

  • abundance
  • access point
  • active learning
  • adaptive filtering
  • adaptive kernel learning
  • additive noise
  • additive noise model
  • alternative hypothesis
  • analysis equation
  • anomaly change detection
  • anomaly detection
  • antenna array
  • anti‐causal systems
  • array processing
  • audio
  • audio compression
  • autocorrelation
  • autocorrelation‐induced kernel, autocorrelation kernel
  • autocorrelation kernel
  • autocorrelation matrix
  • autoregressive (AR)
  • autoregressive and moving average (ARMA)
  • autoregressive and exogenous (ARX)


  • bag of words features
  • bag of words kernel
  • band‐pass
  • bandwidth
  • base‐band representation
  • basis
  • basis pursuit
  • Bayesian nonparametric
  • Bernoulli–Gauss distribution
  • Bernoulli process
  • bias–variance dilemma
  • bi‐exponential distribution see Laplacian noise
  • big data
  • biomedical signals
  • biophysical
  • bit error rate (BER)
  • Blackman–Tukey correlogram
  • blind source separation (BSS)
  • Bootstrap resampling
  • B‐scan
  • Burg’s method
  • butterfly algorithm


  • canonical basis
  • cardiac mesh
  • cardiac navigation systems
  • cardiac signal
  • cardiag image
  • Cauchy–Schwartz inequality
  • Cauchy sequence
  • causal systems
  • centering
  • change detection
  • change vector analysis
  • channel estimation
  • chaotic
  • Choi–Williams distribution
  • Cholesky decomposition
  • Cholesky factorization
  • chronocrome
  • classification
  • clustering
  • codebook
  • collinearity
  • color image
  • communication
  • complex algebra
  • complex envelope
  • complex exponential
  • complexification trick
  • complex signal
  • composite kernel
  • compressed sensing
  • confidence interval (CI)
  • constrained covariance (COCO)
  • continuous‐time equivalent system for nonuniform interpolation
  • continuous‐time signals
  • convex
  • convolution
  • convolution (multidimensional)
  • correlation
  • correlogram
  • cost function
  • covariance function
  • covariance operator
  • covariate shift
  • cross‐correlation
  • cross‐covariance
  • cross‐information
  • cross‐validation


  • deal effect curve
  • decision tree
  • deconvolution
  • denoising
  • determination coefficient
  • dictionary learning
  • digital filtering
  • dimensionality reduction
  • Dirac delta
  • direction of arrival (DOA)
  • discrete cosine transform (DCT)
  • discrete‐time signals
  • domain adaptation
  • domain description
  • dot product
  • double side band
  • dual parameters
  • dual representation
  • dual signal model (DSM)


  • eigenfunctions
  • electric networks
  • electroanatomic map (EAM)
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • elliptical
  • empirical kernel map
  • empirical risk
  • endmember
  • energy
  • energy spectral density
  • equalization
  • Euclidean distance
  • Euclidean divergence
  • Euler–Poincaré formula
  • evidence
  • expectation–maximization
  • eye diagram


  • feature map
  • feature mapping
  • feature space
  • feedback
  • filter
  • filter bank analysis
  • filtering
  • finite impulse response (FIR)
  • Fisher discriminant
  • Fourier coefficients
  • Fourier transform
  • fractal
  • free parameters
  • frequency
  • functional analysis
  • function approximation
  • fuzzy
  • fuzzy clustering


  • Gabor transform
  • gamma distribution
  • gamma‐filter
  • gamma function
  • Gaussian distribution
  • Gaussian mixture model (GMM)
  • Gaussian mixtures
  • Gaussian noise
  • Gaussian processes
  • generative kernel
  • genetic
  • Gram matrix
  • graph
  • graph Laplacian
  • graph Laplacian matrix
  • Grassman–Stiefel manifold
  • grayscale image
  • greedy algorithms


  • Hammerstein system
  • Hammerstein–Wiener model
  • Hanning pulse
  • heart rate variability (HRV)
  • Heisenberg’s principle
  • Hermitian signal
  • Hermitic transpose operator
  • heteroscedastic
  • Hilbert–Schmidt component analysis (HSCA)
  • Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC)
  • Hilbert space
  • hinge loss
  • histogram kernel
  • Holter
  • homoscedastic
  • Hotelling’s test
  • Huber
  • ɛ‐Huber
  • Huber loss
  • hyperparameters
  • hyperresolution method
  • hyperspectral
  • hypothesis testing


  • ill‐posed problem
  • incomplete Cholesky decomposition (ICD)
  • independent component analysis (ICA)
  • indoor location
  • information divergence
  • information potential
  • information‐theoretic learning
  • inner product see also dot product; scalar product
  • inner product space
  • innovation process
  • in‐phase and quadrature‐phase
  • input features
  • input space
  • ɛ‐insensitive loss
  • interception
  • interpolation
  • invariance learning
  • isomap


  • Jacobian weighting
  • Jensen–Shannon
  • jitter
  • joint input‐output mapping


  • Kalman
  • Kalman filter
  • Karhunen–Loeve
  • Karush–Kuhn–Tucker conditions
  • kernel
  • kernel adaptive filtering
  • kernel alignment
  • kernel autoregressive and moving average (KARMA)
  • kernel blind source separation (KBSS)
  • kernel canonical correlation analysis (KCCA)
  • kernel density estimation
  • kernel dependence estimation
  • kernel dimensionality reduction (KDR)
  • kernel entropy component analysis (KECA)
  • Kernel Fisher’s discriminant analysis (KFDA)
  • kernel generalized variance (KGV)
  • kernel independent component analysis (KICA)
  • kernelization
  • kernel least mean squares (KLMS)
  • kernel manifold alignment (KEMA)
  • kernel matrix
  • kernel mean matching (KMM)
  • kernel methods
  • kernel multivariate analysis (KMVA)
  • kernel mutual information (KMI)
  • kernel orthonormalized partial least squares (KOPLS)
  • kernel partial least squares (KPLS)
  • kernel principal component analysis (KPCA)
  • kernel recursive least squares (KRLS)
  • kernel ridge regression (KRR)
  • kernel signal to noise ratio (KSNR)
  • kernel trick
  • Kirchoff operator
  • Kirkwood distribution taking
  • k‐means
  • k nearest neighbors (k‐NN)
  • Kronecker delta


  • Label Propagation
  • Lagrange functional
  • Laplace–Beltrami operator
  • Laplace–de Rham operator
  • Laplacian eigenmaps (LE)
  • Laplacian noise
  • Laplacian operator
  • Large Margin Filtering (LMF)
  • large‐scale
  • latent space
  • least absolute deviation (LAD)
  • least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO)
  • least mean squares (LMS)
  • least squares (LS)
  • Least‐Squares Support Vector Machine (LS‐SVM)
  • linear and time‐invariant (LTI) systems
  • linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
  • linear independence
  • l1‐norm
  • l2‐norm
  • locally linear embedding (LLE)
  • logistic regression
  • Lomb periodogram
  • Lorenz


  • Mackey–Glass
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  • manifold alignment
  • manifolds
  • Margenau–Hill distribution
  • marketing
  • Markov chain
  • matched filter
  • maximum a posteriori (MAP)
  • maximum likelihood (ML)
  • maximum mean discrepancy (MMD)
  • minimum power distortionless response (MPDR)
  • maximum variance unfolding (MVU)
  • mean map kernel
  • medical imaging
  • memory depth
  • Mercer, James
  • Mercer’s kernel
  • Mercer’s theorem
  • M‐estimate
  • metric
  • Mexican hat wavelet
  • MIMO see multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO)
  • minimax
  • minimum mean square error (MMSE)
  • minimum noise fraction (MNF)
  • minimum phase
  • minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR)
  • model diagnosis
  • modulated kernel
  • modulation
  • moving average (MA)
  • multiclass
  • multidimensional sampling
  • multidimensional scaling (MDS)
  • multidimensional signal
  • multi‐input multi‐output (MIMO)
  • multilabel
  • multi‐output
  • multiple kernel learning (MKL)
  • multiple signal classification (MUSIC)
  • multiresolution analysis
  • multispectral remote‐sensing
  • multiuser detection
  • mutual information


  • Nadayara–Watson (NW)
  • natural signals
  • neural networks
  • neuron
  • noise
  • nonlinear algorithms
  • nonlinear channel identification
  • nonlinearity/nonlinearities
  • nonlinear signal model
  • nonlinear SVM
  • nonlinear system identification
  • nonparametric
  • nonparametric spectral analysis
  • nonuniform interpolation
  • nonuniform sampling
  • normal equation
  • normalization
  • null hypothesis
  • Nyquist pulse
  • Nyquist theorem


  • one‐against‐one (OAO)
  • one‐class classification
  • one‐class support measure machines (OC‐SMM)
  • one‐class support vector machine
  • online learning
  • online regression
  • online sparsification
  • optimization functional
  • optimized kernel entropy component analysis (OKECA)
  • orthogonal base
  • orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
  • orthogonality
  • orthogonal subspace projection (OSP)
  • orthonormal base
  • outlier
  • overfitting


  • Page distribution
  • parallelization
  • parameter estimation
  • parametric spectral analysis
  • Parseval identity
  • Parseval’s theorem
  • parsimonious
  • Parzen windows
  • pervasive change
  • phase
  • posterior probability
  • power
  • power spectral density
  • pre‐image
  • primal‐dual functional
  • primal representation
  • principal component analysis (PCA)
  • prior probability
  • probabilistic cluster kernel
  • probability density function
  • probability product kernel
  • projections
  • promotion
  • pseudoinverse
  • pyramid match kernel
  • Pytagorean theorem



  • radar
  • radial basis function (RBF)
  • random Fourier features (RFF)
  • rank
  • Rayleigh distribution
  • received signal strength
  • recursive filters
  • recursive least squares
  • recursivity
  • reflectivity
  • regression
  • regularization
  • relevance vector machine (RVM)
  • reliability
  • remote sensing
  • Rényi entropy
  • replication (bootstrap)
  • representer theorem
  • reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS)
  • reproducing property
  • resample (bootstrap)
  • residual
  • Riesz representation theorem
  • Rihaczek distribution
  • RKHS signal model (RSM)
  • R‐mode
  • running spectrum


  • sample selection
  • sampling
  • sampling period
  • satellite image
  • scalar product see also inner product
  • seismology
  • self‐organizing map (SOM)
  • semiparametric regression (SR)
  • semisupervised
  • Shannon
  • Shannon’s sampling theorem
  • shift‐invariant
  • signal
  • signal detection
  • signal interpolation
  • signal model
  • signal space
  • signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR)
  • similarity
  • sinc function
  • sinc interpolation
  • sinc interpolator
  • single side‐band
  • slack variable
  • snapshot
  • social networks
  • sparse deconvolution
  • sparse kernel feature extraction
  • sparse learning
  • sparsity
  • spatial reference
  • spectral
  • spectral angle mapper (SAM)
  • spectrogram
  • spectrum
  • speech recognition
  • stacked kernel
  • state‐space representation
  • steering vector
  • stiffness matrix
  • structural risk
  • structured output learning
  • structure‐preserving algorithms
  • subband coding algorithm
  • subspace
  • subspace detector
  • subspace methods
  • support vector
  • support vector domain description (SVDD)
  • support vector machine for digital signal processing (SVM for DSP)
  • support vector machines (SVMs)
  • support vector regression (SVR)
  • surrogate
  • synthesis equation
  • system identification
  • systems with memory


  • tachogram
  • temporal reference
  • tensor‐product kernel
  • tessellation
  • texture classification
  • thermal noise
  • thin plate spline
  • Tikhonov regularization
  • time series prediction tin plate spline
  • transductive support vector machine (TSVM)
  • transfer component analysis (TCA)
  • transfer learning
  • transform coding
  • translation‐invariant kernel
  • triangle inequality
  • Tutte Laplacian


  • ultrasound
  • unmixing
  • unscented Kalman filter (UKF)
  • unsupervised


  • Vapnik‐Chervonenkis capacity (VCC)
  • variance
  • vector quantization algorithms
  • vector space
  • Volterra
  • Voronoi


  • warped Gaussian Process Regression (WGP)
  • wavelet function
  • Welch periodogram
  • Wiener
  • Wiener filter
  • Wiener system
  • Wigner–Ville distribution


  • Yen’s interpolator


  • z‐transform
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