9.12. Creating a Hashtable with Max and Min Value Boundaries


You need to use a Hashtable in your project that stores only numeric data between a set maximum and minimum value.


Create a class whose accessors and methods enforce these boundaries. This class, MaxMinValueHashtable, allows only integer values that fall between a maximum and minimum size to be stored:

using System;
using System.Collections;
public class MaxMinValueHashtable : Hashtable
    public MaxMinValueHashtable( ) : base( )

    public MaxMinValueHashtable(int minValue, int maxValue) 
        : base( )
        this.minValue = minValue;
        this.maxValue = maxValue;

    protected int minValue = int.MinValue;
    protected int maxValue = int.MaxValue;
    protected bool readOnly = false;

    public bool ReadOnly 
        get {return (readOnly);}
        set {readOnly = value;}

    public override bool IsReadOnly
        get        {return readOnly;}

    public override object this[object key] 
            return (base[key]);
            if (!readOnly)
                if (value is int)
                    if ((int)value >= minValue && (int)value <= maxValue)
                        base[key] = value;
                        throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", 
                            "Value must be within the range " + minValue + 
                            " to " + maxValue));
                    base[key] = value;
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, 
                    "This Hashtable is currently set to read-only."));

// This method has been overridden to allow objects to be
// stored in this Hashtable, as well as integers.
//   If you do not wish objects to be stored in this
//   Hashtable alongside numeric values, simply throw an
//   InvalidOperationException when this method is called.
    public override void Add(object key, object value)
        if (!readOnly)
            base.Add(key, value);
            throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, 
                "This Hashtable is currently set to read-only."));

    public void Add(object key, int value)
        if (!readOnly)
            if (value >= minValue && value <= maxValue)
                base.Add(key, value);
                throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, 
                    "Value must be within the range " + minValue + 
                    " to " + maxValue));
            throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, 
                "This Hashtable is currently set to read-only."));

    public override void Remove(object key)
        if (!readOnly)
            throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                "This Hashtable is currently set to read-only."));

    public override void Clear( )
        if (!readOnly)
            base.Clear( );
            throw (new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                "This Hashtable is currently set to read-only."));


The MaxMinValueHashtable class inherits from Hashtable and overrides the members that allow Hashtable values to be added, removed, and modified. The overloaded constructor for the MaxMinValueHashtable class is defined here:

public MaxMinValueHashtable(int minValue, int maxValue)

This constructor allows the range of values to be set. Its parameters are:


The smallest integer value that can be added as a value in a key/value pair.


The largest integer value that can be added as a value in a key/value pair.

A public Boolean property called ReadOnly has been added to this class to allow or prevent the use of the Add, Remove, and Clear methods. The IsReadOnly property of the base Hashtable object cannot be used in this situation, since the IsReadOnly property is a read-only property. For the MaxMinValueHashtable, we needed read/write access to this property. However, the IsReadOnly property is overloaded in the MaxMinValueHashtable to return the value of the ReadOnly property.

The overridden indexer has both get and set. The get returns the value that matches the provided key. The set verifies that this object is not read-only; if it is not, the value parameter is checked to determine whether it is an integer. If the value parameter is an integer, it is checked to determine whether it is within the boundaries of the minValue and maxValue fields before it is set. If the value parameter is not an integer, it is set using the key.

There are two Add methods: one takes an object and the other takes an integer for its value parameter. The Add method that accepts an object will add the object to the MaxMinValueHashtable only when it is not read-only. The other Add method that accepts an integer for its value parameter performs the same tests and adds a new test to determine whether the integer value is between, or equal to, the minValue and maxValue fields. If all tests pass, the integer is added to the MaxMinValueHashtable.

See Also

See the “Hashtable Class” topic in the MSDN documentation.

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