

Academy aperture, 134, 405

acquisition of media

computers and, 8990

data transfer, 100103

grading during, 302, 311n

methods for, 100

photographic sources, 120140

from video sources, 115120

action-safe region, 432433

adaptive interpolation, 376377

additive method of color mixing, 71, 271

Adobe, 23, 156, 461

aliasing, 339, 428, 439442

Alienbrain system (NXN), 196

Allegorithmic’s Map Time, 379380

alpha channels, 7273, 251

analog-to-analog conversion, 129

analog-to-digital conversion

digitization and, 105118

media acquisition, 100104, 115116

anamorphic film, 134136

animatics, 478


digital intermediates and, 471472

guidelines for, 495

image-based lighting, 492494

keyframes and, 299

virtualized reality, 494

watermarks and, 388

answer prints, 437

Antics Technology, 479

aperture correction, 352353

Apple’s iTunes, 425

archiving, 417420

Archos AV4100 storage device, 466

Arrilaser Speed Performance recorder, 404


clipping, 273

quality control and, 440447

ASCII text files, 383

aspect ratio

defined, 5658

outputting multiple versions, 420422

panning and scanning, 421

panoramic images and, 484

pixels, 6667

quality control and, 431432, 437

video output, 399

widescreen vs. fullscreen, 486488

asset management

backups, 202206

collaboration, 190196

computer systems, 144147

database-driven, 196

data operations, 182187

data organization, 160165

data storage, 166167, 207209

data tracking, 178182

data volatility, 143144

digital conforming systems and, 226227

file formats, 153156

files, 148152

folders, 148149, 162163

image measurement, 196200

managing other assets, 209210

multiple resolutions, 187189

naming conventions, 156160

network paradigms, 168177

problems, 200202

Assimilate’s Scratch, 451, 452

attributes, file, 149150, 164165


panning and scanning, 423

video output and, 297


Combustion software, 189

Fire, 420

Lustre system, 230, 302

Automatic Duck’s Pro Import line, 238

averaging methods, 341343

Avid’s Xpress Pro system, 291


background plates, 251252, 311

back tracking, 263


asset management, 202206

data recovery, 207

file permissions and, 152

FireWire, 205

banding, 443


digital formats and, 415

FireWire backups and, 205

interlacing and, 2930

video images and, 24

barcodes, 138, 209

barrel distortion, 327328, 482

batch capture mode, 242

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 428, 437

bilinear interpolation, 374375

binary format, 6465

bit depth, 70, 74

bit rates, 411412, 416

Bittorrent protocol, 470

black frames, 252253, 373

black point, 429

bleach bypass process, 316317, 476477

Blog Torrent (Downhill Battle), 470471

blooming, 354, 442

blue-green transfers, 317, 319


aliasing and, 339, 442

blooming and, 442

chromatic artifacts, 442

composite grading, 309310

digital repair techniques, 354355

sharpening and, 353

temporal interpolation and, 362363

3D effect, 381

watermarks and, 388

Bones (Thomson), 249250, 368369, 422

brightness. See also luminosity

changing colors and, 303

color grading, 304

continuity grading, 310311

film scanners and, 122

gamma correction and, 110111

saturation and, 268269

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 428, 437

B-rolls, 225, 233, 370372

b-spline interpolation, 375376

buffered video, 416

burnt-in timecode, 3940


C-41 processing, 317

caching files, 151, 165


color management, 274276, 282, 287

color rendition and, 448449

color temperature and, 278

digital film and, 407408

film recorders, 405

flesh tones and, 308

camera shake, 373

captions, 383, 423, 423n

cathode ray tube (CRT), 22

CCD (charged coupled device)

blooming and, 442

film scanners, 120121, 280

noise and, 444

pixels and, 66

video cameras, 2324

video damage, 333

Celco Fury recorder, 405406

celluloid film, 91n

CG (computer-generated) images, 64, 286, 379, 381

channel mixing, 303304


alpha, 7273, 251

color range and, 112113

digital images, 71

layered images and, 7475

3D CG images and, 379

character generators (cages), 432

character sets, 383384

charged coupled device. See CCD

check-in process, 194

check-out process, 194

checksum verification, 195, 262

chemical process

color casts and, 312313

enhancement with, 316

film damage, 330

film images, 44–45

lab process emulation, 316318


component, 271

illegal colors and, 431

sharpening and, 353

chroma key, 489491

chroma scaling, 186

chromatic artifacts, 442443

CIE color model, 271, 458

Cineon format

archiving and, 418

color model and, 155

digital intermediates and, 125

file format translation, 183

film scanners and, 122124

HDR and, 457

clamping, 337

clapperboards, 138

client/server model, 169171


artifacts, 273

color grading and, 290, 440

color space conversion and, 186, 280

digital image damage, 338

cloning, 343344, 347, 350351

closed captions, 383, 423

clustering, 175177

CMX 3600 EDL format (Sony), 219, 419

CMYK color model, 71, 109, 279

codecs, 411412, 414, 419

collaboration, 189196

collapsed frames, 159160


accurate rendition of, 448449

changing, 303304

chroma key, 489491

chromatic artifacts, 442443

compression and, 8183

digital images, 8, 7072

flesh tones, 308

gradients, 306

grading flashes, 258

guidelines for, 496

human eye and, 99

illegal, 398

legal, 398

matching, 308309

photographic film, 5455

posterization, 338

resolution vs., 112114

retouching, 312313

of text, 385

tonality and, 6970

video format, 3137, 41

color balance

blue-green transfers, 317

calibration and, 275276

continuity grading, 310311

digital film and, 408

exposure and, 448

of film stock, 275, 278

luminosity, 307

vectorscopes and, 307

color banding, 290

color bars, 276

color cast (tint). See tint

color charts, 276, 308

ColorChecker chart (Macbeth), 276

color correction. See color grading

color cubes, 281282

color grading. See also digital color grading

colorization, 319321

color management, 265284

color retouching, 312313

color suppression, 316

conforming and, 243, 230n

continuity grading, 311

curve-based, 307

damage and, 321322

day-for-night, 314

digital, 284310

digital conforming systems and, 227

effects and, 371373

enhancement, 316

exposure and, 448

false color, 320, 321

film production, 6

HDR images and, 459460

lab process emulation, 316318

LUTs and, 280

printer lights, 318319

procedures for, 310321

reconforming and, 258

relighting, 314316

standardization and, 419

telecines and, 129130

video looking like film, 493

colorimetry, 268272

colorization, 319321

color management

calibration, 274276, 282

colorimetry, 268272

color perception, 266268

color reproduction, 273274

correlated color temperature, 278279

gamma correction, 276277

lookup tables, 279282

overview, 265266

systems for, 282284

color matching, 308311

color mixing, 7071

color models. See specific color models

color perception, 266268, 273, 281282

color precision, 112

color reproduction, 273274

color space

computer monitors and, 462463

conversions, 185187

digitization and, 108109

file formats and, 210n

film scanners and, 122

HDR images and, 125, 460

independence of, 286

LUTs and, 279281

media acquisition and, 116, 278n

media and, 273

nonlinear, 109110

video output, 398

color suppression, 316

color temperature, 278279

color timing. See color grading

color wheel, 272

Combustion software (Autodesk), 189

command-line computer program, 226n


archiving and, 419

EDLs, 219, 237238


damage and, 117118, 336, 339

data corruption and, 340

digital formats and, 8185, 415

digital mastering and, 410412

lossless, 82, 86

lossy, 82

motion, 8485

online edit and, 212213

video images, 3334, 41

visually lossless, 8284

compression ratios, 9799

computer-generated images. See CG images

computer technology

acquisition and, 8990

backups, 202206

binary format, 6465

collaboration and, 190196

communication, 146

data operations, 182187

data recovery, 207

data storage, 145146, 166167, 207208

data tracking, 178182

data transfer, 103

denial of service attacks, 210n

digital intermediates and, 45

digital slates, 190

feature tracking and, 300

file formats, 153156

files and folders, 148152

future of, 456

gamma correction and, 114

input and feedback, 146147

lag of frames, 87

multiple resolutions, 187189

multitasking, 177

networks, 168177

number crunching and, 8990

number sorting, 158

operating systems, 147

problems, 200202

processors, 144145

rendering and, 393395

video signals, 25

virtual cinematography, 475


assigning timecodes to scanned film, 241242

back tracking, 263

B-rolls and, 225

color grading and, 291293

consolidation, 263

cut lists and, 219

data, 235238

digital media, 253254

digital system interfaces, 245247

digital systems, 226230

dust busting and, 346

EDLs and, 219

from film, 215217

fine-cut, 231233

handles and, 225

layers and, 250251

from master source reels, 233235

motion effects and, 223225

multiple timelines and, 248

offline reference, 262263

from original source reels, 233

placeholders and, 251252

playback and, 243244

pulldowns, 217218

reconforming, 258259, 261

re-editing and, 254257

referenced data, 238239

resolution independence, 247248

scanned film using key numbers, 240241

transitions and, 219223, 366368

vertical editing, 248250

from video, 212215

video using timecodes, 239240

contamination, light, 332

continuity, quality control and, 449


changing colors and, 303

color grading and, 290, 304

continuity grading, 310311

cross-processing and, 317

film scanners and, 122

gamma correction and, 110

guidelines for, 496

interpolation and, 375376

silver retention and, 316317


analog-to-analog, 129

analog-to-digital, 100101, 103115

of color space, 185187

data transfer and, 101

file format translation, 183184

film-to-video. See telecine

frame rate and, 60, 217218, 397398

standards converter, 429

transcoding and, 409410

video-safe colors, 398

video standards, 25

video-to-film, 15, 374

convolution, 76


generation loss, 7, 41, 59, 91

quality and, 101

copy protection, 424426

copyrights, 383, 388

Correct (MTI), 347, 349

correlated color temperature, 278279, 278n

crash recording, 395

crawling text, 386

creative control, 17, 452

credits, text and, 382383, 386

Cristalink’s Firestreamer, 420

cropped images

panning and scanning, 421

quality control and, 432n, 433n

safe areas and, 432433

video output and, 399, 402

cross-processing film, 317318

CRT (cathode ray tube), 22


film images, 44–45

film stock and, 52

graininess and granularity, 5254

cut lists, 137138, 219, 240


photosensitive epilepsy and, 437

reconforming, 258259, 261

soft, 220n

as transitions, 219220


dailies, digital, 131133, 233, 472473


arrayed storage and, 167

asset management and, 200202

from color grading, 321

color retouching for, 312313

data corruption and, 84, 98, 260

digital images, 337339

digital intermediates and, 5

digital tape, 117118

from EM radiation, 208

film material, 327333

frame patching, 257

from handling, 215

insurance considerations, 233

optical problems, 327

physical, 6162, 91

rescanning and, 204

restoration process, 191192

during scanning process, 135

video material, 333337


back tracking, 263

conforming, 235238

referenced, 238239

database-driven asset management, 196

datacines, 129131

data corruption

checking for, 180

compression and, 340

as damage, 84, 98, 260

digital images, 84, 325326, 337

file formats, 155

data operations, 182187

data organization, 160165

data recovery, 207

data storage. See storage

data swarming, 470

data tracking

asset management, 178182

date and time, 178179

file size, 180

image thumbnails, 180182

metadata, 180

ownership, 179

data transfer

checksum verification, 195

conforming and, 237238

media acquisition, 100103, 115116

quality of, 101

speed of, 182

data transport, 8

data volatility, 143144

date and time, tracking, 178179

Da Vinci’s Resolve system, 310

day-for-night process, 314

DCDM (digital cinema distribution master), 413

DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative), 469

D-Cinema. See digital cinema

DCP (digital cinema package), 469

definition, video, 26

defocusing, 354355


chromatic artifacts, 442443

color casts and, 312313

digital intermediates and, 325

digital internegatives and, 407

file format translation and, 183184

film material, 215, 327

filters and, 379

texture and, 357

transcoding and, 410

watermarks and, 388

deinterlacing, 359360, 434

deliverables, business model, 472

denial of service attacks, 150n

density range, 111

depth recording, 488489

detective quantum efficiency (DQE), 97

DF (drop-frame) timecode, 3940, 158

difference mats, 453

digital cinema (D-Cinema), 19, 424, 469

digital cinema distribution master (DCDM), 413

Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI), 469

digital cinema package (DCP), 469

digital color grading

changing colors, 303304

color matching, 308309

color suppression, 316

composite grading, 309310

curve-based, 307

dynamic grading, 299

exposure problems and, 312

feature tracking, 300302

global grading, 293294

gradients, 306

grading priority, 309

highlights, 304306

histograms, 307

mathematical operations, 285287

mid-tones, 304306

need for, 288289

overview, 291293

quality control and, 440

relighting and, 314316

rotoscoping, 300

secondary grading, 294296

shadows, 304306

virtual cinematography, 477

digital conforming systems

fine-cut conforming, 226230

interfaces, 245253

overview, 226230

paradigms with, 231243

digital dailies, 131133, 233, 472473

digital devices, 138139, 100n

digital effects

filters and, 379, 381

optical effects, 366372

particle systems, 382

repositioning, 372378

resizing, 372378

watermarks, 386388

digital format

acquisition of media, 90100

advantages, 131133

alternatives to raster images, 7780

calibration and, 276277

captions, 423

color grading, 284310

colorimetry and, 271

color reproduction and, 273274

color space, 108109

compression, 8185

conforming, 253254

convolution, 76

creating, 64

damage to, 337339

data corruption, 84, 326

digital conforming systems and, 226230

digital intermediates, 16, 6364

dropped frames, 8788

editing process, 3

encryption, 88

file formats, 8081

future of, 455465

gamma information and, 111

generation loss and, 407408

increasing brightness, 7576

mapping, 405

megapixels, 129

metadata, 86

motion, 7475

noise and, 443445

outputting, 415

outputting to film, 404

overview, 6472

preset speed, 102

problems, 8688

quality control, 437439, 451453

quantization of information, 87

rendering, 85

repair techniques, 341363

scan dimensions, 125

transparency, 7274

virtual cinematography, 480491

watermarking, 8586

digital intermediates. See also computer technology

advantages, 69

altering sequence, 372373

archiving and, 420

business model, 471473

Cineon/DPX images, 124125

color perception and, 282

conforming and, 233

creative control, 17, 452

data volatility, 143

defined, 23

dependencies, 193194

digital cinema, 19

digital conforming systems and, 226230

digital images, 16, 6364, 75

EDLs and, 242243

file formats and, 156

film production, 56, 1113

fine-cut conforming and, 232

4k, 464465

future of, 465468

image warping, 355

live production, 1516

LUTs and, 279280

media acquisition, 81, 114115

naming conventions, 156160

progressive image formats, 30

QC fixes, 257

quality, 18

rendering and, 395

retimed speed, 368369

sharpening and, 353

telecine, 910

video editing, 35

video production, 1314

video-to-film conversion, 15

virtual cinematography, 496497

visual effects and, 494495

digital internegatives, 407, 408

digital interpositives, 407

digital mastering. See digital source master

Digital Negative (DNG) specification, 461

digital paint, 343344, 347, 338n

digital post-production, 492495

digital pre-production, 477479

digital projectors, 463, 469n

digital remastering, 232, 332333. See also digital source master

digital repair techniques

blurring, 354

defocusing, 354

deinterlacing, 359360

digital paint, 343344

dust busting, 344350

image averaging, 341343

image warping, 354357

motion stabilization, 361362

overview, 339341

scratch removal, 350352

sharpening, 352353

temporal interpolation, 362363

texture reduction/addition, 358359

digital rights management, 8, 425

digital signatures, 388

digital slates, 190

digital source master

archiving, 417420

compression, 410412

DCDMs, 413

digital formats, 415

DVDs, 413414

encryption, 412413

output, 408409

streaming video, 415417

transcoding, 116118, 410

digital image playback, 243

digital zoom function, 107

digitization, 108109

digital intermediates and, 114115

dynamic range, 111114

film scanners and, 120123

interpolation, 107108

from photographic sources, 120140

sampling, 104106

from video sources, 115120

display LUTs, 279


B-rolls, 225

color grading and, 371

defined, 367

fine-cut conforming and, 231

layering and, 250

optical effects and, 267

referenced data and, 238

soft cuts, 220n

as transitions, 220221, 223

video production and, 4


barrel, 327328

image warping and, 354355

pincushion, 328

video damage, 336

distribution, 468471

downconverting, 397

Downhill 107108, 184185

DPX format

color model and, 155

digital intermediates and, 125

file format translation, 183

film scanners and, 122124

HDR and, 457

DQE (detective quantum efficiency), 97

drop-frame (DF) timecode, 3940, 158

dropout, 117, 334, 345

dropped frames

digital tape damage and, 117

frame rate and, 243

problems, 8788

quality control and, 439

speed and, 102

drop shadow, 368

dubbed tapes, 215

dupe detection, 261

dust, 204, 330, 344350

DV codecs, 419, 492

DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) format

archiving and, 419

captions, 423

compression and, 411412

copy protection and, 424426

multiple timelines, 248

outputting, 413414

regional coding, 425n

streaming video and, 417

video images and, 25

DV Rack (Serious Magic), 482

dye layers, 5455

dynamic grading, 299

dynamic range

computer monitors and, 462463

defined, 36

digital film and, 461

digitization and, 111114

human eye, 111, 457n


E-6 processing, 317

edge enhancement, 442

edit decision lists. See EDLs

editing. See also conforming

Adobe Photoshop and, 23

black frames and, 252253

color grading and, 291293

digital intermediates, 35

files, 150151

film material, 215

fine-cut conforming and, 231232

HD video, 13, 214

in-place, 194195

insert, 396

nonlinear, 212, 245248

offline. See offline editing

online. See online editing

quality control and, 450451

re-editing, 254257

vector graphics and, 78

vertical, 248250

EDLs (edit decision lists)

acquisition, 242

black frames, 252

conforming and, 219, 231240, 241242

consolidation and, 263

digital media, 253254

film scanners and, 128

locked pictures and, 256257

mathematics for, 242243

motion effects, 224, 370

quality control, 450

reconforming and, 258259, 261

shots and, 297

Sony CMX 3600 EDL format, 219, 419

transitions and, 220, 223

effects. See also specific types of effects

fade, 353, 386

fast-motion, 60

flicker, 60n, 87

OFX system, 382

online editing and, 214

slow-motion, 60

video editing and, 4

electromagnetic (EM) shielding, 209

empty frames. See black frames

EM (electromagnetic) shielding, 209


copy protection and, 425426

digital images, 8586

digital mastering and, 412413

security and, 8

end rollers, 383, 386

enhanced 2k resampling, 127

enhancement, image, 316

error reporting, 262263

exposed film, 47, 404405


changing colors and, 303

digital color grading and, 312

guidelines for, 496

quality control and, 448

video looking like film, 493

exposure index rating, 52n

Extended Dynamic Range (OpenEXR), 418, 460

extensible markup language (XML), 383

eye matching, 262263

ez-D discs (Flexplay), 426


fade effects, 251, 353, 386

false color, 320, 321

false negatives, 348

false positives, 348

feature tracking, 7, 300302

feedback mechanisms, 146147


defined, 29

frames and, 119120, 434

quality control, 434435

reconstructing, 402403

video images, 24

Fieldskit software (RE:Vision), 360

file formats

archiving compatibility, 419

color models and, 155n

color space and, 460

compatibility, 153

computers, 153156

efficiency, 153154

gamma values, 277

open-source, 154155

robustness, 154155

translating, 183184


accessing, 150151

attributes for, 149150

backups of, 202206

caching, 151

checksum verification, 195

compression and, 410412

computer systems and, 148152

encryption and, 412413

locked, 393

manipulating, 148

permissions and, 151152

statistical information, 197198

file size

compression and, 8182

digital images, 6669

lossless compression and, 98

Nyquist frequency and, 126127

tracking, 180

file transfer protocol (FTP), 99, 416

film format. See also photographic film

color grading, 304

color space, 280

conforming from, 215217

cross-processing, 317

damage to, 327333

digital intermediates, 56, 1113

duplicating materials, 215

frame-rate conversion, 217218

luminance and, 281282

outputting, 404408

quality control and, 428

rescanning, 259260

scan EDLs, 242

strobing effect, 444

text and, 386

video looking like, 492494

video-to-film conversion, 15

video vs., 480481

Filmlight’s Truelight system, 282283

film-out, 404408

film recorders, 404408

film scanners, 120121, 280

edit decision list, 128

enhanced 2k, 127

file format translation, 183

forward planning, 137

HDR images and, 125

photographic film, 120123

punch holes and, 127128

scan dimensions, 125

scanner gauges, 134

splices, 128

telecines and, 129131

wet-gate, 351

film stock, 4855, 275, 278, 464

film-to-video conversion. See telecine


color management and, 275

digital conforming systems and, 226

digital images, 7, 378379, 381

guidelines for, 496

noise reduction, 7

photographic emulation filters, 481484

texture recovery and, 358

video looking like film, 494

fingerprints, 388

Fire (Autodesk), 420

Firestreamer (Cristalink), 419420

firewalls, 209

FireWire, 439440

FlashPix format, 154

flesh tones, 308, 319

Flexplay’s ez-D discs, 426

flicker effect, 60n, 87

flips, 366, 368

floating-point images, 459

flops, 366, 367368

focus, 353, 496

fogging, 332, 381


computer systems and, 148149

conforming video, 239

organizing, 162163

font, 384

format independence, 248

4k digital intermediates, 464465

4-perf format, 56

Fourier interpolation, 376

fractal images, 80, 376

fractal interpolation, 376

frame hold, 224

frame numbers, 157158, 241n

frame patching, 257258

frame rate

converting, 60, 217218, 397398

defined, 28

dropping frames and, 243

frame numbers and, 241n

guidelines for, 497

media acquisition and, 114

motion and, 75

photographic film, 60

quality control and, 432433, 451

temporal artifacts, 445447

temporal interpolation and, 363


aspect ratio and, 5658

background rendering, 394395

black, 252253

blurring and, 354

bouncing, 128

collapsed, 159160

damage to, 326, 347

defined, 28

deinterlacing, 434

dropped, 8788, 102, 117, 243, 439

feature tracking, 301

fields and, 2930, 119120, 434

film scanners and, 137

flash, 439440

gaps in, 159160

handles, 225, 231

keyframes, 299

key numbers, 216, 240241

lag of, 87

lossy compression, 410411

mapping, 405

motion and, 75, 223224, 370

patching, 257258

pin registration, 136

pulldowns, 398

recording, 404

registration of, 204

retimed speed, 368369

saving considerations, 162

scratch removal, 350351

slates and, 437

sprockets and, 47

stuttering, 8788

televisions displaying, 29

timecode and, 213214, 241242

video images, 24

video looking like film, 493

framing chart, 432

freeze frame, 224, 370


interpolation and, 376

modulation transfer function and, 96

photosensitive epilepsy and, 437

FTP (file transfer protocol), 99, 416

full aperture format, 5657, 431432

fullscreen format

aspect ratio and, 431432

considerations, 486488

outputting, 421

resizing/repositioning, 372

Fury film recorder (Celco), 405406


gain, 303

gamma correction

changing colors and, 303

color management, 276277

digital video and, 3233

digitization and, 110111

gamut. See color space

gates, 56

gauges, 55, 134


Saphire RackDeFocus, 354

Sapphire filters, 379

generation loss

copying film and, 215216, 407408

digital repair and, 341

integrating changes and, 391392

noise and, 335

photographic film, 59

quality degradation, 6162, 91

video formats, 7, 41

ghosting, 335336

GIF format, 81, 154

global grading, 293294, 310311

GPU (graphical processing unit), 145

gradients, 306

grading flashes, 258, 298

grading list, 122, 202, 291292

grading metadata, 291292, 322

grain, 351, 357359


photographic film, 5253, 59

video looking like film, 494


film damage, 331332

modulation transfer function and, 9496

photographic film, 5254, 59

graphical processing unit (GPU), 145


H.264 standard, 415

handles, 225, 231

hard drives, 166

HDCAM SR format (Sony), 481

HDR (high dynamic range) format

color digital images, 71

color spaces and, 125

future of, 457462

HDTV format, 26

HDV format, 26

HD (high definition) video

aspect ratio, 399

as capture media, 480481

definition, 26

editing process, 13, 214

interlacing and, 30

outputting, 397

resolution, 27, 188

timecodes, 3940

headroom, 3435

high definition (HD) video. See HD video

high dynamic range format. See HDR format

highlights, 290, 304306, 317

histograms, 199200, 307, 451

HLS model, 71

hot-swappable drives, 166

HTTP protocol, 416


changing colors and, 303

color matching, 308309

color wheel and, 272

cross-processing and, 317

defined, 270

keying, 295296

hum, 335336

human eye

color perception and, 266268

dynamic range, 111, 457n

enhancing, 316

color space and, 109

inaccuracies in, 99

strobing effect, 445

yellow spot, 99n



Photogenics system, 462

Speedduster, 347348

illegal colors, 398

image averaging, 341343

image damage. See damage

image filters, 378379

image measurement, 196200


backups for, 204205

calibration, 274276

cropped, 399, 402, 432n, 433n

digitizing, 108

enhancing, 316

floating-point, 459

gamma values, 277

indexed-color, 8182

layering, 205251

letterboxed, 400

manipulating, 99

mat, 300

overwriting, 191193

panoramic, 484485

placeholders, 251252

proxy, 187189, 207208, 244

quality control, 447450

recomposed, 373

resizing, 184185

resolution independence, 247248

reversing, 366, 367

rotoscoping, 300

squaring, 310

tagging, 7

thumbnails, 180182

tinting, 306

versioning, 191193

video. See video format

image scaling, 184185

image stabilization, 136

IMAX format, 405

Industrial Light & Magic, 460

infrared imagery, 321, 352

ingest of media. See acquisition of media

in-place editing, 194

insert editing, 396

instant seek, 7

interfaces, 293

interframe compression, 411

interframe damage, 326, 344

interframe encoding, 117118


defined, 29

deinterlacing, 359360

progressive scan and, 2930, 119

reinterlacing, 402403

video damage, 335

internegative copies, 6


distribution over, 469471

firewalls and, 209

streaming video, 411, 415417


defined, 81

digitization and, 107108

motion, 223224

temporal, 362363

interpositive copies, 6

intraframe compression, 410411

intraframe damage, 326

inverse telecine, 218

invisible watermark, 388

ISO system, 52, 52n

iTunes (Apple), 425


JPEG format

archiving and, 418

compression and, 82

file format translation, 183

quality and, 97

robustness, 154


kerning, 385

keycodes. See key numbers

keyframes, 299

keying, 295296, 309310

key numbers

conforming using, 240241

cut lists and, 219

digital media and, 253

master source reel and, 234

motion picture film, 216

photographic film, 6061, 138


Look Manager System, 322

Vision 2 HD film stock, 464


Lab color model, 271, 286

lab process emulation, 316318

lag of frames, 87

LAN (local area network), 171172

Lanczos interpolation, 376

latent images, 46


conforming and, 250251

digital images, 7475

dye, 5455

organizing, 164

rendering, 85, 393n

vertical editing and, 250

legal color, 398

lens flare, 327n

letterboxed images, 400

lift (pedestal), 303

lifting shots, 255


color casts and, 312313

color images and, 31

color perception and, 266268

color reproduction and, 274

color temperature of, 278279

contamination by, 61

feature tracking and, 301

film images and, 45

film stock and, 48

flickering and, 60n, 87

gates and, 56

human eye and, 99

image-based, 492494

latent images and, 46

luminance and, 32

masks for, 56

photographic film and, 124

photosensitive epilepsy and, 437

tonal range and, 4851

video cameras, 2324

video looking like film, 493

virtual cinematography, 476

light contamination, 332

light meters, 272

line transfer method, 29

live production, 1516

live recording, 395

local area network (LAN), 171172

locked pictures, 256257, 393

LogLuv method, 460

logs, recording, 436437

longitudinal timecode (LTC), 38

look management, 322

Look Manager System (Kodak), 322

lookup tables. See LUTs

lossless compression

data organization and, 161

defined, 82

digital mastering and, 410

digital repair and, 340, 349

encryption and, 86

quality and, 9799

visually, 8284

lossy compression

defined, 82

digital artifacts and, 440

digital mastering and, 410

digital repair and, 340341

video damage and, 339

LTC (longitudinal timecode), 38

luma scaling, 186


colorimetry and, 268, 271

computer monitors and, 462463

defined, 32

dynamic range, 36

film format and, 281282

grayscale wedge and, 275

human eye and, 99

illegal colors, 431

keying, 296

light meters and, 272

measuring, 268n

noise and, 440

television and, 2324

YUV color system, 31

luminosity. See also brightness

CIE model, 271

color balance, 307

color grading and, 304, 307

colorization and, 321

color matching, 308309

HDR images and, 457

HLS model and, 71

Lab color model, 286

masks based on, 295

of pixels, 70

sharpening and, 353

Lustre system (Autodesk), 230, 302

LUTs (lookup tables)

acquisition and, 124

color management, 279282

color space conversion and, 186

false color, 321

3D, 281283

video output, 398

Luv color model, 271


Macbeth ColorChecker chart, 276

magic wand tool, 297

Map Time (Allegorithmic), 379380


color grading and, 295

composite grading and, 309310

feature tracking and, 302

keying and, 295296

light and, 56

master source reels, 233235, 241242

mathematical operations, 285287


blur effect, 310

defined, 300

difference, 453


color, 268273

image, 196200

of luminance, 268n

media acquisition. See acquisition of media

megapixels, 126127


digital images, 86

dust busting and, 350

grading, 291292, 322

tracking, 180

mid-tones, 304306

mirrored storage, 205206

M-JPEG compression, 411

modulation transfer function (MTF), 9496, 108

moiré, 339


calibrating, 276277, 278, 287

gamma correction and, 111

limitations of, 462


chroma key and, 491

color grading and, 298

compression and, 411

digital images, 7475

interlacing and, 360

smooth, 449450

motion blur, 446, 446n, 494

motion compression, 8485

motion effects

B-rolls, 225

conforming and, 223225, 370370

fine-cut conforming and, 231

frame-rate conversion and, 398

photosensitive epilepsy and, 437

re-editing and, 257

motion interpolation, 223224, 347

motion stabilization, 136, 361362

movement. See motion

MPEG format, 411, 415, 425426

MTF (modulation transfer function), 9496, 108

MTI’s Correct, 347, 349

multitasking, 177

MXF file format, 119


naming conventions, 156160

NDF (non-drop-frame) timecode, 3940, 158

nearest-neighbor interpolation, 374

nearline storage, 208

negative cut, 11

negative images

copied film, 215

dust busting, 346

dye layers, 5455

film scanners and, 135

photographic film, 4647


asset management, 168177

wireless, 176177


chromatic artifacts, 442443

color grading and, 321322

damage and, 334335, 339

digital artifacts and, 443445

digital images, 325

digital repair techniques, 342

luminance and, 440

motion blur and, 446n

texture recovery, 357358

video looking like film, 494

noise reduction, 7, 335, 338, 444

non-drop-frame (NDF) timecode, 3940, 158

nonlinear editing, 212, 245248

NTSC standard

converting film to, 398

field rate, 30

frame rate, 432

overview, 23, 25

quality control and, 429

resolution, 27

timecodes, 3940

YIQ color system, 31

numbering system, 213215

number padding, 158159

NXN’s Alienbrain system, 196

Nyquist frequency, 126127


offline editing

color grading, 291293

conforming and, 213215

data transfers and, 237238

quality control, 450451

timecode and, 241242

offline reference, 262263

OFX (open effects) system, 382

online editing

compression and, 212213

motion effects, 223225

timecode and, 214

transitions and, 223

online storage, 418

open effects (OFX) system, 382

OpenEXR (Extended Dynamic Range), 418, 460

opening credits, 382

operating systems, 147

optical effects

B rolls, 370372

flips/flops, 366, 367

motion effects, 368372

transitions, 366368

optical problems, 327, 327n

out-point, 255


copy protection, 424426

digital mastering, 408420

film format, 404408

multiple versions, 420424

rendering, 391395

video format, 395404

widescreen vs. fullscreen, 486488

overscan, 432n

overwriting images, 191193

ownership, tracking, 179


padding, number, 158159

PAL standard

frame rate, 60, 432

overview, 23, 25

quality control and, 429, 433434

resolution, 26

timecodes, 3839

YUL color system, 31

pan and scan, 402, 421422, 432

Pandora’s Pixi Revolution system, 291

panoramic images, 484485

Pantone, 271

particle systems, 382

pedestal (lift), 303

permissions, file, 152

persistent dropout, 334

Photogenics system (Idruna), 462

photographic film

anamorphic, 134136

cleaning, 120

color casts and, 312313

damage to, 326

density range, 111

film formats, 5559

film scanners, 120123

film speed, 4851

film stock, 4855

frame rate, 60

future of, 131133, 463464

handling more than once, 135

image formation, 4547

key numbers, 6061, 137138

media acquisition, 120140

pin registration, 136137

problems, 6162

punch holes, 127128

quality, 59

scan dimensions, 125

scanner gauges, 134

splices, 128

storage and, 407

telecines, 129131

timecode, 138

photosensitive epilepsy (PSE), 437

Photoshop (Adobe), 23, 156

Photozoom Professional software (Shortcut), 374

picture area, 432433, 491, 497

picture dropout, 117

picture elements. See pixels

Picture Line-Up Generation Equipment (PLUGE), 274

picture shift, 329

pincushion distortion, 328

pin registration, 136, 329n

piracy, 8, 424426

Pixar specification, 460

pixel aspect ratio, 6667


aliasing, 339

alpha channels, 72

aspect ratio, 6667

black frames, 253

clipping, 338

color, 7071

color grading and, 285287

defined, 6566

digitization and, 106

HDR images and, 458459

image measurement and, 198

increasing brightness, 7576

interpolation and, 107, 374378

layered images and, 74

magic wand tool, 297

mat images, 300

megapixels, 129

noise and, 334335, 443444

outputting digital images, 404

photographic film, 125

print resolution, 67

rendering and, 393

resizing images and, 184185

sharpening, 352353

spatial artifacts, 440442

tonality, 6970

transparency, 7274

Pixi Revolution system (Pandora), 291

placeholders, 251252


color grading and, 291293

comparing digital images, 450

conforming and, 238, 243244

copy protection and, 424426

streaming video, 415417

PlayStation Portable (Sony), 415

PLUGE (Picture Line-Up Generation Equipment), 274

polarizing filters, 482483, 485

polynomial interpolation, 375

portability, 466467

positive images, 4647, 135, 216

posterization, 338

post-production, digital, 492495

post-roll, 215, 396

precision, 3435

pre-production, digital, 477479

pre-roll, 215, 396

pre-visualization, 478479

primary grading, 293294

printer lights, 318319, 324n, 437

print resolution, 6769

procedural filters, 378379

processors, 144145

production supervision, 473

progressive scan, 2930, 119

Pro Import line (Automatic Duck), 238

proxy images (proxies)

conforming and, 244

multiple resolutions and, 187189

storage and, 207208, 188n

PSE (photosensitive epilepsy), 437

pulldowns, 217218, 398

punch holes, 127128, 241


QC fixes, 257

Qedit (Quantel), 245246

quadratic interpolation, 375

quality control

acquisition of media, 90100

artifacts and, 440447

color grading and, 290

compression and, 8283, 9799, 411412

data transfer, 100103

detective quantum efficiency, 97

digital artifacts, 440447

digital devices and, 138139

digital errors, 437439

digital intermediates, 18, 9192

digital process, 451453

digitization, 104115

editorial issues, 450451

eye matching and, 262263

flips/flops and, 366, 367

generation loss and, 61

internegatives, 6

interpolation and, 81

lossless compression, 9799

modulation transfer function, 9496

overview, 427428

photographic film, 59

QC fixes, 257

resolving power, 9293

signal-to-noise ratio, 96

speed and, 114115

spread function, 93

streaming video, 417

texture recovery, 358

transcoding and, 410

video format and, 428436

video output, 397

visual considerations, 447450

Quantel’s Qedit, 245246

quantization of information, 87

QuickTime movie files, 189, 410

quota management, 152


radio-frequency ID tags, 209, 436

RAID systems, 167

RAM (random access memory), 67, 103, 145

real-time data, 182

reciprocity law failure, 61, 332

record transmission errors, 335336

re-editing, 254257

reels, 47, 404405

referenced data, 238239

reference zones, 301

registration of frames, 204

reinterlacing video, 402403

release prints, 436

relighting, 314316


background, 394395

color grading and, 292, 371

damage and, 337338

dedicated, 393

digital images, 8, 85

distributed, 393394

errors in, 437438

flash frames and, 439440

layers, 85, 393n

output, 391395

QC fixes and, 257

repositioning, 372378

reracking shots, 362

rescanning film, 259260

resizing, 372378, 388, 402


anamorphic film and, 134136

color vs., 112114

digital images, 6769, 107

layered images and, 74

multiple, 187189

photographic film, 59, 124125

signal and, 24

spatial artifacts and, 440442

television, 23

test patterns, 9293

video images, 2627

resolution independence

archiving and, 417418

black frames, 253

conforming and, 247248

fractals and, 376

Resolve system (Da Vinci), 310

resolving power, 9293, 93n

retimed speed, 368369

retouching and restoration

digital repair techniques, 341363

image damage, 326339

types of damage, 325


Fieldskit software, 360

Twixtor software, 224

RFID (radio-frequency ID) tags, 209, 436

RGB color model

additive method of color mixing, 71

blue-green transfers, 317

color and, 2324

color space conversion and, 185

digital intermediates and, 125

digital video and, 3233

digitization and, 108109

dye layers, 5455

file formats and, 155

color space, 116

human eye and, 99

light and, 31

LUTs and, 279

video output and, 398

rich text format (RTF), 383

ringing, 353, 440

ripple edits, 255256

roll-back process, 194

rolling text, 386

rotation, image, 366367

rotoscoping, 300

RTF (rich text format), 383

rushes, 130131, 233, 473


safe areas, 432433


analog devices and, 104

changing resolution, 107

digitization and, 104106

enhanced 2k method, 127

interframe, 378

keying and, 296

SAN (storage area network), 173175

Saphire RackDeFocus (GenArt), 354

Sapphire filters (GenArt), 379


changing colors and, 303

color grading and, 288, 307

color matching, 308309

color wheel and, 272

defined, 269

keying, 296

silver retention and, 316317

scanned film

assigning timecodes to, 241242

conforming, 240241, 253254

dust busting, 344350

LUTs and, 279

scanning. See film scanners

scene extraction, 240

Scratch (Assimilate), 451, 452

scratches, 330331, 350352

SD (standard definition) video

archiving and, 419

aspect ratio, 399

defined, 26

editing, 214

resolution, 27, 188

search zones, 301

SECAM standard, 25, 429


computer systems and, 209

digital systems, 8

file permissions, 153

Serious Magic’s DV Rack, 482

shadows, 304306, 317

Shannon sampling frequency, 126127


aliasing and, 441442

blooming and, 442

chromatic artifacts, 442443

digital repair techniques, 352353

filtering for, 7

quality control and, 447448

resizing images and, 184185

ringing and, 440

video looking like film, 494

shoot and protect process, 488

shooting ratio, 225

Shortcut’s Photozoom Professional software, 374


defined, 297

dynamic, 296299

flash frames, 439440

flipping/flopping, 366, 367

guidelines for, 496

reracking, 362

textless elements, 404

3-way dissolve, 36367

shutter speed, 446, 493

signal-to-noise ratio, 34, 96

silver retention, 316317

skip bleach process, 316317

slates, 190, 436

slipped shots, 255256

smearing, 411

SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)

calibration, 275

captions, 423

color bar, 276

correlated color temperature, 278

DPX format, 124

timecode format, 37, 423

SneakerNet, 175

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. See SMPTE

soft clips, 186, 281

soft cuts, 220n

soft effects, 389


CMX 3600 EDL format, 219, 419

copy protection and, 425

distribution and, 471

HDCAM SR format, 481

PlayStation Portable, 414

SXRD projector, 463

sorting, number, 158159

spatial artifacts, 440441

Specter FS (Thomson), 243244, 396


adjusting, 369

data transfer and, 101102, 182

file size and, 69

frame-rate conversion and, 397398

lossless compression and, 98

motion effects and, 223

photographic film, 5152

proxies and, 244

quality and, 114115

storage area network and, 174

temporal interpolation and, 363

video format, 42

video looking like film, 494

Speedduster (Idruna), 347348

spill, 490

Spirit 4k telecine (Thomson), 130

splices, 128, 255

spline interpolation, 375376

split-screens, 4

spot-process colors, 271

spread function, 93, 184185

sprockets, 47, 56, 437

squaring images, 310

squeezed images, 134135

standard definition. See SD


archiving formats, 419

digital formats and, 415

film formats, 5559

lack of, 8

photographic film, 47

television, 2223

VHS cassettes, 21

video, 2526

standards converter, 429

star-burst effect, 482

static electricity, 91n

statistical information, 197198

Steinbeck viewing device, 216

stereoscopy, 484488


asset management, 166167, 206208

black frames, 253

computer systems and, 145146

data corruption, 337

data recovery and, 206

DCDMs and, 413

digital source masters, 417420

encryption and, 412413

frame-rate conversion, 398

future of, 466

mirrored, 205206

of multiple resolutions, 188

nearline, 208

online, 419

photographic film and, 407

proxy images and, 188n

quota management and, 152

standardization and, 9

storage area network, 173175

system security and, 209

video format and, 333

storage area network (SAN), 173175

storyboards, 248, 478

streaming video, 411, 415417

strobing effect, 445

stuttering, 8788

subpixels, 339

subtitles, 423424

subtractive method of color mixing, 7071, 271

Super Video-CD (SVCD) format, 415

surface plots, 201, 309

SVCD (Super Video-CD) format, 415

SXRD projector (Sony), 463


digital intermediates and, 7

dubbed tapes and, 215

frame-rate conversion, 217218

offline reference and, 262

punch holes and, 127128

quality control, 450451

reconforming and, 258259

ripple edits and, 255

storage and, 208

timecodes and, 37, 138

tracking and, 335

video output and, 396

sync point, 255


target bit rate, 411

tears, 331


digital intermediates, 910

inverse, 218

photographic film conversion, 129131

timecodes and, 241


captions, 423

color systems, 31

DVD format and, 413

dynamic range, 111

flicker on, 87

history, 2223

moiré effect, 339

safe areas, 432433

strobing effect, 445

temporal artifacts, 445447

temporal frequency, 2631

temporal interpolation, 362363

temporal positioning, 423


character set, 383384

color of, 385

depth of, 385

kerning, 385

layering and, 251

positioning, 386

size of, 384385

titling and, 382383

typeface for, 384

variations for, 385

textless elements, 404

texture recovery, 351, 357359


Bones conforming system, 249250, 368370, 422

Specter FS digital viewing system, 243244, 396

Spirit 4k telecine, 130

3D objects

CG images, 379

color cylinder, 272

depth recording, 489

HDR format and, 457

image-based lighting, 492

layering and, 251

LUTs, 281282, 283

stereoscopy and, 484

surface-plot graphing, 309

text and, 385

virtual cinematography, 479

virtualized reality, 494

thumbnails, 180182, 245247

TIFF format

compression methods and, 98

encoding methods, 154n

extended color space and, 460

file format translation, 183

robustness, 154


assigning arbitrarily, 214

assigning to scanned film, 241242

back tracking via, 263

black frames, 253

burnt-in, 4041

captions and, 423

conforming and, 236, 239240

drop-frame, 3940

dubbed tapes and, 215

embedding, 119

frame numbers and, 241n

frames and, 213214

master source reel and, 234

media acquisition and, 118119

naming conventions, 157158

non-drop-frame, 3940

photographic film and, 138

quality control, 35, 450

reconforming and, 258259, 261

recording logs and, 435

scene extraction, 242

support for, 38

telecine and, 241

video damage, 336

video format, 3741, 91n, 214, 216

virtual reels, 257

timecode slate, 138

timed text elements, 423424


black frames, 252

editing systems and, 245246

frame patching, 257

multiple, 248

offline reference and, 262

re-editing and, 255

slipped shots and, 256

timestamps, 178179, 178n

time-warping, 223

timing reports, 438

timing shift, 439440


changing colors and, 303

color grading and, 306

color temperature and, 278

grading priority and, 309

problems with, 312313

titles, 403

title-safe region, 432433

titling, 214, 382387

tonal range, 4851, 304306


guidelines for, 495

video damage, 335

watermarks and, 388

tracking data. See data tracking


ripple edits and, 255

vertical editing and, 249

video output and, 396

tramlines, 331

transcoding, 183184, 409410, 419


conforming and, 219223

fine-cut conforming and, 231

masks and, 295

optical effects, 366368

slipped shots and, 256

translation. See conversion

transmission, 335336, 415417

transparency, 7274, 250

Truelight system (Filmlight), 282283

Truevision Targa format, 418

Twixtor software (RE:Vision), 224

typeface, 384


uncompressed data, 340341

unsharp masking, 352353


defined, 107

example, 108

image scaling, 184185

resolving power and, 93n


VCD (Video-CD) format, 415

VCRs (video cassette recorders), 34, 26, 335

quality control, 428, 431

signal faults, 435

standards and, 23, 429

timecodes, 435

vector graphics, 7679

vectorscopes, 122, 272, 307

version control, 249

versioning images, 191193

vertical editing

black frames, 252

conforming and, 248250

frame patching, 257

reconforming and, 258

vertical interval timecode. See VITC

VHS cassettes, 21

video cassette recorders. See VCRs

Video-CD (VCD) format, 415

video format

black point, 430

buffered, 416

captions, 423

capture EDLs, 242

color, 3137, 41

color grading, 304

color space, 280

compression and, 411412

conforming from, 212215

creating, 2325

damage to, 326, 333337

data transfer and, 105

degradation, 215

digital intermediates, 35, 1314

digital video, 4243

dropout, 334, 345

film vs., 480481

fine-cut conforming and, 232

formats, 21

frame-rate conversion, 217218

limitations, 4142

looking like film, 492494

media acquisition, 115120

offline reference, 262

outputting, 395404

quality control, 428436

reinterlacing, 402403

resolution, 2627

standards, 2526

storage for, 333

television, 2223

temporal frequency, 2831

timecodes, 3741, 91n, 214, 216, 239240

VCRs and, 34

video-to-film conversion, 15

white point, 430

video proxies, 188189

video tape recorders. See VTRs

video taps, 61

video-to-film conversion, 15, 375

vignettes, 327328

virtual cinematography

digital intermediates, 496497

digital post-production, 492495

digital pre-production, 477479

overview, 475477

shooting digitally, 480491

virtualized reality, 494495

virtual private networking (VPN), 99

virtual reels, 257

virtual sets, 489491

Vision 2 HD film stock (Kodak), 464

visual effects

business model, 471472

chroma key and, 490491

digital intermediates and, 494495

visually lossless compression, 8284

VITC (vertical interval timecode), 38

voltage, 36

VPN (virtual private networking), 99


WAN (wide area network), 172173

warping, 331, 354357


from chemical stains, 330

copy protection and, 424

digital effects, 386388

digital images, 8586

waveform monitors, 429, 431, 451

weaving images, 136

weighted averaging, 342

wet-gate film scanners, 351

white point, 429430

wide area network (WAN), 172173

widescreen format

aspect ratio and, 431

considerations, 486488

outputting, 421

resizing/repositioning, 373

Wi-Fi (wireless) networking, 176177

Windows Media High Definition Video (WMHDV), 415

wipe effects (wipes)

B-rolls, 225

fine-cut conforming and, 231

layering and, 250

optical effects, 366, 367368

as transitions, 220, 222223

wireless (Wi-Fi) networking, 176177

WMVHD (Windows Media High Definition Video), 415

workstations, 168169

WORM (write once read many) devices, 166167, 414


XML (extensible markup language), 383

Xpress Pro system (Avid), 291

XYZ color model, 271, 458459


yellow spot (retina), 99n

YIQ color system

gamma correction, 32

HDR and, 459

media acquisition and, 116

NTSC standard, 31

video compression, 3334, 87

YUV color system

gamma correction, 32

HDR and, 459

media acquisition and, 116

PAL standard, 31

video compression, 32, 87

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