Starting Xplico in Kali Linux

Updating Kali is simple as the commands remain the same when updating throughout different versions (2016.x and 2017.x).

In a new Terminal, we type apt-get update and press Enter. The sudo apt-get update command may have to be used to provide admin privileges if the former does not run successfully.

We then attempt to install Xplico by typing apt-get install xplico (or sudo apt-get install xplico):

If an error is encountered, as seen in the following screenshot, we must update the Kali Linux repositories by first updating our sources list and then running the apt-get  update command again. To update the sources list, type the leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list command which opens up the file for us to edit:

At the top of the file, enter the following repository location:

deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Once the repository location is entered, click File, then Save, and then close the list.

Be sure to remove any # symbols in front of the text as this ignores any text that follows.

After closing the list file, return to the Terminal and run the apt-get update command once more:

After Kali has been updated, run the apt-get install xplico command. Be sure to press Y to continue when prompted:

Once Xplico has been installed, we must start the Apache 2 and Xplico services. In the Terminal, enter the following two commands:

  • service apache2 start
  • service xplico start 

Once these steps have been completed, the Xplico can now be accessed by clicking Applications | 11 - Forensicsxplico:

A browser window opens immediately after with the URL, localhost:9876/users/login.

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