
We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.

—R. Buckminster Fuller

Having watched computing evolve over the last 50 years, I have learned that attempting to predict the future is folly. However, to conclude this book I would like to offer my thoughts about future directions in security that I think would be valuable, unlikely as some of them may be. The following are by no means predictions, but rather possibilities that would constitute significant progress.

The nascent internet received a wake-up call in 1988 when the Morris worm first demonstrated the potential power of online malware and how it can spread by exploiting existing vulnerabilities. More than 30 years later, though we have made astounding progress on many fronts, I wonder if we have fully understood these risks and prioritized our mitigation efforts sufficiently. Reports of attacks and private data disclosures are still commonplace, and no end is in sight. Sometimes, it seems that the attackers are having a field day while the defenders are frantically treading water. And it’s important to bear in mind that many incidents are kept secret, or may even persist undetected, so the reality is almost certainly worse than we know. In large part, we’ve learned to live with vulnerable software.

What’s remarkable is that, despite our imperfect systems continuing to be compromised, everything somehow manages to keep going. Perhaps this is why security problems persist: the status quo is good enough. But even though I understand the cool logic of returns on investment, deep down I just don’t accept that. I believe that when, as an industry, we accept the current state of affairs as the best we can do, we block real progress. Justifying additional work in the interest of security is always difficult because we rarely learn about failed attacks, or even what particular lines of defense were effective.

This concluding chapter sketches out promising future directions to raise the level of our collective software security game. The first section recapitulates the core themes of the book, summarizing how you can apply the methods in this book to good effect. The remainder of this chapter envisions further innovations and future best practices, and is more speculative. A discussion of mobile device data protection provides an example of how much more needs to be done to actually deliver effective security in the “last mile.” I hope the conceptual and practical ideas in this book spark your interest in this vital and evolving field, and serve as a springboard for your own efforts in making software secure.

Call to Action

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.

—Herbert Spencer

This book is built around promoting two simple ideas that I believe will result in better software security: involving everyone building the software in promoting its security, and integrating a security perspective and strategy from the requirements and design stage. I entreat readers of this book to help lead the charge.

In addition, a continuing focus on the quality of the software we create will contribute to better security, because fewer bugs mean fewer exploitable bugs. High-quality software requires work: competent designs, careful coding, comprehensive testing, and complete documentation, all kept up to date as the software evolves. Developers, as well as end users, must continue to push for higher standards of quality and polish to ensure this focus is maintained.

Security Is Everyone’s Job

Security analysis is best done by people who deeply understand the software. This book lays out the conceptual basis for good security practice, empowering any software professional to understand the security facets of design, learn about secure coding, and more. Instead of asking experts to find and fix vulnerabilities because security has been largely neglected, let’s all pitch in to ensure at least a modest baseline is met for all the software we produce. We can then rely on experts for the more arcane and technical security work, where their skills are best applied. Here’s the rationale:

  • However well expert consultants know security, as outsiders, they cannot fully understand the software and its requirements in context, including how it must operate within the culture of an enterprise and its end users.
  • Security works best when it’s integral to the entire software lifecycle, but it isn’t practical to engage security consultants for the long haul.
  • Skilled software security professionals are in high demand, difficult to find, and hard to schedule on short notice. Hiring them is expensive.

Security thinking is not difficult, but it is abstract and may feel unfamiliar at first. Most vulnerabilities tend to be obvious in hindsight; nonetheless, we seem to make the same mistakes over and over. The trick, of course, is seeing the potential problem before it manifests. This book presents any number of methods to help you learn how to do just that. The good news is that nobody is perfect at this, so starting out with even a small contribution is better than nothing. Over time, you will get better at it.

Broader security participation is best understood as a team effort, where every individual does the part that they do best. The idea is not that each individual can handle the entire job alone, but rather that the combined input of team members with a diverse set of skills synergistically produces the best result. Whatever your part is in producing, maintaining, or supporting a software product, focus on that as your primary contribution. But it’s also valuable to consider the security of related components, and double-check the work of your teammates to ensure they haven’t overlooked something. Even if your role is a small one, you just might spot a vital flaw, just as a soccer goalie occasionally scores a goal.

It’s important to be clear that outside expertise is valuable for performing tasks such as gap analysis or penetration testing, for balancing organizational capacity, and as “fresh eyes” with deep experience. However, specialist consultants should supplement solid in-house security understanding and well-grounded practice, rather than being called in to carry the security burden alone. And even if specialists do contribute to the overall security stance, they go off to other engagements at the end of the day. As such, it’s always best to have as many people as possible on the team responsible for the software be thinking about security regularly.

Baking in Security

Bridges, roads, buildings, factories, ships, dams, harbors, and rockets are all designed and meticulously reviewed to ensure quality and safety, and only then built. In any other engineering field, it’s acknowledged that refining a design on paper is better than retrofitting security measures after the fact. Yet most software is built first and then secured later.

A central premise of this book, which the author has seen proven in industry time and again, is that earlier security diligence saves time and reaps significant rewards, improving the quality of the result. When designs thoroughly consider security, implementers have a much easier job of delivering a secure solution. Structuring components to facilitate security makes it easy to anticipate potential issues.

The worst-case scenario, and most compelling reason for front-loading security into the design phase (“moving left,” in popular industry jargon), is to avoid by-design security flaws. Designed-in security flaws—whether in componentization, API structure, protocol design, or any other aspect of architecture—are potentially devastating, because they are nearly impossible to fix after the fact without breaking compatibility. Catching and fixing these problems early is the best way to avoid painful and time-consuming reactive redesigns.

Good security design decisions have greater benefits that often go unrecognized. The essence of good design is minimalism without compromising necessary functionality. Applied to security, this means the design minimizes the area of the attack surface and critical component interactions, which in turn means there are fewer opportunities for implementers to make mistakes.

Security-focused design reviews are important because functional reviews of software designs take a different perspective and ask questions that don’t consider security. “Does it fulfill all the necessary requirements? Will it be easy to operate and maintain? Is there a better way?” In fact, an insecure design can easily pass all these tests with flying colors while being vulnerable to devastating attacks. Supplementing design review with a security assessment vets the security of the design by understanding the threats it faces and considering how it might fail or be abused.

The implementation side of software security consists of learning about, and vigilantly avoiding, the many potential ways of inadvertently creating vulnerabilities, or at least mitigating those common pitfalls. Secure designs minimize the opportunities for the implementation to introduce vulnerabilities, but it can never magically make software bulletproof. Developers must be diligent not to undermine security by stepping into any number of potential traps.

Security is a process that runs through the entire lifecycle of a software system, from conception to its inevitable retirement. Digital systems are complex and fragile, and as software “eats the world,” we become increasingly dependent on it. We are imperfect humans using imperfect components to build good-enough systems for imperfect people. But just because perfection is unattainable does not mean we cannot progress. Instead, it means that every bug fixed, every design improved, and every security test case added help in ways big and small to make systems more trustworthy.

Future Security

The future depends on what you do today.

—Mahatma Gandhi

This book is built around the methods of improving security that I have practiced and seen work consistently, but there is much more to do beyond this. The following subsections sketch a few ideas that I think are promising. Although these notions require additional development, I believe they may lead to significant further advances.

Artificial intelligence or other advanced technologies offer much promise, but my intuition is that a lot of the work needed is of the “chop wood, carry water” variety. One way we can all contribute is by working to ensure the quality of the software we produce, because it is from bugs that vulnerabilities arise. Second, as our systems grow in power and scope, complexity necessarily grows, but we must manage it so as not to be overwhelmed. Third, in researching this book, I was disappointed (but not surprised) by the dearth of solid data about the state of the world’s software and how secure it is: surely, more transparency will enable a clearer view to better guide us forward. Fourth, authenticity, trust, and responsibility are the bedrock of how the software community works together safely, yet modern mechanisms that implement these are largely ad hoc and unreliable—advances in these areas could be game changers.

Improving Software Quality

“The programmers get paid to put the bugs in, and they get paid to take the bugs out.” This was one of the most memorable observations I heard as a Microsoft program manager 25 years ago, and this attitude about the inevitability of bugs still prevails, with little danger of changing any time soon. But bugs are the building blocks of vulnerabilities, so it’s important to be aware of the full cost of buggy software.

One way to improve security is to augment the traditional bug triage by also considering whether each bug could possibly be part of an attack chain, and prioritizing fixing those where this seems more likely and the stakes are high. Even if just a fraction of these bug fixes closes an actual vulnerability, I would argue that these efforts are entirely worthwhile.

Managing Complexity

An evolving system increases its complexity unless work is done to reduce it.

—Meir Lehman

As software systems grow larger, managing the resultant complexity becomes more challenging, and these systems risk becoming more fragile. The most reliable systems succeed by compartmentalizing complexity within components that present simple interfaces, loosely coupled in fault-tolerant configurations. Large web services achieve high resiliency by distributing requests over a number of machines that perform specific functions to synthesize the whole response. Designed with built-in redundancy, in the event of a failure or timeout, the system can retry using a different machine if necessary.

Compartmentalizing the respective security models of the many components of a large information system is a basic requirement for success. Subtle interactions between the assembled components may influence security, making the task of securing the system massively harder as interdependencies compound. In addition to excellent testing, well-documented security requirements and dependencies are important first lines of defense when dealing with a complex system.

From Minimizing to Maximizing Transparency

Perhaps the bleakest assessment of the state of software security derives from this (variously attributed) aphorism: “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Lamentably, there is a dearth of measurements of the quality of the world’s software, in particular regarding security. Public knowledge of security vulnerabilities is limited to a subset of cases: software that is open source, public releases of proprietary software (usually requiring reverse engineering of binaries), or instances when a researcher finds flaws and goes public with a detailed analysis. Few enterprises would even consider making public the full details of their software security track record. As an industry, we learn little from security incidents because full details are rarely disclosed—which is in no small part due to fear. While this fear is not unfounded, it needs to be balanced against the potential value to the greater community of more informative disclosure.

Even when we accept the barriers that exist to a full public disclosure of all security vulnerabilities, there is much room for improvement. The security update disclosures for major operating systems typically lack useful detail at the expense of their users, who would likely find additional information useful in responding to and assessing risk. In the author’s opinion, major software companies often obscure the information they do provide to the point of doublespeak. Here are a few examples from a recent operating system security update:

  • “A logic issue was addressed with improved restrictions.” (This applies to almost any security bug.)
  • “A buffer overflow issue was addressed with improved memory handling.” (How is it possible to fix a buffer overflow any other way?)
  • “A validation issue was addressed with improved input sanitization.” (Again, this can be said of any input validation vulnerability.)

This lack of detail has become reflexive with too many products; it harms customers, and the software security community would benefit from more informative disclosure. Software publishers can almost always provide additional information without compromising future security. Realistically, adversaries are going to analyze changes in the updates and glean basic details, so useless release notes only deprive honest customers of important details. Responsible software providers of the future would do better to begin with full disclosure, then redact it as necessary so as to not weaken security. Better yet, after the risk of exploit is past, it should be safe to disclose additional details held in abeyance that would be valuable to our understanding of the security of major commercial software products, if only in the rearview mirror.

Providing detailed reporting of vulnerabilities may be embarrassing, because in hindsight the problem is usually blatantly obvious, but I maintain that honestly confronting these lapses is healthy and productive. The learning potential from a full disclosure is significant enough that if we are serious about security for the long term, we need greater transparency. As a customer, I would be much more impressed with a software vendor whose security fix release notes included:

  • Dates that the bug was reported, triaged, fixed, tested, and released, with an explanation of any untoward delays.
  • A description of when and how the vulnerability was created (for example, a careless edit, ignorance of the security implications, miscommunication, or a malicious attack).
  • Information about whether the commit that contained the flawed code was reviewed. If so, how was it missed; if not, why not?
  • An account of whether there was an effort to look for similar flaws of the same kind. If so, what was found?
  • Details of any precautions taken to prevent regression or similar flaws in the future.

Shifting the industry toward a culture of sharing more forthcoming disclosures of vulnerabilities, their causes, and their mitigations enables us all to learn from these incidents. Without much detail or context, these disclosures are just going through the motions and benefit no one.

A great example of best practice is the National Transportation Safety Board, which publishes detailed reports that the aviation industry as well as pilots can follow to learn from accidents. For many reasons software cannot simply follow that process, but it serves as a model to aspire to. Ideally, leading software makers should see public disclosure as an opportunity to explain exactly what happened behind the scenes, demonstrating their competence and professionalism in responding. This would not only aid broad learning and prevention of similar problems in other products, but help rebuild trust in their products.

Improving Software Authenticity, Trust, and Responsibility

Large modern software systems are built from many components, all of which must be authentic and built by trustworthy entities, from secure subcomponents, using a secure tool stack. This chain continues on and on, literally to the dawn of modern digital computing. The security of our systems depends on the security of all these iterations that have built up our modern software stack, yet the exact chains of descent have by now faded into the mists of computing history, back to a few early self-compiling compilers that began it all. The classic paper “Reflections on Trusting Trust” by Ken Thompson elegantly demonstrates how security depends on all of this history, as well as how hard it can be to find malware once it’s deeply embedded. How do we really know that something untoward isn’t lurking in there?

The tools necessary to ensure the integrity of how our software is built are by now freely available, and it’s reasonable to assume they work as advertised. However, their use tends to be dismayingly ad hoc and manual, making the process susceptible to human error, if not potential sabotage. Sometimes people understandably skip checking just to save time. Consider, for example, validating the legitimacy of a *nix distribution. After downloading an image from a trusted website, you would also download the separate authoritative keys and checksum files, then use a few commands (obtained from a trustworthy source) to verify it all. Only after these checks all pass should installation proceed. But in practice, how thoroughly are administrators actually performing these extra steps, especially when instances of these checks failing for a major distro are unheard of? And even if they always are, we have no record of it as assurance.

Today, software publishers sign released code, but the signature only assures the integrity of the bits against tampering. There is an implication that signed code is trustworthy, yet any subsequent discovery of vulnerabilities in no way invalidates the signature, so that is not a safe interpretation at all.

In the future, better tools, including auditable records of the chain of authenticity, could provide a higher assurance of integrity, informing the trust decisions and dependencies that the security of our systems relies on. New computers, for example, should include a software manifest documenting that the operating system, drivers, applications, and so on are authentic. Documenting and authenticating the software bill of materials of components and the build environment require a major effort, but we shouldn’t let the difficulty deter us from starting with a subset of the complete solution and incrementally improving over time. If we start getting serious about software provenance and authenticity, we can do a much better job of providing assurance that important software releases are built from secure components, and the future will thank us.

Delivering the Last Mile

The longest mile is the last mile home.


If you diligently follow every best practice, apply the techniques described in this book, code with attention to avoid footguns, perform reviews, thoroughly test, and fully document the complete system, I wish that I could say your work will be perfectly secure. But of course, it’s more complicated than that. Not only is security work never finished, but even well-designed and well-engineered systems can still fall short of delivering the intended levels of security in the real world.

The “last mile,” a term taken from the telecommunications and transportation industries, refers to the challenge of connecting individual customers to the network. This is often the most expensive and hardest part of delivering services. For example, an internet service provider might already have high-speed fiber infrastructure in your neighborhood, but acquiring each new customer requires a service call, possibly running cables, and installing a modem. None of this scales well, and the time and expense become significant additional upfront investments. In much the same way, deploying a well-designed, secure system is often only the beginning of actually delivering real security.

To understand these “last mile” challenges for security, let’s take an in-depth look at the current state of the art of mobile device data security through the lens of a simple question: “If I lose my phone, can someone else read its contents?” After years of intensive engineering effort resulting in a powerful suite of well-built modern crypto technology, the answer, even for today’s high-end phones, seems to be, “Yes, they probably can get most of your data.” As this is perhaps the largest single software security effort in recent times, it’s important to understand where it falls short and why.

The following discussion is based on the 2021 paper “Data Security on Mobile Devices: Current State of the Art, Open Problems, and Proposed Solutions,” written by three security researchers at Johns Hopkins University. The report describes several important ways that delivering robust software security often remains elusive. I will simplify the discussion greatly in the interests of highlighting the larger lessons for security that this example teaches.

First, let’s talk about levels of data protection. Mobile apps do all kinds of useful things—too much for a single encryption regime to work for everything—so mobile operating systems provide a range of choices. The iOS platform offers three levels of data protection that differ mainly in how aggressively they minimize the time window that encryption keys are present in memory to facilitate access to protected data. You can think of this as analogous to how often a bank vault door is left open. Opening the big, heavy door in the morning and shutting it only at closing time provides the staff convenient access throughout the day, but it also means the vault is more exposed to intrusion when not in use. By contrast, if the staff has to find the bank manager to open the vault every time they need to enter, they trade that convenience for increased security: the vault is securely locked most of the time. For a mobile device, asking the user to unlock the encryption keys (by password, fingerprint, or facial recognition) in order to access protected data roughly corresponds to asking the bank manager to open the vault.

Under the highest level of protection, the encryption keys are only available while the phone is unlocked and in use. While very secure, this is a hindrance for most apps, because they lose access to data when the device is locked. For example, consider a calendar app that reminds you when it’s time for a meeting. A locked phone renders the app unable to access calendar data. Background operations, including syncing, will also be blocked during the locked state. This means that if an event were added to your calendar while the phone was locked, then you would fail to get the notification unless you happened to unlock the phone beforehand so it could sync. Even the least restrictive protection class, known as After First Unlock (AFU), which requires user credentials to reconstitute encryption keys after booting, presents serious limitations. As the name suggests, a freshly rebooted device would not have encryption keys available, so a calendar notification would be blocked then, too.

We can imagine designing apps to work around these restrictions by partitioning data into separate stores under different protection classes, depending on when it is needed. Perhaps for a calendar, the time would be unprotected so as to be available, so the notification would vaguely say, “You have a meeting at 4 PM,” requiring the user to unlock the device to get the details. Notifications lacking titles would be annoying, but users also expect their calendars to be encrypted for privacy, so a trade-off is necessary. The sensitivity of this information may vary between users and depend on the specifics of the meeting, but making the user explicitly decide in each case isn’t workable either, because people expect their apps to work on their own. In the end, most apps opt for increased access to the data they manage, and end up using lower levels of data protection—or, often, none at all.

When most apps operate under the “no protection” option for convenience, all that data is a sitting duck for exfiltration if the attacker can inspect the device. It isn’t easy, but as the Johns Hopkins report details, sophisticated techniques often find a way into memory. With AFU protection, all the attacker needs to do is find the encryption key, which, since devices spend most of their time in this state, is often sitting in memory.

Confidential messaging apps are the main exception to the rule; they use the “complete protection” class. Given their special purpose, users are predisposed to put up with the missing functionality when the device is locked and the extra effort required to use them. These are a minority of apps, comprising a tiny proportion of locally stored user data, yet most phone users (those who even think about security at all) probably believe all of their data is secure.

As if the picture wasn’t already bleak enough, let’s consider how important cloud integration is for many apps, and how it is antithetical to strong data protection. The cloud computing model has revolutionized modern computing, and we are now accustomed to having ubiquitously connected datacenters at our fingertips, with web search, real-time translation, image and audio storage, and any number of other services instantly available. Functionality such as searching our photo collections for people using facial recognition vastly exceeds even the considerable compute power of modern devices, so it very much depends on the cloud. The cloud data model also makes multi-device access easy (no more syncing), and if we lose a device, the data is safely stored in the cloud so all we need to do is buy new hardware. But in order to leverage the power of the cloud, we must entrust it with our data instead of locking it down with encryption on our devices.

Of course, all of this seamless data access is antithetical to strong data protection, particularly in the case of a lost cloud-connected phone. Most mobile devices have persistent cloud data access, so whoever recovers the device potentially has access to the stored data too. That data most likely isn’t encrypted; even if we tried to envision, say, a photo app that stored end-to-end encrypted data in the cloud, that would mean only opaque blobs of bits could be stored, so we’d lose the power of the cloud to search or provide photo sharing. And since the decryption key would have to be strictly held on the device, multi-device access scenarios would be difficult. Also, if something happened to the key on the device, all the data in the cloud would potentially be useless. For all these reasons, apps that rely on the cloud almost completely opt out of encrypted data protection.

We’ve only scratched the surface of the full technical details of the effectiveness of data protection in mobile devices here, but for our purposes, the outlines of the more general problem should be clear. Mobile devices exist in a rich and complicated ecosystem, and unless data protection works for all components and scenarios, it quickly becomes infeasible to use. The best advice remains to not use your phone for anything that you wouldn’t greatly mind possibly leaking if you lose it.

The lessons of this story that I want to emphasize go beyond the design of mobile device encryption, and in broad outlines apply to any large systems seeking to deliver security. The point is that despite diligent design, with a rich set of features for data protection, it’s all too easy to fall short of fully delivering security in the last mile. Having a powerful security model is only effective if developers use it, and when users understand its benefits. Achieving effective security requires providing a useful balance of features that work with, instead of against, apps. All the data that needs protection must get it, and interactions with or dependencies on infrastructure (such as the cloud in this example) shouldn’t undermine its effectiveness. Finally, all of this must integrate with typical work flows so that end users are contributing to, rather than fighting, security mechanisms.

Years ago I witnessed a case of falling short on the last mile with the release of the .NET Framework. The security team worked hard getting Code Access Security (CAS)—described in Chapter 3—into this new programming platform, but failed to evangelize its use enough. Recall that CAS requires that managed code be granted permissions to perform privileged operations and then assert them when needed—an ideal tool for the Least Privilege pattern. Unfortunately, outside of the runtime team, developers perceived this as a burden and failed to see the feature’s security benefit. As a result, instead of using the fine-grained permissions that the system provided only where needed, applications would typically assert full privilege once, at the start of the program, and then operate entirely without restrictions. This worked functionally, but meant that applications ran under excess permissions—with the bank vault door always open, if you will—resulting in any vulnerabilities being far more exposed to risk than they would have been if CAS had been used as intended.

These considerations are representative of the challenges that all systems face, and are a big reason why security work is never really done. Having built a great solution, we need to ensure that it is understood by developers as well as users, that it is actually used, and that it is used properly. Software has a way of getting used in novel ways its makers never anticipated, and as we learn about these cases, it’s important to consider the security ramifications and, if necessary, adapt. All of these factors and more are essential to building secure systems that really work.


Software has the unique and auspicious property of consisting entirely of bits—it’s just a bunch of 0s and 1s—so we can literally conjure it out of thin air. The materials are free and available in unlimited quantities, so our imagination and creativity are the only limiting factors. This is equally true for the forces of good as it is for those who seek to harm, so both the promise and the daunting challenge are unbounded.

This chapter provided a call to action and some forward-looking ideas. When developing software, consider security implications early in the process, and get more people thinking about security to provide more diverse perspectives on the topic. An increased awareness of security leads to healthy skepticism and vigilance throughout the software lifecycle. Lessen your dependence on manual checking, and provide more automated verification. Keep auditable records of all key decisions and actions along the way to realizing a system, so the security properties of the system are well defined. Choose components wisely, but also test assumptions and important properties of the system. Reduce fragility; manage complexity and change. When vulnerabilities arise, investigate their root causes, learn from them, and proactively reduce the risk going forward. Critically examine realistic scenarios and work toward delivering security to the last mile. Publish the details as fully as is responsible so others can learn from the issues you encounter and how you respond. Iterate relentlessly in small steps to improve security and honor privacy.

Thank you for joining me on this trek through the hills and valleys of software security. We certainly did not cover every inch, but you should now have a grasp of the lay of the land. I hope you have found useful ideas herein and, with a better understanding of the topic, that you will begin to put them into practice. This book isn’t the answer, but it offers some answers to raising the bar on software security. Most importantly, please don your “security hat” from time to time and apply these concepts and techniques in your own work, starting today.

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