Custom Fields

In Chapter 6, Data Modeling and Storage, and Chapter 7, Your Own Custom Entities and Plugin Types, we talked quite extensively about content entities and how they use fields to store the actual data that they are supposed to represent. Then, we saw how these fields, apart from interacting with the storage layer for persisting it, extend Typed Data API classes in order to organize this data better at the code level. For example, we saw that the BaseFieldDefinition instances used on entities are actually data definitions (and so are the FieldConfig ones). Moreover, we also saw the DataType plugins at play there, namely the FieldItemList with their individual items, which down the line extend a basic DataType plugin (Map in most cases). Also, if you remember, when we were talking about these items, I mentioned how they are actually instances of yet another plugin—FieldType. So essentially, they are a plugin type whose plugins extend plugins of another type. I recommend that you revisit that section if you are fuzzy on the matter.

Most of these concepts are buried inside the Entity API and are only seen and understood by developers. However, the FieldType plugins (together with their corresponding FieldWidget and FieldFormatter plugins) break out and are one of the principal things site builders and content editors actually work with in the UI. They allow users to input structured data and save it to the database. If you recall, I mentioned them a few times in Chapters 6 and 7, and I promised you a chapter in which we will see how we can create field types that a site builder can then add to an entity type and use to input data. Well, this is that chapter, but first, let's do a quick recap on what we know about them.

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