ensureCapacity (int minimumCapacity) Available in CLDC.
void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, boolean b) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, char c) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, char[] str) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert(int index, char[] str, int offset, int len) Not available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, double d) Available in CLDC-NG.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, float f) Available in CLDC-NG.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, int i) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, long l) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, Object obj) Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer insert (int offset, String str) Available in CLDC.
int length() Available in CLDC.
StringBuffer replace (int start, int end, String str) Not available in CLDC.


delete (start, end); insert (start, str);
StringBuffer reverse() Available in CLDC.
void setCharAt(int index, char ch) Available in CLDC.
void setLength(int newLength) Available in CLDC.
String substring(int start) Not available in CLDC.
String substring (int start, int end) Not available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.


Table B.84. Methods of the Class System
Method Availability in CLDC
static void arraycopy(Object src, int src_position, Object dst, int dst_position, int length) Available in CLDC.
static long currentTimeMillis() Available in CLDC.
static void exit(int status) Available in CLDC.
static void gc() Available in CLDC.
static String getenv(String name) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
static Properties getProperties() Not available in CLDC.
static String getProperty (String key) Available in CLDC.
static String getProperty (String key, String def) Not available in CLDC. Workaround:
  Static String getProperty (
String key,
String def) {
   String val = System.getProperty (key);
   return val == null ? def : val;

static SecurityManager getSecurityManager() Not available in CLDC.
static int identityHashCode (Object x) Available in CLDC.
static void load(String filename) Not available in CLDC.
static void loadLibrary (String libname) Not available in CLDC.
static String mapLibraryName (String libname) Not available in CLDC.
static void runFinalization() Not available in CLDC.
static void runFinalizersOnExit (boolean value) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
static void setErr(PrintStream err) Not available in CLDC.
static void setIn(InputStream in) Not available in CLDC.
static void setOut(PrintStream out) Not available in CLDC.
static void setProperties (Properties props) Not available in CLDC.
static String setProperty (String key, String value) Not available in CLDC.
static void setSecurityManager (SecurityManager s) Not available in CLDC.


Table B.85. Methods of the Class Thread
Method Availability in CLDC
Thread() Available in CLDC.
Thread(Runnable target) Available in CLDC.
Thread(Runnable target, String name) Available in CLDC-NG.
Thread(String name) Available in CLDC-NG.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target) Not available in CLDC, because ThreadGroup is not supported.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable target, String name) Not available in CLDC, because ThreadGroup is not supported.
Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name) Not available in CLDC, because ThreadGroup is not supported.
static int activeCount() Available in CLDC.
void checkAccess() Not available in CLDC.
int countStackFrames() Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
static Thread currentThread() Available in CLDC.
void destroy() Not available in CLDC.
static void dumpStack() Not available in CLDC.
static int enumerate (Thread[] tarray) Not available in CLDC.
ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() Not available in CLDC.
String getName() Available in CLDC-NG.
int getPriority() Available in CLDC.
ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() Not available in CLDC.
void interrupt() Not available in CLDC.
static boolean interrupted() Not available in CLDC.
boolean isAlive() Available in CLDC.
boolean isDaemon() Available in CLDC-NG.
boolean isInterrupted() Not available in CLDC.
void join() Available in CLDC.
void join(long millis) Not available in CLDC.
void join(long millis, int nanos) Not available in CLDC.
void resume() Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
void run() Available in CLDC.
void setContextClassLoader (ClassLoader cl) Not available in CLDC.
void setDaemon(boolean on) Available in CLDC-NG.
void setName(String name) Not available in CLDC.
void setPriority(int newPriority) Available in CLDC.
static void sleep(long millis) Available in CLDC.
static void sleep (long millis, int nanos) Not available in CLDC.
void start() Available in CLDC.
void stop() Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
void stop(Throwable obj) Not available in CLDC (deprecated J2SE method).
void suspend() Not available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.
static void yield() Available in CLDC.


Table B.86. Methods of the Class Throwable
Method Availability in CLDC
Throwable() Available in CLDC.
Throwable(String message) Available in CLDC.
Throwable fillInStackTrace() Not available in CLDC.
String getLocalizedMessage() Not available in CLDC.
String getMessage() Available in CLDC.
void printStackTrace() Available in CLDC.
void printStackTrace(PrintStream s) Not available in CLDC.
void printStackTrace(PrintWriter s) Not available in CLDC.
String toString() Available in CLDC.

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