
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


$instance (PHP), The Fundamentals of OOP
$path members (PHP), Defining a sitewide page class
* asterisk, number of instances in UML class diagram, Association
. (dot) apply CSS to class, Classes
2×1 container, Example ContainersExample Containers
:: scope operator (PHP), Class data members, Defining a sitewide page class
; semicolon (JavaScript statement termination), Creating an object


abandon (MVC), Abstract Interface for the Connect Object
abort action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC, Public Interface for the Connect Object
absolute positioning (CSS), Absolute Positioning
abstract interface, Abstract Interface for the Module Class, Abstract Interface for the View Object, Abstract Interface for the Connect Object
accessibility, Benefits of Good HTML
accordion lists, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion ListsAn Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists, Caching with AjaxCaching with Ajax
add_to_css (PHP), CSS management, Exposing Modules Externally
add_to_css_linked (PHP), CSS management, Exposing Modules Externally
add_to_js (PHP), JavaScript management, Exposing Modules Externally
add_to_js_linked (PHP), JavaScript management, Exposing Modules Externally
aggregation (PHP), Extending via aggregation, Generating Pages in PHP
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), Benefits of Good HTML
(see also MVC)
and HTML, Using Ajax with MVC
and JSON, Data in the JSON Format, Large-Scale Ajax, Managing Connections, JSON
caching with, Caching with AjaxCaching with Ajax
chained selection lists, An Example: Chained Selection Lists
in the browser, In the BrowserAjax with YUI
libraries, Using Ajax LibrariesAjax with YUI
modular, Modular Ajax
on the server, On the ServerModular Ajax
request example, Managing Connections
support for, Benefits of Good HTML, Managing Connections
testing requests, Using Ajax with MVC
using Expires headers, Using Expires Headers
aka “also-known-as” path, JavaScript Minification, Content Delivery Networks
Akamai, Content Delivery Networks
Alternative PHP Cache (APC), An XML Example, Caching Modules CloudFront, Content Delivery Networks
animation, Working with AnimationColor Transition
APC (Alternative PHP Cache), An XML Example, Caching Modules
APIs (application programming interfaces), HTML 5, Data from Web Services
appendChild method (DOM), Inserting or removing an element
architecture, application
maintenance, Architecture and MaintenanceExposing Modules Externally
overview, Application Architecture
page, Architecture for PagesPages of a similar type
section, Section Architecture
sitewide, Sitewide Architecture
association, UML Class Diagrams
associative arrays (PHP), Dynamic Modules, Modular Ajax
attach (MVC), Abstract Interface for the View Object
attribute value syntax (XHTML), Attribute values
attributes (DOM libraries), Common DOM MethodsDOM methods in YUI
autocompletion, Using Ajax with MVC


backend developers, Data Management
background images, Standard Module Formats
backgroundColor property, DOM methods in Dojo
backward compatibility (HTML), Benefits of Good HTML
bandwidth requirements, Benefits of Good HTML
behavior layer, Large-Scale JavaScript, Namespaces with JavaScript, Working with Events
binding, Accessing a module by ID
block-level elements (CSS), Document Flow
body tag (HTML), Linking, Modular Web Pages, Structure and assembly, General page information
border (CSS), CSS Box Model
box model (CSS), CSS Box Model
Browser Reset CSS, Browser Reset CSSBrowser Reset CSS
browsers, Large-Scale HTML
(see also caching)
Ajax in, In the BrowserAjax with YUI
displaying CSS boxes, CSS Box Model
event handling, Working with Events
font normalization in, Font NormalizationFont Normalization
interoperability issues, Large-Scale HTML, Managing Connections
older, Benefits of Good HTML, Managing Connections
Reset CSS, Browser Reset CSSBrowser Reset CSS
and special characters embedded in HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters
busting the cache, Linking


C++ and PHP support, CSS management, JavaScript management
CSS and JavaScript, Benefits of Good HTML, Caching CSS and JavaScriptCombining CSS and JavaScript files
for pages, Caching for Pages
linking and, Linking, Linking
modules, Caching ModulesCaching Modules
with Ajax, Caching with AjaxCaching with Ajax
cascading, Abstraction, Specificity and Importance, Standard Module Formats
cascading style sheets (CSS) (see CSS)
chained selection lists (JavaScript), An Example: Chained Selection ListsAn Example: Chained Selection Lists
Change policy (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
cite element (HTML), The Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
class-based language, Object Orientation
classes, Working with Modules
(see also Module class; Page class)
data members, The Fundamentals of OOP, Class data members
HTML, IDs, Classes, and Names, Classes
methods, The Fundamentals of OOP, Class methods
overview, The Fundamentals of OOP
PHP, Classes and InterfacesFinal methods, Extending via aggregation
public interface for, Public Interface for the Page ClassJavaScript management
click (YUI JavaScript), Event Handling Normalization
Client URL (cURL), Data from Web Services, Server Proxies
CloudFront, Content Delivery Networks
cohesiveness, Achieving Modularity
color property, DOM methods in Dojo
color transition animations (YUI JavaScript), Color Transition
comment codes, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters
common directory, Pages and modules
complexity, addressing, Managing Complexity
concatenating files, Combining CSS and JavaScript files
Connect object (MVC), Public Interface for the Connect Object
_construct, Constructors, Defining a sitewide page class
constructors (JavaScript), Creating an object, Using objects
constructors (PHP), Constructors
compared to layouts, Layouts and Containers
as modules, Thinking Modularly, Layouts and containers
CSS, Layouts and Containers, Example ContainersExample Containers
UML, Defining Module Types
containing block, Absolute Positioning
content area (CSS), CSS Box Model
content delivery networks, Content Delivery Networks
continuous availability, Managing Complexity
controllers (MVC), MVC and Ajax, Controllers
cookies, Cookies and Forms
create (PHP), Modular Web Pages, Modular Web Pages, Structure and assembly, Public Interface for the Module Class
createElement method (DOM), Creating an element
createTextNode method (DOM), Creating an element
create_css (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
create_css_linked (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
create_js (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
create_js_linked (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
Crockford, Douglas, Object-Oriented JavaScript, Information hiding, JavaScript Minification
cross-site scripting (XSS), Server Proxies
CSS (cascading style sheets)
aggregating in PHP, Generating Pages in PHP, Implementation of the Page Class
applying, Applying CSSGrouping
better and best examples of, A Better Example: Using CSSThe Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
caching, Caching CSS and JavaScriptCombining CSS and JavaScript files
combining with JavaScript files, Combining CSS and JavaScript filesCombining CSS and JavaScript files
cuts across module boundaries, Abstraction
dynamic, Dynamic JavaScript and CSS
embedded, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters, Public Interface for the Module Class
HTTP requests for, Guidelines for CSS files
linking, Linking, CSS management, Public Interface for the Module Class, Caching CSS and JavaScript
managing through PHP, CSS management, CSS management, CSS management, An Example Module: Slideshow
media types, Combining CSS and JavaScript files
minimizing HTTP requests for, Minimizing HTTP Requests
overview, Large-Scale CSS
positioning techniques, Positioning TechniquesFloating
refactoring, Reorganizing Module Uses
versioning, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files
visual consistency/control, Benefits of Good HTML
where to place files, CSS and JavaScript
cURL (PHP), Data from Web Services, Server Proxies
custom events (JavaScript), Event-Driven Applications


data action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
data interfaces, Classes and Interfaces, Declaring an interface, Data Management, Creating Data Managers
data managers, Data ManagersExtending via aggregation
accessing XML data, Data Using XML As a SourceAn XML Example
creating, Creating Data Managers, Data management
extending, Extending Data ManagersExtending via aggregation
handling data source changes, Changes in Data SourcesExposing Modules Externally
modular Ajax and, Modular Ajax
passing flags to, Data in the JSON Format
using cURL inside, Data from Web Services
databases, connecting to, Extending Data Managers, Data Using SQL As a SourceAn SQL Example
date stamps, Linking, Linking
degrading gracefully, Benefits of Good HTML
dependencies in class diagrams, Achieving Modularity
descendants (CSS), Descendants
DHTML, and MVC, MVC and Ajax
directory structure, Pages and modules
display attribute (CSS), Example Layouts
diversity of web interfaces, Managing Complexity
divisions of modules, Standard Module Formats
DNS lookups, Minimizing DNS Lookups, Guidelines for JavaScript files
document flow (CSS), Document Flow
Document Object Model (see DOM)
Dojo JavaScript library, DOM methods in Dojo, Ajax with Dojo
DOM (Document Object Model)
common methods, Accessing a module by ID, Common DOM Methods
and faster rendering, Benefits of Good HTML, JavaScript Placement
JavaScript libraries for, Popular DOM LibrariesDOM methods in YUI
and request handling, Managing Connections
XHTML and, Benefits of XHTML
XML responses in, XML
Domain Name Service (DNS) lookups, Minimizing DNS Lookups, Guidelines for JavaScript files
double margin bug (IE), Example Layouts
DTD, strict, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters
Dublin Core vocabulary, RDFa Triples
duplicate files, removing, Removing Duplicates
dynamic data, Data Management, Dynamic data management
dynamic modules, Dynamic Modules


factory methods, Modular Web Pages
fail action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
faster rendering, Benefits of Good HTML
final keyword (PHP), Final methods
final methods (PHP), Final methods
fixed-width layouts/containers (CSS), Layouts and Containers
Flanagan, David, Object-Oriented JavaScript
Flash, JavaScript alternatives to, Working with Animation
floating elements (CSS), Floating
font normalization across browsers, Font NormalizationFont Normalization
footers, Standard Module Formats, Example Layouts, Headers, footers, and content, Making Widespread Changes
forms, Cookies and Forms, Managing Data from Forms
forward compatibility (HTML), Benefits of Good HTML


general page information, General page information
generalization, UML Class Diagrams
$_GET array (PHP), Managing Data from Forms
GET requests (Ajax), Ajax with DojoAjax with YUI
getElementById method (DOM), Accessing a module by ID, XML
getElementsByTagName method (DOM), Accessing elements by tag name, Managing Connections, XML
getState (MVC), Public Interface for the Model Object
get_all_css (PHP), CSS management
get_all_js (PHP), JavaScript management
get_cache_vars (PHP), Caching Modules
get_content (PHP page class), Generating Pages in PHP
get_content (PHP), Headers, footers, and content, Defining page-specific classes, Content for the module, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists
get_css (PHP), CSS management, Defining page-specific classes, CSS management, Multiple Instances of a Module, Dynamic JavaScript and CSS
get_css_common (PHP), CSS management, Defining a sitewide page class, CSS management
get_css_linked (PHP), CSS management, Defining sectional page classes, CSS management, Caching CSS and JavaScript
get_data (PHP), Data Managers, Defining get_data, Extending via aggregation, Modular Ajax, Changes in Data Sources
get_doctype (PHP), Structure and assembly
get_footer (PHP), Headers, footers, and content, Defining a sitewide page class, Defining sectional page classes, Making Widespread Changes
get_header (PHP), Headers, footers, and content, Defining a sitewide page class, Defining sectional page classes, Making Widespread Changes
get_js (PHP), JavaScript management, Defining page-specific classes, JavaScript management, Dynamic JavaScript and CSS, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists
get_js_common (PHP), JavaScript management, JavaScript management, Defining a sitewide page class
get_js_linked (PHP), JavaScript management, Defining sectional page classes, JavaScript management, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists, Caching CSS and JavaScript, JavaScript Placement, Removing Duplicates
get_meta (PHP), Structure and assembly
get_page (PHP), Modular Web Pages, Structure and assembly, JavaScript management, Caching for Pages, JavaScript Placement
get_section (PHP Layout class), Layouts and Containers
get_title (PHP), Structure and assembly
global data in event handlers, Working with Events
Google Analytics, Defining a sitewide page class, Control Over Site MetricsControl Over Site Metrics
Google Maps, Large-Scale JavaScript
grid-based layouts/containers (CSS), Layouts and Containers
grouping selectors (CSS), Grouping


JavaScript, An Example: Chained Selection Lists
(see also JSON)
aggregating in PHP, Generating Pages in PHP, Implementation of the Page Class
caching, Caching CSS and JavaScriptCombining CSS and JavaScript files
chained selection lists, An Example: Chained Selection ListsAn Example: Chained Selection Lists
combining with CSS files, Combining CSS and JavaScript filesCombining CSS and JavaScript files
cookies, Cookies and Forms
creating an object in, Objects
duplicate files, Removing Duplicates
dynamic, Dynamic JavaScript and CSS
embedding, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters, Embedding, Public Interface for the Module Class
establishing server connections, Managing Connections
HTTP requests for, Combining CSS and JavaScript files, Guidelines for JavaScript files
information hiding in, Information hiding
inlining, Inlining
linking, Linking, Defining sectional page classes, Public Interface for the Module Class, Caching CSS and JavaScript
managing through PHP, JavaScript management, JavaScript management, JavaScript management, An Example Module: Slideshow
methods in, Class methods, Inlining
minification, JavaScript Minification
modularity, Modular JavaScript, Event-Driven Applications
object orientation in, Object Orientation, Object-Oriented JavaScriptPrototype-based inheritance
overview, Large-Scale JavaScript
for Picture Slider example, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow
placement of, JavaScript Placement
refactoring, Reorganizing Module Uses
scoping, Scoping with JavaScriptAccessing a module by ID
stubs, Inlining
using events instead of method calls, Event-Driven Applications
versioning, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files
where to place files, CSS and JavaScript
JavaScript Object Notation (see JSON)
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (Flanagan), Object-Oriented JavaScript
JavaScript: The Good Parts (Crockford), Object-Oriented JavaScript
jQuery JavaScript library, DOM methods in jQuery, Ajax with jQuery
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), An Example: Chained Selection Lists, Data in the JSON Format, Large-Scale AjaxManaging Connections, JSON


Keep-Alive feature, Minimizing DNS Lookups


magic methods (PHP), Constructors
maintainability, Benefits of Modularity
manage_css_linked (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
manage_js_linked (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class, Removing Duplicates
managing complexity, Managing ComplexityBenefits of Modularity
margin (CSS), CSS Box Model
media attribute (CSS), Linking
media support, Benefits of Good HTML, Combining CSS and JavaScript files
meta information, web page, Structure and assembly, General page information
methods, The Fundamentals of OOP, Using objects, Class methods
microformats, RDFa, Standard Module Formats
minification (JavaScript), JavaScript Minification
Model-View-Controller (see MVC)
modeling a web page, Modeling a Web PageAchieving Modularity
models (MVC), MVC and Ajax
adding module variations, Adding Module VariationsAdding Module Variations
Ajax, Modular Ajax
application architecture, Thinking Modularly
benefits of, Benefits of Modularity
and caching, Caching ModulesCaching Modules
cookie conflicts, Managing Data in Cookies, Managing Data in Cookies
CSS, Modular CSS, Scoping within a module, Standard Module FormatsStandard Module Formats
duplicate files, Removing Duplicates
event handlers, A Good Example: Object Data in Event Handlers
form data conflicts, Managing Data from Forms
grouping modules into divisions, Standard Module Formats
HTML, Benefits of Good HTML
ID numbers (HTML/CSS), IDs, Classes, and Names, IDs, Scoping within a module, Accessing a module by ID
JavaScript, Modular JavaScript, Event-Driven Applications
making widespread changes, Making Widespread ChangesMaking Widespread Changes
multiple instances, Multiple Instances of a Module
nesting of modules, Standard Module FormatsStandard Module Formats, Implementing Nested Modules
overview, Modular Components, Working with Modules
reorganizing module use, Reorganizing Module UsesReorganizing Module Uses
of test data, Modular TestingCreating Test Data
UML, Achieving Modularity
version IDs, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files, Guidelines for image files
web pages (PHP), Modular Web PagesGenerating Pages in PHP
Module class (PHP)
abstract interface for, Abstract Interface for the Module Class
extending, Extending the Module Class
implementation of, Implementation of the Module Class
Picture Slider/Viewer example, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow, Adding Module VariationsAdding Module Variations
public interface for, Public Interface for the Module Class
slideshow example, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow
module, defined, Large-Scale PHP
motion animations, Motion Animation
multiple environments, Managing Complexity
multiple instances of selection object (JavaScript), An Example: Chained Selection ListsAn Example: Chained Selection Lists
MVC (Model-View-Controller)
accordion lists, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion ListsAn Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists
chained selection list, An Example: Chained Selection ListsAn Example: Chained Selection Lists
Connect object, Public Interface for the Connect ObjectImplementation of the Connect Object
controllers, Controllers
Model object, Public Interface for the Model ObjectImplementation of the Model Object
overview, MVC and Ajax
using Ajax with, Using Ajax with MVCUsing Ajax with MVC
View object, Public Interface for the View Object


name attribute (HTML), IDs, Classes, and Names
namespaces, Applying RDFa, Namespaces with JavaScript, Managing Data in Cookies, General page information
naming conventions (HTML), Conventions for Naming
nested modules, Standard Module FormatsStandard Module Formats
nesting of tags (XHTML), Proper nesting of tags
New Car Reviews examples
accordion lists, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion ListsAn Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists, Caching with AjaxCaching with Ajax
Ajax request, Modular Ajax
associative array, Dynamic Modules, Data in the JSON Format
bad, better, best HTML coding, A Bad Example: Using a Table and Presentation MarkupThe Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
chained selection list, An Example: Chained Selection ListsAn Example: Chained Selection Lists
cookie management in, Managing Data in Cookies
creating slideshow modules, An Example Module: Slideshow
accessing SQL, An SQL ExampleAn SQL Example
accessing XML, An XML ExampleAn XML Example
extending via aggregation, Extending via aggregation
extending via inheritance, Extending via inheritance
JSON, Data in the JSON Format
loading and saving, Data ManagersData Managers
test, Creating Test Data
generating list items dynamically, Dynamic Modules
headers and footers, Making Widespread Changes
modularity, Standard Module Formats, Modular Web Pages, Generating Pages in PHPGenerating Pages in PHP, Thinking Modularly, Reorganizing Module Uses
MultiSelect object, An Example: Chained Selection Lists
navigation bar, Guidelines for image files, Pages and modules, Modules on multiple pages
nesting, Standard Module Formats, Implementing Nested Modules
pages, single, Pages specific to one section
Picture Slider/Viewer example, Accessing a module by ID, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow, Adding Module VariationsAdding Module Variations
positioning, absolute, Absolute Positioning
presentation, The Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML, Presentation switching
RDFa module annotation, Applying RDFaApplying RDFa
scoping, Scoping within a module
spriting, Guidelines for image files
variations, Handling Module Variations
web service, using cURL to access, Data from Web Services
“Green Search”, Embedding
new keyword (JavaScript), Using objects
nodes, UML Class Diagrams, Creating an element
notify (MVC), Public Interface for the Model Object
notify (Publisher-Subscriber), MVC and Ajax
nudging (CSS), Relative Positioning


obfuscation (JavaScript), JavaScript Minification
object-based language, Object Orientation, Objects
onclick handlers (JavaScript), Inlining, An Example of Ajax with MVC: Accordion Lists
OOP (object-oriented programming)
achieving modularity with, Achieving Modularity, Generating Pages in PHP
data managers, Data Managers
event handlers, data in, A Good Example: Object Data in Event Handlers
in JavaScript, Object Orientation, Object-Oriented JavaScriptPrototype-based inheritance
in PHP, Object Orientation, Object-Oriented PHPFinal methods, Large-Scale PHP, Generating Pages in PHP
overview, The Fundamentals of OOP
outer wrapper, Example Layouts, Example Layouts
overflow attribute (CSS), Floating, Example Layouts
overrideContext (YUI JavaScript), Event Handling Normalization


padding (CSS), CSS Box Model
Page class (PHP)
abstract interface for, Abstract Interface for the Page ClassGeneral page information
extending, Extending the Page ClassDefining page-specific classes
general page information, General page information
implementation of, Implementation of the Page ClassImplementation of the Page Class
public interface for, Public Interface for the Page ClassJavaScript management
register_links, General page information, Defining a sitewide page class, Defining sectional page classes, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files, JavaScript Minification
$page member (PHP), Generating Pages in PHP
page types (UML), Defining Page Types
page weight, Benefits of Good HTML
page-specific classes, Defining page-specific classes
pages (see web pages)
paginators, Multiple Instances of a Module, Implementing Nested Modules
parent::_construct (PHP), Extending classes
pass-throughs, handling, Server Proxies
paths, defining, Minimizing DNS Lookups
payload, Event-Driven Applications
caching opportunities, Caching Opportunities
control over site metrics, Control Over Site MetricsControl Over Site Metrics
distribution of assets, Distribution of AssetsGuidelines for image files
managing JavaScript, Managing JavaScriptRemoving Duplicates
modular testing, Modular TestingCreating Test Data
overview, Performance
using Expires headers, Using Expires Headers
PHP, Working with Modules
(see also Module class; Page class)
abstract interface, Abstract Interface for the Page ClassGeneral page information
Ajax, Managing Connections, Plain text
associative arrays, Dynamic Modules, Modular Ajax
cookies, Managing Data in Cookies
CSS management, Embedding, CSS management, CSS management
data managers, Data ManagersExtending via aggregation
declaring a class, Declaring a class, Abstract classes
extending classes, Extending classes, Extending via aggregation, Extending the Page ClassDefining page-specific classes
from a class diagram, Writing the Code
generating pages in, Modular Web PagesGenerating Pages in PHP
handling module variations, Handling Module Variations
implementation of classes, Implementation of the Page ClassImplementation of the Page Class
implementing nested modules, Implementing Nested Modules
information hiding in, Information hiding
inheritance in, Inheritance in PHP
JavaScript management, JavaScript management, JavaScript management, JavaScript management, An Example Module: Slideshow
JSON management, Data in the JSON Format
methods, Using objects, Final methods
modular web pages, Modular Web PagesGenerating Pages in PHP, Working with Modules, Multiple Instances of a Module
object orientation in, Object Orientation, The Fundamentals of OOP, Object-Oriented PHPFinal methods, Large-Scale PHP, Generating Pages in PHP
public interface, Public Interface for the Page ClassGenerating Pages in PHP
simple class in, The Fundamentals of OOP
using Expires headers, Using Expires Headers
versions, Object-Oriented PHP, Information hiding, Large-Scale PHP
PHP Client URL (cURL) library, Data from Web Services
picture slider example, Namespaces with JavaScriptAccessing a module by ID, A Good Example: Object Data in Event Handlers
Picture Slider/Viewer example, Accessing a module by ID, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow, Adding Module VariationsAdding Module Variations
piece-by-piece delivery, Managing Complexity
pixels to percentages table, Font Normalization
plain-text exchange format, Plain text
policy action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
pop-up menu (JavaScript and CSS), Inlining
positioning techniques (CSS), Positioning TechniquesFloating
$_POST array (PHP), Managing Data from Forms
POST requests (Ajax), Ajax with DojoAjax with YUI
predicate (RDFa), RDFa Triples
prefix path, Defining a sitewide page class
presentation markup (CSS), The Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
presentation markup (HTML), A Bad Example: Using a Table and Presentation MarkupA Bad Example: Using a Table and Presentation Markup
presentation switching (CSS), Presentation switchingPresentation switching, Adding Module Variations
previews, Changes in Data Sources
private visibility (PHP), Information hiding
privileged visibility (JavaScript), Information hiding
properties (JavaScript), Objects
protected visibility (PHP), Information hiding
Prototype JavaScript library, Ajax with Prototype
Prototype library, DOM methods in Prototype
prototype objects, grouping into libraries, Namespaces with JavaScript
prototype property (JavaScript), Constructors, Prototype-based inheritancePrototype-based inheritance
prototype-based language, Object Orientation
pseudoclasses (CSS), Elements
public interface, Public Interface for the Page ClassGenerating Pages in PHP, Public Interface for the Module Class, Public Interface for the Model Object, Public Interface for the View Object, Public Interface for the Connect Object
public visibility (PHP), Information hiding
Publisher-Subscriber, MVC and Ajax


RDFa (Resource Description Framework with Attributes), RDFaApplying RDFa
real-time updates, Managing Complexity
recover (MVC), Abstract Interface for the Connect Object
redesign, efficiency in, Benefits of Good HTML
refactoring, Reorganizing Module Uses
register_links (PHP), General page information, Defining a sitewide page class, Defining sectional page classes, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files, JavaScript Minification
relative positioning (CSS), Relative Positioning
reliability, Benefits of Modularity
remote action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
removeChild (DOM), Inserting or removing an element
rendering, faster, Benefits of Good HTML
reorganizing modules, Reorganizing Module UsesReorganizing Module Uses
$_REQUEST array (PHP), Managing Data from Forms, Changes in Data Sources
require_once (PHP), Generating Pages in PHP, Reorganizing Module Uses
Resource Description Framework with Attributes (see RDFa)
reusability, Benefits of Modularity, Benefits of Good HTML, Layouts and Containers


same-origin policy, Server Proxies
save_data (PHP), Data Managers, Dynamic data management, Defining page-specific classes
scope operator :: (PHP), Class data members, Defining a sitewide page class
event handlers, A Bad Example: Global Data in Event Handlers
HTML, IDs, Classes, and Names
JavaScript, Scoping with JavaScriptAccessing a module by ID
at page level, Scoping at the page level, CSS Box Model, Multiple Instances of a Module
within modules, Scoping within a module, Page-specific modules
script nodes (Ajax), Managing Connections
script tag (HMTL), Linking
search engine optimization, Benefits of Good HTML
section architecture, Section Architecture
sectional page classes, Defining sectional page classes
sections, Layouts and Containers
selectors (CSS), Applying CSSGrouping
self keyword (PHP), Class data members
semantic gap, narrowing, Object Orientation, Why Object Orientation?
Semantic Web, RDFa
semantically meaningful HTML, The Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
semicolon insertion (JavaScript), Creating an object
sequence numbers, Linking, Linking
server proxies (Ajax), Server Proxies
server-side scripting languages, Object Orientation
servers, Managing Connections, Exchange FormatsModular Ajax, Distribution of Assets
setCollisionPolicy (MVC), Public Interface for the Connect Object
setState (MVC), Public Interface for the Model Object
setter methods, Data Managers, Handling Module Variations, Adding Module Variations
setTimeout (MVC), Public Interface for the Connect Object
set_cache_clr (PHP), Caching Modules
set_cache_ttl (PHP), Caching Modules
set_css_common (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
set_css_id (PHP), General page information, Defining page-specific classes
set_css_page (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
set_data (PHP), Data Managers, Defining set_data, Managing Data from Forms
set_full_listings (PHP), Data Managers
set_instance (PHP), Multiple Instances of a Module
set_js top (PHP), JavaScript management, JavaScript Placement
set_js_common (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
set_js_page (PHP), Implementation of the Page Class
set_meta (PHP), General page information, Defining page-specific classes
set_title (PHP), General page information, Defining page-specific classes
shorthand for empty tags (XHTML), End tags and empty tags
side-by-side presentation (CSS), Absolute Positioning, Floating, Example Containers
sitewide architecture, Sitewide Architecture, Reorganizing Module Uses
sitewide page class, Defining a sitewide page classDefining a sitewide page class, Minimizing DNS Lookups, Control Over Site Metrics
sizing animations (YUI JavaScript), Sizing Animation
sizing in browser display, Font Normalization
sizing properties (CSS), CSS Box Model
slideshow module example, Namespaces with JavaScriptAccessing a module by ID, A Good Example: Object Data in Event Handlers, An Example Module: SlideshowAn Example Module: Slideshow
Souders, Steve, Performance
special characters, embedding, JavaScript, CSS, and special characters
specificity (CSS), Specificity and Importance
spriting image files, Guidelines for image files
SQL, databases using, Data Using SQL As a SourceAn SQL Example
src attribute (HMTL), Linking
standard module formats (CSS), Standard Module FormatsStandard Module Formats
static data, Class data members, Data Management
static positioning (CSS), Document Flow
stubs (JavaScript), Inlining
styles (DOM libraries), Popular DOM LibrariesDOM methods in YUI
subject (RDFa), RDFa Triples
subscribe (MVC), Public Interface for the Model Object
subscribe (Publisher-Subscriber), MVC and Ajax


tables (HTML), A Bad Example: Using a Table and Presentation Markup
tenets for large web applications, Ten Tenets for Large Web Applications
tenet 10: application architecture, Application Architecture
tenet 1: large web applications, Ten Tenets for Large Web Applications
tenet 2: object orientation, Object Orientation
tenet 3: large-scale HTML, Large-Scale HTML
tenet 4: large-scale CSS, Large-Scale CSS
tenet 5: large-scale JavaScript, Large-Scale JavaScript
tenet 6: data management, Data Management, Large-Scale PHP
tenet 7: reusability, Large-Scale PHP
tenet 8: large-scale Ajax, Large-Scale Ajax
tenet 9: performance, Performance
test data, Modular TestingCreating Test Data
text nodes (DOM HTML), Creating an element
$this, The Fundamentals of OOP, Class methods
this keyword (JavaScript), Creating an object
thrashing, Caching for Pages
time-to-live value, Caching Modules, Minimizing DNS Lookups
timeout action (MVC), Using Ajax with MVC
title information, web page, Structure and assembly, General page information
Triples (RDFa), RDFa TriplesRDFa Triples
JavaScript, semicolon insertion, Creating an object
JSON eval susceptible to malware, Managing Connections
must honor HTML-level display in CSS, Document Flow
must let browser control sizing/flow, Layouts and Containers
PHP, cannot use $this within static method, Class methods
type display, normalizing, Font NormalizationFont Normalization
type method (YUI JavaScript), Event Handling Normalization


ul element (HTML), The Best Example: Semantically Meaningful HTML
Unified Modeling Language (UML), Why Object Orientation?
unsubscribe (MVC), Public Interface for the Model Object
unsubscribe (Publisher-Subscriber), MVC and Ajax
update (MVC), Implementation of the Model Object, Abstract Interface for the Connect Object
update (Publisher-Subscriber), MVC and Ajax
Dojo library, DOM methods in Dojo, Ajax with Dojo
Douglas Crockford’s utilities, Object-Oriented JavaScript, JavaScript Minification
JavaScript resources, Object-Oriented JavaScript, Information hiding
jQuery library, DOM methods in jQuery, Ajax with jQuery
JSON resources, Data in the JSON Format, Large-Scale Ajax
microformats, Standard Module Formats
namespace for Dublin Core vocabulary, Applying RDFa
object orientation in PHP 5, Object-Oriented PHP
O’Reilly Media, Inc., We’d Like to Hear From You, Performance
Prototype library, DOM methods in Prototype, Ajax with Prototype
Safari Books Online, Safari® Books Online
for this book, We’d Like to Hear From You
W3C’s HTML tag descriptions index, Bad HTML Tags
YUI libraries, DOM methods in YUI, An Example Module: Slideshow, JavaScript Minification, Guidelines for JavaScript files
user base, Managing Complexity


variable height layouts/containers (CSS), Layouts and Containers
version IDs, Linking, Linking, Versioning CSS and JavaScript files, Guidelines for image files
views (MVC), MVC and Ajax
CSS, Document Flow
JavaScript, Information hiding
PHP, Information hiding
visual consistency/control (CSS), Benefits of Good HTML
visual models, Why Object Orientation?
vocabularies, defining (RDFa), RDFa Triples


warnings (see troubleshooting)
web browsers (see browsers)
web pages
defined, Large-Scale PHP
generating modular, Modular Web PagesGenerating Pages in PHP, Exposing Modules Externally
implementing, Files for implementing pages
modeling, Modeling a Web PageAchieving Modularity
page types (UML), Defining Page Types
page weight, Benefits of Good HTML
performance of PHP, Generating Pages in PHP
web services, Data from Web Services
width property (CSS), CSS Box Model


zoom attribute (CSS), Floating
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