10.6. Writing Trace Data to the Event Log with Controllable Levels


You want your application to output trace information to the event log and, at the same time, control what level of information is output.


Create your own trace listener that inherits from the TraceListener class and overrides the Write and WriteLine methods to write their output to the event log. A sample trace listener we’ve written to demonstrate this solution is shown in Example 10-20 (VB) and Example 10-21 (C#).

Next, modify your web.config file to add the custom TraceListener and TraceSwitch, as shown in Example 10-22.

In the classes you want to output trace information, create a TraceSwitch object using the name of the TraceSwitch you added to the web.config file, and then use the WriteIf and WriteLineIf methods of the Trace class to output the required messages, as we demonstrate in our class in Example 10-23 (VB) and Example 10-24 (C#).


The technique we advocate for writing trace information to the event log involves creating your own custom trace listener that overrides the Write and WriteLine methods and directs their output to the event log. We also find it useful to control the level of messages that are output to the event log, such as outputting only error messages or outputting error and warning messages. Controlling the level of messages that are output involves the use of switches (more about this in a minute).

As discussed in Recipe 10.5, you can add additional listeners to the TraceListeners collection via the web.config file. When a Trace.Write or Trace.WriteLine is executed, all listeners in the TraceListeners collection receive and process their output.

The support that the .NET Framework provides for the writing of custom TraceListeners, as shown here and in other recipes in this chapter, is even more powerful when coupled with switches. Switches provide the ability to control when trace information is sent to the TraceListeners configured for your application.

Two switch types are provided in the .NET Framework: BooleanSwitch and TraceSwitch. The BooleanSwitch class supports two states (on and off) that literally turn the trace output on and off. The TraceSwitch class supports five levels (off, error, warning, info, and verbose) to provide the ability to output messages only for the configured levels.

In our example, we created a custom TraceListener similar to the one created in Recipe 10.5, except that the messages are written to the event log rather than the current page, as shown in Example 10-20 (VB) and Example 10-21 (C#).


For additional information on writing to the event log, refer to Recipe 7.3.

You must first add the switch and listener information to your web.config file, as shown in Example 10-22. The switch data includes the name of the switch and the value for the switch. The switch name is the name used in your code to access the switch configuration. The value defines the message level to output, as shown in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Switch level values




Output no messages


Output only error messages


Output error and warning messages


Output error, warning, and informational messages


Output all messages

To output trace messages that use the switch information, you first need to create a TraceSwitch object passing the name of the switch and a general description of the switch. After creating the TraceSwitch, you use it with the WriteIf and WriteLineIf methods of the Trace class to output your messages. The first parameter of either method defines the level for which the message should be output. In other words, if you only want the message to be output when the switch is configured for “warnings,” set the first parameter to the TraceWarning property of the switch you created. The second parameter should be set to the message you want to output.


We are not outputting the trace information to the web form, as we have in other examples in this chapter, so it is not necessary to add the trace="true" statement to the @ Page directive in the .aspx page or to turn on application-level tracing in the web.config file.


The name used in the constructor of the TraceSwitch must match the name of the switch in the web.config file. Failing to use the exact name defined in the web.config file can cause you to spend a significant amount of time trying to determine why your messages are not being output as expected.


In a web application, referencing the Trace class without further qualifying the namespace will actually reference the System.Web.Trace class, which does not support the WriteIf and WriteLineIf methods. To access the Trace class in the System.Diagnostics namespace that provides the WriteIf and WriteLineIf methods, fully qualify the reference:


See Also

Recipe 7.3; for a discussion of trace listeners, see Recipe 10.5

Example 10-20. Custom TraceListener for writing to the event log (.vb)

Option Explicit On 
Option Strict On
'   Module Name: CH10EventLogListenerVB.vb
'   Description: This class provides a trace listener that outputs messages
'                to the application event log.
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics

Namespace ASPNetCookbook.VBExamples
  Public Class CH10EventLogListenerVB
    Inherits TraceListener

    'the following constant defines the event log to which messages are 
    Const EVENT_LOG_NAME As String = "Application"

    '   ROUTINE: Write
    '   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    '                HttpContext Trace object
    Public Overloads Overrides Sub Write(ByVal message As String)
    End Sub  'Write

    '   ROUTINE: Write
    '   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    '                HttpContext Trace object
    Public Overloads Overrides Sub Write(ByVal category As String, _
                                         ByVal message As String)
      writeLogEntry(category & ": " & message)
    End Sub  'Write

    '   ROUTINE: WriteLine
    '   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    '                HttpContext Trace object with a CR/LF
    Public Overloads Overrides Sub WriteLine(ByVal message As String)
    End Sub  'WriteLine

    '   ROUTINE: WriteLine
    '   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    '                HttpContext Trace object
    Public Overloads Overrides Sub WriteLine(ByVal category As String, _
                                             ByVal message As String)
      writeLogEntry(category & ": " & message)
    End Sub  'WriteLine

    '   ROUTINE: writeLogEntry
    '   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the event log
    Private Sub writeLogEntry(ByVal message As String)
                        Dim log As EventLog

                        'Insert error information into the event log
                        log = New EventLog
                        log.Source = EVENT_LOG_NAME
                        log.WriteEntry(message, _
                      End Sub  'writeLogEntry
  End Class  'CH10EventLogListenerVB
End Namespace

Example 10-21. Custom TraceListener for writing to the event log (.cs)

//   Module Name: CH10EventLogListenerCS.cs
//   Description: This class provides a trace listener that outputs messages
//                to the application event log.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ASPNetCookbook.CSExamples
  public class CH10EventLogListenerCS : TraceListener
    // the following constant defines the event log to which messages are 
    // written
    const String EVENT_LOG_NAME = "Application";

    //   ROUTINE: Write
    //   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    //                HttpContext Trace object
    public override void Write(String message)
    } // Write

    //   ROUTINE: Write
    //   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    //                HttpContext Trace object
    public override void Write(String category,
                               String message)
      writeLogEntry(category + ": " + message);
    } // Write

    //   ROUTINE: WriteLine
    //   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    //                HttpContext Trace object
    public override void WriteLine(String message)
    } // WriteLine

    //   ROUTINE: WriteLine
    //   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the 
    //                HttpContext Trace object
    public override void WriteLine(String category,
                                   String message)
      writeLogEntry(category + ": " + message);
    } // WriteLine

    //   ROUTINE: writeLogEntry
    //   DESCRIPTION: This routine writes the passed message to the event log
    private void writeLogEntry(String message)
                        EventLog log;

                        // Insert error information into the event log
                        log = new EventLog( );
                        log.Source = EVENT_LOG_NAME;
                      }  // writeLogEntry
  }  // CH10EventLogListenerCS

Example 10-22. web.config settings for adding the trace listener and trace switch

                      <!-- This switch controls messages written to the event log.
                           To control the level of message written to the log set 
                           the value attribute as follows:
                           "0" - output no messages
                           "1" - output only error messages
                           "2" - output error and warning messages
                           "3" - output error, warning, and informational messages
                           "4" - output all messages
                      <add name="EventLogSwitch" value="0" />

  <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="0">
                        <add name="CookbookEventLogListener" 
                               ASPNetCookbookVB" />

Example 10-23. Writing trace information as a function of trace level (.vb)

  Dim generalTraceSwitch As TraceSwitch

  'create the trace switch
  generalTraceSwitch = New TraceSwitch("EventLogSwitch", _
                                       "Used throughout the application")

  'write trace data if error level is enabled
  System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteIf(generalTraceSwitch.TraceError, _
                                   "This is an error message")

  'write trace data if warning level is enabled
  System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteIf(generalTraceSwitch.TraceWarning, _
                                   "This is an warning message")

  'write trace data if info level is enabled
  System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteIf(generalTraceSwitch.TraceInfo, _
                                   "This is an info message")

  'write trace data if verbose level is enabled
  System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteIf(generalTraceSwitch.TraceVerbose, _
                                   "This is an verbose message")

Example 10-24. Writing trace information as a function of trace level (.cs)

  TraceSwitch generalTraceSwitch = null;

  // create the trace switch
  generalTraceSwitch = new TraceSwitch("EventLogSwitch",
                                       "Used throughout the application");

  // write trace data if error level is enabled
                                   "This is an error message");

  // write trace data if warning level is enabled
                                   "This is an warning message");

  // write trace data if info level is enabled
                                   "This is an info message");

  // write trace data if verbose level is enabled
                                   "This is an verbose message");
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