
5 Ws 157161


A side, of cut 242

“A” story 1011

Abby Singer 227

above the line 80

accounting 192

act-in 106

act-out 106

Acting for Young Actors 201

action 218

actor availability 74

actor turnaround 75

actors 2627, 3233, 101102, 170178; 5 Ws 157161; children 200202; code words 165168; comedy 168170; performance 161165, 228; production design 5556; see also blocking; casting

actor’s deals 3538

actor’s director 32

acts 1214, 106

add to 242

additional labor 193

adjustment 36

aged 224

agents 276, 313

air 243

Albee, M. 214215

Alice in Wonderland 52

Allen, W. 175

Ally McBeal 240

alts 247

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) 33

American Film Institute (AFI) 11, 308

angle 241

animals 199200, 202

Anne of Green Gables 292

antagonist 12, 14

archetype 2324

art 48, 95

art department 190191

art director 54

art vs. commerce 54

assistant director see first assistant director

Atonement 159

auditions 3538

automated dialogue replacement (ADR) 259

axis 140


B side, of cut 242

“B”/“C” stories 11

back to one 225

background casting 188

backlight 63

backstory 36

Badham, J. 31

Bailey, R. 307

Baio, S. 293

Bakula, S. 2930

band-aid fixes 92

Barbee, C. 9899

Barclay, P. 306

base camp 63

basic plot 1011

Bassett, A. 40

Baxter, K. 241

bell 220

Belli, M.L. 316; being a director 273, 275, 280283, 292293; prep 1112, 1516, 2728, 3132, 34, 95, 105; shoot 161162, 168, 171, 201

below the line 80

Beneville, S. 206207

Berg, R. 53

Bergan, J.M. 292

Bernstein, R. 289290

Bill, T. 171

billing 33

binge watch 263

bins 237238

Black, S.K. 194195

Blackman, S. 18

Blair, A. 28

block shoot 119

blocking 102105, 111, 115, 130132, 136, 149

blue screen 211212

boarding 74 closed rehearsal 161


closed-captions 262

code words 165168

Cold Case 11

color 49, 5152

color corrected 257

color timed master (CTM) 257

colorist 257

comedy 168170

commercials 106

communication 274275

company move 7576

complementary shots 240

complete bin 237238

complications 8

composited 211

compromise 286288

concept meeting 4649

condors 63

conflict 14, 164

construction 193

continuity 15, 241

Cooper, J. 271

costar 3233

costume designer 5556, 190

costumes 24, 48, 5556, 9495, 190

counter 129

courtesy screen 203

coverage 139140

covering 167

COW chart 2122, 157158

cowboy 112

crafts service 192

crane 66, 129

crane shot 114

crew 184193

crew call 75

crisp 128

cross the lens 133, 135

cross platforming 263

crossed camera 132

crossing the line 114

crossover casting 3334

cue 225

cut 218

cuts together 133

cutting pattern 240


dailies 7778

Damon, M. 140

dance floor 125

day-out-of-days (DOOD) 78

daybreaks 78

dénouement 8, 1517

department heads 46, 5556, 95

Depp, J. 160

determination 274

Deutsch, B. 9798, 230

dialogue 22, 259

digital camera 124

digital doubling 212

directionally 119

director 13; being a 271278, 312316; demands of 279288

director of photography (DP) 51, 6667, 119, 128130, 136137, 150151, 182184, 219220

director’s cut 243248

Directors Guild of America (DGA) 34, 8081, 206, 275277

discovery 166

distribution 262263

dolly 124

dolly back 108

dolly shots 128130

dolly track 124125

Domestic Life 292

Dorf, J. 27

double-check 119

doubled 205

Dougherty, C. 260

downstage 104

dramatic structure 8

drive-by 208209

drop a scene 139

dry run 204

dub 260261

dubbed 262

Dugally, D. 59

Durance, E. 32

dutch 128


Eastwood, C. 140, 218

edit decision list (EDL) 256

editing 239243, 249253; director’s cut 243248

editor’s assembly 237238

electric 48

electrical department 186187

Ellis, S. 303

emancipated 202

Emerson, R.W. 97

enthusiasm 275

equipment 124128

essence, of character 2324

establishing shot 109, 111

exit frame 108

exposition 2728

extender 127

extras 225

extreme 112

eyeline 123


feed 169

fifty/fifty (50/50) 108, 111

fill 242

final air master 262

final touches 220

Fincher, D. 241

find peaks and valleys/find more colors 165

first aid 192

first assistant director (1st AD) 7173, 7985, 181182; shooting schedule 7379

first cut 106

first draft 89

first team 79

fish-eye lens 127

fixed lens 128

floor plan 4950

flyaways 224

foley 260

Foley, J. 260

follow vans 207

foreground (fg) 114; wipe 225

foreshadowing 15

frame 108

frame the joke 105

Frankenheimer, J. 31

from the top 225

Fryman, P. 294

Fuentes, Z. 294295

full mag 223


gaffe 79

gag 200, 209210

Gaviola, K. 299300

Gazetas, M. 6869

gender 277

gentle command 275

Gerstein, L. 28

get it on its feet 218

getting the scissors in 247

gimbal 219220

Girlfriends 32

give yourself somewhere to go 164

Glatter, L.L. 302

Glee 28, 213

Goddard-Smythe, S. 4344

Goldthwait, J. 230231

Gomes, A.B. 310311

grace period 224

The Graduate 125

Grant, S. 11

green room 64

greens 191

Grey’s Anatomy 34, 95

grip 48

grip department 187188

guest star 14, 3233


Hackshaw, T. 251253

Hagen, S. 264265

hair designers see makeup/hair designers

hair in the gate 221

half-speed 205

handheld 125

hanging a lamp on it 16

hard drive 237

Hart of Dixie 28

Hays, E. 83

head 242

Hensz, J. 72

Hepburn, K. 2324

hero 110

high and wide 114

high-definition (HD) 124

high-hat 129

Hirst, M. 22

hits 263

Hoffman, B. 175176

Holahan, P. 301

holding area 64

Hollywood in/out 226

Homicide 241

honeywagons 63

Huston, J. 2324


iconic image 25

imagery 24 87

impact 5253

in the moment 166

inciting action 8

incomplete bin 237238

inner sense 272273

Innercity Filmmakers 21

insert car 207

inserts 107, 112

integrated insert 112

intention 2527, 158

internet 263

into the works 171


Jankowski, P. 10

job requirements 272

jump cut 240


Kazan, E. 158

Keene, E. 304

kill the funny 168

King Kong 212

Kipling, R. 284

Knightley, K. 159

Kramer, S. 249


LaDuke, D. 42

land 205

Landis, D. 24

last looks 220

lateral dolly 129

Law & Order 911

layback 261

leadership 274275

Lembeck, M. 136

lenses 126128, 240

Lester, A. 32

Levine, J. 300301

license fee 90

Lieber, J. 288289

lifted 246

lighting 219220

line, crossing the 130134, 136137, 241

line producer 8991

line reading 162, 168

location 5354, 183, 191; availability 74; scouting 6169

location manager 6162, 65, 6869, 191

locked-down 210

logline 9

Lohr, M.R. 17

Lonsdale, G. 149150

loop groups 248

looped 259

lovemaking 203


McAvoy, J. 159

McClendon, R. 3940

McCrane, P. 176177, 311312

Mackenzie, W. 292

McKiernan, T. 206

MacLaren, M. 293294

make a cross 104

make the day 76, 138140

make a deal 38

makeup/hair designers 48, 56, 189

managers 276277

marks 79

Marshall, G. 287

Martinez-Nelson, L. 43

martini shot 228

Mason, J. 120

massage the cut 242

master shot 111

match 111

Matta, R.M. 8485, 306307

meal penalty 224

meat of the day 77

memory card 237

mislead/turn 169

mix 260261

Mixed Blessings 9495

Modern Family 5253

moleskin 203

Monk 1516, 34, 95

montage 107

Montgomery, R. 259260

Morgan, D. 1516

MOS 226

motion capture 211212

motivated 104

Movie Speak 171

moving on 227

Mull, M. 292

music 213214, 247248, 260262

Mythbusters 204


nakedness 202203

NCIS New Orleans 11

need see intention

Negret, A. 309310

networking 312

Neukum, N. 196197

new information 14

Nichols, M. 125

nonlinear editing methods (NLEs) 237

notes 89

Nurse Jackie 11

Nutter, D. 163

NYPD Blue 241


O track 258

O’Bannon, D. 17

objective shots 123

obstacles 2629

offer only 35

offline sound 258261

offline video 256258

O’Hara, T. 308309

on the day 204

on the nose 16

on-set dresser 219220

one more for fun 225226

one-liner 78

one-offs 54

oner 139

operative word 168

organic 104

The Originals 120, 122

over the cut 242

over-the-shoulder (OS) 111112

overlap 110


pace 167168, 242243

The Pacific 95

pack a suitcase 169

paint 191

Paltrow, B. 217, 291292

pan 112, 129

PAs 81, 83

pattern budget 9091

The Patty Duke Show 211

Paul, V. 5759

Paymer, D. 299

payoff 169

Pearlman, K. 250

Pennella, J. 116117, 305

performance 228

permit 64

personality 229

pickup 225

picture car 207

picture up 220

pilot 32

Pino, D. 11

pipe 2728

Pirzadeh, T. 215216

pitch 92

pivot 137

plate 210

playing the end at the beginning 164

plot see story

point of view, characters 157161

point of view (POV) 107

Pollack, S. 7, 9, 1112

poor man’s process 207208

post 235, 267268

post supervisor 256263

Powell, H. 41

practical set 6162

pre-viz 204

precall 75

prelapping 243

prep 5, 153154

preread 35

principal 205

print 140

print it 221

print and move on 93

Private Practice 34

private rehearsal 218

problem solving 282285

procedural 9

process trailer 207

producer session 35

producer/director 91

production design 4546, 4953, 5660, 9495; actors 5556; concept meeting 4649; set 5355

production designer 46, 4849, 5255

production draft 89

production office 192

production report 81

production value 89

profile 112

prop master 55, 191

properties 191

props 48, 95, 191, 210

proscenium 225

protagonist 12, 14, 16

psychic nakedness 202

pull out 107

pull the plug 139

pulling up 243

punch 243

punched 169

push in 107


quote 33


raise the stakes 165166

Ramuno, P. 293

reaction 169

read through 218

reading 710, 16, 23

recur 32

Reign 292

Reitman, J. 284

Respect for Acting 160

reverse 62, 111

rhythm 240

rig 204

rising action 8

Robinson, J.A. 91

Robinson, P.A. 284

rock into coverage 242

Rodriguez, D. 309

roll the carts 75

rolling 220

room tone 248

Rooney, B. 316; being a director 271, 277, 280282, 287, 291292; prep 12, 25, 2728, 3940, 51, 9495, 120, 140148; shoot 160, 217

running the tape 224225

running time 246

runs 169


St. Elsewhere 217, 291292

salary 276

Saltzman, S. 263264

Sanford, A. 302303

scenes 1214, 28; see also blocking; shot listing

Schnuckel, B. 250251

Scott, R. 163164

scouting locations 6169

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) 33

screen direction 114, 130137

script 73, 8889, 104105; character 2129; story 817

script coordinator 89

script day 78

script fixes 9194

script supervisor 182; notes 237

second assistant director (2nd AD) 81

second meal 224

second team 79

Sedita, S. 29

Seidelman, A.A. 103, 310

self-taped auditions 35

serial 11

series regular 12, 14

set 5355; running 217218; see also location

set background 81

set decoration 191

set decorator 5455, 95

set pieces 79

setups 76

Shalhoub, T. 11, 34

shared card 33

Shelton, M. 295296

shoot 155, 233234

shoot out 202

shooter 111

shooting: at location 6768; first assistant director 7173, 7983; schedule 7379

shot listing 102103, 106, 111115, 119123, 130131, 136138, 140142, 149

showrunner 14, 18, 8889, 9192, 96, 256

sides 218

Siegal, J. 1516

Signs and Symbols 51

Silber, C. 2223

single 112

single card credit 33

The Slap Maxwell Show 292

Smallville 32

Smith, J. 150151

snap-zoom 129

The Social Network 241

sound 242, 258261

sound department 188

soundstage 261

special effects (SPFX) 48, 189, 204, 248

special needs chart 78

speeding 220

split looks 137

Spoke, S. 177178

stack the frame 112

stage directions 22

staging area 64

stakebeds 75

stand-in 210211

standing set 61, 76

Stanislavski, K. 158159

start and stop 261

starting point 104

steadicam 124

Stewart, P. 259260

still rolling… reset 223

sting 260261

stop-and-go rehearsal 220

story 817, 25, 272273; commercials 106; editing 244245

story point 107

storyboard 102, 120122

straight cut in 243

Streep, M. 24, 159160

stress 280282, 289290

strike 54

structure 89, 15, 17

studio teacher 202

stunt casting 3334

stunt department 188

stunts 48, 204207, 209210, 214215

style 49

subjective POV 116

subjective shots 123

subtext 16, 111, 161162

sweeten 261

swing set 62

swingle 112

syndication 263


tag 112

tail 242

take a pass 89

takes 139

Tarses, J. 292

Teamster 62

technical scout 6567

theme 9, 12, 16

thinking in character 169

throw away 169

throws a cue 169

tighten 247

tilt 129

title card 24

titles 257258

Tolan, P. 312

tone meeting 14, 16, 96

tools for success 285286

top of show 33

Touched by an Angel 94

Tracy, S. 175

trailers 63

transitions 103

transportation 48

transportation coordinator 56, 192

triangle 137138

trim 242

turn around 119

turnaround 75

turning around 226

TVQ 33

two-t 112


under 5s 3637

underscore 260

unit production manager (UPM) 80

University of Southern California 21

upstage 104


Verica, T. 300

video assembled master (VAM) 256257

video village 64

viewfinder 182

vision board 24

vision, sharing 8797

visual aids 47

visual effects (VFX) 48, 120, 189, 210213, 215216, 257


Wadlow, J. 206207

waist 112

Wake Me When It’s Funny 287

walk the sets 91

Wall, A. 241

wall in, wall out 226

walla 248

walla group 259260

walk ’n’ talk 139

water work 208209

Weeds 2728

Weir, P. 40, 77, 249

Welke, S. 238, 257258, 262

what if your character has this secret? 166

what is the new information? 166

who has the power/is winning? 166

wide lens 109

wide shot 107

wild sounds 260

wild walls 226

Winter, J. 53

women 277

wrap 228

writers 9293, 255256; see also script

writer’s draft 89

writer’s room 88


Zinberg, M. 296298

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