5.11. Displaying Exception Information


There are several different methods of displaying exception information. You need to choose the best one to use.


The .NET platform supports several methods for displaying exception information, depending on the specific type of information that you want to show. The easiest method is to use the ToString method of the thrown exception object, usually in the catch block of an exception handler:

catch(Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine(e.ToString( ));

Another method is to manually display the individual properties of the thrown exception and iterate through each inner exception, if any exist. For example, the following custom method is called from a catch block that takes a single exception object as a parameter and proceeds to display its information, including information on all inner exceptions:

public void DisplayException(Exception e)
    Console.WriteLine("Outer Exception.");
    Console.WriteLine("ExceptionType: " + e.GetType( ).Name);
    Console.WriteLine("HelpLine: " + e.HelpLink);
    Console.WriteLine("Message: " + e.Message);
    Console.WriteLine("Source: " + e.Source);
    Console.WriteLine("StackTrace: " + e.StackTrace);
    Console.WriteLine("TargetSite: " + e.TargetSite);

    string indent = "	";
    Exception ie = e;

    while(ie.InnerException != null)
        ie = ie.InnerException;
        Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception.");
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "ExceptionType: " + 
                          ie.GetType( ).Name);
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "HelpLink: " + ie.HelpLink);
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "Message: " + ie.Message);
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "Source: " + ie.Source);
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "StackTrace: " + ie.StackTrace);
        Console.WriteLine(indent + "TargetSite: " + ie.TargetSite);
        indent += "	";


A typical exception object of type Exception displays the following information if its ToString method is called:

System.Exception: Exception of type System.Exception was thrown.
   at Chapter_Code.Chapter7.TestSpecializedException( ) in c:ook cs cookbookcode
     test.cs:line 286

There are three pieces of information shown here:

  • The exception type (Exception in this case) followed by a colon.

  • The string contained in the exception’s Message property.

  • The string contained in the exception’s StackTrace property.

The great thing about the ToString method is that information about any exception contained in the InnerException property is automatically displayed as well. The following text shows the output of an exception that wraps an inner exception:

System.Exception: Exception of type System.Exception was thrown. 
---> System.Exception: The Inner Exception
   at Chapter_Code.Chapter7.TestSpecializedException( ) 
     in c:ook cs cookbookcode
     test.cs:line 306
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Chapter_Code.Chapter7.TestSpecializedException( ) 
     in c:ook cs cookbookcode
     test.cs:line 310

The same three pieces of information are displayed for each exception. The output is broken down into the following format:

Outer exception type: Outer exception Message property
---> Inner Exception type: Inner exception Message property
Inner Exception StackTrace property
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Outer exception StackTrace property

If the inner exception contains an exception object in its InnerException property, that exception is displayed as well. In fact, information for all inner exceptions is displayed in this format.

Calling the ToString method is a quick, useful way of getting the most pertinent information out of the exception and displaying it in a formatted string. However, not all of the exception’s information is displayed. There might be a need to display the HelpLine or Source properties of the exception. In fact, if this is a user-defined exception, there could be custom fields that need to be displayed or captured in an error log. Also, you might not like the default formatting that the ToString method offers. In these cases, consider writing your own method to display the exception’s information.

To illustrate the custom method presented in the Solution section (the DisplayException method), consider the following code, which throws an exception that wraps two inner exceptions:

Exception innerInner = new Exception("The innerInner Exception.");
ArgumentException inner = new ArgumentException("The inner Exception.", innerInner);
NullReferenceException se = new NullReferenceException("A Test Message.", inner);
se.HelpLink = "MyComponent.hlp";
se.Source = "MyComponent";

    throw (se);
catch(Exception e)

If this code were executed, DisplayException would display the following:

Outer Exception.
ExceptionType: NullReferenceException
HelpLine: MyComponent.hlp
Message: A Test Message.
Source: MyComponent
StackTrace:   at Chapter_Code.SEH.DisplayException( ) in c:ook cs cookbookcode
                test.cs:line 219
TargetSite: Void DisplayException( )
inner Exception.
        ExceptionType: ArgumentException
        Message: The inner Exception.
inner Exception.
                ExceptionType: Exception
                Message: The innerInner Exception.

The outermost exception is displayed first, followed by all of its properties. Next, each inner exception is displayed in a similar manner.

The while loop of the DisplayException method is used to iterate through each inner exception until the innermost exception is reached. The indent variable is used to create the staggered display of inner exception information. Initially, this variable contains a single tab character (' '). A single tab character is added to this variable at the end of each iteration of the loop, allowing for the creation of the staggered display.

See Also

See the “Error Raising and Handling Guidelines” and “Exception Class” topics in the MSDN documentation.

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