
3–1 stereo format (4-channel surround), 242–4

3–2 stereo format (5.1 channel surround), 244–6

7.1 channel surround format, 247–8

A/D (analog-to-digital) conversion/converters:

about A/D converters, 6, 13

aliasing, 15, 17

clipping problems, 21

decimation, 29–30

filtering, 17–18

noise shaping, 30–2

Nyquist frequency, 16–17, 31

oversampling, 18, 29–30

and pulse code modulation (PCM), 18

quantisation, 11–12, 18–21

quantising error, 11–12, 18, 21–2

resolution versus quality, 21–2

and S/N considerations, 22

sampling, 11, 13–16

sampling rate, 12

sigma-delta convertor, 31–2

see also D/A (digital-to-analog) conversion/converters; Dither

AAF (Advanced Authoring Format), 180, 184–5

ADAT Optical (Alesis digital interface), 195–6

ADL (Audio Decision List), 182

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 205

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), 180, 184–5

Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT), 148

AES 3 interface format, 189–92

AES 31 format, 180–2

AES 47 (audio over ATM), 212–15

AIFF and AIff-C formats, 172–3

AIT (Advanced Intelligent Tape), 148

Aliasing, 15, 17

Allocation units/transfer blocks, 64

Analog information:

basics, 5–7

noise effects, 6

Analog-to-digital converters see A/D (analog-to-digital) conversion/converters

Aperture effect, D/A converters, 32

API (application programming interface), 227

Apple Macintosh files, 169–70

ATA/IDE interface, 151

serial ATA, 151

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 202

with AES 47 standard, 212–15

Audio data reduction see Data reduction

Audio Decision List (ADL), 182

Audio device interconnections, 186–7

Audio file formats see File formats

Audio interface formats:

about audio interface formats, 187–9

ADAT Optical (Alesis digital interface), 195–6

AES 3 interface, 189–92

Direct Stream Digital (DSD-SDIF-3), 196

MAC-DSD, 196–7

Roland R-bus, 196

standard consumer interface (IEC 60958–3), 192–4

standard digital interfaces with audio data, 194

Tascam digital interface (TDIF), 195

Audio quality see Sound quality

Audio signal processing see Digital signal processing (DSP), audio signals

Audio software see Software

Audio workstations:

about audio workstations, 2–3

decline of, 2–3

BIFS (Binary Format for Scenes), 56

Binary number systems:

binary words, 7–8

fixed/floating point representation, 10

hexadecimal notation, 8–9

logical operations, 10–11

LSB (least significant bit), 7

MSB (most significant bit), 8, 9

negative numbers, 9–10

truth tables, 11

twos complement numbers, 9–10

Bit stream conversion, D/A converters, 33

Bluetooth, 206

Broadcast WAVE format, 175–7

Broadcast audio extension chunk format, 176

BSS soundweb, 216

CDs (compact discs):

about CDs, 143

CD-R disks, 143

CD-RW disks, 144


dither with, 39

PQ encoding, 252

pre-mastering formats, 185–6

Orange book CDs, 144–5

Program Calibration Area (PCA), 144–5

Program Memory Area (PMA), 145

Red book table of contents (TOC), 143, 145

Super Audio CD (SACD), 255–6

see also Optical disks

CEDAR restoration application software, 235–7

CIN (code index number), with MIDI, 129

Clipping problems, 21

CMX-compatible format, 180

CobraNet protocol, 215

Code index number (CIN), with MIDI, 129

Compact discs see CDs (compact discs)

Computer basics:

and audio technology, 3

MIDI interfacing, 164–5

plug-ins, 227–9

virtual instruments, 229–31

see also Software

Computer interfaces with audio:

AES 47 (audio over ATM), 212–15

BSS soundweb, 216

CobraNet protocol, 215

firewire (IEEE 1394), 189, 206–10

MAGIC (Media-accelerated Global Information Carrier), 215

MOST (media oriented synchronous transfer), 216

troubleshooting, 262–4

USB (universal serial bus), 189, 210–12

Computer networks for audio, 187–9

Copy protection, digital content, 216–18

copy control information (CCI), 217

on DVD, 218

SCMS method, 216–18

with Super Audio CD (SACD), 255–6


about crossfading, 45–6, 71–5

and automated gain changes, 73

and MIDI sound generator control, 98–9

shape considerations, 73–5

‘CV and gate’ analog instrument control, 79–80

D/A (digital-to-analog) conversion/converters:

about D/A converters, 12–13

aperture effect, 32

basic principles, 32

bit stream conversion, 33

oversampling, 33

reconstruction filters, 32

resampling, 32

and voltage-controlled amplifiers (VCAs), 12–13

see also A/D (analog-to-digital) conversion/converters

DAT Data Storage (DDS) format, 147

Data compression, PCs, 52

Data reduction, digital audio:

about data reduction, 51–2

Dolby Digital/AC-3 recording, 56

DTS (Digital Theater Systems), 56–7

lossless and lossy coding, 52–3

MPEG example, 53–6

SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound), 57

DDP (Disk Description Protocol), 185–6

DDS (DAT Data Storage) format, 147


in A/D converters, 29–30

digital decimation filters, 30

Digidesign plug-ins, 228

Digital audio:

about digital audio, 1–2

and MIDI, 81–2

Digital domain copying, 186–7

Digital filters and equalisation, 46–8

Digital information, 6–7

advantages over analog, 6–7

and jitter, 6–7

noise effects, 6

Digital Linear Tape (DLT) drives, 148

Digital signal processing (DSP), audio signals:

about DSP, 44, 153–5

crossfading, 45–6

digital filters and equalisation, 46–8

digital reverberation, 48–9

DSP cards, 155–6

dynamics processing, 49–50

FM synthesis, 156–7

gain changing (level control), 44–5

host-based audio processing, 156

integrated sound cards, 156

latency problems, 155

level control, 44–5, 240–2

mixing, 46

MSP signal processing toolbox, 235–8

pitch shifting, 49

sample rate conversion, 50–1

with sequencers, 227

synthesis engines on sound cards, 156–9

TDM-bus cards, 156

wavetable synthesis, 157–9

see also Non-linear editing; Software

Digital-to-analog converters see D/A (digital-to-analog) conversion/converters

Direct Stream Digital (DSD) (Sony digital audio coding system), 38–9

DSD-IFF file format, 179–80

MAC-DSD, 196–7

SDIF-3 interface, 196

with Super Audio CD (SACD), 38, 255

Direct Stream Transfer (DST), 255

DirectX multimedia extensions, 228

Disk Description Protocol (DDP), 185–6

Disk drives, general:

access time, 62, 64, 135

allocation units/transfer blocks, 64

basics, 133–4

data rates, 62–4

formatted storage capacity, 136

fragmentation, 63, 153

general structure, 133–4

instantaneous transfer rate, 135

Jaz drive (Iomega), 138–9

removable magnetic media, 138–9

space optimisation, 153

sustained transfer rate, 136

Zip disks (Iomega), 138

see also CDs (compact discs); DVDs (digital video (versatile) discs); Magnetic hard disk drives; Optical disks; RAID arrays

Disk pre-mastering formats, 185–6

Disk Description Protocol (DDP), 185–6


beneficial effects, 22–7

and Gaussian noise, 28–9

level control and redithering, 241

and noise, 24–7

and quantising distortion, 23–4

rectangular probability distribution function (RPDF) dither noise, 27–9

redithering with gain changing, 45, 241, 250

for requantisation, 39–41

triangular probability distribution function (TPDF) dither noise, 27–9

DLT (Digital Linear Tape) drives, 148

Dolby Digital/AC-3 recording, 56

Dolby EX format, 246–7

Downloadable sounds (DLS):

about DLS, 115–16

DLS level 1 file format, 116

DLS level 2 file format, 116

with MIDI, 129

SoundFonts (Emu for Creative Labs), 116

DSD see Direct Stream Digital

DSP see Digital signal processing (DSP), audio signals

DTS (Digital Theater Systems), 56–7

DVDs (digital video (versatile) discs):

about DVDs, 145

copy protection, 218

DVD-Video, 145–7

mastering, 252–5

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 255

recordable formats, 146–7

see also Optical disks

DXi software synthesiser plug-in architecture, 228

Dynamic range, hearing, 34

Dynamic range enhancement, 41–2

Dynamics processing, digital, 49–50

Ear see Hearing

EBU Tech. 3285 format description, 177

Edit decision lists (EDL), 71, 72

file formats, 180

Edit decision markup language (EDML), 181

Editing see Digital signal processing (DSP), audio

signals; Multichannel operation on workstations;

Non-linear editing

EDL see Edit decision lists

Error correction, 42–4

Ethernet, 201, 203

Exabyte tapes, 148

FAT32 file system, 180

Fault-finding see Troubleshooting

FDDI (Fibre Distributed Data Interface), 201–2

File formats:

about file formats, 168–70

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF), 180, 184–5

AES 31 format, 180–2

AIFF and AIff-C formats, 172–3

Apple Macintosh files, 169–70

Audio Decision List (ADL), 182

CMX-compatible form, 180

disk pre-mastering formats, 185–6

DSD-IFF file format, 179–80

edit decision list (EDL) files, 180

edit decision markup language (EDML), 181

FAT32 file system, 180

Microsoft files, 169–70

MPEG audio file formats, 177–9

ID3 tag structure, 179

MPEG audio frame header, 178

MXF (Media Exchange Format), 183

Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI), 182–3

RIFF WAVE format, 173–5

Sound Designer I format (SD I), 171

Sound Designer II format (SD II), 171–2

WAV formats:

Broadcast WAVE format, 175–7

RIFF WAVE format, 173–5

WAVE-format extensible, 175

Filling systems and volume partitions for disk

systems, 152–3

see also Sound files


A/D conversion, 17–18

digital decimation filters, 30

digital filters and equalisation, 46–8

finite impulse response filter (FIR) (transversal), 47–8

frequency domain response, 46

infinite impulse response filter (IIR) (recursive), 48

reconstruction filters, D/A converters, 32

sequencer filters, 220–1

time domain response, 46

Firewire (IEEE 1394):

AM824 format, 208–9

CIP layer, 208

with MIDI, 129–30

peripheral connection, 151

for use with audio, 189, 206–10

Floating/fixed point representation, 10

FM synthesis, 156–7

Formats see Audio interface formats;

File formats; Multichannel formats;

WAV formats

Formatting media, 153

Fourier transform, 47

Fragmentation of disk drives, 63, 153

Frequency domain response (filters), 46

Gain changing, by digital processing, 44–5

Gaussian noise, and dither, 28–9

General MIDI, 108–10

dynamic voice allocation, 108–9

GM 1 (standard voice map), 108

GM 2 (extended GM 1), 110

GM Lite (GML-cut down GM 1), 109–10

with sequencers, 226

sound modules, 109

GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 159

Hard disk drives see Magnetic hard disk drives;

RAID arrays


and level control, 240–2

and quantising resolution, 38


dynamic range, 34

ear’s capabilities, 33–4

minimum audible field (MAF), 33

and sound pressure levels (SPL), 33

threshold of hearing, 33–4

Hexadecimal number system, 8–9

HFS (Hierarchical Filing System), 153

Human ear see Hearing

IDE/ATA interface, 151

EIDE (Enhanced IDE), 151

IEC 60958–3 standard consumer interface, 192–4

IEEE 1394 see Firewire

Interactive authoring, mastering, 257


about interfaces, 148–9

troubleshooting, 262–4

see also Audio interface formats; Firewire

(IEEE 1394); IDE/ATA interface;

Networking; PCMCIA notebook

expansion port; RS-232 and RS-422

interfaces; SCSI (Small Computer

Systems Interface); Synchronisation;

USB (Universal Serial BUS); User interfaces

Internet protocols, 205–6

Interpolation, 43

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 204–5

ISO seven layer model, 199

Jaz drive (Iomega), 138–9


and digital information, 6–7

reduction with RAM buffering, 61–2

Kerr effect, 142–3

Lake Huron signal processing workstation, 235

LANs (local area networks), 197–9


with DSP cards, 155

need to be low, 68–9

LCRS surround format, 242

Level control:

by digital processing, 44–5, 240–2

headroom and dynamic range, 240–2

and redithering, 241

Light pipe (ADAT Optical interface), 195–6

Linear timecode (LTC), 121–3

Logical operations, 10–11

Lossless and lossy coding, 52–3

LSB (least significant bit), 7

MAGIC (Media-accelerated Global Information

Carrier), 215

Magnetic hard disk drives:

access time, 135

construction, 136

data storage arrangement, 136–8

formatted storage capacity, 138

instantaneous transfer rate, 135

RAID arrays, 138–40

sustained transfer rate, 136

typical Winchester drive, 137

see also Disk drives, general

Magneto-optical (M-O) drives, 141–3

Kerr effect, 142–3

LIMDOW drives, 141

MANs (metropolitan area networks), 199


CD and dither, 39

CD pre-mastering formats, 185–6

CD-Audio PQ encoding, 252

CDs with MP3 encoding, 256


about DVD mastering, 252–4

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 255

player types, 252

SMART downmixing technique, 254

interactive authoring, 257

and restoration software, 235

web applications, 257

‘MAX’ MIDI programming, 238–9

Meridian Lossless Packing (MLP), 255

Metadata, 169

Microsoft files, 169–70

MIDI basics:

about MIDI, 79–81

basic interface, 160–3

basic principles, 81

channels, 84

computer interfacing, 164–5

connectors and cables, 163–4

control message principles, 82–3

digital audio comparisons, 81–2

hardware drivers, 165

I/O hardware, 166–7

interconnection/daisy chaining instruments, 83–4

‘MAX’ MIDI programming, 238–9

message format, 84–5

messages summary, 85

troubleshooting, 259–62

see also Downloadable sounds (DLS); General MIDI; RMID format and files; SAOL (Structured Audio Orchestra Language); Scalable polyphonic MIDI (SPMIDI); Sequencers; Standard MIDI files (SMF); XMF (eXtensible Music Format) files

MIDI beat clock, 119–20

MIDI machine control (MMC), 125–8

basic transport controls, 127–8

communications procedures, 126–7

handshaking messages, 127

open- or closed-loop modes, 125–6

MIDI messages:

about MIDI messages, 85–6

active sensing messages, 96

Approved Protocols (APs), 86

channel aftertouch, 94

channel messages, 86

channel mode messages:

local on/off, 91–2

mono mode, 93

multitimbral operation, 92–3

omni off, 92

poly mode, 93

controller messages, 89–91

controller function list, 90

messages summary, 85

note on and note off messages, 86–7

note numbers, 87

‘note off’ velocity message, 88

‘note on’ velocity message, 87–8

pitch bend wheel message, 94

polyphonic key pressure (aftertouch), 88–9

program change message, 93–4

Recommended Practices (RPs), 86

reset message, 97

running status, 88

status bytes, 95

sub-IDs, 96

system exclusive message, 95

system messages, 86

system realtime messages, 119

tune request, 96

universal non-commercial messages, 95–6

universal non-realtime messages, 96

velocity information, 87–8

MIDI over IEEE 1394 (Firewire), 129–30

MIDI over USB, 128–9

MIDI sound generator control:

aftertouch data handling, 102

breath controller, 104

brightness controllers, 105

controller messages handling, 102–5

data buffering, 100–2

effects controllers, 104

functions of sound generators, 100–1

latency problems, 102

MIDI implementation charts, 100–1

note assignment in synthesisers and samplers, 97–9

pan control, 103

parameter controllers, 105–6

polyphony, voice and note assignment, 100

registered and non-registered parameter numbers, 105–6

sound variation controller, 104–5

timbre controllers, 105

velocity crossfades, 98–9

velocity data handling, 102

voice selection, 106

MIDI synchronisation:

about MIDI synchronisation, 118

MIDI timecode (MTC), 123–5, 258

music-related timing data, 118–21

SMPTE/EBU time and control code, 121–3

linear timecode (LTC), 121–3

vertical interval timecode (VITC), 121, 123

SPPs (song pointers), 120–1

system realtime messages, 119

time code and synchronisation, 121–3

timing clock status bytes (MIDI beat clock), 119–20

MIDI TimeCode (MTC), 123–5, 258

MIDI tuning control, 106–8

individual note tuning, 107–8

Minimum audible field (MAF), hearing, 33

Mixing, with digital processing, 46

MLP (Meridian Lossless Packing), 255

MOST (media oriented synchronous transfer), 216

MP3 (MPEG-1, layer 3), 55–6, 177, 256

mastering, 256

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) lossy encoding:

about MPEG audio, 53–4

audio file formats, 177–9

audio frame header, 178

ID3 tag structure, 179

MPEG-1, 54

MP3 (Layer 3), 55–6, 177, 256

MPEG-2 AAC (Advanced Audio Coupling), 55

MPEG-2 BC (Backwards Compatible), 55


mastering, 257

natural audio coding, 55–6

Structured Audio, 79, 117–18

MSB (most significant bit), 8

and twos complement numbers, 9

MSP signal processing toolbox, 235–8

MTC (MIDI TimeCode), 123–5, 258

Multichannel formats:

about multichannel formats, 242

4-channel surround (3-1 stereo or LCRS surround), 242–4

5.1 channel surround (3-2 stereo), 244–6

7.1 channel surround, 247–8

Dolby EX, 246–7

pairwise amplitude panning, 248

surround panning and spatial effects, 248–9

Multichannel operation on workstations:

about multichannel operation, 64–5

disk assignment, 67

drop-in capability, 67–8

inputs and outputs, 65–6

with SCSI bus operation, 67

storage capacity, 66–7

track usage, 66–7

tracks and channels, 65–6

Multitrack tape recording, 64–5

MXF (Media Exchange Format), 183


ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 205

ATM (asynchronous transfer mode), 202

audio requirements, 203–4

basic principles, 197–9

Bluetooth, 206

ethernet, 201, 203

FDDI (Fibre Distributed Data Interface), 201–2

internet protocols, 205–6

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), 204–5

ISO seven layer model, 199

LANs (local area networks), 197–9

MANs (metropolitan area networks), 199

network extensions, 199–200

PANs (personal area networks), 199

protocols, 202–3, 205–6

repeaters, 200

routers, 200

servers, 203–4

TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 202–3

WANs (wide area networks), 199–200

wireless networks, 206

WPAN (wireless personal area network), 206


and analog and digital information, 6–7

and dither, 24–7, 27–9

noise shaping, A/D converters, 30–2

noise weighting curves, 42

quantisation noise, 22, 31

S/N in A/D conversion, 22

Non-linear editing:

advantages, 69

anchoring segments, 76–7

automated gain changes, 73

butt joints, 70–1

clips/segments, 70

crossfades, 71–3

edit decision lists (EDL), 71, 72

edit points, 70–1

editing process, 73–5

linear editing simulation, 76

music editing, 75–6

reel-rocking simulation, 76, 77–8

sound files, 69–70

see also Crossfading; Digital signal processing (DSP), audio signals

Non-registered parameter numbers

(NRPNs), 105–6

Nyquist frequency, 16–17, 31

Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI), 182–3

Open Sound Control (OSC), 130

Optical disks:

about optical disks, 140–1

CAV (constant angular velocity) mode, 141–2

CLV (constant linear velocity) mode, 141

filing structures, 147

magneto-optical (M-O) drives, 141–3

phase-change optical recording, 143

universal disc format (UDF), 147

WORM disks, 140–1

zoned-CAV operation, 141

see also CDs (compact discs); DVDs (digital video (versatile) discs)

Organs, MIDI note assignment, 97–8

OSC (Open Sound Control), 130

Oversampling, 18, 29–30

in D/A converters, 33

Pairwise amplitude panning, 248

PANs (personal area networks), 199

PC data compression, 52

PCMCIA notebook expansion port, 151

Phase-change optical recording, 143

Pitch shifting, digitally, 49

Plug-ins/plug-in architectures:

about plug-ins, 227–8

API (application programming interface), 227

CEDAR plug-ins, 235–7

Digidesign plug-ins, 228

DirectX multimedia extensions, 228

DSP plug-ins, 227

DXi software synthesiser plug-in architecture, 228

software development toolkits (SDK), 227

VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plug-in architecture, 228

WAVES plug-in examples, 228–9

Probability distribution dither noise, 27–9

Psychoacoustic limitations to quality, 33–4

see also Hearing

Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), 15–16

sidebands, 15–16

Pulse code modulation (PCM), 18

and quantising resolution, 37–8

QIC (quarter-inch cartridge), tape, 148

Quality see Sound quality

Quantisation, 11–12, 18–21

quantising distortion and dither, 23–4

quantising error, 18, 21–2

quantising noise, 22

quantising noise energy, 31

Quantising resolution:

and headroom, 38

PCM systems, 37

requantisation, 39–41

and sound quality, 37–8

R-bus 196 multichannel interface (Roland), 196

RAID arrays, 138–40

RAM (random access memory) buffering, 59–62

bucket analogy, 60–1

for synchronisation, 62

for timing jitter reduction, 61–2

Reconstruction filters, D/A converters, 32

Record quantisation, 224

Rectangular probability distribution function (RPDF) dither noise, 27–9


with gain changing/level control, 45, 241, 250

with requantisation, 39

Reel-rocking simulation, 76, 77–8

Registered parameter numbers (RPNs), 105–6

Removable magnetic media, 138–9

Repeaters, network, 200

Requantisation, 39–41

and dither, 39–41

Resampling, D/A converters, 32

Resolution see Quantising resolution; Sampling resolution

Reverberation, digital, 48–9

Rhythmic quantisation, in sequencers, 224

RIFF WAVE format, 173–5

RMID format and files, 111, 117

Routers, network, 200

RS-232 and RS-422 interfaces, 160

S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio, and A/D conversion, 22

SACD see Super Audio CD

SADiE workstations, 233–4

Sample rate conversion, 50–1

Samplers, MIDI note assignment, 97–9

Sampling, 11–12, 13–16

oversampling, 18, 29–30

Sampling rates, 34–6

30 kHz rate (some PC workstations), 36

32 kHz rate (TV/broadcast), 3

44.1 kHz rate (compact disc), 35, 36

48 kHz rate (professional), 35

96 kHz rate (DVD), 36

common rates chart, 35

Sampling resolution, versus quality, 21–2

SAOL (Structured Audio Orchestra Language), 55–6, 117–18

SASL (Structured Audio Score Language), 56, 118

SBM (Super Bit Mapping) (Sony), 41

Scalable polyphonic MIDI (SPMIDI), 110

SCMS copy protection, 216–18

SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface):

about SCSI interfaces, 149

termination, 150

troubleshooting guide, 150–1

SD I (Sound Designer I format), 171

SD II (Sound Designer II format), 171–2

SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound), 57


about sequencers, 219–20

echo effects, 223

filters, input and output, 221–2

with General MIDI, 226

instrument control, 221

MIDI data manipulation, 222–3

MIDI displays, 220–1

MIDI mixing and external control, 226

MIDI non-note control events, 224–6

as multitrack tape emulator, 220

record quantisation, 224

record resolution, 222

rhythmic quantisation, 224

score representation, 222–3

semi-automatic editing functions, 223–4

synchronisation features, 226

synchronised digital video, 226–7

timing resolution, 222

track displays, 220–1

transposition facilities, 223–4

Servers, networking, 203–4

Shift registers, 8

Sidebands, 15–16

Sigma-delta convertor, 31–2

SMART downmixing technique, 254

SMF see Standard MIDI files (SMF)

SMPTE/EBU time and control code, 121–3


about audio editing and post-production software, 231

CEDAR applications, 235–7

Lake Huron signal processing workstation, 235

librarian and editor software, 231

mastering and restoration software, 235

‘MAX’ MIDI programming, 238–9

MSP signal processing toolbox, 235–8

music notation software, 219–20

music software, 237–9

SADiE workstations, 233

software development toolkits (SDK), 227

Sonic Studio HD, 232

troubleshooting, 264

virtual instruments, 229–31

see also Plug-ins/plug-in architecture; Sequencers

Sonic Studio HD, 232

Sound Designer I format (SDI), 171

Sound Designer II format (SD II), 171–2

Sound editing see Digital signal processing (DSP),

audio signals; Multichannel operation on

workstations; Non-linear editing

Sound files:

about sound files, 58–9

allocation units/transfer blocks, 64

mono sound files, 59

multichannel sound files, 59

with non-linear editing, 69–70

stereo sound files, 59

Sound pressure levels (SPL), 33

Sound quality:

with authoring, 251–2

controlling and maintaining, 249–52

with digital audio, 3–4

and dynamic range enhancement, 41–2

and low bit-rate coders, 250–1

psychoacoustic limitations, 33–4

and quantising resolution, 37–8

and redithering, 45, 241, 250

and sampling rate, 34–6

and sampling resolution, 21–2

see also Hearing

SoundFonts (Emu for Creative Labs), 116

Spatial reproduction formats see Multichannel formats

SPMIDI (scalable polyphonic MIDI), 110

SPPs (song pointers), MIDI, 120–1

Standard consumer interface (IEC 60958–3), 192–4

Standard MIDI files (SMF):

about SMF, 110–11

delta-times, 112

general structure, 111

header chunk, 111–12

meta-events, 114–15

MIDI events, 113

RMID format, 111

system exclusive (SysEx) events, 113–14

tempo mats, 115

time signature meta-events, 115

track chunks, 112–13

Storage media:

about storage media, 132

audio and video requirements, 132–3

see also CDs (compact discs); Disk drives, general; DVDs (digital video (versatile) discs); Magnetic hard disk drives; Optical disks; Tape storage media

Super Audio CD (SACD) (SONY), 38, 255–6

copy protection measures, 255–6

Direct Stream Transfer (DST), 255

DSD (Direct Stream Digital), 255

Surround panning and spatial effects, 248–9

Surround systems see Multichannel formats


about synchronisation, 257–8

external interfaces, 159

MIDI TimeCode (MTC), 258

RAM assisted, 62

timecode synchronisation, 258–9

to external references, 259

Synthesis engines on sound cards, 156–9

Synthesisers, MIDI note assignment, 97–9

Tape storage media:

about tape storage, 147

AIT (Advanced Intelligent Tape), 148

DAT Data Storage format, 147

DDS drives, 147–8

Digital Linear Tape (DLT) drives, 148

Exabyte tapes, 148

QIC (quarter-inch cartridge), 148

Tascam digital interface (TDIF), 195

TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 202–3

TDM-bus cards, 156

Time domain response (filters), 46

Timecode synchronisation, 258–9

MIDI TimeCode (MTC), 258

Timing jitter, 6–7, 61–2

Triangular probability distribution function (TPDF)

dither noise, 27–9


digital interfaces, 262–4

MIDI, 259–62

software, 264

Truth tables, 11

Twos complement numbers, 9–10

UDF (universal disc format), 147

USB (Universal Serial Bus):

audio over, 189, 210–12

with MIDI, 128–9

peripheral interface, 151

User interfaces, GUIs (graphical user interfaces), 159

USI (Universal Synthesiser Interface), 80

Vertical interval timecode (VITC), 121, 123

Virtual instruments, 229–31

VITC (vertical interval timecode), 121, 123

Voltage-controlled amplifiers (VCAs), 12–13

VRML (virtual reality modelling language), 56

VST (Virtual Studio Technology) plug-in architecture, 228

WANs (wide area networks), 199–200

WAV formats:

Broadcast WAVE format, 175–7

Broadcast audio extension chunk format, 176

RIFF WAVE format, 173–5

WAVE-format extensible, 175

channel ordering, 176

Wavetable synthesis, 157–9

Web, mastering for, 257

Wireless networks, 206

Workstations see Multichannel operation on


WPAN (wireless personal area network), 206

XMF (eXtensible Music Format) files, 117

Zip disks (Iomega), 138

ZIPI, 130

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