
  • A
  • AE see Autonomy Expectation
  • agency, impact, 51–2
  • agent-assistant bot, usage
    • knowledge base, fit, 203
  • agents see superagents
    • agent-assistant bot, usage, 168, 202
    • agent-assisting bot, usage, 22
    • agent-facing bot
      • information, 9
      • usage, 143
    • assistants, impact, 142
    • communication, 112
    • confidence, DCS transformation (impact), 169–70
    • confidence equity, 168–72
    • customer interaction, 116–117
      • OnScreen Enhancements, usage, 141
    • DCS benefits, 19–21
    • efficiency (increase), AI management (impact), 16
    • empowerment, 139
    • focus, increase, 142
    • help question, problem, 98–9
    • hiring profile, 150–2
    • interaction, example, 144–5
    • service experience, transfer, 88
    • teachers, equivalence, 150–2
    • transparency, OnScreen Collaboration (usage), 79
  • AHT see average handle time
  • airline industry
    • customer satisfaction, example, 171–2
    • digital self-service interaction, 120
    • processes, example, 130–5
  • airline online reservations, impact, 51–2
  • Amazon, launch, 50
  • analytics, improvement, 22
  • analytic skills, usage, 150, 152
  • annual relationship survey, usage, 124
  • Apple Business Chat, 75
  • applications (apps)
    • customer behavior, 127
    • customer engagement, 122
    • phone number removal, 116
  • Argueta, Andrea, 155
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • AI-powered agent-facing bots, usage, 142
    • AI-powered assistants, 142
    • management, impact, 16
  • asynchronous text-based messages, exchange, 75
  • A-to-Z phenomenon, 178–84
  • augmented reality (AR), impact, 208
  • automated teller machine (ATM), 192
    • conception, 46
    • impact, 49
  • Autonomy Expectation (AE), 121–122
    • assessment, 127
    • assumptions, 121
    • degree, 202
    • spectrum location, 131
    • survey question, example, 125
  • average handle time (AHT)
    • reduction, 39
      • service agent pressure, 42
    • total handle time (THT), contrast, 147–8
  • B
  • back-office digital functionality, 109
  • baseline skills, customer service leader prioritization, 150
  • Bennett, Ty, 35, 41
  • bolt-on approach, 55–7, 60, 206
  • Borkowicz, Joe, 144, 192
  • bots, 156–65
    • agent-assistant bot, usage, 168, 202
    • AI-powered agent-facing bots, 142
    • customer-facing bots, usage, 202
    • customer-facing concierge bots, usage, 168
    • empowerment, 139
    • programming, 166
    • virtual assistance, 142
  • brand differentiation, example, 188
  • Break Tradition (Ridley), 189
  • bridging functionality, 76
  • Brown, Nate, 59
  • business
    • DCS transformation, possibility, 201
    • entry, reasons, 197–9
    • interaction, 73
  • C
  • callbacks
    • receiving, 76
    • request, 114
  • call centers, 140–2
    • changes, 27
    • example, 30–2
    • expense, 43
    • jobs, outsourcing, 40–1
    • operation, 190
    • origin, 28
    • quality service, relationship, 31
    • reputation, 27, 29
    • transformation, 29
    • US employee, all-in costs, 40
    • work, image, 149
  • call data/cost, 14, 15, 92
  • call-handling protocol, 153
  • CBCs See Citicard Banking Centers
  • CCaaS See Contact Center as a Service
  • channel
    • interactions, handling, 141
    • switching, 17–18
  • channelless experience (creation), DCS (usage), 22
  • chatbots (OnScreen Automation option), 81, 109
    • CoBrowsing usage, 111
    • DCS fit, 202–3
    • interactions, 112
  • chat session
    • initiation, 166
    • proactive offering, 113
    • usage, 112
  • Citicard Banking Centers (CBCs), branding, 47–8
  • Cleveland, Brad, 37, 178
  • click-bait, social media ranting (impact), 58
  • click/scroll patterns (customer behavior), 127
  • cloud
    • deployments, 207
    • website (storefront analogy), 188
  • CoBrowsing, 208
    • absence, impact, 86–7
    • benefits, 87
    • efficiency improvements, 16
    • miscommunication, occurrence/solution, 87
    • offering, 113
    • OnScreen Collaboration option, 80
    • perspective, 145
    • Session, usage, 114
    • usage, 8, 12, 111
  • Coleman, Mark, 193
  • Collaboration Center, 140–2
  • communication, ease (creation), 83
  • company
    • competitors, differentiation, 175, 187
    • consumer problems, increase, 36
    • customer service
      • digital transformation, impact, 5
      • experiences, problem (cost), 37
    • DCS benefits, 13–16
    • digital tools, excitement, 153
    • efficiency, 37–9
    • future-proofing, DCS (usage), 175
    • information, customer access, 189
    • interaction mix, 88
    • long-term revenue, increase, 12
    • loyalty program, example, 166
    • positioning, 175
    • representative, 145
    • social responsibility, 59
    • traditional companies, customer service (unfairness), 180–2
    • transformation, 23–5
  • competitive success, company achievement, 194
  • competitor information, customer access, 189
  • compliance issues, 143, 207
  • concierge bot
    • customer-facing concierge bots, usage, 168
    • usage, 132
  • confidence equity, 168–73, 183
  • Contact Center, 140–2
    • appearance, 146
    • digital-also contact center, transformation, 144
    • operating model, 169
    • term, popularization, 141
  • Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS), DCS (comparison), 205
  • control, human need, 52
  • convenience, impact, 51–2
  • Convenience Revolution, The (Hyken), 51
  • conversation, agent initiation, 187
  • conversation intelligence platform (Tethr), 56–7
  • conversion rates (increase), OnScreen Enhancements (impact), 73
  • cost efficiency, 92
    • decisions, basis, 38
    • usage, 96–7
  • cost optimization, attraction, 39–42, 45
  • culture (monster noun), 70
  • curse of knowledge, 84, 187
  • customer
    • AE/EP, assessment, 127
    • agent interaction, 116
    • assistance, 148
    • automated interactions, 129
    • baggage, impact, 34
    • behavior
      • learning, 123–7
      • types, 127
    • channel switching, 17 –18
    • communication/learning style, selection, 150
    • company interaction, 23
    • confidence equity, 168–72
    • connection/empathy, 150
    • customer-facing bots, usage, 202
    • customer-facing concierge bots, usage, 168
    • customer-facing digital functionality, 109
    • DCS benefits, 17–19
    • demand, increase, 48–51
    • digital experience, 179
      • disconnection, 12
      • expectations, 17
      • value-add, 143
    • digital lifestyles, meeting, 23–4
    • digital psychology, understanding, 181
    • digital self-sufficiency, 147
    • digital transformation, 24
    • effort, 184–6
      • reduction, 13
    • entry point options, selection, 108
    • expert representation, 20
    • feedback/analysis, usage, 124
    • feeling, understanding, 127
    • frustration, 41
    • guidance, capability, 150
    • information, retrieval, 143
    • interactions, dissatisfaction (decrease), 169
    • international customers, service differentiation, 190–1
    • journey
      • agent entry, 144
      • maps, usage, 119–27
    • long-term loyalty
      • customer effort, impact, 184–6
      • influence, 37
    • loyalty, 38, 61
      • maximization, 103
    • meeting, dynamics (changes), 61
    • mindset, 105, 121
      • shift, 183–4
    • near-screen voice, usage, 117–18
    • negative bias, presence, 61–2
    • negative reactions (predisposition), 34–7
    • offscreen phone experience, 78
    • rage, experience, 36–7
    • resolution journey, 23
    • self-service, 43
      • introduction, 45
    • support, video/OnScreen Voice (usage), 190, 191
    • tastes, understanding, 124
    • teaching, 151–2
    • total handle time (THT), calculation, 147
    • transformation, 23–5
    • verbal/visual assistance option, 118
  • customer expectations
    • determination, digital body language (usage), 127
    • dichotomy, 182–3
    • dissonance, 183
    • increase, 182
    • sets, psychological level, 182
    • term, sloppiness, 182
    • transition, 48–51
  • customer experience (CX), 105, 119–27
    • change, 7, 183–4
    • contrast, 8–13
    • differences, comparison, 165
    • differentiated human experience (creation), DCS technology (usage), 192–4
    • differentiation, 177–8, 186–94
    • digital customer experience (digital CX), positioning, 188–94
    • digital effortlessness, 183
    • example, 8–10
    • feel side, exploration, 125–6
    • high-effort parts, 178
    • importance, 188
    • improvements, 191
    • negativity, elimination, 17–18
    • online customer experience, actions, 59–60
    • optimum, 123
    • positioning, process, 177–8
    • psychological impact, understanding, 189
    • quality, 167, 168
  • customer relationship management (CRM) platform, impact, 201–2
  • customer satisfaction (CSAT)
    • agent scores, contrast, 11
    • company report, 59
    • importance, 38
    • increase, 13, 74
    • score, 171
      • DCS experiences score, contrast, 16
  • customer screens
    • experience, 78
    • interactions, 73
    • service experience, 176
    • usage, 7–8, 178
  • customer service, 27
    • company transformation, 3
    • cost
      • Harvard Business Review estimation, 39
      • quality, relationship, 39–42
    • digital customer service, DCS (contrast), 6–8
    • digital self-service, increase, 55
    • digital transformation, 4, 179, 198
      • impact, 5
      • winners, identification, 5–6
    • Disconnect Vortex, 69
    • Expectation Valley, 60
    • experiences, company cost, 37
    • expert, connection, 29
    • Inflection Point, 4, 69
    • interaction, 8
      • negative karma, expectation, 34–5
    • leaders, baseline skills prioritization, 150
    • machine, design, 55–7
    • motivation, 170
    • negativity
      • increase, 61
      • source, 27
    • opportunity, 3
    • outsourcing
      • costs, 40
      • public negativity, 39–42
    • perception, change, 4
    • phone number
      • obtaining, process, 93
      • requirement, 118–19
    • quality valley, 42–3
    • representative
      • conversion, 20
      • term, meaning, 145–8
    • reputation
      • negative societal bias, impact, 27
      • problem, outsourcing (impact), 41–2
    • role expectations/rewards, upgrade (opportunity), 141
  • CX see customer experience
  • D
  • data
    • data-dip, usage, 134
    • security, OnScreen approach, 98
    • sets, gathering (DCS requirement), 92
    • theft, minimization, 97
  • DCS See Digital Customer Service
  • Dial America, Time Inc. creation, 28
  • differentiated human experience (creation), DCS technology (usage), 192–4
  • digital-also, contrast, 89–92
  • digital body language, 81
  • digital customer experience (digital CX), positioning, 188–94
  • digital customer service
    • DCS, contrast, 6–8
    • generic term (monster noun), 70–1
    • meanings/interpretations, 67
  • Digital Customer Service (DCS) see OnScreen
    • actions, example, 87–9, 190–1
    • agents
      • benefits, 19–21
      • phone agent transformation, 73
    • appearance, 99
    • benefits, 94
    • business case, building (process), 92–9
    • capabilities, assessment, 109
    • CCaaS, comparison, 205
    • change, AR/VR (impact), 208
    • chatbots, fit, 202–3
    • company benefits, 13–16
    • compliance considerations, 207
    • cost efficiency, 98
    • customer benefits, 17–19
    • customer-centricity, equivalence, 19
    • customer service representative, term (meaning), 145–8
    • ‘‘DCS in Action’’ stories, preview, 16
    • definition, 72–83
    • differentiation process, 204
    • employees, role, 146
    • entry points, 108
    • environment
      • agents, hiring profile, 150–2
      • teaching skills, 154
      • transformation, leader considerations, 148
    • evolution, 62
    • example, 92–3
    • experience
      • creation, 108–9
      • differentiation, 16
    • FAQs, 201
    • focal point, 83
    • goal, 105
    • hybrid interaction, 167–8
    • IVR technology, change, 206–7
    • journeys grid, 107
    • journeys (creation), grid (usage), 110–15
    • leader benefits, 21–3
    • menu, 107
    • messaging, fit, 204
    • model
      • functions, 6
      • tool, 92–100
      • transformation, goal, 106
    • omni-channel contact center, comparison, 205–6
    • on-premises call center, fit, 207
    • operating model, 72
    • operation, CRM platform (impact), 201–2
    • opportunities, 14, 15, 92, 94
    • personal customer information, security, 97–8
    • platform, service transformation, 119
    • privacy considerations, 207
    • requirements, 140
    • score, CSAT/NPS (contrast), 16
    • security considerations, 207
    • service executive benefits, 21–3
    • service model, impact, 175
    • SMS, fit, 204
    • software-driven solution, 67
    • staffing levels/headcount impact, 20–1
    • strategies, implementation, 89–92
    • success, 156
    • superagents, impact, 20
    • technology, usage, 192–4
    • terminology, 65
    • transition, 182
    • visual nature, advantages, 73–4
    • workforce management (WFM), fit, 206
    • workforce optimization (WFO), fit, 206
  • Digital Customer Service (DCS) transformation, 135, 139
    • acceleration, 191–2
    • business value
      • assessment, 92
      • calculation, 14–16
    • cost, 95–6
    • impact, 169–70
    • model, impact, 172–3
    • overview, 101
    • positioning, 177–8
    • process, 103
  • digital environment, engineering, 170
  • digital experience
    • creation, 188–9
    • customer desire, 179
    • customer expectations, 17
  • digital-first beings, transformation, 61–2
  • digital-first, contrast, 89–92
  • digital-first DCS environment, transformation, 144
  • digital-first DCS model, transformation (impact), 172–3
  • digital-first mindset, adoption, 198
  • digital-first model, transformation, 104
  • digital-first service environment, agent role, 146
  • digital functionality, 109
  • digital interactions, 193
  • digital leader, responsibility, 105
  • digital-only, contrast, 89–92
  • digital opportunities, 1
  • digital options, customer demand (increase), 55–7
  • digital self-service
    • evolution, 191
    • human behavior, psychology, 123–4
    • impact, 45
    • increase, 55
    • interaction, example, 120
  • digital self-service inventory, 121–3
    • 2 × 2 quadrants, defining, 122–3
    • quadrants, processes (fitting), 128
  • digital self-sufficiency, 147
  • digital service
    • evolution, Robbins description, 56
    • experience, customer expectations, 182
    • message, communication, 177
    • strategy, creation, 105–6
  • digital transformation, 24, 109, 198
  • Disconnect Vortex, impact, 69
  • Dixon, Matt, 57
  • E
  • e-commerce, commencement, 50
  • efficiency improvements, 191
    • creation, CoBrowsing (usage), 16, 87–9
  • Effortless Experience, The (Dixon/Toman/DeLisi), 57, 184
  • email
    • hyperlink, impact, 112
    • usage, 56, 75
  • emotional intelligence, 150
  • emotional reactions, 34
  • employee
    • production employee, perception, 149
    • success, 144
    • turnover, downstream impact, 39
  • entry points, 108, 117
    • OnScreen Enhancements, combination, 115
    • options, customer selection, 108
  • EP see Exploration Preference
  • ERP platform, 202
  • errors (customer behavior), 127
  • executives, customer service digital transformation (impact), 5
  • exertion, equation, 185
  • expectations see customer expectations
  • Expectation Valley, 60
    • exit, 68–71
  • experience see customer experience
  • Exploration Preference (EP), 122
    • assessment, 127
    • degree, 202
    • spectrum location, 131
  • Exploration Tolerance, survey question (example), 125
  • F
  • Facebook, browsing, 114
  • face-to-face interaction, 101
  • file sharing (OnScreen Collaboration option), 80, 108
  • firefighting mode, avoidance, 22
  • fiscal efficiency, cost, 97
  • focus groups
    • interview topics, 125
    • usage, 124
  • form-filling speed/accuracy (customer behavior), 127
  • frontline customer service agents, remote work (increase), 6
  • frontline service employees, description, 145
  • frontline service workers, image (change), 149
  • frontline teams
    • engagement, 19–20
  • frontline teams, customer service digital transformation (impact), 5
  • G
  • Goodfellow, James, 47, 49
  • Goodman, John, 179
  • H
  • headcount
    • DCS, impact, 20–1
    • reduction, 96
  • Hershey Resorts (call center example), 30–2
  • Hilton Chicago, digital updating, 53–4
  • hotels, digital updating (problems), 52–4
  • human brain, engineering, 35
  • human experience, creation, 193
  • human resources (HR) costs, 92
  • Hyken, Shep, 51, 188
  • I
  • immediate ROI, decisions (basis), 38
  • improvement opportunities, ease (increase), 22
  • inbound phone interactions, 77
  • Inflection Point, 69
    • experience, 4–5
  • innovation (monster noun), 70
  • interaction efficiency (KPI), 204
  • interaction mix, 88
  • interactions, handling, 141
  • interaction system, 202
  • interactive voice response (IVR)
    • change, process, 206–7
    • impact, 49
    • menu, usage, 9
    • options, usage, 12–13
  • International Customer Management Institute, 37
  • international customers, service differentiation, 190–1
  • interview topics, 125–6
  • J
  • journey maps, usage, 119–27
  • journeys
    • DCS journeys (creation), grid (usage), 110–15
    • grid, 107
  • K
  • key performance indicator (KPI), usage, 204
  • knowledge base (KB), DCS fit, 203
  • knowledge, curse, 84, 187
  • L
  • leaders
    • customer service, digital transformation (impact), 5
    • DCS benefits, 21–3
    • DCS environment transformation considerations, 148
    • employee retention, 148–56
    • empowerment, 139
    • firefighting mode, avoidance, 22
    • roles/responsibilities, 141
  • learning styles, variations, 154
  • live assistance
    • switching, 103
    • virtual assistance
      • contrast, 128–9
      • transition, 165
  • Live Observation (OnScreen Collaboration), 80, 108
    • absence, impact, 86–7
    • miscommunication, occurrence/solution, 87
    • usage, 133
  • live phone minutes, company expenditure, 94
  • locations, hovering/stopping (customer behavior), 127
  • loyalty see customer
  • M
  • marketplace
    • analysis, 186–7
    • relevance, 192
  • Members 1st, agent interaction (example), 144–5
  • messaging, 75, 108
    • DCS, fit, 204
    • interaction, conversion, 113
  • Michelin rating system (earning), DCS (usage), 135–6
  • mindset see customer
    • digital-first mindset, adoption, 198
  • miscommunication, occurrence/solution, 87
  • mobile apps
    • chat/messaging, 110
    • customer usage, 108
    • login, process, 111
  • mobile environment, DCS operation, 205
  • monster nouns, 70–1
  • Moore's law, 61
  • multichannel operation, 92–3
  • multitasking environment, comfort, 150, 153
  • N
  • Napper, Paul, 52
  • National Customer Rage Study, 36, 59, 179
  • near-screen phone
    • call, guided nature, 118
    • usage, 76
  • near-screen voice, 108
    • usage, 117–18
  • negative bias
    • presence, 61–2
  • negative bias, reactions, 33
  • negative experiences, commonality, 35–7
  • negative karma, customer expectation, 34–5
  • negative reactions, customer predisposition, 34–7
  • negativity
    • increase, 61
    • overcoming, 72
    • source, evolution, 60–2
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
    • agent scores, contrast, 11
    • increase, 13, 74, 89
    • score, DCS experiences score (contrast), 16
  • O
  • offscreen phone
    • customer experience, 78
    • usage, 77
  • offscreen phone calls
    • company reduction, 118
    • OnScreen Voice, contrast, 78
    • transition, 91
  • omni-channel contact center, DCS comparison, 205–6
  • online customer experience, actions, 59–60
  • online interaction, humans (involvement), 127
  • online session, process (contrast), 120
  • on-premises call center, DCS fit, 207
  • OnScreen
    • benefits, 14, 15, 92
    • callback, request, 114
    • components, 67
    • DCS menu, 107
    • interactions, design, 18
  • OnScreen Automation, 67, 72, 109
    • DCS benefits, 95
    • enhancement, components, 106–19
    • options, 81–2
    • usage, 8, 81–3, 92
  • OnScreen Collaboration, 67, 72, 108
    • agent conversation initiation, 187
    • customer interaction, 83–7
    • DCS benefits, 94
    • enhancement, components, 106–19
    • example, 84–6
    • opportunities, 95
    • options, 80
    • power, 148
    • time savings, 95
    • total talk time, sharing, 94
    • usage, 7–8, 77–81, 92
  • OnScreen Communication, 67, 72, 108
    • customer invitation, 116
    • efficiencies, 96
    • enhancement, components, 106–119
    • forms/components, 74–7
    • usage, 7, 92
  • OnScreen Enhancements
    • appearance, 99
    • availability, 206
    • categories, 108–9
    • combinations, 82–3
    • data-dip, usage, 134
    • entry points, combination, 115
    • options, 110
    • types, 72
    • usage, 7–8, 21, 73, 97, 141, 168
    • utility belt, access, 142
  • on-screen environment, service interactions, 104
  • OnScreen Voice
    • agent
      • communication, 112
      • customer interaction, 9
    • conversation, 12
      • trigger, QR code (usage), 119
    • customer connections, 191
    • example (Uber), 117
    • importance, 116–18
    • interactions
      • increase, 118–19
      • transition, 91
    • off-screen phone call, contrast, 78
    • usage, 75–6, 108
  • operating budget, reduction, 96
  • O'Reilly, Tim, 50
  • organization, values set (examination), 192
  • outbound boiler room sales centers, operation, 28
  • outsourcing
    • backlash, 41
    • public negativity, 39–42
  • overseas call centers, usage, 40
  • P
  • Paulson, Roger, 34
  • pauses (customer behavior), 127
  • performance review, consideration, 22–3
  • personal customer information, security, 97–8
  • personal energy, 155
  • Personal Identification Number (PIN), usage, 47–8
  • phone
    • agents, transformation, 73
    • callers, screen adjacency metric (absence), 93
    • calls see near-screen phone call; offscreen phone calls
      • customer usage, 108
    • customer
      • digital experience, disconnection, 12
      • treatment, 93
    • inbound phone interactions, 77
    • live phone minutes, company expenditure, 94
    • near-screen phone, usage, 76
    • number, removal, 116
    • offscreen phone
    • phone-first interaction, 101
    • phone-first model, transformation, 104
    • phone-first service environment, role, 145
    • queue, navigation, 143
    • toll-free telephone number, usage, 29, 115
    • tree, usage, 29
    • usage
      • customer resistance, 11
      • increase, 56–7
    • voice, contrast, 11–13, 77
  • PIN See Personal Identification Number
  • Pleasant, Blair, 38
  • pop-up messages (OnScreen Automation option), 82, 109
  • positioning, 175
    • digital customer experience (digital CX), positioning, 188–94
    • Digital Customer Service (DCS) transformation, positioning, 177–8
  • potential ROI, calculation, 92
  • Power of Agency, The (Napper/Rao), 52
  • present ROI, 16
  • privacy issues, 207
  • problem-solving skills, usage, 150, 152
  • process(es)
    • basis, 129–35
    • fitting, 128
    • online session, contrast, 120
  • production employees, perception, 149
  • ‘‘Psychology of Customer Service, The’’ (Bennett), 35
  • Q
  • QR code, usage, 119
  • Quality Valley, 42–3, 69
  • R
  • Rao, Anthony, 52
  • real-time text-based messages, exchange, 75
  • Request for Proposal (RFP) inventory checklist, 109
  • return on investment (ROI)
    • immediate ROI, decisions (basis), 38
    • potential ROI, calculation, 92
    • present ROI, 16
  • rewards, upgrade (opportunity), 141
  • Richardson, Elliott, 36
  • Ridley, Jacqueline M., 189
  • Robbins, Justin, 179
    • call center example, 30–2
    • digital service evolution (description), 56
  • robo-teller, usage, 47
  • robo-voice, 29
  • role expectations
    • evolution, 141–2
    • upgrade, opportunity, 141
  • S
  • savings, investment, 96–7
  • screens see customer screens
    • bolt-on approach, 55–7
    • customer experience, 78
    • DCS focal point, 83
    • impact, 72
    • importance, 176–8
    • offscreen phone, usage, 77
    • sharing (OnScreen Collaboration option), 80, 108
    • time, impact, 177
    • usage, 181
  • Sears, Char, 169
  • sections/functions, opening/closing (customer behavior), 127
  • security issues, 207
  • segmentation chart, usage, 121
  • self-service
    • acclimation, 5
    • convenience/agency factors, 51–2
    • customer behavior, learning, 123–7
    • demand, proliferation (timeline), 57
    • evolution, 48–51
    • features, customer adoption, 6
    • functionality, customer usage (continuation), 169
    • gas stations, arrival, 49
    • grocery checkout stations, arrival, 50
    • increase, 51
    • nonintegration, bolt-on approach, 56
    • practical/psychological benefits, 55
  • sensitive personal data, masking, 97
  • service see customer service
    • company reinvention, 179
    • cost center role, 38
    • executives, DCS benefits, 21–3
    • experience
      • societal negativity, pervasiveness, 36
      • transfer, 88
    • interactions, 143
      • curated journey, 105
      • on-screen environment, usage, 104
    • leaders
      • involvement, 115
      • marketplace analysis, 186–7
    • operations, transformation, 191–2
    • organizations, competition, 181
    • siloed service interaction, example, 166–7
  • service interaction
    • company investment, problem, 37–8
    • customer expectations, 17
    • satisfaction, 18
  • service teams
    • digital team, bridge, 22
    • experiences, 143–5
    • process questions, 165
    • roles, evolution (categories), 141–2
  • Shepherd-Brown, John, 46, 49
  • Shettel, Jessica, 151
  • Short Message Service (SMS), 201
  • siloed service interaction, example, 166–7
  • Situational interviewing, 151
  • situational interview questions, sample, 152–6
  • smartphone usage, penetration, 124, 178
  • SMS see Short Message Service
  • social media
    • impact, 58–62
    • messaging interaction, conversion, 113
    • popularity, increase, 57
    • ranting, 58
    • usage, 75, 108
  • software, client education, 88–9
  • Square One call-handling protocol, 153
  • staffing levels, DCS (impact), 20–1
  • Staw, Jeffrey, 149
  • Steinspring, Amanda, 150
  • stickiness, impact, 34
  • superagents, 155
    • impact, 20
    • popularity, increase, 142–7
  • surveys
    • questions, 124–5
    • usage, 124
  • synergy (monster noun), 70
  • system of interaction, 202
  • T
  • task effectiveness, degree (comparison), 84–6
  • teams see service teams
  • telephony platform, VoIP conversion, 6
  • Tethr, conversation intelligence platform, 56–7
  • thought leadership (monster noun), 70
  • THT see total handle time
  • toll-free telephone number, usage, 29, 115
  • total handle time (THT), average handle time (contrast), 147–8
  • total talk time, sharing, 94
  • U
  • Ulrich, Frank, 49
  • ‘‘United Breaks Guitars’’ (YouTube video), 58
  • United States Call Center Worker and Consumer Protection Act, 41
  • V
  • verbal/visual assistance, customer option, 118
  • video chat, usage, 12, 76, 108, 113
  • videos, impact, 58–60
  • virtual assistance, 142
    • agent-facing bots, usage, 143
    • live assistance, contrast, 128–9
    • transition, 103, 165
  • virtual reality (VR), impact, 208
  • virtual staff, team member perspective, 139
  • visual authentication, 109
  • Visual Authentication (OnScreen Automation option), 81, 82
  • voice
    • conversation, cues, 126
    • interactions, 77
    • phone, contrast, 11–13, 77
  • voice of customer (VoC), customer interaction data, 59
  • voice-over internet protocol (VoIP), usage, 6
  • W
  • Web 1.0, arrival, 50
  • Web 2.0, arrival, 50–1
  • websites
    • chat function, addition, 6
    • customer engagement, 122
    • customer usage, 108, 112–15
    • past history (customer behavior), 127
    • phone number removal, 116
    • virtual presence, 188
  • WFH see work-from-home
  • win-win-win-win, 3
    • pursuit, opportunity, 6
  • workforce management (WFM), DCS fit, 206
  • workforce optimization (WFO), DCS fit, 206
  • work-from-home (WFH) environment, productivity, 149
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