Anatomy of a Simple SELinux Policy Domain

Let’s switch our view of the SELinux policy from wide-angle to close-up and examine a simple component of an SELinux policy, to better understand how an SELinux policy operates. Recall that the SELinux type enforcement mechanism is based on domains. At any given time, a running process is associated with a domain that determines its permissions. The SELinux policy statements that establish a domain are generally grouped as two files:

FC file

The file context (FC) file, which has the filename extension .fc, resides in the file_contexts/program subdirectory of the policy source directory. The file specifies the security contexts of directories and files associated with the domain.

TE file

The type enforcement (TE) file, which has the filename extension .te, resides in the domains/program subdirectory of the policy source directory. The file specifies the access vector rules and transitions associated with the domain.

An SELinux policy contains many files other than FC and TE files. However, most of the work you do with an SELinux policy will involve the FC and TE files. Because FC and TE files are central to SELinux, understanding the function of these files takes you a long way toward understanding SELinux policies. So in this section, we’ll overview the FC and TE files. The following chapters will explain more fully the FC and TE files as well as the other files that comprise an SELinux policy.

The FC and TE files that establish a domain generally carry the name of the principal program associated with the domain. For instance, the files associated with the domain that regulates the behavior of the Snort intrusion detection application are named snort.fc and snort.te. Let’s begin by examining the snort.fc file.

The snort.fc File

The snort.fc file specifies security contexts for directories and files related to Snort:

/usr/sbin/snort       --  system_u:object_r:snort_exec_t
/usr/local/bin/snort  --  system_u:object_r:snort_exec_t
/etc/snort(/.*)?          system_u:object_r:snort_etc_t
/var/log/snort(/.*)?      system_u:object_r:snort_log_t

The first line in the file is a comment, as indicated by the hash mark (#) appearing in the first column. The remaining four lines have a simple structure consisting of three columns:

Regular expression

Directories and files having a path matching the regular expression are labeled according to the specifications in columns two and three.


The flags specify whether the regular expression matches directories, files, or either directories or files. The paired dashes specify that the regular expression can match only ordinary files.

Security context

The security context specifies the SELinux user, role, and type with which the directory or file is to be labeled.

For instance, the Snort executable resides in the file /usr/sbin/snort, a path matching the regular expression appearing in the second line of the FC file. When the make relabel command is executed in the policy source directory, the file /usr/sbin/snort will be labeled with the security context system_u:object_r:snort_exec_t.

The regular expression appearing in the fourth line of the file includes several metacharacters:

/etc/snort(/.*)?          system_u:object_r:snort_etc_t

The metacharacters have the same meaning they take on in the vi editor and other Linux programs that use regular expressions. In particular, the parentheses indicate grouping, and the question mark (?) indicates that the preceding item or group is optional. The dot (.) can be replaced by any single character, and the asterisk (*) indicates that the preceding item or group can be repeated indefinitely. The slash (/) is not a metacharacter; it matches the slashes that separate the parts of a directory pathname. Therefore, the regular expression matches the path /etc/snort and the path of any file or directory contained in /etc/snort. Matching files and directories will be labeled with the security context system_u:object_r:snort_etc_t.

The snort.te File

Now, let’s examine the TE file:

#DESC Snort - Network sniffer
# Author: Shaun Savage <[email protected]>
# Modified by Russell Coker <[email protected]>
# X-Debian-Packages: snort-common


type snort_etc_t, file_type, sysadmfile;

# Create temporary files.

# use iptable netlink
allow snort_t self:netlink_socket create_socket_perms;
allow snort_t self:packet_socket create_socket_perms;
allow snort_t self:capability { setgid setuid net_admin net_raw };

r_dir_file(snort_t, snort_etc_t)
allow snort_t etc_t:file { getattr read };
allow snort_t etc_t:lnk_file read;

allow snort_t self:unix_dgram_socket create_socket_perms;
allow snort_t self:unix_stream_socket create_socket_perms;

# for start script
allow initrc_t snort_etc_t:file read;

As you can see, the TE file is somewhat more complex than the FC file. In particular, whereas the FC file contains only one sort of noncomment line, this TE file contains several:

Type line

Defines a type.

Allow lines

Define an access vector rule.

Other lines

Lines beginning with other identifiers, such as daemon_domain and can_network, are macro invocations.

The type line

The line:

type snort_etc_t, file_type, sysadmfile;

defines snort_etc_t as a type. The attributes file_type and sysadmfile mark this type as pertaining to file objects that can be accessed and modified by users associated with the sysadm_r (system administrator) role. Many such attributes are defined in the attrib.te file. If you look back to the FC file, you’ll see that the /etc/snort directory and its contents are labeled with the type snort_etc_t.

The allow lines

Lines beginning with the keyword allow specify access vector rules authorizing operations on various object types. For instance, the line:

allow snort_t etc_t:file { getattr read };

specifies that processes running in the snort_t domain can read and get the attributes of files labeled with the etc_t type. Notice the use of curly braces, { and }, to enclose the list.

Similarly, the line:

allow initrc_t snort_etc_t:file read;

specifies that processes running in the initrc_t domain can read files labeled with the snort_etc_t type. As it happens, the init process, which controls SysV daemons, runs in the initirc_t domain. Thus, the init process can read the contents of the /etc/snort directory tree, which contains the Snort configuration files init must consult to start Snort with the user-specified options.

Notice that allow lines are the most common sort of line in the TE file. Recall that SELinux prohibits all operations not explicitly authorized. So, a typical domain contains several—perhaps many—allow lines that specify operations for which the domain is authorized.


Not all access vector rules specify authorized access. For instance, as explained in Chapter 7, auditdeny and dontaudit rules specify prohibited operations. However, the snort.te file includes only allow rules.

Macro invocations

In addition to type and allow lines, the TE file contains a variety of other noncomment lines. These are macro invocations—statements that are expanded by the M4 macro processor into zero or more SELinux policy statements. If you administer a system running Sendmail, you’re likely already familiar with M4, because Sendmail uses it to establish its configuration in much the same way as SELinux does. If you aren’t familiar with macro definitions and invocations, you can think of a macro definition as a script and a macro invocation as a command invoking the script. Let’s consider a simple example.

The file macros/global_macros.te defines many SELinux macros. Among them is the definition of the can_network macro, which is invoked on line 11 of the snort.te file (comment lines omitted for simplicity):

allow $1 self:udp_socket create_socket_perms;
allow $1 self:tcp_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
allow $1 netif_type:netif { tcp_send udp_send rawip_send };
allow $1 netif_type:netif { tcp_recv udp_recv rawip_recv };
allow $1 node_type:node { tcp_send udp_send rawip_send };
allow $1 node_type:node { tcp_recv udp_recv rawip_recv };
allow $1 port_type:{ tcp_socket udp_socket } { send_msg recv_msg };
allow $1 mount_t:udp_socket rw_socket_perms;
allow $1 node_type: { tcp_socket udp_socket } node_bind;
allow $1 net_conf_t:file r_file_perms;
')dnl end can_network definition

When a macro is invoked, the invocation can supply the macro with arguments. Consider line 11 of snort.te:


This invocation of the can_network macro supplies the argument snort_t. When the macro is interpreted, its invocation is replaced with the lines from its definition. However, the symbol $1 appearing within the definition is replaced by the first supplied argument, the symbol $2 is replaced by the second supplied argument, and so on. In the macro invocation, notice that the left parenthesis immediately follows can_network, the name of the macro. M4 requires that no space appear between the name of a macro and the parenthesis that begins the macro’s argument list.

In the case of the snort.te file, the invocation of can_network provides one argument, snort_t. This argument replaces the symbol $1 appearing in the macro definition. The result is that the following lines replace the macro invocation within the snort.te file:

allow snort_t self:udp_socket create_socket_perms;
allow snort_t self:tcp_socket create_stream_socket_perms;
allow snort_t netif_type:netif { tcp_send udp_send rawip_send };
allow snort_t netif_type:netif { tcp_recv udp_recv rawip_recv };
allow snort_t node_type:node { tcp_send udp_send rawip_send };
allow snort_t node_type:node { tcp_recv udp_recv rawip_recv };
allow snort_t port_type:{ tcp_socket udp_socket } { send_msg recv_msg };
allow snort_t mount_t:udp_socket rw_socket_perms;
allow snort_t node_type: { tcp_socket udp_socket } node_bind;
allow snort_t net_conf_t:file r_file_perms;

These allow lines authorize a variety of network-related operations.

The point of using macros is that they make policies more concise and therefore easier to read and understand. They also help prevent inconsistencies that may lead to policy errors. The section of this chapter titled “The macros Subdirectory” summarizes many of the standard macros defined for use in SELinux policies.

As shown in Figure 5-3, the M4 macro processor is invoked prior to the creation of the policy.conf file, so that file contains no macro invocations. Thus, the SELinux policy compiler does not actually process any macro invocations.

Transforming an SELinux policy, including M4 macro expansion

Figure 5-3. Transforming an SELinux policy, including M4 macro expansion

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